The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 04, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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III i . - . : TITO? r-;,; -'.r- r . .. , . . .,
I T' ' j,-, ,,...,.J.,.Jr-r-- f , ; . 1 - 1
--l-.:--:. .... . ' ..-'--i-f-T- 17- "I ,
mm.- U j : T': v , 'V w'" ,
I I - ' - v. .... v - '. ' . 'r.--1
'. ' .; .' ' mi in jri1iii7fri1'T"i"l;TM""""1 ' m" :-rJr"ff-Mr-77 r ti i ni. m "I.j.wiiiipwi iiIiul. y.Llliiwii. mini M H -
lfgSo,ote Jot IN. -BiClaf lie
Do you want a Mayor who will look r after thcjinterestsoLithe'
Gityhe same-as hisfpriyate busm
If So, Vote For W. B,GIafke -
,Do youanaTmffi
nnft fnr Mayor? v ; - , r .
If So; Vote For W. B. Glaf ke
Do you want for Mayor a man whose MoraLCharacter-and -In
tegntyreeyoiiorKeproach f '
IfSdrVote Fora W. B. Glafke
Do-you want a man for MavQrwho-absolutely-has-made-nox
prbrhisesQ ariyan
LeadThese Clippings From the DaHy Press
. lirQ) fk,- n Tiponl In -to-
cU to pkaidt
"If - eUctad, L will appoint r a
ohUfof polio who-will enforce
whicii h jBtateUtiat-Jeeiiclrcu
at,d t gnrHo him. laat eren-
tnr rHrte4 platform ana
ann6unced positively that he had
made no promfnea to any one 'that
wer tKt Kntln8l-ln hla plat
fortn.'lind that he had not, -for a
moment.- thought of combination
with anr cabal or faction in )Part-
machine or apeclai intereet." aeld and waa. going to be Mayor, of
, jthe lawandrif -the flretone pi
pointed doea not do hla duty. I
""will Bnd another who'-wnt-"
he. "I have negotiated with none
of theae. ' 1 have aoae forth -on a
platform of honest eh'rorcemetten7oT6e'T' urdurs. law and or ill
i-a tha- tualneii of - the city, and a
fair, equare "deal, for every man.'
tierf fntrodowa nd
a brif and rUan-rut Uit(iuiit
T tfrctoiore Ibe btslnua rU-mrnt
htm - mtmt - not f rum nii-lptl
th ' idinloUtretlna of public
Portland, if it were poaalbla lor
htm to do y. If elected he would
have a chief of police who would
- - w - - jfct KJr fi IjI
keep trying -until hj got one. If
Jlehad to appoint a new " chief
every 30 days. KVetllhJ' TeTi!
gram, April r8,-1?"
tine -lu-
f filrt.
bulfi ami euuld-naelialf felt . .
aa iiHTt before., - -J.
"Mr platform It for bualneas ad
ninlsiratloii, "with O" prnmlaea to
bod." devlared t&. Clafke. "If elected
marr. I ahall gn Into offiea. wlthoqt
b vmrnade " a- alriHe Tlf ar-trt" any--MB
aet of nen. It -abalt ;be mf"
purpoM to eondort the aftaln of the
city the aame aa I have my own bttet-
Erery ma a in ornre anouia m.
to earn bib aaiary ine una
If I am nominated and dected,I wiirduring my term of omce pledge myself to give to-
t the Gty.of Portland a dean business administration onwhat iS"termedtheRoosevelt plan,z
"aam no fai, ne fn Sret5a rk.-alll-' - J ' ' ' " "-r r' ' .' . r -
!Jhe:PolkejdeparItnentlvl to enforce all ordinances." Fire and : Street-
' Departments will be made "as effident as possibles
!!. IjvviilJiotL pledgemyselL to. any faction- or - set of individuals, r This leaves me free to"
carry out a policy that will be fdf the best interests of all;
tnilrMl to earn R l.u urrr
anothvr ehlaf. and atlll another, nn-
til a- ton a b "fouud wbe will oo fata
t- air nlatiuri. la UrmaeTelllaa
.fear or favor fur no tuaa." tiuauay
Oregonlae.- aprll 30, 1806. -
This Sale .
