The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 04, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    .: : V
idmoHT i AwrkkvEiiTt.
rnplr ......
.Tb Marble Heart"
; ; ; . vrr.-My Trtner
............ Vodlll
. , , , ...VswUvHle
15 The" feature of thejrjontMy meeting
tereatlng and Instructive lectur :.. on
"Outdoor Photography,' by Mlaa l. K.
-White., fofmar ecretary of the Oregon
Camera club.In Illustrating her lecture
'MIm White ued a number of pictures
by English and American amateurs, and
'a ouun of standard make, with which
he showed the preotleal eld of the
r fascinating .work and' explained IU uae
. - under varioue light conditions, The tm
v - . preaatonlatlo school'ef photography was
. ,' aiacueaed. . and the working up or
poor negative was thoroughly explalnod
- so that, amateurs could easily unaer
. . atand toe method of developing -a- pte-
The Minnesota aoclety will entertain
J.the .-different- state sooletUa Friday
evening at 8 o'clock at - Allaky - hal!
; Third and Morrison -Streets, when Mrs.
Hamilton and ; J. Ira. Routledge - will
- tnaY--udge -Waldemar Seton and Mtl
wn.Mker wmi anq . ju-u
r interesting leaiures o iiw pro
gram. Badges have been selected ana
may -be had of Dr Blersdorf In the
". . Dflmm huiMlnr. or of. Isaac Staples.
-J 2 - Vnt Street,- president of the so-
clety. The badges are of the state
-colors,- cardinal and goldWj
A. A. Richard', state-senator of Idaho,
J "and. a prominent lrrlgatlonlst. is in the
City tl) nratl mm gauut nr&mmni,
Idaho, where he baa - extensive landed
and irrigation interests. Mr.. Richards
described the , project of the govern--
tnent to reclaim 400,000 acres by storing
'. in the. .mountains the ehadwaters or
t the Payette river, and confining them
with great dams to be distributed-. In
. the dry season atong-the-'-plateaue-for
watertnr-tne arld-lanaa. Mr. Kicnaraa
na been Interested in irrigation for
- many years and has been active in re
-claiming thousands of acres.
. Fifteen - youngsters,- age ranging
r from'-ltto 1-yearnrere put off a
train-near Redding. California, a few
.Francisco and. war beating their way
- by trucks and. blind baggage to the
Lewi and Clark fair.: As-tne youtna
were not held in custody, they promptly
caught the next frelxht that came along
: city lImlU.-The-mber-f -trampa
working-north front, California-le ex-
ceptlonaily large.
Ontlemen, do you ever atop and think
- . : of the time and money saved, the freav
.-.flom from infection and general aatin
faction obtained by shaving yourself T
Why don't you see Albert Bernl. the
drugglstrTPTnefrSecond-Ana - Waahin y
T" ton atreets. about a shaving outfit and
'Tie your own tarberf He makes a spe
cialty of fin raaora, at moderate prices,
and guarantees perfect satisfaction or
money cheerfully refunded.
1 By Jbe .completion of repairs at Port)
Coata. Cal.. the Southern Pactflo - haa
' shortened the time considerably between
- Portland tod Ban- Francisco- Train-No.
will hereafter-arrive here at :
-T. W., Instead Of o'clock p. m, - Train
l -win leave tnia city at a. m., in
stead of T:t a, m.. and 'train 111 for
-- -nerly leaving at 7 p, m, will not start
until i:oe p. nv .
leagna ori
"the - First PreBbyterlan- church --were
- unanimously re-elected last -night at, the
annual meeting. Fletcher Linn Is presl-
: dentr D. 1J. wamer vie president, u.
M. Wood secretary, and George M.
Strong treasurer: At the conclusion of
- the business meeting .a musical program
was rendered by the choir, and a ban'
" , ouet followed. -
Mr. K. If Scherman, special repre-
aentatlv-t)f the Jewish Publication o.
. ..ilety of America, will Hipend -the neart
two. week In Portland in an effort to
increase the membership. Tha society
i. Hm nnlv one of the sort in America.
It objects ar benevolence and educaT
tlon, and it 1 maintained by voluntary
- ; contribution.'' : .
