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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
.. H.- -T THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL," PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 5, 1905.'' Si THERE'S J0 fIRE Ifl ALL THIS SMOKE GUGLIELMO'S LAST LETTER AN D SKETCH iMerrifT-ChargafbuptIon." -and - Bribery- Fail Before, BoysYouthszmfl Children's bounty: Grand Jury. J t- ,- - ' CAN'T SUBSTANTIATE - ig:-Ln -. 1 CS3 t- i. -y j, . i. r -. ; V . ' . .'. " ' 1 R -CL0T1E -r STATEMENTS HE MAD But Allegation of Fraud In Let ting Contracts for City Work " - Seems to Be ProvecLl w-ftt rii(t-lnryTg8ni" leaks tK Information that Councilman Merrill f ailed to "make g ood" tba declaratlona - t corruption-he- made trt ncwspa ,iiin.tvtw and In open session the-olty council. 7 ' Mr. Marrltl had etated that "thla --t the rotteneat council that avar sat r thla cltamber." and, saying this before ''- :hls tallow members of tba legislative - - oooy, he was forthwith subpoenaed and fucnlsb, definite proofs of tha .truth ot me atatemanta. xesterday na an swered tha aubpoena, and waa closeted with tha Jury for several houmDla., rmctrTtowieiCMannlng and. JiULdapuUes refused to discuss tha testimony ZZZMerrllLHowever. from reliable sources '- comes the information that tha ertdenca -. of Merrill was regarded as' absolutely ' inconclusive and conalatad of general! . ties that could jnotbe accepted by any . court. . . . - - - Jt-laundeTstoooT "thatiavn"ai "t o"th epecllic- charge made In- tha council , Wednesday afternoon .-that ... Manager mmmmmm 8 tew of tha Los Angeles telephone' eota- , pany. now asking -a,. franchise In -Port : land, offered him a bribe Merrill's evi- ' "dence was net satisfactory, although ha - stated that-he- waa offered asalstanca . .. from Stow tn hla poUtloai -campaign If -tJ)t.. would support the ordinance for tha rrancnlsev - j , : ; , i-.- - r " Sharrett" Tells mm srtoflK Today Councilman tJ; T. Sherrett was before tha grand Jury to tnake more In detail hla allegations in tha council on w edneaday tha- ha had -bean offered . bribe by gtow.lf ha would rota for tha telephone franchise. It la said that. Merrill having failed tS"!l!S' CTlHYlfCl Tr forrup tion, those whom ha referred to by 1m plication are determined to push charges -agalnat him for alleged violation Vf tha city charter by sending -letters to city - i-mployes asking their " support vt or-his Hwyorauycandldacy. The charter con- r- tains a strict provision for a fine of sri 5.tttt.: J 1.000 or Imprisonment of -from '10 days to two years, or both Una and : Imprisonment, for any offlelal-of tha city 'who offers ft personal advantage to' any mploye of tha city aa an Inducement t -- give ; Tils political aupport. Merrill said to have sent lettora to aaambera of the fire and nnllce Amniftmmntm tstng that, if elected, ha would worK for - an Increase In their salaries. Tha-mat ter haa been laid befora the district at .... torney and will Da Inquired into. - ' - ' Ooleaiaa's Oaa Meajrd. .Todajr the investigation-Inter alleged ...Wr ooiruptlon. waa for a tlma laid Ida that tha"rcisa aialriet J XlColu- Hat tharcaiie for tha murder of Kdna. Hoffman might -be -taken . up. Jailer Qraiton.1 lput.ywBheHff. powney and. other wlt neases .were before tha Jury.. There, la little doubt that a true bill will be re , turned ' agalnat Coleman, and tha pctatlon la thst It will ba handed to TrTneTflm-t "lainorro'w.-tJf " miftwrs hsv4 progressed auffloltntly to permit a re llj fust ntment. -TT Probing 1to tha Marquam gulch Front street scsndsl has not yet been completed... Information waa laid before the district attorney, which was offered for presentation to tha strand Jury,-that 3. J. Maney received 15.000 from tha Pacific Construction company of Call' f oi'iila to Indues hint to nste tha with"-1 drawal of hla 151.000 bid and IS.I00 certificate of deposit and that a certain lawyer-could testify that he knew of tha .orreumstanca.L.Tha . story- lsrthat - the lawyer. learning that there waa such manipulation-of city contracta as ha could not conscientiously ba a pasty to, refuaed longer to serve as Maneys at torney, and another attorney waa em -ployed. 