The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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. i ;.
. v
Journal ' 4
Branch Offices
ADTElTMEHrirTr will he received
t rrru&r Bala crnr ratra at tee -following
plaree ittjant to Tbs JosrBal
la tima far psbJlraliba te tb Ban lasusi -
; .. , -. V VOBXK.- m' "T-TT
, A. rVeotoa". ttgglat..l3d Bad Thar.-"
MIU pitfSft-Cll strse-.--
eornar !liL . ..
A. W. A.b-nr pharmafwf.TSTtt nd "'
B. H. Jack. eoereetlae-ecT. BOB waaa-
lagto sirest,. ronwrxWU.
.. , ... mvtb.
Bad Ctbh street. . ' - '
. Csttoi Drug Company. First Bad I4""1
.. streets- .- '..i
.-". XAJT KM.
Tattle's Pbsrmscy. M Mississippi svo-
bus. corner cuavac : street, -irt:
SlchaJa TawaM,' 1-ts itaesell tttl
nrwr Albloa aeeBuej. '
Janets Drug - Company, wf Kaw
thorns and Grand imww. '
J. A. Dick, tobaccoa, 224 Crosby Isaat-
SBVsiaBt mi - ... .
A 4 UM.tta. .oprcc-ioncrr, "
BornsTil-ej uorBtrTBIo
oak, tobacconist, 132 "Uraud "
J. K. Worts, pharmacist, ta bcisbbbx
"r" ookit.-; "
nfcrookljn Pharmacy, corner PowaU and
llllwsakta streets. ;.
Mmm Caat SIX
"ni to frow MliawirL"-
IN tha ontr ort of tba atata ot "JTJ0
P" """ ""'.. .H Willi. IB
- Incham, aonre-iia"aiu"
.U.mllnibiin, datctania. .
1V Harry E. Nortbnp. "i"'!
ria Vallaairh.bai and- WWUiuaUa
- Inanani to datwdanta at nanaaU. and
. - all othrra unknown or non-raloBW, If any
aK-k-4bUL be. who r belra or dTlaaaa of
' Bajanln FrCktoo, dccaad, w IM'iriWd
aSi.'ama of theTireftnBi"-rtJ jn4 jeolr4 to . W--
'lit ponntwl or ibo m. T.".Tv
liultnaoiab couniy, ai in
. -. a 'A mi In ttia forauooB Of tbat dal
7f. than' and thera to abow cana. If bbt thara
" ba. why tba probata of that cartaln wrltlr.
1 - JropnTtin. tobTha laat will of Banjan, n
r. Caton. daceaaad. barofor o tba lotb
day of Utrch, alwad 1b aaid Boort.
' ab.rald not ba yacalad. rokad and annalled,
-'aiiibBiHr BjHHiia ib'land nal I ta ba lha laat
-i-" will of tba aald Bcnjumln t. Caton. depenBad.
Wrtnaa mr band and tha aaal of aald aourt
haratofora afflx.d tbls Wtb W P.
B. JB00V
Sanl of Conntr Coort.
r. m. FIELDS.
of Multnonab I
Ooantrc Orrroa, -
hriwnT hit ! HartVTKntOR. Waablnr-
tan. . April in. un.--rwair v'VT-'-J
- bob. Ura.u and, JarkBOB. aoolhpulara
Alaa.-(- t-nr rral-ocr at Elkwock.
VrlnrB of Wlaa and ebakan. aoutb-
-aaalira- Alaaka and for acboolbouaaa wllb
taacbara' mtdaixm attacbad t l bo
-tba JrrcHe cuaat. Bad Jlalnea and Kaka. In
- aootbaaatara Alaaka.-wlll ba rBcalaad at ma
rt-partnwDt nnlll t o-clock P. B.. eaiuroay.
rJune 10. 1WJ JiiJ till t Ibtw
kli-ly tban-aftar. la tba preaaooa of au-b bld-
-propajBl. attbraclnc "auacliMtloBB. aaay ba
aara aa may w an a b bito: o'"
Jit. tba . cltj of .PortUnajflL tldcoontx , "aiTr all rtronle- rttaaaaM. WwrrVar ipull
. ThMrmUy, tka lTdaf -of , JEs aT 1 . . ancaa, bana.-balla. ilaadqttartera m lat.
vbufnad on apphVatton- o-4ba- dapartmant,
- r to tb oamnilaalooar of education, wbara
..drawtaaB abowlnc datalla any ba Inapactad.
""""PlnBB-oBd BBBdAcatloDa twalf .klao ba aaaa
. and ubuluad froav Prof.- William Ar KH at
Biik. (i..i.; at JuDeaq and JPuil" from
J.latimtoB-f. Janaa of JaaaaM. bb4 am tba-.
'moactlTa fnttad I 8UtM cpmmlaaloBara at
i-i-KetcblkB. vwraill, 8kiway, Hawardj tad
-1... Valdaa. Alaaka. J. E. A. Hltcbcock. Bacratary.
J40TW-o dlaaiilutbia ut bwi iBwabtB. Wottra
, . - (a baraby glran that tha partnership barato
for aylatlna; ptwaa Jub Gta tu$JiM,-
"TWaad. 4ida4ka rm nama ttfthv . A M.
t-T. BottUnt Company, baa baaa XHaaolrsd by
mutual content; and all' tha boainnaa. debt
- and rradlta of aald ' firm ara. aaaumcd and
anrraadrd by ioba Oaafan. -
Data tbla SVtk -day of April
7'. - ---v-JOHJI OAliEN,
B. K. BlbVAl). .
WI-Brtll-TlTrdt tho offlca
of tba
. - .iPraaldeot.. LbwIi and CI
laiT ExnualtloB -enm
nany. until Friday. May fi, fir the conalruc-
linn of aoBtaon opsealts rtorarauiMit penln
. aula, for iba pnrpoaa of a-bnatlaBdlna. Plana
and npieWcntloBB - tha- of fleas of director
pf worke, Oakar Ruber, Director of Work.
KD. D.' Ct'KTIS. K. R. .. IBOt B. IStb at.