Tha damage ult of George W. Light
gaina th Southern Paclflo compary
kji hen transferred from the court
In Josephine county to the federal court
.in Aliia cltyThault Ja to recover daot.
age hi tha sum of JO,ooo, aueged to
have been sustained through - personal
injuries caused by tha negligence of tha
company., t j
Chararea of conspiracy to defraud and
tf tha accomplishment of tha oonaptracy j
are made in the ult that was filed in
the federal court thl morning by B. 8.1
Kerns . against Joseph r. i-ee. . xne
- -"plaintiff seeks th recovery of title to
land in Klamath county valued at
$3,000. ' - -;
Minnie Brady In eult for divorce from
Claude Brady, to whom she waa married
in Puyallup, Washington, July 16, 103.
; alleges that Brady spend hi earning
for drink and doe not support her. The
plaintiff ask to be allowed to resume
her -maiden nam. 8awtcllLji:.
- SO.000 Immigranta Wanted To locate
' along the Oregoh Water Power A Rail
way company' Una between Portland
and Eatacada, For information Inquire
of. the Oregon Water Power Townsite
company, lie First street. Phone, Main
'I-; r "":
- Bteamer Redondo aails Thursday dl
""teet '"for Ban-Franolsoov Cabin., til;
,'. BtearaK. tt- Maais and berth included.
C. H. Thompaon. agent. It Third street.
J- A petmmTln banVrnptcy waa filed In
' Men's
, TANS .OAX.OR; "'
25c and Up
Htwett, Crtdley Q Co.
HATTXBt An rciintHM. ,
346 Wmh iitgtem Stiwt "
IrtAA tlAsTB
tutinu. ;;
Why Albce Should Be Nornl
....'. nated foe Mayor.' ;
Portland. May.L T the- Editor' of
The Journal Dear Sir You have eo
frequently -of Iatr4n.wa attention- edU
tor tally .to the Important issues of the
ooming city election -that- It -may- Mm
ettpeTftnoog to refW fUfOlsTnTieret $but
I take the liberty of doing so Once
more for the double purpose of express
Ing appreciation of the service you have
rendered to the public, In this direction
and- of .endeavoring to- summarise -the
iasuaa and emphasising some points; of
essential value. .
- Thin .la- the 'first -election- -under ' the
new elty charter, and under tta provis
ions It la' the. only one in which a full
council of II members--!!) ward, coun
cilman end-e oounclfmen at large will
be elected.' Ever after-while thla char
ter continues In Ha present form there
will be rotation: of councilmans-Part
of the council cow. about to be elected
wlH hold offlco for four years.-AQ-that
I the coming election will color the city's
administration, for at -least thai period.
Here (Ira the Vital lmportanoe of now
returning good men to office, for If they
are bad we can't get rid of them in two
years. It is generally conceded that
while there are some good men on. the
list of candidates for nomination aa
en worthy
of the people's suffrage, nor arHvey
men who can stand representatives of
the Interest of a city of. the alxe and
Importance of Portland. .
It ia .therefore pertinent to point out
now the necessity for bringing forward
as aoon after the primary election., aa
possible r the names of men for ward
councilman and counellmen at large in
all caaea where those nominated at the
primaries are not of such character and
calibre as the needs of the ease demand.
Thia will, necessitate some aacrlflce on
Ihe part .of those -Who may , thus be
called ..upon' to server but" the occasion
tuning, Ka heat- men- that " can .be
flound, endThT5to-whonvthe eali may
come should count It a prlyllege to do
such public service. The - initiative
must.' however, berjpfcerr byrthe -people
themselves, of such of their representa
tives aa hava the fundamental public
intereata at heart, for the kind Of men
most needed for the eounoll are not to
be found atandlng at the street corner
waiting art.. Invitation to run for office.
They muat be sought out. -The com
nlA.Inn nt the roii nr 11 la of flrst hn-
hamper the actions 01 the mayor, now
good soever he may be. if on the otner
band, we have a good council and a poor
mayor, he will have to do his duty SVCO
if unwillingly.- ." " -"
The of nee of mayor naa been runy
main to ba addeds The Issue a a far as
the Republican party la concerned 1
narrowed - down to on - point, via.,
whether or not tha-yp f -admlnlBlra
tlon represented by Mayor Wllllama or
Mr. Albee Is to be Indorsed. I put It
broadly thus, because tha dividing Una
for all practical purpose placea Mr.Xdresa the Elks.--
Alb on om side and on the other a H
the remaining candidates who have de
veloped any strength. It haa been uf-
flclently demonatrated notwitnatanding
the assertions - of certain candidates,
that If elected they would "enforce the
law,'' that this statement haa been made
with aurh "msntal reservations" and
ttacll uhderata hdlngsTI 16" maktidis-
counted value an inoperative--quantity.
