The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 04, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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.n .. ...
SiwashM ,Tak Portland 1 Into
- Camp Jn JFourteen-lnnin;
i... . Contest. -
i :F Essfcic and f Roacrv Pitch" Croat
? - f I Ball, But - Latter' Sup-A.
! 'PX- port Was Better, fj,".
I ni.i nlualrk In The Journal.)
tr)Knrh and wawooo, -
klb . nri McLeu.. .- .. .
Trwterday'wtruggl htwoea the "J"
lrchamplons a a. 14-lnnlng '
between Skel Roch for ettl and Will
Kaslrk for Portland.' and revolted In
"victory for th-local tm through the
meeluna or an prrwr w,Tii)g
r.aiMr fnr Portland Ditched a splendid
-Kama and" op 'to th final inning nu
r...h- t,(m.lf nut of aoma tight hole.
VhnTvrun of the lamOril Beored
- , Thft' Anlv run
-' - i nrr - Msafrk In th- fourteenth, whon
4. i-.lftyn Houta -iad-trf 1 with a. .hit. Kn
ier sacrificed, and on a hit and run
" "pUy" Daahwood bunted land.. . Van Buren
- yielded th ball neatly but threw wild
ta Kaefek fleet and Hottt scored. v A
t perfect play by-Van would have mad
two out. ana aa aacnai was un .
. V..t tha contest might hav goa f or
several mora inning aa Eaalck waa par-
;lcuUrly pussjlng to Mollale, Hall, Kam-
, mar and vral of to moat reliable of
. the.Biwasli. batsnien.-
-v Bis Jade McLean, the haavy 3ilttln
Portland catcher, came . near breaking
- rip the rune aeveral time, but Lefty
""''outa-robbed tha gtent-orat ttjthr
lilts lf by " sensational " catches; 'ne'.ef
which, ha pulled down off the t nc with
v one hand. ..,..-.-, 'v.
I ... . The ninth" Inning "witheed a deaper--.
-at try fer-a aeora on th part M Port
. land. ' McCredie led off with a 'hit,
McLean - went out on a line drive t
, Hoots and. Rank)' a out put. McCredie
- n .ond. Maa atole third, but Catea
waa unable to BeotlaIalha neeiled'TiTt
Portland had another chance In the
faeniu whetrtrith McLean on third
and Runkle on aeeond aa the reault of
an .error , and a. hit. Catea hit a aharp one
to Burn who fielded McLean out at the
plate. ' -V,''- - '
Catea haa jL-puaT-flaT-in in aocepi
ln aeven ehanoea In clever faahlon, and
Blf MoLaaa aaeepted it cnancee pemno
. The acora f ollowa: .
Kan a. Ib. "
XTo; i?0-?
- Miller, rf.-
Kemmer. lb. ........ 0 9 11 o
Deahweod, . - J a w
McHale, cf. ......... 4. -lJ
R. Hail, aa, ......... J J
B urne,-. b, ;.m . f - -
Koch, p. ........... a I 2
Totals ......44 1
. - pORTL3f0:
- 4 At.-ee.
a ii8 - - i
I ZrlVan Buren
Rrhlaflv. 2b.
0 "- 4 '1
- Lw WeCredie. rfc .
, .1 Mr I. pan. C
fir o.i i'
.-Jlujikle, 1
t 6 O ;
40 -740 471
One man out when winning Jun waa
cored. - -
..A000000004000 11
1 Hit
a;. 61 6 16'i6 1-66 610 16
and . ....0 0000066 6 0 06 00
iAAiaAitiaina 1 t
; JdUC
, p. ..fl-
I- -: -Tetala--....
I BUMMART. . ' :
Two-baae hits McHU. Householder.
fSacrlflce hlta Kemmer. McHale, Esslclc
ntolen bases Houta. Tan Buren. House
holder, McCredle, Runkle. Struck out
. By Roach. 4; by Kaslck, I. Baaea on
balls OS Roach, 2; ofT Easlck, t. Left
' on basee Seattle, I; Portland, I. Time
of game Two hours and 15 minutes.
.Umpire Davie. .
TseoBM .............
- Hm Fnaetaee , ... .1. .
Oakland .............
Vm Aageles .........
Seattle ......
U 61
tl 12
11 14!ir,'i4l
Tiger oore la Tint.
f-'"Y;' Taeoroa. Wash., May 4 AfCefIwo
i - ' men were Out In the first inning Taooma
1 aeored tha winning run. Nordyke atole
aeoond and going to third on Wilson's
bad throw, from where he scored on
' Wheeler e error. Keefe wa In fin form
and blanked th Beala Soore: --
- ... R. H.E.
, "an, Fran. ......66 000060 0 0 4
, Tacoma . . 1 660 60 0 0 1 t l
Batteries Miller and Wilson; Keefe
; ' and Graham. Umpire KJopt
--v'----v.lTm Inning Oakland.
. V San Franolsco, May 4. For eleven
. Innings yesterday Oakland and Los An
4 geles battled for the first gam of tha
- : J two weeks' series, and tha reault waa a
' victory for the ouhernera. Kelly'
- x" rror and lood'e two-bagger soored the
' ' f Winning run. Dillon waa fined and
- put out of th game.' - Score:
' '.; ' R. HE.
T tbs Angeles .? 1000 00090 11 ' - t
, . f Oakland 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 4
-J Batteries Goodwin and Sptea; Iberg
and Byrne.- Umpire Perrtne.
' - - .r- - : Won.: LosC PC
.JL Spokan .5-'., J .iss
Ai Suokan.
r. m b
Ogden"PJ"T7..V.O til 0 0 0 I 1 7 1
Spokane, lffftffl 4 t
Hatteriea. . Thompson-and JIausen;
nilpatrlck . and . Stanley,. Umpire Mo-
jtaoonTV extra oxAxxAraBS..
'Tie. Brooklyn baseball team ehal
' lengr any amateur team tn th city.
W.AU irhallenge should be addressed to
W. Rl' Smith. SIT East Seventeenth
' street. South, or phone East 141. The
l.Jlne-up of the team 1 a iollow:'"
'trher Olaen. - 1 "".'