' CIL'R raatomara ar bereby BOtlllrd tbat TrycTa
Jokaaaaaan la mo longer In -nor aoiploymaBt
and la not aatborlaed to repnaaeat na In any
- capacity, ,, CLOS8KT dkvjubs.
-BIDS wanted aa, frdlnr atraata la Jackaoa
Place, IUwtborna and Waat area.; abaot Bt.-
0"0 yerda of dirt to ba mored. HpaclocatloBa
at offlca of Af B. Jackaoa, room t, Hamilton
fcETIBO Boner.
- 1.
IdB Kor-ii K. P bald BTery Tnea
iay TaalBt Bclock.blaruuam
birliain. V lei tore ara ordlally lo-
&ITbowM c ft--
1 is fa iongef Dominat-
ing-Factor. , ."" 'TT
(Joarnal Special gcrrlre.J " '
- Boaton. May I. Tha next roan to
v follow Oould In rlgnm from tn dl
rBctorata of the Vnlon Paptfle will b E.
' - H. lla'rrlman. Hie reBignatlon nee not
ba expected within a, week, - poafclbly
within a month, but It will come, aa
thera r gooA reason for Baying that the
C man who waa the real head of the IJnlou
Faclfla two monthe bgo i Tijt the real
: ' head today. Two weeka agohe predhr-
tlon wan made that wheh the amoke of
U" battle cleared away from th Northern
BecttrttlfSBvUnlon Pacltle' fight, Jt would
be found that Morgan. Hill, Vanderbllt.
4 V Rockefeller,-Frtck. .Baker, Rogera and
feltlllman wera on one aide and Harrlman
and-Bchlff -we--o - the other. - The
' foroea today, are lined up aa here atated.
T e.oerrt that Bchlff haa gone back -.on
HarTtman.. "
Amtr-Harrlman wanta to fight Hill, he
' " Will be obliged to- ctmduot the fight
" unaided. . The othera have arrived at the
:' Foncluaioar that there la room enough In
" " the - bualneaa - for -all, -and - Harrlman'a
former aaaoclatea believe that Mill win
, - "beiat them to dtatU'?-4ni caea ot a rail
'. road flfht,
Harrlman la deeperately working to
' mrt every available proxy for the union
' Faclfle meeting of May (. 'He haa aent
foup repreaentatlvea te get proxlea for
one large block, which waa ft rat offered
Morgan and declined. Harrlman, who
;vwaa a seller of Northern Securltlea at
. J polnta above present price, la , now
, burixi it naca. r -'.; ; .
i -Republican candidate
-. ' - tor nonjlnatlon,
i'''V 1::.T aMjauj 1bI CJtUMrtiOBV" - -7r
"y, " r From the Buffalo Newa.
1 v A man who went to church lo Phila
delphia met the nilnleter'a daughter
there, and Jtow-be la- tnarrfed ti her.
' And atlll the question' la asked, AVby'-do
o fsw man fot hurchl .. , -'u.
Cither I ar Feaad UnMM
word (or It eeets." eaoa.
mv i-idu' hnntlB.eBes gold .watch. In-
,.-41vd '-4it to Irak." Mark fob Willi heart
attached, wi Oak at.. VI. Fifth" Bud Sixth,
Liberal reward return IKS Weat Park,- .
l st 1-adr'e mill watch ind fob; watch
I k.jiku'ni mv: no stem: probably
bt oa Iwland iirignta; raw . "
Mark at. ana receive rewara. ,.
LOST Vmbrella with bona kandla and sllvsr
sottlM. .o Woodstock or Richmond car. stop,-
I-4a-fWtBooa, - Wiaa-PM-a.'---"
aU1 reiuriird aun day;
Phone Mala
Portland Curled lialr factory.
I W 1 1 I . ha Uil. f r.ini U 1...,,rl . K
BattUOM aiwawar Hrnio . " ' '
I' M. cara ' Journal. - . -
Notice to bereby fleea to tbBiBteebooldoie
jk. imkr Itilt mod 8uHraa klluluB and
Coneenrrarlnc fompany (an Oregon eorporjtloe
baring I'.t principal oraca at tsa ltij m rm
land. OregoB). that a apaclal Bieetlug of tba
atockkoldera of aald company will ' oa - DalB
at Ita principal otnee. nooma co. pi-oua .naoi
bar of Pooiniarea Building. In the'Clty of Port-
land." Oregon, on Wadooaday, the
af II
ikimir tub nnur nr
la tna- liieniam. for tha following purpii
laltWr .a ad set anon a contract aumorraea
Hoard of tlMraatora to bB-BBtarad-aat
corporatloa with tba Taooma Smelting
i abaraln and whereby U to- aaraad
that tba Bunker Hill and Hulllrau Mining and
Ooneentratlng ..Compaay . ahall dlaposa of tba
product of it niinra for a perlpd vf yeare ta
aald .Tacoma Smelting fompany, and to eon.
aider and act npon eorh other mattera tiertalnlng
to aald contract, lie terine aao. cvmiiiiooa, km
to transact aaeb '-otaerr btwtaess as ar eoate
nerore aaiu meeiing.
a.tlna la called sad this notice to (leva
aa reqttlred by the
H.atd I't lllieelna of aald
ainiuDf if rneetlnr thereof duly - eat td
gad-baid aa tba BevenOrTltty of April. Ueua,
add la due ' aeeordanea with Bactioa . of
Article IX, of tha By-lawe of aald eompaay.
Dated at Portland. Oragoa, thla savaBtb day
af April. r. HOIJIAN.
Secretary of tba Bunker Hill aad SaUlvas
Mining and concentrating ur-mpany. -
- WAB"!
A!tT Intelligent person may 'ears good Income
XorreauoBdlng lor newapapcra; aaperienca n-BM-eaaary.
Saud for sarUcular. Praas Syadl
jcate. Hons, bd. lockpiirt. N. V,
COMPrrETrrblcycTeTePBlrBian. one' WloTi
eiperlenced and . can. do oraaini. gooo, eeria
lor Tigni-man.- tji nw am. v.- ...
