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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY . EVENING. .MAY. im:- OREGON SUI.IPTER-BEGINS ITS ADVERTISING .YigomuiJCampaIgivto4afil f orJBJua fountain Mln) JurtffgnTtar. AND PRINTERS' INK WILL DO THE WORK 3 fused Llf IrrtVthdMin- rr; fog Industry. :'' 'Snaelal Dtaild te Tk laarul.) -Tnls mining - ' Sumottr. -Or.. - May S - district is aggressively entering th Hat -t-aMuraladYertlere. Bine organlsa- . . ,tlo of be Bumptar-!UirtcfMTwt hu soolatlon plana have matured' rapidly, . aa at preaont arrangements r mad to aendjut,.laxgeusimue---mra. tur an e that tha exhibit b tha Blue mountains la brought to publlfl Attention at th LtwltandiWK raitv v Tha association will hav a, vaat num - bar of envelope Issued bearing ,41a- impiint suggesiivs-onnming rttactrw Jm this district: on tha box they-will ilsi -valuable Information arranges aa aa -to' catch th era raIIy. Pamphlets - wfll be printed Jatar. which will exploit local rourcea and leaflets will be sent bndoa-thTOh-th4naU.-.yialtorB. ; to the great fair will b urged to shape Z . their Itinerary so a to go er come . .. through Sumpter. and rtin-:--l-tnad . to appear that considerable number of .-v" persons will except this court ear. ar rangemanta will bo made for giving the - -visitors a chance to examine, the .mines In the briefest possible time. - Sumpter mining men are awak to the : opportunities of th-yar, and will be found to be among; th most aggreaatv advertisers of the northwest while th fair Is In-pro it ess. Tha local or ex - blbtt promlees to -bosr-splendid collee "ONE- CARLOAD OF ORE: ,DEUYBEDEACrlDAY4 -tBuftrPlmiteli ta The JoeroeLi :-- "Baker City. May . Baleley-EIkhorn mine is entering on tb open season wltn rtatea dallvi- the mill bandies shout 11 tows of oie. 1 Th mine Is sending M 1o the Sumpter smelter on narrow- - ruag carload of concentrates each day, ' and will nb doubt be able to continue ' this - good work ' throughout tb year. flhonld th deeper work projected open- -Fhlpplng or. -wssfoond fa -th upper 1 wcrklngav- Uis output or- me property -t would b meter tally 4ncretL-. . .All r - wperaHotwsr m tngO,?OOnanoTTW " levels of ihaahaft put Manager new - Is preparing to put the shaft-deep, and -prosecute exhaustive exploration JanevunldW May " There Is keen :Tm-established levels at th sain time. local-lntrst oyer th tb work of 4he While this la In nroeress at th mill '"" propwy M1. .,.ir. LtTr iT.w.niHiii ... t whtoK-paid two dividends In a per; r JLi- t. th. hi, crosscut slightly mor than she weeks, aggregat - which. Is deslgajd to open th vein eys - tern st a depth of l.ioo to 1.108 feet Z!JLfter-a-4rlw of about ,00 feet-'-Under h rjttlojaMnaKemet!t . HI1 ". this mine I doing Ms beat work, and eematlTeCTtnsinty W vjrs proved In th tipper works promises This gmnlter, for. Its ,, Is a' perfect piant, -trie, sampler, saving a capacity of 40 to 700 ton dally, and there Is room-for mo addttlonof furnaces when ever the requirennnrri of the district -de mand. All machinery sbouj lh: pln Is ot ht latest pattern, and th me chanical arrangements are admirable. A model of this smelter, th first success ful one ever blown la within th bounds pt.JhH.-BtaXa-wm aav -general' interest to locl people, as well as to strangers f-the eouiKry i --r-n - SMELTER IS ASSURED FOfH.EWrCrTRlCTff- ' (Speelal rtipateh te e JoareaL) - Phoenix.