The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 18

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.. .. ;-:
, ": beared at the
a j MUW. Or..
Iff trenaportaj).
Peerage for single roplaa: For ae S. IS ae 1
CI paper, 1 eC 14 M M, 8 eMta;
vex casta. -
...Mals A94
,Vreelan4-Bengamlu Special Advertieiag
-- 100 MaaaBiTaa-Ml, Itow Xorh Tribune BaUd-
tug. Chlca,
.' ... avBscrTioB bates. - -' -
'i '-..I". Taesaa hv Carrier,
"-The Deity Journal. WltoBundsyr. Fav...K-S8
The Deny Jmul. year... n
Tbe Kelly J our Ml, wlUi tiirnday, moota. IT!
. The Dally Journal, S montha. ...... a-""
lha Illr Journal, wun ounomj, a ------
, Tha IeUy Journal, men the.
The Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1
' n tuny, ar . wees, ueuvi
excepted, .........
. - Term ay
, The Dally Journal, with Son day, 1 yar...r.
'v- Tha. Dally Journal, 1 year. ..... ?V
- Tha Dally Journal, will Sunday. months. 8.7
Tha Pally JauxnaL-g-BiMathe, 1 1 1 J-7"?
911a Dally Journal, wluh Sunday, aaontha. l.K)
' ' Tha Ially Journal, I aaontba...,..........0
' . S The Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 mouth.. .
i:i . - 7 Tha Dally Journal, 1 Bonth .
Tha Sunday Journal, 1 yar..;..,........AOO
try' Tha Sunday Journal. 6 months... .r-fcOB
Tha Banl-Waakiy Journal, to 13 pages
i each, laana, Illustrated, fall market ,1-..-
-port, 1 year..,... ...... ...,-81-oe
-.-: Hemlttoaees should ha mad. by draft..' postal
. .. ... nsui. axnree ordara and email amouata are
vv ., P. O. Bos tSl, Portland, Or.- -.
fnllowlna Blaraa:
B01HS, IDAHO H. Sallar aV Ca.
lutyra. ,
CHICAUO .ifwhitflt Hfwa: tumpany, ITS Oaaav
bora aliaat. "
D1CNVKH, OOLO. Kanrl( Jaeav.- Urlawary
-aoaaaaarr SIS VarentMnth auaat; J. Blaca,
Rlxtanth and Cnxtla atraats.
lM'NSminB, CAIaJ. Mrtarralla. - '
JllNBtT,' AI.A8KA Poatofttca Book ator.
-i KANSAS CITI Vaaw Now Mawa oompaay. -
, Ix8 ANGKLJt B. r. Oardnar,. Soarh
Sarins awt OUtar ' h Hahiaa. Z aWuta
SpHnf ttraat. X
, . i MINNKAPOUS U. 7. Kinnaof b, I SoaU
Third atraat. . .
; NEW rpMK CITT Braatana'a, JTAlaa aqaara,
, flflDJs Ofdra Newa company,
J- OMAHi MllUrS Hotel Nawa ltaa: VagatOl
' stationary company. 1808 rarnum atraat.
AfT LAKH crfr fcrnyon Hotel Kewa attaS;
I ' ' Barrow Braa.. 4 Waat Saeond atraat, aontb.
-Vr T.-LOOIS ramp BoadfT, did Lacaat atraat
? -K.' rr. Jatt, MNJ 6Ura atraat.
AN FBANtlacO W. SV Aroinfc Patae HoUl
-rraack) hotal; roatrr Oraar, rarry bulld-
t lot; N. Whaatley, moraabla nawa aland, cue
- aar tiarkat and Kearnay atraats.
. SKATTUB-Halnlar Grand Maw ataad; CaftafB
Nrwa company.
SPOKANE, AlR.-oha W. Crahaat aV as
TACOatA. - W ABH Oantrai aw caaataayj
-r- - Hotal Taooma Nawa atand. .. . .. . .
VICTORIA, B. 0. VlctorH BooJt. SUtteBrtJ
f Ainpi ft y, '
- With tha axeapUon of Uht abowara akmr tba
.. nartbara aoaat at Waahlnaua, a ad la aeatbara
Idaho m rain af eonaaqaanca baa oenirrad In
" ' tha aorth faclBa itatea durln tha last 9 bonrs.
Uj-ht to aaodrrataly baavy rafair ars raportad
In tha lllsajailppt. nppar bthwMari and Ohio Tal
r fe 4ya, aieac tba lakaa and oa tba aalddla Atlantta
roaat. Rain has alao falbn ,1a aeatbara Utah
- and BortharB. Arlaona.
: It la oaldat thla. awnln Is irnnaaotav Vhv
- mill, Iowa, luinola and lowar Mlchlfaa; alae-
whra la tba United Stataa tha chances la
- - -rj-ijtatnaarltara have been eltaht. j
Tha Inrtioatlous aia tot partly eloody wfathtl
, .i jn - jkfj' diatrlct" aicapt" along lha north aoaatl
j M or -ift aaniBstoa. .wnera answers wi araoaoty
coaOiroa. Maht front U probtbla In axtrems
i aaaiera uretoa and aoatnara loana iaas"
lnf tea bids., cor, 'earth and Waablngtoa its.
& " 't -' . BrtTHa. . , ; '
v HrSRET-ArrO T. to Mr. and Mrs. Ckarlaa
a -t i Haaaay Curkamas street, a son.
- OOUD April S. to Mr., and Mrs. Charles W.
' ' v Good, bid rifth atraeV a dangbtar.-
, emr? April iid. ts Mr. and Mra. Cbarlat V.
Stnpy, 124 Stanton atraat, a son.
WOODWAB& April X to Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Woodward. Thd Froot atraat. a dauxhtar.
-' DONNELLY April 13. to Mr. and Mra. AOaa
- . ' (ar1 E. Brown, 60, and Adrla Da Oaaa,
- j - '-
, . ' , Harry' Wt Blabar, T, aad Mary at. Baaa.
