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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, : FRIDAY; EVENING- MAY 8. 1SC3. Y0tf IAN TIAKES THIEF .1 - . Z pwata. EhcounterJon Streets With Burly N egro. - AT THE USUAL TIME i'" ..rni- t ssx! Mm-u..Ju-n-.--- - ? ... ii .... m... , - - y : UeSted States - Moeev IVE UP. HER PURSE r&zi J ; -1 1 r. 4- i l , -a - i . ' v v i 4- - N r. r - ... . . .. -4 StiH wearing heavy, winter iootwear, which is. dc-y. ' 'cidedlv uncomfortable? -Perhaps among your pres- T"entTieedsa "pairoMightweightTattrOxf ords-that will be ui; accordance with your new spring f uiu . -You'll aeree there's nothing more unbecoming to a -" well "dressed mair thairirpair of shabby shoes,-xlonV-r" b. guilty L when suchstylish Oxforcsswith trachea i , , . ji.i i i ....... gu? ana aasn. wnicn u aintincwvciy ours, can pq nag j ... jat the nominal sum of .... j i nsliissi i i 1 i .. . liglll ' These shoes, whose superiority cannot be denlecVll sxe"rccomIxed is it standajd--don't make a rnis-- ;' take. by not seeing them. - .. - . x -'Among out better, grades we have the Nettleton $5.00 and $6.00 . Shoes - iwh1cty6urlnhoffi ctty-Light-Weight-Hosiery-1 1 at Popular Prices VanduynWalfon1 JDeftlcrs Only in Men's Shoes Victim Shakes the Colored Thief ; Until H " Drops Her J . ; , : ', i. ,. -' . Valuables. .'. A- XMmm ll.u 0.-.i miert. lima .ft the Cosmos. Fourth ana Morrison ttntti. was walkina -along " Yamhill treetslast night -m -tunrnBTO snatched her nurse, containing about It. Ths woman cave chase, overtook the thief, seised him by the coat, ana yeuea lustily tor the police. ; . The necro tried to release niranu, hut aha chin to him Aft.r a number of desperate attempts to me m the negro dropped me purse, sir Sohwarts released hlnvmnd "ho flodj ee papinf two policemen who were hasten- 10 GENTS . , ONE DIME 10 DIMES:!. . ONE DOLLAR 10 DOLLARS ONE SUIT Inn4 A that SIfsnal. llfoll-bussers" is the polio term xor .h in' Durses. and the cltjr 1 gald to be overran with them. Mrs. Mary jonnson, eve r iri eirvei. First and Hall streets later In the night. Her puree, containing a goio waion ua a number of articles of Jewelry." wa snatched by a Woyrahe aays. - . ' ; MANUFACTURING PLANTS lUBt Buiui ntnt -W. T. Hof las eVCevt manofjusturers Of iron and steel products, of Beattle. will operate a mammoth plant In this city. A block of gr""d at Nineteenth Vtuihn streets Is being clearea prsparatui y to the erecttonof the poo asarv buildings.- - - r " Vr llnflua and C. T. Tallon ,f -4hO SeatUe firm are In the city complet ing arrascemecta. The latter wtlL hT charge of the Portland plant The Hoflua people make .specialty of railroad and logging camp supplies. Besides the big warehouses to be es .hiiah4 In -Portland, ther will carry ft SIOCK worm fivw,vuv mint M rrm Bit aa a dleljlbutlng point for the east and south Pacific tsrrltory. Ths snrsll; er railroad articles, such' as frogs and switches will' be manufactured here. while the bis products, sucn as gear locomotives and steam - shovels, will in sretytrdtsirlbuted from hers. Something like i.eoo tons oc material Is en route to Portland and should ar rive within, a- few days. The first of the warehouses, ICJs expected.', trill, be opened by June 1, - For some time the firm ha - had an - ff lee In. Portland, and Mr. Hoflus has become enttrastasttc over the- advantages- of this -city, as shown In the large number of orders reoelretty-hlr noTiss-fronr nersTT- , 0 CTTT TMMAMVm. I I Sit:, V M M I 11 .tf n i y . i f if f y 1 V V-.. i.