... - frtcher Touhey. 'F ". , ; '-
? - Flrat. beae Smith fCaptftln) '.
- Hccond base Duncan. . T
-.Tnir baa rseoiv,
riiiortstop- King.
Might field McFsrland.
'enter field Martin.
Loft Xitld Jooe.
The White and - Purple jyareltjr
lAddariQthejLCoijquest to Its
String of Victories.;
yesterday on tha professional grounds
tha Columbia nnlveralty nine adralnle-
School team, ta I.The came was not
what It might have been, because the
lads "from Cojumbfa5 6W-"OoodeH'a
Qiuamura.and . baWcuZiaTcIJfonxt Ifn:
atart. ' 'Loose team work waa very no
ticeable In the high school aggregation.
and their battlnr waa poor. Columbia
by no-meaner- played- perfect-nail, but
their work . waa much smoother and
they went after' everything. Captain
Mangold waa not in nia usual lorin.
Owing to his going Into ths game after
a sick spell. However ho got a single,
a -two 'base Alt and a. Ltlirea bagger.
wmcinstm -tHrcnon-ror tne arwTtv ana
kejt-hiaVblte-T-wvltrBcattered at a"
atagea of the game. Hlnkle, McKenna
and Barry c were In the came. -and the
base running of ha first waa a fature..KilB. TOt for the commencement of the
nunrnir j wusuij in, itNu .Kytf,- vim
owing to Inexperience he mads a seri
ous error, which allowed Ooodell to
score the : fourth run for the high
Captain Ott, Qoodell and Reed did
I the beat work for tha-El. fl although
1 It was lfi o way spectacular. Mr. Boyd
of Hill Military academy.umplred. tha
The Mgor41rnnfnMs: : r;:.
Ci-v. a o t o t o s c -
Hlta ... 1 1 to
.0 00101010
0 6 1110 Ut
The Automobile rlub held an anthual-
aatlo meetlnc at the Commercial cluB
laat evening, when they appointed vart
oua committees for the promotion, of the
port, Tba XQmmlUeea appointad-ara aa
follow: 7- - -
Road committee-.. C: A Ins worth. A.
K. BenUey. Charlea Brigga. lL C Krata,
Lewis Russell, H. Weratne.
XJomtnttTea- oiT" onf oreemenr of sbeed
limit Charlea J. Cook. W. T. LlDman.
Robert Btev'ena, Klwood Wiles., li.
Wemma and Dr. A. E. Mackay,
.ommuiaa on- meet, run and race.
DrrXX B. -Brown. D. T. Honeyman, Edgar
LoweU. D. C Q'Rellly. Ilert Ball, C.
K. Runyon. .- :" -.-
Memberahlo committee W. K. Travla
C. A. Allsky, H. E. Wood, H. Holland.-;
Tha next meeting of tha club will be
held on May II, when questions rela
VT r
Franlt C- Baker - waa an Interested
Baker was particularly Intf eata&ia
cocaers and polntera
; , ' . e" e "
J. C. Taylor of Pointer fame, looked
after the blackboard and resembled an
Old acboolmaater, Mr. -Taylor1 a -iln
ahow- the doc- bain; poisoned-several
months ao. This show Is the first In
the history orlhe local club that Bright
' Orant ScpttTUt-rlncma'tr,""ina tha
clever manner In which Grant has man
aged affairs has expedited the award
tnr of rlbboua. " Jr .
I - Major Taylor of .. Rutherford. New
Jersey, who several weeks ago Judged
tna oencn snow at Vancouver,- in
Interested spectator at the show. Major
Taylor la one cf the moat widely known
dog men and. expert Judge In this coun
try, belnc Interested in doc for over 45
- When th novice doc pointer entered
th line yesterday noses were counted
to the tun of 13. and several of th
exhibitor. were sure that th unlucky
13th would beat them. ' Mrs. R. J. ChlD-
msn and Mr.' Sanderson Reed had their
dogs.-Ranger and Zeke, in hand, and a
proof that. IS la not unlucky. ' both
women carried off prises. Ranger get-
t-nrt-an(J ZK' third prise. "Mr.
Reed, however, wa the laat to enter the
ring, consequently , she was th J.2th.
" - t - -
Tounc Sam. own4 B. Stmtttrh.
waa on of th handaomest pointer In
the anow. r c
Th - funniest feature of - yeaterdar
snow occurred when Found master F. w,
Reed approached Secretary- Wamsle
and stated that he would appreciate a
paa for tn exhibition. Knowing that
Mr. Reed good graces war, of con-
slderable value, a riion-paJ(l was at)
one made out in hi name. It evidently
J. "Wester TadlTTina J. K. Teal were
very much Tntereeted In last -evening'
awarding. Mr. Ladd's dog were , vic
torious during th afternoon. . - ,
Many missed "Dude" from this vear'a
now. Dud l owned by -Marcus
Flelshner and wa entered In th cata
logue, but ha not benched. "Dude" for
year ha been a familiar figure at all
bench, show In th northwest, and hi
absence from this year exhibition has
been noted.
' " e
Children's day will be on Saturday
and th young peopl will have an op-
portunrty to vialt -the doga free of
hrM . -
noon bat or xomsai uu,
The eecond-day of the McCarthy .
Son7 auction al was marked by better
price secured than' on th opening day.
So far th sales have averaged- till per
head, th entire Larrabee consignment
has been, disposed of. and th fitlrer con
signments are now receiving attention,
Among the principal purchaser of yes
terday were: Yukon, 1:14, purchased by
R. B. Caswell ''Of Walla Walla' for
$700; Knlck Knack, purchased , by
Robert ' Brady - of Portland for 1600
Red Crow cd-Orator, a handsome pair
of drivers, were purchased . pyW
Ladd for 4M TniTSoO, S:Il-wa, pur-
onaseo oy u. a. westgate or a many xor
ISO; Byron X. was purchased , by,. J. T.