W. IAiob.11, o Baeood street, a soa.
t UTERS May 4. Boala Mycra. Sal Bast tlf
tamtb atraat, antaalas.
: - - (BIBBS May a, Ualaa Ulbba, TRS lrrLnf street,
CHASbMay 4. Athol Cbaaa. Bl Horth Twelfth
BWKIgIbT May 4.' orV(U Bwalart.10l
Ttmrmaa atraat, diphtheria. ' -ORATTON
May 4. Lor II. and Robert Orattca,
. 2M rramoat street, diphtheria. , .
- rwaterlaat ea -Orawoe Clry -ay J
- ' Mlwood; Dodarn. artmtlfV. complete, Cbaraas
t" -.Adults, Ubi chlldraa. fa VUltoca (a, a,
' to p. . Portlaad Cranutloa aaaoelatloa,
l artlsad, Orasoa.
- -Ttra EdwarsT 'Hoi ma a rndartaklnf fOBrpaBy.
faaaral dlreetore aad aaabalaiara. SX Third
street. Phone 607. . . .
. J. f. Ftaley A ""a., funeral director aad
, amhaloera, . oorner Third and Madlaon atreeta.
. Office of aoaaty coroner. Telephone Mala a.
" 11 fanaiai airaauii aud eul rteaart a sparlalt
at Roe CUy Oreanhoaaa, Twenty aacoad and
Eaat Morrlaoa, spa. cemetery,
" " ' BtAL UTATB TaVaJllrEXat. ":
t. rharpaatlar aad wife ts 0. B. -Kay.
ear. lot T. block B. rirst Street terrace. -
and other property -.-... f
Portland Lone rlr Cemetery company to
J. Uaraoa at aL. lot 174, block So, Port-
4 land Lone rir cemetery l...
7. O. Aloa worth, troatae. at aL, to B. J.
Blaalar-wt aL, lot I. block 1. city ...
W. C. Aylswortb at al., te NadU Land '
conqiany. lot 9, block 6b, Bel) wood .,
7. E. Boott and wife to C. M. Thnratoa,
lota 4 and I. block 101. Carntlter' ad-
Title Onarantae A Truat company te T.
, M. Mead, lota S-ll, lacloalTa, block 9,
1 Meae Wood -
. 40
J. A. HlHln to O. Lladatrom, lot IS,
block 1. Klnsel Park 100
J. A. Clrmroeoa and wife to E. B. All' ;
; Biea, parrel land BOxdU fort healnnlna -. -
aootbweet corner vt avt IfilocAJU-
Mannlna a. asdlttoarTT . .
S'illUm M. Ladd at al. to Cbarlea M.
Meredith, south H of aouteast 4 f
' ' block 7. Klnfs addltloa 1000
. VI. M. iireaory aad wife to W. MV Ladd
at al., eoutb tt of soatbaaat , block ' ' '
7. klnc'a addition r. I
J. R. Eullman and huahand n J. Hoo, lot 3, block 34, Tlbhettf addl-
. tU.a .... ..... ... L.S00
.H. O. Ofdea and wife te A. M. Ocdan, ,
' 90 acrca hcalnnlot noribweat encner of
; northeast 14 al aecuoa al, towaahip 1
'' north, range 4 eaat
t. K. Hlnaa to ft. I. EaJterbrook, lot IS,
btock 1"S, Ballwood
' -. - Mr- I'liaaiiaer and wlfl td U. W.
Prleet. let 8. bkvk T. Willlami Arcnne
addltloa, a&d other property
C. W. Baa to C. W. Dlckmaar-lot 8,
--V block 1H. Uaeola Park asn
it. W. Oeaton to William M. Ranpacb, .
" parcel lead beginning aoatbwaat corner
lot IX Waatoa tract ....... .......
.. Sheriff to W. H. Lash, lota 1.1 S, 10. -.
11 and 11 block 1. Albion Haltbta, and
other pmDertr ......
" ' l
Thome, Mill to W. .. HlU, lota I and 1
bh'h 2.IT. elty -.iv-.i.. ........... .t..
A. S. Kills and wife ts J. H. Kelnhart.
Iota S and a. block tVWiUlaaie Aaenne--
additioa ' d.000
B. J. Monaey end Hfe b M. Wax and
wife, eeat 4 feet kU 8,'T and 8,"
.. black la. ty d.000
0. H. Hlatt and wife to O. Andrews,
t"t T7, Mnct a, rarnetiter's addltloa... ' 100
J. )r,y to o. R. HUtW ht 27, bloc 8, '
r .pt.ln e addlltoa c .S-. 1
If. t . Birattoa aad wife to Oiarlee W.
I -orne Hoe, , part lot 4, block 8, Jobaeoa '
' taVdlltoa .......... -. 11M4
tf pnl NTS May 4. P. B. Brunar. aland, t'pabw
and 1 wetitr-rmirlb atraeta; coat. ano.
BlATOa Mar. 4, I, i, Btatoa. eotUf. Trent
' mi . . , -r . . . . . - , - ......
; Open Evenings 3(jandBurnside
Oar GREAT MAY; SALE will Start , on ItsTSccond
With positively the greatest bargains in Men's Fine Wearing Apparel ever offered ."TThere's a reason
for this the reason we' are making such heavy reductions at the very opening of the season Is be
cause we are OVERSTOCKED In every department. : Read the prices and see the goods. Every
- article'exactly" as advertised ' . :r.Trr-?'t-:-; ' -. , . ; . "
0 ' fTTine, Wtaot Is
Hixaa timaa aa bsarr aa
. 1 ahoaia bs at thla ssav
aoa of tha waar that's
tha prlaolpal . eavnaa of
Summer Shoes. and
's Zorraot Bhapa Bhoas,-onr pe-
olal tmda-mark high srada In arary
t aansa of ? tha : word tha famous
2 "Burro - jap' colt patent leathara.
tsni, vtriy ntrrTTl'iiFI-TTi-rit " In
buttoB, laca and . Oxford atjrlaisw
( bench-mada .' shoea all tha new
. styles, from pointed kits ' to tha
broad frealt lasts, . i
$00shoesrorAAjnj V.
