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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
TII3 OREGON - DAILY JOURHAt. PORTLAND. FRIDAY- EVENIN6,- MAY - Br: ltZ3. .1 ELCcR WILL CE Q TAIK-All-YOD WANT ,F0.t 59..CEHTS A MONTH Mutual T'Pnon9 8yt9m Has TOVn TOPICS THE DRYDCCK S00I1 "See- efsrewrsrr VST7J. T." . "PSl'Slfal" "The Marble Heart'' ,..;......"...... PurtiW .uliM......Tnlk ...s.. .VutTlll , A .J.TSUdeVllle Bir . Hrsed hi War adjutant-general of the -department of Oregon A. R.. General William W. Blaekmar.? eomnudodec-ln-ehlef ' of . the Srn4 rmy;otJUi RepuMlcaysJhll -wm visit in departments 01 ins re- - cMo AUtee anahathertaerry, la--elude the following cities: Boise, with . ,r campfire, July 11; Portland July 1171. .It and U, with earapflre on the nl(ht . July 1. end Seattle, with campfire. July ' is. From Seattle, General Eiackmar, . whs will be accompanied by tola wife ..." and feleter. will eatl to Alaska. The rrzromnd Army poeta of Portland will It " the commander-ln-chlex rousing; recep tlon at the campfire. - - The trial of the cae of Fred SeasUd acalnst the Portland Lumbering com- , pany for IIS. 000 damages for injuries . received while In the employ .of the rir oompnny.'was begun before Judge Sea thla morning. Saaated -alleges tnat htUwoj(ilnaf in the company's mill In tie wit directed to butui ' machinery; that while doing so hi right handws" caught: between cob; wheels T and was so badly torn that amputation -wn' momrrtr:H alleges that the machinery was oat of repair1 when he a Wdered-ta-dorthe work. The aatsmatle eleotrle . block signal system of train protection- is being In stalled on portions or aooui 100 jnAea of the Oregon Railroad - Navigation company's traeka between Portlaoie and Huntington. Signals hare been tlaoed 'near-tbe steel -"bridge and at 'the East Portland depot, and It la probable that tJBTieTatatiaretWaytktefton. who la ft strong aavooate or tne improvement. III bftvaaii- pot tlons-of - the - line rqulppdwUo. Jhaglgnat Jyataa, p The breach of promise-case of "Mrs, Jeisle I. Ooldle against WUllam Ooldle was submitted to the Jury shortly after S o'clock yesterday afternoon, and last night a, verdict for the- plaintiff for i ; !k II flftfl vfa Mt'trnM, Mrs. Ooldle sued for lie. 000 . damages because : Ooldle, from whom she had- been divorced, re fused to-remarry her as ha bad promised to ao. . .. i :. . Deputy Sheriffs Yarrott, Moretand , aiid .Lewis went to Salem thla morning ii an escort of prisoners, and also to ttd -the execution or Frank Qufllel- inq J'arrottoak un lonvleonard. sen lenred to three yeara for larceny; Mnre- leid, James PV'a.rd. aIIajr-"Honoluln Kid.'' sentenced to Tlve years for laroeny from r a dwelling, and Lewis took -an Insane An 1 n fnrnii ntMnttnn w vtv,n v tEePortland lodge of Elks last nirht tn kiOnoTTsr "Wirnatn JTtrBrienTTrr-of Bar- timore. grand waited ruler of the order. The reception was held In the ball of the lodge in the Maruuara building, and waa welt attended by tn members. Mr. speeches were made by others. - Butt hag been begun by the Aachen A lMuntctiIre Insuranee eompany against ; i.anrcn. Peaaa for $810 which, the conv- plaint alleges. Peaee collected while an . agent of the company and failed to ao- stewit f o. -s Pease'a bondsmen, IS. rJi.Qodi - fray and B. W. Oege, are named aa de ;IILf ndsntslntht complalm ge Tranarer company nave lieen filed with the county clerk by John B. Bean, .Cheater M. Brink and .1 B. Reader, -x The object la to engage In th wsgeerarransf erand atorage- business and tha capital stock la SM00. - 10.