Bralnard Co. Haad btb.
WANTED Ma who thoroBgbly-. nnderstanda
spray noule. M. O. Morgan, STO kUlwaukla
at. Pbona Eaat SdlT. r
WANTED A painter n work by the day oa a
BCHoWl, of telegraphy Bad electricity; pupils
wanted; also poaltloes waatea ror grsauaioa.
3uo Flrat St.
PKTaXnVtH Mea to learnsWe. guarantee.
work to our pupils. K atu, zo Horrisoa iu
WANTEI AnprrnOcB.-- li
flran Co..
lentb -at. -
WANTK1V-A flratlam plumber.
Jlpply . at
na . Helmont St.
Brrr waitt:b rznAii.
20 ttlkU. wanted to learn th MW'Twewtletb4-
.raniun 'I'alUe. aeatemL isaoat- oerfeet- and
simplest ajBtem 1r the worldxJSiW eamleee
jralaui wita. stt: me nmmimaa, pw, e" a
era I agent, Mrs. M. B. Miller. &tf Mala St.
WANTEI t.lrt or woman oa aslsds and meata
- la .dellcataaaea (tore; must bare eiperteiWe
or don't apply; Torenoona ool;l, per day.
tt4 .-North KUth.
UANAOEB aahtry loan fiffl'-ei axperlcnced wOjl;
Udy. or gentleman, Addreaa P 8T, JournaL
WANTEftfllrl of atmnt IB year to earn fof
I .m.n -hlM Call SUA -Bldwali aaa aallwooA.
WANTED Good, competent person for geBeral
housework. - Addresa P ya;-ere Journal.
WAbTEB Eiperrjaced
Laundry t o.
WANTED tady or gentleman foe a -reaponalbls
poeltua; food aalary.. Nor !!40 Third St.
holsaala. and retail aasarlenco
beat referenceai atnaii towa prererreo. .
Littler. ea3 Washington St.. Alblnay, Or.
WANTED-JCartooa work by young cartoonist;
prices In reach of all. Address Eddls Heed,
HoeebOTg. Or. ... - . "
WANTED A position by an tnduatrlons boy
for. vacation: refereoree glren. Address C.
A. JariMa, 1S77 fcitee at.r
VOl'NO man want posltloB as grocery clerk,
, retail or wholesale., A. 8.. ears Journal,
yot'NO mas of S3 wants -work of any
kind. ' Address 21. ears Jom-sat. -
wot'NO aaaa Butt, position -ae-efBea-elcehi
egperlenced. ' A. 8.. cars JoarsaL
WANT rongk carpenter work,
csre Journal.
Address P 20,
'rrVATtoiri wirnrj-rtMAXE.
A RESPECTABLE snd Indnetrloua widow with
--baady byi 18 yfsea eld, aula plat's IB Wffft
- In small or widower a ranillr; no otiiertton to
LLaaburb.aesr school, . .Address. P Dd. JournaL
LADY, refined, eiperleoced, desires, employ
ment la tha capacity of agent, solicitor,
dVmooetratnr or as collector for. firm la vtey.
Address P 89, csrs JournaL
EXPEBIHts't-EO cbamnermald would ilks posl-
tlou laroomlsg jar, boarding bouaego honial
- lilgbta; weat aide. IT I r et l'rk. riM.m a
" tuuiie Pity T18.
GIKL would Ilka position la bakery to .do
. cleaning up, weat Bids.' 171. West Park .St..
- room 25. - Ppodb Clay 718.
EXPERIENCED girl. 14 years old. wanta work
carlug for amall rblld. afternoons. Address
ISO Sherman at., Portland.
Real - sstste, rooming bouses sad business
ebsaeea specialty. 27ft Bornalde. Msla BOSS.
Remoeed ta 1H North BsooBof St. Pbbbs
Bed 1M. ' -
M N. SaeoBd at. Phone Mala lSSS.
PIONEEit' EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eoatraa.
tor aslp -tree employers, 3 Marrtsso,
HELP -wanted and vnpnlled, mats sr femsle.
R. C. DRAKE. H Waahlngloa St. Ctoy 446.
H- Blshed--fre! IftS Klrat at.- loa Mala 1S1T.
1FA MORRlS0NColumbta Rleer Emp. agrneyi
skilled labor 'furnished. Pbona Main 32H3.
STREET men, attention If looking for the
beat-eelllng article on earth, with oeer S0
per eeat.pesat, call ar address 411 Eaat Ninth
t At., south. '" . .- J
Ws want Srst-rlasa fai 1 1bd room, Bti
, vats rssldenes preferred. See as at snre:
ws sre closing eur Hat; ear guests will pay
. top rates for Srat-elaaa sceotnnxidatloB:
we charge a smsll commlaslod and send yna
. MmII.m MnBle honk ronr rooeia Mfiw with
h HrC, Bowers,, Portland Hotel, or tbs Lewie
1 A Ctork Hotel C-.. 1.1S SUth St.. Oregoniaa
I' 1 bldg. Psoas MS a zb. r-. .
tOOMS In all parts af the city", tarnished.
Apply 220 Ooodnoiigii bldg.
Usder- direction of the Lewis aad Clark Fair
Corporatlos, ,
rboas MalVfBj ;
BOOM eotet 1 all parts of cltfl we da net
retst - yt4jr rimma. we scad yea applicants.
