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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
THE OREGON-DAILY-JOUIWAUPORTL'ANO.--FRIDAY J?VENINQ, ' MAT J805. ' . -',-..' i i i i I iii i i n iiiM T" Mivinmsmmmmmmmmmm J ZZIZ, H 1 BR1TT AND WHITE kPFf Ml t M I ItP zl .-- 1 " - - - T- ;l'-r' : r READY FOR FIGHT ML!tXTL- ' "r"- - 'V - J ': r7-C v tntematronatU Judg Ashton CompletesRjee- i . . ' i i ; - latest Hotograph' of Jtbe Whiter , GARVfflSCALPSTnn -JIMURIBERS 'Lone Star1 - Statesman Hurls ' Vicious Curves at Puget i Sound Bataman. WHITEWASH BRUSH LIBERALLY APPLIED Sister Shields Sulks as Usual and Portland Men Land on .-'--r-- His Shoots. ; : "peell-ppetc't Tae Joeaaal.- Beattle. Waslw May H.Portland , ' Sea" ..... , ... Batteries Oarvln'-vand MiT.n- Bhlelda. Brlnker and TOashwood, . Virgil Garvin, the lanky twtrler cf the Portland team, who officiated agalnat the tribe of Russ yesterday, was the whole show, loop the loop and men agerie all bt himself, and he -dldthe . Blwash band In good style. The lengthy Teaan mowed the Beattu ?wn In .- one, two. three 'order, except for the two passes and Dusty Miller's tone safe - : elonl. during the entire performance, and Incidentally did not allow a Blwash rtt ambi boyond the station being held "Taown by Eddie Van Buren. -I -Another feature of Ihe Texan's pitch Ing was that, Wrtd Trom th only safe -htt allowed by him. net a ball was hit out of the diamond. .. Portland had no nse for outfielders yesterday, for they .... had nothing to do Jn the fielding line . eixoept for a Ion pop..- fly caught .by Householder, which. BchUfly could have taken had the' center fielder remained -i la his position.-' - ; u..--'- - Oarvln struck out' seven of his oppo Iteats and assisted seven more out at first, wbtrh make a total ef 14 batsmen tn th retirement cf . whom he partici pated. -- '-- '- - , r -. On th other . hand, Shields, wh - started the gam for Seattl. was In a . sulk when he found that he was alated t pitch against the Portland, star, and he was batted out of the box In the fourth, Brlnker, th University f iT'fi M " v ::; L r -7 : - -.--v,.-.-- . c t. InlTrglnlnr;, Showtae tha Englishman in Fighting Attitude, Taken in San - i - . "". - ' Trains Hard Befora Visitors Pester Him. - Washington . lad,-wh pitched-a game against Los Angeles under th name cf Hutchlna last week, relieved the south paw, and did fairly well considering that the vlsltore had their - batting clothes on and were playing champion ship ball. ; carried off th brunt of th fielding hnanra fos Portlsnd,.- while.- a'ammar. Russ Halt and Burns played fin for Seattle. Th score follows: , ball SEATTLE!. " ".'- AB. R.H. PO. KanevS.".;iiii".iiTi" 4 r 0 0 1 Miller, rf. ..4 0 1 1 Houts, If. 10 0 t Kemmer, lb. S 0 0 ,16 pashwood, c ......... 4 "0 0 MoHale, rf. I 0 0 1 R. Hall. ss. 10 0 4 Burns,- 2b. , 1 0 0 1 ehlelds, p 1 0 0 0 Brlnker, p. ,..,.. 1 0 0 a. a it Totals..; ....II I 111 It fi . PORTUtND. 1R.R.R IVV A.E. Ate' ss. 4 3 1 I a 0 Van Buren, lb. ...... 41 Householder;, cf. ...t 4 0 fichlafly 2b. 6 1 i it i i o 0 l s l 1 4, mct.reoie, rx. a McLean, c 4 .1 0 0 7 - Runkle, tnTVil'.TT; r;-l 2 J 2 0 rt. if. - s-e i bn-a Oarvln, p I 0 00 T O Totals Jf.-v. 14 t IT 27 11 SCORE BTTSTNINOS. .. i , t faiaSTI . sestn . . ........ o o ,ojp 6 o Oi o uu. . a A e a a a 1 A a . 1 Portland . .V.....1 Ctllll 1 r -Jllta. ,1 0 0 4 1 2 0 011 SUMMARY. ; - -.'