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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
- . .. ' u i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND, FRI DA EVENING. MAY 5. C3. RP9I HERE ARE TIIEMEN; TAKE YOUR CII01C - hortr-Pkhy-Bkgra(Wof Can ; didates for Office of Court- "AND-TWO DEMOCRATS "Some Have- Been There Before, But Majority Make Their 'First Bow. f ,' On of th neat difficult problem to b solved by the voters at the print' arise tomorrow la the eeleoUon of suit able man for tha city council. Thar " mry fnHirti.fT m h field, be t h lor ward ouncllmen and . for council man at tare. Iaaa difficulty will b fotm In ohooalnjr ward councilman, for tha reason that tha candidates are, ' aa a rule, comparatively wall known, in the wards la which tney jive, But tha larger constituency ..whloh electa tha council' roan at large la frequently but slightly acquainted. If at all. with, tha eharaeter of tha man who seek tha office. fiUtaan HepubUoan and two DtnHF crate ara soaking nominations for coun cllraen at large. A faw of the'eandl' -datea-"aTwll known .to tha voters. ' majority of thorn fear taken no promt nent part la municipal affairs, and thay appear baforo tha publlo aa man untried -andunknown. : And aa la always tha - - ease, there ar soms. whoa only claim .. to offlea la that thay want It . la juyaibaHoal Oreo. - - Tha name of tho eandldatee for eonn- . , cllraen at large will appaar on tho prim' ; 4, ary .ballota la aiphabatloai order. Tha . first name on .th Republican Hat-la -- John Annend, -manager of - tna Postal : TelegTaph company. Mr. Annand la - raaldant of tha second jwerd and h ".lived In Portland for tha paat II years. -LWhan ha-flra t . cam ; to Portland . ha found employment In railroad work, out ' for th witu years 'ho haa been with "tha Postal Telegraph company..' Ha baa ""tha cordial support of many business nta, and hla Integrity la unquestioned. 1 Ho haa taken no part la polltjee up to tho- present campaign and til mti -held publlo office. . "",..- ' William. JL. Barry haa lirad In Port- amtjorz.-tharyaat.ayaaaa. Ma U printer, and la aa honorary member of - the Typographical union. Tor aoma : tlma paat ho haa been la tho amploy -of 1 Buiboni V Co., and haa done much L work aa an advertising - solicitor - Ha - will probshry have good aupport from tha unions, aa wall aa from some other elements. : Wr-J.-Oemena. ta "ona 't tho "' beat known of tha Republican candidate, rn4 he haa racalTed hearty assurances of aupport from many of tha buatneaa ma of tha city. He came to Portland -from Brat county., Ohio, In 1I8 and 1 engaged In the Insurance business. Ha ''haa not taken aa. active part lit pontic and haa never before been a candidate -for- puMle- office. Mrr CIemea Is prominent member ' of ' the -board of -trade and the chamber of commerce, Commercial club and Ohio society. Ha J a member of the finance committee mm AM 'Aa.. The Pine.Nccdle. Fiber Mattress The True) Health Be4 ' Perfect Rest eeeured -aa eae ef thaaa Mattraasaa, The bod Is comforted and the nerves : quieted by tha soothing aroma arising from this efficient fiber. Hardly notice able during- the day. It seems to do double duty "at sight In purifying tha heary Odors of darkness and restoring the exhausted energies of tha day. Tha twaf article Vt household uae aver per fected. Begin to aleep right' Investi gate. That's- sufficient te prove our cause, ' . y - . ' - i t. PHcii But "flis nn : HYGIEfflC riATTRESS co: M CXaXS ATM.- TXOMM X&MT tit, 4 K . I 713 iWi :," aM-K I of the first named; body and la one ef the membership committee ef the Cham- bar pf commerce. . ; . Ooauaoaere af tha Taeht CluaT To lovers of ao.uatlo sport ha is wall knows as tha commodore of tha Tacht club. He la knowa la commarclal clr cles as an energetic, progressive and suooeaaful bualnees uaa. Jamas N. Davie Is an attorney am has- baa a a realdent-'of -aoaUaoeV ori years. His home Is in the eighth ward. He has done much important business for the r Oregon Railroad Navtgatloa eompany-and the -Oregon; Water- Power at dlallway company, though not now eennected with either corporation, . la ll ho was alee ted te tha state lellaa latura, but awing to the famous dead, lock over the election of United States senator, tha houoe did sot organise at the session