I.ewls aitd . lark rnraiabed -Jtoom Amorls-
tioa. ii north mate au
W A ft T F. I rlmia, of f or S ton ma be Jane lj
-ennple; ao children: permenent. 4T1 Moe
nana li. rbaas JUla -4JSS, .
body IrBBer
The Journal's Lewis
" rVi '-Il ' ' vs i
1 : " .... . . ;.. -. . i
i ONS TE FOR. . . . ............ . . . . , . . . . , , . . , , . . . . . .
a-3POSTO F F 1C R :-Tfl'-r 9 "" .',''",,, VS."? V..V'i-. i'aj""""
NOTE Thirxtmpon will not tcountefrunless the perions named '
' is property nominated. If not nominated, nil but nomination
,. v bunk auid send in wttn coupon.
r -
1 T. 1 If U BMaaB. M " il I II i 1 i 1 1 -
iJ-Poa; rr-
continued for a While Afterthe-Issue"
iVAKTnri Ta rant oa ' hue a amall eottara
BaajldaAoflreaa 0 29. cars JourBaU
WANTED Lot or bouse andjot most-be cheap
roe caan, Aoareaa xi, care ouroai,
WANTED To borrow t2,tV0 on well Improred
Portland Burarnap. real estate; nraj-ciaao aa
eiirlty. Addreaa Q 1W, earo Journal,
WANTEDJdorf r totsjlbf AodrblUwsblngi
tha only tssollue coiupreeaed air apraylug
' oulflt bn Uia coast. M. U. Morgan. A Co., SIU
tlwBkl ohoB- BsskalT, -
WANTED -Estlmsts J sod 2-story brick bnlld
Inga, - to be built Roaebtirg; - plsns at Md
North Blxteenth St. O.. W. Hooeer. Portland.
WANTED Second-band carpet la good, condi
tion (not Ingrain) from prlrate family; rea
" aonabla pries. Pboos .Esst 8130. .
WANTED Rooming bnuae 12 or IS roome;
moat be gwd. . resemishlff slid wlft lease; Bo
agents. Inqulrs 243 Plftb at. ' .
SHORT OBDER Printing Hoasar. J. Ryder,
Second and wsniugtoa sis. main ooao.
WASTEDChailengeB - forbsjjeJ)all. Adrtraaa
Wllllatua Aeenue acbsol
Obb iBSsrttoa fat this alaasiasatloa, rats
words for 1 oasts.'-' -
THE LINDA VISTA Blcelf furnished bnasekeen-
Ing snd slngis rooms resaeoaoie. . aim una.
THREE furnished . housekeeping rooms erer
looklng rieer; rent ltf. 164 Cherry St.
-y0 BENT rrBJlI8HXD B00MS.-
621 Wsalilogtun. baC Mneteentb gbd Twea
tieth; new, modern, all outside rooms, elec-
--llghts. pnone. rreo nataar om: iom fr-prr
dsyi rstsBbywssk; raatauraol la eassmeBC
I T1g unmnnTMp- atlt glrat st, slngis
-rooms from si to 13; lurulabed bouaekeeplng
suites from II. 78 to $3 per week; rooms par
atfht. BOe and aoet-tourists aaltdtea.
BOOMS. 12.80 week; best la tbs city; every
thing Bew; hot snd cold water, bath, etc.!
Wthweet corner SeTenteenth and Overton.
priBiiJttI ED bonaekeeplrf sulles. AS' uprl
. , . . k I ... 1 .1 h. I , . . - OrtlA.
iranaieni inu wiu. " . .......
lbBB-AHBB-BBr-- a-BOOO ta niawr-
MAHOUAM HOCBB. 145Uj Stb Booms aarsutte
or single: bouarkeeplng rooms; gss stores,
bath, electric lights; tranaleata solicited.
FOR BENT Nicely fornlahed rooms, with ot
. without board; right oa car Hoc. 282. East
Seventh, corner Hawthorne.
nished and unfurnished bouaekeeplng rooms;
'edging. Pbona Scott 364.
WELL furnished bouaekeeplng apartments; light.
front rooms; good location; aomeuse. da
With St. T-rr-'"-
TUB GLADSTONE S12H Sseler St.. furnished
rooms; ' aaacr siw bioii, rm
ssasbls. .. ' s' "'
NICELY fornlahed rooms, with phone, gas bsth.
92.80 per wees sno op. aew aai.vrwn.
CLEAN, cheap fornlahed roome and loagings.
048 Klgnteentu at., o omcaa trwiu pvvuim
rSEWLY-fumlahed front rooms, 12 per week.
Madlaon house. 208'4 llsdlsutt Bt.r torr First
CHEAPEST sad best located rooms In Portlsad,
1 1 week Bp. unman, rnai ira aiuw aia.
NEW, cleaa beds, 50c per night.
era st.- '
S38 rUad-
. ii , iS,a
fot;ff (J men. If-yea went to based sad rosm
a a permeaeat and flrat-etaas bravs where
rates ara rtceedlngly liw; and will remain
the same Beit enmmef a they are Bow, call
at the Aster Tloose, 2T1 Seveatb St., corBar
- f Madlaon. Tel. Main 2S1.
KLKOANT sccoromodstlons. rates by day, week
or moBtb; dhihig romn :- prices right. The
-- IrvUg, eue. lsih -sad Irving Mala 6420.
THE I.INDELL New fsmliy hotet; Market, bet.
Third snd Fourth; bteetn beat, electric light,
" porcelain hatha; eiceedlngly low rates. ,
FIRST-C1.ASS room snd board. 4.1 per week.
- IM2 Clayr-near Fifteenth. Phone Main Attn).
iob mmT tNyumjiiSHiD books.
ONE or two ronms, fnntlshed or aafurnlabed,
vert reaaonable; -private family. Apply Stl2
Tillamook. n ,
-. A -
ros xrirr hotels.
FOR RENT Stores snd hotel containing 111
outnloe ronma, an Twenty-etith at., facing
mala entrance and exit af lwla and (lark
-- fab. 'Appte-to B. M. liombard. R1 Chambor
ef Commerce, or 402Vs Tweaty-slstb at.
TO LEASE Eltgant. Urge dlnlngrnnm. nndr
sifloin nmei; bar. location rne rair business,
T treat y-serentb and Tbutataa Bis. " y
and Clark Contest-i
Before MAY 9
; - .
H I- ' - '- . r-' i'
FOR BENT 8 seres ot land, all .In -cultiva
tion,. East FortT-Uilrljnit Section JUae: foai 1
ZW. G.'- BecTu. 307 The Fa IHu. ' I
FIRKT-CLA-tS -restaurant In good location;
brick building: terma entirely reasonable;
..AnuljL a t aboraUnteL. tt-s4 -Ber-BBd- Bast H.
