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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
THEOREGONDAILY U JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, -FRIDAY EVENING, MAY- 5, - 1805. - OF- FAIR filr.-Hanleyjfor PENCE-PAINTS IH : -NICE WATER COLORS CAUSING TROUBLE Councilman atLarge cislon of - Assistant ,Attorngjr EnaLoaiaisf .gainkAppHed to Shoyy$ ParkBQardJ'lctura-oLthai Bawitf a f Otw 300 BrisfiTiti Mafro- -General J?ayesWay for Erv tranceldlrrlgation DrstrTcfT Architectural - Triumphs ::: City After His Plans at Exposition. - 7Mature- Down RECLAMATION SERVICE COPY FOR CATALOGUE MEMBERS CHARMED WITH - :much disappointed MUST BE SENT IN AT ONCE - BEAUTY OF HIS SCHEME ; ' Saloons' Spring Up" Like Mush- Leaves No Doubt That Great Ex Has No Desire Whatever. to De- '--' rooms Wherever Government -Work I in Progress position Will Be Opened stroy Property But hrtendaZ- on Time. " tO"lrhprove It. -.1 1-: LIQUOR QUESTION- APPARENT EVEN NOh .ajaj aiiaati I WLSWiLaiie ' -ass. i i imM main in, nil in i ft saw . . - - - (W.ihlmrtoa Sunt a of HI Journal.' . Washington, May &j-B-Xha--r:b"nKed Bt a las -ry" "ian"H. B?.CXi?!LJnI,.xn. -following statement relative to the 'tlon of sale of liquor on lands adjacent Torork which '! going forward on gov- nent Irrigation, enterprises: - '. "Tfiere la going to-e no and of trouble among workmen mployed-on govern ment Irrigation entarprlaea undess the Interior department reverses jjtaelf and urohlblta tha aala of Manor on lsnda lying within tha limits nf am h projecta. No aooncr bad tha reclamation service .J , becun the construction of Ha "first project ' than liquor desJeriAPPeewe -'-' iinnn tha eMnir- BonSa"made entries In '"'J "' the -heart of tha Irrigation dlarrict; 'iL-- othera pleased landa whlch had been I T entered by others,- but a&.were careful -ill to locate -In the Vlolnlty of tha work. jLsndjthemldst of. the army of workmen. "r- Saloons sprung -mp-likeniushroomB, aa they- have dona la time peat in almost everr .new mining town or ma wmi; """""there waa much drunkenness! there Waa . gambling; robbaria were -frequent; ' fight a were of common -occurrence, and Yataltttes have been reported on- nun bar of occasions. .... '',.1 . TTie reclamation aevlco.-was qulokto realise that llauor waa at the bottom f --Mot tha trouble, Tha laboring lorcee ne- Tetardedt 'dleoeder reigned where - .waa expected, and before long. In addl- -tion to tha troublea enumerates, n waa noticed that every bow and then aome workman wOuM disappear, "leaving no trace behind. 1 1 4 TZ Appeal of o Avail. An appeal waa made, to the com: iloner of the aencrai laua or rice, wno ; promptly drew up a circular to locat nfft x.ri Atr41nm tham tn MfMat ' ; V every entry under an Irrigation project '-'-where It waa ahown that tha entry man f""' waa aelllng liquor on hla premlaea. or had leased hla land to a liquor dealer. That ireular -was sent to . the secre' ' ' ' a 5- "tau of the interior for approval, waa by him referred to the aaalatant attorney ceneral for hla department, and by that 1 official waa ad veraely reported upoii i - "In Ma opinion. - following precedent. - 44 t heretof ore established, the - government- j ; which la otherwlaa regular. - Juat ; be- , hla land, or" la permitting liquor tdl ' aold there. It la the opinion, of tha aa slstant attorney-general that the aala 'of liquor 6a homestead land baa nobbing .