Fleming of Central la, Washington, for
6 40. - and J5. : t, r ytmg o-f imisUoro -
cured Alto Lee for-2S5. -
' All notice of amateur base
4 ball game, challenge and, ath
4 : letto events must be eent to this
of flee before t o'clock a. m. oo
,'tb day for publication. Ama
4 Ateur manager ahould bay at
4 - tantlon te thla rule, kath keep.
Inc.of.Jt. jrlll..lnur ..proper.
4 report - fit . their domgs. Th
4 JournaL
f fXA . J .t . 4. .
Greatest Race Trapk in the
WQrldOpened-With Metros
politan Handicap- . "
Five-Main -Tracks " Will Provide
.for Every Kind of
:-1 R acing. ' ;-, L'
(ji,,,,,,,! gpcrlat Orrlee.)
New.Tork,. May-4V Representing the
work nt threa yeara andlha.ezpendlture
of I2.00fl.ou0, Belmont park, -the greatest:
raoetrark In ths world, opened its gates
today for the spring meeting or me
fc port -was 1:80, bHt for hour "before
the Long Island railroad .trains and the
trolley care leading to th track were
packed with people and thr, ,nlgh.wavstg.
Queens.. L. I., where tn park. 1 Io-
aated, wei blocked with tallyhn nrt
fashionable equipage of .all deaorlp-
tlons, all headed In the same-direction.
At 1 o'clock It wa estimated that ,60.
OOQ peopU-Jiaxl. already, passed, through
thgtes.-r-Jl'naftarneetl, led Off with
the Belmont -Park. Iiiaugurai,-wltnthre
trophle. of silver cupa, one each, for
tha owner, trainer and - Jockey - of the
winner. The vent of th day 1 th
classic Metropolitan handicap, with $10.
000 added. The other event ar'th
Juvenile and the New Tork steeplechase.
Vlaltora-today, though already in
formed of th glories of th new racing
resort, were amased at th beauties -of
th - park- and thamagnlflcenc of . its
appointments, -The capacious grand and
Held stands bjkT broad,, sloping, lawns
are amply-large- for- crowd of over
OO.OOr pergong ttr -m ovw -ab'otrfcrtn com
fort, and ' th transportation facilities
are on'-a scale in accordance-with-the
magnitude of tho whole undertaking. 7 In
thecrandstand. alone mora than 15,000
persona can be aeated without crowding,
a the promenade - are wide and th
talrway broad. In building these
structures and laving out the lawn oar
was taken 'to plaea tnana. that thn
vlWOfvry on of-thnvtxacksl
would be perfect from every point, and
at no season of th year will th sun
shin in the eye of spectators in any
of th stand. '
Flv main track provide for every
typl)f-JtnclticiTh principal track Is
half mile In length. This la adjoined
fWsea : eighth miles long, mni' an addU
tlohal track in th oval or on mue ana
a quarter. -rTh
ateeplechas spurae of on mil
end quarter may be extehded -by
adding the training track and infield to
a total distance of two . and three
quarter mile. Th straightaway chut
1 an Ideal course for sprinting races.
It la seven furlong In length and Is
thOonly "'- absolutely Straight course of
this length in th United Btates. The
training track la val uable addition, as
lt"esarned t-H- lime for-exerelae.
and there need be no cutting up of the
main tractor"thl purpo. Itcan
also be, used to-Increase th length of
tharmsin raf sTlLfif IC8Igfyrtt
the tracks have a uniform-wldth-of 100
feet Unusual car has bean given to
the. roakmg of these tracas, and ' while
they" do noraifferTnsterlally from other
track of standard construction, except
in the matter of drainage, uy may oe
aid to be the most perfect specimens
of the track-builders' skill to be seen to
thl country. The - top aurf ace . is
sandy loam. Which waa th. original soil
excavated, to make way for th founda
tlon of th track. It wa carefully
preserved and replaced after it had been
screened. '
Everj -cara ha been taken to make
the track dry and firm, compact and
fast, but Just aa much car ha been
taken to avoid making - them hard
enough to Injur the horsea. By. mean
of a new plan for sprinkling th entire
surface of all. the track can b
sprinkled 'uniformly and in a very few
Th nven1encfhrrancemehtg
for communication is a feature. With
out leaving their stand the Judge can
communlcat with any portionof . th
park by mean of a complete telephone
svstem. which 1 in direct communica
tion with every starting point and th
observer placed along-th tracks. There
ar oo permanent tr.uptureaPXjgny.kind
to obstruct th-view. Tor ven tn, re
ault board Is so constructed that during
the progress of a race It Is dropped
from view.
Stable accommodations have been pro
vided for 1,000 horse, and this num
manded. ; James R., Keene. August Bel
mont,. K.. R. T h omas, Clarence Mackay.
w. H. ijriir ins E numtieT " ut oilier
prominent turfmen will make the track
their permanent racing headquarters.
The railroad faculties are on a cai
in keeping with the park and the crowds
to be handled. The railroad terminal.
erected at a coat of over $600,000, has
J, 800 lineal feet of platform, all
covered, and ' stairway lead down to a
ubway which crosses under th surface
of Hempstead turnpike. Thl subway
rise gradually to tha covered entrant:
of th grandstand and visitors to Bel
mont nark can go from new Tor to
their; seat ;ln the grandstand, without
going from1 under gover.
: (Jooraal Special Bsrvlct.) .
New Tork, May .4. Beata are In great
demand for MadlsOn Square Garden to
night to see th world's championship
catch-a -catch-can wrestling - contest
between George Hackenschmldt. th
Russian - lion,"- and- Tom. Janklna, - tha
American champion. It will b Hacken-
schmldt s first appearano on th mat
In America. - Realising that It will re
quire his utmost-atrengUt and olever-
nesa to win the victory. -Jenkln has
trained as ha seldom has befor for -a
contesl nackenechmldt. ' has " the ad
vantage 1a strength and slie, but th
admirers of the American wrestler re
gard him a th cleverer of th two.