It Is therefore evldant-that every arood
Republican who haa at heart the beat
interests of the city, including her busl
nesa Interests, aa well aa tha principles
upon- which- alone these can be. aafely
founded nhould vote far Mr. Albee,
whoa character, ability - and three
veara' record and experience aa council
man makahtm a candidatapeoullarl
worthv of confidence. .
One other point I take the liberty of
bii greeting.- If an ornolal wao aa rut
filled hi duties In a satisfactory man
ner' stand for re-election, it-1 to th
best interest of the public that he
should be returned to office. - Thl may
not be good polltica under the spoil
system, but that it la good business
need no recommendation. & am, Mr
Editor, respectfully,
Ihe" federal' court thl morning' by J. H.
Torgler, a merchant of Baker City. He
owe IMCS.82. and claim assets at
8,100. . "...
North Pacific Steamship Co.' steam
ship Roanoke. M00 tons, aails for Baa
Franoiaoo-aad-Xos Angeles, calling at
Coo Bay and Eureka. Thursday. Mai
4, t p. m.. from Columbia dock No. L
Ticket office SB t Washington atrest, 11
Young, agent. Fhon Main-6 81.
E. N. Wheeler, residing at ESI Eaat
Couch atTeet, is a candidate for nomina
tion aa councilman In Eighth ward in
the Republican primaries. A vote for
him la a vote for honest government.
(Steamer Aberdeen sails for 8an Fran
cisco direct Saturday evening. cabin
JHeteerage, tSJnC84a; iuidberth lnolud.
eo.-. tl. inompson, agent, izs Third.
Bank or office counter If you have
anything second-hand In thl line-for
Immediate Bale, send description to or
telephone Olasa eV Prudhomm Co,
' Republican primaries May t. For
councilman for Eighth ward "vote for
EX N. Wheeler, residing at 181 East
Couch treet." - . ,' . -.
Panamas bleached by Panama hatter.
Ladle' and gent' hat renovated. Pa
clflo Hat Works, I8 8d st. . Clay 488.
C R. DeBurgh.' Republican' candidal
for nomination of councilman, eighth
ward. ... ;. - . '- ' .
1 1,000 .reward for any adulterations
found in Oregon Grape or Paclflo Cream.
bail! Ital. -French restaurant 884 Upshur
' Analey' Printing Cov, ISO Oak. -
Echo, Oregon. Will hav a plonio and
promotion day Saturday, at which prom
inent railroad men and. other citlsena
Win Speak, and the people for miles
around that portion of eastern Oregon
ar expected to attend. Th apeaker
and subject will be: Oeneral Manager
Worjhlngton of the, O, R. tt N. Co., rTh's
Railroad aa a ClvllUer;" W. Wr-Cotton,
general counsel for the road. "Th pro
fessional Man as a Farmer;' Senator
C.' W. Fulton: "What I Hav Been at
Echo;" Judge 8. A, Lowell of Pendleton.
Umatilla County;" T. Q. Haller of
Pendleton, -Tha Open Ditch,;!, Senator
W. ,A. Pierce, "Why I, Ara H Farmer;"
Dr. J. N. Blalock of Walla Walla, "Ir
rigation;" Senator C J. Smith. "Home
Life on the Farm:- and addresses will
also be given by Torn - Richardson of
Portland and Jamea A. Tea and James
H. Raley of Pendleton.- '
Governor Chamberlain will be present
A featura of the picnic will be the. 100
cowboys under . command of Asa B.