(00 Immigrants Wanted Ta locate along tha Oregon Water Power at Rail way company s Una between : Portland enA W.atnratla- Por ' information tnaulre I bf "the , Oregon WaTer Power Townsite company 1ft First street. Phone, Main ..lie. . a.,V,- The 'jury tn the case against Wong Chew Quen, accused of aaaault with in tent to kill Lea Mon Lee oa the night of-February II, returned a verdlot of guilty of simple aaaault yesterday. Toe jury waa out but a abort time. Sunday Escnrslon, May T. Fast ateamer Chaa.- R. fiaencer, Ceecade Locka and return, leaves foot of.Waah lngton atreet -at a. m., returning at.1 pJumiQood.jnusle. Fare tl. ta well ai city pedole. flnan ctally embarrassed, will find the Port land Loan Office, 74 Third street., the aafeet and most reliable place to trana- act their business. Ratea reasonable. Steamer-Aberdeen eafls for San Fran cisco direct Saturday evening. Cabin -tlif steerage tt, mesla and beetk lweld-4 ed. . C. H, Thompson, agent, 1ft Third. t We clean and preaa your clothes and shine your ahoea for $1.09 per month. -rnlirue Tailoring Cow 147 Waahlngton. Main 114. For Sale Lot with two cottages. Nob Hill. Max Smith, 111 Fifth street, . the Savoy restaurant. . C R. DeBurgh, Republican candidate for nomination of councilman, . eighth ward., -e. "- . , - - $1,000 -reward .for any adulterations found) In Oregon Orapa or Paelflo Cream. Calll I tel. -French restaurant, M4 Upshur Ansley Printing Co, $10 Oak, -N- W. O. W. Scenle Excursion. ' . To The Dalles, stopping at Huod River -end Multnomah falls. Sunday, May Jl. .By Prospect camp No. 140. l-' ' L..J1-. .! u O U R HAT S LOOK WELL, -LAST LONG AND GIVE COMFOkrAS LONG JtS THEY LAST.... r 1 Hewett, Lradljy 0 Co. : XAMxraiKiM, ; r- ''c 848 WathUgto Sir ft : it SIAXO TKIATtf. , -THOMAS GRA! Republican Candidate for Council-. man jtt Larri - PIONEER WOMEN WILL - ECAtL-QAYS OF OLD r A representative gathering of pioneer women mat . yesterday at. tha horn of Mra. C. M. Cartwtight, president pfth womaa'a auxiliary of the Pioneer asso ciation, when plana were proposed and freely discussed for providing; food and managing the annual banquet, which ln oredaea the labors of tha society aver yenr in ' proportion to tha augmented pembera who attend. r - Mra. Cart wright. . who has been the preeldent of the auxiliary from its In cepTtmvH--rever--een at better advan (a g than when marshaling. theptoneer women of -Portland who axa aver read to assist Urroaklng for tho Tlma-af trred veterans of a rapidly passing era a, glad some gal day to which they .are ae richly entitled. Tha next meeting of the auxiliary will convene at an early day In response to a call from the president. BRILLIANT LIGHT MAKES r FAIR A FAIRY LAND L j .' - - ' Electrical- Superintendent J.- W. Thompson illuminated tha park and the buildings on the west side of the ex position grounda laat night by means of about 10.000 Incandescent tights. The effect was. beautiful and tfaa test.rom technteat atandaoint, entirely aallafao-. tory. Final tests will be made in othor sections of tha grounda each, night of thla and next week, and on Thuraday the whole plaee will be lighted.