The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 04, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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Entered at the naetofare Portland. Of
rw-tranepartatk8 through th SNtt-r af
Pata alnat. '; 111 Mil 11-
. Sag nouar. 1 cut: Km $0 MM I eMUlU
" iv. 44 ieagos. $ .. . " v .-
.'.vTT..V in
Main ftoa
.. Vraelaad Benaamla Special IJwntiot
C 10 euaeewJYorki. yribuotHiltt;
Terms by
-Tb Dsitr Journal-Kith Sunday. 1 year. ..$7.50
7he Dally Journal. I year.. 8.W
l a iMilir JornaL with BHndy.' fcajptb. S.7S
Iht lollr JournL asontka . . . . . '
Taa iMtly Juumal, with Bunda. S BaaUik. 1.
'lk. tl4 1 Jmh A MWMltfea..
"Tha ralljr Jiwul. with Bund.j.l utwth.-.
bm ballT.
per - net,, - afcltr
. . .18
tnu4 t
lm kr 1UU. -.j
" "Tb DanyToarnal. with Bunttey, rr91 Oft
Tk I'ally Jimrnal. I yaar nn i---- lw
? Tb fcallr iwirnal, with Bund7. BOBtlw.' IT J
. 1 ha Dally Journal, moatha. . .yV. ...... f'h
" - Tha Dally Journal, wllh Sunday, t month. 1.IW
Tk Dally Juurnal, S mootba. 1"
Tba Dally JowoV wllh BunUay. 1 month.. -p
Tha Daily Journal, 1 month. ............... Mt
Tho 8nnday Journal. 1 yr
Tb tnnlay Joanuti month!. ..r.. ...rni
' Tha BaBO-w'MHy Jrornml. ' ; r.
tb" Baml-Wack'ly Journal, I toll pae
. . aaah hwii HI liana, lau niaian t
port, 1 yaar... .. ..v.-rr
Rrmlttanrra abtrald ho. mjuU h rlt, iwatal
-otea". rirm ordera and-amaU amouata nra
; acaptahla JiXiatliit 'juPjwSSju
P. O. Box 121. Pociland. Oe.-
; .. Tba Journal ba found ad aala' at tha
tollowlnc plaroa: . -
BOiae. IDAHO H. Sallgf Co.: Vt. B. Me
"nstyfa. CHICAGO Portofne Xawa company. 171 Doar-
born trt, ... ,
-BNVFB.ttI.O. Tirm-rrrTB5oll " .Statlonarr
' rampany. 1 STntntk jtruatMiV Slack,
(ilitrenth and Curtla atrta.
.5 .- ., DI'NRMt'lB. t'AL. J. UK'nraira. " --
il)rJAJ. ALASKA PoatotOe Bwak atom. '
ANfiAa CITY Van Now ananpaay.
- LOS - ANOEUCS B. r.-" Otnhwr -Bowrb
- gprij,, ,lrM.t-; OUrrt Ualaa,20S ktottU
. Bprlns atraat.... . .
r-kH.NNCAPOUS-i-JI.'.1 KaTinaugh. SO Boa lb
Third atreat.
NEW yoRK CTTT Brantano'B.- Union ago ar. -Mil)KN
Oi'law Nrwa compaay.
OMAHA Millard. Hotal Nvwa at and: Mereath
fitatloncrv omDiiir. 43fiw Farnam atmat
. SALT LAKE UIY Kanyon Houl Nawa aUnd;
- " " Barrow Bro.. 43 Waat hWond atrt, aouth.
- IT. LOfIS Philip Rolr. 1 Loeuat atravt;
(A If t ffANCIStO W. B. Ardinf. Palaea Hotal
. . Kaw. auad. and 100A JUarkat atrart) Oold
. . . amlth Broa. iSO Bottrf atraat, and Saint
Franfla hotels a'oatar Oraar, fairy bulld
' in; N. Whaatlay, monabla sawa ataad. auc
nor Market and Kaaroay atraat.
SEATTLE Kalnlar Urand Kawa atand; Kaatarn
roajpaiiy. ' r-
ePOKANlV ASH Job Q rah am A Co.
VIACOM A. Wash Oiitrattw cumpanyi
T Hotel TaccmA Kwa aUnd. ,
Victoria, u. C victoria Book Stationary
. . . romnany.' '
orarTTinin Vf
and H catitraT Ihla "uinrn-
allrd onT'
In tha laat 24 bourn In tha Pacific roaat atatra
airapt In waatara n aablnctinv whar ao rata
of conarqaanct baa ocrurrrd. flood ralna bara
: Jullrn in tba- uppar Mlaalaalppl and Mtaatnrrt
- vallara and In tba upper lata region, and
... acaittrlm ahowart ara rf ported tkms tha south
Atlantic coaat. j . . -- ;
IT'ta-fnoW TMa roSrntiia'TEVoaahoot the mid-
, die wcatern atntea; elaewbor th L'nttvd
tttatea temperatara rhancca hava bcea amall
The lndlcatlua ara for nartlr clinSr aroatlur
-tuiugoi. ana rriuay, - .
'.y MAxktAox ticxirsn.t. r .
Weddlnv Card.
W. G. Smith C. Waah.
faaath aad Waahlngton ata.
QI'IN'TER April 24, to Mr. and Mr. Albert
lYNIiS Way 8, to Mr. and Mra. E. A. Lynda,
iM Kllaworin a tracts a dauhtr. -
Ll LL April J. to Mr. and Mra. A. M. LaU,
- 4f. Eaat Ninth atreeti a bob.- -
. MILLER April 18, to Mr aodVra. Jacob
Miller; T2U Eaat Twentieth a tree t. a daughter.
"' BHOWN April 27. to Mr. aad Mra. Fred
Brows. 8.H0 Mlnnasota atraet. a aoa.
. KRMLET April 2ii, to Mr. and Mra. Arthur A.
Rem ley, 2tfTi4 Ruaaell atreet. a daughter. .
HI OHF.rV-April 27. to Mr. and Mra. Bam
' Hi'Khej. K'7 Flanten atreet, a aoa.
DI TKO April 2&. to Mr.-and Mra. Edgar C
Putrn. of Caacade IiOrka, Or., a daughter.
t:n April 25. to Mr. gad Mra. William Xaa,
11 Igb land atreet, a aoa. .
.XOl'MBIMAX-May 8 BllConntryma80T
, .oria i -jrenty-rourtB atreet. . mpntneria. . .
- HAHB18 April 85. Maad Barrla,. SS Salmoa
atreet. acarlct ferer.
J HEELER May IL- MiltoaW:
i Teaah atreet, diphtheria.
' - SIAf fit. '- '
. .j t '-.;
..- WAITC May , Fred Walta, "Brad 8d year, at
iod Kamarllan boapltal cov I'menlngltla.
BurUI at Colfax, Waah. .
LIXDSLEY May 2. Julia Llndaler. aged T
year. SMI Mala atreet : caoae, pareata. Burial
atJllTerTlew cemeteey:,'1
TtE(lAI May lT8ldneycgnnged T yeariT
.1 714 Water atreet; eenae. coatralatona. Burial
at Aharal Rbolom cemetery.
clllcr-agcd' 41 aia.
amu Johnaon atreet; cauac.
tuberculoala. Bar-
; lal at Oaklaad. Or.
rrematorlum oa Oregoa City car Una. near
ellwand; modern, aclentlflc, complete. Cbargea
Adult, 83S; children. 25. Vial tor 8 a. nv
. ta a, - a. Port la adLrematloav- aaaocla tliaa,
4 ertland, Oregon.
' The Edward Bclama I'Bdertaklnf company,
' funeral director and- embalmera. 2J0 Xblrd
atraat. Phone 807.
- J. P. lialey A Son., funeral director and
' emhalmer. corner Third and Madlaoo a treat.
Office of county coroner. Talepban Mala 8.
Fanera wreathe and cut flower a apertatta
at Koa City Oreanhouae, Tweuty-aecuad aad
Eaat Morrktoa, opp. cemetery.
Cfcarle O. Btrnb and wife to O. T.