-.:. ., ' Earned runs Portland, S. Two-base hits McCredle. Schlafly. Three - base hit Van Buren. Double play Kemmer to Burns. Barrlnce hits Van Buren, Householder, Catea. - Stolen buses Mc Cradle. Rankle. Struck out Hy Oarvln, 7. -Hasee-on ball -Off Oarvln, I. - Jin. rings pitched By Shields, 4: runs, J: hits, t; bases on balls, 1. Hit by pitched balls By Shields, 1 (Oarvlry). fnnlnst pitched by Brlnker, t: hits, 4: rut,-6: baaes on balls. 1; wild prtch,- 1, Passed balls Daahwood, S. Left on "bases . Portland. S; Seattle, I. Tim of ga roe One hour, and St minute. Umpire Davla.. .- .. A.CXTZO STATIOBTaX UAOira.. ' Jai.Won. Lust r.C i 1 . .714 Ppokin , 0 tioise , . ............... Ogden .- . .............. Salt Lake .-I'AaSt r .200 A t pokaa. ' . . " - It. H. ZI- Ogden . . ......0 t 0f 00L2 6 4 Spokan . , .t.A 00S11 0104 4 I IU Merles Hoo. Thomas and Hansen! Mclnnls and tWaale,. Lmplre Molt, '.1 l METROPOLITAN ENDS' NXDEAOEAT Sysonby and Race" King Run Neck and Neck Right ... ....... .' to the Finish-. CREAT MULTITUDE --V------- WITNESSES EVENT Belmont Park's - Opening Day Most Brilliant in History .c t - i -.. of Racing.-1 - - - f Josi iial Succlal SerHcs.! " New Tork, May . Belmont Park was opened yesterday under the happiest auspioes and. (0,000 spectators .-wlt? nessed th running of the Metropolitan handicap. In which Sysonby and Race King ran a, dead heat for the 114.000 purse. Th race fairly thrilled th Treat multitude that thronged Belmont' beautiful, new park, and when" th an nouncement of-a dead heat was -mad th crowd burst Into cheers that lasted for nver five mlnutea. :;r The day was Ideal for such a splendid event, the track a trifle slow, but .the crowd a most enthusiastic one. Twelve horse went to the post, and when the barrier' sprung Santa- Catalln .shoved In front,-but "before many strides were made Sysonby shot ahead, and out of th bunch came Rac Klndr closing In on Sysonby, Beldame and Santa Cata llna dropping back. Both 8haw.nd Smith rod with, all Ihelr skill and dar ing, and at different times one forged head for a short time, but as th home stretch was reached they were neck and neck. On they came, like mad,-- the crowd cheering them to th echo, and flew paat the wire in th same stride, nose and nose, neck and neck, while the crowd went wild over th beautiful On ish. Colonial, coupled with First Ma son In the betting, finished third. The time was 1:41 -t. Th results were: Belmont Park Inaugural, six furlongs, straight Blandy won. Oliver Cromwell second. Regal third; time, 1:11. .T rfH f-.'--.Ww - j, fe j limPIIJl-4t- , .i4- -,- 4. i, - --2 a'- ".?':)'' -j.J3ivtvi-7--,- i-'..-jw fit ' r ' . . - ' illn ! jtmHm., . i. ..'ii Hi... t' j.-.;lVll lX-- I 3 Francisco7 The British Pugilist - : Vrona-wtmrCTir-BOysecotAreen Room third; time. 0:51 S-S. Five furlongs, straight. The Juvenile stakes First . Water won. Vendor aeo- oud. Comedienne third; time, 0:61 2-1. One mile. Metropolitan handicap, 110,- 000 added Sysonby. 107 (Bhaw). 1 to H nsre tTBnnn), iv tu 1; colo nial Qlru 111 (A. W. Booker), IS td 1, 'hlnl' Hi 1 ' if i.-'r Spanker, First Mason, Kehallon, Wotan, Beldame, Santa Catalina. Jacquln and Ormonde' Right also ran. . New -Tork steeplechase, about two miles Good and Plenty won... Flying Buttress second. Rube third; time, 1:64. Seven furlongs, straight King Pep per won, Onataa second, Whorler third time, 1:15 i-e. . - At Xlm Bids'.