'; Oxford.Speciti
Btea'a B4UW Baxt rmokaxd Oxforta,
patent .colt... .leathers "Eomet
. Bhapea" amons them In different
- laats-take Advntae of this' A-
1 yance special.. In low alioea later
they wllt-oost you tna tftKa-iT-k
lar price, which la 1 00.. ...$1.95
Trien't Sheer at$ 175
The Shoe Section bss strons claims
upon the attention of jnea tomor.
aTowv There's a clearanoe ef about
'400 paJra -of -hlsttrade footwear.
!7 hlKb or . low cut. thoroushly de
pendable ' quality, buC- broken - 1b
J si es. The leathers are patent, colt
snd kid an3 aiso, boi cnlf, EVery
pair Goodyear sewed. If ye ean
find your else there'a rr-
sreat aa vines t ............ f 1.T5
aVt U0 we show some exceptlonaJlyi
' flneOx fords and" High Shoes Jtoc
"Men. Orer 10 different styles In
Z. pttent cnlt and - kid. .tan, valour
. and Bun-metaJaJf, In Blucher ot.
plain lace effects, with military
"heels.-- Atrtal pa1r--trf-theaa- eivf-l
-- eeptlonal values -wil-sJaejroA.
permajicni uii
.88.80 padHiiini '.
To tha BoysA clearance of Reliable
i- o"wa, la vrvavn ! w
Saturday .i. ...f 1 ,00
7S . pairs of11.8 -and -1100 Solid
leather Shoeauin lacs only
f 1.00 Tennis Shoes for.
194? For hundreds of styles la Wilson
, - Bros.' Sample Suspenders, regular
lOo to $1.00 valuea. i ., .
294 For . tha President Suspender.
Can you match 'em? t, . -
94 For fuU lines of two-bit Ties.
19 For full lines of four-bit Ties.
19 For 60o Lewis and Clark Ties.
294 For regular tl.00 Ties. '-'-
batwaea Llaeala aad Harrlaaa , streets! east.
Bl'bShUX May 4. I. J. Rnasaa booth,. Thbr
man between Twrnty-flflh and Twenty-aUtb
Strarta; met, S300.
HOENEL May 4. V. B. Hoeaal, rottafe, oa
Pippin itrt M Fanlbaiila; coat. ISOO.
HALL Mar a. J6. J. HalL dweUlnc. Haaaab
f- betwraa ISaat - Saranth aad - East ' Klht
atraat,: mat. 13,(00.
MKKOEH May 4. K. B. Mercaa, two enttaeoa,
atreeta; . coat, . 84,0110.
MRUGKH May 4. E. E. Merces, dwelling,
fcrerett sna cornea atreeta: eoet.
r&IKDMAK May 4. rrledmaa Bros., repairs
to staple, finin aaa vwnea
Wei lien liillin IKS ' tlld 'atwlf Itll IS Hfl
estate from tbe Title Guarantee A Treat com
pany. Chamber eC Commerce building. -
4t the Portland J. L. Rtannsrd. Txw As-
reko: 1. I. Smith, Kmrnsrllla; 1. M. Dnnoghue,
heattle; L. Darta, Ban rranclaro; O. Oum
parts. New Tort: B. Hlaanelmar, Chicago; 1. B.
Grim wood. Ban Prandeco; H. Herts, St. Panl;
r. M. jlatUnd, Haa Uranelaco; I. ftlmon. New
Tork; K. D. Grant, Boa ton: O. B. Hunter.
MlaoMpolla; H. D. ftcorboer, Raa Pranclee;
O. A. Ballard. New Yart; O. W, Mlcba.hlna,
Clilcacoi Allaa CUre and i. U. Vaa Vleck.
Mlddletoa, Corts-; I. M. Avery, Dearer; J. A.
Llsbthlpe. Ban Franciaco; 1. H. , Prince and
wife, Kanaaa; T. T. Hnfera, Denver; Q. U.
Kelt, Ban Franciaco; Vilas Vance -and Mine
Dlrkev, Wberllntr, . W. Vs.t W. H. - Kerjrnaoa
and family, Berkeley. Ca ; B. O. White, Pbila
aelphla; C. K. rata, 8an Ptanrlscai t. V,
Kean, Pt. Loula; H. B. Glncbard and wife,
Walla- Walla;- 4-l:- fllldenbrandt. Spokanei
K. W. Kettentach, Lewlaton: 8.. Hodea, Chey
enne; T. J. Olncbman. New Tork P. H. Mellla,
Maker City; H. 8. WllUama, Denver; Spencer
Clawaon, Salt Lake City; Jamas Scbwarta, Den
ver Kdward Sack and wife, St. Louie; J. D.
Baumann, , New Xork; R. A. Barker, Bldde-
ferd, Me.l H. O. Hill, Baa Franciaco 1 U M
Leaa. jt okirad Bprlnaa; ir. C H. Haas, Asa
Arbor, Mich. -
At tbe Imperial D. W. rampneiL Tekoa:
E. C. Warner, Haa Jose; .Cbarlea Bckbart and
wife. Auburn, lod.; Mra. B. D. Bberwood, Syra
cuse. N. X.; 0. 8. Talbot and J. H. Ross, ' San
Francisco: . 0. P. Donne. Tbe Pallea;. B. W.
Halnea, r or eel urove: aire. w. w. urov.
eene. -
At tba Perkins M. Manaaaa, Oesboctoe,' 0.