Poteet, aoath v, lota 7 end a, block 8.
' Strube'a addition .....I 400
.0. W. Brow to . Allen, lot 1 and 2,
blockio. Woodmerr . frr, . -878
Cermit Harlng A Loan aaaoclatlon to
I. 8mlth. block 7 t arter a addition. 10,000
M. F. Thornton and 'huabend to W. O.
Thoasaou. lot 10. block 80, Rcllwood... 10
. M. T. Htrong et al. to J, D. Wharton. "
lot IT, weat 80 feet of aontb 8 feat
lot IX. block 2. 8trong'a addition .... 4.500
' X. R. Hyatt and wife to-P. K. (icronld,
lot 1, 4, block m, Weodateck 800
C. K. Lamhcraon t FT J). Brook a, lot 8."
bhk 1. Hortk Albln 230
X O. McUlanBlu and wife ta K. (T. Mr
. Olan8tn. a-tb 8 feet of anutbeaal u .
. 1 . 11... .... a
Thtnrm rmrnit yarrarday
' lBrad"porthaaatwaraihd Hi
. , - la. Jtral in tha Uraat
-lUnarltlwd. ahowar wal
eiuua iwuwn '11 ...... .,
. Titlav tlnarantaa Twaat-eiwupaBT -tw-ft,
H. llarlmua. lot 8. blork a. North Ira.
1 . ' Ington i ,
W. J.' Hill and wife to Charlea II. Al
bright, lot II. block 8. Midway ADnei
i-x.. adltloa , ....
.-AW Uobba and wife ta M. M. Bncfcley et
, . al.. lot a. tnclMlae, blork 1. I'euln-
- anlar addition No. 8
fl. c. Ma-rla and wlfa to D. Shepperd'''
m T. tiloc xa, VVandlawn
M. F. Llndrmaa In W. W. Edward,
aowtheaat i aeetloa 10. townahlp i
anuth, range 8 eaat .
' ' rkarle H. Uudeman to W. W. Edward,
awtbeaat 14 aeetl m l. tawnaaip 1
amiib. range 8 tat-
r mw.A .if. tA w m aj.j.
.. aouiheaat tk aecrloa 84, tosuahlp .l .'. .
north, range-d-eaT 777. S.000
C. RaannaMea to W. W. Rdwarda. aontb, - .
wt l aertioa S. towmhla 1 souths j. .
. . - rwoge 8 t ...... . m, , . ., . : r 1
W. Onrter and wife to W. W. Edward,
awxkweat . aectloa M.-townahip , I
-Bwtb. range 8 ) -.... ....-,
0. 81 . BWalflltilfS aTT wTlIw) C V . - VV - - r.Q) It--
weed, aortaeaet lertl 1 88, tow a-
akin 1 north, reture a caet
ft. laawil tel o 1 r..
- 7 4 Bhft- R. HIT 20,000
J. U riia at at to Oak.fark La
,", company, . lots 1-4. Inclusive, block .
nd other DMtMftfr St John P"
dittos ..77....:
0. HpuhB to r. Celbv too) 2. 24 iul 20.
block L Arleth Park
J. H. Knight ot elvt A. Job et .
li.ta JO. 11 and 12. block 22, Fetrvtew..
JM and lkt, UuLk X Prliia-Wi aJultlont: J
E. A. Taylor d1 wife to Ik -Taylor
iBveetmrnt company, block 1 and S
finnt lot 1. . and othar property.
LLatuxrlwuod. Xo..-t -J
11 UH..II1 wlf r H. Strong. " .
b.ta 4 anil tllna- H 1TK 11U1
lb to Holliday'a l'rk T,(00
r. '. Ilrtft-wri -wlfe-w. C Jorgeo.
- a.Mal tan heartnnln T a notnt la eaet"
La at B. F. 8t aWnatloa laud claim.. 1 160
U Raeeell sod wife to J. H. Wether be.
H ' t and , blork . tut
H. H. Eumoaa and wtfa to I. R. Wathr
rao.'wut 4 Iota T ana . Biora wn-
E.t Portutna . .rrrr:.'. .-.-r.'.-r.-'.Tfrr"
J. Hnrnk to A". Slcwart. lota ISld.
ja and 4fMeii sz. rx Ulnar a a a-
IV. U. Arrrlll ot al. to U. W. Brown,
tu lay and' port--watt plpoa in
atrwta In Ararill '. .Vt . - r . . . . : . r. V . "
W. I). MrNoIr and wlf to fl. W. Brown.
to lay and oprrat wa Irr plpra. . In
ntrxt n Woodiam "w -. r. r. .......
8. U. Mmallr-y ft ml. to 0. W. Brown. .
to lay - and aprrat water pluea la
Ifc . HuiTtk wFal : torftlni-JVi'W Bt
Kaiat company ft al.. tai arroa brfiu
nlna a.t VNim Him of Wllllani and N. -
UaiUtj'. donation-land rlalm .'...jrr-T
M Woolfolk and baaband to J. B. Da-
Fnta lor -. hlork -ts. -Buulhr-in Putt'
land .-'J TOO
H. V. Taratena and . wlf to J. J.
Mltlrr. tot'h t hlflin a.iwu
Koharta Mrtd M al-to timrf-:
Mmti lat 111 klork d. Kad' ad. II
lion . ...,.,500
J. Hubert Mead at at In kf. R. Hawaii, .
lot 7, niork e, Maada addition i.iw
W. a. Uoaalla at al. to 8. P.- Lorfc
wood, lot T. hloi-k MB. rltT. brine fttll
Nil ft ... SS.000
u. w. riumwi . and wit lo l L.
lw.l, nadlaldM H k't nV - blatk
AtWo '
aV-fc-tnrnTo T.' M. Mil, went 40
feet .of aaat HO fact lota SS and Id.
loc la. AHrtna -f?. . . .-frr. . . . . .;.-IO0
rirat National JUk, lUllaboro. to , lr,- ' .
,-I.nweH, uadlrtded '4 of lot 3. block 8.
aimna .,,m-.Tr..k,i...,
0. TI. Vanbnhjten. : traata. at al.. Oar
f.umber company, lota S-14, loclualT.
block. 15. Portamontk
U. K. Millar at al. to nubile, a trlanau-
. lar bapad p1c land a wat end of ,J
- urant atreet. carutbara adlutloa to -Caruther'
addition ' 1
Ik. Wilier to J. gnrman, 3 lM acre
hecinntn SdA.34 feet aouth and A4H.05
fea eaat- f northweat corner rinlaa . r
- fartitharj' donation land rlaloi . .... J.500
piirtland Lona Kir Cmtery company, -
B. Wllaoa, north H lot LIS, block .
Portland Lona Fir cemetery tv SB
J..G. Buckman. 4o P. - atarfentrr lota
S and 6," Lamarffeat' Park' o 8 ...... . "437
M. Prllay and wife to V. A. Dolph
wr,.t in 1 a 1.... t mA f l.Tw.- ty-fj- '
City ."...,11u..-fnr.T.,.. 74,800
C. Ixaba-" fc A. Baaa t al.,-lot -
- and 4. block 2. Leab addition ........ 600
J. I. Hewitt and wife to M. O. Wll
ktna. lot 1. block B. Flrat addition '
Holladay Park addition 1800
C. . Luilandw and wife to J. J, Jon.
bob. lota BT. 42. Arlata Park ..... 220
J-Tr Went and wlf to -fl.-W. Jarkaon,
L: wet 3J2-S feet loU T and . block -
worth', eaat lota 16 and Id. block I
- Naab'a Firaf addtttna . .... . . . i-.-m-.-4,B08
0. tl. Walrer to Victor lnd eompriny, .
lota 8 and 4, block 19, Tranvmt Park.. , - 10
B. Melah and hnaband to Victor Land - ,
coin pane, lot S3, 84, block 1, I'eninau-
lar addition . ,..t-r...jj-.. . . 4
AT. B. Jcuacn & --iimlle4ror-block
-8. Mayor fiatra' addition- -n-r.v.v... 7. T.S50
JT E. Hcott and wlf t B. Jooa, lot ,.
