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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
THE OREdON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY ' EVENING, MAY B, 1805. . IT f TODAY'S MAR KETS HOOD RIVER BERRIES "tocaTXSomirlcViclirTrTReceiveij r Orie Crate -Seller at Sev-. i'fLenty-Flve Cents, ONIONS ARE SCARCE AND PRICES CLIM9 HIGHER - AsparagusShort.:o(zDerntutd-.ffc-Salmon Receipts Light- Eggs Are Firmer Today. I , t ront Street, May (. W"prtiidit feature roniena wnniessio mnni iwit nre: Oolon iurkt la blgner. , , -.' , Ptiti feeling better. ' ; California steamer brlnge "track." tar buunu rrlT la. "' .' ...... rneee mors plentiful sad down. '-, ju First Hood Blror Berrlas are In. lilt r goofed Imr. - . Wult la wBeat aa 'oev ,-.-r; --s--;. Aanarag aa a ion, article. '. ' , Poultry market rather dull. ' 2-.' ' ftSrmns receipt e tit? tight. " Hop sad wool mull Brm. Butter market more slowly.- 71: First Bead Sim Berries m. . Whit ara generally called Boo Brrer straw berries too- from Walt liltioi made tbelr nwiniw:-the- wholesale arktta fortb - Bret time today Tba fruit wit rocolTed ay Ifr-yer. OMalley at Co., from A. B. Borkbard at White Bilmnrirt sold at Tie per sound. Californlr-berrlet are rthcr scare . oo ac count of tha Is Is rains la that territory. They were heNf firmer .but ao higher. Now that irwm Hare tnfr.a the market tba snp- ply la expected to ilww i good -increase from thU tlm forth., ' . r- Califerala Staaaier Brings "Traak." . The regular liner-arrived from the bay city 11 -night and hl aiornlpgA good-alsed cargo o( garden-- trvrfc, 'eraagee and lamona wa - distributed along lb street. A car of banana ran la front the far sooth thle moraine. I oral aensragiia la -Very-scares and th price t higher .today. Flnrlrta tomatoes ara rattier .... plfnlifuTlut omn3'l good'around present raluca, ' Onloaj Markat, U. Kigasty Th onkm market . I hlf hr today. " Sap. pllee of all klnda ara Try llfht and tb Mat atarka ara qnotad ana at (....Than at set llkrly nor tbaa bait a doaaa aarka of local at6na la tha laarkat. Fotatoaa h a flraw Jon and ptlgaa ara halng bald na to th top . jwtrh ao 1cto1 (r4a. a -tha-abaaur vi othara, Zrm.rar-rAtatoa lire BBdlna'- fair eisanit, - Tha ftaa FrauclMro narfeat a rapartad firaiar. Cbaaaa Mora riaatifal and Down. " ttll . baayy tncrcaaa- ta tba arrlTal af cwaa u aiarkat la not utini an raa irnnu aad tba tona kf not oott ao flrm. In rdr to . krap-lhlna moTlna practically all tb daalara , ara aclllna tna tut nil craaai twin at aoo. lb butter markat la raring alowly. Th ra , clpta ara a boat tb a ma. Country a tor liroduct eontlaac la good danund aroud ptaaant Poultry Xarkat Xa Bath Sail. " Dnllnaa la mllng Ihruughuut tba pualU j market. - Racflpt ara not . baavlar, 'but th trad la not taking all Utt oonvea, aaowtna- ao ebanaa. Kccclpta of aalmoa froaa th Oalnmbla ar Tory amat- and tb trad has aomaollad ta taka anao laateaa. no cnangs w pneaa. r nrytnty-mMtt Is flrniB-ni as H ku barn durlog tha paar woak or two. As has baaa aald bafora, tha trada la willing to taka tb - hnp at prrsrat alna. but no ana Is of faring ' hla-hcr than that. Roma ardors rasaaln In th .rnrki't, , A4alos vaaalaad from Maw Tork say . j'hat no transaction of Importance bar oc curred thara. Tb wool market rata In an Its fori nrea, but prlca new are ruling ap noar tha ;-tnp- and no great en ages ta-Taiaas ara aew, aDticipatra.- Oraaaat XaaU tllghUy Battar. Receipts af dreaaad real today war rat bet email and tha demand ruled a trill batter, bat with q xttetlone anrnanged. Dreaaad hogs are not coming very faat and th beat block are rmer. No change la value. Na spring lamb wtre In the market today. Today's wboltsaw Qootttloos, a rtrlsed, ar - at foliowaf : - - wrala,- TUm Ad JNetVj prHBsTWomrnalj eJua aad r4, SBci kins. sum. vie: aaliey. ac. BARLlk-FaC 2a.50; rolled. (M M; brew. .ing. . - -WnaU.7 M M; erackad." 123.60 pat RTB (1(8 perewt. " niT Na. 1 wblto. IM.OO gray.. . FIXX'R Eaatera ro Pltanta, M.M04.S9; StralgbM, ga.TBj eiporta. a.wtj.oo; tauey, 4.10: 'graham. Ve, -M.00 10. 4.43; rjra, r-ar s.5oi i- a.Tv-i ... .- . uii.ijm:rra Bras. tia.OO ear torn mid, dllnga. 123.00; aborts,' country, ta.00 ebon, 1100. HAT Timothy. Wlllsmotta eauer, fancy, ordinary, 111.00; eaatera Oregoa, 111.00; ..h.. sit nn Butter. Xgg and Peal try, m TTER PAT 8weet. llHc: soar. 16Us. '- RfTTER City creamery, bast, arte: second rrade. ITHaJlle; sutalda fancy, l4Q30e -.'t'linsry, lfHcr"Pnrtr-a4crterr,y14(a imc. , Kijrm Ns. 1 fresh Oraana. IT HQ la. CHKKaB Nw Pall cream, twin, Inffllec; Young America, ITjOlTHe; eastern, UOwmei California, 1641 Cn adder, lee. . I'Ot'I.TRT Cblckena, mixed. 