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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
10 THE , OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, '-. PORTLAND, . FRIDAY. EVENltfG. MAY: . 5. 1BC3- : - OREGON NUTS ARE v the FINEST IN MARKET Youths' prgvyeraeanzrreatrlfnprort and r ance f - Productrand - Are- Planting More-Treesv - ?ATnWS AND ALMONDS -THAtBEATtTHE WORLD " '?. '.': Experimental State Jfclaa. Been o - Passed, and Industry on Per . manent PayingBasis. m VI Bunker" Hill and nThe Celebrated Makes of Shoes,.; Every I Pair War--r",'"'' rantedr ' -EOR- AND- MONDAY , LITTLE" GENTS' all solid vici kid, box calf and J iga.roa. calf. sizes 8Va 13J4?SPECIAL $lT35- YOUTHS' all solid ill"' T leathers and styles.' 7 Ex--tension or light soles,! sizes 13 to 2. SPECIAL $1.80 BOYS' all solid, all : leathers and styles. - Ex- -tension or light soles, sizes Lj2 to5J SPECIAL- $1,95 They Are Wear-Resisten v-TRY A PAIR j OLAFKE CLUB REMIN DS :z': L.iITS MEMBERS TO VOTE Store of Style and Quality . "" 230-232 Morrison Str T NEAR SECOND " . On .by one , th ' product of other states ars being discarded by the people of Oregon. Up to this Mm the market men bave beijm forced to pay . tribute to1 outatdT"t grower; California cured most of the trad.-- : and soon When walnuts were- wanted,-It was always the outside -grower who reaped the harvest-of - golden - dollars. , Now things are going to happen.' Oregon is alnut raising .bus Inesa. herself. experiments show - that - she will outstrip competitors.' There are growers of almonds In the vicinity- of: Portland who are. coining a few dollars on the side by the- grow. Ing of these nuts for the market. ;, In the vicinity of Vancouver" are- several almond growers who have been shipping regularly, to the Portland market the past few years, but up to this time the trad has been In the nature of an pertment. To those who appreciate quality to nut. the Oregon almond la In great de mand. : Several -small shipments were made from southern Oregon .to thla mar ket the past season, but they, too, were In the nature of-an experiment. The Oregon almond Is not so large as those raised. In -California,- but It l-weeter. and baa more of the. good nutty taste than hive those from, the aoutn. riate are: just , oeginmng 10 realise K1a nmdiiM lint rniWT. If not 'better.- walnuts of" the sof t English . . - . . . . Mil I variety man any iroporimi. mm wmj difficulty In the way -or a- suocesaiui walnut Mioiift;hitHlnMa in thla .state Is takea several mora years for the trees to coma into oearuiK imta uum u ntaui firtw- south. ' Outside" Of J this, everything Is in favor of walnut growing in- Oregon. , . -. fUmnilii Ililnns arrnnllns to Z nut-carrb-r-ralsed -'here, and-after th trees one near xney win snow a- rayiu ,nMMaA Th ifA at m. hMrinr tree Is said to t longer In tnfe-SUU .thanlln the soutbr Mr. Prlno of Dundee is the largest walnut grower in regoiw In all he has acres slanted to walnuts and annu ally gather & good paying cropAmong othara who rain wai.nuta.ln this tat4 Mrs. B. MShanhon of Albany. At pres ent sh hai only a small output, but it is quite likely thai the production will be Increased. . - ' . The war In the orient ha brought Japan Into prominence as a peanut grow ing country. Every year the mtl brown men navk -been sending; peanuts iq. ima market, but It wae uut MuUl-.a.jrtar ago that the shipments becam heavy, now owers-flnd-a good trade on i"1Ti 1 m iinne aaanut larger than those received from Vir- ainla, but la not of sacn gooa quajity. sinpa the Virginia 1 have beeome so tw-arx-tr-and: high, the Japanese- peanut Is mora, extensively" used, . . iwonsiaet-p bly"rchoaper to the trader eand Is1 gener-1 ally mixed' wun -in genuine Virginia arOol. ' ' ' ' Final Letter lieued by Campaign Or gixiiiktion Ha 3,788 Pledged ' J Voterf. aIIawIh ! ih. UbiI ram. innul Issued bv the W. B. Qlafk Campaign club to Ita memoers: ' m ml flr.ritn Mlf 1. 