-- ; - to do with tha right of the. entry man 'to perfect h1ttle, but- la eufrject n ttsxsefreiy to the Taws'or thrtater)n-wh1rh , the land la located; that rf the liquor la '' 1 1 sijIi wwder proper atata ltrapse, jhe atn- eral (overnment can lnterpoae no ob- Thla rullnar proved a great disappoint ent to tnaeclamloii aervloeT fortt V ialnrerarawell alonan Ihelr work of giving the main bulldlnga of the expoaltlon their final coata. The Agri cultural and Liberal Art a palates are being finished in a bright copper color and the Foreign Exhibits building will have a roof, of olive green. The view from the. main, entrance la entrancing even now... and affords a" good idea' of the decorative beauties of the exposl tlon. Tha department of exhibits announced thla morning that all foreign commis sioners, stdte 'commlaaloners and tndlf vidua! -exhibitors must send. In-, their catalogue matter before" May..lfl. In o- V- ry.tnaX-4--WHfcy'appaarn good form in tue nrai eoition or ine omciai caia- logua, IL B. Hardt. aaalatant to Colonel Poach,' baa been designated as compiler of tha aataloguev and unless exhibitor are on time In furnishing complete Hats of their metarule , it will be necessary to sum. up displays under the head ut Collective Xxhlbtts. . -rotlierwlse. full Hat f-JthaIwy be seen will be printed, - Tha president s cmce has aeoiaea .on "banker' a day."- the exact date to be between July 10 and . While - the Washington State Bankers' association Is-holding its annual convention in this cHt- IV 4a t-the suggestion; ofCaahlar bank that tha date will be named. M. F. Donahae. chief of detectives Of the wxpsitionrJlas--eTiwa--pTaycaly all of tha aecret service men he will need, and the Hat lncludea aome of the most noted thief-takars of. the country. Mr." Donahae' aent -out- letters -t-the hlefs of police of all cltlea in tha United States with populations xceed mUvli"f ,.o(",. rquu;jLJnat .iiyy mags leoffiimendatlbneror positions In .the UwU and Clark detective aervloay . Tba raault was a great Influx of applica tions, and from theeey either by personal acquaintance or reputation, the chief has selected hla men: There will be be tween tv ari4I.J(TlpIa3fiZcIoths men on the a-rounds. and theywtll-come rrom aa manr dlf ferent'sections of the TTtilted States. 'I t la rrasrmably - certain, there- fore, that erimlnala wlll be readily reoogplsed. iw; matter where they have operated heretofore- President uooov nas laauea a sKona pmie-matlotr-to'flie newepaperg of the world, giving positive .assurance .'that the exposition will be complete when opened "oa June - - . ; ' WANTS NO PRAYERS : : ' TO DELAY HANGING May S. 4 Irrigation proJeotaijrprgcH inlnletarnfUhggoepei.' Rev. H. OWake to thaLllquSr men: '"tin In field .of Iewlaton. whojamelliiVYhlta practically puts the government atamp L,JJlfttfty)lL.UU- the. aala nf , liquet, en government Irrigation projeota: ifpfger tleally says ta and aell aU the llquorouwlahywe . aon t care.- ... i ,. , ... ... . Worst JTow XrfMkee' Tor. . In asking Tor a restriction upon "tha aala of liquor . on Irrigated landa,. th reclamation aervlc waa actuated by the very peat motives; it aought to protect Ita own men and the men employed by government contractors, against the bad . elements that have given such noxious notoriety to new western towns; aought to protect them agataat cheap, bad liquor; against gamblera and others who will now look upon them aa legit lmate prey. It - was the contention of the reclamation service that lands un der Irrigation projects "are government rlands until-pakt-rfor. amfcr-ae - none ..of i ' M these lands will become the property of IP years alterthe water la turned on. It was contended that the government bad the right to. exclude suea eellera ir.t mm tit luat aa It jTT . can prohibit the sale of llquora in na tional r'-1"",lpn T'rnr gnvarnrr 1 ervalloiuLBut Lhla 4a ot -the view Lin-do family-of Ohio. J. U Dll worth who bare claims to know Metiger rela ttves In Ohio, says tha family la an estimable ne. - 1 .of the secretary of the interior. . J " ... "be worst ia now looked for; the 3 bare are down; the ealoona may nter and They will no doubfloTariah. Many inatances are Known where ealoon Jteeptrs have Jbtfa waiting to hear from me eecreiary