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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
J- TIES -O2EG0N - DAlLY-JOXJRNAi; PORTlANDFRro-AVUkVENINO.MAV-SWS: SATURDAY?Mar6tff thc-Sixth-Dayofthe TheDifferentf Store t22 MorirDays-Qnly of the Greatest Sale in TthcHistoTV( tion-Sales - tland- IIVTPOTJTA A SERIES OF ONE DAY SPECIAL SALES ! -Vxv A Ui w-Li XN X J.wJ sAITPriVM arlgftrt bo-taken advantage of on that day In - orderto gecgf Cbehent of special price advertised. ,Out of town patrons sending thro the MAIL ORDER DEPT. havel hours AFTER DATE OF ISSUE of. paper, bearing our announcement in which to order the extra, specials. v- .-- H I - V Let" I em. I j , , "ij MVr.--i.-ii i i CAKE PARING SCHOOL rThlrdTloorr THE PUBLIC IS CORDIAL LY INVITEDTThe most dt People TIcious cake is baked daily from 9 a. m. to 12 mrand 1 to 4 p. m. Lessons-jgiven-FREE Pupils-J h rlayV arejaranteed to be sbleaf ter the course to get results, equal to those of the demonstrator' . End teacher. - - mm. nil Bargains listed JPKCIAJLi SATXERDAT T H MEN'S-BtmNd-DAl 73 -Big-Bargains-forlMen: WHO WANT rCTti VALTTB, FOR THEIR DOLLAR ' THB HABEHDA8HB31T WEST ANNEX : . FIRST FLOOR.. -11.09 ENGLISH SQUARES -IS CENTS. A ltn of Men'g Hand- all th latest oolora, rarular prtca ILtOi apa clal for Saturday at tach 504 MEN'S lOo H08H1 - - lea paik.- .nantLMan'TUIn Black. Bcamleaa -Boat-1 ha - erjr beat for the regular price of loop pedal for Saturflar at palr.olo lli OD CK5LT SHIRTS 1 1 CENT! A line of Men'a Oolf Shlrta ia a lare arletf of -patterna- and etylea. the Terr newest oolora for -prla-and eummer -ireartreralajf-pTloa' tl.00 ( apeclaj ay each .Bfl -TOR SATURDAY pNLTTOR-"iVT ONE DAT CAN , WH HOLD OPEN THIS .r : :.7Laji4-I.0 Noelty-8uUlnr-)lk In Imported .,. cranca iwnt ana me oeet raaae oy our own v American maoufacturera. all the lateat down te date etylea and color ef fee te; epeolal for Satur NEW PLAID SILKS, the newest oomblnatlona to be at wut'-waulaf WtVSr ni'aDedayioFlal day only, yard 824 SATURDAT SAVINGS IN THB KITCHEN AND DINING-ROOM STOCKS. , -..:r.-TrZ-:.:.-Z. THIRD : FLOOR. r - - . A GREAT SPECIAL BALE OF ' Dinner Sets Saturday Clothes Baskets and Scrub Brushes Tor Less HAVILANrS WHITE - CHINA DINNER SETS ..... REDUCED.-" -- ' Fancy ahapee antlcfpate your wants and buy Saturday ' i -Dinner Bete.' ' Talua ItOgfrr-aBa atrnv. ai .dlt piece ninaea Beta, walue IU IIi apeeleJ ......S22.95 111-plece Dinner Seta, yalue 11.19 j special --7 - i 927.25 And white la moat anltablafor arl amoaalona. - WIIXQW CLOTHES BASKETS GOOD QUALITT. wtt.t; yrnTTBirmTi Small Clothee Baskets, value TBot epeo1al...n.B9 Medium Clothes Baskets, Talue 0oi special.,,. 7oi Larse Clothes Baaketa. ralue 11.00; apeclal....7e2 Extra larre Clothes Baaketa, value 11. J5; speo'l 98. FOR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING. ' : 11-lnch Scrub Bruahas, extra apeclaj. ..9 -rnch Scrub Brushes, extra special.. ....... ...5 Saturday Art Store Special LrSi -: for the Day Only - 77 PRETTT ; IS CENTER-PIECES Its, - .TITt 17 . SECOND FLOOR ANNEX - -- ... Center-Pieces of heavy white or dark blue linen. 