Porttand-tiry- Homaataa d .
0. O. Renaoa and wife to B. P. You to ana --wt-t
parrel land bedbblfur Booth -lrn.:JK--
of CBihhert and mmu- donalloa land'
claim, containing; 11 acrea - 890
S. OaWln and wifa to M. Byaa. lot 8. --""r
bluh tW..AHlB .......o 1
Falling and. wife to A , "Jhutow-.--'.
lot. 14. rth- rltiL joha t"..vtv7. h nfUK
X. n. worn to a. iiaroia, kiib ana
fcllx-k 7. Murgau addltWtl t Olenaaaea .
Park; lot 7. (lock 36, Portland City
Horocatead .,, -. .i ........ .. ... I
W. O. Uuaalln t aL to T. II. Curtla.
..UudlTldcd I X lntareat In part block 188, r.
Couch addition ....................... 1 )(
pany. Chamber of Commarca building. ..
fOHTAXZO May 8. Coat nan Bro., repair to
. dwelling. Hall between Flrat and Second
atreete; coatw 8C0O.
OKKRVR Mr 8. John Wreene eetate, repair
W aahlngton trKt ;
coat, 83.HOO.
jr. itarne. rapniri ti
. dwelling, - Rsndnlpb - between OoMamltk and
waiiroan mn- coat , , ,
CHlB4Jt-May 3. MiwChnrcbyenair t
- a low. Fourth between Salmoa aad Taylor
atreet; coat, 878. " -GREEN
May 8,, A. F. Green, cottage. Eaat
. Eigntn netweon Bkldmort and iTncott jinau;
cot. wiu.
BOBBIN May 8, A.' J. Kobblq, cottage,
TwentyHHieond between Taggart and Ell
worth atreetar coat. 8100
WBATHBRBY My-.-trr-. It. WaarteTbr.
atore building, Kat Morrlaon atreet hetweea
' Third atreet and In Ion aeenBe; coat, 8-Vio.
KI.ORTERM AN Mar 2. A. K. KloatermiB.
dwelling, Twenty-foortb between Xearaey aad
' lorejoy etreeta; coat. $10,000.
f! RAY May . fl. Gray, atand, 88S Tharmaa
at rent: coat, 8ZRt -
HKENNA-May 1, F. I. McKenna, cottage.
. iwwana oex ween MootoitB , ana Mrnenna
atreeta; coat, 81.000 ;
M'KKNNA May 8, F. I. MrKenna, cottar.
Da warm between Van Houten and Mootelth
atreeta; coU 11,000.
BOLZ Mil 8. William Hola. repair to dwell.
Ing. aim Between wecona ano iniro atreet;;
"co IT 82007"
. (Bpaclal Dlapatch to Tba Journal. t
fipokarve. 'Waah., May 4. The. biennial
atate) camp mentlna; of tha Modern
woodmen of America, opened Its aea-
aion liv Oj city yeaterday ynomlna;.
Atxulr.000 Sra In attendance. A com-
petltlv drill will tie held thla afternoon.
Lta-BlilEh .will, spgpir trhmi nf
Zlllah, Tacoma. North Yakima, Rock
ford and Spokane." The flrat prime Is
$200, and tha aecodd $100. n
A ball was liven laat night at Elk
temple, and a banquet will be given
thl a-vntni. ' Omcera . will be elected
this afternoon for the next two yenre.
Dr. X -O, Byrne df thla city and Dr. H.
A. Saunders of Xenatchee, the present
Incumbent, are the candidates, for state
physician.. - . - - Y
(SpocUI'Dtapatch to Tb JoornaL)
Woodburn. Or., May 4. B. J. Kuper
was arrested yesterday, and arraigned
bef or Justice Overton on two charge
in connection with the theft of, a. regis
tered mail pouch at this place AprU.J
11 -waa placed under $1,000 bond to ap
pear for preliminary hearing next Sat
urday at 11 a. m. .Kuper, at the time
the pouch was stolen and rifled, was
baggageman at this point for the South
ern Pacific company, and carried the
mall from the postofflcs to the trains.
The warrant waa sworn out by Gov
ernment Inspector Butler. . Kuper" s
horns is atr ML AngeL
-Cltjarmj th Decks. -
For tha new. I C Smith A Bros, welt
ing In sight raachln, -With which we
are now filling orders. Be our window
for enape In partly, uaed -machines of
other makes; traded out fof Mr. Smith's
latest product.' A M. Alexander A
Co., excluelre dealers entire coast 111
Third street....;. ' .
ITofermd took Oman eg Oooda.
Allen A Lowls' Best Brand.
20'OIRIA wanted ta learn the new Twentuth
, Century Tailor aretem; moat perfect and
impier Ttem in the world; rata eeamiea
wU with all th flnlhlng; price $.1; gea
ral agent, Mra. Ai. B. Millar, 827 Main at.
'ixhl)-iari fr right- houaewnrk In amall
rarany; gne wagee; reference reonired. t:all
on eTaat Twenty.tbk-d at., after k p. ...
WAKTRn Fiperitoced body Ironar. Lnio
- Branch .Offices r
- ADTUTTSZaTZSTTS win b karate
at iwarula mln Arfleo rate at ta
ful lowing pbaoa ond aant to Ta Jaaenal-
iB tim lot public tloa lm next laaoai
. V0KTX. .- , .;-..
X. A. FYtoei, drufglat, XM and Tbnr-.
ma tret.
Mob Hill Pharnucy. 8u-OHaaa tret,
comar Slat. '
A. W. Allen, ahaenaakit. ldth aad Mae.
B. . Jack. eoBrectwnery. uo w a aw
ing ton treat, corner lata. ;'ZZZ,.,
y - -' goUTS. '" , .
-"X.'r8.-'7Jona -fts,- ".
I " jff Qlhbg Btfgfti "
J 5?oftaT fcroa jBompany, Mrat and Oraat "
Tattle' Pharmacy. 80S Mlaalaalppl 4a
j ana, corner Sharer atraet.
: Kicbola A Thompaon. 128 Kuaaen atreal-
enrnar AlMna aTennar "
Jancka Draw TTdmuanr. corner Haw.
thorn t.J flrand avenue.
X AtrlL tohaccoBjbXJlaal;
von aieci oriugef.
X. F. Fuhton. ooafectloaary. 874 Eaat -
Buroaldta auraar L'nkm ateona"
Ingram av suaa, tonacconut, iJ una
'. stmrrsiDE.
X. Worts., pharmnclat, 898 Belmont
Brsoklya Pharmacy, corner - Powell and .
MUwanklo - atraata.. -j.---
wS7rSrjd A cans
Pbtme Unst 812.
i U from Mlaaoari."
l.V the wiBBtr wrurr-ot th "tate of Oregon.
- for Multnomah county. .... Ophelia A. Elliott.
Elizabeth M. . Loralac bbu Jona A. eioon.
plaiBtlffa. . Harry Korthup, Luti Valland
lnghaah George Vallandlngham and William
Vallandlngbam, oelenoani.
ln7b?m. the denoaata above named, and
H other anknowa or aon-realdanu. If ny
uch there be, who r neir or, aeTiaec wi
Benlamln Catoar deveaaad. or lctereated In
. hla aatat." .'
la the name or tha at ata 01 uregon, j
r-bby-ltd and required to nop- l
the county court of the atata of Oregon for
Multnomah rannvr. at the courtroom thereof,
:Lal tba city of Portland, In aalj.. conmy and
atata, xonraaay, in lai oar o
At ;80 o'clock la the forenoon of that day,
then and then to abow canes. If iny there
be. why tha probata of that certain writing
proportlog to be tha teat will of Benjamin
P. Caton, deeaaaed, heretofore oa tb ldth
dy of March. 1U05, allowed In aald court,
anon Id not be Ta rated, reenhed and annulled.
and aald writing declared not to o tn iau
Will of tb aald Benjamin v taion.. aeccmacu.
a n lona
Seal of Counrj Court F. 8. FIELDS.