' A ah. BNIUiOHrHtH
. poeea; near.' fnlr- ',groufid
" North - Tw-wfty-tlrat atroet.
Inquire at S0
8T0REROOM3 and bimlneaa apacea to rent at
"fair groundaTTSTTraTrh" and Tburtnan.
234 V,
I MMma linMlah-ri .Inu In til. I' Farm.
8 rooms, fnrnlabed! bargain! - T
10 rooms, furniehed. bargain. "$ri
; Good sslnnn priiioiilttitii gl.isai. "
- Other, good bargains Hi bualneas ehasces
. Also choice farms If. taken aoon
rERTILB soil, purs water, delightful ell mate:
land of alfalfa, annleaaod clover. For full
f Informatloa- adirress tba ' Columbia Boutbara
Irrigatla Co.. 63 Worcester block, fortune.
FOR SALE H Interest la a paying business; 1
- pajJx jpost Bivs 4.ono nr to invest;
C a good propoaltlon to right party; mait bo
either a workman or a aabwnan. Address
Wattr Marble Works. The Dali-a.T)r. '
A LADY or geotlftnan who baa a smsll smount
of mnaey to Inrrst as a partner to attend
. to of Acs bualneaa setting from 50A to fl.CnO
and upward per month. Call 23s North Sixth
at. Pbona Main 2620.
5'lLti Jejura yoa.tha ,w.
er, le'
notlcaj. trai
ae ana gi
ve you B half- lnter-at
In the bualneaa: 1 ftimlxh tools and outflt
yoa furnlah capital.' AddrvaB BOH Ufaad ave.,
Portland. Or. '
HALF- Intereat lit good IrybuTneeB; food
re; chcan rent. ' rrnae- mr-sate mr - bti
milk we can produce- buyer ran take charge
of same.
I'bona f rom xu.
men little acowbonae. hrand nrwr Inat the
tiling for Borne man who wanta cfaap room J
cwvaeTO rair grounaa, so; aiyiii. van. a., r
Hood, 62N Tburuun St.
S4O0 takes paring bualneaa; confectionery,
cigars, light groceries; living ronma, 6X1
FOR SALE Snburhan store, oa car Una, doing
- fin to aw per any; ruin, or nugnt msuuuu
"fill1 lu-sll limb. AllFuXl t SU. care Journal.
MILLINERY and notion store, fine location,
trade, living rooms snd rbesp rent; pries SMw.
- It Is worth 1.000. Call lost First st.
A BARGAIN Good bustness sltnsted on Mt.
Scott car line. Inquire st Kern Psrk stors.
Price $1,000. Poatof flee, Arleta. - '
FOR SALE Restsursnt and lunch room; -rent
Said to Mny 2.1; bargain If taken st oni-e.
a Nor Second -St. .
FOR SALE H doecn colonies of honey bees.
'Inquire of J. W. Booth? K25 Kerbs st city.
BKSTAt'RANT snd Ice cream parlor en MoT
rlaon at.; cheap rent. Phone Main 47M.
SMALL lunchroom; snap for right party, Ap
ply 3-aH4 Irving at., near t'nlun itntloa.
BEST locations fnr fair buiinea
Tburmaa st. , -
Csll at 270
Plsoos snd fnrultuas moved promptly by ax
perleaced men. 410 Third at. Mala lege. - ,
IWT-Tl BNT 8-mom, ' fnrnlabed cottar Shel
burne ststton. Seav1e, for month of Anguat.
Addreaa B 128, Pccttyman avo.r Mount Tabor.
FOR JtPMT A small, 4-rnom eottagn on 444
J!ait Elrrentk at, Inaulrai
7nl Chanitier Bt tommerce,
FOB, RENT -d-room boose. rompletBly fur
niehed, 120 per month. Pbona F.ast 2o27.
ri'RNITt'liR of nicely- fiirnlshM l-ma cot
tsgs for. ssls, bou.a fof rent, 4 blncks from
Wsablngbm-Btr- tlOT-SS North Eighth it.
BOOM HOI UK. furniture for sale (loo. Rent,
ft. Call week day after 4 o'clock at 2uS
- ftol
orfb Tenth street.
Dl-KOOM beans for rent, furniture for sale;
cheap If taken by lbs lat; long lease. 863
'West Meeelaoa. BL . i
S-ROOM honae furnished for roomers, SliUi.
HatflHld A Smith, 16,S FonrW st. Room :I2.
FOR BALE Ooed express
Westers Feed A Fuel Co.,
Ullaaa and-Hoy t- , -
wagon. tunlra
oa Front St., bet.
FOR SALH Ftrst-rlesa, heavy, aooae-neck, one
horae truck. Address. W. S. 1 Wood A Co,.
,-Vas.wiver. Wash. i . -
STEAM wood'ssw. team and wagon at s
, bargain. Apply st 2: Olblat st. ',
.. ' -
FOR SALE A good work boras, at 1122 Laloa
Adeortuomaata parumug ta Bosl EotBta, eaa
time rale '! words tor le. seats."
L Are yoi pacing renll if su, why so? - II
rwlll pay yuu lo kk thees up. I won't bsvs
rnenj . joiui-. Bl'Sil ut, aurut :ai wwmr prv
T room Dome, I iMtindale. t TT.T, ,.'.,'. .11. JoO
K-roHO rotluve, ilcno-e Park i V fy!
6-ruum outfit-u, Alt. 1'abor y. ;
4- ronm cliKJl'uwc:'fraviv.;'...''. .". '('-,n
6-rwuiit ottage,o ert. Tract J11"
5- rouu bouiw, Hawthorne Addition l.auu
cr ft. THUMI'SOXaJtOiltb i -
13 --TblrtTBL-l'houe klalu B2.
l oeatlonary-WHiiBHatid; euncrets baaemsBt, gee
aod "electric i:tfhw, ruruHce; nouer iu,vu.
uu uaatry, lurge bedrooms with closets In
each, woud eleeuior, sukiwu-y wssbtubs la
basement; on Cnlon ito. ear lnse, nu mlu
nti.BtiWi nr good schoot lawn, strceU
Liiroud: buuea r" open for inapection.
rH or lntlliuenu. iSUUtrs uwurr.
btemler. IXt lbird at., or at residence. it
Luiua-aia. uurih, one blue suutb uf buusca.