Dei ora pouncing down UP0" ainrerent.projeeta. and one no- torloua ealoon man haa boasted that he -i -,ls going to open a -saloon wherever the V , governmeot constructe an Irrigation pro f icU Notice baa been given that the ; unrcea states win not raise a hand to stop the liquor traffic In these locall 'tree; that, fact baa been widely dver .tlsed; it la now up to the atateef and tt they tall to act, the field will be open to the W. C T. tJ. and almllar organ isations, to try and force the Interior department to reverse Its decision and undo the evil whtcb lurely ..wfll be wrought Should there be no restrictions placed upon the aale of liquor In the vl , clnlty of the great ..government enter prises. MERRILL'S HOT SHOT. ! 1... Workingtneiv-Voterav Biialnegsmen Weagg 'Obligt. : ,, Don t fall to aupport the "hot air - merchant" for eour,cllman-at-larga; 'he can't afford to-ioee hla Several hundred i doners per, month graft with the "com bination houses and saJeon' Insurance. He aald, Merrin, that's my 'graft' and I am working It for all it la worthy rTho paldTiIa Tare to Loa'AngeieaT Who Ftood ip In -the council-. -and fuht ;ralnt the falee of salaries In the po- t uceena oiner worxmgmen s departments wnen a petition was presented! "A aud- den friend of the worklnrmen. Keep him In off1eeTmr-ieeds thamoney."- - r nominates and elected mayor of - t Kortiana i wiu -new to the line and let tne Chips rail where thev m. ; Fred T. Merrill, the witrameled candl- oate-x-.T ; - - - a O. J. CROCE Republican Candidate for Council- nua at Jfg- - ; O. J, Oroc is the Republican candi date for councilman at large. - Mr. Oroce has been connected with commercial in terests In this city for over twenty-five Veara. and atates If nominated and elected he will do Justice to all. favorlns f-T" none.hut give eqsal rights. Mr. Oroce s number on tba ballot la KoT li. -""' ' TJoornat -tiwrtel- lartea.n White Sulphur Springe, Mont., cr-chjntflehryherTfgflitr." tHlare-veryshadow.trtheBal ' A, B. KAXaT. T BepresentatiTe Bnsinesa Kaaa Candidate : for oouaoumaa at barge. . . Mr. 'Manley la a well-known resident of Albina, having been . prominently identified with that portion of tba city for tha past 17-yeexar " Waa president of -the volunteer Are. department prior to consolidation, after, which he- waa elected' to the legislature in ISM. His randldagy Is new being iraott vejyemp' ported bjr the -clfisens of Albina as well se'by the representative business men of the city. His election Is practically conceded PREPARI1KTREP0RTS" tJORJUEXOSDUCIORS Committees Hard at Work on Matters for the Good of rthe Order. w . 7 Thecommltteer on grand officers' re ports, Order of Railway Conductora, met this morning; In parlor" O of the Port land hotel and began ita work on the fel lows with only a few hours to Mve, Jieir I btrt H Mgr ennilamneil milrdarttr, who jjtald tha penaltytrpon xne scarrold tTetipwnee iv -w Sulphur Springe to offer spiritual con eolation. Metxger's treatment- of- Rev." Mr. Wakefield Is In keeping with his ae tlona alnce he was convicted of .kill ing Homer Ward and- sentenced to be hanced. He has often said tnat u waa not for the shame It will bring upon hla relatives In Ohio, be cared HU1 how soon desth came. A letter written to Metxger by hla slater, Mrs. Irving Toung, from a little town near Akron reached Metager only yesterday and affected him more than anything that baa occurred since ne wi arrested. The writer knew nothing of hla predicament, and wrote In a happy spirit, giving him all the noma news. M'tgeTv1dntly belongs lo a well -Republican-Choice-1 f or Mtmfcipal : Judge. . Albert B'. Ferrers A clean. Intelligent candidate for municipal Judge. j3orn in fort land and belongs to pioneer fam ily. Refuses indorsement Of all cliques. It will orobably be a aurprise to the toia-TImfpolltlclaii