Clerk of the County - Coortt. Multnomah
County, Oregon, j
' .....
DEPABTMKMT or TiiB in iKK.un, r7uLn:
-Xj?-v" r It "Ir 7..J2 f iiiTZI rent your room, w aena your applicant,
for the construction of aehoolhouaea at h-llila-tr f.i.rk -rumi.h.d 'n,m
-boo. Wrngeand Jai kooa. ouuiestcra
-A leak.- for teacher' realdeuce at aUawoc k.
-Prince-of -Waie- leUnd.- nd- eihka, imlh
aatern - Alaaka and for acboolboueee with
teacber-realdencM -attached at Dcering. on
the- Arctic coeat. M hiimi-ih- a., w. v, Aleak will he Tecerrdat tha
'department until 8 o'clock p. m., Baturday,
June 10, !.. win c opcneo.immeui
atcly thereafter;-hr -th crraiini-a-ut udi.Jjla.-
Kttill aa may detr ta-attend. Blauh forma wf
DropoMI. emoracing auecmcaiiona, mar n
-'-ohtalned on anplli-atlfln TQ-th denartinan
or to tha commlMloner of education, wner
drawing (bowing detail may be Inepected.
Plan and epactncatlon y ala be en
and obtained from Prof. William A. Kelly at
Sitka. A Utah a; at Juneau aad Drmgiaa from
LlTingelon F. Jones of Junaau, and from tba
reepertlre t'nlted Btatea commlaalonera at I
teti1iikaii:-wrainreti. naagwayr newarir ana i
Valdes, Alaaka,. E- A, lllu-hcock, secretary,
ISOIICE of dlaulutlon olprtnrblnKollee
1 1 hereby glaen that the partnerahlp hereto-
rr eiia"g a1"11 -jqwit freu- ana 0.
Mead, under th firm name of The A M.
'Bottling Company, baa. been dlaaolrcd by
mutual consent; and all tha bnalneaa. debte
nd credit or airt nrm r aaum.
sutecedart hy Jonn agen
Dated thla 25th day of April liwi
- la - KrHW uaiiic
. B. R. MEAD.
8UT will be tecelvad-e'
.' nresldrnf. Lewi and Clark Expoaltlon com
pany. until arioay. may o. ror tu .aeanroc
tlon of a pontoon op poet t Oorernmeot pentn
iila, for The pnrpoee of a boatlandlng Plan
and Bpedflratlon In th office of director
of worka. Oekar Huoer, mrectnr ot worka.
ED.'D. CfRTlS. K. R. B.. IR02 X. 18th
01' S cuetomar ara. herebx. notlnrd tht Tryev
JohnneeB la no longer In our employment
aad la not authorised to represent us in any
."Of.l-MRIA LODGE. No. 14. A. F.
al a. al. niaico -roniaiuuiraiioa
thla (Thurrtyf renlng, 8 o clock.
Monlc temple, wort in M. my.
drgre. All M. Msaona Invited.
B. 8. PAGCE, Secrtry.
MINNEHAHA TRIBE, No. X. ImproTed Order
Red Men. Tb regular meeting will b held
. In tba new wlrwam. Willamette ball. No.
1T0H Second atreet, at 8 o'clock p. ant eack
XBasfattawiy WBlllB
U. B. THOMAS. Sacbets.
CARBTBNBbTN, CbUf f Record!.
Bl'DDE--Msy 2, 1006. Henry Anguat Bndde,
seed 44 reara. hnahand nf Buema V. Budde.
of tbla city. Friend aad acqualotancee are
reanectfullr tnvttsd to attend th funeral
rvlcw.whlcy wlllbahcldt- -JPlnley'
chapel, rrinay, siay o. at l" a. m., Kev.
J. Whltrnmh Brougher officiating. Inter
merit Ine Fir cemetery,
iost and roirsrra,
Cither Lost r Found adrartlsssasata. rate -H
woraa ler la oasis, " eao. -
LOST Three borae, one dark brows horse.
weighing 1,800 to 1,700 pound: on Iron
r'ay horse, fleahltten about head, weighing
000 to 1.100 potinda; one email white pony
(mare), roacbed man. Notify or return to
Ham Btrebin-, Xroutdale, Or. Reward.
LOST Saturday, memorandum book belonging
to O. w. vanvtone. containing account and
Mile, ft in oer pieaa return to eo Eaat nevan.
teenth at. Phone Eaat 2SS0. Reward.
8TRA1ED or atolen. laat Friday night. 1
nucgaain. oranaca u or iert enouier: l nsv
home. Kindly return to Keenan'e ranch oa
Cully road aud recetv reward.
LOST Engineer's license and reference. Finder
pleas return to Oregon Journal offie to to
Job OoudylwtjIitfcdl
FOUND A pise to have hair mattresses reo
vstga snd returned sam day. Phon Mils
4T4. Portland Curled -Hair factory.
FOrND One medlum-elsed chestnut sorrel
pony. Owner cell 618 Harler.
ANY Intelligent person may earn good Income
corresponding- lor newapapera; uperlenr n
nceary. - Send for particular, pre Syndi
cate. Room Id. LockporLN.. Y.
COMPETENT bicycle repair maw. one who Is
I. eawrlenced- and can do braxlng; good berth
or ngoi man. at aior. ill 11.
Bralnard Co., 12SOraad ava.
WANTED Matlieaa maker and .boy fir learn
matireas-maKing;- gooa wnffr. rv I'etee A
Rolierta' furniture (ft., 40 Front., ror. Darl.
STANDARD Srec4Dc-,--- Siea'i true specialist.
car all chroale dlaeasea. Electrical appli
ance, batterl, belt. Headquarter 8IH iat.
WANTED n experienced solicitor for city;
permanent cemiiioa; goon commission. csU
bat. 8 and .7 p. St., 818 Third at.
School telegraphy A electricity; pnpils wantud;
alao poaitiona wanted for graduatea. 3001 let.
DETECTIVES Men to learn; . we guarantee
wars t ear pupil. K nil. ana Morrlaon at.
Fl!XKKHK.R wantedat 612 24 '4 at., north P,
ei nam nn win ai. ll, K.. Hansen.
WA WBD jlgnpalnTr. 213L, Washington St.,
cor. First,' upatslrs. vi ., .
WANTED A nret-clas
cm ami
'e uf the
Apply at
V - .
B2 Be I moat et.
WANTED MuaV arhoUra; beglnnar rrr4L
Phou Main 17847
A GOOD broad baker, medium in cake, aober,
from Idaho, waat tuition. Call or write,
2114 nalmoa at.,', aeoond floor, room 82.
VOL'Xfl anrrted aaan, l year' eanertao ta
general elore, would Ilk poltkn In amall
country town. Addreaa A 4U, car Journal.
WANTED A position watchman or anything
Jn truat, by- pcl4-rollcemaB; the bant of
sefarancea. Addreaa R 85, ear JonrnaL
BUBIM'lir.Win enmilPiae, gift
rlaa roller, faat, aober aad reliable. Ad
dreaa K 24, car Journal, ."
WAXTED ..Tartao) work IT Toutor rartoonl.t
I T-nrtce f feweb of all, Addraaa Bddtw-Heed, t
I 1 . Ku burg. Ut. ,, ' , - 4
WANTED A poaHlun tiyraa Induatrtou boy
for. vacation; reference glraa. -Addreaa SI.
a 4rnea, ivi 1 sxter at,
I'OfWnin want poatrVra "grocery clerk
retail or wnoiei. a. n , car JoornaL,
YOI'SO man want position offlc clerk:
cxpcxiamwo.--or.-ex eere orrrnr: - -
,7T. I'. j 1 1
XXPrrJIEWEtr rtTtr"I"Ter old. wanta work
caring lor amall rnnii, artarooons. Addreaa
lm tmerniaa at.. Portland.
A T0UNO lady would like position as offlc
girt. Aaurea ' H nu. car Journal.
licet aauuv- fauaalng -- nd- bnalne
cunce apeciaity. sro Buroalda. Mal gins.
Kemovea to . I3ii north hoon at. . . rboae
Ba -101. - . . .......