1 ' It Is regarded" an establlsTiM fact thit enough has been davrloped to war. rant a atrong presentation by tha grand Jury that tha taxpayera and property -ownsra have been robbed by -the 'manip ulation of contracta and tha olty work -in-- general. Facta have bean - brought -nut-that city officials hara aiertad then influence to favor certain contractors and it may ba clearly proven that soma officials wsra Interested aa allent part nara In aoma of the oontractlnr flrmi I " Trwif 'thamn "Wl iir6arTmInarinfor- - matlons should ba filed, the Jnry, It la claimed will ba Justified In reporting . gross lrregularltiea In the present ad- alnUtrauon,.and that tnara, baa been utter disregard for tha rights of the taxpayers and properly owners, making tha city work cost vastly more than it would have coat, had ordinary bualness principles been applied. -- - htUm ooaroxwa ujrTrjrcM. (BmeUl Dlspetck to The JoaraaLt . .. Foreat Orove, Or., May Rav. Ralph' . Qtllam. the noted evangelist from Mas- jachusetts , has been holding a series of meetings In the Congregational church v" here. Ha haa made a- good impression on the people -and haa had many con versions. .Sunday eyehlng- will con clude tha series. wov&a BBXsaaOABQimrzs. (Jesraal gpedal Bervtee.) . .Waahfngton, May . Tha Southern ractfl has mad" appitcatioti -forrtha right to bridge Carqulnes strait, con necting -Sulsan and San Pabh, which "has been adversely reported by tha war ' department. Secretary Taft haa taken tha matter Under advisement . The Kidneys -Whca thsy treveaka-tor-- pid, or ttagncnt, the whola system rafters. Don't nejr- ' lect tbeia et this time, but v heed tea vrsxvhig of tha achlns lack, tha bloated i face, tha callow complexion, . the urinary disorder, and begin treatintstatonca with . which ccsttlm tha best end T Jscfest curctiva titcnces. For tastimorOalt of ramarksU cum Sa4 for Book on KWnwyt, No. ft. C L l'.9o4 Co, Lctr3, ri3. Dmwlngfide by Frank Gugllelmo Few Hour. Before Hla Deathanol Sent to Joe - Morak: Oa the J3ay of thTMnrder7 Gugllelmo Explained tlTat HeBeganXrinking BeeTr-Than-a Bottle -Whlslryt-Her'Then Took Some Flowers to His Sweetheart, But She Spurned Hlm and He.ShotHer, L One of tba , last letters written by Gugllelmo was to hla. friend, Joe Horak, of this clty.-'MorakTiad been a "close frlend-Of-Gagllalrao'a for a number of years. . After tha auprema court bad decided that Gugllelmo - must hang, Morak tried to have Governor Chamber lain, commute--thaaentanca. to Ufa lm prisonmentrf hla-fef used,-More k wired the Italian .ambassador at' Washington asking blm to try to- have the sentence reduced. Receiving no word from the embassy, he asked tha governor for a stay of execution In order that ha might appeal to tha Ung- r t'y. r'- quests were in vain. and told-me about , It, and I found tha girl at his house. , Because I. did not know the -gtrlIwaa pretty near aay ing "No." but ha began to ' coax me anornhallyl aald "Tea." And now all these . troubles ara-upon ma. I hope God will pay them that caused, me" to f dia ao-TounrKowr-irbr oT"you Tike a brother to do what you can- for vne. If Oarasalo had objected ie- first place I would not have been where I am today. After ' he agreed' to- let rqe pay-attention to Tila daughter, he had tha assurance to come to ma and"ank me for a house and lot. When I re fused, be changed h'n'jin"' rf"'ybnc:a(r:notbellava ma you can,ak Giovanni .VancL-- r After fr ffhar ferheile nia ttin-t houae I should have gone my way. but A few days before Cha. hanging," Gug. llalnsa wade 'Merak hla ximlwlotratoe Ha also asked Morak to take charge of hla body after -death, and requested that brass band, of 13 pieces play at hla funeral, that his .body ba placed In a nice, casket , and burted-Jn-thla-eity-aldathat of hla father, :z Gsigllelnio's last lettert- accompanied li a curious drawlng.