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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
THE rORECOJi DAILY, JOURNAt. ! PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINQ. MAY; t. iCCJ. 18 ram asks ' MR. E. Z MARK ASSISTS A CRIMINAL - FOR MORE HONEY , H t ttttt1, : 44wwt M M O M M M M KM f M MM Lane County Anxious. to Make More Complete Exhibit at Lewts and Clark Fair, MAKES GIFT fOSTXTT" $5.00 Suits UNIVERSITY LIBRARY City Ordinance Passed at Eugene Licensing Theatres But No " k Sunday Performances, Boys Clothing Specials I . ( : SFD J fcEIII II HliJ ill I l and $3.50 (SperUI Dispatch to The Joersal.l . ' Eugene, Or, May I A committee of representative business men called upon the county emmTiisnersrv--seawr; itfif afternoon and asked that bedy to ' appropriate J1.00.; In addition to . th ; 1100 tlrttilr flm,-(ir Ltn oountye exhibit at tha Lewie and Clark exposl- Ito. The- matter la nowuedsr ooa- . aideration. The committee consisted of ts- following leading clllum: Hendricks, S. H. Friendly. F. W. Osnurn -irwin Brnrew.T. u oampofsTTrp: iHifln, Alton Hawptort, M. Thooy on. O. TV. Griffin. J. JV. Shumate, C H. Bakery Henry Stewart.. Dr. U. A. Paine, Av C Woodcock, F. M. Wilkina and Dr. I I Whlteon. - it la desired to melee aa good a show Ing, at th fair, a Linn.. Jackaon.- Cooe . pnd; oUier connttee, each fifwhlch.ha appropriated .eoO or morK - x Itakea Olrt to Uaruy. MraT Mary B. .yrlnton of Eugene Jut preeente4 to the llbrerr of the Btate univeretty " L narpfif Monthly, , conilatln- of 'th'e . many vol--vmee yubltehtd durlne;-he- yeera- from the flrat toaue lq June, I860, until a re cent date. Three volumte were col lcted and prteorred .byMra."'Terln- ton'a hnaband. tha late Almon Yertna;.- ton. Thla la ayaluable addition to the ri!brary-ndihe Ut la-blahly prtfa a ted by the faculty of the unlveralty. ,; . Aralaat Suada Theatre. ' The city council at a epeclal meeting lt. night, paeaed-an ordinance Hcenalng "theatrea " J10 a -year. An effort- wet . - wede-by the management -of a vaude vtlle theatre which will open Monday to obtain a license for Sunday perform- enrea, but It wMrefunsd. An ordi l JraaqraXtad rtjn uallnt ,tha ipard of automobiles on the atreets. . OoveTU Ate Ohlokena. M. T. Crow brought tha carcase of a huge cougar to Eugene yeetrday and had It -mounted. It had been killed nee Lowell by Aaher Veatch. The animal entered Roy Hllli' hen fiouse Wedneedey night and ate up If or JO chlckena. "The next -morning Veatch and hla . dogi tracked the animal up the mountain ant a well-directed ahot between the eyee brought It down. ; OaaaevSaaa mutt ooattngv . Jack Miller of Pleasant Hill -came to r town yesterday and hetieme Ini ls waa locked up in the city jail and 1 ' last ' nlght"tha tuattreaa on whtrh ' h . was sleeping caught fire, probably from aparks from . his pipe, and before he could attract attention the amokead . almoat auffocated hlaa. ' when the of flcera unlocked the cell doorMUler was aTmosmnconscioua." PORTLANDER DEDICATES A SEATTLE ELKS' HALL : Mpwlal Ptsntca to Tbe JoerneLV rZTBealUa; Ilbt .: 1-Tba -na w-Elk hall 7- , in the Alaska building was formally ded- 1a,B,ar'' Cewa4i-dMbuBa b ai .ja,.g ajf fOdfgJ 4Q f fkf4jEasr4 Fluted by prominent members of the r '""order from all-over the state. rrr; D. "Soils Cohen, a lawyer and past ' wxalted ruler of Portland, made tha dad- Icatory address. - Theee eerTlres laated from I o'clock to 4 o'clock p. m. and waa followed by a public reception from - 4 to. o'clock, during which time Elks and their families wandered through the . rooms and admired their appointments, r At the evening meeting - Lieutenant Governor Coon ocoupled on of tha chairs, and Congressman llumDhrerssvn other. Colonel Robert H. Llndsey pre aided aver th aoolat session. There ", were I0 Elks present. Congressman - Humphrey delivered an address on tha pnncipiea or th order, which waa do- clared to be the beet aver heard In thla Fr -or tna atata. i STRAWBERRIES FROM j ' ', ' - WASimiCTQrJ HgRF . rtnite eelmon, Washington, strswber l u un market. These berries en alunlli an n Ilis riose rmtw .Jieod RIVer" and are usually sold under that name. To thla tha White Salmon -pat.pla have obJectlon.