14 inches square, etamped in conventional desla-ne. . retular price So; apeotal at. .............. .294- rSATURDAT ONLT THESE PRICES, In" THE SECOND FLOOR SHOPS. MIDGET, MISS AND MATRON AH have a ahare In the end-of-the-week bargains Jo UndermuslinSalons and 1 Infant's Wiear Stores --- . Rallroada couldn't r ahon without stgnala, and - men. to- work, thenu - Safety only exlete when no thins . . ta left to chance. There'a nothing left to chance tn .ithe ejection of our Undennusllns chooslns. is In' the hands'af aipei ts that's -one- r s o why the best , valuea are here In the bl "May-fair." Thes spe- clals for. Saturday . . . Infants'; eambrlo lone Nlsht Slips, fins tucked yoke, -1 dainty embroidery edslnc at neck and sleeves, regular pries $1.00;. special at..k .69 -Baby Burny Robts of fins pique, trimmed In deep" ' 7. embroidery Insertion, and ediini, 1 fulllarre Blsee H PRICE . ;. r RC- rr!cee..Il SO I1.7J tl.00 11.58 I17S 1100 1.2--PU1 St.... 7BO SM $im $IS 91M SLM Sl-SS - LsdHisr fins -Musltrr Drawsnri -elu trr 6f - fins " j.ntvu.ks each -and S with fins smbroldery Sdsins-, - regular IBo; special at J.... 67 - Ladlea' fine Muslin Knee Petticoats, deep eambrlo ruffle and 1 clusters of fins tucks, regular pries . (to; special at ...494 I tli ,rM- Trensationalakffer- t2e "Daylight Store" Closes at G pi m. Saturdays" Zi as All Days --:r:;---" spend more than two thirds of theirxonscious there should be no more strain on-the body or mind - wmrlr 4w dnngr: l. ..I..,,) a a m awam AM miv C,.l "PLEASURE "IN'RELTEVING OUK -HELPERS OF. 7 OR ANY INDIVIDUAL or that this small effort in cordial, support. , . ... .. ... in Announcement "Special Suit Sale" and Haif-PriceSIaughterrof CMdrenV Coats for Satnrdayr :An6therImposslble - to Smauctiyailofed-St : r" .-' .- Regular alues-ff "All this season's virTuTSviTTE on mbracwg sine Special Saturday In the Grand Salons of Children's Coats In accordance with' our usual customot Dlannincr a soeclal sav ingior.buyers of ChildferTs" Apparel on Saturday, we shall offer a vf ty f TPf ptinnal opportunity tnmnrrowTfnr Children's Spring Coats at Half Price The offering comprises the largest assortment and most ele uniurpassedonthec6ast ; every material andcol6r approve? by Vacriinn, .plain. taHftrfi an1 starting at $3.50 and running up to the little Saturday "buyers-may piclr-theirthoice" $1.75 to $12.50 Saturday Special for the Children Annex 2d Flcor on any occasion at a price within grasp of every pdrse. , No - more after the Iotls sold.- Sale opens .ai& am-jVwon-derf ul rafue at. ,. . . . ... . t. .................. , Special Saturday Bargains AVOMEX-S 14.00 SHOES IJ.M - Women's Laos Shoes, vlcl kid patent tip, turn soles, Wurtenburg heel, and patent-kld-la dull top, Louis XV heela, turned soles, thin edge, la ."Plngres's,,-"01orla" and'DuUenaofee'V! clnnatl makes, regular values IS.OO and 1 00; apeclal, pair . 2.9 WOMEN-S 11.10 HOt'SB SLIPPERS II CENT Tine Plump Weight l-Polnt Mouse Slippers; low . ? sommon-senss heel, regular valu 1 1.10 peciaJ.-palr 98s i. That-JLJelicious Qdor-rT10' find its source jnFR EECA'K E - B A K I N Q- S life st their work.