-a-aa follows galsra. . Or. May 1. . 1 9 0 6 D!vp ana "true ..friend, who Is the OhT? on. I have In this worldi L vdlt write to yu.-wlUv-taa-taars .In my oyea-l-4et: you know that I am in this condition on' account of "Sebaatlano Pos' th -causa -of my-death because he im- po"Wd on ma for not-marrying Teresa JschettaTTha offeredTBe" 1900 and"alt her property in my name, and I for listening to hlra did not consent, and new I am In -ttila-position. I wish God bad struck me dead on tha day t Went to hla house. -Tha old aaying is thatJ WlllSftWerdTTTiar'no1 tudrment you will always, be 1n trouble. After that I sent lor a gtrrs Tnoio- rraoh-in Italy-nd when-5L rcelv4 1t ha told ma not to marry thls- gtrt-be- cans- aha ' was a " II ttla " too old. for m and that she was - not good - enough. Afterwarda ha went to Oarasclo'a house and asked f9T hi daughtf 4tt my name without my knowledge, and they were ti.fid Aftrr they ggretd he tann I waa craiy over, tha girl and waa weary to . live' In this "world " without her and without any of my family, for I have neither brother sister nof anyn 4 body -alaa f-wtit-aitnta; a man should.- Furthermore, I. blame George J. Cameron, more than- anybody: elsa for mjt conviction- becauao he -made ma tie up. all my property- and I couldn't get a cent. -- If H tiadnt tem "that ha - went to Garaaclo nd advised htm- to bring a- suit1 for damages agalnat ma Garaa elo wouldJlotJiaVe.'lh6ught3f bringing t-agalnet m Uowr I ' bar. mothln iTTnora 16 : Bay. I-Wlll rcbmmen4..ta.youE-rarartBjE- brother; Rugent& Jlelp him- all -you can and telhln) not. ta have Ideaa Ilka TO"fr - - But this way God. m-tmted,- and thla way' I took and I am going on His wnnA Wttl. ' Vow. with (mm tn m V (TTtfSeOTrvfflTeyeKTjI Mfwnyour my regards with my hearf-so sora ana -aimoaat my Maar breath.'" I bus- tou for, tha last time, and Kugenio also, and pray that God wilt " give "'you- both" betteT-TtuchTrban fHe did me. and In the other World I am waiting for you.AgaTH I send you my last regards, and I sign myself your truly- and -"owfortuwata caewt, FRANK GUGI.IELMO.T i c 1 Gondii; e. BUTTE DECLARED - WORST ' OF- CITIES Evangelist Biederwolf Scathingly Arraigns Montana City as Be ing Hell Itself.- - MAMMOTH CRUSADE IN - RED LIGHT DISTRICT Mining Metropolis Flailed as Be ing a Veritable Cesspoolof Sin and Vice. (gpeclsl Dispatch te Ths JoaraaL) cle waa presented in thla city last night S.O0O - man, women, noya ana girts through -the -red light district of Butte. Rev. Charles "Bovard of Mountain View Methodist church, ona of tha moat .fash ionable churchea In the city, led the Christian hosts under the direction of Evangelist Blederwolf and the Salva tion Army band. Singing "Where Is My wandering Boy Tonight," tha rellgloua army In vaded tha innermost crib-lined alleys of the proscribed district, the concourse topping -where sin ' seamed tha moat rampant. ' - Unfortunate denlsena or the tender loin, "generally speaking, riewed tha novel proceedings with ' amasement, though In soma Instances fallen women were so affected tnat tney criea ana subbed. At the revive meetlngr following the march. Evangelist Blederwolf scath ingly arraigned Butte, declaring the very name or Btrtte waa a atencn. in tne nostrils of -people - elae where. , Some clttoar he-' said might- be at tha gates of hell but Butte was hell Itself, tha worst city he had ever-vlaited. URY FREES DICKENS FROM MURDER CHARGE ESE ATTACK EXCLUSION LAWS Celestl al M inisterOrganlzes Movement to Declare Stat ' utes Unconstitutional. DEPORTED ORIENTALS DEMAND HEAVY DAMACES TO 4- Re united States May Be Called "Upon to Pay Many Thousands J to Rejected Emigrants. - jo-xomptete-a thts-'freat jrlotWng louse not thoroughly satisfied with the price you paid or.thc clpiheou-rxmghtrThemost inexpen- fve woof juit hegiris if $3:iradJie finest nds:aL5. Imagine the frundfeaa-Of qualities between .. -irthosc prices, - ,. Pits wmi - 'u t i Boys of 2 46 8-Ycars Wear the famou$?Buster Browa and. pop.uIat. Sailor Sjjjt . J-aitjerent custer- crown models at ' : Boys pL 84o 16 Years. ,Vear the Norfolks and Double Breasted Suits almost tirely-Sple n didTqual j t i n a t """ " '. $2.15, $2.85. $3.35. $4r?5, $6.50 $7.50 to $15 Yovlhs:of:14-toF2hYcars.7 to 1 :u' 1 , ..' ... 