of .lalT. Mr. Davis wss aa independent - in that- gtruggloy-andr-ho did not aeek re-election, la the present campaign he baa been making no active effort to seoure nomination for tha council, bat many of his ' personal friends have been making aa eanvaaa la hla behalf. , He has always had tha reputation of being a man. of independence and Integrity . Thomas Qray-haa-lWed in remand, for J yeara For 1 yeara ha waa man ager of tha Oregon Transportation coat p&ny. rorOh paat- three as- gour years he hag been aecretary and' treasurer At tbo M.. J. Ortsooll company. Ho enjoy a fin reputation for personal integrity and a wide acquaintance . in business envies. , . - -. x r-T-T .' Otoe oa Orooaatea. Thomas' Oreo has bean In tha grocery buslneaa In tho first ward for a number of years, bnt sold out about a month ago.. His aelghbora apwUrhlghly ef his personal character. To T tna majority of tha vxters he la probably unknown. a he-bae-takeirao prominent-part la Dubu affaire, . H. A. ueppner cams 10 muun in 110, and has bean in buslneaa. her sine ISf 0. Por several yeara ha had a drug store en the east side,-and he still retains - an Interest In It. though his chief business Is that of a manufao turers aseat. - Mr. Hsppnsr has never befors been a candidate for publlo ofnee. Heels regarded as an energetlo business Qeorg ldV Hyland waa for a number of yeara general superintendent for-the .department atore of Olds. Wprtman tune, no waa- euDseuenuy eonneoiea with Woodard ft Clarke, and la now la buainasa tor himself - Ha" haa lived la Portland alnce ltl. Mr. Hyland haa beettnr"conac1entl6uBaflocato of clvta improvement: and la one of the leading spirits In the movement recently inau gurated for a "clean town." Ha be came a candidate for tho council at tha request of the Clvlo'traprovement asso ciation, and la warmly aupport ed py that organisation. IiaJaknom&. energy and Integrity, and If elected Will do all la hla power to abollah the bill boards and other unsightly objects that dlaOtrure the city. . - .. , srarat Held Otlaa, " 'il Dan. K ellah er has been In the grocery business la .Portland for. a dosen yeara He haa also had enmo- maatifaotnrlng interests here. . Though , he has-barer held offlea he has bee an active psjrtt. aea-ol f tho Matthews machine. George P. . Lent haa . been -practtotnf law .lo this city for a number of years. This Is hla- f! rat assay as eandidats forpublio office. Ha cornea of a, family wall known1 In Portland, 'and ha an lor good standlaeT la his profesaluu. -rr- B. . Manley . haa , been known tof years as a machine politician. Ha a- cured a term in tha leglalaiure In 119) and waa superintendent of street clean lng during; the administration of tayo ataaum ins iiwiu, potn voe tegtsia ture and In The Cllylall. waa the sub ject of much sever criticism. Many voters are outspoken and tnphett-4 their-condemnation ef his candidacy, Mr. Manley haa baen a raaldant of Port, land slnoe 1111. He was the first preet- d ant of the fir department of Alblna. aad hald fh efflra until llttlna.and PorUiLnd Were; consolidated under ons municipal government ; r P., Ji Qnlaahy haa oten angil ill pally politics for a number of years, ...H is regarded as a auDsiantiaj citizen, ana is on of the proprietor ef. th Inter national hotel. In th oouaty election last year h registered and -voted at Mt Tabor, but in th November elec tion ha voted as a raaldant of. th city. Oa of the Touagstacw. . Charles N. Ryan is one ef th younger element of th Republican party. ' He aa formerly treasurer ef tha Marqsam Grand theatre, but 1 noV In th em ploy of th Oermsjt Publishing com pany. Though h has taken aoma Inter est In politic, h has never before ought offloe. . Th os who have bees associated with him la business speak highly of his energy and Integrity. 