- FOR MEN. '
28 If. Second at. . Pbpno Mala 1828.
tomi help fro to mployr. 810 Marrlaoa.
HELP wanted and (nppltrd, ail or femal.
n. u. vuxa, auot waaningtoa ax. viay o.
nl.hed fre. 1S2 Weft. Phone Main 1817,
18 MORRISON Colombia Rlvr Bmp, agency;
Kineq lanor rurnina. . t'uon Main
Ww want BV4-clB - fnmlahcd --room, prt
ta naldenc D referred. " Be a at one:
,w are eloalnr our Hat; sar.gnaata will pay
'ton- rate . for nrat-claa accommotlatloba!
j wa char a amall eommiaatoa - and oend yon
nrat-ciaa people, noo youi ruuaaa now Wlta
11. C. Bower. Portland Hotel, or the Lewie
A Clark Hotel Co., 143 With sL. Orcgoalaa
bldg. Pnona Main. 208. ...
ROOMS In all D--te of the' citr. inrnuihed.
Cnday dlrwctloa of th Lewis aad Clark tali
- - , Corporation.
Pboae Mala tSM." ' '":
BOOMS wanted In aU Dart of cltr wr. So- wot
tewta and-Clark " Ftirnlabed EIILAoot-
at nuru sixta at. .
W ATTF7D-TrTrenr 4-roo cottage within
etgnt oiock or Twenty-rourtn ana Bavter;
wilt-pay 814. - B..C- Rcrd, 808 rtortQ Nln-
teeu m
WASTED By th 7th., X housekeeping room.
flue, and- permanent: 'iva
-kottow-od rlca.R -81.: car Jouro
W A NTgPTaTry71B::hl In a returnt: chnlca
or 8. storeroom, each- WiTO Teetr fln loca
tlon. Inquire 24SH Bexenteenth at. .
STREET men, attention If Vooklng.for th
Iwet allliig--aTtlcI on earth, with Over 2i
percent nroflt, call or addreaa all East &lntn
t., aouth. -
WAh'TKn 4V6UO first- mortgagn. on property
with $Io-iao; Improvements; 8 per rent in-
tereat. Adrtre. H, at. rare of
I WANTED Lot or bona and lot; mnt be cheap
1- foe h; Address O 21. care Joufhal.
WANTED More- nray1ngeaBd whttewashtng;
. th only gsolln compraaaed air apraylng
outfit on the coaat. M. O. Morgan A Co., WTO
Milwaukla at, I'bon Eaat 2317
WANTED Ladle nd gentlemen to have call
ing and bnalneaa carda printed. 50c. $1 and
$2.23 1.000. 884j 8lxtb at. Automatic Pre.
WANTED Eatlmate 1 snd 2-story brick build
ings, tn be built Roaeourg: plan at 148
North Sixteenth at- !.. W. Hoover.- PortUnd.
SHORT ORDER Printing Hon F. J. - Rydwr.
Second and Waahlngton sts. Mala BtM.
WANTED Second-hand tinner' tool. Call
Scott 1701V after 8 e'elocln. '
0a Ineertlea la this laslAostloa, rat
words far II evata." , ar,, :
THIS LINDA V18T A, nicely fornlahed bonsekeep.
Ing snd alngl. aoe aaaaenahla. 817k Fifth.
A21 Waahlngton, bet. Nineteenth a'nd Twee
- tleth; new, modern, all outside rooms, elec
tric lights, pnona. ire natter hoc. T3c. 81 per I
I oay; raia oy wees; restaurant la basement.
rirat at.;
eultee from $1.76 to $5 per week; rooms peg
Bigot, oue aoa hoc; ioarit oiiato.
BOOMS. $160 week: beat In th eltrt everr
thing Bew hot aod-cold-wmtrr,- hath, atc-J
norioweec corner oeTcnieenin aaa worcon.
FURNI8HED houaekeeplng suites. $8 up; sis
transient and board. Uoldamttb. ror. OoloV
amith and Alblna av.' Pbon Union 5x32.
MARQUAM HOI18X. 14514 8th Rooms a sulu
or slngl; Bouwkeeping room; gaa stove.
Data, riecD-io ugnis; transient aniicitea.
TWO Urge, front rooms, electric light, pantry,
.-convenient, $13 per month; twn fight rooms.
very nest. iu per anmi. oo rront.
BIVERSIDB HOTEL 846 Eaat Oak at,: for-
l.kul -na anhMuhul - - ' T-
.'odglngrPhone Scott 864. . .,-
WELL furnlahed houaekeeplng apartment:' tight.
rront room; gooifc KK-auoa; somen ke. 880
Sixth Bt. . ' .
THrT GLADSTONE 612 8a Tier at,, f umiak ad
rooma; nnacr new eanagement; sylcsa tea
aona ble. . .
EI.EOANT1I fnrnlahcd room for one or two
?ennemen, privet imny; gaa, bath. 601
NICELY fnralahed noma, wtth phone, gaa, bath,
$2.60 per week and up,, at 280 Jefferaon.
CLEAN, cheap fornlahed rooma end lodglnga,
86 Eighteenth at... 8 blocka frots fair ground.
KEWLY furnlahed front room, $2 per week.
Madleon honae, 208 ft Madleoa St., cor. First
... , hi.
CHEAPEST aad beat located roam la Portlaad.
$1 week ap. Ullmaa. Fliat and Aider at.
JjtW, cUas bad. 60c per sight.
535 FUnd-
t. - . . .
LAHllH front room fr. rent, nafnrniahe.1
houaekeeplng, ground 8oor. 50 Eaat Third
HALL to' rnt.-rvt4y evening.-cor. Seven.
jecnia ann ,"ranaii; ioig girri preference;
-lo furnished nd enfurnlahad In
quire nov, Marshall at., ppatalra.. . t
FIRST-CISS . rawtanrant tn - good iocaftnni
brhk building; terma entirely reasonable.
Apply at Oabora Hotel, Grand are. ad Eaat
A ah.
SHALL KM1J)I RI, anltahlg for tenting tmr.
imaea; near fair arouiMta.e lannka mt an
oith Twenty-flrat atreet. -.' . , ' ,
MASSAGE pariprJ tor rtat, rvxaonabla. 2344
-f - I -
' With every cash "Want
iNAL-office Joninsertion-lneither daily-or-Sunday.,isaue i
I .1 mi 1 : X- t : " r ,1. . c i, . -
T . mere win dc given xcc ruui tiiuive 01 uiej lonowing namea
Xr signs with whpse4iu3e in Conjunction- wjth-THE -JOUR-rrr
X ' NALrwill assUt irrthe disposal of your- property, renting
of rooms,-etc; r
j ForSale, Furnished Roomsi 1 Jor Rent -ISSZ
Rooms for Housekeeping- iSg
,,. uThese signs are printed on good, heavy, substantiaL-
white cardboard,-in larger boldTblach type, making a y ery
neat appearance. t
Jj.nH nil ! ' rai and nfflfjirnniiiTf and fruit
tana i iutoicc, tiw; nui.ujnut'iuima
MtahllahBMnt ' aood trade. etij... '. Sl.iaai;
reataurant en Sixth at,, eel i or partner. KWW
iw ll.inai: an cetrleoce oer Tirana avenue,
t It hhi: mo acrea. luDroTcd farm, all oaulpped, AU glua ol proper II nu UUSIUO
chHnce. ... - - -.- --- .- - ' -
FCBTTLX aulL pur watr. dellybtful cllmrl
land or niralla. apple ana ciover. oc u
Vlufornution addreaa th Columbia Soothera
Irrigate CO... bJv worccaiar Dioca, a-oriiano.
F0KRALE Interert Is 8 paying
party mimt v. $4,000 or $S.Utt)
to' lnreat;
a good propoaltloa t tight party; rnuat ba
r either a workman or a aaleamaa. Addraaa
- Watte Marbl Work,-TB DaIlea,Tr.