alien, artee the votes are counted Saturday night Albert u. Ferirera will have the largest number of votea for the Republican nomination for municipal Judge. It will not be sur- prising, however, to those who know him during the II yeara since lie was born on Tamhlll street, in Portland, ami those othera who have been advlaed of the thousands of voters that be haa visited 'and whose confidence he haa Obtained in the storee. offices, banka, factories, mills and workahopa during the last 0 days; of his many years' labors in tha fraternal societies; of hla knowledge of languages aoqulred during four years paased abroad after ooroplet Ing his education In -the schools-of Portland, and big. large acquaintance and clientele among the various nation alities tnat compose-our cosmopolitan clttsenshlp. George J.- Cameron. alMo a candidate, has agreed to appoint Frank Hennessy Ms olerk If elected, and haa obtatand the Indorsement of the- liquor organisations, and -Otto Julius Kraemer haa agreed to reappoint the present- po lice court clerk and haa obtained the ln doraement of a factional club and the algnatures of, aa he says, 117 of the 4b gontlemen entitled to practice law. tWhy didn't the other 100 sign the pe tition end will the, 1J7 vote for-htmtUk Mr.- rerrera circulated no petition ex cept the one required by .the primary law; has agreed to -give the-clerkship ta no one; has made no deal with any let of lawyers; la not tied 'to the liquor or any religious organisation, nor to any political faction, and has In fact Since announcing his candidacy stated thai he desired the indorsement of no clique or olan, as he could not and would not aacrlflce hla honor and violate hla oath of office or do that which would be and la neceaeary, in order to stand In with any aet of men who might Indorse him. Mr. Ferrera will receive the aupport of that vast number of the citlseng that expects only a fair, courteous and de cent administration f the office with out 'considering the special Interests of any setrof men or organisations, and if he la elected, the munlolpal court will be looked, upon no )onrr as a kanraroe court, but a court where Justice is'af all times dlepensed, Irrespective of re- Is Ion, political affiliation. place of birth or the wealth or poverty ef the Individual charged with the violation of an ordlnanee or law.,- vention convenes Monday afternoon. U the work-of the f general of floors, and ' If any portion of any report Is- not acceptable the com mittee will ao report and tha convention will take final action. This committee revlewa nraotlcally all- important work tS Jorder"'haa "don' since theHlaat-eon- vantlon In the United States. Canada and Mexico. 474 lodges presenting their xo- portg-To tn gran: The-Jurlaprudcnoe .cammlttea . of the grand Jurisdiction has been in sesalon every day since tne llrsv of tne wees d has i PsncaierOteotefSppeaea before the city park board today and after eplamiriar-tnr-ttetarrTiIpraris" fdf his proposed: -water system,, which will run through Maclay park, the members consented to accompany him next Monr day-afternoon-n-atrip to look over the situation. . 7' ':..., '.".;. Mr. Pence and the members of the' ixkboard have been at war over .the water rights -in BalchllcSoyori-. -rhlffirt runa thraush Alaclay parlc- The city claims the' riparian - rights, but .Mr. Pence recently filed water claims at the head of the canyon and proposed carry ing the water in ditches and flumes through 'the park property," to be used for domestic purpoaea and Irrigating by suburban residences. - .. --.