Jenkins has a further tdvantag In the
fact"- hat-4h -eontest - will . be -catch-
aacatch-can. at which-style he Is the
more adept, whtl "the Russian favors
th Oraeoo-Roman style. The article
calf it th best two out of three falls.
J. aaasaaa-as-BasaiaBs " tka-
(Jearaal gpeelal CerTie. i.
Paducah. Kr.. May 4. Th Kentucky-
fndlana-IHlnol baseball league begins
It season today, Hopklnsvlll playing
here, Henderson at Cairo, 'and Princeton
St Vli-cennea. . The prospect sr con
ldprdJbrllit f or a mostjprosperotis
ni nr.'t.
a ooodc. " t,
Vint.. J , v,.v
iefet ted -Stock 0au4
Aiiea A Mwi' Beit ftri
Judge Ashton Works Quickly and
-r - Dispose of targe Classes -'
. . of Dogs. ' r" . .:.
Regular Awards Will Be Finished
- Today,-and . Specials. 1
Come Tomorrow. 7 1 " ;
The second day work at the, bench
show was begun at 10 o'olOAk this morn-
tenler Into' III I lug fr liiwjini 1 1 in,
Judge Ashton Is on of th auoat rapid
worker aver seen In th local ring. II
JauQulf see what he wantar- and In
a couple of minute he .can awposejtjf
a. falr-slied clasa.
Th opening day waa the occaslo;
nd all during the
Judging the apeOtator crowded around
Ashton. Last night many of the 'moat
prominent doc fanoiera of Portland wero
present enjoying the show and looking
un-Their-ravorit -mgtrrwstenmrai
irio:;.Bt31l4KlPlg.wjyiat- It la th
oet exhibition of . quality .ever Jenchen"
lh thla section, - Any dog -that geta a
blue ribbon at thla show is compelled
to arn It. - rj -.
"--A-big clasa of terrier faced -Judge
Aihton this morning and front the way
in which th doga were being disposed
of, it looked as if the entire awards
would be completed at noon."
Th Judging jjf the aDeclala will be
don tOBHMTow . evenlny On. Saturday
afternoon all children accompanied by
their . parenta or guardians will be ad-
mltted free- of -chargr to -the mowrinj
on Saturday evening the drawing for th
cocker puppy will be held. Only ladle
holding coupon wilt be entitled to th
privilege of drawing ior the-puppy.
The following awards war mad yea?
terdax-afternooa aiidrveulncsi.
Bleodkavada, ' ...
Limit dogs sad Mtrbes Iftret, Mount Teraee
LjPnilaer,,, J Waalar l.ailil
P doga an bltct rirat, Moant Tenon
ttulaerrrj.-Waaley LadeV-
- St. Beraards (lough Coated)
Llaslt dogs First, Colonel. Eugene Froeasner
&n( uooo, Attguat atajrer, t'a K1L
Waablsgtoa. , - -.
Cpea dogs Flrat. Colonel: aeenad. Kin rinri&
Wlnaers' claaeFlrat, Ooloaal;, reaerre. King
Brsarasr8meoa "Toated T7
not i kod "bllchsa Pfrat. j.,lrf ii
a. aiyera. city, alae flrat in opaa dogs and
bttcaearc sad Jtoat-4awlnaar,laaa,j-.
Oreat J9aas,
-Llmlt dogs Flrav Lief. . tt taai also first
- t ...i , ,
'Ft, (Vrtw
Opaa . dogs First, . Company B, J." 9. Til
den: aeeond. Booaay Boy, Mr, j, 1. TUden.
.. Pappy na aad WWe-FJxatJllncii.
Lljult dona and UAiittirig!W
a" .Ai- .
B. Bawall; aeoond, Mand. T, W. St. John.
Open doa aad bitches Firat, Bed Boy,
besapeake - Bay.
Open dot Flrat, Bmoker.-by McFae sV-fill-
Wlauera' dngs First Rnokar. :
Limit bltrkes Flrat, Oreson's Chassa. W.-U.
PaTla; second, Duebeaa, lr.- Uewsa g. walta-
Winners' WtcbeaFlrat, Oregon's Cbesaarre-
ecrre, . iucnca. . . ..
r" ': I FolaUra.
Poppy dog Fliat. Brlghfs Ckancery, J. F.
Kerrlgaa, city; second, Mavajo Chief, F. H.
Fleming, city; third, Tbe Duke, J. H. Pedlgo,
Walla Walla. Waab-t V. H. C, Xonng Chief,
Mr. F. F. WameleT. city. 1
- eiovlo doga. II. C.,' Ott's . Rip, Sana
lmbgj, miu mana. iu. v. tl. C, Sport.
Otre Schamaaa. eltr: rsaerr: Navaln Chi.f.
Kovlee doga First. Hanger, .Mrs. R. J. ilp-
man, cur; eenmo, loung Bam, V. B. Btratton,
city: third. Keke. Mra. Sanderson Heed,- dty;
V. IT. C Brlsbfs King. i. A. Taylor, city;
H. C. Andr'a Kap, Dr. W. ' A. Roberta, eltr.
Limit doga (nnder'SO pounds) rirat, Toang
oamr secono, nocsei, v. 11. uaDneiaoa, Balem,
ur.r uura. epuri; T. n. .rlM Uukti-H. C,
Andy's Bap. --. - - - 7
Limit doga tover J5 .Boandl-riratZek
second. Walla Walla Joe, John Klarnan. city.
vpea aoga ttraoer DO ponnda) Klrat, Karra
ganaett, W. H. Hauler. Providence. R. I.;
aeoond, Toung Sam ; third, Woolus Bang, F.
J.-MoTBaIelB, 0r.T"T."HrX,7TAndy's Bap;
(eserve.. uocaeu
Opea doca (over M pouada) first ilaaoa's
King. 11. M. I'apat Baa Freaelaeo: seee
Mlnneaots Joe, 11. F. Eelgler, The Dallas. Or.;
third. Keka; V. B. C, Ott's Blp; reserve.
wans vtaua joe. . -
Winners First, Nerragaaaettt reserve, Ms
son's King.