Thomson' and there will be bands and
a barbecue, ' v . ,
Grand - Exalted Rulers QBrien
Tells of the Order Growth
and prosperity. -
Discussing Policy, Says Grand
" Lodge s Now , Ready to Auth-:
'Jorize Any phange,-;
, William J. O'Brien, .grand exalted
ruler of th Benevolent and Protective
border of Elk, and Mrs. O'Brien, of Bal
timore, Maryland, ar today the guests
of Portland Lodge JJo. H3.. and ara aea-n:JLh4a.tiracllyafear-of-th-elty;
Governor ..Chamberlain, John - Lamont,
W.-W.- Robinson, R. E. Moody and Ex
alted Ruler, C E. McDonell are the com
mittee appointed to entertain the dla-
tlngulahed vlsltora. Governor Chamber
laln and John Lamont breakfasted with
hem at the Portland hoteli-George C,
Btekelerf7TW:I?Bjlear-dlstrlct rtnpnty
grand exalted ruler, waa one. of the
guest a ' This evening the entertain
ment committee will dine with Mr. and
William J. O'Brien.
Mrs. O'Brien and' Mr.- Blakeley at tha
hotel, and at the regular session of the
lodge- the- a;rand -exalted ruler will ad-
-Tm 'cannot "avoid 'forgetting for th
momentrthe partlcrflar roUaion on which
one cornea," aaid Mr. O'Brien. "and re
marking on the matchleaa beauty of th
city.".- . '
And Mr. O'Brien, hearing the remark,
echoed the sentiment and aald: -'r -"if
yn nav sut'i li i'j fvl
tractions here at this time c yer,
certalnly-TOUwnncharm your.'; vlaltoi si
thtir sjrmmer-when- they . com to aee
your exposition. " ,r.-- ,- '
This fair," said Mr. O'Brien. 'Is bet
tec Advertised than any et the other blg
expostttons bay been. , Last year, the
large eaatenrrapors paid little heed to
the Bt, Loula fair. It was conceded that
it was poorly advertised. But the
andlaik eipoaltion has been eapleited
by all . eaatern . newspapers - and maga-
sines, and every one there know about
it. -There can be doubt ithat. you
will hav an Immense influx of visit
or th entire summer.
"Th view from Portland Heights is
wonderful. The city in general, nest
ling among Its wooded hills, beside these
great .rivers and guarded by th famed
enow peak, need not hesitate to- offer
Itself ss a rival for any other city on
the globe.
Mr, . O'Brien dlacussed the affairs of
Elkdom, and aald that ha believed the
grand lodge would be alow to recognise
officially the state organisations - that
had been formed in several sections,
with Interstate societies in some parts
of the country.
- "While. I believe thene state and In
terstate societies sre beneficial. I am
sure the grand lodge for eome years to
come' will not authorise a change in its
organic- constiueyon,"TlndH&sUtuta-Btat
grand lodges. It will come In time, but
not, for yaara
Those who advocate state . grand
lodges point to. the 1,300 members who
sat in the last grand lodge in Cincin
nati last July, and contend that the
body Is unwieldy. But. th grand lodge
win ;t jealous or us preceaents ana
will - probably retain-Its present form.
which permit the annual reunion eo
And You Make the Terms
The "same durable qual-
i ity in Plain ''and Elabor-
ate Designs, and all "kinds
tTTof Upholstering.
A Surprise in Every One 1
rprnterly T. Parnltur Oo.
164-6 FIRST ST -
InNew Building on ,
Facing Main Entrance
and Exit of Lewis
, Clark Fair.
5 14Chamber of Commerce
or393 26th Strcetrr
dear to the hearts of Elks who hav
been Ions , in the order. - .
"Everywhere'! gu I find the Elka
irvwius - w -infliivrRR, wins ft uiBnr
-LI'tignc-on,tanIly o improve the tone
of tha ordef. ouf-TTeen .our i to
the more Important lodge of tha van
In Portland, Taooma, Seattle, Ban Fran
Cisco; Los Angeles and Sacramento, and
we have already been in Honolulu, where
we found a flourishing lodge. W now
bay a lodge In Ban Juan, Porto-Rico,
and ar represented wherever the flag
of the .Vnlon floata.M : - . .
:0TES:0FRICH:MEN : ' Goes From Poor. Farm to
- Catholic Home. --' T
, . . - .