-, , i r ' l. ' ' ' 1 1 I -----'- fT---J------r"-rf n:-:,-4--v -gi'-- I f i v. . ... i ... iifi. : u , 11 1 ZiaahatSuitqualcrthir-FIFTEEN pbints-k;ith better still - Given Away with Purchases ol ive Dollars or PjgMgjrrOo WHEN YOU SEf IT IN OUR AD irS SO IlIAND - VIA. ' IJli. . -t AT SI ' ... W I lr X- .- r J J , , 1 1 ; I : - I I "X. - . ...... . AV m W .. .. ..,.. v. v.;.-r-.., - , It ' " - i - . - IT-? 4Tir . IK -. - . . - -1 -1. ';r. , 1 1 -J . -. ----- -TTJ -7v" J -V f ' " - ' - a ' t A t k , 1 ' . y . l ,- ' r ' "" " X : '-. ' ....... '..Vv X'Z-r- - '" - - ........ i 0a.Z w .. ,.. - - -. T1. .,.,1- .... j i . . - 4 ' 1 i r,, i rf, , . -;- ; . . Read This : Clipping "When we started In on this cam paign we stated that we -would deal solelywith; ther facts nd-that- there would - be- no mudsllnging, and this promlso rthfna-nas-beenf rulfllled. I have no quarrel with any of the candi dates running for the mayoralty, but lately there have bem Ihlnfrs eald re- rratntriur position wliluli r 'thinitrO- quire an answf r. It has been said that :! gvasiv.B anancmaiHrafraitg: trying to evade certain questions. I 'un derstand It has been said: He has re aaed e asy thst ha wUl enforee the 4 o'clock saloon ordinance. I believe that you who have heard me . In ths past three weeks will say that I have been very definite on that tubjeet - But I wUl say again that If I era elected mayor, and so long ks the ordinances, direct It the saloons of Portland will be closed at 1 o'clock every morning, and this applies to thejlr ones as well as the small. , There are ten command ments, and one of them -aays: Thou ahalt not lie.' , In explaining my plat form I have . this commandment In -mind,! From -the Oregonlan, May 8, "'OS.7 BORN : ON A FARM ; IN ; NEW .YORK STATE-44 -YEARS AGO lGERMAN-PARF.NTS.! ,' ' LEARNED THE CARPENTER'S TRADE. ' . - .. . j'. f-AMP! TO gj TYEARSSGOT" EVEN-YEAR! EHRMAN CO. i SIX YEARS WITH BELL & CO. (PARTNER.) W. B. GLAFKE & CO., FOUND ED 7 YEARS AGO! ; W. B. GLAFKE' &' CO WALLA AVALXAFOUNDED' i4 YEARS AGO. -. . Glafke Will Be Mayor the People ! He Has Taken the People' Into His " " Confidence ! . HE HAS BEEN "AB S O t UTEL. Y.7" FRANK! HE IS BIG ENOUGH lZ HE IS YOUNG ENOUGH ! HE; IS OLDWOUGH ! " HE IS HONEST! Mark Your A Basinets Proclamatloii That Interests the Labor t fag . Man flSWell as the Merchant. The Banker as Well as the Broker. - r" lf I' am nominated and elected, I will during my term Of Office" Dledfffi mvSelf to vivetO'thi' rihr nf Prt1an " Clean business administration, or what is termed the Roose velt plan, 'fear or favor to none! jostice to alL' 7' fS : Th laws jertainins; to gambling and other vices, as ' . weu u uuicr iwm, win dc cniorceo. i . v. The police department; will be compelled to enforce all ordinances. Fire and street departments will be made as' efficient as possible. . ... ........ ( j. - "I wijl not pledge myself to any faction or set of In-" J - dividuals.-This leaves me free to carry Tout "a policy thatT will, be for. the best interests of all ' : . InfiKg-SIUS AN ADMINISTRATION CONDUCTED ON BUSINESSJPBIrJCiPLE.yl OPERATED IN THE MOST ECONOMICAL' MANNER CONSISTENT WITH EFFICIENT POLICE SERVICE,' CLEAN, -WELL PAVED . STREETS. "EVERY EFFORT. WILL : BE ; EXPENDED TO SERVE THE LABORING MAN, THE BANKER, THE BROKER, THE BUSI- ' NESS MAN WITH . THE UTMOST CONSIDERATION. ' . t IT MEANS ; AN HONEST.: SYSTEMATIC -ADMINISTRATIONdF THE CITY'S AFFAIRS A MUNICIPALITY PROPERLY MANAGED BY. AN EMPLOYE FULLY CONVERSANTJVVITH ALlTHEl METHODS AND MANNERS OF A TWENTIETH. CENTURY BUSI- NESSJIOUJ M eans Full Value for Every Ddllar openr ii ii v -- . nz .jcz: 1 , y v- i -