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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
THS OSECON DAIXY JOUKNAr. PORTLAND. FRIDAY , EVENING. MAY i. 'M TCD UANY SAK1TS,;. ;f SAYS JR. TILUAUS yflnerabffllayfitlJleapectfuIIy j 4 Admit That Portland! -Peo-i a-Ars Too Good., ' h WANTSAflCIOUS FOLKS- FOR REVENUE PURPOSES ; Say t the" Decent Element liffi fiponibIn for the Poor : ' r Department." , - -- ' If we did not have so many saints i irr-Pouiand w "wwutd-tiav abtter I fir dpartmnt.". declared Mayor-Will-limi at a mMltni of tha, fir eommlt tee of th city exeoutlv boerdT-retr- ! day afternoon. In a, dlaeuSslon of how ' th funds -waTTfuV nariBJaeTs- W -build ;"tha new engine houae on the Macadam j , ' road la South Portland,- ' Tha major waa referring- ta-the-mat-: r-tr of ralalng revenues from licensing gambllng-and-ether -vtcee. which tha administration haa all alone contended v ' waa necessary to tb maintenance of tbe city government. At the time tba gam ' . bllng sames .were stopped by Sheriff "Word, attaches of tb administration declared that it would be Impoaalbl to " conduct the aovernment unleas revenues were raised from the monthly fines lm posed on th gamblers, and ther bar " been constant complaints sine that time beoansa- q.'bats-ntial ' portion" of "the city's Income ad been cut off. Mayor Williams has boon oommlttsd to tb lnlB ystm,: and ballar that It Is essential to sound financial policy fof ' "'. tha municipality. Nearly a year ag-o tb Jonea Lumber eeiupany and the Or arm Fnrnltnr tap r-towcontrTbUted a sit for tha engine nous with tha understanding that other"! Interested property owners would fir . ; t he , lumbar. -3h department. Is -ready to put up -the- building, but there la no ' material la sight and no funds with which to purchase It. Recently the ; - matter was turned over t Chief Camp bell, and last week h want out ta sea ' If he could secure the material for the building-. " . . . s- - u-'' gsfgins; ssjtt CttyB Dlg-alty. n had so much cold water thrown on my-pmna by Jit-Jonas. -of-rh JonesTsjiatlYj, foitoendjri g jatlftd In jmum,. nil mirAiffiaawr-Ehlmt --w- .i.. i 1...H .."fJlv..TW..Hrgnn nauntv. where forth Pastil . mmtmrAm w after. -4nTimWTbTBlByrtnarT , chief. . . n , "And If I war In your plao I would not go out there to beg any more." aald UWUllam Flledner. ."It will lower the -city la the eyes of 4h people. 7T would not. beg for rayseli- neither-would I besrfor the cty,If Portland can't af ford to tjn.Hd"n--'ang1n nous It bad better sell out" -""- 7 , -"It would not. b-falr-l., as thes people to build their department houses whll tha city pays th cost la another district." aald EL D. Curtis. It was decided to-petlthm ths city --rounrtl-f or an - appropTlatlOTrBf' $1,009 with whloh to aractjth building. . . . Fir department members destr an . .' Increase in salaries, and a petition from the men; appro-red by Chief Campbell -' and addressed to" the executive board, 1" was read. .- - : .