-At Very Special - Prices
Our lines of Boys' Clothes were never quite so broad and
handsome M theyre righrriow.For the next two days
100 Juvenile Norfolk Suits, plain and
with sailor collars, ages 3 to 7; reg
ular $4.45-fcT$7.45 values.' This Sale
- a ..
-150 fairs "Boys' Knee -Pants, . all
sizes; regular 50c values. . This Sale
W art -M 1
... .. "- U'A '
'B6ysT Waists, all sizes ; regular 50c and 75c values This Sale
zrznoi? YOUTHS,: SUITS IK' THE CITY. ' ;. -
7 Corner Third and Morrison Streets
State Superintendent Ackerman
" Aims to Supply Practical u
-Combined -and -TwoYears
" Given to Complete Work.""
A NE W f AtX 7 0H: All. ,THI PtOrUt
th to The Journal.)
Salem, May t. State Superintendent
of -Public V Instruct lon J -Ackerman
yesterday aanouaced the new couree of
atudy which will be used In the -public
sahoola, beginning next teptemberr----Jn
tha latter part of 1804 Professor
Ackerman asked the principals of all
as to the revision of the course of
study. In the light of these sugges
tions and his own experience, Mr.
Ackerman has arranged the course. -i. The
state board will take final action upon
it at Its meeting on next Monday. . Any
suggestions In regard to . the study
course will be considered at that time.
The board consists of the superin
tendent of public "instruction, the sec
retary of state and the governor. -
The high school course Is practically
unchanged, and the greatest change In
the common school are in the arithmetic
and history courses. , Troy , weight,
apothecaries' liquid measure, ' foreign
currncyr the metric system,- bank ac
count, exact intereet. compound Inter
eet. true discount, stocka. and-bondsnd
11 -pTeWermr"Bhhraclng theeermeipres"
are eliminated from the arithmetic
course- Professor Ackerman "explains
that these principles -are hardly ever
used by the " tndenta.nd"by leaving
them out it-will give more time -to the
more practical part of the work, Men
tal and written will be combined and
onlynrecltatlon- had oayc Jllstery
and IH' government will be combined
and two years given to complete the
course. In geography only one ibook
will be used. except in schools having
Tour or- mer teachers and more -only by
a formaf -VM of-tho- board -of directors.
A three-book course in language is not
recommended et all helow the high
school snd In reading all supplementary
books will be omitted.
aU-tew bwrk In Hie few ottUine- ha
been conlraVted rof by" TBe-lat iftd
mimt be purchased by the-pupll.
Tha other rnuraes remain unchanged.
with the exception that drawing arfl
music are made optlonel brewing rrom
the first year up and, -music from third
vaar tin.- J'.
Following Is synopsis of the course of
atnifvi ' ' 3
Orad 1 TVIheeleVa Tjlmer completed.
rvp'. trirat Reader to t 60. Copy
FBook No. 4, Arlthmetlo and Xrfingunge .
Of add " J--Cyr's First Reader com
pleted. Cyr'a Second Reader eompleted.
Klamentery- Arithmetic " tdpage' 111.
I jinrnaae oral. Copy Boo No. t.
Orada J "yrs Third Reader Ele-
m en Airy Arlthmetle to page. -r-. Copy
"Brtofc No. t. Ianne oral. ..-
rade 4-Cr' Fourth Reader to page
13. Crr Introductory Language to
gage 128. Elementary Arithmetic Ele
mentary Geography;t page i5.'w5rd
Lessons to pag 10. Primer of .Health
to page41tCopyJBoollMa-4J
- Grade I Reading. Cyr's Fourth need-
er- completed. Thomas Elementary
History to page 147. Introductory Lan
guage completed. Practical' Arithmetic;
Mental Arithmetic. Elementary Gog
raphy to page l.t Word Lessons to
page 40. : Healthy Body topage107.
Copy Book No. 5-. - . - . -
Grade Reading,-Cyr'a Fifth Reader
to page 143, Dole's American Citizen to
page 1J2. Thomas' Elementary History
completed. ... Graded Lessons to page 98.
Practical . Arithmetic. Mental Arithmetic-Elementary
Oeorgraphy to page
109. Word Lessons to page 90. Healthy
Body to page ill. . Copy Book No. .