- H.-C.?- May- 6 With th rumors of railroad extension Into th Kettl river ndHtmt1kameen tsounlrv.- assurance that the there Is addltl5na British Columbia Copper company will erect Th : Smelting - plant al Midway. When President F. Underwood exam ined conditions , recently be gave as surance that-he was willing to finance a good smelter ir there wtta reasonable prospect of rellroad coinhJUuleatloB through the tributary districts. No doubt imilt that-botfrthe Oreat North- ern and the Canadian Paetfle will rac preliminary" work . Indicates this., and after such lines are established, opening the coal and copper properties or tnat eountry, th British Columbia company management' seems to be confident' of making a amelting enterprise at -Midway V7- Z NEW COMPRESSOR AT- TREADWELUiS GIANT The -editor ef the Dally Dispatch 'at Janrau writes that the big compressor plant .of the700, "Mexican and' Bullion mines. -on Douglas Island, and part of th Tread well group, was finished "snd was doing full duty.- It has a capacity of 7'drll)s.-ls on of th finest plants on th coast, and la -actuated by-water power and steam."" When ther is water the XI -foot Felton Is used, but whan water Is low ths t by 41 by 41 Corliss engine Is put In commission. This com pressor., furnishes air to. the . mines named The, I larris! System r r -r' irT - J'- - ft - i r f'0 pa. a w. xajuua,: Iffii Pmt of J mini 1" .will- Soon foe. He'- M. if -- - "' r Rumpter. Or- May a. ZAt work con- tlnuea to show good ore at th Imperial in-th lower drift. Buncbes .com In th drift at Intervals for 'a good portion of th drive on the Miner level, but the or did not hold out as did this last body,' and tha management is confident Thnt Tfisy sr in Imperial shoot. Th ore body Is said to ist wldv shipping.,. which was a characteristic width of'thl old shoot In upper levels. With this development And th suocess attained In finding or -on th main level above, no doubt Is felt that th milling plsnt wllt-ltpt busjtait season w nan It :jAtartd.i- 1,, r ' i .r. " on amrm tazw wur.ih (Special rnspetrk M The 'euniatr- Ing 11(0,000. March 1 th management declared .an tiO.OOO - dividend," gnd In JkprU-rpat4 - the-pleasant perform-. anoe, and ther seems a v prospect that ' far greater Teeults" ag new levels are ----. establlehcd. - - COARSE-COtOFROM A--: TaalaaJg wa si hsa Ami aai mr4 CUKKT CurHUrtrtllT1l,' th W'M,, ",no "ntrator. Wn.yrf nwr Minager : Wllllama ; wrote that be ex pected to put it in permanent cnmmia-. slon then, but no word was received In ths city aa to whether It had been, done. Everything w"S ready for milling, and from this time on no doubt exists that this planfwlll be mad to produce regu larly. Engineer McDowell etated thli morning that he expected dally to re celv Information that work was In full blast; and that th Wood river property was produolng Its ulgh-grad alno con centrat. '. . (Rperle! IHtpateh te Toe JeuraaL) ' S: Smith River, Cal., May I. One of tha richest placer strikes mad In this seo . tkn In many year I reported front' tb Dlemond creek district. John Taggart, a Diamond creek miner, arrived . In today,, bringing with him coarse, gc4d-lakff.n from- a pronpect he recently discovered in' Curry county, Oregon, 10 miles from the Monumental -mtnev' Several months ago ! was re ported that