--- KCAmpban staled mat en me. would Increase th efficiency f-thor- -s- partment. and put a stop to so many resignations. . . - E. rx. Curtis recommended that l.uoo 1 feeCofflre hop be purchased for the Kaiiwnn. volunteer rire deoartment.' and the recommeodatloa was Incorporated lnl board. .The rules Ja avafnihfeMepsTtment JitrhThlftflMbjALsndjtls thru ss UTUSTs navs been working; on lor sev eral months, have been compiled, and were submitted to th committee for approval. - - '. - - - flupertntendent Qeorge Walker of the fire and police telephone and telegraph alarm system asked for an additional lineman. ON EQUALLY LIBERAL T1?RMS AND LOW PRICES, without paying any more than were you to pay cashand at less than elsewhere. :- - ' - . The Pottland Loan Office MARX-CSi BLOCH, Proprietors 'aeT7toITTTmTffirara UNI6N:-W0RKMBN!1 - i a . : Jv-rxi--.'-! ; .i,;.; ; . .... .. y r: - j INTERNATIONAL AID TD A FARMERS IS PLANNED (iearsal IsecUl Serrlc.' Rome. Mar l.-An International con- ferenoo-att ended bjf - representatlvea-af Germany, Austria, Franc and . othr countries began Jbers today to consider la Be called lb Internatlouar Agrloul-1 tural Instltuta The plan was first bf'ats r r1'1 1 "hl" ' to, and has received th warm support of -thfctn of Italy; ;lt la proposal that tha Institute shall collect and rur - HsITeraHe-sU that tha Institute shall collect and fur- labor In ! parts of tha world, promote measures for the control of . disease Of plants and' animals, guide Immigration movements,-- rlse t lnf luenoe - In - the f urtberanc...ct ;. rural co-opratloa . and the derelopraent of agricultural Snsur anc and agrarian credit and otherwise aid agricultural lntreets. , ' ' . - -y; 4: A. J. FANNO;; Candidate for the Republican, Nomi nation for Councilman rfta si - Ward. A. J. Fsnno, whose, name Is presented to the people for the Republican nom ination at councilman from th Fifth ward. Is no stranger to Portlsnd. He U Wuhlniton aountr. where for the pas thlrtr vears ha haa been a successful and prosperous farmer. Bom eight years ago Mr. Fanno removed his resi dence to Fortlana. ana im ioaay -among mr lnrra porperty owners payers. .- He has the " reputation of be ing a shrewd and jrfulrooiierratiTa su!nss-ssn-. tlon of clique, but an honorable and fearle man who. If elected. -will senr th cltyr.jtalthfully. Prominent , in . Bmineaa Affaire-for ConncUman at Large. MrA. N.'Wnis. a eandldata for eoun cllman at large. Is ona of tb prominent business men of this city. ' By virtue of lila Inns, ajmai'lwiifl lfr mannTacturer - he lsTaHy-oegnlaant of the requirements of th people and will. If elected, prove of much, valu as a. cltv councilman , Mr. Wills cannot be said to be a poll- llclan; II la a mature and successful manufacturer and promises i to w-ha! cltyr whether north, touth, sasf or w a fulUjhar at all It lsJueOy ntltld. ) --'. ' Jl 7 . wwnt w. mmzMXMM, . e - Candidate for th .r e e Republican nomination of . d e CITT TREASURER. . e W - - e mm ijii ii m u.w.mi in ii.hh'H I III - ,:"..'.'... " . . . ,v . T . .' :," ; - LABORERS! BREAD WINNElSr V WW f . Bad Baakaasas M fmm Bad Ml IS THE WORKWOMAN'S FRIEND! ' tdv him . lOTDER CIICPS DP her son V1TII AXt . , ... woman i nee 10 muruwr Her Child. . - ,, C-4AMT14-A. KNIFE FOURTEEN TIMES Young Girl Grapples With' Maniac and Saves Brothers . -(IdhIiI IMsDateb to Tbe learnal. Seattle Mav k. "W- haven't don anytblna srronel W havn't don any thing wrong 1 God knows we naveo i; w.iiin. h! untenea Mrs. AmeFla attempted to am ner s-yeax-i" Alhin with an u as . ha slept in nis bed. paces back and forth bi a padded cell at -tha-cownr lall, - alsr 11 self- Inflicted knife wounds bar been bound"!" up and Will not give ner any m"i but she Is a raving; msnlae. In a little bed st Botbel. Aioin neison hovara between life and death, wun two great wounds In ins stde-Of his bead, wbsr his mother hltrhlm with a Mmihia-bitaad as. That Is Is still alive at all la due to' the heroic defense ot his lI-yearol sister.