-: I Kansas City, Mo., May i. Elm Ridge rac results: .. , . Four furlongs Programme won. Fro. gresslon second, Polly Forrest third; time, 0:62H. - Steeplechase, about one mil and on quarter Jlro Boseman won,- Collegian second. Wild Rang third; time. 1:I. Four furlongs Lady Charade won. Zing second. Pluto third; time, 0:BIU. One mile Ara won,-Judge Hlraease ond. Bondage third time. 1:4S. On mil and 70 yardTrlnIty"Belle won. Helrerson third; time, 1:60. Sir furlongs Cbnlk Hediick won. Lady Ellison second. ,Pltt third; time, 1:11. .lta at Tjezlngtoa. itxUigton. Ky.. May lr Kentucky sdclatlon rac results: 1 Four furlongs Curly French Nun second, Qold Jim. Olrl- . won. third .a time, 0:481a. . Five and one half furlongs-- Rain Dane "won. Two-Penny second, Trora- neuse third; time, 1:0 - SU-f wlongs The. Thrall won,- Mum second. Heidelberg third; time, 1:11H Five and one half furlongs cappe- mor won, Nomina second, xne ret third; time. 1:01. - . Four furlongs Touth won, captain Bush second. Haley Lll third; time, 0:44. ' - On mil Oro Viva won, Margaret Howard ." second, Ben Heywood j third; tlm. 1;41H. ' At th ralg Oronnda. fit Louis, May-1. Fair grounds rac results: , . -. .-. 1 - - Four furlongs Request won. Balshol second. Ula C third; time, 0:11 S-S. Four and on half furlongs Fargo on, Jo Colson second. , Beach wood third; time, 0 7 ' . Six furlongs-r-JaJi fianflers wpn, Dish i X - X " - - On mil, Mlllnr carIaa won, Corn wall coiul, 8Und Pat third; time. 1:45. On mil and ona alxteanth Unola Charley won, Montpaller accond, Trli tan Shandr ttilrd; time, 1:81. . ,. usstAirdoirro( MUCH FOR JENKINS WosrsU JpecTSCBervlce-l J ' New York. May 6.0eorg Hacken rwrestler-Jtnownrraa - the Husslen lton- wen th world's heavy weight wrestling championship .last evening1 by throwing Tom Jenkins of Cleveland la two straight falls, before a large audience; at -Madison -Sqaar Oar Frank A. Ootch cf Iowa, th formel eatch-as-catchcan - champlonJhSchakl longed the winner, and they will proba bly meet her or In Buffalo In th neal futur. - - - , I' 0X TO A 2AW. : " (Joaraal Bpdal Setvleat -"Bay City. Mlclh, May e. Ous Gardner of Detroit feuejht i fast reunde a draw her - last evening '- with -7 Jack Dougherty of Milwaukee.. . lav a4 wr I's? -- -3 ? II mm I I f f i-e";- emw . ir : w y- . ' s -:h sa mam m mm -" V r tf Sizes 2J to 6. ..You know the ' .. -' ..... - f. V 'r same kind would cost you $5 - r ' "-".7 ' :-'.' rhpjf Y - to $8 anywhere else. . - - ) , : ) . - . ':-rrir -'f',. Grammar School or, High li; J v;-;,, ...-h'rA:- "'''chool Suits for boys of 6 to V'"..."".rTj r,i;r. 'M'P? ;: " ' r.J: . IS.";. A mammoth assortment " --"-y'fj $4:)$ f--- - '-f ir- -L'-'" '-w i - J -Pf pew styles and pretty. pat-i- r X ;.-1 "v,vr :-' -jill;!- ' -' ' " UrV "'terns.: .; l-.'.r.yr'' " - . i m in 13. Xbvi . a 1 w u ill J li l vl jyvr T i k VI VJ v l ii rv i m rw ? y FCjTjJitWur rain, cjlui ... Ban Vranclaoo, May If hard train ing and parfaet oondltloa hara anything to do'wtth maklnf ,two boxers furnish a hurrlcan battle, the apeoutora ahould wltneia a auperb eUiteat when Jimmy Brltt and Jabea Whit tnoa each ether tonight at Woodward' pavilion to settle the International" Ushiwela'ht "champion ship. White is flawless, as Tr as cbn dltlon . la concerned, and It la doubtful If Britt ever looked or felt mora like a flchtlng; machine -than be does right nowWWleo41v-nse-are--brlm-Ul -f confidence. It ia. doubtful it ever two boxers harbored th respect for each other's pugilistic abUlty that these two do. White knowa that Brltt la th best man in America at his weight, and that' thinking a great deal. Brltt ha studied up. the dope' on Whit both, from a standpoint -of his paat performance and hts showings - made la- tha- gymnasium luring his present siege of training. Brltt h ii rd mttck ef-White abtlrty through frlenda who went orer to Lark pur to see Whit In action. On peek at Brltt in his gymnasium yesterday erred to convince that jamea Edward knowa he Is up against a hard gams. Brlttvla -working harder - for -tonight' battle than he haa for a long time. Should -White dgfeet him,-- he will have no complaint to make on th soore of lack of condition, or careiesa training methnda "The odd TavorBrTtranS "o t. : AOzrio coast xmaoum. CLUBS. Taooma Oakland ... n .1 m Snatl iiU6;i4ii;TBiao (Journal Special Sarvte - Philadelphia.