- Colonel Ur U Hawking was tha first member of the board . to discover the plans of Mr. Pence and Immediately took steps to prevent him f rom treepasalng on city property. The park police were Instructed to prevent Mr. Pence or his men from surveying ditches or pipe lines through the park, and threats were made that if th,ey persisted In trespassing they would bo arrested. L. -' -. Mt. Pence stated, today that he bad na daalre to Injure tha beauty of the park, but that 1 was to his interests to sdd greater beautytolt.Ha utatedmharif the board would grant him permission to survey hla pipe llnea and to build flumes that he would build ar large wa terfall, 100 feet high, if desired, and would construct a pond or lake oi.whlcti boats could be rowed In the park. He also promised to build trails or roads wherever hla pipes or flumes were laid. He stated that all he desired waa to twine riooa umawin iTieirirartfinT for the purpose of waahlng down the hills and mountains on the high ground In the vicinity of Willamette heights' and allowing the earth to flow Into Guild's lake. Ha atated that he purpoaed filling up BaJch canyon andconatructmg a solid roadbed across It tin which the Oregon Traction company would, run Itg tranks.- I do uiot expectto- recelva -a,eent from this water," said he, "except as I tfs TtT to level down the bills and fiU up unsightly gulches and sloughs, which nitlai attemats. Tha eommlttee vullll work Jflll be of great value to the city. be in session.. each 'day, untU tha .conM-J have.ths ,0n4Jejita-otgoxtandat ad- AhnitiTffrir TrtSTljF iiiijim. Thla.ominll tea. considers all changes in the constltu bofl Is adopted by thViTand Iddffe. i Grand -Chief Conductor SL E. Clark and Grand Secretary W. J. Maxwell will arrlv Monday, and later three special trains will arrive with 1,600 delegates and friends. It is believed now that 1,000 will be 'In attendance deaplte the distance. Grand - Officers Garretson, Wllklns and Shepherd will be In charge of the apealalsv CANDIDATE MERRILL'S , CYCLERY ATTACHED '. The cyclery of Fred T. Merrill waa attached by the sheriff at 11:10 o'clock lhfM-l.rnnnn r) n1t ff ThOmSg B. JetCery A Co. of Chicago, for- SI 0IZ.I7. The complaint alleges that be tween March 1. 1908. and January 28. 1906, the plalntiffa aold Merrill automo biles of the value of 26.1.2, and havs received . In payment., only . 124,263.89, leartnr-due the sum aed'fof.' CUTtncT Gilbert appears as attorney In the case. ' .. Mr. Merrin Was In his eyclery at Sev enth and Oak streets when the papers were served. He smiled when they were handed; to him, ana said he would release the attachment Juat as soon as he completed hla preparations for the prlmarlesoTndrrCw: Asked-lf-Ha-baar any statement to make, he said "It's simply dirty politics. I do not ows the company a dollar. I received consignment of automobiles two years ago, but they were defective, and could not be used, and the factory was ao in formed. Home persona who dabble in dirty politics heard of It, and a few days ago they wired the company for permission to attach the cyclery, so that the. primaries could not be held there tomorrow, end so I could not get out my- advertising matter, it Is all scheme to injure my candidacy." AsTOTHM AXTXSXAir WILI rr: I (SoeHal Dispatch to Taa Joarasl.) Chehana, May 6. nenaiia has an other artesian well. Yesterday William Nelson, who has been putting down well on the hillside at the head of Mnln street- for- Manager- Holme of . the . Fla Fiber company, struck the finest kind of a flow of crystar clear water at a depth of 0 feet. Mr. Nelson has an srteslsn well on his residence property near and anotherjielghbor,-Dan Clark, has an artealan well. Mr:' Nolan la building a log bungalow for his home, and the water struck yesterday will, be pipeainio inia, . FORMER CASHIER G0LL- :ilRELEASEa ON BAIL -(Joarptl. FpeclsV-gerrlee!) J "V' Milwaukee,-May-eTW peeiltwinftny hearing of former Aaalatant Cashier Ooll, of the First National bank ef this city, -waa continued today for 10 days In the meantime he was ' released .on I1J.0OO bail. j BOABS Or TBASB