- It has not been deelded whether vlsltora will be allowed oat&la-ejoaelon. The members of tha Sacalawea. Statue association are struggling heroically to obtain, the amount of their indebtedneaa t 1.000 in order that tha sale of the rights of reproductlonto Senator W. A, Clark of Montana, may not be neoeieary, DonaMons-aro-to be recelved-at W4iliuier "Trelghtof-or tne-HsmbunrAmert ariVClarke A Co-'a. t. 1 taui line, ths owwsrs, will uajeiH, l'e HI; KIDSrTHE CLOWN'S COMING NEXT WEEK The Norrls and Rows greater circus wHi - xniDjr - - juirnoTnn - - Tieia - ixtt fmjykiioajuirat7rxs3fui tha. managera to eliminate everything and anything; in the slightest ' degree Immoral Or Imoollto In the character of their exhibitions has convinced the public generally of the absolute morality of the cireus aa a, place ot-entertain ment. The Norrls and Rows mammoth double - menageries, -. museum, - hippo drome, eongress of trained anlmala and twe-rlng circus are a course of profit end practical instruction. Tha prasenoe of clei'griueu s,l evei y performance, with aeldom an exception, ahow the general and sensible change of consideration for the circua by church people. A Business Man for Councilman. The candidate for nomination at the Republican primaries ior.counc 11 man of the Third ward is George IX Dunning, who haa been-engaged in business end lived inhle- most-4inportantwardfor It y ears. This ward Is. Important on aecountTf ita" political,. bnslnessSnd residential standing, aa every old resi dent of the city knows. Bounded, on the em.fh that Wash Ington . xtreetand , ontJMjorttitiy Everett etreet, you will agree with me that this is a most Important ward. The man- to-represent this ward in the city council should be man of standing, -of -character, of ability-and Integrity. Mr. Dunning haa all the qualifications necessary to make a good councilman. HOaloeara-rage; native of the state of Ohlor and at present is senior member' of the under taking firm of Dunning, McEntee A all- bsugh. . . . , e wAxirs noru of ploods. H. C Frankenfleld. professor of the weather bureau service at Washington, D. C, arrived this morning to familiar ise himself with the rivers in this locality. He keeps data of all the floods that occur in the United States. He will make a trip through all that section of the country lying west of the Rocky mountains. lie will spend about two weeks on the Columbia and Snake rivers, professor Frankenfleld--etated thla morning that it Was possible for the bureau to glrs.very accurate -forecast of the - extent - of the - floods I Ikely - to occur III the various valleys throughout the United States. By keeping the resi dents advised of the situation property to the value of many thousands of dol lata la saved every year from being de- stroyed by floods. .1 ooxoam mxfsoaJui. Flvs minutes after-they boarded the steamer Roanoke, which. was preparing to aati Tor ios Angeles and way porta, last night the members of the Lllll putaln Opera company gave a concert for the benefit of the marina hospital aervlce. It waa an impromptu affair, having been arranged after the "show people'1 got on board, snd -about' 1100 area raised. - Ths Roanoke sarried (I passengers thd Ml .tont -Of, wheat, . 400 aacka sf potatoes and 1 00.000 laths. - ' The steamer Redondo sailed at tha same hour for San Francisco -with 000, 000 feet of lumber, S00 tons of wheal and 100 tons of oats, and ft big passen ger list. . . S?. 0B OTTT TaUB ASTTB VJa. ' ''' ' e VifeJLv.--.. ' e 4 Republican candidate ' !4 for nomination. . 