- May 6. The Washing ton trophy- In the eighth annual con gress of the Woman's Whlat league of America, was won by th Baltimore Wo men's club,. who defeated th Hamilton club fit 8k Loulsv srzaKr ax exTTBv Th - Multnomal-AmteftAthlet club wUl oelebrat "members -sAght" Monday evening in th olubrymnsslu a peuuu program nas osen arrang for the occasion aBd. all - member e ax Invited to attend. -..... .. : . : : : ?. 8 4 JO T 4 8 18 .640 i 11 II .017 . 4 4 IT M a . . t in .4o s t r. 12 ,vii - - wtmam'B wjjj toubsui.t Isn't He a Dandy saBBBsl Sas Sal sjw Cy.,. " ": and pretty if you will "Jet us JfJj dress Hm in one of our natty ZiBusteeior Norfolk-Blouse" Suits TslisL w w -wgv war -mrtw at w w w m Making Very Fast, Time. CHILDREN-ADMITTED v ""'. FREE TOMORROW B?stJ?ogjrithrShoWi " : Selected at Exhibition . ." This Evening, ' This evening Judge Ashton will award th apclaa at th bench, show and also seleot the best dogs la th show.. - To morrow afternoon ail children accom panied - by- their-: parents "r - guardians will be admitted fre to the show. Th judging at th show this year has been ther fastest-ln-thw.rilstorr-of-th local club, and th work; of Jydge Aii. ion has been warmly praised. A larg crown was in attendance last evening enjoying the companionship cf the doge. Th last awards of th regular judging rouowi Treaok Bulldoa. Opea Poga 8oond.- Sasiee,- Jr- Sr Frsttiad: KL . mrnnm. ranMH. . rappr Bitches Second. Wee- Wee rreaeett. J. a l'ratc and Al H. Harradoa. Portland, - Limit Bitches Seeond. Joeepblne Bonaparte. J. S. Pratt and A. M. Harratlnn. PerUaniL "-Open Bitches. Stcoad. Mnrle Xntoiotul Tm S. . Pratt and- A. . W. Hrraoa, PorUaai r -- 7-'""" "Bostoa . Tfeirlera,...,. .. .iv- Pnosv Docs Tlrtt. Brandx. Oraat Bc-t.' NoTlce Doge llret. Nobaka, Wtluaa R. Toung. Portland; necoaS, Rumsile. H. -C Vf. CaaaiberUta and ieck tlerUeks. Portlaad. limit Doga-Slrat. Nobaka, W.. A. - Veaasi eond. Oualfe'a Baakar. Arthur. T. Cluitl roriuin: laira, mummim, w, u. xosng. Ooea Doit lint. Nob- W. R. Tanael secoDd, Qualfe'a Banker, A. T. Clark. .r itinMa,.inacijirjft. , sumim vmnai' :aire a iiinaer. ' Novice Bltcaaa flrat. gloaa. I. TJ. Can. Portlaedl second. Beauty, Harry J, White. Portland: third. - Bharrv. Sreut Xmft. Part. lead. - - ' Lunlt Bitckee Flrat. Twa.1. 0L'a: aee. ead. Beaatr. Uarrv .-Whttar: ' upea Bitcnea rim. atoormy s Elsie, pwim aioore. snevraoeaa uar, ung laiana; eecona. Teee. . O. tmn; thlro. beauty, Barry JTwolta - Wmnrs-K"n) Uoorhay's Btaltj leaerte. Tea,. .. . . - Far - Tarrtere - (Smeotk-Ooawd) t : Pnonr Ikara lUrd. Jannaw B- fl. Pat tainaa. The Dallea. ' 1 - Kovle Ds Pint, Unltaasiak Boy, W.: B. yaehhelBMr aecoad, Wandee Dukem, Charlrs K. Harly, Saa Franctaco; third, Maltoesuh Chief. W. Br feehnelnMr, Portland. - , i 1 . r . n 1 ,1 . . 1 - tr Barley l-Second. Miiltneauh-Boy, W,- B, frh- MiiMti UV9, norms iwano, w. . recn kelmer. Opes Puss. Pint,- -en, aMn--BTnardi a blns Kennala, Oraiige. Txa; . aeeaod, Norfolk Huntsman. O. K. Harleyi Multnomah Boy. W. B. reebhelmer, third: V. U. Ctf Sporting Xdltnr, W. B. rrMlmr. . . ruiy rlllrhea Flrit, Uultoom.k PUrt. W. B. rechhelmsr; seeoad, Uultaomah Fidget, Wt -Continued - Page - Thirteen. ? Yours will look just as. cute at - ar w Four sad on half furlongr, straight, . 'r: J; t ' -A "TV" .-1 . u