PXojHinfrn.,nrnwwri gnu nnrwman,, nave
Daa uim rrmuTcu i rum iaa cuuir puur
farm, wliere he has been Staying for
the last " two weeks,. 4o - the Cathollf
Home for tha Aged at Sunnyslde. " Mr,
Smith was wealthy, but lost everything
through bad lavastmente. He-obtained
enough money to start a small dairy a
few years sio, bar lir halth prevented
him from making a livelihood, and two
weeks ago he aaked to be committed to
the poor farm-He left the farm yeater-J.
day. and when he arrived In Portland
called on County Judge Webster -and
Commissioners -Barnes snd Llghtner to
thank . them-for the kind treatment he f
bad received aa a gueat of the county. .
will make an effort to " obtain aom
money - on them. The notes ar . for
amounta aggregating tt.O00. They are
outlawed Borne of the. debtors ara
nuW able, to pay all. or expert of thai, ana i im inougni mat at jeast
enough an- bar obtained .- to keen Mr,
Smith - in " comfortable .olreumstarrcet
ln9jret-.Pf hlftdaya.;
hifdren't Shoes
Mothers ara tbeones't- fciew-the
ralna nt anlldaen she
wnsn rr
comes time again to fit th boya try a
pair or Baron's wen known makes. Boys
and litue gents' Shoes in all styles.- - Vlcl
kid. box calf and kangaroo oalf that are
fully warranted and will atand -the
strain-that ia subjected only to school
shoes. Remember. If is our good shoes
that hav mad custom. Buy on pair
of our celebrated makes and be con
vinced'. Om atora is J Morrison.
near oecona.
' . .
' '
- KepuDiican oandidat
d for nomination, .
Now-let the world watch out Roose
velt Is coming back-la washing
W. B.
Corner Second and Oak Sts.
This Evening,
andidate W. B. Glafke
.and many other prominent
business men will give short
addresses, ' x.
-i MissJExiwina-Masticlc, theT
charming soprano, will sing
a number of solos. Thet
Glafke Quartet will attends
If so, do not suffer the palifs
snd ineonvenienc any longer.
The system of cure for this
ailment ss used by pr. Ander
son is wonderfully effinaotoua
snd certain to bring relief In -the
most stubborn cases.
tt, Relllng-Hlyftrh HMf4
W. Park and Washington.
txiaIi tuiTiaiT nn.
ber of people in Portland, and lnU'ra"'h," hav ??a bo"i'hi UJ? .k!"
behalf County Health Off lcer"ETPaclfl0 Btt" ,T? ,efra,.h. T?i.ep.h,?n!
And States - Very Plainly That
. Telephone Company Paid
Others for Votes
Councilmen Emphatically". In
i Open Meeting, Charge Each
Other With Corruption.
Sensational -dhargea- of an . attempt
to bribe members of the city council
were made againsf the Home Telephone
company 'by Councilmen Fred T. Mer
rill and-I.-Tr Sherrett lru open .council
moetlngl-yeatrdayiThft.infin; stated
that agenta of . the company seeking-a
franchise to operate anautomatio tele
phone system . in this olty, had : ap
proached them and attempted to bay
their, votes. . J...:
'. Ths accusations were made when the
franchise came up for final considera-
a nan, who recently Visited -lio." Angeles
nl.0 -.mpd (n detail the
k,n. of the automatic "system" 'In
those cities. - Councilman John P;. Shar.
key read numerous letters from promi
nent bualneaa men In Los Angeles and
San Diego stating that the dual tele
phone ayatems there were of great bene
fit and that since tha automatic system
had been Installed, the service had befen
excellent. - '' . - ' -
-"Since thla application for a franchla
haa com v," aald hr-"I- br ben4n
formed by polielclan that 'corporation
In thl city had formed ST "combination
"repreaentlnifT millions' or: dollars, and
had ""pledged "themaelveB ""to allow; no
mora franchises to be granted Her. J.
told -these men -that-I-would- vol 'for'
such franchise a I thought best
: o Straws tmtarnedr v -
"Tha" Pacific -State. Telegraph -It Tele
phone company knowe that when this
new company secures its franchise and
puts In an up-to-date plant' it will hav
to do th same thing, and it 1 not leav-
I In g ft stone u
nnturnedto oereat this
uSfoma anT'OttuiOlaen
hav recently come to me stating that.
they " were frotn the automatic telephone-people,
and dealred to secure.
franchise,-but Inquiries have been mada
and these men are not known to th au
tomata people-cUher of Loa Angeles or
Chicago.' The-y telegraphed us. that i".
r". Graves was the only person who had
authority to Install the automatl-tle-
phone 4a Portlandv
Before Sharkey tad ' taken hla .eat
Councilman Merrill sprang . from : bis
chair and - addressed " tha - may or In -
very excited voice. "' :'
"1 Tint In y fil-A,wajtr l MtA.