-arrhry-My-that their strawberries are at leaat 1A dava earlier than those from acroeaJtha.Ti.yerJ i no nni craie or inese nerrlo was r :".. reived by Dryer, O'Malley A On.. Front- street firm, and waa sold at Ti eenta per -r pound.-California berries were ee'lln c ins asm lime at snout id eenta, and j; otner local oarriea at JOo per pound. .;' ' . '. AMTtCn WAMX.L SOBS, ' . (Special IXspatek to The JomrsaL) McMlnnvllla, Or., May I. Arthur ' iWadell died at hla father's home yea s' terday, a few miles east of this city, r . 'Ha was a eon of Cdunty Commissioner - ; A. M. Wadell and was It years of age. , , n wee a Tormer student of the Me. MInnvllla Baptist colOge, but for -tha ? last four or Ave years has been living ... . m uuiiornia. He lert there last June, on account of Illness, and haa been at : hi Xather'e home since that time. He ...iwaa a victim of consumption, which wee caused by Injuries received in a --'l'lr1l,,,0,'on om years ago. " L , JwcJBAM WATts snrrpi (Rperlal Ptipstra t Tke JoarasL) ' ' Cottage Orove. Or., May h An ateo. '--lon haa been called forMar II lor th A imrpow of deewtjf the question of In. ereaslng tha water supply. If tha Issue Is successful, tiO.000 worth -of - bonds '-'wn-fedlna"lirraT;rsupply K -- aTeatly ncraaaed, . which will afford axn- , - pie protection from fire. - Th reservoir ...wtii bamad-lo hold l,e,eoe -reJlons. The majontyorjioplatmnlutha lion will carry.. .. Wlot makes the- world . vo rounci in buavines ; almost tin most setiooB wotk of man is ' busioessy and business avr jes rather crooked. There is no straighter ,. things in xht world than Schiliiog's Best; at your rrooer'aW .e 1. BREATHLESS 8TRANQBR Say, Ml ter, a murder hae been , committed In that "flrtt oue--rud the.aornr, Hunt a po- I Iceman. I'm going for doctor. ", : 1-r-r-- - x :'T r 9. LONE FEMALE (anawartn(pf1Kman'a aummona) O'long with you. Thara'a baan na murdar oommltted In thla houaa. I'm tha -only peraen who Uvea hera, and Tut ' prttty much allva I guaaa. Soma ona'a baan playln a oka irrott. omer:":"'"irz SLAV SHIPS EVADE Nebagatoff ; Escapes Squadron iru Straits of.Sunda Rx 'estyensky Sails South. (Joarnal-apectal flerrlea.) Bt Peteraburg, May . -It ia reported here Jhat Rojcstvenaky. has sailed south to tnet Nebogatoft. It 1a also reported that a Jsrsness division of fast cruls- ers and lqrpedoboat destroyers went WAITING aoutlL-to rn g ga NariOgfctflOAdtooky.rh t r lee.3 a position in the straits of Bunda. Ne bogatoft, . flndhvg - tha atralta blocked. headed north and entered the China aea by the straits or Malacca. NebogatofTa aquadron . wa' ' sighted this morning at Singapore going-very fast-In an easterly direction. Tne ships asa eapeoted ta preeeea -to -Ballon for provisions and coal before Bailing for Roleatvensky a rendezvous. As the Russian vessels passed Singa pore they exchanged signals with the British warships on: the harbor, it is expected that It will be nine or ten daya before NebogatofTa aquadron Joins Ro- lestvensky It Is announced that th Russian err mo red cruiser Gromobof has left Vlad! rostok. ' ' r ' Representatives of 14 of tha Zemstvos are holding a secret meeting In Moa cow today in tha face of the order pos1 tlvely prohibiting such meetings. Tha delegatea paopoae to promulgate a char. trr for Russian liberties. Several) hundred . soldiers of Sevas topol, have revolted and resisted tha troop's " sent ' to restore order Tn the fight- which-followed -mTry-were-killed and wounded. The Social Democratic committee 