Darners Queea, 1. p.
Ewan. city; aecona. Dot, u B. Armatrong,
Crelghton. Or.; third, Flfk, J. R. Kohler,
Or. " ' ' ' ' '
Novice bitches FlraCMIas Trscey," Ed Ryan,
eity ; second, saris reanav- A. i. Kraegerr Wend.
lawa; third. Ore son Beant, W. H. French,
Tae iMiiaa, ur.; v. it. v., oregoa Joaie, pr,
J. A. Beater. The Dalles,- Or.; V. H. C,
uregon wr, n. neigierr Te llanea. or.
Limit bitches Flrat Fine, Mra. IJtt Hoff.
man, city; second. Mtas Trice ; third, Scott's
Dot, J. c. Scott waua walla, Waab.i reserve,
Brlirht's Blond la, 1. E. Wlntna. eltT.
Bitches (over B0 pounda) Flrat, Lonadown
Bit. W. H. tlanley, Provldanre, B. I.; second;
Plain tineen. A. B. Jackao. Spokane. Wash.
Open bitches (nnder 60 pounda) First Mlaa
Trace; second, Oregon Beaut; third, Scott's
Dot ' '
Open bitches (over 50 ponnds) First Lohs-
oowna nit; aecona. nam vueen: third. Bangs'
irlmi. C T, Niiunn. TNipnar . ft.
Winners First, Lonadowne Bit; reaerra, r"lua.
Xngllah tetters.
Pnppy dogs First, - Handaome Jim.' Dr. 'Alan
Welch Smith; aeeond. - rrlnce II. Jamea D.
Sternberg. M. D. I third, Monto, Mis Marts
MtchMr-. Mount -Angel, Or.; reeerve, Oakley
Mars, wiuiam aucienzie; v. 11. c.L caah
Bor, Blrt Garner, Mllwankle, Or.
Novice dngs-rFlrat.. Handaome Jim. . Dr. Alan
Welch Smith; second, Don, -C.'C. Wise; third,
Prince IL James D. Sternberg, M. D.: reaerve.
Houea. A. H. Nelaon. Tacoma: V-tl. C. Milor.
u. . . . watiera; uaxiey aiacs, v unam Mae-
kenale, and Monto, Mia Marie Mlckle. Mount
ancat'- or- : -'- -
- l imit d'f rirat-Den. OV-C. Wise; seewnd.
Nick's Tone, Max A. Vogt The DaUea. Or.;
third. Prince II, James D. Sternberg. M. D. :
reaerve. Major B. X. Wattcrs.
Ope "dora First, Ch. Mallwdy Slrdalr,
George 0. Thomas, Jr., Philadelphia; second,
MaUwrd Bob, T, P. MeTenell. Vtirterla. B.
O.;. third, Doll. C. C. Wlae; reaerve, Nick's
jbv etrx JT7 vogr. Tna oaiiee, or. .
Winner! Toose Flrat." Oh. MallwTo'"lrdalr.
Seorg O. Tbomaa, Jr.; reaerve Mallwyd Bob,
t i u.rnnn.n Ll -; "
- Puppr hitches First Ialand"laiar-lt. Mr
Palmer, Seattle.
Novice bitches Flrat... Fanllla. T. P. Ve.
Asmell,' Victoria. B. C; aeeond. laland Maid,
R. M. Palmar, Seattle; third. Mamml K.. Mrs,
a C. Wise; reserve, Queen, J. S. MviiJV. H.
,'.. Rmprea of Oresnn, A. W. Naah.
LliHIi bitches Fu-H. Mammle K .fVrt. r
C. Wise: eeennd.' Qnee. J. S. Seed.
Oiien Mtcbea-rFlrat. Ch. Madcao. Oeerse C
Thomas. Jrrfhlladelphla; aeeond. Oh. Mallwrd
Dl, Oawrge C. Tbomaa, - Jr.; - third,, t anllla,
. P. McConnelL. - -
W Inner (bltrhea) First. Ch. MaAVan. Renre
C. Thoen. Jr.! merve, Ch. MeUwjit t)L
0eorgc.j:.jrh08iai.. Jr --- -. .
v Irish 'Sattart.
Poppy -Flrat.' "Jerer. Joaenk Bod: sec
ODd. 1'rlnne, M. Shlalda.
Ope dt'I rira t, Jeaaaotl'--Jobajia 'JVttllX-
ho, VaiMoarer, B. 0. secead, rVpper, Q.
W. Pfuodar. - '
Winner (dog) Flrat, Jeanaet. Joseph Wulff
soha; xeaerra, Jerer, Juaepn Bora. ' ,
Poppy hltehae KlWt, NVIllo, M. Bhlals.-ia"
' Limit Mtcbae rirat. Isold. iUC aly. jOlh
sontuu. Pa. . . .. .
Opne WtelMis KtrV laola. EL LJS. Paly,
aeuwid, Voerlg -Magic, B. H. Cats. Seattla;
third. Bmu, , Major Vreaiaaa; reeerre. Trilby,
A. K. Btd. . 'v
'wiaaera-teitthaa) PUat.' faglda.' H. ft pslyj
raserpe, Oourlg alagle, - M . Bv Caloe.
eordaa ' Batters. . '
"-ITlrat.- Oragf " Rower. W." M." Darlaj sis
first, la wlanera claa. -
-l .... Water Bpaalala, " -
Iiluill Si s' Will a, Bia, Chulaa Wsillsj,
Arntigtoar slao third In osea doga.
-.riald Bpaatols.
" Op Ants sad bitches rtret. -Tripe, . It. B.
tValtoa. VasoouTsr, U. C. also first la win-
Cookax BpaalaU " (BlacV
- Puppy . d"f (not erer -14 potinl) First,
I .1 ..... .I.. It J k . ' . . .
I ciimui iuii, mt i a. . , u. , ww-wu,
silack Jack. 8. at. Bair; tht I'tB'rtaad Barry,
Oay. Lombnrd. '!.
NoTlnt dog '(not erac M ponoda) Flrat,
Black Victor, rortlaod Coekw Kwuli; sacoad.