190 S. Oen tlemen: The hour is at hand. We have ... n thank vnu mniit heartllv Tor Tour .mi -.e..M.. v - - - - manly aupport of good government by Indorsing witn your signature me can dldmev of llt-WR GlaTka. 4- . That .A.lli flrmt i z rk. Annntiftnti ar nnnllrlv aavln that your alg nature may amount -to nouung-t nut we anow unt il ww given Willingly, not idly, nor merely to please some inena. - we snow -mat ii was given as the result of your true Judg Thsror,WnemHdehny lSoktoyou a ana nnai aiep, vis.; fSaturday and - place your CA) againat in nam or vr. u. i Olafke. the flret free and absolutely un pldgd"ttaToir"Portlkna-ln- twenty "We, tti nnaersignea. registerea vot ers, believing In a bualness administra tion for the city of Portland; the adop tion of Roosevelt's policy of 'Fear or favor to none, and a square deal to all;' and believing that this end can best be brought about by the nomination and election of W. B. Olafke to the office ot mayor, pledge him our unqualified sup port, and ' organ Is ourselves for that Duroos into a club wnien snail De called the W. B. GLAFKB REPUB LICAN CLUB." - I 1 ' We .have over t.711 pledged voters, including yourself, to this declaration. Sincerely and earnestly ' yours for good government on sound, clean busl ness principles, " W, B. OLAFKB REPUBLICAN CLUBr ' y JSUWAKU-iNi-rVlllStitN, ' - - Cbalrmaa WOMEN PROTEST AGAINST SALOONS AT FAIR GATES "' Th Sarah ' M." Kern Memorial YfT 'tSt T. U. met yeaterday afternoon at First Evangelical churoh. East Sixth and Market streeta A strong protest 'wss nteredt-agalnst the saloons that bar the entrance to th - fair grounda The women feelthatthey cannot gofronj "lhefclly" to the grounds without les sening their self-respect, because of the places -they must pass and the things they must seBj There Is a strong delre that th fair commissioner will see fit to mske a change In theae arrange ment. . " ' Plans were made yeaterday for a left- lure to b given next week by Colonel Bobleskt, and also for a. mothers' meet ing Thursday afternoon. May II, at jlhe home ef Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Courtney, ft Bast Eighth street. North. . . Clearing the Decks. ,; For the new L. a Smith aV. Bros, writ ing In sight machine, with' which w are now Mlllng orders. Be our window for snaps in partly used machines of other makes, traded out for Mr.. Smith's latest product. LAM. Alexsndr-A Co., exclusive dealers entire coast, ill Third gtrest. ' , - ; THE BIQ STORE IN. THE . c.f H In ;VTM i J Oa. -A.--rX'-nk! middle of the BLOCK, U- 1- O OL.. IDCU aiKl JTinC TCiOUSAWDS Of strangers will- visit Portland this foothThe'greatoe high quality and low price clothing: market will be forcibly illustrated by J this establishment.- We will show Con clusively that this store can sell'thV best clothing products of the land fully as low Tn price as the same qualities can be bought fof anywhere' else In all : -this great-United StatesWeT Inau-. gurate a gigantlc sale of high art doth-- jn g, "commencing' tomorrow,- that for 7: variety, style., qualityandwori ship will make this store the center of attractjon'forclothlngl)uyers. 1 775 All $i-3v ill - ' '' r ? " ' "." - - I Eleven "dollaj-s win do the same duty at this store during' this Grand Suit Sale that Slfi to. SIS 'will An at n. - other store In )thi tnan's country.