1s planning a great demonstration for. Russian May day. r which falls on May 1 4. according to tha Runsian. cajendar. Doubt la expressed of ability to accom pllah much. Disorders are reported from many pasta at the smplee, bus fear mi serious disturbances are not entertained. -A--Waraaw-dispatch statee that In- garded by tha people aa responsible for the massacre of May 1, was round dead todayTwTtirTtTo- buTlatg fiTHIa body? At Tlflla. Caucasia, today. .10,000 do mes ties and waltera struck. Work waa resumed in many factories at Warsaw today, deaplta tha efforts of Social Democrats. At Tomsk, western Siberia, It la re ported that martial law haa been de clared at tha collieries of Angerm Boudja. - Rojestvensky haa Informed the Rua slan admiralty of the presence of a Jap anese warship In tha territorial waters of th Dutch portion of the Island of Borneo. If the report la verified, Rus sia will protest to the Netherlands gov ernment - - - ' HUNDRED MILLIONS IN UNION PACIFIC BONDS . (Joarnsl Sir1al lUrvlce.V Bait IJiks -City, May .--WTiil-J-i Unle-Pacillo-offlelala will lalk. It la aa. serted that opposition to the Issuance of 1100.000,000 preferred stock has been withdrawn and this aftssspon favor able action will be taken at the -stockholders' meeting, The a vowed -object of -the meeting. It la believed here, will be an effort - to secure th Chlcajro-eV Northwestern, with, a lew toward get- ting a batter access ta Chicago andthe AUantle seaboard. . , j a , WAiTtjra om mromcx. "' (Jenraal lisdil SttIcs. ) New - Tork. Msy 6i The--Inaunute f nmmUslmieis - of Washington, Ken tucky, WlsconslnTand other states, state that they , will await tho result of tha Investigation being made by State Su perintendent of Insurance Hendricks.. of New Tork. before taking aotton In their respeotlv states i toward th Equitable Life Assurance society. .- - AT Tsl 'SOnU,' Senator B. W. Haines came In front Forest Grove this morning and Is reg istered st the imperial. . ' - Mr, and Mr- .-Ankeny -ar tn ProfssorrRR: T.B-5r 11 Oregon Agricultural (soUeae la at tt iojperlsl. Jamea Flnlaisoniof Astoria la In town for tha flar. . t. MR. K. ringar Nlok, la mora FIGURES READ LIKE . TRUST PROSPECTUS Cursory. Clanoe'at. Value -of the Animal Industryln .This Country.' f)?reparatlo7"for' tha"llvestock"axhlblt it . thLrts-ad-Clrk-1r-4s going- ahead ateadjly under the direction of Superintendent M--iV-Wisdom. It Is to brheld fronl August IS to September 29; th lirt,10 days will b devoted ex clusively, to, th horse ahojw, and the re mainder of the time to cattle, aheep, goat and swine. Bestdes-Oregon, breed- and some .Canadian provinces will- make Superintendent " Wtadnm.' in sending 4 out th premium list, lneludes the fol lowing statement;- , 1 '"Vary, few persons have any Idea of tha magnitude of th livestock industry pt tha United StaUe- If ehown, byth omciai government couni. insi mm horses, mules, cajtle, sheep.hogs.-'and goata In the United States number over 220,000,000 head, and that their value In, according to tha same authority, over U.200.000,000 (see 12th census of ' the United States), the figures alon would have very little attraction or meaning ta th majority of readers, but when told, in addition thereto, - that ' these animals would make a aolid column of more than 8 abreast reaching from Ban Francisco to- Boston; -or, .If placed In single file, a solid procession that would reach nearly ten tlmea around tho earth; and would require 11 year to pass given point marching conatantly at the rat of 20 milea per day; or that they would fill a solid stock train of 4,000,000 modern palace stock car over 0,00" miles In lengUi. And further that their value exceeds tha total combined Value of all th corn, wheat and other cereals.. potatoes, hsy, cotton, sugar, molasses. tobacco, lumber, wool. coal, petroleum. silver, gold and precious stones. Iron, copper, lead, alno and other metala pro duced -annually in the whole country- their -perhaps some adequate conception may be formed concerning th magnl tude and Importance of the livestock In fl us try ir Ihe-TThTtea Btatef.' MAXJTI.T ITBMOHAlT' BO.