4 JOSEPH W. BEVERlDCie. r ' e . e N 0 Intention on Part of tJnderv wfltera to Sell Staamer ...v 'for Junk. ' ' WORK Of RAISING HER T WILt NOT BE HARD NOW Had Pumps Held Out Half Hour She Would Have Been , . Afloat: .. ; '-t Withln tha nex week the George W, Elder will be on tha drydock at St JobJuuJShevouid 4mva- beenthera to day had not the pumps failed ua at the critical moment when ws attempted to raise her the last time." . . This statement war-made this morn ing by Archibald MaoFarlanav the repre sentative of the underwriters, who for three months has been : bending -syery tntfgy-iO aaxe-the-steamer. Ue aaya there has never been any - intention of abandoning her. The iosgahoremen who had. PMlLdownJfhere were paid off yee terday, : but six mechanics" x sllU- sit the ship. "Everything was praceedlng fin the other day," continued Mr. MacFarlane, "when tlit big centrifugal pump on the main deck failed to draw. Another 18 inch pump- got 'hof,'- and tha discharge pips leading from it broke. . Before they could be fixed tha high tide receded and operations bad to- be discontinued. Mechanics are getting the pumps ia shape, and we- will soon be ' ready to make another attempt to lift tha craft. Had the pumps held Out fey half . ma hour longer the steamer would have been on the drydock yesterday." -There; appears to be a clash, between the underwriters and the owners of the Elder, the lAtter.-lt ia said, desiring that ahe be abandoned. Mo Tar the Harrlman people have been paying the bllla, and a report has it that they have deelded not to stand any-further expense, in the event that they abide by this re ported decision, the underwriters 'Will assvrns full eontroj rot 1 tl : MAYTAKE HER. OFF. BuiBOff That Oriental Unev xrumaatla . Mas Beam Ordered So aVunbuf. - It is said that th feunahlp Numan tie. ha a been -takenoff" the Portland oriental route.; and that aha la bound for Hamburg,-her-nene port, - -- At the.laeal offleo of-the Portland As Asiatle -Steamship company- the-offtoials say they know nothing of thla; One el the efflclals said it was rather atrange that the--company: had not been advised Of. the NumanUa'aaaUlntrom JlQDg' Vong on the return yoyage.- She was scheduled to sail on April II, and had she done so a notice to that effeot would have beqn sent hers. You can Say," said one of tha repre ssntatlvee of tha company, -that If .the Numantla la returning to Hamburg an- to-ke her place. - Four steeoiert were chartered to operate -fromr-Portland-for- a-period or -two yeara, witn a tnree- year option.: and-that-aumber will" be kept oa the route.' Th ramSTMi it that the Portland Aalatla. company hae been unable to so- - ,ir - , fn,i,i,rfw Tf emer off the Numantla. It is said that the officers of ths- steamer, when - last at Portland, confided thla much to friends lust before they left for the .far east. They are quoted as saying that immedi ately after the freight wee discharged FELTED COTTON A NEW MATTRESS Something very superior in piire Snow-Drift Cotton To introduce them we will quote a special low price and give terms $1 Down $1 a Week These goods come in three grades and our line also includes every thing standard :ln. Mattresses Silk Floss and all the others. Same terms on any Mattress. COVELU'S Formerly New York Furrl. Co, . 184-6 Flrat ' A.YOTE FOR Republican candidate for councilman of the Second ward, Is a vote for an hon- " est, competent ma) who believes that a public of' -i&n.- ther representative - L of the people.-'-; Sam Vagner ' , .In New Building on . 26 th Street Ftlcing Main Entrance , and Exit of Lewis C& Clark Fair. . xppl y ': 51 4Chambec of Com merce or 393M 26th Street at the Japanese porta and Hongkong tha staamer would be ordered to Ham burg, , ., : Hmrilr any stsasssee ttat.were bbI loaded t capacity have left here, 'and it 4a said there la no good reason for taking -ewe tjr -tnsro out of oommisslon. In fact it haa been Impossible for them to handle all of the freight, and -exporters have had -to oharter tramp steam era reoently to take oars of the business. . , . ,. .