Ml1 BatnttT Pnrtln -ttx-lrarKeao!) -tklrd,
Porclaad Uuks. Mrs.-. W;-Trlars nam.
Black Jack, B. M. Barr : V. H. C. BubbU.
Mlaa . Htatnbaek; V. U. tferUaaaV tfaxrj,
Limit eVc-4aat er- 4 pons da) Flrat, Pert-
laiwl .JlarryUaylomDara. '.
Ulea do (nut over pounaa; rirai, rorv
land llarrr, Uay Iiombard. .
Winners'- dua- a'lrat.- luaek Victor. Psrtlaa
Cocker Kaiuiela;.. rerT. .alectla caxon. fort
Inml Oocter-fcaumUt - -
l imit bltcUaa (not ever M poonda) Flrat,
Winner' bltcbae Flrat. Warerlr Bess. Fart-
laiwl locker .. Kanuela; .reaerr,- Baby, u. H.
Walker.- ,. . - - . ...
Oeeker IpaaUIs (Fartl Color). -Kerlre
dogs' not erar 34 aoanda) First; Tort-
land Kid, Portland , Cocker Kennels; seooea.
xtUw4 tf. Belglacbe Sallae.
l'upur btlcbea (Dot om 2 pouada) Flrat,
VA .. .. fM r I EVi.nlu Am). - Vukj
Arllnstoa. Or, r-v
Novice bitches (not ever 3 pounds) First.
Portland Dale. Portland Cocker Ksaaela; see-
end, Portland Pvarl, Portland Ooekac Kaaaele;
third. Yo Ban. Mra. a J. Sharpie.; Seattle,
teaerve, Portland Juantta. lrtlnd Cocker
Kennala; V. U. 0.. Portland s Dot, Mrs. T.
Tapworth, H. C, Portland JCrg Uraj, Frank
"Clirtaty. r -' - ' -
Umlt bltcbea (not ever. 94 poanda) Flrat,
Butheta, O. J. Sharpies, See t lie j eecood." Port
land Evs JtrsytFraak..aUty. 1 -
Cooker f pslUntar Boltd Oolofr Other The
Poppy dogs (not over B4 poonda) rirat. Port
laud Plnah. Portland. Cocker Kennels; 4eond,
Portland Orant.' Mr. Harriett- Oalar. Xaut.
Novice doga klrat. ForUasd Uraat, Mrs.
Barrtett Osier, Lenta. '
Limit doga Flrat. Portland McDnff, D. 0.
Lazier, Arlington, Or. -- -
- Upni doga" 1'ortland kteDoft, XiV-O, La alar,
Ar ling tea,- Of.
Gocker Kennela; reaarve,
U; reserve, I'orUaad Pliiio, Torf-
land- Cotter Keontla, 1
Novice bltcbea (not ever ITpouna) First,
Deademon. Portland Cocker Kennela; aeoond.
Portsnd-Twtnkle, Portland - Ceekee - KenaeUi
third. Portland Tweed 1 Punch, Mrtv-Oeorge
Schubert. HUlaboro. " -
Limit bltcbea (not over 14 sonnda) Flrat
Lamwlowue Ada H .r Mr. and Mra W. Holladay;
second, rortlaod Tweedla Pnnchatrs.T Scan-
Limit bitches (not ovar 14 poond Flrat, Red
Vsrnlnh," Oolaad 0' Oimwsll. '. Be 11 Ingham,
Waah. ; . 1. , .
Ope bttrbe-aot ever ;to pounda) First
Lanadowns Ada H., Mr. aad atra, W. Holla-
Winners (bltehi5 First LaaadowB Ada
H., -Mr. and Mrs. W. Holladay; reserve, Dae-
aemona, l onimna cocsar nmim.
CsUlss (Sekl aad Whits).
Pnppy dogs First- Shade land AdmtraL 0. D.
Nairn of Ballstoa;. second. Ormaktrk Olympian's
Baron. Mrs. J. aV Kloeber, city; third, Bover
Prince Sbadeland, Theo Thlal, ell.
"Novice Jof-r1rt, aippowaa'a kadtaaea,
Thuulaa - O, 'JeHtlth. . SiMkaaaaecond.- Oles
Tana ' Piccolo, Thomas Q. Qrlfftth third,. Theo
dore Koosevelt tr. M. 0. Wells, city, V. H.
0. . Ormaltkrh 01jreipln'e Baroa, Mrs, IV -
1, -11 . . - - .ii. - i r-.vr--
t.tmft am FliTriTntiftWsyitByie.
Thnmaa-a.- Griffith I eeoeod. Theodore Booae-
velt. Mrsr-g.Tr"Wa11ai third. Otmaklrk aais.
eelaeF, aV- Re r . Tb Dallaauv
rtm.n don First. - RlDoewaa's
Thomas O. Griffith, Spokane; ascend. Theodore
Rooaevelt Mr. M. 0. Wl"v dtr; thjrV Prince
Bob, Mrs. Bryan, saue uuy, vi.i uinxi,
Ormaktrk Surprise, r. a. tiaranaa .
. Pnnn hlti'hia Wlnaetka - Ooaataas. Mrav-J,
B. Kloeber. city; second, IdaCllpDr, Henry
Berger, Jr, dty; third. Beebe, .ajra. A. n.
Underwood, cltv; H. C Ubby. 1. McKenale,
rmmtiM Wamh.
Novtre bitches First B randan Marions-
lee. Mrs. Tbomaa O. Griffith, Spokane; aecona,
Rlppowan'n Recompense, Tbomaa O. Griffith,
Srwkane: third. Beebe, Mr. A. H. Underwood.
Umlt hitches Flrat Wlnaetka Onoatase. Mr.
J.' 8. Kloeber. city; second, Brandan Martons-
le's. Thomas O. Griffith, Spokane; taira, oeeue,
Ur. a. It. , lTnderwood. city.
Open bitches Second. Brandaae Marlonslea.