1 ' John P. Sharkey has been prominently before the people of Portland a a mem- par, of th present city cnnnrll. CmianlV man Sharkey haa been -regarded as -on of th ring whloh ha largely eon trolled legislation by th city council. Some ef th strongest , opposition o anaxaay comes from the ward which ha haa beep representing In th oottncll. . -'- C. A. Tpwnsend Is aecretary of the T, ifrnil rrn t - I'"T announces aa hi platform "olvle lav- MttBMBi.M grama-,-. N. will s. the last or tn itepao- JOSEPH WINN BEYERIDGE Candidate for Nomination for atyTreasurerwm' Be-" Elected by a Large - - :Maj6rifye Within -the neat month the name ef Joseph Winn Bevertdg hag baen spokan of wary prominently among tho buslneaa men of thla city as the leading canai- datefor-tnamomtnattun ' liy trra. urer. .. . . nan m btxido. That this ah oul A be . heeaae comas no way aa surprise to his -many frlanda and strong supporter. Oppoe lng faetlona have worked hard to die cove -something In the long ana .honor able record of - thla - gentleman - which might reflect agalnar hl rntrrltyr teut not one - lota . of . anything ' derogatory have they been able to bring to hi door. His record is unimpeachable. such a man aa Joseph Bevertdg is eminently fitted for political office and h 1 above all others the logical can- didata BUrVly lliCTOTnrTf 'holHwlB- lng to rata in a man In office for hla natural Ufa. If a man had eat in the prealdentlal chair for t -years, would not the people consider that he had had honora suftioisnt and Would It not show a lack of moral decency to want to hold the offloe for HfeT The present Incum bent, Mr. Werleln.-has.for over JO' years enloved the navroll and hosnltalltv . of the city,-rJbeg not this look long enough ror any onaman and anouid ha not ha aatlsfled-to retire without holding on like grin. death f -.' Mr. - Bverldge'a friends claim h will be nominated to morrow by a large' majority Mad lndioa.1 ons strongly point that way. A vote fojLJnaaph Winn Peverldga Is a yote for the right man in the right place, licaa ' candidates for oounellmen at larga la a lUalong realdeat ef Portland. iHa haa a t.riikvard near Oellajuuda n IT well - and -tavorawy known In -that part of the city. Ha haa never before beeir a -candidate tor offlea His father was the : founder of : WUlaburg. Buel peae men who have known Mr. Wills for many year speax pr.iim in tn highest tarms. iC..-1-,- i- .". ."- ..t:!"r m. " .. Only two. candidates for oouncllmeu at large have baen put "forward by-th Democrats. ' , iTA"Tr- r1ftt . m.hi. ,t ll r.i. nt,fUJ;OUn0.,Jf WldKi?" "-.""""Hmin ei Naw'Torkv' a relative of the nently before th publlo era. He was looted from a ward-which usually casts an - overwhelming -Republican majority. Hla record in the council la familiar to tha public, and while he has not wholly scaped criticism, h haa been- found In opposition to the seheme of th ling which has dominated the council. Thomas Gulnean I well known among the older residents of th eity.r-Ppr many -year he was In th hotel busi ness, and h haa a wide acquaintance all aver the Pacific northwest.- He Is a man of considerable meana. radical In his viawa, and hla Integrity la unques tioned. in. -.. . LOOKING FORTHDEVlLi "3THR0UGH BEER GLASSES ,"" A." Driver oeoame violently Inaan In a saloon at Sixth and Stark Streets this morning and - fought -desperately when polio effloers attempted -to arrest hiss. Ha was almost nude when taken Ints custody." . .' n " . T " "Thainerao: aTdevn.4 ha shouted, as they took him to headquarters. ,HJs trouble '2J'V-'iii prwsi's wirerTS- aaiirto-TiraXhe-point Of death la a local hoapltal. Clipped From Today's of the Glafke f " "Mr. Glafke is not seeking he is perfectly frank-with the issue as' well as "all'other issues. -X . r NO FRIENDS IH LIFE, :Mim ESTATE Fightfor M6heydrVViiJlarn Studart, Long-Tirna-Wiwinj7 TTarmer of Greaham. 1" . rAiin M iimtiTO tAfaaii -- ruun vuumnit 1 0 vims, 1 .-- TO BE MADE HIS HEIRS Struggle for Property : Recalls Strang , Disappearance ' of Lonely and Aged Man. Claimants foxih. as tats of .WUUara Btudara. thellnsffmett ureanam- . . trreuk Btudara, of New Tork. who says h la a brother of William Btudara and tha only surviving member of the fam ily of tha preaumably dead man. Frank Btudara. Minnie Vols and Mary Helmllnger, eon and daughter el ven ial Btudara, -of Newark, Mew-jersey, who assart, that thay- are - respectively nephew and nieces of w 11 nam utuaars, and his sole heirs ac law. Four parson who assert that " they are the- sole -heirs at-Jaw have filed petition for the award of the. 79 acres of lend and to oaah elons!n 19 the missing farmer. : The claim .of three are united, but that of the fourth ia directly antagonletlo to theirs, and tha matter of h&rahln. will have to be fought out la tha oourta. The estatt Is valued at about 126.000. 