Taggart and his partner, . Jim Cassldy, had made- a rich strike somewhere near the north fork of Smith river, but tha report was not confirmed by further news until Taggart's arrival today. ' (Special Mi patch te The Jonrnil.) Prairie City, Or., May 6. The develi oniwent limit "nf ' tha mandariT mine. In From th exnimt, tne atnxe loogeaiQuartaburg, la being received. -- This ' rich. As there was no water at band. the miners said they could not develop th claims. "' They at oncTegn to dig a ditch and a week ago they got water on the diggings. After a few days run t cleanup was mud, whlcn proved th iisd expected. DtVeUlpmenf w6rk will be pushed on th claim, and good returns will un doubtedly reward . th efforts of th lucky miners. - UMPTEfTSMELTERTO- BESEEN AT-THE-F AIRf (Special Stspatea te" The JesresL) Sumpter. Civ May (.Master Me chsnlo Charles Tan . Amberg, of tha smelter, has about finished th model of th smelting plant, which la to be exhibited with th Sumpter or exhibit at th fair It will not b a working model, but accompanying -it will b pre ' and blister ' copper, . representing "Jill stsges of th smelting process, and giv ing especial light on-local operationa mlnaiwjs!djjra lone? time, but wKsnlj reopened, began pronuvoi proaucuon lux-, mediately. ' - - - - mmAT to rmoDT 71pHi1 Plspatck 1 The JooTsall rowxB mwr diutuid, plant consists of a power gasoline en ir. Gasoline will b used for power at first, but later It Is the expectation, of the x ' The Oregon stat grange will meet In Its thirty-fourth annual j session at Forest: Orovs for four days, beginning TUesdsypMay-lS. All counties ars to ba represented. Htat Master Leedy has named tb following committees from tfaalist fdlegatea: Flnenc J. U. Morback, chairman; Napoleon Davis, " J. W, Town send. Mra Dora Harris, Mrs. Mary A. Hare. i eTedentlnls-C. E.'lIIlton, chairman; W. W, Jesse, Mrs. Mary B. Howard, Mra N. E. Smith. Mra W. H. Buashall. A JW. Thomasrt th JTOITect wag mUxacJlt.AlHMlfy rmlpw where creek la believed to fumjsh a sufcieJitihalrmB-n J J Johnson, Mrs. Anna t peropolls. sjje'a Vf ml lyslem ot the Cop- &IOKX8 an XXVM. Thesoverelgps--of -Kurepe h enuea as follows: Csar of Russia, .rrne .r Austria .n . n J? T: APP"on. I B. Lambert, Mrs emperor of Austria and - king of Hungary, . fS.TOO.000; king of - Italy, tt.llO.eOO; king of - Oreat Britain. lt.00O.O00; .king Of Bavaria. $ 1.400, 000; king of spain. 11,400.000. If th people -of our own country would per mit It, Mi salaries of our rulers would be put op by th sycophants 1n spoils politics In th sam way. Independence la preparing to put la about two ml lee 'of sewerage at a cost of ft.SOO. - . CaYIZQ DAtttES v " ITCHING 'SKINS XTO REST, ao ale p. Itch, Itch, Itch, tcratcblag sntll theuoder aklj) boooiBM lpitem4-aora SfteTbletdlDjM IJcmna Uoap SIM by flrlnbaeltli Treetawot, will give tae eafftftsg Uttu Instsat r-lif slerp, ss4 Nell is entstote eere. MsltttwX of womea say BsrAoa aa ae eeaal for ekatn, frrlte Wm. eraptloaa, daodrag. this hair, seslg k4. atedleeM. antlnptle. deooorisltig, (ncnet. "A Bnethlel Vtne Balaam In Evan eak." lerte lee. esses) t eskss ae- dresiitts. luruM esaamutea. if seas lasaeoicsted Bk HsrOse. Mssatertand Sg PM1 ffsy SpeelsltVs Ox. Wmark, N. J. Tike BMalag wltkeM tats wiaspert I 1 1 I r - 1 MM MM I 11 I WW . RESTORES, if, . GRA Y HAIR 1oYcuikful Color. "Hirl