'Councilman Sharkey ha inferred that
the councilmen whu ar .opTcadtcrth IS
company." but I deslr to--Bay that the
only offer made to me was by an-agent
of the new company. A man came to
OfM mwpt.
palgn expetrae If I would vote -for .th
KarrUI Gives Xii Vi
Wb was he T Tell ys who h was!"
demanded Charles K. namner, tn peti
tloner for the franchla.
f - "llls-ma-ts-MBtawrtgfatbi'teg
Merrill. "Mrv Sharkey has been so ac-
myaJirrWKTBK'fOfthii' hew enmnanv
that I feel that he must hav received
a portion of the money that la being
paid out for vote."
"Tak it before th grand Jury," called
out Sharkey. -.i-... ..- - -
"I will do so," replied Jferrni: T)ut
I wlirnot do so for political purposes,
t will tell them of It after electron." -
"I want to say also," spoka up Coun
cilman D. T. Sherrett, glaring at Coun
cilman Sharkey, "that a man approached
mrand aitempted tn buy my Totv-Jto
said he was a representative of the new
company. He offered to pay my Cam
paign expenses. I'll tell who he waa
when the proper time come."
. When th vote waa taken th fran
chise was defeated. Ayes Councilmen
Albee, Flegel. Bharkey, Whiting, Zim
merman and Foeller. . Nays Council
man Merrill, Rumelln, Sherrett .and
Immediately a petition -asking that
the franchise b submitted to-referen-
dum was preson ted -and-granted.
I gave Mr. Stow no authority to or-
fer bilbes to ariybody,-aldrChrlfg E.
Sumner, after the meeting, "and If he
Ud-aLitJKaS JSlJhout the consent of the
company. We OffeVTll Bier to- nnwedyii
The petition of tha Trinidad Asphait
company to hav changed the specifica
tions for the Improvement of Second
itreencTas toaTIow" ctmpetttlveTlddlna;
was refused on the ground that the ma-
l"rltr Pf,ha prnparly-aMmTS dsslsail
bltullthlc pavement.--
The city ordinance declaring slot ma
chines illegal was repealed. Flegel and
Albee voting against the repeal.
'This repeal will relieve th polio
department from the duty of enforcing
the law and will throw th brunt of the
matter in th hands of the sheriff," said
one . of the councilmen. "This action
may prove a boomerang, for th sheriff
may .not be disposed to enforce th law
since it Is put up to him.".
The ordinance assessing th costs of
the Cnrbett and Pennoyer street fill was
At Itslannual meeting yesterday after-
noon-har Council. of Jewish Women, by
a unanimous -vote, elected Mrs.-8. M.
Blumauer - to - th office of prealdent,
and th honor wa again conferred on
her as a mark of appreciation of her
ability as a presiding officer and In rec
ognition of her valuable work In behalf
of - tha -councili-sr She had expressed a
desire to retire, but th members of the
council -decided that it was best for
her to remain. Other officer elected
are: Vice president, Mrs.- M. Baruh:
recording secretary, '- Mrs. - Slgmund
Slchel; corresponding secretary. Miss
Florence Kline; treasurer. Mrs. Ountav
Simon; directors, Mrs. L. Samuel, Mrs.
I. Leaser Cohen, Mrs. M. Hlrsch and
Mlaa Jfsch,--
Satisfactory pragress- along i educa
tional and philanthropic lines in all
branches of "work', undertaken by the
council wes shown by the committee
reports. - The reports included mention
of th Neighborhood houee, which was
eetabllahed- In ScAith- Portland last De
wmrnirr'nd in referring to this insti
tution Mrs. Blumauer aald ft realised a
cherished hop of many year and stood
out .a on of th achievements of, this
section. ' : . . ---
An addreas upon the work of the
eounoll wa made by lira. Scherman,
representing the Jewish Publishing so
ciety of Philadelphia. She spoke of the
literature produced Jr-Sih. writer,
snd concerning Jewish Mf and hjslory
by Oentll writer. '
Frssldant . Blutoauar wag appointed
l - W -- f I - 1'
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T r -This "Is
shown this
"In Sizes .for
Sath Aimual
r:- --"- " f1 JfA
Portland Kennel Club
May3rdTto MayH5th
.HIT.r f)N
"Children...... 15 cent Seasoa Tickets Ep.r$l
.. .. ' Open Daily Ffc Ws. jnv.lo ltt p. nw- " '-'
I th nearest to perfection in th ol
ence of healing tha sick known to th
world. Sine th time of Christ people
hav been cured of dlseass by the vari
ous ao-called methods, and a limited
number nf. -urea havs-been seeorded-aB-r
having been effected by each of them. I
h -
Bab a W. XAJUUS,
It -ha been only a' very- few- years
since the leading researchers of the
world have been able to poaltlvely state.