1 The fourth -claimant to the estate Is Frank Btudara, of New tork City Hi petition,- which was filed in tha oounty court by Attorney John -Logan yester day, states that he la a brother ef Wil liam Btudara; Jiat he .was bora In Ba den, Germany, in IMOi that be had 1 brother named WUUam who was born la 1814; a aUter hamod llakbathrthat their fathers nam was Joseph and ttAULmothsr: Kllsabeth; that William eame to the United States in i860 and eettled in Oregon; thafFrank went to New Tork la 1 111 I that his slater died without issue In 1871. and that William Btudara never married, therefor Prank Btudara. being the nearest of kin. ia hla sole heir. The petition of Daniel fltudars and hla-Alatar .were filed four 'months ago; when the atate was about to take action to have the estate escheated. -They saw tna advertisement zor heirs in an east era- paper and. responded .to It They declare -thst they are the children of Daniel Btudara. who died in Newark in 1(18, and who waa the only brother of . William Btudara, and therefore ths sol heirs at law. .. On August 1I. H04, Dan led- Btudara . petitioned , th oounty court for a settlement of the - estate, aa no other hairs - had disputed tha elairas filed aad the appearance of Prank Btudara ia 1M case cause soma ur- prls.: - . : In arrtraJrtnr'of Pran"rudars elaim Attorney Logan, said that his ellewt I would have no trouble In eatabllihlng hi relationship. " - -1 T have two. affidavit that will put th other claimant out of bnetneas," he said. "One is by a German who worked, with rjQiJig son's foundry la th '7v,-en4 who, e- -cured aociualntanc" with : th " mlaalng man by hla intimacy with my client in New York.- Another la by 8taphen Btod dard. an actor, who war hare. -atifh-the Siddon's company seyeral yeara ago and who had been asked by Frank in Mew Tork to call oh his brother William tn Portland. Mrv-Stoddard did call on Wfc Ham her and "cohveraedwlth, hit" An." m-nwr-amaftvit, irh- r .k.h r wlube by W. TL Remington, a mining Remingtons of army rifle and typavsVltar fame and a cousin or Fredeti Reming ton, -th artlat ' Mr. Remington ' will. atate that h 1 acquainted with Prank Studar and that ha knowa trla friend and th dead man war brothars." .,, . took Oaaaad Oooda. Allan A I newts' Beat Brand. .. To the Voters .' .".'. '"'.'.. " . '" " '-"'i V"S--''J V "I am no special supporter of any clique or faction, though JfriendlyjtQ aIL If nominated I will favomone specially; but" will treat all with absolute fairness. My past record is my -'pledge for-the-future.':-7" -I -r-...., ;TL--,.r. ArJrPANNO LTEJOR: COUNCILMAN FIFTH : WARP" Oregonian's Account Rally Last Night the. Mayoralty on this one issue, but public as to where he stands' on this FAKSDFAL -Aeolisn Orciiestrelle1 Portlaod to hive Rare Treat itr Wsfiier Nljititafttie Mari N quam, VVafner fluflc, Parsifal Wctaree, r Mrs. -Walter - Rted, VocaJUt. Of all painter In ton color. Wagner was py tar tn greateeu- tu gamerea from the tone realm every grade and va riation of tone color - and with them wove taoeatrlea ef vivid, graphic tone-. pictures. To hear the overturee to his' oneraa la Ilka aeelne a oanorama of bu man emotlona pass before tha mental vision: te eae an opera of bla Is to be- noid tne drama -of human iire, -vivinea. yet laeauiea. " . . . . . . no one ciasa or insirumenia can aae ouatelr nortrar tha varvlns tone shades Which his compoeltioA require. Noth insr short of tha areat variety of instru ments whloh go to make a full orches tra is adequate. Haonllr. for tha thousands " of muale- lovara who have not opportunity to hear the full orchestra, there la an In- atrureent In which la embodied all th characteristic or th orchestra. - Th Aeolian Orcheatrelle can be made te-mreduce-th dainty, airy oualltv of the atrlngs. those of the plaintive wood winds, the cold clear flute tone, the re man uc narp, tna deep, rugged Drasaes, etc.. etc., all refined and aubdued to make them available for- the home, yet adequate to even good-atsedi audlto- riuma. ' . 