- . . . .1 ; - -' N0RWE8TER BLOWINa") Toledo, seastiiig- tha vfjet sat Into Karshfleld Few Tmel. : LTha JToledOv-bun4tromSan Fran elsoo' to Portland. Jiad.. in pat . Into Marshfleld yesterday to get a supply ofoaiEZnZFteanrleftrJUieTsJast night and .is expected hers toreorrow. It ia probable that ens will- sail for Gray's Harbor Immediately after her arrival. I ,XheTvidolaXttlJaxi!ltx-f.or Portland April It. and consequently has been sbout six days out It le under stood that she has been working her way against afrong head winds. Know ing that they would -likely exhaust their fuel before reaching Portland, it la said the engineers, bad bees using It very sparingly. U the coasters coming north, have been 'arriving from - one to two - days late-thla- aet week. - It Is. said that one et the strongest northwesters of the season has been yagin g. Stock Makes- Mast ea ftsamar OoltunMa . oa Way Oe ForUaad. Two days ago, on board the steamer Columbia, and 1 1 miles southwest of mother laMra. J. Carlson, wife ef a treet"cr conductor of Ban Pranelsoo, I who wag-coming to visit her-mother. nearPuitlawd,- i.iiWAi-eaea pf Nel son. Webrsska. was the attending phrM elan. The passengers presented the mother with" A purse Of ISO. In the steamer's logbook the-following entry ef the Incident waa written I -Born. It miles southwest of Haoeta Tt't, tn Vt I f Wrn r t Wan FranT Cisco, a healthy female child. Dr. W, A. Nelson was ths attending physician." She is said to be the first child ever born on ths steamer, and waa named Columbia.-- ... .. .- , - - ' : -? ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Schooner Mabel Gale has been ordered to load lumber at Portland . for San Pedro, The ntrgo-wiu bs supplied by tne mman-rouisen mill. .. . 1 I M. West arrived from Seattle yes- tsrday to assist In looking out for the Interests of ths Paelflo Coast Steamship company during the Lewis and Clark fair. It la poaatble that ths company will send so occasional steamer here in ths summer from the sound with, slonlsts. . ; Space was angered yesterday for the shipment of 100 more tone of flour to Hongkqjig on the oriental liner Nlco media. due . here-ou-May-ll. Enough frslght to-fllt-the-sUamer-wUl be-ee- cured before her arrival. Ths-steamer ResolutswaaTaken off tha waya thla morning at the Supple '-sWwyardsv In tow of ths Harvest - Queen ths French bark Le Fontaine left up thla morning from Astoria. . Shs ' will moor at ths Centennial dock where. the bal ance of her freight will be discharged Laden with 020.000 feet of lumber the harkentlne smella.w for 8an Francisco, Yesterday-the work of Installing an oil plant tn the steamer -Haaaalo waa completed and. today she is taking liquid fuel, one will shortly be aent on the Astoria run in place of ths T. J, Potter. , Steamer Olenola and barge Klickitat have been chartered by tha Order of Railway Conductors for May . 