Grade T Reading, Cyr'a Fifth Reader
completed, . Dole's American Cltlxen.
Graded Lessons to page 174. .Practical
Arithmetic; Mentsr Arithmetic. - Ele-
mentary-Georgraphy completed. Word
Lessons to page 120. Copy Book No. 7.
Thomas' History to page 180.
Grade t Cyr's Fifth Reader reviewed.
Graded.. Lesaona, .completed. Practical
Arithmetic. Mental Arithmetic. Word
Lesson to page 163. Copy Book No. 8.
Thomas' History completed, - . -
Trot orrodT toolt Oamsed Goods.
Allen Lewis Best Brand.
Talks to Taxpayers and Business
Peoplofor an Honest" Open
Town What Will You Do?
In a few hours at best the municipal
primaries will have been fought, lout
and won. To the Individual candidate
it - means - but little. To Portland.
struggling, for "a"'; greater destiny, 1t
means everything. The selections of
local officers, at this period of time Is
of vast Importsnce. A mistake will be
fatal.. So tha all important ouestlon to
be propoundad-tw eteiy cttraen is;- what
WITT you doT .
Will you have a brave and fearless
champion of the people's rights In of
flee? - -.
Wllljrouhave--Tnn"who has the
courage of his convictions and one who
has plainly and openly proclaimed to
the public Ms policy?
Will you have a theoretical reformer.
who -4h In hfr h knows J how tw tirtrtg
about heaven on earth. In a western
town, or one who has faced evil things
and -who- has profited by knowledge and
experience? - - " - -
" Will you have a man. ln office ,-who
hn Studied the city a expenditures, who
knows what It costs to run the city
wisely and -eeonomloaiiy snd would
know a steal when he sees It ?
Will tha people of the greet . snd
flourishing east side want a man who
has proved time sHd, lime- a gain -that he
was outspoken for ' the good of the
whojejrty and would, not be partial to
Do the cltlaena wsnt a man who has
been -lit the public eye for many years
and who throughout his career hss
never had hla official actions questioned
but who hss devoldIlIgT5earrablllty to
Lha aixxi f th cttTf T
..Will 'the people ot, Portland, have a
man who 1 honest, capable, experienced,
who la the foe to graft, who la the hon
est friend of the laboring man and yet
who has alwiry been Just to the com
mercial and manufacturing intereaur"
If yon want such a man In tha office
of mayor of Portland, then don't be
turned aside but' go to the polls on
primary day and vol for Fred T. Mer
rill.' the people'. open untrammeled can
didate - ' f. - T
Isr play aonaer Tfmnat n. riark. and Ckarles
Marian aa tha "partn.r.i"' J'pe sliixleleB 1 n
Ned Haanders. Dave roles that At them. J. W.
Lfll ffurd aa gln-,Laa, a riiln.aa aanalif. ta
"Ptnifar EnterUinmeiit
The following progTaaa will be- g-Wea tamor
row slgbt at tha Marynam Grand theatre,
when J. Alex Hanna will preaent Klrhard Wax
ner'a sraat opera of "Fanilfal." with one of
the larxeat animated picture machine ever ex
hibited: JL..- -....3t.-.
The Erentnf Star'. . .-- ...........Wagner
geleetlnn "Pas Kheliigold" .Wagner
rrrrormea on in aeoiiaa urmeairai.
Iatrodurtory.. Ulk and Aral aim "FaralfaJ". r
DUrtnrce. ...
Overtur ' 'Tannhaaaer" Wagner
Performed on tha Aeollaa Orrheatral..
() "Oebet der " Kllaabeth" ("Ellaabrth's
Prayer") "Tannhaaaer"..... Wagner
(b) "I know a torely Uardrn". ...;D'Bark-lot
lira. Walter IlMd.
Onntlnnarleh Paralfal ulctarea.
Select faM Orefaaatra. r
The cortalQ iU rlae a i:S0 o'clock.
"Red Feather" Coming.
Oreee Tan fltoddtrord In the hew comic opera.