T. D. Metr(er, Taeoma; B. H. Ingham. Eufen;
M. A. Burr, ana J. A. worlnc Baeebarat
Levi Green and wife, Denver: Mr. D. B. Hen
dricks, Elgin ; O.- Comlngham, Bolae; F. Ot
Uean. Beams. - - - ..
Dnlu$UaViB th .A. A C R. R.
".'. Sunday, May 7. ''r
Ing the week and purchase tickets In
advance, of next Sunday's exouralnn to
Seaaid end avoid the rush -for tickets
at Unlrfn depot Sunday tnornlrrg. - Sale
of, tickets limited to seating capacity 4t
coaclies Snd every paaaanger is assureij
a Beat- ?Th rtrte-W dellgntrui. tlie scen
ery beautiful, the ojton refreshing and
yotl haee live hours at the beech, all
for 4U0. Train leaves union depot 8
a,- m., rotursliic loaves Btaslda t p. m.
f 1549
a lew
1 09 e-
0 '
... . fe!a
The Extraordinary
Price on 50 Fine
: " THH
' obj nr on ot QTjajTsTTBn wnjuajmxmwymu -I
Fine $25.00 and $28.00 Spring Sintr
Boors of styles .Of .th latest weavsa.ia.-th la aplsndld aaeertment im-
ported black clay worsteds, serges, - worsteds. - caselmerea. tweed
and cheviots, made In single and-double.. breasted,
'. every tew shade that is shown anywhere, at 126.00
r And 8IB.00 Is here At,....
JOJM aad B4.00 Bprlng ranta In SO different styles of pure-wool 1
worsted at"V ,". . . . ....-91.95
"Blea's Styblah . Troussrs Pure worsteds in newest coloring, correct
, shape and finely tailored, $6.00 valuea; special Saturday at..S3.50
Charles King, Who Murdered Ed-
ward Hayward, and Burnt
Remains, Is Executed.
Charred Bones Found In Ashes of
Huge Bon Fire Shoes
- Sunk in Swamp.
IJourBsl BpeeUl Rarvlce.) - :
Regtns, Asslnlbola, May 6. The exe
cution of Charles King, set 'for today,
culminates - one -Of - the most notable
crlmlnalases with Which ths mounted
police of this section of ths dominion
have ever-had to deal. Klng, .... who
claimed to be a resident of ths United
States, was convicted of the murder of
Edward Hayward, an Englishman, near
Little Slave lake. In the heart of -the
wilds ot-the northwest territories. An
ynusual feature of the case was-that
Ring's arrest and conviction lout
brought about by members.t?f the Stony
Indian tribe, who had taker! a liking to
the murdered man. : Y.' ""
Hayward and King had "JolnedLlnva
prospecting and trapping expedition to
little Btave toket--Arrlrlng after many
days' march on the lands of ths Sucker
Creek reeerve, they went Into camp in a
small, cleared area aurrouhded by wil
lows and poplars.1 Several of their
here's strayed away during their first
night's stay and Hayward rode over to
the nearest house and offered a reward
to any one who would find them. THey
were found and one of the Indian's had
a meal at the camp. -The men were
there at least three days and nights,
At length Kewanls,. a Stony fisher
man, met "the small, dark man"lead
tng tbe horses along, all packed and
ready, for tha trail. But "the tall, fair
man with' the nails' In his .boots" for
that waa how the Indians dubbed Hay
ward, who left wherever . he went' the
print of his hobnailed Kngllah -miner's
shoes was. not with-..him.
Whan -ICS-J
a-anls saw one man go - away from a
ramp to-which he had seen two men
come he felt that there was, something
worthy of examination.' He went to the
camp anil found that the-firs, now ex
Men's $ 1 0.00 Suits"
Marked Down to $4.95
Bsawea) if styles in nsraT sprlnr roods.
la felMk, tarn aad faaoy mixed wool
woratod trimmed with good asrre) '
salt thaVs advortlaed aa baxgaia by
every othae? house at f IXMM,
at TaCB BTPB) .- ' . '
for . .,. . i
Men't $12.30 and $15.00
Spring Snitsri;: szzzzzz
Marked Down to $7.45
rromt biaT tables loaded dc
with all styles of BEea's Xtes Btyto
Bprlng Balta, la Single" and" double-'
breasted Bavoxa, avery sw style or'
of cloth' made Is. la
auu is . ta . mm ' a bb
f BU.80 aad Cy AZ
graad lot of
suits f or,
Men's $18, $20 and $22.50
Spring Salts - -:
Marked Down to . $9.95
Bruadreda f 'em, and frery suit a lata
. .AU.tbe aear shales
Only the best Imported
domsetle worsted need. Every
Is made by hand ay fit they
A twenty dollar bUl would be-
prloa for any salt la
lot, Saturday they
Black Silk Lined
in all sizes, is
SI 2.45
iiiiii r ere
tinguished, had been aa absurdly" large
one. It had been so hot and fierce) that
it had scorched the branches of the
adjacent willows. . Nearly 60 small
trees had been felled to feed It.
But a grandson of old Mooatoes, ' ths
head tf the tribe, had been there"eMlee
while the fire was atlll smouldering, and
he observed some cloth, quite consumed,
k... , t te.tneo Kewanls
observed tracks leading TromThecftrrrp-
fire to a neighboring slough. Poking
among the ashes of the fire they found
Some bones, burned and blackened.
Just at the height of the gossip on
tha reaertaV-Bargaant anrtarann of the
northwest mounted police vlalted ' . it
The Indians told him their suspicions,
snd together they visited the site of the
camp. ( The sergeant's attention was di
rected to ths tracks leading to the
slough. Some hunted still more closely
through the ashes;- others entered into
tbe slough .barefooted, though ths lea
waa forming on it- Ths hobnailed
boots which ths nnfortunats man had
worn were soon fished up. In the toe
of one of them waa found a.cloth, InJ.,.-..
which was wrapped a nugget scarrpin,
which-Hayward had been observed to
wear, a small pair of miner's scales and
a sailor's palm, alao bought In Edmon
ton. . .... ..