-Dutro f Cascade Docks Js guest at the Portland. r U 1n th city. v - O. D. Dean of The Dallee Is tn town on business. .. .. . CATARBHAL TROUBLES PREVALENT Spring; Months Cause Slckneaa. JBreatne liromei, ana se curea of Catarrh. Catarrhal troubles are more com mon at this season than at any other time ot tne year, lne sudden cnang e that come during the spring months are productive of many cases of - catarrh that without proper treat ment. will become chronic - The pleasantest,. most convenient. and only acientitic -method for the treatment and-xuTe-of catarrh, is rlyomei. Simply put, 20 drops in the little pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit. And then breathe1 it for three minutes four times a day. No. dangeroua. drugs or - alcoholic concoctions are taken -into the svs- t em when ff yomef if used. Breathed thxougn .lne ... inhalef, lne :. balsamic fragrance of Hyomei nenctrates - to the most remote cells of the nose and throats and -thu-kll he-ea-4 tarrhal germs, heals tha irritated mu coui membrane:;-ami gfyes -coirpjilete and. permanent cure." -- ihousands 61 - testirtoniali" rinrel been 'given as - to the "astonishing cures made by this remedy. J. S. Nu gent, treasurer of r the- New York Life Insurance company, writes: "Hyomei has completely cured my daughter of catarrh, from which she has been a sufferer for years." int.. complete nyomei otmit costs but one jdoll'ir,' and asih--inhaler will last a -HfettTTTa aitdherelrt suf ficient Hyomei for several .'"-weeks'" treatment, it ia the .most 'economical catarrhal remedy knownExtr hot. W" if." ior nuy cents. Ask Woodard, Clark it Cot to ahow you the strong guarantee under which theyiell Hyomei. r . v . . TZT-eV. Cow Wow. aaa It all. VauM - - rn-A- ZYo are Jutt In tlmey Mr, PoIlcamanA miirdar ha jut baan em mned in th,ia not. . -i POLICEMAN dear J waa ohaln' Nimbi th plckpockatj but a murder importajiafcnr -t: " pal of Nlmbla Pltigarad Nlak. Yau Invwntad lthat murdar atarv to thraw fna off tha Ghate: thafa -what. All rloht; tall that to tna cap. '" tain. Yau .don't fool fna tha a nd tlma. ' - PRIZE fICHT AT SSA B enton Harbor Society - Stirred .i Over a Novel Dove ' -" " ' Partyf - v "T (Jearaal Speetal SerWe.) v Chicago, . May. t. Benton 'Harbor so ciety today la bussing over a "pink tea" glove show, . given by a prominent ao- olety woman and attended only by I imea wltn a woman . referee, and which consisted ofa,three round, glove contest between .Tommy Ryan, r.harq. plon middleweight, and Johnny MoctU. son, tha fit. Joseph boxer. - The ring wss pitched n a ealivas floor In tha hostess parlor and tha men appeared In regular - fighting costume I jidKav.aclant'no exhibition f-apai ring. There wss a wild mli-up which caused th rmest Intense acltement among tha fair spectators. Th referee had no trouBll Id' break"- tng tha clinches and ther waa no d murrlnr over tha decision. A fail cheek paled occasionally when, a fctlff upper cut or fleroe awing landed, ACCIDENT OCCURS. TO MILL MACHINERY Washington and Oregon Com pany Employes Are Laid, Off Until Repairs AreMade.. (Special DIspsteh te The aeeraaLt Vancouver,. 