1 lie urcneatreu win ne neam at. iti i evening a perrormnoc at tna Marquam. In addition to tha aerlea of besutlful animated pictures, which will reproduce in nurnmoeni aiaging ana majestic ac tion of Wagnar masterpiece. "Paral. fel." the entir pralude of the opera will he eendeped . unnn th.. nnhMtMii. Those who desire t learn tha full e- htlsa thl opportunity- . . Th Instrument mev. ile.n and heard and given a trial at our tor. Prices, leOO te f 1.100. Purchas able by moderate monthly Installments Other Instruments taken In" EUers Piano House. J5r-WaBhlnefon atreet, corner JarJu--- Warded ""Ritziner The .Up-to-date Dec-1 orators -zr .7--Tou mayMTJBaeeiJIea what to -2 o with your' rooma Telephon -m t call on' you an our fuggi- tlona may help you - aad relieve . you, of all further r worry and , troubla Our price ar right' and " " at tan plA-'mfUl aeslgnaT" phone M 351 Anheny St -.-irOOS. MMTBWTX wv.--- , r raa 11 is tne most delicious, nourishing anil- practical dee- . ' a art vr offarod. . Thric'T ... la nothins" ten nta to feed r; ftn people, imai. . AT ALL QR0CERS. of Por tlandj 1 ''y-; -y i;.y, -M- I - 1 aV WE ASK AMINE ; j YouthsLSprlnffndSummer- Suit Special . This season's newest patteni-in - styles j regularA'aJues up to ?15 ; for-ages -14 Cflyl C"" , r to ?0 years.; Special for Saturday at. ..... . .Dy4i) " Men's Qolf Negligee Shirts wslpleriirviriityf t onngs, all sizes iusyaI$LOQand 1.28 kind.- , , . Aim- ek Meitv'slstXoloi GrayiandJBlackanjIOrovims -. silk: embroideredlate arrivals rn ' splendid 20c kind. Special at... sV IUi iCuC Seejthe:Windov;l)ispla ""."..r.y...-.. m r-' i i 1 i i ,t ' i ai . . . ' -'. Everything for 168 -AND"168 THIRD : STREET, NEAR , MORRISON CO: - , i Mee VOTEFOR -QEORQE -J.CAMERON Municipal-Judge No. on BalIo24tTheErien(Loi-the-Mase VT. B. Olafka. after being Introduced - as "Portland's Mayor." said: .. 'Tor th paat two or three weeks I have been addressing meeting almost - nightly, and In that time have read, . talked about and explained my platform r until it seema that every On should ' know it by heart, but It appears that . there ar some who, whether willfully or not, do not yat understand It. When - w started in on this campaign we stated that w would deal aolely with th fact aad that there would be no mudallnglng, and thla promise I think has been fulfilled. I have with any -of the candidates the mayoralty, but lately been things said regarding mil r A mn has been said that I am evasive and un certain; that I am trying to evade cer- - tain Qunatlons. I understand Bill I . w umm .w . .iiw . av will enforce the 1 e'olook eelooa -erdl nance.' I bellev that you who bav ,; heard m In th paat three week will , . aav that I have bean very definite on -that aubject., But I will lay ir i am eiectea mayor, ana so tong-a the ordinances direct it, th aaloon of PorUanft will be closed. at 1 o'clock ev- ery morning, and thla appllea to th ' big-one aa well as th araall. - There! are tan commandments, and save! 'Thou enajt not lie.' i explain ing my platform I have thl odruoaad" After reading hla platform Mr. bara - Continued: . f . 1 ."Tha promise ef a bualneas-llk d-. ministration moans that for vry dollar pant a run aoiiar aworm win do re-, celved, every man working for th city ' will hjiv to arn very dollar h gets . and there a hall b a fall tght-hour dayi -there will be nopeneloners on the city' fiayrolls.- Th law pertaining to as- oons, gambling and other vices will b ' enforced, and It aeema to m that thl . cover the 1 o'clock ordinance and 'all -thera Th police department will ba compelled to enforce the laws, and If anv saloon fafle to comply with th ". ordinances Its Uorna will be revoked. ' should I be elected. J office as no other mayor has years. I will A. nrAtnli. go m free rrom This will leave Tfres to carry out my dtrad." , -WE;'SELL . THE BEST FITTING THE BEST LOOEINQ.:.. THE BEST WEARING - YOU TO COME IN. EX THE SUITS AND SEE --FOR YOURSELF. ' aingie and double breasted - - 9--ww w stTrn ' Men and Boys. edOut '.. . Thsr Is only on kind of paint th '. genuine article, made of proper and sa- - - lactad Ingredients, ground with skill and : car, wlth .llnaaed oil and honastr, th Bn combination found In th paint a a-e have on- sale. It will do your heart .'" . good to sa th painting don with our satief ring sort of paints.- Fisher, Thorsen& Co. I'BOaTT AJTO BCOBSZSOWfTS. . no quarrel running for there have my position , answer. Iff It has been " again that on of them will go Into dons In 2 any pledge' ma entirely m . . policies (inhln- 1 .' ' .