A LADY gentleman wh haa a amall amount
or moner to. invent aa n partner pr auroa
to efnca'bnalrw netting from $000 to l.ho0
and upward per motitb. Call 23 North tilth
LilThotid Mm 2620V "
PLANINOM1LL doing good bulnea and well
located lo l"ortland, togathw- with loea-of
lumlicr. marhlncrv first claa. will D aoia
st a bargain it takan that month. Addms
K 81. car Journal.
learn' von the watel
l iniL -and -alao-aon a- half- Interaat-i
you furolah caplti
Portlnud. or.
TWO-CHAIR BARBER- SHOP;, snap; good lo.
catiua: doing good Duaiuraa, out mn ecu
Immediately on account of other
Box , Oregoa Cltyr'-Or. .
FOR SALE-tlrocery-
voic about giuuuv- in a gooa t
alao rcaldanc property, X Mecca
Addreea R ad, car JonrnaL
NICE ltttla. scowbou.. brand- new, joat th
thing yur euma man who wanu thaap room
X dua to fair ground. 82J; aklft. Call X. W.
Hood. 62s Thurman at. -
FOR .BALK BewmlhV -and tlrnher. 15.000 feet
eapaeltri fine Umber-aoo pjenty m oroora
a9,-cara nf Jnnrnal,
$400 takea paying bnalnew; confectionery.
Clgsrs, lignt grocerien; iiTiog iwuu. una
Powell, K. side; cor. stor. Brook ly a ear.
CAN locate yon atone aad timber claim; cut
fl.ono.waj fir timber, ner Kirer, nr.wortn
auus'-euiBi.-, " Aeress' Zi. care" JouroaL
OWNER will aell larg rooming1 bouse direct;
rat. i
partlculaxe lUrea H. 27, car of JournaL- J
FOR SALE-Oomplete. new boarding- bomie onp
-t8t, including furulture for 17 bedrooma.- Far
particular call at 4M7 Eaat Washington t.
8? one) Tfltt eaialillalieel i
fX.tSHr" yearly proiT-Tioewioie rw ina ngo
care, ot.e-uurnai. .
A BAROAIN Oood bnalneaa alluated oa Mt.
Beolt ear line. Inquire at Kern Park store.
Price $1,000. Poatuffice, Arlet.
FOR 8ALtWBnte1ersbcip. good trade; good lo
cution; a bargain. Addrea P. O.- Box-18,
Lent. 4rV - r- - -
$960 BUYS a new stock ot grocerle snd fix
tiires; cheap rent; fln location, R 84, car
iuortrat. :
WANTED Partner with $28; bnalneaa bringing
In 85 to $20 per day. ' Call at 2?t, Flrat at.,
city. -..o-.
FOR SALE 12-ronm, farniahed honae, all
ready for fair; bargain. Inquire 835 K landers.
KKhTAI'HAriT and tc cream parlor on Mor
rlaon at.; cheap rent. I' boo Main 4761.
SALOON tor aale. near fair grounds; must sell.
CsU Phone Black -8841. '
YOU NO saea. If yea waat t board and room
In a permanent and flret-claea bona, wber
rate are exroedlngly low, and will reahala
th aame nexi aammef aa they are aow. call
at tha Aatar-Bowaa. 261 Sevaath aL, oursar
of-Madlaon. lai. Main Biau.
ELEQ A NT -accommoda tlonsya tea by dar, week
or mooter: tuning room; prices rignt. in
Irving, cor. Mlh and Irving. Main 5420.
THf tlNDELL New family hotel. Market, bet.
Third and Fourth a teem beet, electric light.
porceiftin oaina; axcawaiugL tow raie.
TWO young men of refinement want board
and room in private family; west aide pre-
. Y . ...
17014 TENTH ST. Nicely furnlahed large front
parlor: alao a ma Her room; gas, bstb phone
reaaotable; Doaralx acairea.
FIRST-CT.ASS room sad board. $5 per week
602 Clay, near Fifteenth. Pbona Mala 600U.
roubx rox xent nrxxiTTnix rox sale.
FURNITURE of nicely furnlahed 8-room cot
tag for aale. boua for rent. 4 blocks from
Washington it. ino. as Nor to Eigntn et.
Fl'RMTI RE of S 8-room house for sale cheap
If taken thla week; rent 4o; come and sea
It; bargain. 47 Kartn Nlntn at.
Ft'RNITURX et 8-room bona, entirely n
nnd naoderai- rent $'J5.. 1U4 Twelfth St., 4
doors from Waahlngton.
6-ROOM HOl'SB. fnrnttnre for ssls 8100. Xent.
$8. Call week dsy ; after 4 o'clock St 208
North Tenth atreet.
FOR SALE Furnltnre 8-room cottage; cash
or terma; rent eneap. .w Bixto at., a
. Main. ; - -i ,
FOB RENT A 8-room cottage; will 11 bed'
room-set. Apply 488 Weat Prk t-
FOH RENT Store and bntf containing 114
' outald room, on Twfnty-alth St.. , facing
mala entranc nd exit f Lewis and Clark
fair. Apply to B. M. Lombard. 614 Chamber
ot commerce, or stavi Twenty-ixth art. t
FOR RENT B room cottage, furnlahed; owner
wUhea to board In payment fay rnt. In-
nnlr after 8:30 evening, or -njnoii ..l;nlua
-2Vi5. Tbomaa Banfleid. 8o0 Eaat Twelfth..-
Piano and furniture moved promptly br ex
perienced men. 7 410-Tblrd L Mats 1888.
6-BOOM cottage nicely fnrnlshed. cloae In,
eaat aine. iiarneia aa Brails, JO0) sourts eu
I' hen Cisy 877. - .
FOR RENT 4-ropm bouse; completely fur-
nineo, iw per- toon in. -rnon nasi aiizj.
FOR .RENT 8 acre of land, all In eBltlva-
tloa, East Forty-third and Section line roai
W. Q. pvt. 807 Th Falllnat. . .
HAVE yea in Improved 4oere", tract within 20
mile or rorl land u trade iff new 8-room
house, lot 50x118, cllyj. Addrtss.O $4, car
Jourakl offtoa -. .
Ad." presented
; ; . r -; - ;
Adrttmat Bartalalag to Xl Eat to, aa.
tim rat ' 21 wrda tor 18 nt."
" Ar rou nu-ln .reutl If ma. wbr.aot 'It
will Py "you to look tbea up. I won't bvjrOH SALE Fsrm eonetettog of 1.4S0 ere
long. Most, pi lham on or near electric
7-rooa houaa. Edendala. .V..7...... 81.400
8-room eettage, Olcnco Park ........... 85ir
lMa cot tax a. kit. Tabor 9M
4-room cottage. Power Tract ..,....... 1,050
0-room cottage, Power Tract . . . . l.)0 ,
4-room boua. Hawthorn Addition '....i. 1,8001
V. H. TliOMJ SOiH-rOw.
7128 Third ait. Phou Mala 828.
FOB SALE New 8 and S room Bona; bath..
atatlonary waabitand, concrete baeement, ga
- ond -electric lluhta. furnace: house tinted.
paar pautrr. largo bedrooma with closet in
each, wood olevator, atatlonary waah tub lai
baeement; oa Union a va. caC line, fin mla -
01 ervlc; aear good cbool, laws, streets
'. improved: bouaea now ooen for I a nee tloa
- caah or. lnatallmenta. luoulr Owner. H. E.
Btemtor.v-igj Third att" or -at Teaidenen. 861
bnion ava. earth, on block aontbv or Bouses. ,
GOOD hnatnees and resident real astro cheap
lor caaa In tkrlvlng town 4 nuiea trom rort-i
land, oa car line; water malna In etreeta.
potofflc aad public school here. Come and
c before boying elaewher.
Scott car. Jaoica Cunningham,
Take ML
Arlata. Or.
gravel, very flne oll and aay cleared, near
R. R. and rjoatlandln: whr Ml 878 to 8160
per-acr wnen you can get una at a. oa
your own tarme? - Add P 81. Journal.
FOR RALB-M)nrter block .south weat corner
wetrtu ana n.aat ntara ai., ,witn -axurr .