- If' that work is to be wcll thahthe - naturalrtax - thaVomes7from - trying - to jt liiht4l ...a... V. .. . . . .1 - THIS, UNNATUxL-STRAIrTirHWIi the directioaof jmalringjbttvjp JC- Below Are ior. Saturday Only 'Jefore 6 d'GlockiP. M7 - Match:S A-GRAND. "MAY FAIR" EVENT AT PORTLAND'S STYLE HEADQUARTERS. LARGEST - AND OSTPPAREL-STORE3VESTOFXHlCAGO HigMewcstohe Ngyr Spring and: T ; - Summer Raiment :: -Tailored -Suits ; T" - - $25.00 ycryJatcst and smartest styles, in both blouse 01 A C Dr ... j) Jji'Vjsr andj; jacket-effects; materials including handsome, stylish serges, Panama cloths, etamines and fancy mixtures,'trrptatnF blues," prowns and black and swagger mixtures tn mannish; sa!tlflgi.Plairi"tan6f edstylejF"ahd "with trimming effects, braMs -and -buttons: tnrse suits 1 arga iri aa ivi 9 ca j 1 v j x vtvnot . QX, DSD- i . Jutely the best values ever offered, to our knowl-tf f M edge, at regular sale for $25 anywhere in Amer-t'f ica.-For Saturday only you may choose at.....T Dress -Second Floor for Half ' - alrHng i: aristocrats at $20.00. ATTIALFPRICE 200 Pretty Fetching Hata for Girls Special for one day only 69c Millinery Following our usual custom of arranging something of. es pecial interest to the juniors on Saturday, we shall offer tomorrow in the "Bijou" Millinery Salons, in addition to the hosts of matchless values and charming conceptions, in' smart, exclusive and beautiful hats for the grown-ups, -Ve have grouped just 200 prettilytrimm.ed hats for girls of from 6 to 12 years of age. They are of soft pretty'straws, fashioned in the large drooping shapes, attractively trimmed with beautiful flowers and ribbons. A hat suited for wear in Footwear Extraordinary and surprising bargains in newand -:. "snappy" styles of GobdrShoes "THB iAIR-WAT" "BOOT SHOP." Weat Annes First risor. THB GREATEST BARGAINS OP ALL' THB WEEK IN 8ATURDATS . . PRBJ-EXPOSITIOM SALEI MEN'S 8.8 SHOES i.4l Men's- Lace- Shoesr all kinds of leather and made - -st ehetee-seleeted storkrmvelour calf, bos calf, - patent eolt and vlcv kid. our Rgular value lt.00; special. pair t............ $3.49 - MISSES' w AND CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS. Dre-strap, vlel kid, spring heels, suitable for street or houss wear Staes- torll, regular value I l.Iir special, pair.. 74s Sties 11 ts S, regular value 1 1.10; special, pair, .94 J&LDaylight Closes at 6 p. m. CHO QL ! i : r rtrzvx as All Days done, anoT'lf tnctralawttrthgirrrif - do the best-aortf-rkvAny-Straih-beyond at tT,y'rgh as ) fight to, f St Snd x . K... U7P T CU T T MnT HP A Vr . TT A V.: . r -- - OLDS. WORTMAN & I GOLDEN NVMBTStARltBASOAIIt5riKD9: IN- THE iATITKDAT-ONLlr WEST-AKNEX-riRST- .... . . , - FLOOR. . .. . rJawelry designs- fcre'i"inor beautiful - than . erer tnla aeesoa ana la the Salwty rpl . gold you find hers th most refined .andpajrUcular folk can wear without offense. Note the penny -bargains particularly (tla-a-eleaa-upof -ddraente.