1401A Bar lh: hena I4ai6c var lb: rooatar. aid. 12 per lb: yonng,16c yt lb; broilers. t4.O0J.00 per aos; rryere, ao ov per ooa, oucaa, eo.wu oo per dos; geeae. 0c per lb) tarkeya. lTdia per in: oreaaeo, la per u equaue. I2.60CJ9.0O per OOB. - "R Bo w" 'Idea. "." 242S for choice! 13024 for primes aad medium. ' . WOOli 10 clip. Tslley. coarse ta medium, ltle; 6ae, 21 623c; eastern Ore go. Us) 18c. MOHAIR Nominal, WOlle. , BHEtfgKINl BbearlDg, lQ2n abort wool, SOtiMic; medium wool, aott&oe, kmg wool, bOctlll.00 each. . T ALLOW Prime, par lb, 406c; Na. 1 aad grease. 2'tfo. UITT1M BARK Vi pa l , VUf ISTdK Dry hldesTNoT ir ll'lbd and Bp, price. - iamiie per in; err sip, r.e. , a to 14c; dry calf, No. 1, ander lb. IdQlSc: dry " aaltaa bloVa. ataera.-wnand. 0 Iba cr OTeT, IVKJ 8Ue: 6o tn ao In. aader ao lb rows, stiasSae; stars and bulla, aoand, lOTc; kip. la To 0 Iba, Sc: aoaad, 10 ta 14 lbs. Bat Hceelfanuud. ander 10 Iba. fHtJlle; greea wd)T le per lb lata; culls, lc per IB leas; bloe. lt4. ech, 11.2631.76: dry, f I 0001.60; colt klde. esrh. Utesoc; i ach goat aklna. com moo, eecb. lOQlocl Angora, with wool on. each. 28cJi.". .jf Fralu aad agstsWes, " POTATOEa Beat - Oregon. 61.160120; ear lota. f-e.b. coauUr, ll.ou01.lo; second gnds, II OA per aack; buying, car lot. Me: Early eee.- at outxi )t aweeta, crateo, fijei aw California, ao par lb. - t'NUiNS 66 6ui barer' price, country, tt-Ui Australia, Id.oo; garlic, faiuc par lb. ynoy Oragon, 11.00m I. iu par boa; cheap gradaa. 76c Per box: . aranaas, BaraL lAOOdS OO ; boa; basanaa, 4HU&C per lb; lemons, choice, 12 76 boa; faary, 1 00 bni; lliaes, Jfeilcan, -V per 100; pineapple. 14.00i6.00 cranber- r rtee. eaeters, fll.w per bbU strawberrl8. Or. - go. 20c per boa:-, California, 11.00 per -erete; ckarrle. U.aoXner box, .. . VEOKTABI.ES TarnSps, T6A)n per aack; rarreta. tl.nol.l; ut. each ; Weta. 11.19 par aack; Oregoa redlebea. 2oc ner doa: eabhara. fregrm. per ewt; California, II. 00 1. 2rt; luoa, Botbeae ,11.2601.60 per crate,'- greea peppera, ic per ir l kill peppers, issiiia w; celery, 1 76414 00 per crete; tomatoes, Florida. AJa4ealaB. 112AQ3.60; parsnips. ll.OOO 1.261. string beans, 12c: cauliflower. Callforala. crate, rbabarb, ltflH par lb; ,n v.. sw.-u, , - , it., .,ruw., - I I ' ebokes, 44TAOr per dos; bothoess lertaca, 11 00 frees onlona, 16JOo par dns; aaperagos, TOf) Me per dos bancbea: Walla Walla, II. tA oer In tiw-ae. Walls Walla, ll.noai 26 r"r n-i pinara, nc per ID) graeB COTB, gl'SW per da: peee, &. DRIED FRUITS Apr', eesporited, TS per lb; sprtrois, t( 1.1 par lb; sacks, He per lb leaal pearbea. f 1J rer Iht peara, pat lb Btawa, Italian, lrtCWe pa lb; FRIDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET -MaMrV Chloggo ......I ,lTiB I .tSV4 -Mllwaukaa .... ..I1H .(tHA.- - Bart rrswolaoo-T t 4Hl.a" .. LJvsrpool ..... la ld fs ti . New Tork..., .l4 ' ., .HB rfit Lcmlrrri .HA 7A-. Kansas Cltr. aa .71 H ' . d Decamber. t Krendi. lUCUaC par lb: Of. CaUfornl tlrk ctdtt net lb: California white. Dtr lb pluma. pitted, ' par lb; dates, golden, pas isi raroa. par is-is pox, reesrlas. Vats, . It. L'QAR ack basis Cube. H l powdered, Id.Ot: fruit cranolated. g.0At art aranolated, o Ml beet granulated. .o ertr. C 13,46; golden C. R.S5:. bbla. 10c: W bbl. Mc: bosea. M adTtaca on each basis, leaa per ewt for caan, la aay; maple, 14Qloe per in. - aunsi vi inc. iMt r KB-rf avekaga- lahjavi a. 111.00: luua. I1U.TB1 ported UtotdooL' 60a. tiT.OO: 100a. I16.6U 3a, Jl ooj extra On, bbl. ta. as, 6a, 10a. 4 603 oO; bulk, tao lbs, .001S.60 sacks, Sua, 4ot8. - aALT Coaraa Half graond, 100a, -pas ton. fr.oo: aaa, per ton, fl.aOi UTerpool Inmp rock, lflJM Bat toa: BO-lh tnck. II OO: 100a. AO. TQ. . ( Abor prices apply to aales of leas tha car iota, war iota . at special price auujevi to ductdatlona.) , GRAIN SAOfl Calcutta, $b.TBO.00 par 100. RICH Imparlal Japan. No, 1, e No. t, c wwoijijitjiaB Cfaola: 4c. V KAN a I mall wblt. del large white, (H pink, 8Hc: bayoa. H-tyl Umas, 8Hc Msxlcaa reaa, le. NUTS Pee ants. TUei ftrmbos. BV( par 1 raw. vaioe oar lb: roasted. : cocoa notm. Bot00e per dos; walnuts. 14316a per, Ib pine aul,10OiaH per lb i hickory nata. 10a per lb; rbaatnuta, eastern. UQlde per lb; Br, all nata, lfta ear lb: alberta, isrlias ner lb: fancy pecana, J43tg par Ibf almonaa, 1SQ1S4 pal lb. - rainta, coal oua, xts. ROPB Pur ManUa, 14c; standard. lct aai, ivkci latia orana aiaai, viao. COAl. 011c fearl or Aaual Caaes, SO H per gal; water white, lroa bbls lb -per gal, wooden las' par gal; headlight. 