WOKBB. (RDecial, Dlspatrh te Tse Journal.) Dayton, dr., May 6. The Ladles' auxiliary of the board of trade of Day ton gave an entertalnmentand social )aet evening that waa largely attended. Mies Pattl of MCMinnvllle ssng. - lowing the ehtertalnment refreshment were eefved. Mora than f.1i);was cleared, which will be used for the benefit of the Yamhill rount.exhlblt at the Lewis and Clark fair. . - - heart." as I intend to remain here. -I desire you to go with me and see! for yourselves ..what I contemplate doing, and I am sure that you will be con lnced that-lt will be argood -thing," Captain A. I Feaae appeared before J the board with a remonatrance signed Vl many uiepeilyowHeis agslnat-s4t- tlng aside the park block at Burnaide and Park streets aa a playground. He stated that,the. residents ware greatly annoyed by the noise of the. boys .Who congregated to play ball and that prop erty was frequently damaged. F n Protsinanflled--ev-petit4oi-lsi?ed--f lijr nver ir bnyg in tfitNnBifhBorh056rt aaawg wu4-wa-e-wiwa-u a playground, aa. they . Jiad-no other-plage ta goi a he noara aeetaea tnat niej uuuia not furnish a ball ground In the-eanter of the city, and ordered the block im proved with cement cross walks and lawns. MADE HUMAN TORCH OF HER BEST FRIEND Blanche Tompkins on Trial for . Causing Norah Stone tON - Burn to Death. - After II talesmen' had-been examined a Jury was-secured In Judgs George s court this morning to:. try 'Blanche Thompklns, who, in a drunken brawl on the night of March 26, threw at Worah gtone righted lemp and inflfcted-f Injuries from which the woman died two weeks later. The Tharge againat tha defendant la murder In the second degree. The crime waa committed; in rooms over the Senate saloon, on the northwest corner of Second and Tavls atreeta. Difficulty waa encountered in eemir- of the regular panel bad read the stories of the crime and had formed opinions. Only aaven Jurors were taken out of the Hat; the remaining five were se cured from a special venire for eight The Jurors are: - Bamuel Strauss, D. ' C Anderson. J. W. Cook,' H. J. Bcherner, . Otto V. Brandea. G.' H. Thompson. Albert BrU. Harrv Moore. Fdward HarC S. O. Rich ardson. H. W. Parker and C. Mlnkiit...- The opening arguments were - mane and the taking of testimony for the atata began this afternoon., .. DOLSON LOSES PLACE ON THE FIREBOAT Captain A. W. Dolson of the fire boat George H. William a baa been suspended by-Chief Campbein&r "the nre depart ment and oharges have been - filed against him before the civil service commission. The records show that at 11 o'clock on the night of May 1, Bat talion Chief Holden found Captain DOl son and Henry C. Johnson, another fire-1 man, drinking In a saloon at East Water and East Morrison streets when on duty. - Chief Holden suspended them and asked, them to report at the city hall at 10 o'clock next morning for a bearing before Chief Campbell. . . . . According to the report of the chief. uoiaon appearea at tne lire commission er of floe Intoxicated.- Dolson admit ted that ha was gnntyv He was hot removed from Ue .departments"-- SALOONS TO CLOSEST"" . DURING ELECTION . . .. - oiing on instructions ' received from the -city attorney, Chief Hunt has ordered that all saloons be closed tomorrow at noon and remain closed until the polls are closed at T o'clock. ' . Terrible plague those Itchlna. nester. iar diseases of th skin. Put an end to ilaery. Doan'a Ointment cnni. At drug store. . -.. " Special RfeffTDS Clhiaoirs Here's another eventful,saleJEorprudent purthasefs. Six patterns of Morrla iChalrs- we,wanttOclosergWercn : So to move the balance quickly we've cut the prices and put special terms on theny ; They're all made on the same- design tJie xhauwitii the "automatically, ac "JustablebacjcJust" raise'or lower the bactt and It will lock Jtsef "y 4 