Anderson realised at ones that there
waa evidence of a crime, and determined
to make every effort to Solve the mys
tery. In the meantime the " Indians
found . what- appeared "to be pieces of
half-burned -tissue - among - ths ashes.
A fine acreen - was - procured -and tha
whole remalna of tha campBre sifted. A
handful of buttons, buckles, syelet holes
In fact, all the metal parte that be
long to civilised olothlng was found.
Anderson heard that ths other man was
staying at the nome of one Morln, at the
Liesaer Slave lake settlement. He went
and had a conversation with him. King
aald that he had - overtaken the man
whom the Indians had aeenwlth him onJ
me ira.i a icw muea paca; xnai ne un
derstood that his name 'wag Lyman.
After camping with him a day or so
he had gone off, pack on back, along
ths Sturgeon lake trail. After compar
ing his story -with what- was already
known, it seemed wholly unsatisfactory,
and ths following day Anderson arrested
him, -. .... , . "
A pocketbook which was found oa ths
prisoner contained checks, letters and
other documents, indicating that It be.
longed to Kdward Hayward of North'
Munrnem, Sussex,- Kn gland. Inquiries
developed the- Tact "that -thTn ordered
man bad followed a seafaring life for
a number of. yearaand. latterly had
adopted the still mry edventurous ca
reers of a gold miner.- After a visit toW
his homs in England, two years a an. he
deteranlnod 4e -try his ftil tunr-pTOApectr
ing tot goid in tne northwest. Before
he left home his .brother George) pro
aented him. with the nugget which was
found in ths toe of his left boot. The
two dio wr trtce from NcUon. B.
Week Tomorrow
H a t ;
"We are still harping, on .the " ex
cellence and elegance of this Famous
Hat, which .comes In distinct models,
stiff snd Soft; the peer of any $4.00
Hatinjthe hst stores. ' '
lEeHnbSpedal $1.90 Hat
Comet in all the popular shapes;
blocks and colors, stiff and soft. " In
point of actual lntrtnalo value thla
make Is better- tran the hats sold
elsewhere for $3.60. ' . ';
Data up of Samples and Odds and
Ends in $1.60. $1.00, $1.60, $3.00
8"! IHR0 jtots-r- , .
at. ... , , , . . , . , Ml.SO and. aSai
6tt Bhtrttg: fie west - Priestl y st yVeey
Z handsome spot and.. strtpeffscjtV-
piaia Diues ana tans in aouna- - -a
nee, fast colore '(100 styles) . .SOdt
.00 Shlrte-ln, very-awell- pet tern a.
rltE the new- mohair and - -:
madras cloths -' a ............ .T54
$1.60ShIrts. neat,', pretty . patterns,
stripes, .dote -and- figures. perfect
fitters. Your plclt
or-; : ii.oo
2S For siz-stylea of regular 16e
-j- Balbriggaa Underwear,-- '
S74 For 10 styles of Silk' Finished
Tj ish FlTTrtlsri yf ,
ped"rSf"a"m. gusset ted drawers.'
double seated; I7o Instead of BOc.
60e For alxaneo of Medium-Weight
- . Cream, Tan, Black, Pink aad Orange
Full-Finished 'Underwear, trimmed
with sllkj a good 76a value. .
Two cases of Men's SUk Llsla Thread
BIue, Pink end Natural Underwear,
.sllk-fnwed, collarette nechs. the
drawers are double-seated and have
Jargs ertensioH" wftlstbanda; Instead
or - I. o per- garment, we'Uaell v
'em tomorrow at TCrd
Two Oraad Xesadsrs la Oood Boa.
9e For dosens ofstyies In Black, Tan
and Fancy Kmbroldered Half Hose
. that are considered good value in
other stores at 16c. ,
194 For 70 dozen Wilson Bros. I0o
and 76e Sample Box. embroidered,
plain, balbiiggan, silk, cotton,
every kind. . Sea 'em- In our front
t Calgary, and later to -' Edmonton
whence tha start into- ths wllds-was
maae. Tne evidence) against King wst
strengthened by the testimony of Pro
feasor Primrose of Toronto, who exam
lnted the tlsiue and bones found l- h
campflre, and pronounced them there
muna-9x a ftuman being. .
J. Alex Banna will pre. en t Blchard Wag ner'a
ITT oat opera b of 'Parsifal" tonight at tba
Marqoanv Orand theatre, with the aid of one
of tha largest animated picture machines ever
exhibited. Mra. -Walter Bead, Portlands favor
ite contralto, wtU elng ""Elisabeth's Prayer."
from "Tmnnhanaer," and "I Know a Lovely
Garden." by D'Hardelat. The beauUfnl Paral
fal" prelude wlU be played on the la teat Im
proved Aeolian orebestrall. Tha entertainment
will begin at 8:80 o'clock. Popular prices will
ay iisil. - " -i
The Granfl'i Novelties.
Taa roasea and' ftfcCanlev, black-face comeeV
hms, and Torcat and D1 Allaa, In aa adoption
from Kraeh extravagansa, are the principal
attractions ea the atece of the Grand this
week. Vaa Peases and McCanlv have wnrh
Absolutely new and the audl.mce ts kept la a
coneiaai eiat ox muf ntsr. - xnrest and D Allaa
have specimen of nhat la supposed to be
real French eomerty. it la" thoroughly enjoyed
and the clever French people are compelled to
respond to repeated encores. The remainder
01 ue am is exceptionally good.
The House of Hits.
Tbe Btar la kaowm a the "Bouae ef Hits,"
because all of Ita acts are euecesaful and pope,
lar with the" ttmusanda ef vaudeelll patron
la Portland. Lola rVrfton, who n mysti
Sad tbe leading edentiau ef the country. Is
ths heedUner thla weak, and the paycbologlral
feeta have aet tbe towa talking. Proelnt, the
mualojaa. aad Teen art, the ttaeeer, re.trotis
factors oa the proram, while Palay Harcoart,
the comedienne from tondoo, la the favorite
with everyone. .