-" - When aha ssw her mother attack the ltmoTeT10WsnT"ushed" to'Tils rescua Orappllng with her frenaied parent she prevented tbe third low wnica woum have endsd the life of th boy.- The mother struggled with th daughter but tb strength of th girl stood her in good stead. ' Down th mother and daughter-went to tha floor end over and oer they .rolledrnally - landing at the head of the stairway and. clutched In each other's a ran a rolled to the bottom. Both were badly bruised an me giri .is nnw fAnflned to her bed. ' I- Tha tether and elder sIslerofAlbln mrm In tha baiu at tha time. Hearmg th cries of th-younger sister and tba struggle -with, her. mother they rushed' to the-house. - Mrs, neison waa oouna to a bed post and' held until two deputy sheriff could b sent fronvhsr to take chargs t her" ' She was placed In a room In the Bother hotel, but made her escape by captured and held until yesterday after noon, when th of fleers brought her hr. . : Mrs. Nelson's hsllnclnatlon was that trer aon would b burned In ev-rlre and 16 prevent this shs decided to kill blm. BOsTSS ILL TAXH BoaeUl Diapatcb te The Jearaal.) ' Chehalls. May i. This morning th last of the 110,000 bond Issue was sub scribed here for the- eonatructiorr of the Paget Sound Eastern railway from Che bails ioth Big .Bottom . oountry- and North Taklma,. Last weekr President Halmre of -the- eompany-and -Manager C. W. Taylor were here and gave the assvranoa tnat ti ine v;nenauis ouainnna i . - v sl v man would-takellO.000 of the com4tTor Mepala Buon. both wne by . V. panys bonds construction -would one Begin on tne roao. tma-tlie aubacrlptlun to th' Is all taken. "Nine business men each taVa 11 ooe.-and -two others, 1500 eaoh. A telegram from Manager Taylor this afternoon gives sssUranoe that th final details are almost arranged and con strue tlon will begin at once MTBOT mT. rgbedai Dtanatrh to Th Jooraal.) ' .Fsirvlew. OrMay . B.T-Th barnif I rr- TTnlgnta nan aht-Ytra yesterday afternoon . and was totally destroyed. Th blase started from a chicken brood r, -which -waa- In aneat by buildtny Before the fir was discovered It had made such headway that It waa Impossi ble ta estlngish It. Th barn is a total loss, as thsrs was no Insuranc on It It Is not exactly known what ths dam age will amount to. - 74THIRD ST.i; Near Oak SPECIALS WILL BE - JUDGED T031GHT Continued from Fag Twelve. B." redihelaer; ttatod. ladepeadeae, W. . A. rrmi"n, 1H IHIM. Wianm iVri Tint. SaMae Beyer; re eene. -ftorfflnt Mnotma.-: -: MoTlre Bltohee tint, sTaltaesMB Port, W. B. FecabelnMCj eMend. - Norfolk MlaUke, W. B. PerbbalBMr: third, Jfortolk Batr set, 0. It.