"Bed Teather,". froni the Lyric theatre, Nsw
T . m Itf bewe arTh"Mrqom arand' f-
three nighta, beginning Thoraday. Miy II.
with, reporta say. the moat magnificent stage
aetttoga of any nraalral prodnctlon In the enaa-
try. The star la recognised aa baring em
of the flneat 'Votcee ever beard In Hirht opera.
she was for two aeaaon with the Hoatoniaaa
organization. DeKoren haa Jakig cars that
aouw nnuaually flna nnmber fall to her share
of tba oncra. and It la aald that even tbaH
gema of hla earlier wnrtjfcljjnnd," ara I 1V
exceuea ny ine aoina auaa ia nniuauere
render la "Bed yeataer.""
. Famoua PUty at "Empire."
The Warble ireart'." st the Empire theatre.
sead se - pree-hoom1ng or J deid-wall ade.
tlaement. Ita plot and diction are coMpIri
eat el.mploa ef how e aaaterpleee la romantle
playwrltlng ahonld e de. and portrayed
by tb Empire Stock company aronae deep
Interrat and give a faithful portrait of lor
and wo told in the snoot romantic stylal
Maunee rry rcernooe ai s:i ecwra aren
lag parfaeaaaaee et a-.lft e'dork. -- - -
"Our Boya" Next Week,
Next week, atartlng . Sunday mattn; Hie
Empire li'E company, will present -It drat
enmedy, which la the waU knowa - ICogll.k
play,, entitled. "Oar Boya." "Oar Soya" was
firat produced In London and was aurh aa
tmmena meres that It eontlnned for 1.SOO- ron
aecnttTe nighta, which en of tha world's
record. ;- - .V.
At the Grand. ,
. i . ';
Tnrrat and 4' A Ilia bring to the Grind thia
week a eoverry froa the I'otle Berger. Pari..
Jaa-Joaaaa and ateCuleyr la hlaca-faco, keep
the aurilenm In a rontlnnou roar. Betlee
Nome, whlatler and Inatnimantaltat, emee from
the better rlaas of entertainer.- Ilattea and
Hays abow m new atepa and daece aplendldly
toether. Mr. and Mra. R.rr In a kecb. and
Little MlWrcd la - talented -child. t-
Wadiitg Mnln' part. I rh.rmiaa. - Between
act Tbomaa Bay alngt "What la' a Horn
Without Lore T" with-beautiful Ud, and tb
Lyrlacop ahowa , storing plctnrea. Afternooo
at a.3Q-'clock-Trnliia at 7 40 aad :!
- At tb Portland. B. Kulm. TleTelasd: B. P.
riarka, geattle: W. K. tenamore. Iietrelt;
K. C. Stom, lulled SlaUa army; K. L. uieaaoo.
CUIcsgor P. It Wslla. Utoaha; R. 8. Olhbe.
New Vork: T. !. Clarke nd wife, Omaha;
U. C Vllieg. Boston; Kl.hard Hlnnlt. gpokane;
Mra., Mlaa and II. de "oreaC"Wew York; C. V.
t.atlmer and Mra. C. F. Itlmcr. A'hland.
Wlaconaln; B. M. tamm. New Vork; W. II.
Hughe. Lo Angele; M. S. Ilolton. New Xark;
ru. Bciuaeaer, nieago-rratix nigxen ana
wife, Im Angele; ). A. peiinlson, Haa Fran-rlBL-o:
g, 4ul ton. New York; Max Aacber.
St. Paul; a. T. White and wife. IMTeiiport.
wa: H. O. Taylor, f hllanvinhla; B. Bcbaffner.
St. Loula; Mra. P. H. Darntxw, Ilnnd Hirer;
W. J. O'Brlxn. Jr., and wife. Baltimore: G. II.
Beaudln. Newark. Now Jera-r: C. A. Bennett.
Vm Anrelca. -
At the Perklna: r. w. iiuahnell. tn-anta
Fall. Waahlngto; O. B. Black. Haa rrancteco;
1ra. Tarkv aud Ml.a Mill. Keftilf; B. II. K.
Kir, San rraoclaco; . A. , Manhor. Mlaa
II. A. Banbnrn ami Mr. T. .4k Kanonrn. Im
Angelea; J. II. Ii.tU. Han lliifio, California;
Mr. F. J. Hntbert. San FudjJP-o: a. ;iorer
ia4-KW. Fell.wa, reokae-. P. Balil In.:
Kan Frandaco; M. A. Miller. TWbanon: uorga
Komney and wife, gait Lake: '. B.