'Wash.,: May I. All th banda aW th Washington . Oregon mill were lald off .at .11 minutes after 11 o'elock yesterday-morning - on-ae- count of th carriage running off. While aawlng a crooked log the large iwgWTBrowtngThagennrbef off -the carriage. Tha saw was broken in many p4ecev-Aa-ha h -rolled-off it struck the lver which governed th running of the carriage and aent th .i.earrlageuLlhrougbl)aajiori Mthe mill, dolna considerable daman. The piston rod was bent so that a new on will have to be put la Tha total damage . will amount to mOr than .1,000 besides the loss of time. Th mill will probably start again tomorrow, morning. (Speetal IHspetch te Tke Joarsal.) ' Oregon City, May I. Attorney O. B. Dlmlck haa received "a letter from George Lauth. who is awaiting . death sentence in tha stat penitentiary, ask Ing that bia lawyer make renewed ef forta to eav hla neck. ' Tha condemned murderer still haa hopes of escaping th gallows. . - " . O. OEE WO -.- The Qreat Chinese Doctor la called great be cause' hla wonderful cure are ao well known throughout tbe United States, .,v ana Because so man V people are thankful to him for aavlns --tneir-uvea rrom : OPERATIONS m Treats kny and all dlseaaea with A . power j herbs, barks I erful Chtnese erbs, roots, bud a. and vegetables -that ar entirely un known to medical ecience in thla coun try, and throusHT the nss of these harm less remedies. This famous doctor knows the action of over 100 different Temedl-e that he has successfully used In different A la... If , n mih ,,t,rrh asthma, ltjhg troubles, vouenees, stomach, liver, kidney, fe male trouble and all private diseases Hunaredaer testimonials. Charge moderate. Call end see ThlmJ WS.VMS1WS SSSJSJS,. , Pstlehts out of the eltv -write tnr blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Ad dress JTHE. C GEE WO CHINESE JEDICINE,CO.i.: 261 Alder street Portland. Or. ' Stair. war of !MU Alder street leads ta af. flea, Mention Lb la pacer. pijk: tea I- I II K Hi A nice new line of Worsted Cassirhere Suits with less than New Stiff and Soft Hats Straw and Panama Hats, -- Hose ahd Neckwear I -r . ' .'.. -;:., aasssaisssasasssasssssssssssssss-- r". 11 ' " " "; rxzza ESZZXXS Hotel Iprietorta Do Vdu Want Business? Do You Want Live Times I i h If so, tat'e no chances, HAWY OBJECT-TO Latest St. Johns Revenue-Raisers Not Favored by Some .v Professional Men.' BUSINESS MEN DO NOT OBJECT SO STRONGLY New Schedule Will Be Outlined onightJ.y.a- Special Committee.- The esst sHe efflce ef The JonrnsI Is In rhe store of Mrs. r. W. MrK Inner. 800 East alerrttea street.- TtWptone n HK .19, . Bt. Johns merchants are not enthuat aatla ov th w that thas anu havsj to pay an occupation tax; in fact tn pleasure aroused over th announce ment -by-th council -haa been Indeed email. It ta realized thatrthe olty gov- .- 4 a ralM monev end that ftM i Treinr tainTst wtir hot pay 14 per cent of th running expenses, out me occupation tax la not favorably received aa the solution by many.' Tha obleetlon cornea from tha profes sional men rather than from the mer chants, and noma If not all the real estate men feel that they ar being singled out to bear burdens after, aa they aay, they have been tha chief fac tors In tha town's progrees. Th eoun cllmen and other city officials admit that the real estate fraternity la ached uled for Ha ahar of th tax burden, but as yet tha ,11st of fees haa not been fixed. Th council committee having ' In charge thla matter will meet tonight and begin work , on drawing up a tax echedule. which labor will be completed before the next meeting of tho council. Th Fortland ordtnanca will be fol lowed closely and the amount demanded will' be regulated by tha income tha various buslnee and -professional meh swear they receive. - Th opposition to tha occupation tax Is by no means general in Bt.; Johns, msny of - th .business men'who .win have to contribute heavily not objecting and realising that only a pressing need occasioned the action by the council. Among . the laboring class and thane generally who do not have to pay th special levy.