't.-:;-::-, Wearrrjore err lf?ss ihg-pxtremg f aahiqnT: FtTnTT-ghrirff j 3 t-yare: tnJrtfTt3A-Wenfw-fennra inr-4iuj-y todaywe present models that natailor in Portland can eyen '- produce. That's saying a lot, isn't . it ?-Some people saiy . they are loM even so that's what most young men want. txtreme fashions ' IS750 to $25.01 AlvaysttteBcst and fttsh- gst Selections ol Boys' Fur nhhtnBsl- HaU and - Copi in a DepartirKiCbfcelO The; Oreateir Clothing-House ia the Northwest instituted a movement that may enet the axernmentmany tbouwafiasjjrC dollars 6n account of the Chines, exclusion laWS. Which Pit fllllim nmmm Kt iTififlava In.aJHi The a.talatai has sent out 'a circular note te thousands Chines, throtirhout tha country, aaklna; for Information concern In a refusals of admission to the United Stataa, and erl- daaoe eoaoarntns; d epo rtaT tlo n a. Ha also wanta est 1m a tad the damaa-aa- eaatalnad- by th. Chinese who are affected by ac tlona ot-t United BtaUa aovernment ufflulala The great Cliliiese sucletlaa of all claims wllllie -pushed. It la not the I Intuition to- hare-th. jaae brought "to trial for fully av yeai', Tl la undarv th. . oountry are behind the movement also. -. - ... A teat oa vrTil be made, end, 1f-the eourta decide the law unonnstltutional. stood aTaomhr of., lawyers of repute who have been approached have reached the conclusion that on some points, the law wilt not stand tha test In- th. courts. The claims will be those only ot Chinese who have bean-excluded since the ex- piratlen -of - the treaty lai It the plaa succeeds the exclui to ay Da overthrown, j A little life may be sacrificed to a' sudden attack of croup, if vou don't ' have Dr. Thomas' Sqlectrlo Oil on hand for tha emerency. (Xeanal BpeeUl Sarviaa.) y The odd apta j Waahlnyton, D. C, May l-8lr Chan- tuna; L4anc Cheng, Chlneaa minister, has aiaaaeealaaeaeeaeei HAT ayer of Daughter's Seducer. Is Exhonerated for Shooting (Jeoraal Sveclal Servie..! . McMlnnvUla, Or May B. After W log eat for houra and 4-mlnut.s tha jury In the case of John T. Dtokene.-.-cf Sheridan. Oregon, charged with the mur der of Marvin I Potter, November 14, 4804. rendered a terdlct of not geiltyv The trial has-lasted three, days and two night sessions were held.' Tha evi dence ahowed that . Potter had seduced the It-year-old daughter -.of Dickens. Potter agreed to marry, her when aha became . 1 yeara ld but broke hla promt, not tsee her meantime. When tha men met and the, shooting occurred rotr waa abusive and threatening and made a motion aa if to draw a revolver, waea Dlck.oe shot bia dewa. R.ACKS . Big stock just received, in nickel and xnddized cop 1 per. They are new and ar il tistic, and the price is front 75cta$8.00 "They; belong . in every home . and J office. .Special 1 Stand combined. THE X K. GILLC0J Booksellers and- ; , , Sutioners THIRD AND AtDKR Crtat Things at Little Prices Kfvvvvm J Jk. Jk. e IX JV It IX IX IX JZJJ " I . rzs CandifJate for" Nomination: of CottncHmanat Lar The Man With a Courage of His OWN CONVICTION! PLATFORM Two Mill Tax for Payment of Bridges TiJEquitabk of Street Fills I ' ; Two -Telephones " Xompletion on Ali.PublicjContrai Do you knowjthat if the telephone franchise is passed, there will be a $3,000,000 Job ior the workingmen to. fierform Immediately? The work at the fair grounds j almost completed. What are we to do with our surplus labor? tell them to loaf on the streets or give-mem empioymcntf mssV , v- -- - t: ' r i- ; V w , - I " V '".-'iV,- V I ' : Workingmen 1 Union Men 4 - ;.; : aiK mm ,Tv-f-..-.ft-'