bees trenbled with (Isndrnff a Inns tine. After aalns ee kettle ec Bslrbealtb I founs tb aisdraS (one sod siy btlr, which was two-thirds gray (I sin 48 years old), restored te Its sstursl anhnm oolorl KICUU1M. flFoaaa. Wll" - Balrhealth SJTrtrkly SrlBrs blft yoathfnl color te gray aair, ao matter sow ions u sas Da gray r white, Poeltlmly r.movee daodrsff, kills the germ and stops hatr ralllns. Dora sot stals akla or linn. Al1ed br RARpTMA and Skln- 4- BMhki It soothes and heals th Scalp, atop Itch- US aa eroaMta aae aair growta. urge-soe. bottles. Jratrim'. Take aotklag without aigaa are rule Hay Oo. Free Soap Offer Slga this, take to ear of tb fotlowteff drwcxH glate and get a ROC. tmttle Hay's Halrheslth a4 a toe, rake Haras Medicated Snap, beat for balr, bath, toilet, bath for . er enit by Pblle aiayiripeeiaitie a., Newark, jr. i prepaJO, ea gerrlpt of 0r. aD this sdT. Ft enap sot airra by amrflat wlthoat this otlre adv. aad CO, tor Hslrkastoa. rtrartk WOOSAJLO, 'CLABstS k CO, ,.w.:.;-l-..:,. aad WMlUnftes. ;;, fonrtb rK number of people hav aald that th cures performed by Dr. Harris are only lmaginry-tro"blvAdralttlng this to be a fact, la It not remarkable that lie should be able -to do this, for- these aams fteonln - have doctored . in vain Uuuugh. -tbmedlcal prof cst00f orthls I same imaKmary aintriii A gentlmnan Who had bn treating with tmm or ihn nrnmlnent ohvsLcians for-several-year without getting anV permanent benefit, cam to Dr. C. W, 1 larris for treatment He was oured In a few -week, and a few daya ago be met on of hi physicians on in street. Ha r Mtiirnt anltmt after his health. "My stomach s now all right." h replied: "I can eat anything I desire without sny dlsoomfortjwhatever." ' "What hava you been dolngT": asked the dootor, - : . ""r have eenakTnsTTyeat'nanV from rrr-Hamg"Io -tl5" Belllhg-Hlrsch build ing." th man Teplled. j T'And ynn think -ypuar cured; do -- "I certainly do," was hltgpTy.r ' -40h, you uet Imagine you are cured, the doctor aald. "Well, that 1Smor than your eould mak me do,-Doc'' Whether a man or a woman la suffer ing from- an imaginary ailment. Jr not. makes no difference. All diseases may myarstecnUnaglnairy, , yet h,, npzJ :im real to the patient, and the phy- I elclan waa oowerlesa to arrest the mind I from the "delus'ldTr It vras laboring under, 1 and Ir. iiarrla la auooessiul in accom- fllshlng this, . whether' It b tmaglna lon or reality. . Bo do not let this bother vou. whether you hav an Imaa- fnary disease or a real dlseene, These, cases are all alike to Dr. Harris, and lf-yrU" wll pay-no": attention to what other. neoDl tell-vou. and make 'an ln- vestiration for yourself, you will soon feel -tha sam as those who are now -under treatment, and those who have "been cured. Borne of the worst case on rec- I nl have been absolutely cured: you oan likewise be cured. Uo to his office. 