- lUrUr. ' - " Limit bttraee flret. Sablae Beverla, Basta iiuii i . , mvw, pwioii wiwi , Tf . m rerhhtlmer; third, Nottslk Smart Set. I r n in Mllah flnl Hitlni r l 1 Keiuiali: aafoad. Wuha Vlnkrt. O. K. Hr 17 ; ' third, . Kerfclk Mlatake, ,W. B.rrecs helmer. Wiaoen fltchal TVt. tbla Beverla; re- eerte, sablae Vlotery. ... fas- Tearlei (Wlee BalieDi " " fhea Tjom rirat. Ch. ' flelwoak : Toeoer, Gam-fa a. Tbomea,. Banlltoa, ataaa.; aaeoao. Uuaiberei Maaraa, Uambantoiie - aenaeas Irvlna C. Arlr r mm n SaB Fpanlara. . Wlnnan (bltehaa) ririt, Belweok . Topper 1 reserve, if nmberet we Mearna. - . Ooaa R1ifaea a1nt. Enddiffe - Preetae. George 8. Thomai. Hamilton, ataataehaaatta; id, HonnerstoM norry, tiaBUMrawae aro' aele, Bas Fraaclara. Dachahaada, i Bltrbea rint, Prlneeea Pappy erhaua. i van JUeg' Thumaa W. Kerr. Poatlaaa. Umlt Bltchaa Flrat, Waoea too Ieget- Wr-Berr. FeTUaad: moo no, Kiaa icane rmeaiiier, rartlana. - . Ooaa Bltchaa Itrat. Wanda vea - laeger- Sana; eeeead, prtaeeaa vea Jaagerhaae. Winnara (bttehaal Flrat. . WamU Tea Jaacarhaoe; . rcearve - rriaoaaa . eea hitu. - - . JriasJXerrr. Paosr Pes and Bitches Bdeuaih atartla. Philadelphia, Paanajl- Wartaa. B. P, vanta. . Limit Don tad Bltebae rmt. aaceeei nn . P. Uartla. PklladelDbta. I'enBSTlTUB .. ODn -turn and - Bltchaa Tlrat, Ooarttaadt Pat. M on arm Morrta. Hampatead. Maeaaehueett; aeeoad. Br, Wllllaa Ollard. Taooma, WaablDl- nt! KaflMvnmh IUb. a P. atartla. - - Wlnnera eoa and bltrbea I rirat. Coert land Pat; raaarre, Boy A HriM-a. Rrlanlale Kenaala nonea io-a--acooa, ruus, :..Beates Onan IJoaa nrar unrraaw aeeoro. nir dale KeDBala. Pert'.andi ee,d. Bnter Um Katherlae OolUna. aeattia, ashlagtoa. WlDoara da) rirat, Brlardalellaaer! reatrva.. Baater-O.--- " ; , . . pnnov i BitBM mc ' anaraaia niu"u- I&. a, nail. nooaniRij awwww, . lLnaa KriaMala IfaflMla. Pnrtland. kmIm im i 1 1 mm in i iaar ausb. anv dale Kanaela, Portland: eeooad, . Briareale v m a v.n ITnAAlM WlaWaMtebPlieVefAlleii WhT Peaunei UiBli Bun Hret. Bnetar Brews. Kra. W. 1' LwM 'Partland. Opta Bltpbee sVet. Kaserlfre raadnattes, Mra. a. Bteadmaa Tbeeua. Bamlltoa, Ma- rillieetta. (. Ta'ittaia. Unit Bltrtiaarirat. "Ortchet, Hn. .-' U. llcCorkl. Hllladale. Oregoa. , 7Bpa: Umlt IXige first. Inglesook ' Admiral, nd. Kobl. Dr. W. L Mra. at a sweaaer Ootreil. pnrtiane. -. Umlt Bltchee Flrat, Tee To, B. 8. B antrUeasbiaV Taa. Bflacal Mm a..i.-i . 1 iri Hborco .Peagiaa George rithrew? jjUaatoa. ... " PORTINQ NOTES. Frank Watklns Edgecote Peer de feated Buihwood. Boy at th ho w.i- tha ' award mad at Beettla Those wha kaie. both dogs ThMt "Watklns' dog is easwy aw mm.. e..a, ... , rv.. of tha sreatest surprise of th vhlhlrton ww Black Victors Tiorory Will la lyWrpwhaudgodVheVsa cauver bench show ano wu. m .itn. a. TTia looal-rxhtt)1tlon. left this morning for his horns ta New Jersey. Tb major is ipen - " . . a . . - ..-.----m. - " Judg Ashton 1 eonstdsrsd n of th beat trrlw Judges inrtna-wor.a.x . . .; - contest at San Fran thta rntng . Is nof attracting n.,.- .ttantlnn In this city. It tne boxers fight honestly, Brttt should dig- posaf White in seven rtrunoa. 4-n.. raU.nta haaaftaJl team la ached oled ta 'play a game of baseball with tha Albany team at Atnany irne -"r- noon. .' " " . . Th Pacjfl b.hW,rsltT track team. goes to Newberg this afternoon accompanied nA Moulton and Manager Wlrts. t,er thev meet -IheXJuakars In track and field meeV this afternoon,,,, .. , i . e . e ; t . ' - . Tt,. annual flald and track meet be- -ji,t:iilvaaUvof Idaho and the Washington Bute college will be held at Moscow this arternoon. e ' . : ' . Th WHIemetts u nlvrslty - ball nine defeated tha Bugen nign scnooi ma by the aeore or a to-, AXSBXOAjr XJaAOTTB Won. ... I lst. P.C. .MS Philadelphia r . . tneveland , -7tS9 Chicago . . ... WaahTngton T .622 I .123 . .41 t .43S New Tort . Detroit . . ............. t. Ixuls . ............ Doatan i I -4 At Olerelaad. R. H. E. ...I 11 1 Cleveland Chicago . . . Rattertes Moor and .0 11 Bemls; White and BulllvBB, .; . at TT m. r.r1t . I 4 i 1 at Ttnls ...a a - a . - a a-, a Batteries Miilltn and Drill; Sudhoft, petty ana nugaea. t : .. .. At mrm Totii4--'"--'"' A. n. je. Boston . . J J Batterlea Olbson. Toung and Crlgert. urtn, nogs ana auaiua,.-;..r - aa mfiaalnaia. '. . 1 - a.' h a . - a K H. K. Washington , . .....0 1 ) Batterlea JatNsbsea. and Klttxedge; vaaaeii ana rnw--. V ATIOBTAX. . TMXQm. . X' ; " Won.- Lnat, PC New Tork . 1J J .Jll Plttsburr . jlXUt...i.-i. -522 PhlladelphlAT f!! Chloaso . .' ..... - i2t- Prooklyn .. ............ T ... Jl Rt Iiiila ............ .6 10 . boston . i f:: I1:'V .214 SI trnjoagsfc..) , KB. ...I ..1 - Battei-lew--Waitwir-and O'lfiUf Tsylor nd Grady. J,paplra Kiem. At aoatoa. R. H.K. New Tork i ...... ..i.iT ,.,. a If .a ..... . . i . A X Batteries Wlltse Willis and Need ham. tone, . and 1 Rraanahan; Umplr John lTTTai anm cx.Tr lusaas. Th m ambers sf th Portland Bunt club will hold a cross country run to- morrow afternoon, r Th start will be made from Park and Buraaid atresia. Dn Hatnrdar. May to., there will- b a closed naner chaaa. the occasion ef -which wHl oe th lsst opportunity for horses to guallfy for th spring meet. Pnppr Dose Tlrat. BrUrdale Jim. Brlar dal Kennala. Portlaadi eeeoad,' Briareale PartlaaS. - ACADEMIC AMATEURS ; 'PLAT' lUMUnnUW Tomorrow v afternoon - the ' Portland Acadsmy team will croa bat with the High School team on Multnomah field for tha fourth gams oi the jmerscnoiaa tlo league. ' Visions of ths city cham pionship cause these teams to work itareV Tha-tw teams have been eras- tlclng hard, and both tha wearers of ths cardinal and tb orange and whit are determined ta win as it will put them so- much nearer tle.jCovetedpej najV Tha game will be played at t I I'hVTeiims .wfjlface each oib foUOWSl-, nr-r---r -z " p. a. : -,-P..H. B. MoPherson ,.......p.......;., Ooodell Hlgglns - . . , , rme .rsvTV... Newell Moreland TT Gonong Rogers . ... ..ab ..... vn v.mpwi Houston (Captl...Ib...... E. Reed P. Meyers ss.., Oakes Whittlesey ........If...., Fields Marsden ......... .ef ....... . Msrsters Stona . . . ...... Heily xAonra nr oAzjromnA. (Jearsal Special Barrlca.) Bart Franclax!OMaT t-Jluaiial at-J ttJl -was m- good" thing overlooked by nearly all th talent at Emeryville yes terday. .Two other long-priced horses ware returned winners ana tnre ravor- Ites mad good. Summary: Seven furlongs Bpondoollz won. Auto Hood second. Elba third; time. 1:IH. . fflt fnrlfingT- TV"lhl won. Bu bur ban Queen second, Havell nuu lUlidl tlws 1:14. . - -i - : " ; 81a and on half runongs urase cut. ter won. Rey del Mundo feoond. Arestel- lator third; time. 0:. ' Ona mile snd one sixteenth Jack Lit tl won. Maaetta . second. Dundreary third: ttmai cm . nu ana ona aixiaanni vrwnua Harry won. Bilartan second, - Preatolua third: time. 1:4. . One mil snd 70 yard Huapala a won. third; Golden Ivy second, jsneven mens tlm. l:4tt. - Futurity course Dana Boiana won. Bad Sam second. -Romalne. third; time, t -.19. . ' Tlrsrs Trim aTtmsay . Whalsa. Tsooma. Wash-: May ; Tseom again -defeated Sen Francisco, and now havea, tead of 19 points In the pentiaa race. Whalen wan hit hard and otten Pill Th"TTa plfrhed a flna gaaaa imHI hit by a pitched ball, when Fltsgerald succeeded hlra on the rubber. Bcore; - - - R.Jta San - Fran .el tll-4 I Tscoma , . ,,.,04 1 020 01 1013 , ' Batteries Whalen snd. Bhea: Thomas, Fltsgerald and Hogan. Umpire K.iopr. Angels Troane Oakland. Bsn Francisco. Msy I. Los Angeles batted Oscar O rah am out of the box In the' game here yesterday and young Hogan of i Bakersdeld-waa-wubsUtuted and dld-falrlywellM Rusty - Hall had-th Commuters wall In hand at all atages. Bcor: - v L . W- M- W- OakiiSd--.--,ot rn f i o 1 j t Los Anreles.,.1 ltDlUO S-1J11 i n... I T T w . . r oailQur-TIluiNj .yaiii aviiu Murray; Hall and Spies, umplr Per - - VTWJi TO aUBATaTOaWr - ) " All notices of amateur base. e ball games, challengea and ath- e letto events must oe sent to this Aofflca before o'clock ra. on i tha i day for puhli - tear managers should d Ing of It will Insure a proper ) e report of thslr dotags Tb -Journal. r - e e -: 'I.; ' ':'- 1 .... XTmAOTCTarotsjrnr Asm ex- atxost nun sxrmrjrci . ,. The Boston-7 Painless Dentists will give' the lowest prices ever known in PORTLAND for strlctlr htrh - claaa dental work. ' Don't put it off, but come in at once.. Good work at low nricea guaranteed for ten years, haa made a woria-wiae reputation ior ine uosion Dentists,. Hlft Morrison, street. . irtracnnaahr"ETamlnatron B ILVER-FI I.LI NO rm rwrrm 38 OOLD FILLINGS T6o fK)LD CROWNS . 3.00 FULL-BET T'1 M BRIDGE WORK 93.00 Boston PjainJess Dentists fuUV aad Old Poetoffloe. - HOURS : 10 a. m. to 4 p. day, 1:10 a. m. to 11:10 p. m. Bun- 00 I -A Timely Hint In your hardwsr buylng-Js-of-1 ferd In every department VI thl. --TMtabllshmentT'f or - whstereryour" : hardware wants, they're satlsfy - sbl - bar - Bt r money saying prices. . , .: , ; " .. AVERY&CO. PcrsbntorvoEs::n:3 BtSTOBXI XCABKOOD Haa earad tanajaaadi at caaaa el Narrow leiUtr. lassaiala aad atra. pkf. Tkay eleat1 tke brala. atrengtkaa tae tlrealatlaa. Bake dlteattoa partart aad tB-part aiaanatle vianr te the wMIe ealas. All drains aad lasses stepped sarauaaatlr, ' 41.00 pat ana: fceias gnaraataad ta cure ae rafaod smaay, fS.OO. Mall'd aaaled. BmK- rraa, Perslas Mad. C., SSB- JVJ St., mniaealphla. Pa. Bnld ta P-rtUad a kg IrasB Mas. Special "....FRKKl BT gBTVBSISIVB putn " ST Si Si SSBSl aa w Lewis and Clarlu Fs Twenty free trips to be jiltr persons In Oregonand " - THE JOURNAL will pay railroad and sleeping car. fare, prntnim 1 1 r Hit fpprlw frtT,.0Tif Tycck H rtrrr imint- . merits. ;vJ;f The contest closes at nildnighVpnune;aOScad the - "CoficIWons and start thtf , ball rolling by sending in a nomina tion blank for your7 candidate."" -rrrvyr : .:; The Time :Oet to r omiooaT ' ' " . mKfOjr. K . ..Baker county ......... Jt. ... ,ll MonWrnSUIlaal. "and Wheel ( Benton ahd Lincoln ctmnUas. 1 juo4mtla ..... .l, ........... . 