"Our Boys" Next Week.
Beginning Sunday aftcroMa tl.o Cmp'r
Stock company viii ereernt ibe a ell anoa a
comedy of Engllah life, Qur Bnj-i." . This H
a chang from Uie run oa asra eerkml rrmnc-
tlons riven the iaa; raw Wecta. , 't)irr Bora"
will afford a a aiieanieat recreates
for the patron a ef the Empire.
-. ' . v ..a - w. ,'. ;
At the .Baker.
Ttie aTletaf trill eontinaee to peek the hnaaa
at every performance. It la bard to determine
which act ie the feature elnce each Is about
the beet of the eort ever eeen here. The Baker.
osraph ahows "A -Trip Throush Frvpt," Neit
week the world-famnae Anna A boot t, known
the "Oeeeala Magnet," -ortll snpear st thai
playhouse. -
At the Lyric u' f
rka atanrwaaittAsiBVI efmit, 4 - sWaaLvtrtret mat tfli
Tnxum cootiDtjw u 4nw ctptdi Iwwrt rt
.-Tr-r-TTT ' . -. .
Journal "fiii:
TUB DEB AaTT'Ct-ASslriCATtOB azaapt
"Sltuatloa Wanted" atai as ITaaaala,
CEST8 PEB UBX. Ooaailas I
wards te the 11a.
BEBTFirBXB H ae 81 W0BBB I0B 18
.. CIA 18. . Xataiag taea, . - - -
BrrTTATIOW WASTED ' edeartlaameata
- either ataleee Eeaaala, uaerted. eae
time free, . Sally et Soaaay.
WrElTtT mATE T beertleas (laohadlae
eae Sunday laana) (ft SUITS pee Use
"V per weak, ' . '
afOaTTBXT B4TB (tacluirns in Saaday
laeua T CEBTS per Una see aenta.
A DTIETISEbTTB Tt meat be ta fearaU .
bualaaae efftoe by 1 e'olook weak
, day aad by IS 'eleok Saturday aa
sag te aaeur elaashlcetloa. -
- ftBraal---uWBBt -ad." ageata, Siva -thane
year ad. at effle rata end H
will be delivered te The, Jeoraal af.
Soa without farther eeet to yen. Bee
' auua'MT 9t k" IB
Wrm .ontigf mas otirtii t tavtuxs ae
-rat firnrsT ranaT QMAjnt-ja.
0BE80B.M .-.
CAPITAL. $300,000
Re has reached a - turatne point In his ca
reer. Thereafter, pjerkaverance- snakes, suc
ceaa certain. Do not e afraid" to bertn wltb
e email aepoeit. xoe win e maae welcome.
" . . 100 Third Stteot. jJL. :
. . . . . . Vloe-1're.ldrnt
i l-rrtrrr . f r Beer tery
Aealatant Secretary
B. LEfe PA&KTrr,
88 Orand Avenue. -
Phone Eaat BIX
t,ta is rrom auaaoun,-
I ton't D, C., April 19, 1905. Sealed propoeala
I or ina consirucuon or kdwiuvum "1
AiaeK, roeaera- iina atj5
eaatern Alaaaa and for arboulboQaes Witb
teacberarealdenoea aTtacbed at Deerln, on
tbe Arctic ceaat, and H,lnes and Kane In
soutbeaetera Alaana, will ea rereirea a tue
department Bntll- o'clock a. m., Saturday,
I - JUP1U luua. ana win ae opanao waaii
ntelr thereafter.. 4a too praaance of eoeb
dm aa mar desire to attend. Blank forms of
I . pronoeai, tmcracin( fDaciucattona. mayoa
I obtained on annllt-atlon to- tba deeartment.
or to tbe ro mm taa loner of education, wbere
drawlnaa sbswlnc details may be Inepected.
r-flans- and sportflcatlonsBtar eleor be aeen
-ana ootatnee irom l-ror. r uiiam a. iveiiy at
Httka. Alaata: at Janean and- Dool las from
Lirinestoa K. Jaaee-of uneaa, aad from tbe
respective t'nlted autea -eomaiieawnara si
' Ketrhlkan. Wrangell, Skarway, - Reward sad
Valdea, Alaska.' E. A, Hitchcock, secretary.
B-ANKRl'PTCY NOTICB. Notice la hereby
aim -that ea me let dar of Max. 1906. A.
' J. Cranwell ef Po.-iitu4,- O-i'g waa duly
r adjudicated bankrupt; and that tbe Brst meet-
lna or nia creaiure win oe aei.j at iwm w,
.Chamber of 'Jommci.? bui'dlna. Pwtliml,
Oregon, on the 18th say ot Hay, isue. at
10 o'clock a. m.. at which time tbe aald
is UtaaaU see thetr claiBiar
-appoint a trnatee, aaamlr tba banlrmpl ar.d
traaaact euen otner ouainea as may prop
erly come nerora aucn meetingr.
Dated, Portland, Oregon, May 8, 1BB. -
t--Befarae lav- Baakraptcyi
flrea that oa tba let Say of May, 1906.
Jobs w. Warner of Portland. Or ear on. waa
I diilr adjadlrared liaiikiuinjnitjnate ftrst
hBtiinii of bla credllore will be Tield at
L room flOQ. Chf mbaa at Oammerre bwtldttir.
rorrjnna. ureson. en tne into oar or mar.
1903. al 10 o'clock a. m.. at wblrb time- the
said creditors' may attend, prove their claims.
appoint a trustee, examine tne oanirnpt ana
traneact sora otber Duaineaa aa . may prop
erly eome befor enrh maetlnf. -
. Dated. Portland, Ore(on. May S. 1900. :
.- Beferoe la Bankruptcy.