- room boua and. fl-xoi y barn, $0,000; terma,
tl.uuO -down and- balance In annual par-
-mcnt of il.OOO. - Mall A 007. 893 Eaat Burn-
-aid, or telephone Private Exchange .Ul.
aai win ssennca tn property at me our-
of Eaat Tblrty-ulalh and Belmont ata.i--oe.
talna Rata M.h I. a v1 n ft 4,-tnia a nit hath.!
l--wa-$34,40 -per- otrth, Cah price, $1,800,110 nKERT"'clalma; water" for Irrlratloa, lo
. Gooa-g M. Strong, 118 BacoDd at. - I Immediate aettlemenL -204- Macleay bldg.
lXi-ViMWANT-A:noMt J-W bar 6 new.
DKHlera- cottagea.. buUt oa tot-hxlll,-t
Montavllla: term. M2S down. $18 per month,
l.V) floe building Vita cheap and oa eaay
terma. N. Sprague,- 122U Urand are., room
12. ...... .
XOR SALE 10 acres choir land. IS mile from
J. PortUnd. Biittsbl fora home: easily., tali
and good rosds: good solL: For parttrolara
ntTreaa A. K. gn aeataa."-tloeoog. or. 1
I HAVM a new., modern. 7-roora bona oa Eaat
lrfyecnnint., unrlh. worth S.I.OoO. In
to 'raise a little -mooeT will neH at
$2,400;'' $400 cash. baL-aay urnuu. -Addr I
v as, care journal.
SNTKiwr mndarw. eohmlal lealdeuiea. ni-
cri- bmeuL- hard - finished .throughout.
ga,--electrtclty Utilise, lu,'',ryiirdr-Tlli:
Ea.t sTventee ft
FOR SALE s-ronro honae; large tot and fruit
- tra.- Baulk PortUnd; price $1,200; terma,
U casbi would accept some payment HI
I carpenter or piaatar work. pnon Mala hszs.
GOOD INVESTMENT Cor. tot and two a-rooa
. bouaea. Beech and Mlchlgaa, $1,800; tw
lots, a fine orchard snd s 4-room hoai
. 4'lttngr' addition.- $700 Phone Scott 643.
18 ACRES 4O0 feet from electric line, small
honae. 2 seres clear, fin oll. Uy fine. Hie
car fare" for quick sal and H raah, $l,20i;
muat have money. Addreaa P 84, care Journal.
$2 nooutxtH. 1 new, modern, t-rooni house,
hard, oil finish, bath, toilet, paaa pantry,
baaement, cement walks, etc - Phone Mala
8074, evenlnga.
CANNON'S addition offer yoa tb beat posal.
ble Inducement i for yoa to obtala a cheap
. bom.- Call 8U8 McKay building d eala
oeiaii. -
GARDEN TRACTS equal to B 40-foot lota. iolOR SAUt Heifer, freah. 2 year old
a month;-water piped to each tract; electrl I
line, bc rare. r. c. Little, iot Bherlock bldg.
$50 DOWN. 810- a month, hurt BtcyTc T6?
email caicxen j-ancn. . oe owner after 8 p.
n. or anurvHa 11 tr-aat uiriT-lourin at.
SMOn Tltri !.- S.--lau h. .1 I
fnl locstlon. In nburh. Addre 411 . East
-r Tniny-tourio at., or can arter e s. m. i
MODERN 5-room bouae end kit with frnlt
treea; also farm and amall honae aad lot
cheap. Apply las Montana av.
f 4.850 MODERN, T-room bonae and full lot
on IvveJor at., hear Twenty-third. George
M. Hlmnir. 113 Second at.
WANTED 40 fellows to tske ub claim worth
l ai.iaio earn ; no ciaima lert la s months.
dree p 85, care Journal.
FOR SALE 5-room cottage, modern, lot fenced,
fruit trees, 2 blocks from ear;-cask or terma
F; J.Jlyder, Montsvllla.
FOR SALS or exchange, lift acree Improved.
14 mile from Montavllla car Una.
' "Owner, 414 Belmont.
$1,850 New 6-ronm cottage end 3 large lota
on cor. Grand are. and Sharer at Boa owner,
' 884- Shaver at.
FOR SALE 8-room bnoee oa esr line with
sere fruit tr, ate. Isonlr Sat Eaat
- Sixth t. - , ,
LOT 100x100, two , new modern boner, on
elegantly furnished) electric light, tvts Sandy
road. .':'
B?t'!L?!lJ?,?tnmIil; v"?,
If dealred. 813 Commercial B,Mg. Mala 1840.
20-BOOM Jwnae, newly furnlahed. centrally
a . . . , , ai . . I
Hicsiea. jauuraee it. o.t, cara ,OI journal,
tn; ecu or I
nd- '- I
BCILDINO site, weaf side, ckat
exchange. . P. O. Box 248, Portland.
r1!i .KBBiiloL!?5l!"t P0"
for ma, M Sir r JoarnL
TO -RENT with privilege- of bnylng, home,
barneaa and light delivery wagon. Addreea
K 22. care JonrnaL . -.
FOIl SALE Oood "eipra 'wagon. . lagnlre
Wester Feed A Fal Co., ea Front el, bet.
Glleaa and Hoyt. -
FOR SALE Flrat-claaa. heavy , gooae-neck. one.
horse true.'- Address W. 8. Wood A Co.,
- a sneonver,- Tvee.
8TKAM wood aaW. team and '"wagon "at- a
oargain. iappiy at xo XtlDna t.(
FOR SALS A good work horst iflti) L'nloa
sve. m. f '
A LARGE, natural water power, with 4 acre
oi una. grain loc tloa ror w or grlaimllla.
Bear Hood rtrer. Or. Addreaa Martin Thump
bob, Sbadd. Or.
FlB" SALE OR EXCHANGE Imprnved farm of
tie, acre. if mile rrom t'olvlll. Htevena l
county, Waah. Addreaa B7-E, Crosby , Lents, I
THESE ar herd times; prices sr going lower 1 1
caah or time, ler- i Muaic Houae, 171 fourth I
SL, X. U. C A. bldg.
XA HQ A IN Farm of lOTVk er At rich Mad, -
Kl mile-(tou I'ortUnd. 8. from car lluei 71' -
acrea rich hlMCk luem hnttniM lenll ail ijwm -
In 8n atata of cultivation, bal. 88 acroet
I -! artly cleared and lu. put ura; . crop cuaalat
t o acrea early ;potata, 1 lu Wnet oorn,
H In baana. 8 lu' wheat, 2'4- la -oats, 8 la
vvtrb and 1 In gar 4 a; good 8-room houa
-and outbulldlnaa, team bora, nagoa aud '
barn 8 bead cattle, hug, chlikeua and '
be; plenty farming liupletuauta. Sua etreaaa 1 -
-ttowapy plaoe; 0ne Dahlng., I'rica $'ift j
it, inuutra et . n. caurey, nooui x. nto 1
11100 oiag. , -.- . ,
WHXAT frmr, for 1 y rewnrt too sera
lu cuinratiuo, luu in crop, zao cra paatur.
hart of which, can be brokan no: 6-c-r
chard; good boua. bara and rif'hllllH'ngTi imh.hi
S-stti--rnr-n -creek rTBlsaiiiWldV J ,J"
41- PU'hLla of wheat per cr laat rear nd f
in growing crop waicatn a large yiaia .
thla rear: all fenced, bog tight: 44 mil tar-
i acbooL xi Billo-ta church; d ml la ay
' dowa bill grd to Dufur, to which point th
- lunbl 8ontt.rn railroad will b ruaaln'
- tralna from The Dallca by .July.or Auguat, -
Our prna, including cnip, va per acrel
tvroia ft caaa. Heuiugway - Brua., Du
fur, Or. . ' .--r ,-
- ------ i.
80 ACRKaWOO arrea cleared la crop. 10 acre 1
. wooaht, seu acre atump pa at ura, a good or.