170-dg, case 22Uc ner aaL OABOUNK 8-dg, caaea tie per gal. Iron bbls, 24c per. gal; atoyes. caaea 24fte per gal, Iron bbl 18c per gaL . TUKPENT1N In eases See per gel. obis le per gal. BENZlaV-a-d.. aaaea 6 Bar gaL lroa soia lBn, per gmi.--: lots. la per lb; leas lota, fee per lb. ' - WIRE NAIIA Preaant baaa at 13.00. UNSEED OIL Para raw, la feM 1 per gal raaa one per gal: gtnaln kettle boiled. , case. So per gal, bbla 03 per gal; ground cake, car lota 2.00 par toa. less than ear lota fau.00 per- toa. Btaata, risk and Breeisieaa. PRESR MEATR-eJrronx-ai JliUlHe par. ill 1 pora,- btocav t So par WBt. aveM aj. jmtj yaai w , vuiia, ay -, au SXsT IU . aews. J04iLjrr;JuU-tmattoB mtTHc and . .l. ay . ... iK. tv ti. maA .... il tamua. vita peita. oajiiaa per lo, xeai, eitra, aiBactmninsry awn, per in, your, 44a2M ar U. - . UAAiS, BACON. ETC Portland pack i local) aama, iu ta l ids, me per id; l ta is lua, 12e par lb; 11 to 20 Iba. Vic per lb; cottage, 6 He par lb: brae k faat bacon. l2UCI17e dot lb: picnic.. So par- lb t. -regular . short cleara, an- amoitea, ait per id; smosea, 1014 per n: clear back a. anamokad, Be par lb; moked, 10 par lb) I Dion botia, 10 to IS lbs, anamokad. a par idi -smoaoa. par 101 clear oelliee. nn moked. 11 par lb; emokad, 12s par lb; aheuldera. ae. LOCAL LABD-tettm met 10s, 10 sat Ibi 6a, lOHe per lb; 60-lb tins, 16 per lb; teem raaatraa. - lua. am par lot , Pf 10; too, eiaa per ioi -par 10. - CANNED SALMON Columbia rlrar J-lh Ulla, si. so; a-10 taiia, sa.ou; rancy, -ia naia, sa.ov Vi-lb fancy au, 11 68: fancy 1-lb erala, 12.76 Alaska Ulla, pink, b6(tf0e; red. 1.60; nominal 2av -ra IL- $2, 06. ' ' - - - ; riSH Hack eoaV Te par Ibt oandara, Se par lbl k.Uhnt. Ba Bar lbl crab. II M nee At- atnpea oaea, iuoiae per idj catnan, tc per Ibt cataahr- Te per in; saimoa, cninooa, c par id; ateeineaaa. Te per lb; herring, Se par lbl aolea. a Se per lb; shrimps. 10a per lb; perch. 54 var lb; shad. a jie id; raw anao. se pr id; ansa roe, per lb: black cod. Ao per lb: slleer amelt. par lb; looetera, 16ej freak mackerel. Be per lb; crawfish. 20e per Sea; Bounders, ee-mar lb; Sturgeon, rc per id. . .. u?HTEE Kboalwatar bay, per gU 12.2S; per aack, c per . . 5 -- CLAM A Hard shell, pas box, 2.O0t raaor ciama, aa.w per bos. SHEEP QUIET AT YESTERDAY'S DROP HogrAre Only Fair -Cattle Dull But Price Is Just as ::;"".ZIZr: Strong. " Portland TTalea torkyards. Hay I. LJ re st or a recripmi -- aw.attlav- aeei. Tdr ... .....2oo ... rm Week ago. las 449 Prerlous week 800 The cattle market today wa Terr unlet, but condltlooa are Just as firm sa yesterday. The rkrt 1 dull. Sheep ara aulat at lhaj reported iclualTly la lb Journal 1 yeatM4av- urriciai pneas ror nreexoesi Hoar Beat eastern Orearoa. 11.00 1 black-era SBdChlns fata,. 16 26 1 staskm sal Issdsui tattit gear eaatera urege ataere, B4.asg 4 60; llakt and aiedlam steers, ll.sOfJ4.00; old ana litnt Caere. B2.ooara.102 aoacaara aaa raea. are. 12.00: bulla. 11.60. J Rbeen Best fascy aheap, 1.76Q4.O0; ewes. fn.ov.lo; spmng laagoa, MC. BOOS OPIB TB0B8). t Cbleagw afar 1. Urea tork receiprai Hogs. Cattle. Sheen. Chi care 12.000 l.nno 12. 000 Kanaas City..... IS Una J.000 w Omaha 4.000 2,000 S.000 ttosa opBi atrong wits x.nna lert oyer RacalDts a rear as wars 14 000 Prices' Mixed. 16 01(16.68: good and beaer. XA 4A1 . " aeary, o.UDOj0.20; llgDl, fo.inevo.eo. - "' tattle Ftrong. Sheep steady. ' . . -.. ..... COTTON THIRTEEN TO SEVENTEEN POINTS UP ( rnrnlaha by 0 s m bm't: BUrr Cooke Os. Kew York. May 6. Cottoa futures clnaad, 11 10 it pomta nignar.f . - ieaay vrzicaai cvtron maratr; Ope. Hlrh. Low. rtnae January 771 , 7S4 . 771 Tl?2 Febrnarr Jlt , . . . . . . , . . T4i March " 7iN3 wo T6if 62 -Totr42 T4BU60 T6.I10 64 T0tl2 787 (3!d T71r71 May .. 742' 764 741 , nil, ............... . . . July -iTirrrrjrr.';. . . T44 T6S T6T 140 74) Auguat T4a Swtembar TM T2i T32 at October ...... TOO T70.J T6T T7v T75 November .......... TT5 Tea TT-TaTTT6ar7 ' tlearpeel Oottea Hlgkar. t.immm! u.w a 1 , r.i.,..." . to I patnta hiaber. .- -j--.- vnr TOBX corns xajlxxt. New Tork. May 1. Coffaal xatawes ahmaA . changed as 1 aetata eff. Today s offlciai rnrre market! Bid. Ask I BlA"A.a May 75 l.l!0csober ..V.ST.18 17.20 June ...... a BO a M6INnrembar .. t 2S 7 1 July S "O a BOIecemher 7 60 I II An mat . .,, ft6 7ooJnuary jiM t September , 7.1 T.lOIMsrch 1.40 7.44 rrel-a Oof fee Varkets. New Tork. May 6 Herre aad RamKare fnffe tdeaacad m Bio receipts. 