PBOl'KRTV OWNKltH-As kn lnduceniBtit to
.. auruca up l.t the fair. 1 will receipt of Sue
eend full directions for mnklng and applying
Contacts I'.Hit; Jiwt iUa-uarnr TJiitbuUd
inaa. raiiaA-av-aBiriuik aurtaceat luaterlal can
r"1i .obtained anywhere; coutalua no lime; l-
lm aa ctieun and will laat a llietiuie, nrai.
GOOD business and resident real eitate cheap
tor eah In thriving town 4 miles from Port-
Isnd. on rnr line: water mnlns In streets,
patof'F-an:lT; pnblltr TrrhooT Bore.'- Cflme snd
Kiott cttr, Jamea Cunulngham,
20 OR 40 aires, 20 mile from Portland, part
elesr, sumo Rne Beaverdnm. - no stumps or
-gravel, very -"Bo soli and esay jdrsreu. per
- U. K. and bontlHmllngi why pay j5 to $180
- per acre when you can gat this .at 918 on
-your own terms A'birraa P HI, ' Journal.
BACRlPrt'r) "SALE---Fr !si Immediate csah
sale will aei-rllk-e the. property at tha cur.
t KaaiJWety-nlnth and Belmont sts. ; eon-
ulns 2 tlma, eaiU bating a tuuius na pain
rents 24.80 per mouth. Canb price, l,2ou.
teo,'ge AI, Htrong, lis necoua St. - , ,
FOR SALE 2,74W seres 'of fine green timber
land, within 4 nil lea or Columbia river;, t
room house, Ksst Krerett St.; 10-acre lot st
IjentS-. Improved; houses snd lota oa thA.
tiseiast trrniT, ei. ttuisgae. IZitkTJranif are,,
room 12. - - t-
F0M RALE BeauHfuLl'luU.. r 20.miuutju. oar
iK'rrice, a nii-eka ot car line, city water, una
perfect, price from wi to f itw earn; terme
atv won,, auuu . - i
around. It. 'i barman, geuerul delivery, -city.
FOR SALE 10 acres choice laud. 12 miles from
Portlsnd.v en I table-tor -a Bowo; euaity im
proved, handy to R. -K. eta I Ion, bostlandlng
1 IfvyWx! wO nflst'f ffj arafi .
aildrewa A.-. H.
I HAVB a new, modern. 7 -room house on Ksst
-Thh-t) jih.iuiI stv. north, worth, .!.). in
-"Older to raise n Httle mbney will sell si
(2,100; f too Aab. bal. eay tcrnn. Address
ears Jouruai. . ....
SNAP 'cw, modern, colonial resldetrces, con-
. cretp nssmeiit, hsra riuianed tnrougnout,
00 D INirKSTMBNTCamof aatT fwo'S-room T
booses. Beech and Michigan St .SOOT two
l"t. a ijjui oiiaro t-a-STOom bouss.
"Ptltngee'f; addition. (700, Phono Bcott 64aS.
Kl-'ACBES-ioO- feet from .elcctrlcTlflrsm-n
-rmnfirc; for quick sale snd ia-caah.
: most bare money. Auiires f 34, core Journal.
FOB SALr-On easy tenesv 4 room .cottage;
Bull ILun water, lot 50x100, gldrwalks. streets
7 graded, lblockfxvm .car. CaU st 827 Mil-
- w-r sve., Deiiwoou
FOB 'SALE 5 seres at Lenta, near-ear Hne:
guud -iaro ,and other impeoeemootst- trwiM
mnttinnr bomei tl.&uu. McUrew A Ova.
CANNON'S -sddltlpn offers yoa ths best possi
ble inaocemenie--ror yoa to .ontsin a cnesp
bume. .. Call 3u Mcksy building and obtulB
delalls. .. ... f.i . -
fl,ltsl A SNAP On esayj terms, nlc 4-foota
rnxiaax .ituq. natnroouv-ou--ief aa--er. tee
owner at waaniugton Market, ltz rirat at.
GAKI1K.N TRACTS equal to 6 40-font lots. 110
a- month: Batee piped tor acb tracts electric t
iinsi oe iiw -e, to unio1. no aneriocK uiag.
TW-WW?V-etBmontnr,- buy alr-r plaea f
-STrrarirc7iicken rss4'h.-- flee owner sfter S u.
ax., os-sddrnaa 411 Kaat Tbtrty'fonrth .at.
ftViO TAKKS 2 lots, 2-roora lipase, fence, beau tl.
ful location, in siihurli. - Addroas 411 East
hlrty-foortb- et.tor Ttirt-afTer 8 H.' m. T
NEARLY new 6-eoortt cotuge. full lot, rents
fl.l. near ear line. IIXX llatfirld ft Smith. I
itti-l . ruuria ai anew-ei. -
WANTED 4H fellows to teke up elatm worth
H.ooO each; no ctalraa left In month. Ad
dress P 56,- caea Joarnal- J, .
FOR-HALE 0-ronn) cottage, tnodern, lot fenced. I
iru-tree.- utonrs tb car; caan or terms.
F.. J. Kyder, lotvtB-illa. .- - - ,
FOR 8AI.B or cxrhangs. 11H seres Improved,
1V4 niilea from MontxvlUa-oa- Uao. Inquire
Owner. 414 Belmont.
f(Tll HfVCE Aabousa-and lot ftoxloo; bouse
4 rooni. fruit and rosrbaabes. Apply at V02
. Esst Ninth st.
$1.650 New ' 5-room cottsgs and S large lots
. on cor. Grand are. aad Sharer at. Sea owner,
804 Shaver St. . , . -
FOR SALE g-ronm bnuae rm-carllnsTwIth
acre irun irses, - sic: inquire 201 East
Sixth st. - . .
HOC8KS loillt on esay paymenta;
If desired. 612 Commercial Bldg.
furnlah lot
Main 194U.