- One lot sf fine quality gold filled Shirt Studs, t on a card, a variety of styles, regular I Oo and 0o sluss, Baluiday wily at. Zjiothsr-lot of whiteuand black, I'enThIri::g(udaX on a card, regular J5o value; Saturday only 7 at. set ..a. .aa.. ...... . . . . . . . . . . (i W aO "We'bars hiade up another asaortrnent of Stick PinaT" Hat Plm. Broochea, etc.. of which. yoi cxa tal ,your pick, Baturdajrnlyateach. ........1 JriiUliinlus-Jcaif JJnftJtnJBxhIn - 7 little novelty; Saturday we will sell the too values for 29 and the. leo values lor..,.. 10 I.fO A THEH GOODS AISLE S dosen black patent leather "Mualo Rolls, our "regular 7Bo values t Saturday for. ........ ..39 : One assortment of. pretty embossed leather Picture yimmeet-our 'Oe vaius - 'fr - liBelAnaoqr - flga - 1 P . timMi.t.,itt,l.lltAgy c Domestic-Aisles A Biq 8 ALB Or-HAJtfPgQMB MARS E3LLES BED . SPREADS.. Pay $2.68 Saturday for $3.50 Grades 110 fine whits Marseilles Bedspreads, a special good ' quality. In beautiful patterns, regular .prloe It.tO; " - special for Saturday only- at, ,each.....rr.$2.68- " SPECIAL SATURDAT ONLT IN THB Women's" Haberdashcric FIRST FLOOR. . 1 A QTJINTETTEOr" TIMELY" BARGAINS BCST- v- - 4,, LINO WITH - INTEREST. ' - ' : Ribbons, Laos Bands, Lacs Appliques, Belts and Ker , - chiefs all at saving prices Saturday, t . -7!e RIBBONS 'JBTEIff flCt . - - r i-- - A beautiful Una of Silk Satin Fancy Taffeta-Rib hnrm. 4U Inrhea wMe. 1nttr Murk and - white -effects, pink warp (Dreaden), Persian and plain, ragular values 40o.C0o and J5c special, yd.254 Its I.iCB PANT"? ! rrT 1 r H Lacs Bands In whits, cream and eoru. regular value 18o; speclaL vard -ftf- 8ALE OB" LACE APPLIQUES Oaul Lacs Applique; Regular 11.00 value, special at. yard.... .$4.25 P.tgular 11,00 value, special al, yard.....S4.25 Regular 11.00 value, special st, yard.,.. .$2.48 Venlas Lacs Applique, regular value IL00J special, yard ............. :11 48e Oaul Lacs Oaloons, regular values tlo and I0o; epe ciaL yard lBt WOMEN'S IBo BELTS IS CENTS . A lot of Women's Belts, regular va his I lot ape. clat, each ............ ........... .25 . WOMEN'S II HO HANDKERCHIEFS I CENTS Pur Linen Handkerchiefa, regular value HHoj special, each ............. 64 SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE. TeaRoom- Second Floor. X Under the Auspices of Portland's ' Menu for- Saturday i "May - 6th ' Tea ' Cofee Chocolate Milk in Bdttles. Salad , - . ' Purie of Green' Peas - - -.7-- : - ' : ' Creamed -Chicken With ". '1' -Mhrtroms"on6asfw i . .-... r iiara sanawicnes . -t Jr Hot Rolls - Boston- Brown Bread X Bread ard Butter - - ;Tea Cakes Store" MmerRupperfs Saturdays FACE BLEACK -ITa for matay year had aplaCft "on the toilet table of fashion- able women. It Is harmless; .has no coloring or sediment and that puts dlscolorations. wrinkles and the tWf - This -Hnea-of-eare from the, face, T T? TtlAT ant. At the Toilet Counter- - KINO. , A. - JBA, A.1 ff . sT A FirstFloor, pecisl-Sattirday-On!3r--la--ths- :GOODjriMH TO BUT A SEWTKO MACHINE! - WORTH HI M tarruraing- "to "the agencies but our regular '"p. W. K.' .S1S.II grade) for i Bargains in Bed r;j; Comforts and Cretonnes Machines1 $18.95 - Ths 1 a t a s t im proved O. W. A K. wffeftggeels gg"" ' lll.t value, m fine auartered oaa 1 cabinet, golden oalt finish, t drawers, box top, full set of attachments; sp eiai' at, - - eaca .....flS.OS 1 iMflrcOMTOnTEIia f.8 LlL WhlteXorded. Waal SiUed Cesaforters. best sllko line oover, tied wlta baby .ribbon., regular value .00 special, each M...MiiTOrFiTK SS.05 ' tl Iff vCRETONNEi II CENT 8- Fsjiot Flrure'rCrtonne.TsJni-Ii Mulj.. s assortment e patterns and eolorsr-orlental an- TiTmAmn ffftm nln fnm ,n,lil... . W l . . . - mmnrm m V. VUWH.UMOT. U.U. illm, HI1.. j .wa'K-TgAiis-Zgn; .spsnia,!, rM nvTv-rrrrrrgeTn SPECIAL" TOR : S'ATtTRDAT PRICES f QOOD ON ..