4 Ooo hoaari maraei arm; priceH aacnangeo. rnwia, a days. 18.000 Bags; maraet auiet, 10a) poiau ap. LTTEBPOOL BRAIV UAMXXTr' 7- t.ltei t4. Ma 8. Insa: Wheat. Ma, as BtAd. aBcbanved; Jxlr. Ae Ud aowa; Sep- tenibar, ear 4n wncbsneed. Cora May, 4a ld. apt Jsly,. s ld. V44.W. , . .., . . IIARRIMAN HOLDS , i. . i . j j ArSaTt'takTMeetlng He Votes Most of the Stock Repre . sented. ri.L.. ENTIRE NEW YORK STOCK . -Zl MARKET GOES HIGHER BlgShrpmentfwsterdky-ts Easily Surmounted Ad iancesuAre4Ju;g ADTANCE. Anaconda . Ont. Tfeat ";r.T?H Amslgsmatai .airgTnm Atcbisoa Preaaed Steel 2i Rep. Steal ....... H Biigor , Smelter Hep. Btaei. pin ... 1 Bmelter, pfd . I 7 U . k DM 1 11 ..... J y , ".i". ..j ,..., t Car a Pound 1T St. Il A 8. A 8. W.... m 'lill Car Pound., p Brooklyn 2 au . TT Bait. A Ohio,..,. ... am Toledo Toledo Colo. Pual . 1 ivaty .. . . St. Paul ..... C. A N. ft.,, Chsaa. at Oh la .,.e ivatr. bio .1 a V k - . HiN. Y. Central .... t .ltFanntylranls . 1. Cansd.ln, P, Colo. South uaa vt Reading 1 Brio ......-1a Krle. 2d pfd Krte. 1st pfd 1 North. Securltlee., t Rock Island 1 Urw-k lalend. Bfd.. 8. P., earn' 2 Tea. A Pae 1 Ten.. Coal ........ 9 Great aMtjum. 111. Central ...... 2W Iioule. A Nash... 2 Vl Union Paclfle ..... 8' Mitrubolltan .'nloo Paciae, pfd. Mexican Central... a MlJUaArJwjfil StaaL com ........ StseL pfd 4.. rort. .at waax .... 1 I rnrnlahed atr.t. New Tore, aaar b. a. rwr win- lab feeling ruled throughout the eaastoa of fat atock market today sad the huge Hat ooaed 1th a big adrance. The news rrom nan Lake ef tba meeting of union Pacific was bulllah and this helped the entire list. Of tba 1.118.027 shares of atock roted those controlled by Harrlman reached 1.117.188 sbsrea. Harrl maa roted for the ateus of 100.000.000 shsres ef new atock. Of the total. . Herrlmaa ruted all bnt B41 aharaa. Today a exn.-iaiawc sjuiuei DE8CRJPT10X. una Oo... : TTo" AmaL. ConDor Co.. .....I 79 tcuiann, com r... 61. I Oo prafrrred I Am,4var eV Pcamsrya, 101 83mi 00 prerai t eu , ,.,... tn - Am. . Sugar, c 1884 Am. . Smelt., eom. oo,. prrierreo , . . u Baltimore A Ohio, com Brook Ira Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific, com., Chicago Alton, bUi ChL, MIL A StP.., C. A N. W.. com... Chicago Terminal By Chesapeake A Ohio.., 1 218 Colo. Pool A Iron, com eolo. Boutnern, com.. Delaamr A Hadaoa.. V A K. Q.t eeta An brararraal Erie, eom.... ....-I 414 42H 00 secooa Brrrra..i 00 -ai on do first preferred. ... I T7 7l ininota Central. ..(188 I150U 187. Ijotilsrnta A NashTHla.144 lltfl't Met. Bt. Rr.. 118H 1171b. 144 U46T Manhattan By....... .164 1104 Mexican Central R....l 21 21 Mlnn-V St. P. A Bte."M.tlll IlllVb ao BrefMTeA Mlesonrt Pacifier-, . . .",-.",4 88af 8T M. K. A T com.,,,,,1 2 1 17 no orarerren .....1 Dial eu New tork Central. ..... I1S9W141 . Norfolk W eaters, com TT T84 North American .100 1014, N. T.r Out. A WasMrn.l 4att 4 ?! Pennsylranla Ry 1130fcllti r. . L. A O. CO 104 110 Preaaed Steel Car. eom. WH H 00 prererret Pacific Mall 8. S. Oo... 8T Reading, com..;...... do second prararrea. do first ore f erred... no Rep. Iron A Steel, com ao Drererrea Bock lelana, com...... s dn t referred Southern Ry.. com...... da prcferreo Ronthera rac1flc....Tr.. do nreferre.1.. St. L. A B. P.. M pf. St. L. A S. W., com,.. do Breferraa. ......... Texas A Pacific Tennessee Coal lroa. Toledo, St. L. A W., c preferred..... Caloa Ptclfrt, nm , . , do rrr tarred.. .... C. 8. Leather, com.... uv do Breferraa V. S. Rubber, com....! H 8TH 108 preren...r....llio TJ. 8. Steel Co., earn...! 80 2tl BOS 82 U urns 1 1 aw is Wheel. A Lake Erie, e. Wteeonaln Central, eom. ........ 161 do Dreferrea. ......... W. C. Telegraph.. ..- WKBIlIT rrrmr preferred . 41 SOU 821 t PwinaTlTanla. ei-dlrldend. S fier cant. Call money, f per cent. Total sales for day. B38.T00 shares. SAB FBABC1800 LOCAL STOOXS. aa rranclaoa. May 8. Local stocks t losing, h:u a. an.i . ma. Ask Contra Costs Water 41 Spring Valley Water..... 884 Mutual Electric.. IH 8B MM r. Caa A Electric 67 SA Ulant Powder aa Tlsaallan Commereisl an lemai. ...... ...... rv. 20 ?i-6X Mnnnkea Sugar 2 "ii" Hntrblnann Sugar Makawall Sugar Onomea Sugar ,.. 6I4 Paauhaa Sugar , 2 '4 Alaska Packers' "6Vs Cal. Wine 7T , Oceanic ftteamehlp. ...... .......... 4 . 81 a a a B 103 Pacific Statee Tel ........Jul ' ' B01T0B C0?rtB STOOKB.T' Boston, May 8 Official aopper cVssei Bid Rid Adeentnrs I 8 60 f)1d Domltrton. $24.00 Oeceola 82 00 Parrot .V.'.... 28 rW Allans is. on Arcsdlsn Atlsnthr- 1 12H litUT Qalney ...... WM.00 Rlngbam 11.60 Santa, r ..... 1 60 CeHiaaet 840.10 Centennial ... 17.60 CnDoer Ranaa Tl 00 -Shannon 8 KM Trinity ...... T.T5 T'nlted Onppef - 28 00 Victoria 178 Winona ...... 10 60 - Wolrerlne ... 108 far ' Rrltleb Col, T 7TA IV 8.