BT'ir,rrc6 jljnwet tlrte. ciossla.
eixehauge.. P. p. Bot 216. Portland.
rnii HM.B
for canb.
-tins lot l)B l.t Couch st, chssp
at.l, care aoumai.
B'LLIARD AND POOL tables for rent or for
sale on esev oevmenta.
TlIBJBBiliiiWICK-BALItB CtH-t-entDBireo.,
4U tuira St.. t'ortisna.
WE prl n tyonrnj
Ec,ulfifl, m osiu
20 bueiaeaa- carde, tl.
Brown A Schmals. 22 Flrat. PortUsd, Or,
8,006 CLEANED, old brick at BeventeAitb snd
Everett, for 1 per l.OuO, If taken at once.
Phone Front Aug, A. F. Peterson.
LARGE refrigerator, suitabla for meat mar
ket or saloon, st a bargain It taken at oace.
Addreaa V 23, cars JournaL .
FOR SALE Block of Attachable Ball-Besrlng
. Hub Company stock, cheap. Address. Box So-.'.
'Vancouver. Waah. Ar ii.
FOR SALE R-room hnathntne. well furnished.
wooilbouae snd walka; cheap for cash; foot
c t'lay at.
FOR SALE 12-room, furnished house, all
- ready tor fair; bargain. - Inajulrv S.'K1 Plunders.
CHOICE COLLKCl'ION of 20 Indian baaketa fof
aals cheap. P. 0. Box 240. Portland,
FOR PALE lie! for. fresh. 2 years old; also
Scotch collie ptiis. Phone Scott 92.
FOR MA1.B 7 mth-b cow lit At emdlrln,-wrth
route. Addreaa O 36. cars Journal. '
NEW and aecond-hand eaah register and aafel
esay terma., Atikeny St. ,
A SMALL black and tsa poppy.
Grand theatre.
Louis Toreat)
A LARGE, natural water power, with 4 acres
of land, good location for aaw or gristmills.
Best Hood river. Or. Addresa liartlu Thump-
f Son, - Phedd, Oer ' -
HAVB yoa in titlprored 40-acrt tract within S6
uilb-s of port lii ud to trade for new 6-ronra
bnuae. lot oOxUs, city I -Addreaa u
Jonrnal ln.'e.
WHAT hsrs you to. exchange" for a bnalnesa'
houae. In Oe,ta, Wash.? Cwt fl.WH to-
tmlld. Addreaa B. L. Austin, Vsncoutrr,
' Wash.. 11.. F. D.. Ne, 8.
FINK furniture, S-ronm-bouss. exebsnge for sub
nrhss cottage near ear line. Hatfield A
.Smith. IrtoVs Fourth st. '
MADAME - JOHNSTON-tClslrvoyant. palmist,
. card Vesder: 1 slve . fads rrllahla snd Im-
' pnets'nt on sll sffalrt of real Ufa. Headings-)
80c. as Seventh St., sear oak.
Dlstrlbator or
. , .... F1KI CIOARS.
PertlaBd, Oragoa
BARGAIN Farm ot 107'J seres Al rich lsnd.
21' ailles from Portland. 2 leunt car line i 78
ser-e rich block- loam bottuul Uud, 40. Bora
In floe slate of cultivation, pal. 85 acre
partly cleared and lu pasture; crop coneleie
'al 6 acres -early potatoes, 1' In et .coriu
-Win beana,' B lu wheut, 24. in at, H In
r-veteb snd t Id garden; good 5-rooiu bouiw
and oirtbltHiIlllitil, team horaus, , wogou enu
oarsaaa, V uuu came, una, . n" -.i -
lv.i pkat.v farming ImntcwMBtsi ae atceam
Sow a
a or
place; Sue BablHBV.
I'rliw Jft per
acre, luqulro W
w. s.rey.
i, iiawr
. iiwo bldg.
WHEAT farma for eale by ownera; 00 acres
la cultivation. HO In Cf.p. 'At. JlCIXA AK tli fa
-prpstt' r- WWcTTafibo broken up; 6-ari-.ur.
. cueru: g'KKi nouae Darn- wit whihwuhm,
- R sprlnx and ( creek; this farm yielded
'4.1 biubuls. of "wheal per see laat year and
: tha growing crop indicates a - large .yield
"Ibis year: all ftiici'tL. bog .light-.; ml" 10
: school. J oillo tu church; d miles ay
.dows bill grade ta.iutur, tu wblcb polat lbs
. Columbia Soull.aru railroad will ba running
trains from The Da Ilea by 'July or Augu.t.
Our price, . lucludlug emp, - -3 pet - acre;
term H caab. lletulngwa . Bros., lu
' fur, Or. - - - '-- i -
HAN DNQ; ,M B . ilOMJvJt A Xi J1 V-F A4t MS -
-T10" acres on ltwla river, U miles - from
Woodlaud; 80 acres bottom. S seres plowed.
.- scn-s alaahrd, log bouas, auiau osra
cbran at fl..'UHI.
- ao ai'ira nil tuui iv ruaa. x mues iromxiown.
lo scree alaehird and aecded. Ill acres timber.
4-riKisf house, fair bam. good , ureharU. 20
crea In crop: price fl.lKMl. . .
HlNTINU'lHlN ft Ht'BHKLL, Kelso. Wash. .
go At'RKO" fto sues crcsred'tn rrop,- ltt"seres
Wuodlot 2U STes stilimv lidnture. 2 good or-
hsrdt gooiT liuua-S.- barietsti-Bur1ullilliir1'. 'l
' runnMfB wster, wster pipea to noiiae atiu oarii.
: 2 boeaes, hsrneaa. S wagons, 1o cows, cream
srparstor, luipleuiejiUi; ,llt- mile w-rattroad
station, poitoirice, school, on level road, 1
. hour by railroad from Portia ud; 211.700. , Ad
dreaa Ed. Carlaen, Deer Ulaud, Or. -
EASTKKN Oregon wheut farma for s.l", or will
- exchsnge for potleud "property. Wo bsve
, l,u. tot of wheat land In bhorman. (ill-
Ti tlnrvoiv sollllllwai Ueew-J
-sell cb esay teruie. or will take city prop.
erty lu psn psymenw mooro d.,
784 Juhiuoa St.,
phone Msla bbltt.