NOTirB ef dlaaohltlon of partnerahlB. Notice
. la hereby given that tba partserablp bereto
fnr exlatlng between Joba Uaaen and B. R.
Mead, under the Srm name of The O. A H.
, Bottling Company, baa beaa dlaeolved by
- motual coneent; and all tbe baalneea, debt
and eredlta of aald arm are assumed and
succeeded by John Uefen. - ' -
i- Dated tbla 86th day ef April 100ft.
0BOW1.ET la tola etty, May A 1806. D. w
Crowley. Remalna at Holman's chapel, cor-
-Third and Halmon streets. - Funeral Moaday,
May 8. 1906. at 8 a. m.. from tha Cathedral.
eoraer Fifteenth and Davta atreeta, friends
respectfully Invited to attend. Interment
- Mount Calvary cemetery.
meeting In Multnomah camp
rr camp 11 ana an in mi
- members bring a cake; muelc dancing, i
freabmeata. J. If. WOODWOBTH. Clark.
Macular Dealing thla (Friday) evening at 8
" O'clock, Luton block, Second aad Stars
Either lt er Foasd advertleeaeata,
saw "SI
wares las ae seats, -
LOST Three horses. . one dark
weighing l.eiio to 1,700 pounds: ene Iras
fray horse, fleebltten (bout bead, weighing
.000 to 1.100 Bounds: one amall white eon.
maret. reached mane. Notlfr or return to
Bam Btrel
enla, Trontdala, Or. Reward.
STBATED-er tolea, last Friday Bight, 1
bora. Kindly return to Keenan's ranch oa
- Cully road end receive reward. ,
FOUND A piece to have hair mstti iissis rea
vated and returned earn. day. Phone Mala
474. Portland Curled Bale factory. . -
FOUND Oae medlum-alaed chestnut
pony, Owner call 615 Savler.
20 entLB wanted to learn tha aew Twentieth
.Century Tailor aystem; most . perfect and
elmpleat evatem ta the world; cute seamless
walata with sll tbe flnlahlnga). price 86; ga
oral agent, Mrs. M. B. Miller, 627 Mala st,
WAMTKD Olrl for light housework la email
ramllyi gnoS-wasee; raterances required. Call
800 Eaat Twenty -third at., after 8 p. m.
WANTED Experienced
body lroner.
LARGE front room for rent, anfurnlihed. for
noueeaeaping, ground Boor. 00 East Third
Bt.T Bocilt.-
the Iftte,- and ta-ona of tbe felrrnrr biu of
tbe atock comneny for tne eaaon. There are
. wait, between, sets, as Tbomaa ' Hay and
the Lyrleeope, showing tha lateet eaatera Bat
Ing plcturea, fill la delightfully. Nest - Week
the attraction will be "Katbleea Maveuraeea."
Evenlnaa it 1:10 and S:18 o'clock I efteraoon
at 8:80 o'clock. .
- ..,' t -
- "The Marble Heart."
When' it waa an nan need that Charles Belby's
fa moo a eacre,- "The Marbl? H.wrt." wtxild
be given by th4Rmplre SWck enmpeny this
week something out of the ordinary was ex
pected, snd tba eucreee ef tbe piece- haa fill
fllled all that waa promliel. At the evei.lnl
piTfiwnnure Hardly s sear ma 1 found in
the bntiae, and the dally matlnoea at t:1B o'clock
are attended br bnuilreda of ladles and chil
dren. ... rr - -'
- i .: l, .
aTreferred Stock Canned (roods.
Allen Lewis' Best Brand. -
--aW lliBWAaa ba,a,eaB
COMPETENT bicycle repair
saM. MW WHO It
eaperlrnvod and ean eV braalng; soad berth -tor
rlshl man. Call at etore. The 8. W.
itratnard Xt., 123 i,raa4 eve. !-.- - -.-,
WANTED Flalahere and boy; alao maa ta
rua woven wire bed curing machine. Oregoa -Furniture
Manufacturing Co., 1210 Macadam '
' road. - , .. v ..... .
WAKTfcP Mailnas uiakeif im-poytb " learn"
matueaa-maklng;. good wngr. Patera' A"'
- Boberu' Fiwaltue Co., OS FroBt.,'ar. Devi. 1
STANDARD Suectdca, mea'A-trne : apeetattat,"
' 'cure all chronic dlaeaaea. Electrical appll.
aaces. battorlaa, balta. Uaadquartara S1H 1st.
WAfiTalll i
Krmanent poalUon; good eommlastea. C'tll
t. 4 end T p. a.. 818 Third St. i .-
School telegraphy electricity t pupils wanted ;
also positions srantd tor graduate.. SO&M 1st.
DBTECTIVB8 Mas to - Were; - w guarantee "
work to our pupils. B SOI.' M Morrlaoa at.
WANTED Energetic.' intelligent,
with, good reference. Address S
PLASTERERS wanted at 81S S44 St., aorth P,
bet. 24th aad 2Mb sts. D. B. Jsnaan.
CARPENTERS wanted for Mulshing.
Seventeenth and Everett sts.
Apply at
B'ANTEDjavoag-maa a elevabai operator."
Addree P. O. Box 18. ,
WANTED Totihg maa aa elevator operator.
Address P; O. Box IS.1.. .
WANTED Slgnpalnter. JU3)h-WafclBgtoa
- cor. First, upstair.
MEN and women to learn barber trade la 8
eara 8Vs to S weekly. Seattle Barber Col
lege, 121- Waablngtoa St., Seattle.
FIRST-CLASS ealeamaa for shirts snd knit
underwear. . Tna Spencer Co., 126 Tenth at.
YOVNO married man, alx yean' experience In.'
general atorea, would like poalttoa la. amall :
aoahtry towa. Addaa A 40, car Journal.
WANTED A poaltlon watchman or aayttilng
11 . wr m apnii pouceinan- lav aaxef .
-reference. Addree B 86.. car Journal.