- Mining. 11.00 - taiy west ,. livon Ivnm. Goal .. 77.00 Rranhr ...... 8 2U Tasf8aTjeB ''COfp8jsTr- ww. 1 1(1 Mtcnigva ll.eai Muhawk . 48.76 Tamarack .... 114 00 rranklla .... 8.00 JUh 42 76 AjficA itln ioin)o.--" - Londoa, May 6 2 p. fK Anaconda ad- rssced IS; Arcblenn declined a, Baltimore Oh Is adraOred HI Chaaapraia A naia oa- rllned a- t. Pa! edrit'owl K: Oenrer Rla Oraade declined Krle declined . Srata declined V; llllaola Central declined i Louie rllle A NashTllls adrancatf z. Meatcan Central declined m; Katy declined U, preferred de- Hned S. New Tork Central aeeilnea ; on- tarlo A Western declined : Norfolk A Weetera declined H, Nertbara Peel 60 secllned 4I Penn aylTanla declined 14; Reading declined . arete decllnad Hi St, Paal declined la) South ern Railway dacllBed t4; I'nlon Paclfle declined HI I nlted Btstea Steel adrancM U. preferred declined H; Wabash- preferred declls.d "4t - terUng aUtea. . . . ; New York, Me 8 Sterling retest-PrmanC 4M.82V,; 80 days, 464.82 V.. - BOITXAJTO BABE BTATPtUTT ClearlnaTa . . . . . . . . ......... fTaa, 672-4 Balance imioiMiMiuiua aai.esa.ia First Hood River Strawberries Self at Seventy Five Cents a Pound Along Front Street Re ceipts Are Increasing. ;,. jL :1 GOOD BUYING IS :rOIPS On Every Decline Traders Rush tojPurchase Wheat Jn- ChU : cago MarkeVToday.;"r MAY OPTION THE SAME V J. ;. AS THE PREVIOUS DAY July and" Septembejrhbw Small "" Losses Mor Inquiries - . 7. ...,..'for.Oat. - y "Today Thur. Today mmr.m ...., July..r.....,' et B S .I1UB 8 .00 86 tt .IIUl .004 7m .78aB -,Tm .. jruralahed by Orerbaek, Starr A Oaohe Oa.) Chicago, May 8 Log as) A Brrla sayi atsdV Mlllar, reports -tba giniral eonaitloa of winter wheat eery eaflafactory. The market waa pirtnv iBioainoeis - ana awesooa as a17 STtdeaca that the loaal crowd was pretty well noid out and heavily abort.- On every Itttl din the. xaarkaA ssim H iin tntergooa tayiaa order and It Seams apparent that tba pieesui a m seas prononaceo eaca oay, 11 xae mars ana wa look for nothing battar tbaa a aeal look for nothing battar '8MB - a acelptng rket, bat aonaldertnc 1U action, are feel that 'irchaae aa breaks will rasall ta aaodsrate msrkei wottta. Irads wale. Cora trade la this market waa eiti smsly quiet. s the enly apeclal feature bain) ecarcltr of -OffarlMar- which Induced - Snort ooreting. May eontlnuea to ba wall held and as ertdeDce ta yet has appeared et bolder attempting ta after any af their holding. - It still look to aa Ilka a moderate trading mar ket. ... . .- - Better Oats taaatry. ' A batter Inanlry for cash cam Brttb for local tad export demand giree to this market a little better tons. It alee adds to the uneael neaa af the -shorts. It looks Ilk It la going nignsr. - n ' : SmsTI Sag Baeelpta. - SmaD bear rata lp4a and higher arises at the yard contributed much to today ImproTe- merit. The speculatlTS sttnstloa shows soma lmpitrrement "and we Wrtl4 aor-W anrpriaM W see price wort Bignar Today's official marketer WHEAC - Opea. High. u. dos. Msy....4 .SUA $ ..M .80U t .,81'AB lr.8tj .8Stt' .88lj8Vl Bpu"ni.i. Jeg"-.n3 .tags iaSSI Jul Sept...: nfiATB. May..."M Je Juiyi. L .2WU . 'I r-.2 - .aai -.2 27 .80 A -.28- B Bept , . . .. 8ms i-OBaV. . Msy...., HOT 1167 11.12 1808 July 12.89 12.80 1268 12-82 Sept.... 12.67 - 186T IB 88 -.- U.66 LARD, - May.- T 18 f IT - J.18 Julr . T il . T 77 T il T 86 aOpt.MM T.66 T 66 T.60 T.62 SHORT RIBS. : -afar.,... TOO ,T.OO T 00 T-08 fuly... T.2T T 82 T 2T , T.2T Sept..... 7.61 ' f .82 t.8w- tM rlHEABTr aVBatXBTfl AB9 fff.Bil ABCBB. CUaaao. Mar 8PrlanarT reoalDtai . .. , Tday ., Teag Aa 1 ' " " V Boak. Bosh. Wnatr"......,.... ....... 187.000 - 142,000 Cora ..- 100,000 808,000 Shlpiiaantst Wheat 1TT.0O0 188,000 Cora 178,000 SeS.OOO Total clearaaa ,(! baabaia. tLnsaty 11,700 banala; oorn. SAS BaUBCTBOO BBAIB UXMMXX. aa rraaeUas, Kay A Offtalal UM a. m. arkstl .. . : WHXAT. Open. High. Low.- Oloaa. ,.4oU S1.46V. '. . May. U.48U Dsesmbsr,.4 1-8SV A RLE X. Mi December... 47 7 - 88, wTCXAT CROP BXPOBI. - Bt. Loahv. May A Med ara Millar tarsi The general eoadltloa af the- winter - wheat ere esatlBoee sstlefsetnry throughout tba greater part af tha wneat nan. Keporta et rest come from tha eouthweet. Aa occasional reference Is made to It from ether sections where there has been track saotstare. Re porta that Baaalaa fly baa appeared la the wheat are also heard. ta ss fag indicates. 0X10400 CASK WBXAT. Calee go, May 8- Cash wheat t Torts r . 