' running water, notar piped to. boua au4 barn,
i S burece,. bsru, 2 wagons. In vow, crtau
aeparator, liuiilementa: 1 mile to railroad
atatiou.- poHtornce, aconoi, oa ictvi roau; I
bout by lalliuad linin fortlxnq; si.Tou. A--dres
Ed. ( arisen. Deer laland.- tr. -; . -
BA8TERN Oregon wheat farm for gale, of will.
T iarga lot of wheat land in enarman. Oil.
nam aad Morrow aountlea, urrgvu. wa wn;
-aril on eaey terma. or will take city prop
erty In part or, all payment. - Moore Bro.,
. T34, pbon Mln (lain. . - T
24T4-ACREH, 24 In ettltlnrlnn, H aero good.
i timoer. goos oii, no roea. an location.
f.-i r...i . ...,n tn mnoa or rruit.
larna, guiKl a-rwoi nouae, gooo wairr
- windmill, b- Bile aoutheaat. from city, limit
of- fort I Dd: will make terma. Aduraaa U.
Longcoy, Mllwukl, xr.. owner.
meadow; 400 level and oa be mad inUTTT
' meadow, balance paatur land; irrlgattoa aya
tem oa the. place and .plenty of wateri alao
tv head of cattle. So burse and all farming
Implementa; plae i well Improved. Writ
or call at place. Paaiina, Crook couuty.
Oregon; L. V. Bailey. - " "
Wm i ii ' .i i
FOB BALE Highly Improved farm of 150
- acre, located on tba Willamette, with 14 .
mile of river frontage; -lo-fin lake and
grtrrc: snltaLl tor rich- man a- country home;
1 aille by riaer. 22 by railroad. ; Price J
"J ier acr. uaiea unBr. . iui - j oA -
1 HQMESTEA PS located: :g locaHone- for-S
I ron wlahtng to locate clna together j-ho'
betrer .country for raising esttle. Ursln, tlmv:.
nthv. fruit, elover and veaetahlM erow kMi
tlmher--nd- water; good- Ttwda. - -Barry, at
Pary hotel. . P. 0. bog 544. Tba Tlallr. Or.
I Fit r?R LAND IN OREGON nnder tb "Carey
irrigation Act.-- oeoa sireet rroni - state.
I write today. Booklet and map rren. B. SW
I Cook A Co.. 281 Aider at.. PortUod. Oregoa.
I HOMEHTEADEHS W ran locate you oa wheat
irrigation lanoe: real eat at Tor aa le. - fait -
ally A tWBeltfBUU. UnUHlla"
county, Oregon.
1 FOR SALE 240
acre. a good dalrr ranch
very well Imprireed. For lurttcnlare addrea
o. it.-wooa. oreton, Tlllamoo-
tX "8 ALX Hop farm, four large Iota, Salem f
, 4 cottage. South Portland. For furthas r
particular ee owner. Mi wuuina star"
4T0-ACRX farm and Mock ranch dJolnlng '.
Wilbur on tha BV P. R. U. a nvwtlv laval laad.
"t. J. Chenowcth. Wilbur. Oregoa. - ; -,- ,
- v. - ""v e, iwi. m r
f - xracra, uiuara -ciayxo,-ateaeonrg,, -ur.
1 1 1 , , , , am r
HOrSEBOAT on boll, nearly new. In frrt-cla
mndltlon, large and roomy: suitable for prl-
- vate-famlly or- public reeort on river; com .
one ifioaing ror a .oargain anonia aea tola. -
Loca ted I fTi 1 toai!lU)n
jj!1.38??" AND -a'OO, tamrg-tii' rant m - -
-- - . - . -
. 40 Third at.. Portland. -
SainiaaBMM w-MBaBMaaaaMaaBBMs
WB print your nam os 80 calling ewrda, preroe -.
ls ad lyl. 26c - 280 bmliies card. u'
- Iirowa A hV'hnnlc. 22P liirM. PortUnd. Or, -.
Lti)HaAJ.E-l7 ond--riBc;
.wh nvtirer to purcnaaer ana n
elr 4-A Jefferaon.. I'hoija. Main BflllO,
IPIHf Wltdr, iullsble tor mearmafr
ket or aaioon. at a bargain If taken St oc.
, Addreaa p 23, rare Journal.
A- FIXE,- modern,- nprlgbt, Hardmas Plan,
'almoat new, for t'JXV): mast sell. Aldrcs-
u ax, csre journal.
FOR SALIC Block of Attachable BaU-Baarina
Hub Company atock, cheap. Addra Bos 8d .
Vancouver, Waah, : i
KlClt. sew. clean fnrmtnr for sate cheap If
taken Immediately! owner leaving city.
a Mat Keiiy ai.
FOR SALE 4ne-Standard 18 H. P. motor.
rnio volt, direct current. $100. Inquire a8
-40 Third sL
FOR SALB--6-erjom hoatbou. well farnUbad,
woodhoua and walka; cheap for eaah; tool
of Clay at. . . ' w
CHOICE COLLECTION of 20 Indian baakats fof
aale .cheap, P. O. Box 240, Portland.
Scotch collie pupa. Pboae Scott 888.
FOR BALE T milch cowe In Al condition, with)
uiiiean o mi. ciu juuiuau
NEW and eecond hand caah regUter aad safs
-a . , I i ia .
0RAT Dl0 ? 1 Fr old. yery large, kind.
r1R SAIJt -octsve organ, cheap, at 1005 Easl
"ew mi. un m lorerwoa.
I A ..SMALL i blackULBdtlB puppT- IamU Tnrcat,
i.rano meaire.
' rXXBOVAxir41
Whom It may concern: Tot I to certify
that I am a man of 80 year eeeklax a wife..
to complete th hpplnee of a ale bom.
which many young ladle covet; but owing
- to the rlrcnmitanc I prefer a lady with
mean who la willing tn Inveet In good enter,
nrlae; age preferred, 20-25; weight, 185460
lhs; oaly ladle with aunny d la position need
pply. Addraaa P 82, car JonrnaL
THE "Matrimonial Reglater," prle 10c, d-
crloe ever l repuuui recldents of this
aectlon who wUh til marrr; also explain
" how to Join otir eoclety. terms, te. Inter- -
stst. Introducing Society,, suite 14, 828V8
Wishlngtnn, Portland.
BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Th kind you r
looking for; "Decemeroa," "A Hot Tsml.'
Roaa Ta . Confeaelon." "A Social Lion. -A
ranni uui, -i 001117 npot," But
Mate free. A. Schmaw. 228 First St.
TOP DRINKINOI-Ooaranteed eure:
UVM tarm: mailed la plain pad
d 601.
"V ,- ' -----! .
enrva tnouaanaa. ia. a vai., i urant siag
Baa Franclacev CaL -
DH. OLNEY treata aU dlaaaae with great ene-
cess; bo drugwt cures tohscco, liquor d
siorphln hablu. Bee me. vm Waahlngton.
PLAITED DRESS SKIRTS mad from $5 opt'
perfect lit pclalty. Kebitera' LmiM 7"
Tailoring college, Aiiaay ping., zoo Moriiaon,
YOUR prescription are Dor accurately and
reaeonaoiy nuea at nreeei a rnarmaey, na -Morrlaon
at., bet. Flrat and geJd eta, :
A SCIENTIFIC mena- gfvea magnet I an A I
TriiiaaeC" tresfinentt snd stcTjhol bathe. 688"
fHaodcrs, cor. Sixteenth at. ,
oTwasoai ,e.r w.j onw 0oog BtavBaj
SERVICES of reliable, competent detective may"
oe oecureo oy saaressiug r. o. Box 248, i "
kum bldg. rone Main $364.
BALM OF FIGS for all female
Alder st. Phone Msln 48X2.
" . AXCHITtCTS. '-'' "".
- I '"- -I II III !---- .
THOSX who eontempj.l bnlldlng will crnfll
nv coneomng Hurrman. architect. 14lH Viral.
THE Trinidad Aaphait Paring C. of Portlaad. . . .
- - , ,ii i
CEME.VT wnrk, np to date
gre snd straight bualnri
with men 1hnw-
nrss. W. U, Lund.
tram, $02 Comiserclal blk
. .
- - f