Thomas U. Orirntn, Bposan. v
ColUas (Other Tbaa iakl and WfcitsJ.
Pnppy dogs Third. - Heather's ' Tant
ik..,.. W A liilmw rltV.
Ann Pint. - Weatlaad Doks. Dr. M.
8. Strickland. Ortgo itr; aecona. aw
ri.nnl. lionrr Berser. Jr.. city. -
Limit doga Flrat Glee Tana, Marquis,
Tbomaa S. Griffith, Spokane; second. Westland
Duke, Dr. M. C Strickland. Oregon uu; tniro.
Rob Roy XVIII.-C. D. Nairn. Ball ton, or,
-rj.n,rfvwt T"n ami.
Open doa-a Flrat Glen Tans Hsrqnls; second,
vtu,i. n rink., third. Ravensweed Chappie. -
Winner' dogs First Glen Ten Marquis;
reserve, Rlppowan's Radiance; both owned by
Tbomaa S. Orirtns, nposane. ,
rnn hltcdee First Rlppowaa's Rainbow,
m. i n.irmii Rnnkane.
Winners' " bitches Wlnnetka-Coonteas, Mr.
1. 8. Kloeber, city; reserve. Hippowaa s nam
I, . a tiriffl.h. Hooka pe
' ' Bulldog. -
"iiw." ,inrinl Kin Commando, Tt.
Papst'Saa Frsaclsoetslse jlrst f -wlnaers'
aOpen bltehee First. Tros Bine, IT M. Ppst
San Fraociaco; siao nrai in wmn..
Bull Tsrriers.
-Pnppy dogs Flrat. Bmhwond Boy. T. T.
Plnwden, Tacomsr seeeaA- Prlncav- Mr. .. J.J.
Open doss Flrat Edgeeote Peer, Frank B.
Watklna. city. . - '
winnera- dosa First Edgeeote Peer; secood.
B..kswu, tansy
. Puppy- bltceee-rirkt - WTllamette Sunahlne;
evcond. -Wllamette nanoeam, e "i
Frank K. Watklns, elty,.
NowIm Mtchos Flrat Jl. I A. Dickson,
Limit btthes First WUlametW . Beatrice,
hrt whaUer. city. " .
Ope Mteae First, Newmsrkst wy, rrsni
K. w stains. . ,
xtrirm' iitthea First. Willamette Su
shine. Frank . Wstktos, elty; second, Wllkun-
ett Beatrice papert-n najwj. -
IrOSt. P.C.
New York
I .800
... .600
Philadelphia. ........--.
Cincinnati . v ...J "I '
Chicago ' a? -
Brooklyn , J
. 639
St. lxiuis . e.
Boston ,...
" .166
Bt. IOUtS Ttiiim..r.J -S I
Pittsburg .....r. ......4 16 1
Batteries McFarland and ' Oradyf
Phllllppl and Carlsch., Umpire O Iay.
New York . ..,...! 12
Boston . . ..,,....,. I t f
. . . . . . i i ii I. ,e nnwA.
mam Wilhelm. Vols and Needham. Urn
Rlr -Johnstone. .
., ' At ClnolnaatL - -
.. ; TR. IT. R.
Cincinnati . ,.,....14 1
Chicago .T-.-y ( 6
Batteries t'veraii. ncnn ana ntreet;
Brown nd. KUng. Tjmplr Klem.
' '"7" As Brooklym,
Brooklyn .-, . . , , ... ; i ID 11-4
phllndeiphla ft 1 1 4
Batlerlee ftcanlan. Jones and Hitter:
rittlnaer. Colrlwell. Corrldon and Dooln.
A "r-vr" taaf
' Th OaUOXaTAJb twsaaaly aa
BarpMde W1U save It.
Tfwbro'sWarplcld' wtn sot grew kale
aataa deae this bat ky aaaueytag the
aiambte enssalae ' at hair health the hair
is oa t stow a as tnr Intendad
la caroDi na.
It raajuir sat a
' Sasaaaaa WU1 taee
ri Um,L M. UU Itc. lumat. t IERPKIDI. CO., 9tft I. Dtfll.Mlck.. far saaslg
Now doth the poet have
his annual sing 1,
iRegarding sweet voiced T
-delicious- spri ri gr-
-HoW are you "fixed in the
zrlwy SpringHatsjpr
""Furnishings? '
-Do you need Hat? or
Joea yourjtotk-olhirts
'Hosiery- or - Underwear -need
-replenishing? ? f - If
jou do you will want the"
jaunty rtylish klhdTf It
- makes , the - reason - for
r " buying-here alltthe
You Cannot Succeed
In th business world -If you ar not
thoroughly trained. ' 'Why not listen to
a little senslbl. straightforward talk on
th subject? Can her and let us ear
plain to you th advantages to b de
rived by taking a Business and Short
hand course.- Si " -
).. .
BchnKC'WalKcr Business Collettc
Hxth anA.Korrisoa Bts Portland, Or.
Open all the year. jCall or sand for
Catalogue. j - -
... . ... . . . Won. -Ixt. P.C.
Chicago . . I t .661
Washington . . 7 .668
Philadelphia T , .61
New Tork ., 7 .636
Cleveland .... r 1 J28
Bt.tul ..7..T...... f .444
Ketrolt . , , 4 1 ..42ft
Boston . a .............. I 11 -lit
. . . At Chicago.
, i R. ItE.
Chicago , . ................... .0 - 4 -1
Cleveland . -.uji,, . ; . . , ,S 1.0
watt eriesu wen and euliivan; XJona.
hue and Bemls. .
At PhlladslDhla.
R. H.E.
Washington ...6,l).l
Philadelphia . 7.......: t t 1
Batteries Townsena end Klttradg;
Denaer ana oenrec. . .
- A BTrsr Tork. ": " -
Boston . . .3 . 2 1
Mew York 1 7 4
Batteries Tannehlll - and ' Krlger;
Cheabro, jSrlfflth and Klelnow. ,
"- A trola.