1 Xsnra. Bid. Aak. Bid. 1 .81 1 .84 I .88 , .B8-1 .81- .64 ft-1 3:-:::::: No. S hard .! .86 .81 .88 .81 -.88 No. 8 hard No. 2 northern. . . .88 88 .88 t8B Nav4 spring onoAOrO aA oab tors. Ckleaga, May 4W Oraia ear total . t Oars Srade Bat. 18 1804 21 wneat ....... .....m... 23 8 Oom ......... ...; 8T 2 Oats TB , 11 . . Te, a. Argaatlne Orsla Bklpmeats. -- Chleage, May 8. Argentine grala ahlrtmenra: i Today Tear Age Baah. Buah. Wneat ....1.112.000 .2S2.001 Cera 1.118,000 .860,000 t TOaTorjji smrnre. stocks. Baa Francisco. Vtr 8 Trmotrtb atoeka. nciai moss BMrning sessioai ' ' BI4. Mnataaa . a s Adams , Mohawk ......... .ii .2aA McNamara .... .an Belmoat , . 28 North Star .... .t)4 Beacne ........ .08 male .......... KaadaJI . , . . ... Colnmbla Mt .. Jambe Jnnho Kxtea... Black Bntta ... Sllear Plch .... Gold. Airrhor Ray O'Rrlea ... Opblr Tea .... O. Ball m .. Ptastoad naT.. Hemmtak ...... .21 .28 141 .TT .18 .00 .OXB .88A .14 .8T MA. Gold. Mount ... .1J Jim Batter ... 1.00 Nersds .184 inn. r-.fcem .... .ki Bed Toa 8 Ooldfleld ...... .BAi aadatorm .... .BOA Bennatorm Is.. .18 North Star 18A fash Boy ...... .20 "WAIL TBIIT trOaBTJ. New Tork. May S. Americas stocks In Lore doa are Irregalar within a small tract km of Krtty.. Merger ef Aaa Arber sad Detroit uthera la announced. Rerrlmaae will enter the atael trad by rebnitntng old' mil's st UNBUrWrMUMr maiu sasalii er Ainaay legieiature. rropeaea tasue ef l steal ranse preferred stock will 84 'rattBeJ by aa erer whelming mars.ity. . Still AaoWer prices for copper- predicted. Steak Ma alaaUfiil la the a erowd. Toe bae galnen frem the snN treaam-y alone KrldtT l.Trn.OI'O. Twjdre In. duatrlaw Oeereaeed 1.81 per seat) 20 actlt railroads dacrssstd 2.08 per coat, L , - OOatBTOOX BUB LBS ITOOXB. ' Baa rrandaoo. May 8. OoamtatB Bastatluua. ofSclal cloee morning sssslusi ia. I 1 B1- Bunioa J.......9 .8T Sarag .. .48- Belcber l..,juuI,SJMBl..iiaiwll rioa. Cal7a .rr-1.80 TVnlon Ooa ..... .88 Ophtr .........10 Coledonia ...... 8t Telknr Jacket.. .28 Btcbagaat .rr. ,68-1 Mexlrea A 28 Ha la A Blimsta l.8 Aades .27 On. M .40 Srorptoa ...TT" CBTJBUT UM . Win. fSpecial Wepetrh t The JearaaL) ' Newmarket,-' EntUnd. May l-Tha 1,000-gulna atakee) for 1 -year-old fil leya waa won by W. Hall Walker's Charry Laiss. ; .'. " i - . , ,. l FRIDAY THBAT HaJUCBT. I ' An as fTlnae Clnaa Iml Tod TlhIHloysewJf Service; Madam! Youll findJuiJitJWest.Paxli and Washingfon streets six days in every week cutting up the choic est meats -obtainable and wrap ping up the fines V frbet gro ceriea cjieOuldpossiblydese. WtirTouIn5eIeajedrirideedri6 see vou oftener at our storcpe tIs lor tomorrow: - Lz; "';.";;' "' .18 Pounds 'trrr OrannlBted Bag-r for 11.09 , r-BAtUrdA OBI. ff-i - -30t- One -dossil Bosea Parlor Match ea. ' S SAAB Ainarleaa aUrdlosa. 1 - 1 . . t tmjs PaWat. Ham. - 15tt aauia daii8a-tJ8Aiiu.ila Sesaa. 1"" 10 7- ' V. 14b. ama Solid Facie Easterm Tomatoes. 25t I Iba. Baart XAstsrn Rollad OsXs. 11 poucda tod BrokBloa, Z5e : Two S-Ib. cmiiB Pork and BaauUs, ;20: lean Bkars or OhlraraelU'a Cocoa. Wa dellTar en XAit Side ararr day. Fellows Grocery Co. Wa imAnnfaettira) from pure raetm any flarora you miy ra- tjtiira. - Yon -only oTA to- try our- IC CRBAM. WATER. ICES, 1 SHERBETS, ETC. to ba mTtaoad tf Its awperiortty. Cror Uotto InB fiaof of tn ruddtoa; la la aatlnaT." 3, 'p: waf aoxaTcrr A.-Tauixn'rii: Ml Hood 1 Cream Co. Ara aaaantlal to msk A meal what It should bev All houeewlves appreclste in is iaox. yvnen it. oomea 10 tne pest In either meats, fish or fowl, rou'lf find that wa bats no peer. W Alararys .have and do not make It a apeclajty that our customers ara given uie ossi; in fact, nothing else ta kept. Our motto la "Quality aa well aa Quantity." to which your neighbor will testify. Don't xorgei wnen maraeting to ouy at KINDORF BROS. ISO Oraad Ara. nm atatrt 41S. TrTttr-raaariaa- MOCittandYvLCOrrElL s voejjnM worn fiv Call up' Main till. Prompt . deUvary. , GIRL IS KIDNAPED ' AND SOLD FOR CASH - , . sassa . ejaaBBBBBMBHsaansBBMaaBBBaBBBBl Italian Made Business of Steal ing Young Women and Auc- tlonlng Them Off. IJooraal apeclal arrlea.) - New Tork, May (. Sold, aoeordlng to her story, told In-oourt "today," for f 21 by tha man who abducted her from her home In Brooklyn, to Antonio labells, who acoepted a receipt for tha amount which ha paid, pretty Bertha Thlelman, a 11-year-old girl, appeared against her alleged purchaser. Her disappearance aaveral weeks ago confounded the polloe. During tha Interval, aha avera, aha has been made a prisoner In the apartment respectively ef -her reputed abductor and her alleged purchaser. ' ' " As a result of, her story when aha appeared against . An ton la Isbella " tha latter waa held to trial for' ball by Magistrate Moaaon or tha Central street court r. Through, a letter received by Police Ctrmmlaaloner MeAdoo from Stella Vlllerman, another young glH, who al leged that aha waa held oapUve by Isbella, tha whereabouts of tha Thlel man girl waa rarrealed. 