AfIiiTplaT! P. H. Booth,
B. ' Boaa.
prrlal: P. H. Booth, San Fran-
Haco; J. P. Rccle. Heattl; V. W. Puna.
Han Franrtaeo; C. W. Mornet, Dearer: g. Ioug
laa and wire. Mllwanlree: H. H. Andrew.. I'al
lawar. Nebraaka; W. J. Fnrnleb. I'endlrton;
r. Oalxn-ne. Mlnnerrmll: D. W. Bbeahan. Enter,
prlae. Oregon; i.e.. Van born. lbnyr-Or-goot
Ir. X. Mobla. I Cirande. Oregoa.
Bimm axrajtaaroxM.
RpeHl M .patch to Tk loernal.l
Salem, Or.. May 4. A man giving hla
asTBAOTxara, euirais aire x-
AxrrwATTnw txii prrsjafl
. AXX. nza wiik. '.-i,
Tbo ' Bostotr Palniess- Dentists srlll
give the lowest prices- eves hnoem-4i-PORTLAND
for strictly high - class
dental work. Don't put it off, but come
In st once, GoWti-work at low prices,"
guaranteed for rVrT years, baa made a
world-wide reputation for the Boston
Dentists, 19 Hi Morrison street.
- 1 TEETH - --t7 "
F.xtrsrtlng and Rxamlnation .....FREm '
R1I.VKR ' TV'7H i i , in !"-
OOLI) CROWNS- . .....f3.00
FI'LL KT . ........... .Jt....3.00
bridge: work ... $mo
Boston Painless Dentists
841 H atorriaoa at, Opp. Meier ft Traak
and Old goe-tofflo.
day, 4:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.
"To'f p. m. Sun-
name as W. If. Whalen surrendered him
self to the chief of police last night. .
saythr that' he waa a ' deserter from
Vsncouver and that be desired to be
sent bark. lie deserted, last July.
So far Blgelow haa not laid hi down
fall to Cassia .Chad wick-
,121-123 GRAND AVENUE . -
-:. v At the Bakers
- At the Baker Tldea and Dunlin hare a
eleeer earned?, aketeh entitled the "News Ulrl
and the pnd." Alfred Asdereea keeps tb
audlenc. gunailng whether he la a man or
Woman. Jeae W.llee alnga -'-fay In Vour
own Ba-. Yard." rt,r.rtor MlnatreU." by
MK'ot and Knlgbf.. la a pleaalng act. There
are f-mr mar - rlenr. tarns " o the Mil, all
of which are nr to lea Eienlog I.J and
t a'clock; afternoons 4 t : e'rlark. '
' The Star Show.' .
Thai fr.fitr. act at the Star ttal week It tl
Cotton. - K Utile girl, who:" reade letter whll
hllndtold'-d. llr Harcourt ennttnite m alng
encore renw wlthoutllmlt and lonart, tha
norelty rieer.- h h(nrtng -UMthlng aewl
Froalnl playa tb arenrdio. Keli. and Betmer
offer f pleaalng aketeh kad the Btaroaeope pe.
ritrea" bare a aim which all the children will
want to aee. "-"- ' ' ;T; '
"My Partner? at , Lyric.
In "My. Partner"! Meeera. Keatln A TWid
iharw choaen what ia prerln li-h tb beat
IT W I pwr I II. I I. - 'I . rim .- ...w
Inauguration ef a Stuck Oaipaa alth.t pop-
Baseball and Bat Free With
Boys -Suits and Shoes
?2.50, ?3.CrO, 350, f 4.0rd, , J50
The prettiest, neatest and most up-to-date
oTjservieeableSuits are here at thesmallest
jw- jsaa- r m
"Good for Bad Boys" Shoes
Thtty have the best wearing1 uppers and
soies, ana ni getter tnan most snoes mane
M or boVs. Ther will mitwrar all othrr
2ca makes, rriced... 81.75. C2.C0. C2.25
. The "Good for Bad i3oy Shoe Is good for bad boys, and
' -- . not bad for good boys.
9 ' "