- rTire au-wooi serges,' clay .worsteds, . unfinished worsteds. Thibet clntha tn -bluwor black and fajcy tweedchevTT -iotswflomespunsasswieresandr worsieas, aouDie or single breasted Sack- - Everv suit of them han- r tailored -with best quality haircloth xronts ana vulcanized shape-retaining shoulders. These .suits are cut imperial nhanrs to. fit. stout, fa 1 -chubbymenrilsa ipeciarshapes 7or ' the bi? tall man or till ilim man - The regular build man will find a r -vJlbn's- sharerof-thenrTliUTsizevS The suits run up to .52 bust meas- Lure, and: are the 1 best - $13 and $18 -ones shown today in AmericasBuC VTh: Chicago will agairCdrawlthel crowds by offering chokf of the eo- .i,, -ti! tJre .lot at lrORircHOlCE OP 15 STYLES - OF - SINGLE- OR DOUBLE BREAST- EDmLavVoorroR WORSTED" $10, $12 LIGHT OR DARK COLOR SUITS A B A R GAIN-'THAT'S NOT TO BE MATED IN-THIS CITYr The Man With Fifteen ; This Stere'i jreputation for. doing: wharlf says ft unques-" -r tloned 1 by : any- mtelUgenewrtjiatJxaaevervisiteA- TTHirriifaMTihmfnt. We -say- that 25 styles of suits that r ' are worth $20 are In this lot. at $15 for choice: "fhe very -nobbiest and choicest of fine tailor-made garmentt, fash-' iofted to please the most crit- ' leal dresserr This sale-win -"convince advance visitors to the exposition that Portland Jiasjutorethat sells -good -clotihes at theright priceiz: -Ydiir-Footwear . Bought at this8toreinsurescomf 6rt..Btyle. service and low prices. Blucher, bals. andOx fords, In tari chocolate, black and patent Boys' and Children's (fIn Blucher and bals., tan or black.' Special . . Values. "' . r$ 1. 35t $ 1.50, $1.657 $1.85r $2.00, v $2.25 and' $2.50' , - r-l, .. .v "V ... : Every pair of Men's or Boys' Shoe's bought at this store is Guaranteed. -If. a nair' f oe r wTohg a new pair free. """ ' ' Portlahds Largest All 1 HevTStock. --NegligeerKolf-and . wonting Shirts, the most extensive varietv and best - values - In - the - - city. -75 Golf and NegUgee, a most handsome assort- . ment of the good and nice kinds., -r ,.. f 1.00 Extra values in silk bosom, brilliantine, ' , silicia, penane and ; madras. I .-. : ,71.50 Cluett's most se lect -styles, golf and neghgee. 92.00fMohaIr7 pongee, French flannels, etc." $2.50 Pure pongee and -cream brilliants, etc Underwear." Neckwea7 - White or Fancy Wash r Vests, etc. TomorrowyoucanDi in K tionai good tninp-s in Knee Av money. lex ud some excen- Pants SuitajuuLJ win taxe cnoice ot small lots o I UO -BustertrovmsrtldrfolkriTdu ble Breasted Suits, that sell regularly up - to $3. T. ' " ' ;. " - ; ft) (L CWilI' contalnseveral' lines 'and VLMO broken lots of elegant AU-Wool juateruis tnat are worth at least $4. - -Several new arrivals in extra quality hand tailored, Knee Pants Suits tft $3.85, $4.85 '.' nl ?7.50. Young Men's Suits - Tomorrow will offer some exceptional fine 7 -77 :- -- opportunities. . , - 47 QC Will take cnoice of several full .till 00 lines of single and double breast- - -d $10 Suits, and lots oftwo, three and four. " of a kind that were broken during the Easter rush, worth up to $12. - 1 0?Q' QC wm be power. Some of the H700 very handsomest $12 aino-u nrl - double - breasted stvlesand - all - small. Ar broken. lots, worth up to $15. Sergesrun-" finished worsteds and fancy mixtures. 1 - . 4. I ,' .-V. 7 .: L it- f j': ,1 ' ' . .. I ' 1 b, i A Hat to Fit Your Face -30 Styles, 30 Shades and Colors -;j America's Greatest. S T . , '. .1 ,. HAT 1 no 11 HAT sj V . . " 1 -- ..KmH? '', retl P1 water-woven hand-shaped Panamas 'pO.t Tor ehoto of six ahapas ef ' II Panama r Rata, un bleached. - -i W display- tin Panama Hat, best stock, in all ' grades up to. each..,. (25 Straw Hats ...... BennlU, Milan, Manila and Porto- Rican-' Btraw, all tyle. SOf, T5, 91 nd P to B, . " - '.. t