21-24 Belllng-Hirach butldlns, g(Vi Washing ton street, and consult him relative lo our-particular-case, then you will mr. (te him about his cours of lec tures, -which will oommenc In a few daya If you wish to learn a profes sion, ther i Doming mor noble than being able-to help your fellow Any on can learn this, and a great ma jority can make a very great success In th1 urantli-srof -itbut-even-lf Toomo nof wish, to practlc U. , the -.kwwledge ynu win gain tnererrom win do wortn ten time what It will cost you. Look into this matter at once. Offlc hours. to a 10 to 12 m., I P. rn. STATrCRANCE' ANNUAL MEETING Master Leedy Names Commit tees for Work at Orange Grove This Month. : : I ,., And the fair-will be in full ywingr-' You wrillTiot want to3 spend a lot of time in the kitchen. If you have a. Gas Range "lfTwilT"tak6 about one thirdof thetimeandglveourrnore ; ' time . to entertain your eastern friends and visit the fair, . . Probably: you- are going-tojnove Make" sure thatlhe house Is piped for gaSaAny one wha has' experienced the all " mraun atTyantagw nf gag will not think of moving into a house where 3iereia no arrangement for . is : ' '0 rZf-nm .... -i. foTrCookiiis:- . iii"iii'iF-':'tlMriVi!t-V'1istir ,,1-a .p - - fl w n Gas-Range , for rHas four tojburnersahd ; a simmering burncrlargc ,;. bakcovcrirand--a-broilcrr- uastor Li Cook-Books Free We liave 10,000 cook books whkh"wifl : be - given jwayNeTnatter whether- -yoimsegas-omiot, you canhaverr took book by calling at our office for jt. Trying to rent or sell a house which' la' not piped for gas is a mighty hard proposition nowadays. . ' , - - Gas KangeTloldcltheTfor cash or on the Installment plan. It will be well to order one at once. A little later the rush -will be on and ybuwilh have "tb" wait your tunu-Gaa service : from -the street .matartodbasement furnished :f ree."nrrrrrrr The purchase; pricejof a Gas Range now includes maulling 4 - -that is, for the'purcTiasertce we will serttpwadyort4 use, whlcrTIncIudes a run of '40 feet of pipe. , On a 'sale: or if you pay for It within 30 days, we make you a discount of 10 per cent.'' Where a fuel stub is already Jn the kitchen and -; no pipe-I necessary a'discount of 20 per cent is made. . Fifth and yamhill Streets W- aala IS. AiornacK. Legislation W.- D Hara chairman; Eugene Palmer, C. K. Oolden, W. H. H. Dufur, Mrs, M. 8. imrbln, Mra. Eunice Bonney. Armstrong. ehalFmani A. Davis, O. D. Harris, Mrs. Ella John son. Mrs. Carrie Townsend, Ira Mattle K Oolden, Mra. Napoleon-Davis. Co-operation M. 8. Durbln, ohairmatH J. W. Cook, Prlc Robinson, Mra Ellenl O. Lambert, Mrs. Amanda Jesss. Transportation Napoleon Davis, chairman; J. W. Thomas, Prlc Robin- eon, Mrs. N. Williamson, Mra L. M. Blevlna. - Agriculture Dr. Jamea Wlthycomba chairman: Edward Smltn, A. Blevlna, Mrs. Eunice Bonney, Mrs. W, 1L Sua- shall. . MAMAllIf lAhit T TCl1 IMA. mKImam W1.!!. Buashall. C E. Hilton, Mrs. Jan Jones. Mrs. Anna Apperson. Mileage find per diem C B. Oolden. chairman;"?. E. Morback, O. D. Harris, Mra. Ella Johnson, Mrs. Orace Jensen. Appeals j. w. Townsend. chairman: U. A. Williamson. W. H. Buashall, Mra W. If. Vaughn, Mrs. Orac Jensen. - Agricultural College J. T. Apperson. .. . ... , . . : mm ' cnairman; i. ji. topeiana, t. l . Jensen, Mrs. James Wtthycombe Mrs. M. 8. Durbln, Mrs. Lizzie Dufur. Assessment and- taxation W. H. It DufOr, d. F, Bonney, W. D. Hara C W. J onea, Mr(..L. M.- Blevlna, M ra Laura Robinson. . . . uooa roaaa -a. tJievma cnairman; w. N. Vaughn, J. W. Armstrong. Mra Dora Harris, Mra Jan Jones. Dormant granges Mrs.' Hary E. Pal mer,", chatrmanr Mrs. Anna Apperson, Edward- Smith, . 'Wr-Cookr IvA. Wll- 11am SOU. .-....,.. .; Pur food En gene palmer, chairman: W. N. Vaughn, W. W. Jess, Mrs, Carrie Townsen,Mnr Nelll Davla"" . Division of "labor H. P. Jensen, chair- manrt?.TvT76nea, Mra K Williamson, Mrs. xneili jo. vavis. Mrs. Amanda Jen. . - Woman' work Mrs.