88 also that of loata Sedgman, IT years old, who ra- esntljr dlssppeared f rom homaiIZ. FOUR-YEAR TERM FOR NEW.YORK OFlflCERS (Joansl Special Serrlre.) v -Albany, N. TJ Way I. Tha aenate to day pas aad tha bill axtandlng tha term of mayor and other elective officers In New Tork eity from two to four years. Tha bUl doaa no affect the-present ad ministration. i .. . raMaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBl IceXream -xam -',,l-jBf - - - - : - - - ' CoofTMeats r Friedman's Market Th -plsVM - to - Mlot - ynur m Mts - tot 1. aAlaawaa. rSiAM s m maw. . am- TWUr B7UIIUBJ UllUIVIf A8V18A B aertnaan t4 f aUiwJtUj(l8, p tJ!r tjja n 4 canned meats. Bring; your bssketa and hnra tbaia filled At apealaj, prices. : - Mot tha ToUowtag; PrioNi , . . Guaranteed Hams and " v Bacon, lb... ,125j Boiling'' Beef eeen,. n ... . .op Rib v Roast Beef. ...12ytf .TaeerlAf fl' a . ..ISf Corned Beef, 4 lbs. fori-.25 Pot Roast. ,,Mi.M'.6f) and 7f 3 lbs. Mutton Chops. w.25) 8 lbs.' Sausage . e . . . . a. 25e 3 lbs.-Hamburgner Steak... 25) rnrn Rfr ?Qlb8. for........SI.OO When you see it in our ad. if a so Corner First anrl , T.nlumbjeVStA Phone Main 111. JOHN'S MARKET - If yoti want to find a real tty ratrket, eom In asd - sse o AWa Jba-ra e-rary-thlfigffonrBBAXBB duwa to ATBmZaTO CUt 'Trt can putvjp'' anything; from A crown roast down to a Wench ehon, Wa keep tha groan paaa to go with tha erown roast, and tha beat tomato oat gup for tha French chop. Coma la and pack tut yo;ur own meat XI yen -oaa't ooma. talapaoao 1884 atata. - 43Ji N. Sixth Street "Holly'-'BraridButter RanchJEggs, Aoz ...20c faU Line of Qroeartati and jyafaUblaa. ENTERPRISE CREAMERY 1ST Batwean-Waahlnrton and AldatV Oio of; the Cleanest Beat and nhaapeat mark eta In town. Wa cattt tha largest and most complete Una of market good, and wa ara known to the publlo aa giving tha beat for tha littlest, money. .. For Sunday Dinner A big. frwsh Columbia rlrar Blind, I0a gejfanoorh "for tha damand,-par lb. lBo. Wa : could msntlon . a tooua&nd things i nAu.nnn, araaaaa rn naaaa, we-eeir. that would pleaaa jrou. out you ooma and aaa for yourself.--...... . Yakima Rsh Market 148 rixst at, Phoaa Bfata . . .Branch market, ' 2(0 Tarn hill Btraat. Phono Mala 1107. IT COSTS YOU NOTHINO To wlalt the great mist fountain, a eight never before seen In tha weetern ooun try. The onlr ooa oa exhibition. Don't misa aeeing iw . FOR SUNDAY a nIeaL Mar freah Colnmbla rlrar Bbad. lOo, Home dressed ohlckena, lb lBo. And ana of tha flnaat lines Of market goods to aeleot from In tha city, . OUm rmMCXB ara well known throughout tha city aa being tha lowest We buy in large quantities and sell for emah, therefore aaa share tha profit with, you. --. -. - - PaIaceFishMarket BOO Yamhill. Vhoao Btata 1SOT. Branch Market 141 rirat Btraat. Erdner BoohalL x : Tha arl atrial weml aanaaara manufao turera AlT klnda of aauaaga, fresh mada every day. Choice euts of meats' for yo-ur - STJITOAT DINKCB. , Give Us a Call Or phone us. Mala 412, your wants. SUNSET BUTTER The beat In tha market Freah ehuraedavery day, 50 Cents Per Roll ' Try our famous STBTS3T XOB CBVBAJt. Sunset Creamery Co. tSl First at, Fhoaa Maia SS. Butter Down Krgs, Aaa. ......... ....... i .'.i. jy. .88 Baneb eras, .........i .n....2Q Beet creamery . . . i , - . . . ..... aHi Good creamery . . ... ..... ..w..... . ... . . , 4Ae ralry batter ....................n.89 sad sue Ha neb .fsa. . Beet euM-eur4 ham i,.r.,18 rSenle and cotuge kaa lu BenMatbar Saturday Is rkkkea day. .Cklufc. aaa. 18c aad ITe anoad. 1 LA BBABOB CAJtAMBBT, 884 Taaakm. cmaoo-H OVBRBEClCiDTARR 2r COOICE CO Mnibera CAloag Bar4 af Trada " t . aBArjr, rmorxaxoaTS, omoi, btocxb abs atrra. Ill Third treat. McKay ' BaUdlng, PorUand. Or. Wat BO A OTaUOTaiT OlKZSZtQ T ConXlnuo-e Marksta by Pr1va Wtra. Culc f -ato F " , - lutoa, bank! a." aad LoJUi Uut i tu t? , Would:DoiWcU td Coastilt 'These Market " Prices - tor Her SUNOArS DINNER A. J. FARMER - Third and Jefferson Ten eaa save) It par aval Br dealing wua me. - Fancy Creamery Butter, roll Jdox do. l aiaoaroni... lb. box Crmokera i caa good Salmon ...a, lb. 8 hx ad dad Oooawaai a dosen oana Corn ....... 1 dosen cans Toroatoee .,..e.e...')a 1 packs g Beedleea Raialivs .,,, la 1 caokaaes Orandmothers' Aluan...l5a 1 package Bootch Oata ..M..10a' JH-ib. package Paarlasa Muah.eewea ' . I- J.b . good-JtlcA-rr. . i r . i .. i r , a aave. , I a 1 IW Arm and Hammer BrVla teew lot-lb. can Baked h rang i aa. ..,... .He i-lb.