sired angle. All theexhasarebliilt of selected oak,- are hand polished and have spring seats and backs upholstered in fine solid color; and two-tone .velours. " Reraember-IirTPatferrifl to iiitcVtfomTZZ' Z . .. . ' .z 'C $13.50 JlorrisChaii m $16,00 -Morris Chairs--SeciaI $16.50 Morris Chairs-Special $18.50 Morris Chairs-Special $12.75 $13.75 $15.50 7'. $1.00 DOVN--,50c A WEEK .E-ENDSiWHEN-CHAIRSlARELL-SOLD ' SPECIAL SALE PORTIERES .TODAY. ANDr TOMORROW SEhoSt! in , n MAfiEYOMM (WNTEUUl SPEQAL" SALE CURTAINS ALL DAY TOMORROW CITY FATHERS TO- "' JOIN IN OPENING Councilmen and Mayors of Aber-- deen and Hoquiam to Help Dedicate New Park .' ' tSpeelal Dtspateh te The Joeraal.) - Aberdeen Wash- May i.-The -open- it. nf tha; new elMtrla nark, altuatad between - Aberdeen-- and-Hooualm, -will mark next JBundh. Two bands and. the mayors and ' eounoilmen of the two towna will take part In the extroises. The schooner Albatross. Captain Cas tle, that left Hoquiam for the Qulnault and Quests with supplies, - - haa gone aahore on the beach near the mouth of the river. - The approach to the river waa mad! early in the morning of April t0, and the- captain made the mistake of going. to the, south of the wrecked bark Rye Instead of to the north. - floms Indians saw them and made frantio ef forts to attract attention and prevent the catastrophe, but to no avail. Tha cargo la being lifted as rapidly as pos erble and It Is thought the vessel can be saved. From llS.OOtr to 111,000 will be ex pended by James Stewart oa machinery for his' new brlckmaking plant in High land Home. -y '"r.- " - Fire destroyed the residence of James W. Smith, a rancher up the Wlshkah river, on Tuesday.-. The family were all working across the river excepting Mrs, emitn. wno gave the alarm as soon as she discovered it, but before they could come everything was'-grmeV The loss was ,t,vvv, whs phi iauv insurance. CHAMPION WHISKY Vi "r DRINKER GOES TO JAIL .'.. '.1..: i i ' K. C. Kops says he can stand more drlnka than any man In - Portland. "T in municipal court thla morning,-where he appeared to anawer the charge of drunk enness, he said that he put four men to bed on Wedneaday and wasn't in any way affected himself. He ssld he drank 40 drinks Wednes day, put four men to bed, laid down himself for IS minutes, then .went for more liquor. He thought he must have drunk 20 more drinks in the course of the afternoon, and was not drunk. He waa given (0 days. - MRS. BLOOD IS SOBER ' ' -- BUT-N0T REPENTANT Mrs. Jennie Blood, was sick and doc tors were unable to saslst her, she ssys, ao aba tried tha rad route to recovery. She took a Tew drinks, and appeared ln munfclpaj court this morning; to answer the charge of drunkenness. "It wss because I was sick, aha said. "My - ailment waa Improving,, and I didn't have but IL I did take a few drinks, ut wasn't what you would eall drunk." . . . - . . Her husband appeared aa a-wltneae- against her. He ssld she waa the b woman .in tne world whensober, but wss a demon when drunk. She Inter rupted the iudgs when be began te-talh to her. "Don't lecture me," aha said. "It you do you must 'lecture my husband also." Tbe case was continued for one week.-. THIS WILL SOON BE : KNOWN AS OWL CITY Portland will be an all-night . town after May 1, except aa to the saloons. The drug stores, cigar stands, restau- -rants and. of-course, hotels, are mak ing arrangements to keen thl m.aa Of business open at all times, because of the Influx of- exposition visitors.-" Soma cigar stores will begin next Mon- -day to run. all night. r The saloon-keepers -wish nnthtna- bet-- ter than the privilege of running con tinually, and If Mayor Wllllama is re elected the -eommpn-seport is that the grog shops will be sble t do. so. Other wise the 1 O'clock ordinance will nrnb. - ably ba enforced.- ii - . - y.. v.. ..... v;