- there- is an - enthusiast 1e acceptance -of. th new plan. . . Fl RE PIT AN IN CUB ATOR. anglne lro T Sot tvoorn Tons Oat Chicken with Baa aa Oertaunty . . Bnslna dbmoaHy No. f some time ago achieved fame by using the fir pit of th engine aa a hot house and growing panslea and sweet peaa that resembled Jack's beanatalk, But the latest us tha pit haa been put to makes the gar dening venture -commonplace. A sam ple dosen of efga wae tenderly placed In th hot deptbs three weeka ago, and Tuesday the first' chirp was heard. All but two of th dosen eggs hava-batohed, ! and 10 pert chlckena ar being reared , In .a.. homrnade.. -brooder. - which -he' been eonetructeout 'of anushel bae kV a lampand aom old eoata... . , i m .. ' arm to atoep uw srerr. Ia order to avoid law suit tha St -OCCUPATION TAX other stores sell them, 3 to 15 :zzzzzztxzzzzzzzzaBzuKzzzzs: Lodging - Honie Proprietors AND OTHER. - EMPLOYERS Cast yonr vote for a CANDIDATE FOR. MAYOR. First Touch OF,- SPRING AWAXB-all Kature 1s awaken ing. Put on the Mew Oaxb Clothea make th man you'll feel as-royal aa a King with the exhilaration ' of tha "new: Bult th . new Top Coat that 1a Just In fresh - from - the Makers and such Makers tb greatest Clothe Makara In tha . world have - faahloned the - goods. ; SCHLOSS BROS. CO.' of Baltimore and New Tork, .The Correct Clothea. Maker for Oentlemen nav - designed, fashioned and made these . . new creations' snap, grace, style lilnejrJ;benv vry I CoIorln.itS-AreCIorloui The Quaker Oraya. tha English Bait and Peppers and the .. Saxony weavee, tbe Bannock- burna, tha quiet fawn over - plaid; th tana and eorua and tracings of brown, harmonies of soft tone. WD RAVS XIX, GRADES TOOM 110.00 TO 110.00. AIlr-All Cordially Invltpd - To como and look at thla splendid array of Fashlonabl Apparel at T. B. WEST Outfitters to. Particular People --t&ggi, ,m Johns council win meet "In sneelal see- slon tonight and confer with tha legal repreaentatlvea of the firm engaged In blasting stumps from a kit In the Ltown. Th. firm ' Was given a permit to biaat th stumps, which lay In th center or th place, by the council. Owing to a general complaint. thla. per. mlt was -revoked and a damage suit againet.tbe.'.oity waathreatened. From th testimony of those living near the scene of th blasting, and from an In vestigation mad by a committee of eouncllmen, It appear that extra heavy charges were ' used ( and that heavy stumps war blown ISO feet, several large plecea of wood falling within six feet of a yard where children were play ing. .HABSXAXi OBOAJT HAT QDTT. Marshal Organ of St. Johns may re sign In th near future. Th marshal was appointed by tha former mayor and has served the town for two years. Sine Mayor King baa taken th offlc Mr, Organ haa been between two flree, th mayor refualna to anoolnt him. and th council refusing to eonslder the I appointment of anyone alia ' f - im nonm bsoxbb. Notices have been posted by th audi tor of St. Johns calling a spools! elec tion for May, tt, when th -voters win a saYing: of $1.00 to $2.00 years old All the New Fabrics . -ahd Patterns In Men's V Shirts, 51.00 sxxxs: Lacney Coppaates,- for Portland? "Open Town' Park and Washington, Portkod, Ortf oa ' MThe School o Quality ,' r. MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE ; . Opea all the year. CaUUgna free . A. P. ARMSTRONO.-1.L. B PRINCIPAL, decide whether or not to Issue (19,000 - In bonds for th purchase of publlo utilities and th payment of debts. -TAr tha same tlm th people will be given ' i an opportunity to express themselves j on th asloon and wandering oow qus-' -tlpns. This expression of ontnlon wilt no?, be binding on th council, but ft Wfll ahow If tha cltiaena stm deslrs a ory town, ana wnetner they wish tha cows aoniinea. ' T -neciectea coios . milts fat arrava- farde." Dr. Wood Norway Pin Byrup ; elps men snd; women to a haoDV. vis- r oroua.old age, -J- r-. v '.; - '. ' W ItaJta tha 1 . -'.i - ' : ' ' . - ItstflawertBliitWt' U fo Oeatlamea. .... - Uamtm 1 mm Jr 1 '- tT' ' - . . . ITKe ClatKee KIT1 Jy a.TiHoa eicwroai mmjr .e.K I V ' -