11 for river excursion. - Captains Edwards snd Fuller have re turned from Lower Klamath lake, where they-inspected - ths - steamer Canby, a new craft belonging to Thomaa Ma Cormlck. - The vessel Wfll ply between Keno and points on the lake. Barkentlne John Smith has been chartered to load lumber at Portland for California port, She Is at Baa Dlege. MARINE NOTES." AstorlaT-Mky1-! Arrived down earlr this morning, steamer Roanoke. i... Left up at l a. m., French bark La Fontaine. , Balled at. T:l a. m. steamer Aoma. for &an Franolsoo and ateamer Redondo for San Francisco,. - " San Francisco. May t. "Arrived, schooner Hugh Hogan, from Columbia nver. , , - AaUrla,. May --Arrlved-dowa at I m., schooner Beulah. San FrenclsW - May - 4. Arrived, schooner Sequela, from Aetorla. . Jtstorla May. A. Condition ef the ear at a..m amootht light west wind; weather cloudy. . ; James Hatt-tkAatawalneii tha WrlMWfc b'srk Dumfriesshire deserted WednesJsy nignt. (japtain rerneaux aaya hs hsd often asked permalslon to leave, stating that hs wanted to 'remain In Portland. ThaT skipper ta confident thahe will not lose any other-7-members -of his crew. Ths Dumfriesshire has sbout 000,000 feet of lumber aboard and will be reedy for- the- see. In -about -these weeke. She- is -under charter-for Mel bourne. res enemies to good health. Burdock Blood Bitters dsstrsys thesa . RORN .ATJBEA: - I , - - - - TWvad-Cl2ZSccaia 1 Willamette Valley. . The mutual telephone : system has pTBTsoT-str successful m ths-tmearef-tn Wlllajaette valley that I.aee nor reason why the people ef Portland -should sot take tha matter up and Install auch 0 system here,' said Jeaae Edwsrds. mayer sf Newberg and tbe father of C J. Kdwarda, founder of ths mutual tele phone line in Oregon. . ' "uoh a system," oontlnued Mr, Ed wards, "would be great benefit, and would result in a great aavlng to the telephone subscribers here. For in stance, hers they pay aa average rental of It a month for city connections alone. In the valley we pay under tn mutual system a rental of 00 cents a month snd receive connections (res ss far south ss Roeeburg. the -southern- end of ths tines, and aa near to Portland as HlHaboro and Tualatin, the present northern terminal Ths line! Is being extended from Tuala tin to Oewego, and we-have hopes of getting into Portland if a franchise should bs granted to ths Home Tele, phone company. Ws have been trying to get ths privilege from :tho 1 Faotno States sompany, but au our overtures have' been unfavorably received. -The- benefits of tha mutual System sre apparent, r Whn prMfn winta tft have -a telephone- placed;- in --his rest dsBceer?tace a( business hs has to pay front lt to Tl8 for ths cost of In stallation, and when this- playment is made the phone and 'the wire become his property. lis is given good service, and if hs wishes a long-dlstanoe connec tion .ha is not charged lor .It. and he a talk to ft friend or a business corre spondent in another city as long' aa hs wants to, and all for 10 centa a month. For ths same privilege hs most pay as much per minute to -the Paelflo States sompany...- ; .t..--"At ths-low rate we are now paying for tha "phone ths companies have mads enough to defray all expenses and even to pay fur the lustaiiatiou or a new Switchboard. ; Our mutual companies have taken ft great deal of buatneaa away Trum tiis-Faeiflo States companyf and if we had- Portland connectloa wt would get au of Ma business." - Preesied took Oasmsd Orooda. - "-Allen s Lewis' Best Be4- - Saturday Special AB)im Quart Berlin Kettle Made of. Royal Steel Ware, A 60c, kettle for ..about half price for 8atTirdayjonly- HenryIennlng -5c-Sons The Complete House furnishers ,173-174-Flrst-S treet-r For lisdlea. Men, Mlssea and Boys. Complete line of Shoes and Oxfords of ths awj" lateet styles frem IPs se" Ql.aS less- in price In corapsrlsoa te -other stores' prices. f Ths newest patterns and make tn Men's snd Youths' Suits, Panta