A YOUNO lady . wpuld like position aa efSce
girl Address B 80; car Journal.v
neai eataia, rooming nooeea aad bealneae
chaac epeclalty. 870 Bameld. MaU, aoss.
K. moved to 1ZH 'orth Second SC. raeee
Bed 161.
m rr: secees at.
HELP wanted and aupplled, mala or female.
at. u. vuAa, xuoM waahington et, cisy ess.
niaaea ire., joa r irat at. .raoae aaaiavil.
1H VfOBRIROVCohimbU Btvwr Bmo.raranrvr-
I .killed Ubee-fenitebed. ITione atarn 82t3.
We want eat-clafnrBlahed' room. pd.
Tate 'residence preferred. Sea aa at eaet
' we are cloalng our Hat; ear gueet will pay
top rates for nrst-cuae aocoramodatioe ;
we charge a amall eommtaaloB and Bead yon
Srst-claaa paoDle: book rour roams new with
- H. C. Bow era, PerUaad HeeeL ee te Lean
Clark Hotel Co., ids Slxtk at.,- Oregoalsa
bldg. Pbona Mala 2B8.
BOOMS Ta an pert ef tbe etty.
Apply xao ooednougti bldg. ' -
urosrnoN accommodation burbao.
r-eirwneervr n iewisjadTjCUrkJ at :
corpora ooa.
BOOMS vraatod ta all parte ef etty; we de sot
teat yvar iiman, - are- seed -yea eppueaata.
Lewla and Clark ' Pui-Blahed Beoat Aaaocla
tloa. Ul Nortb Sixth a. , - -
WANTED5 To rest a 4-rooa cottaca wlthla
-vixht bloct-Bf T wauty .foerth m-Savler i
win VJ a, v. jam, e nuvia eiar1. .
toantfi at. - - .,.
WANTED Party to put In a restaurant; choice
or a atoeaeooma. each 10IT0 feet; See Iocs-;
Inquire 246tb Sexenteenth at.
WANTED By eaatera party, furnished cottar
. in aunuro; parmaneot; neat reiaracea.
dreas S 23, care JoorBal.
BOOM and beard for gentleman; permanent
mm, wiia pieasaat asssciates. rnoB stem .
STREET maa, atteatloa If looking for the
neat-selling article oa earth, with ever znu
per cant profit, call er addreae 411 East Ninth "
at., south. .
WANTEDa Lot er bewa and lot; must be cheap
ror cass. anareaa u zi, care Journal.
WANTED Mora praying aad whltewaahlng; a
tbe only gaaelln compreeaed air aprarlns
ontat oat the coaat. M u. Morgaa Co., B73 i
aiiiwausia at. rnon seat zsit.
WANTED Ladles and gentle mee to have call
ing ana Business rarda printed. BOc 100 and
Al-26. .XJXKl M) W .SlLla at. .Automatic frea.
WANTED Aa Invalid's wnaVl chair, suitable
ror cutaioe miiat oa la s4 oraar
iaa sourta at.
TO RKNT With prlvlW Of lTlng. bneae ' 1
nKrn "TM "Ilu iisnt ueiivery. wagoa. aaareea
aa xs, ware journal.
SHORT ORDER Printing Ron P. I. Ryder.
Becosa ana wiuingtoa it, aiaia nose.
hand tent. 12x14 et
14x14. Addrees B 21,
are Journal.
WAHTBrV-Beeaad.BSBd tlaae' , tools. Call
Beet I 1 TW, at s -ieca, -
Oa inaartloa at this
weeaa ret 18 eeate."
rate "81
THS LINDA YISTA, Blcely furnlahed keaeebeep.
lug ana single roe aaa reaannania. mnn giria,
621 Waahington, sex, KiaereeBia ana iwea
ti.Ui! new modern, ail eutslds roams, slee.
.trlc lights, pboBs, free bath; 604, T5c 81 per
Say; rates ny wM,jaauaarant in.Daaamcnu
THB MONNASTES. 286H' First at : alagl
rooms tram at te ea; roraiaawQ eowaaeeoping
aultas from l.TB to. 88 per week: room. eat
Bight, BOe aad 25ci toorUte aollelted.
FCRNIfHED housekeeping and Bleeping rooms.
convenient Bun rwaeonautv. mu an aee tnem;
newly furnlahed. 82H First It., cor. Ash.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite. $8 Bp; alae
. . . -. , A finlib.llh ei.
amltb and Alblna ave. Phone Union 8282. "
IIARQTTAM HOT?S.- eXk-Beoma en ewlte.:
or eingie, oouacaevpina ramnj gas atovaa.
bath, alectrte Ughu; tranaUaU eollclUd,
Bi..,l.w - W h .
ilw newly furnlahed.
aunny ronme, suitable for housekeeping.
a, '-.
St Mr. Hainan, on spring at. . .
BIVBRHIDB HOTEL t6 Beet Oak St.' Mr-'
planes sna aoiurni.oeo aoueeaeepiBg rooaul
edging. Phone Scott 844.
WFXL tarnished bmaekeeplng apartments; light.
rront rooawa, aai envauvn, aemeuke, aee
Blxtly at.
THS OLA DfrTON a 611 4 Sevter et., fnraiah.4
room anacs sow ; auaagemeat; prlcM ree
aoaabl. : , -
NlfELT furnlahed room, with phone, gaa. bath,
- 82.60 per week and sp. it 280 Jeffersoa.
CLEAN, cheap furnlahed room ahd lodging,
sao a oiocsa trom raw groanoa.
CMCAPRT aad beat located room la Portland,
SI week an. Oilman, Fliet aad Alder eta.
ELEOANT furnlahed room for 1 or 1 gentlemen,
. private family: gaa, hath. 861. Taylor.
PKRMANENT rwiawrs wanteit. $10 and $1 pet"
aavajUt ova pima at, ,Aia s car.
- - 1