- can Baked Beans. ....... M , la I lb. Bohllllnjr'a Baking Fcwd ,.. 1 5a 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder eeee.dOo I lb. Ita M. aW. Coffee , , ,i , i , t'- II bara Royal Savon Boap 1 1 i ' - bars Baby Elephant Boa..a. e,..6t bars Owl Boap., . . . .,.... .IKO 19 Iba Bago or Tapioca. .,.,..,.....16 1 lb. rood English Braakfaaf Tea.,.16o Beet Sugar-Cured Hama. 1 laWeaea.lla i lJbJaunpowlerTea .,.HMt.,. eM . J 6 o fe-- f-t..-r.,.M-r . - 17 Iba D. Q. Sugar e........l v 1 aack beat X. O. engar.L,, I sack good Hu-Wheat rioter.... 11.00 20-lb. pall beat Lard ...... . 10-lb. pall pure LeaL Xard. too a t-lb. pall pure Leaf lard.aeeewea.a.eOa . 1-gtl can Tanle rr"P irimynn . eoo" Dellvarlea oa Saat Bids, Tvaadays and rridaya. Townsend & Voji Schoonhoven - ' QT.trSAT.W AJTO Groceries and Provisions Nawr- Btorav-ldT Trm atr bet, Morrlaon aad Aiaer. fbe-ne- Atata 1182 Jo j . HeMMa,llt I Eastern or Oregon Hams. lb. ...... .13 One aack good Hard Wheat Floor. 41.00 I pounds 'good Bice..... . .... ...... Boo New crop dry PTunee, -per lb.ewe.. I pounda Italian Prunes.. ,m,,i,Im . I pounda Seedleae Raisins,,. aa....S6o Beat olan4 Currants, lb.T....i-r.lo Tomatoeav standards, I cans .... 18a, Tomatoea, Solid ack. ... .LtjuiMJL.0L Two Lib TjkgA Oold Put. , . . ...Soa - One l-jb. pkgy Armour' a Waahlng . ' ' yelsKNapth Boap- 12 bars Royal Baron Boap. Sftei Jbare Baby Elephant Boap. ...... ..8a bottles Snider1 e Catsup SOei !lb new crop English WaUnuta. ...19 lb. White rloney. . ,rmL 'K nura kFi 6-lh. pall pure Iard w.Me ckhs primrose cream. ... lb. Englleh Breakfast Tea. l lb. uunpowoer Tea. ...... a caul raiKBa auoi. . m.., Two 1-lb. eane Hominy.., ........ ..Sow I can a Corn, Faaa or String . .Boo 1 pkg. Poatum or Fig Fran CeraeJ, .80. Good Salmon, 1 t , r t 1 pkg, Bcotoh Oata lua) aa Bid 2aJrrery aaaaaay aaS rrlday. rr-.: Cut.RaieQrocs. riag. Prtoa. ; . Cut Ftlca. 0 Mackerel, each , M , , , , , , ' ISo fit. Charles Cream, rmra. ,10e; 0o' Broom, aaoh .....i. .......... ,BBar too Royal Baking Powder, lb.w,...BSo.. va iwjtu jssuung ruvaer, id.m,...biow Oo BohUllngs Baking FowdaT, lb...B8a 0 A. IL Soda. IU. Bo too 10j 10o- caa fltriaglaaaPeaJioojaQlt. men . . . ... .S5o - wMa . ............. ...... ...... ISo oaa Pheasant Brand Pea, too aaoh. onsen inrni...i r. . . . , . .v. , .J lOo can Ripe Tomatoes, I for 15e eaweaeo . w i .. a, sa s .. 8o . par aoaen , . auw: 0o gaL Itll Ptoklee (Knight a), gal BOe . ISo pkg. Balttest Ball. I pkga lOai ISo pkg. Royal Club Ralslna. I pkga. SBoj lOo lb. Bbrsddsd Coooanut, I lba....8oo, ISa pkg. Crown Currants, pkg...., ..loo! i can Oysters, 1 eana. .. S8o! la lb. Ham Eastern!, lh. 13a it eaa Pampkla aad BejUAah. oaa.loo- -" OUaJaAJrrBm If you wCl birr vouri grooarles from as during this spring) and summer wa win aava enough mpneyi for you to enjoy all -the pleaaureai of thav coming fair out of what you have) baaa allowing youreelvas for giooeilea. 1 2th and Washington Sts. Phona Mala 1I81. - 1 . Special for Saturday If lbs beat Granulated ugsr.BlUyo f bars Ooldea Btar Boap.M....a54 " 1 lb English Breakfast ., iffg I oana Bolld Pack Tomatowa Arm 4 Hammer Soda I pkgs Cora Bta rah eaa Mocha and Java Iba Rica Brooms, aaca Oooda deUvarad to aap part af th city. - East aid Tueadaya. ThuradavB and Baturdays. Remember tha aumberar 133 FOURTH STRE12T aaMeaSXw . ... Conry Cash CoffecCo any. - WASHINGTON MARKET in PrlBia Bib Bcaeta. ...........a.. .....M...1fHa UWa Biriora Btaass-, Teaderlola Steaks ...... ...HH te IS Porterhona 8 teak UV ta lr Bound Staeke ...................loe Plala Steak. I lbs ror ................ ., ,2oe Leg Mutton .........,.....12a,A lVg Lamb ...... .... na.,, :m. ........ 12 V. J Muttea Chowa, I Ibt ta . j . gi Lola ar Bib rboae . . ,U Is aa la. Sbouldar of Mattes Bt 8 8e Mntton Stew -r., ........ . i... , .,8e Pork Bnaeea .........n-........10 at It We Pnrk,Cbopa , .-...10 ta I2WO Veel Roaate ,.t te l.Va t ' aaJ2 e as tfaunwrger, 8 aw ens "tar-Cored Braekfest 8 esse ..............lee Beet Craeaaery Batter ,...w.sM.nM..8i rveek Basok gaga' ...,.,, ..,n..iia-4 Bread. leaese far ae Sugarurad Hast ...... u, .m...,.1IHs ' TAMTB a sjBATna, fvaaa, .t . Standard MarHet biabctx kXABxrr sar xabs bbbbsiss. ' Bkeae Baas Tt. ' ATI wT8aTfcataTaa 9fSm99 VsMfltlaf' tataBaw2al fstag powiBti, Bomaa u oo. (EatablUbad 11IA T tA-aOLA aVJra BTOaC ' aWn 4, Oeoaind tVva. "" OBLAJgaXS OF COAtatLSvatCa. mm...H4, etwesMMao r il"'s.s.B ' " ' S 1 1 1 1 .Oa I