at ina very i large' aaajerny et 'ais
eases :
Can Be Cured Wlthouf the
Assistance of Drugs : r
Such is now an indteputabl fact, and,
while th fact that th various methods
are all more or less good cannot be
f:alnsald. it Is an equally Indisputable
act that
Harris Systom
Is "eclectic" to them alL Dr. C. W.
Harris, aultea 13-34 Selling-Hlrsch build
ing, I8H Washington street, l demon
strating this fact every day, by effect
ing cures in cases which have resisted
the application of drugs for yeara.
It is truly marvelous, how dlaeaa of
years' standing will yield to thla treat-
menu eome cases are inourapie, even
by. : -7--;
The Harris System
and If you are one of these unfortunates
the doctor will tell you so, lioura, 10 to
IS and t to ' . ,7 .
Youo Men's Attraction
Fancy Worsteds or Blue Beraes in
Double-Breaated Coat, , complete tin
carried, by ' - - -
Also a good variety of th latest Style
Hats. Pants and Shirts. -W
mak It- vry Interesting for
tAdlea, Men. Ml and Boya for Shoes
and Or ford tan, patent -leather qr vlcl
sh Merore During ., elsewhere look
through our gtockjuid price. . . - -
rtiw us TaankQl aad Tmirt and Saris.
delegate to the triennial convention of
the National Council of Jewrtlh "Women.
which will b held in Chicago nest L-J
cemoeo ....
fvnw ttrtif"tiit trrtc r a '
. . entire decona Floor .- i; .
decidedlr the orettlest ostent
leather oxford, for children, that has been
sessbn. It's Moloney Made.
little tots, sizes $ to 6, at .
- IGHT' - S
Opposite Perkins Hotel
Bxhibitioo of the
Bdg.9 Z&o
What i more beantlfnl than an '
exhibition of exquisite cut glass?
It never t ailg tor attract attention
and always - holds tha epeetator
i In an awe of wonder. On the ta
lach3glMsrTeB4' charm
-nothing else can. When buying
-sunglass wraJirTr6ufa ..
I leg oat- line and get bur prices.
Toull get quality and yotill lava
money If you buy hare.
A; N.Wright
(arorrlson t bet. th aad Ttk.
fatfs ataiK Tomorrow, rrtday, Nlgti
-aa tustiansiCoa
Daily Kitlaea, :!. - Xveahtg, t it
Admission 10 Cents
' rowerrel draaia fooaded a ml Ufa.
Thaw aad TamklU. Xsatlag a Tim, gra.
Orest Comedlsae la Aeretietle Act.
list wltk Bancua A Bailey Baows. !
Tbdsa aad Daalas Waartsa aad LaMmf
Tsa BaBemaiaBa-
Sbews at :1K. 1. DO and s.
iw caaia
PaypBoIngle Marrei aad Mladreaoer.
otnoi aasxrcEig .
gTAAOgoorX. .
Bhews'SSO. T:M, I a. a. Agauaslaai lee.
TOmOAT Aim lygLfZA. '
MA. AVD MRS. 1111.
vss rossEg ago m caitut.
tiTTLt itrtDais
, , - at . AtF BOWMU - -
al aaualsakm. 10r: ifirr4 ata,
Bos asata, sa.
inns mi mam.
.'.- H1WTH0X TTglAOt
yoTlasB BiiymS
Htfm ema! Take Pnrtland fielihfs ear te4
ett at H t h rr Jem. trsaa c
Mm. M rliuiMnf. IMUK -
Most snlflrn iw Is A''.
Wsunrol etix-t mt Bwi-nl ar.
to ef lwr. 04 f a. pa. f . at,.
At-. ' II V '
) IZJT I i. i
SaWa ttsastia '.
as. AoBKlanes)