1 inackarnaa, county, ...tti jrnarlllaaoqnty- t -r : -" Cooe snd'Curry counties... T.. 1 Unlet, and Wallowa counties. r-4 - Columbia snd Clatsop counties. .1 Wasoo, ' Sherman ; and Crook ': -Douglas county ..'.....i.....l counties -.-t v '"' 'eountlB. eountlea J.....,.-1- 1 Josephine and Jackson' counties 1 "av..-l.L ,k j i.k. J- Tamhttt and Pane eouotl . BUamath and Lake counties...,. 1 . . t lanaTxmnty i 1 wA8aUsiUTOT.'T " : s Uan ount7j.!.".i.'.....i.;.. 1 Eastern Washington ..'.il Marlon county Waara7Waasoi,ij..j 1;; Coiidiiions of w n--m ' arw i ' a a.,.,i..ii -1. The basis n which credit for ote wttl p given is. en rot 'for every 0 cent paid In advance for new or old subscriptions to tha Dally' and-Sunday.- Dally, Sunday.: or - Semi-Weekly . editions of THg5 J0VRNaT. ., ., ; fc' Ahypsrsun residing In sny of-ha designated loeaWlse eaa - enur tbe contest at any time prior to June 10. 10, provided their nomlnaUon 1b properly Indorsed by twe well-knawn dtlsens of their : district.. ; , (;..',-, , '; ?. ; v '-- - - - "' -?:B.-Biyr person -who--enterB iBUonteirmuirbe properly-noml- ' nated on blank printed lnthla paper, before votes will be countea. A-nomlnntlon-Monlr-esrt b asnt 1H by mnjT ons who deslrss to nominate -a person, provided th person Is properly Indorsed by two well-known cltlaena of th county In which tha y live , rrVi-- a. "- Th pronrhsvlng th largest number "of votes In each dls- "trlct will b sntltled'to'th free trip for th district. , - . v ; S. Ballots clipped from THE one week after .laaue of paper and no vote wiu do counted cniess ths person Is nominated. List of nominations will be published -frequenUy. and If your candid at Is not already nominated, fill out : and send In nomination blank at once. Only on nomination blank la nscessary. r;-' .' ' S. Any contestant may obtain vote outside of their county or' dlstrirt. "' ty win only be credited to the district they are representing. - . . - . --Ti-'The right Is reserved to wtthdrawnffs offer from any dls-. trlct "where there IB not Tnor than ons . candidate entered prlo ta June 1, 1001. and no employe, or member of employe's family, of a THB JOURNAL can antor thla -contest. . - i Cash must accompany sll subscriptions, and no accounts wlU b opsned nor votes credited unless remittances are sent direct to THB JOURNAL, Lewis and Clark Contest, Portland. Oregon. . rPr rin iva ilalliaiail lis nisll. agsnt or rsiilei, ss ifiiiifiteil lif 'iiiTi sc riber. . : r -OMINATING'BCSNIC The Jonrnalt Lcwb nd Clark Contest ; y ; On of these blanks must be sent to THE JOURNAL for each candidate before -rotes will be counted. The names of all candidates will' be published and only one of these blanks need be sent in for a candidate. ' " ' : - I hereby place in nomination " ' ' ' "(Name) t7 c.a .... a . . of ...'."V. T..... r..w. r.....rV (postoffice) as the most popular person In. ....... Nominated by..... Indorsed by . a . iTftvi Occupation ....... .-.: IMPORTANT! Address all letters pertaining to Free Tripa to tha Lewis and Clark Fair, and send all nominations and subscriptions to " divided among the 20 most pop- WMhlngton. lLil---., the entire expense, including ; botel'.Wlls forne'weekTad Is Short tVoi?Ic lEs Journal's ;' ... . - i;'.- JOURNAL wrest b vuted . wllbln ; county. " Vf ' . rr w ar :. ims; : Journal " Xwia"'and Cirk'Ccl:::rf - V" t. i.V..;Z .-t. '