-,;.-.-r-.- KO OTHER DAT. Little Bargain Magnets I IN SMALL WARES AISLES FIRST. FLOOR, 7. . iio shoe laces lo.ozEN : Heavy black tubular Shoe Laeesv beet quality." for men'a, womea'a and -children's shoeiTregular value llo per dosen; special at, dosen 84 le SAFETY PINS So CARD . Extra heavy nickel plated Safety Pins, all stses, ' aCdcard n th cr! resTlsr valus lo; special lid TALCUM POWDER t CENTS ..- -Tlolei- Perfumed Talomn Powder, regular Value - up; special at. can.......' ...-.Of $1.11 HAIR BRUSHES II CENTS- . . Ajani aJ,peatr-jipgtuiLZltBJrBruahea all purs : oriatie, regular value 11.16; special at, each. 85 SHELF PAPER 1 CENTS -J Evtra heavy whits 8hatfrapat. , with- lassdew io-rara pieces; special, a pleas... , ....7) XOO OLUH CENTS ' . Le Page's Liquid OlaejnpceSirfgular JlJus 10o special at, Dottle 64 ONLT ON . B ATURDAT CAN TOXI BUT THESE WonderfullyUnderpriced' " l Dress Goods IN THE SOUTH ANNEX FIRST FLOOR-. -r-1 1309 yards Imported French All Purs Wool Voiles - in-all street and. evening shadea, our 'well known ""'regular 11.25 quality; these much sought for fabrics for Saturday only, yard. .....864 4500 yards regular 10s Fabrics - In .' self-colored." nubbed. mohairs, checked . Panamae, shepherd checks snd 'worsted mixed suitings, - splendid . - goods for seaslds snd fair suits; special for Sat- urday only, yard 3Ts BLACK DRESS GOODS "r. . , Regular 11. SO grades of Silk and Wool Foltene. Crepe de Paris, Poplin de Chenea. Crepe Chiffon . .Voile, Turkish Crepe, PruQellas, Satin Venetians . .nd Henriettas; special for Saturday only, yard . .. .......,..v. ...9t.H NONE BEfORH OR "AFTER " SATTRDAT-AT THESE ' PRICES. . ' " . The Boy, .the Matron "and the Maid ARB ALL, REMEMBERED IN SATURDAY'S SPS CIAL PRE-EXPOSITION SALE VALUES IN z-The Knitwear rAisles" FIR - T FLOOR. .WOMEN'S 11.00 HOSIERT for. pair.. ;..M"....494 MISSES 25o HOSIERT for, pair. ............ .184 .WOMEN'S 11.00 M ERODE UNDERVESTS...r.S94 ' BOTS' 7$ and llo MOTHER'S FRIEND SHIRT- , WAlSTS k.. 54 Women's fins blaeklacs Hoee, SulT'and brUllant 11 pie. full finished, double sols, 11.00 value; estra apeclal.f Palr..., 7.t.t. . . . . . .-. 494 Women's White Lisle Merole .Vests, lew neuk. Sleeveless, hand crocheted, silk tr!mmlng,wTth ankle and knee length tlghtto matcht ' f V01 slusr special, each . . . .;. ; ... . . . .T. ... ." . r 504 " Misses' fins ribbed Black Lisle Hose, seamlesa a . ' fine, dreesy stooking, slies 7 ts V. value 1 .'; special st, pair .......... ............. .184 . Boya' 'Mother's FrUnd Waists. Mgbf and medium shadeS and big sseortment sf patters. 7e and . lis values special at, each.,... ,....t94 8 11 11 13: 1 1 t r - i 1 - J asBBiaiBaw 1 . .-. V,