and Hats. Too can save from 11. SO to lt.00. equaling high rent stores' prices. Tou will do well by seeing our stock all through. - JOHN DELLAR ; AT TWO STORES. . Firs and Yamhill and Third and Savla. .' BLaZIBB SKOaV COHCEBT VBHT HIObT, flst-M BCRNSIDB. rarcia b. ooofx tat rvesty-Flve Iwi a Teaseyes ef IHrtUaa, I am In favor of equal rights In eenformlry wtth law, and speirtal rrivL'ee-es thoroughly business bssls, and ths seoupetloa ta ordinance should at ones te r snd welfare sf tha slty. f -ii 11 if it mm This In all sort happily tion.The tempt you -4 L-BOQ SHOW DOQ "SAftnoil May 3rd : Expqsition I Cklllliss l(iiiiiiieililllOriaH ef rSREATEST-KXHIBlT OP iPortiandKennelGlub- DMIBttON """AdulUiiii.IS csats Open Dally From OHehfaf -Now is ths time to buy all kinds sf Japaneee and . Chinese ourios, as ws are- selling- every article at a great reduction in., order to make room for ths arrival of new goods for tha fair, sonelst netsuks purses, eflver dolasonne - vases, satsums. One brown deco rated porcelain tea sets, matting.' toys, ste. " Andrew Kan & Co. SST any seats Aawleaa Seaeet.ef Ostssaatay, KtrkrrUie, Me. SS. wnXIAK 0. FLACK. Oeteeea'lble PbrstHsa. All Caeeale eed et; SMsgtee SMev- EeDsrttoaf Dtsorderrf Perttoee. Wtmeat Dr. B. E. WRIGHT Tbm oomrino Dnwrxaz that relieves all ' pain In dental . opera tions, x i -1 VS Wsahlajrtoa i, sor. aeveaUa. Opposed to Occupation Tax VOTE Spencer if. For Mayor On the Rcpubllc&hTIckCizct the - rlinsry Election-" NaV Pl-ATpOnjt ExeluMlom Children.' Dtpartmint : Bnttn S0cfHd Ftomr Our School Shoes -X Lead Them All store ; is .full of .wonderful , vilues - - and sizes of School Shoes.. aigjfancty you ctnXM'IL-B-glJa pleased, and such splcndid8hoesj r.willrbe quite eager-to-giake-a seleo styleand jpricesr f, alike will ? "ta a" pirrchasetzri '. SjBssaaMBwaWBBmMBSSS - KNIGHT'S ? OPPOSITE PERKINS HOTEL.. tHOWWDOO - SHOW Exhibition of the to May26thu Bldg., 0. imiiTis sOadtted Tree ' HIGH-CLASS DOQS EVER 10 ft. m, t o 10 p, m. HA2QUAM tJallIiSaia: Bes.atcn- ' faterrtsee - TONIOHT. bet. Oth sb Its.) s eu o uixHjn, ' Aatiaat I'lc tares Wsgaer'L Opera. ' . lfie. Walter Bees. Oeotralte,- Win assist. fopMarPnce$ jtnottsr".- , auiOrea, 38e, , flood fsr-jsssrud Mt t say part e I awacs new selling. EMPIRE XSZATSS, ' . 1SU sad sterrtsea. OCaaUIl X1UK.CU Every Day fll - Aa iBStaataseaaa ssresss all tkls week. OaOy Katsiee, t:ls. Sveaiag. I ll .. - Admission 10 Cents PoFerfsl dram feeaaed es real Ufa. - INL IMAUULL IILAICI DAKE1V THEATRE Third aad Yasaail!, Kaatlag Flees, Mgra. Crest Oosndisss la Aeronerte Aet, WAUAOX AJIS BtJBCH. tate Vlth Bama A Bailey ghesra.' TW sad Suk . Wkrln ul UI ' ... aVlrted-ftiieieea MoOoy an4 Knlakfr1- .. Fmaela Wajtm tas WIUm Tse Bakeregimsh - Baker's Oreaestsa Sbewe at 180. T: sad S p. m. Adsusslesi STAlVlTJriXATRItL rarh sad ZiOLa OOTTOV " Fvrcboleste- 11 .reel 4 BS1ST ! BXHt ABO BZrsTAB f LXOVABV BU8BEU, PtnTBAB BOSCOX ABBUCKU TABOSOOFB. GRANELJIliEATIll IOKOAT AJTD S'atKA, - " MB. AITD MBS. BABE. TIB r088EW AMD M'OAWtX .B0BI1T VOBB - UTTLB stUBBBB BAIXaT A'D HATS KB. ALF BOMMEB - OBABmiOOFB i aSBUaskm. 1 10?; re.need Setts. Bos iwta. ase. mini) am mmmv. HAwnroRirB tebbacs FOBTLABO HX1QHIS ...... few eaea. Take Pertlaad B.lfbta car asd grt ' eft St Rawtherne Terraee, ana eloek free) cat llae. Ke elliahlng. Blectrle elavster. Most BMsnlftcent view la Ajaerlea. Sm keasriral effect t et Sewernu sesrrklUkt frea . Oea s s. m. te s. av. ASaUBBIOB IS CXBTB, . ' FOR to nne- T: e-'il tt i -"t t Cooper I 4 t ' 4,-