- James With v- comb, chairman; Mrs. ATma Copland, Mra Maiua m. ooioen. Mr. Mary A. Hare, Mrs.'L1szl Dulur. ' Vaoclnatlon. "I hay just com from a home," said th doctor, "where I vaccinated a baby without waking it up. Tha father, who had not,. beeuvacclnsted - since yemth.-f waa theru urged l)yJilS..wlfe-to -m4eree the operation. I had hardly tauched th man a arm when h keeled Over lava - cr . Witch Hazel KEEPS LADY AND BABY SWEET AS ROSES MORE SOOTHINQ THAN COLD CREAM; MORE HEAL1NCI THAN ANY LOTION, LINIflENT OR SALVE, HORB BEAUTI FYINQ THAN ANY COSMETIC. . . I want every woman who wants to Im prove her complexion who wlahes to have her skin soft as velvet who would Ilk to hav her fare free from all skin eruptions and facial blemishes fo use my - Witch Hazel Soap. I want vry mother to try this snap on baby and see how quickly It will relieve the little one of all hives, baby rash and chafing. , Makea baby sweet as r.. MTTTrfr . . . . PRICE-15 dTS.- Everywhere W &n crews aad bridge werfe erlthoet psla Oar IS years' eieerlesee la ptate arnrk a sblae as t It your month comfortably. " Dr. W. A. Wise has fsesd e ssr wsy te extract teeth, ebeorately wlthoat pain. Dr, T. PWbe la as a r pert st gold filling ssd erewa and 'brides wsrk. Kitrsetlsg free wtaea plates sr bridges ere ordered. 1W1SE- BROS.,-Dentists Faniag BafUlag, ear. Tklnl aed Wask Be. Opes erealssa till . m. Snndaya froei to IS. Or. Hals 9uW. pp.. w. a. vnt. sSMaaS 8 BVaSa W treat successfully all prtvat par vou a and chronic dlaeaaes of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. W cur 8 TP HI LIS (without mercury) to stay eared for j ever, in 19 t 4 days; W remove , STRICTURE, without operation or pain. -In Ifrflaya We stup aratBs7TRrsult of sslf . abuse. Immediately. W can restore th eexual vigor of any man under to by means of local treatment peculiar, to " ouraelvea - WcCure Gonorrhoea" ' In a Week Tb dootor1 of this Institut are all . regular graduates, hav had many years' experience, hav been known in Portland for IS years, hav a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no caea unlesa certain cur ran be effected. - Wa guarantee a cure In every case We undertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion free. Letter confidential. Instruc tive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In Plain -wranner. . tlonWVuA guaranteed?"- P" two or tbre treatments, without opera cesifuT.U cannot u offlc' WTlt tor question blank, Horn traatmanl ; W(k r Offlc "hours. I to 5 and T to , Sundays and holidays. Jf to It. . " r " DR. VV. NORTON DAVIS &-CO. ornce m Van Noy Hotel, 12 Third Strt. Corner Pin. Portland. Of. .f- m TO BUY A WATCH Price tha Watchea ' offered by caah Jwlers thtn coma bar and buy 1 same thine at 20 to 50 per cant lost pay a fifth down, th balance, oarVeek Our loan department la conducted on th nun gsnsral principles as a tanlr,"-xcpf""jr; bnsu" Bess1sOMiflnedjloloana. on personal property and arV :B6f CTIlhafal lhaif. banks mak. Courteous treatment, low tats of tataraat aad reliability are . - our watohworda. Private entranc on Fin. street.""." ""' ...... r... - - .- THE RELIADLE-LOAN OFFICE -a waxxaau aa m vaica ncruza.- "' LB.HOLZMAN, Prop. '61 Third Street, Cor. Pine BaTT. . wilt awsfSBsWaWWaWaswl