. R. H. PI
rtroit ...7 11 1
Bt. Iuls . S 1
Batter- -KHHan. Sullivan '- and
Drill; Howell and Sugden.
ro oztt TsaAsxrmjn. ;
-: . "
Republican candidate
for nomination, .'- ' 4
- - . '
(Journal Special Service.) ,
Chicago. May : 4. Charlea Mountain
ha- ga Ined sv- lead of -1 1 pins in -the
first 11 gnmes of his 10-gam oonteat
with Phil Wolf of St. Joseph. Missouri.
Th acora In th J5 games was Moun
tain S.llt, Wolf 1,100. ' v
. - . ... Bom &o Mother.
"Consumotlon run In our famllv. and
through It I lost my mother," write E.
B. Reld. of Harmon v.. Id.' "For th
past five yeara, however, on th slight
est slga of a Cough or Cold, I have
taken Dr. King's New Discovery fof
Consumption, which ha saved me from
hertoua lung trouble." 'HI mother s
death waa a sad Ins for Mr. Reld, but
he learned that lung' trouble must not
be neglected, and how to cur It. Quick
est relief and cur for roughs and cold.
Frlc 60n and $1.00; guaranteed at Bel
Cross Fhsrmscy. BlxWt ahd Oak streets,
on th war td th Dostofflc. Trial bot-
Badianc.! ' - - - . " . I '- T - , -V . . -s . -f-
cow te popalarttr . ( . ' , .
"kin ta SaadraaT ttawBa.'' v
I OOIXnG ! I "GONE 1 1 1
It ' Ta Lata gai, '
slight saewladg e( seal esatemy te kaew
that the- hair gets lis Bewrlekaaea -dtraet
froat th halr-p411e. - Th,r, !, the wmiy
rational traatsMai la as destroy ,the eaue
of the dlaeaa. ' Harpfelae daae thla; It
rerea dasdrntf, stops (alUag hale- aad .
naves Ttctuns. A sensninu aau ai
Olvas estraordlaary eaewlta. . Try It.
J)o Yon Patronize the:
NewYork Dentists'
Jfjfou Don You Should
Oool teeth' ar essential to proper
Without good teet,h there cannot b
af ASTICATIOBT ,- - . -
Without thorough mastication thr
- cannot b perfect. .
Without perfeot dlgetlon ther annot ,
- be proper - --' .,
iiinauno . -r1-..
W ithout H
not be
sTPTmiTIOsf , - ,
Without nutrition ther cannot -
BTfJ AXTat '" ' :'... :
Without hsalth what 1 ' ' - '
UPslt - , - - -:
Call and consult a reliable and oom
petent specialist In Dentistry. -
....fS.OO -
n t... ..... 5.QQ -.
... ;7........ii.oo
shiTms rmjsTcis . . , . . . ...... ..spgr
lew York
Dental Parlors
:f ourtti and Morrison Sts.-
'Open day and nlghC from 2:19 a. ma;
to. 10 p. m. f .
tt Third "BtjfsarsVrri:;: Bhrtrflrnksw,
Whether h goes by land
or sea, the traveler will find
It a delightful trip to San
Francisco, where he should
stop at -the world-famed
- Palace Hotel
and enjoy Its many attrac
tive features. For fuller
Information writ . to th
Palace, or ee
"-- - r. ' p. . "aTasaxT-.
at the Portland -Information
and - Booking - Agency,
Hotel Portland. . . .
Hotel Eaton
-CotMr.Jf errlsoa U Vast Yark itraet.
Waiidsuaiulp ui ii
d, elagsnUi HUl'
reproof. Ave minutes' walk from heart at
ahopplng and bnalnses dlatrlct, all large,
alrr. ootald room, staaat heated, eleetrl
llfhta. 1-l-phon in sack apartment etc.
Large offlres. kmnglng.. smoking. . writing,
ladles' recaption perlore. Uoome isaacvad
br mall or telepbon. -Prlvau
emsPjaa meets train and ataamsra,
RoontM $I.OO to fS.OO a Day
- - Special Bate t Commercial Mra.
(FoSmerly ef Hotel Bedpatk, Spokane.)
' O. W. W. BJ BIT. CO. .. .
Hotel Estacada
Lodging snd Breakfast ..$ l.JB
Hoom ana ooara per umt. ......... ...... I on
Kooa snd board per week....... IS. 00
Room snd hoard per weak (twe Personal, is.oo
Breakfast- .,y,.''i. .......t, . .BO
IjOttrheoa ......... ............,....... ,ni
Dinner -. : .76
lldrea under' T years and servaate, half
A special ticket Including trolley nips sad
dinner. 81.78. .
- A specter - ticket, including -trolley tr!n
mw.A Amm'm hnA.A MRA. '
Tlrketa oa aaie at tna company's office.
nmai ajto Axssa ituiti. -'-
Phone or writ Tj. . MAHTINei. Manacer.
We Ar xeloaiv Waog and Goal fgsa.
If rou ar looking for fin, drv wruui.
A No. I quality at low prlo. just, look
ovr.4hea figure and call us up.
fry lr.-p oord.,...,,, ; . . v,fS.Ts"
Dry Oak, pe ord, ...... .,.''.:.Io
2ry Ash, peg oord....... 1. .itUM
W make a specialty of Bawed Wood,
and all leading brands of OoeO.
Phon Main 110. 43 Bvsrett St.
. mwrro i woinn ana xnirteanth.
la the worst disease
earth, yet th eaaleat
te cure WTlgN- 100
Many asvs pln
pi's, spots en the
kin im. I. ' wm
nvmrti ,mm ,.ti,n.
hair, bean, pains, ea
tarrh. and Ann'i
Seed te DH. BBOW!,
W Arc at. rhllartelphla. Paan., for BROWN'S
8WMID. Cl Rf.illJIO M bottl.7 laat
month, gold In Poriland onli br Frnnk Maa.
Tl fit. 1 1 1 All 1 1 ITV -
llieilllAliOMIII .
ymplre -pauswlu ,
Per Uaad Ho(al ruuaa
T !; I'". :
Z":' -tS. aWMaV-if f.