24 '4 ACHES. 24 In. cultivation, H scro good
good road, nearby all klnda af ...frulU 3
- lunar, good 8-room bouas. good -wster asu
windmill, S wllcm-aouthaast from city Ituilte
of Portland: will make terms. Address JL
-Longfby, MllWAiiAle. JJr.eswBer. ...I. J
FOR KAI.EFsrm -eeheletlng of :.4fU acres
Aiti ' L...I m..A ta nu Am 1 11 1 4
: IneaaoW. natanco paamre laua;-irriKei'on.aja-
rm theplac and plenty of watrrr .lao
eu neau oi (aide, i mjm .m m "'-
Implements; -Plaos. Is well .Improved- - Write
or call st place. Paulina, Crook county.
Orcjp,u.jy,ltney.! ...
FOR BALK lligbltlmwnve.ii farnjof loQ
"aere. located on ttie Wilismctta, with t
, mile of river frontage; sum flue lake and
grove: saltsLm for rich man's country bonut;
' 19 miles by liver. 22 by railroad. Price
il3 per acre. Address' -Owner, 101 Front
si.. City. . - i- -
FRKR LAND IN OREGON under the "Carey
Cook A Co., 281 Alder at.. Portland. Oregon.
xii-iit-iTM4iKRft werte torste Tea oa srhest
arlrrlaatl.i asndw: real aetata for sale. ! Csll
wr4ts,-Van Cleave ft tteboll. Hchg. Cms tills
couuty, Oregon. - -.
FOR ptT.T Hon farm, four large lotft Salem
: 4 ou(tagaa South .Port Isnd. For furUsr
, partlculara aeo owner, 462 Williams areg -
47n-A('HB feem-and -stock" rsneb - adyolntng
Wilbur oa tb SV P. R, R. Bwtly hrrct xnd.f;
B. 4 Cbaoowaltt, ill ur. vrrgon.
FOR southern Oregon real eatate, large or smsll
10" DE8FWTTcllm."wtef fuf lrrlgUoii--tB.
: lmmetnitls anUlnnsnt, ? Msaiesy piug.
Whom Jt may eoneeni! Tnis is tb eei
that I am a man of ito years seeking s wife
"In' complete the nappineas of a nlcs home.
- mhlnb .
--'to rhfl"
latneo lovini line
To thfl"TlreTnnst(inc,e" I pielrr a lady slilj
means who Is willing to invest ro gnoa enti-r-
tirlse ; i gg preteTTed.Ht-2.l ;-wylghtr 1 JMo
- Ihs; only ladles rtb sunny dlspoeltlon need
apply. Address P 82. csre Journal. -
Ilia, Hiinmnni.i in , , '
- scribes over 20 repntabls resMeuts of tbls
' section' who wfrtr to mkrry; also explslns
bow to Join our society, terms, etc. Inter-
- state - In t roduclrlg - Hoclety. - Suits " S4," 823 Vj
Washington. fortlsM.
Mllilll V gfiPIl lidr rrn-vrrt.
mauner 1
Wianes ociiuainian-v
with wort
geutli-man of good.
. kirn
d Batnre In comfortable
- Um- to Joatrlmonr. P ,
care Journal.
BOOKSPTtOOK S I 7BOOK8t TBs 'kind yod'r
looking (or; "iieeameroa," A Mot rsmaia, -"RoaaV
Conteaalon," T"A Social Uoo."
"Kannls Hill. ' fl'he Beauty Spot." 80 esch;
Mats free.
A." Bi hnuile. 22S First st.
OTTELIKLIA KLATTE, modiste, recently from
Chicago, wujnhl go out by tnr flay; tinor mua
and reception dresses, speclalllea. Apply BiS
- Fifth st., cor. Lincoln. ' Mslu 8802.
STOP DRINKING! Guaranteed cure; aend 80c;
tablet form; mailed la plain package) has
cured tboussnds. L L Co., 614 Grant bldg.,
-baa Frsuclecu. Cat
BEAD all palmist and clairvoyant sds In tb
dally papers and 'then come end sea Mclvor
Trsvla, ' Soo'-j Wa-biigtou st. opposite stsr
DR. OLNEY treata all dlsesaes wltb great anc
ceas; bo drugs; curea bihacco, liguur aad
sBurphlo- babltsi-e mo.-ijts Washington.
PIMITKD HRK88 SKIRTS made from S3 on:
I laTfect At a apeeMity. -Keiaters' Lamoar
I lalloelng fellege. Allaky bldg.-;- Una Morrison.
FOI'P mi s-i lii
bib uassv s-swirateis nw
reaaonablv filled at Erasers Pharmacy. 227
J-i. Jdorrlaon at., bat. First sad Saoond ata.
A SCIENTIFIC rnassenss gives magnetic, snd
tnasasge trcstnjeiits snd alcohol ba.tha 6J3
Flanders, cor. Sixteenth at.
boks yoa ever saw. 2oc. J ones' TrBblr Stors,
201 Alder st.
PR. A MtIB.S. I'TlfirlWir'S. HIF llOR'!!' limituS
apeclallats, ouovs nsanington at. tiooa wi-t.
SERVICES of reliable, competent detective may
be secured by addressing P. O. Box 246. -
kum bldg. Phone Main 6284.
BALM OK FIGS for all femal disease,
-Alder st. Phone Main 4KA2.
lasdsrsps srtlstj, Instrnctkni In ell pslntlng,
wsver color, etc.. end drawing; art gailery
connected with studio; pbtures for ssl snd
framing to order. m Alder at. Phoo 183.1.
THK J. H. Flak Aaaaylng offleo Oreenley ft
Crawford, snalytleal rbemlatB and metal
: hirglats. 2044 Wsshlngton st. ' -
X , I ,1 j1- 1 'en.,
THOSB who eontempTats building . will profit
br ennanltlng Htiffman. architect. 1H1 First,
T)(B Trinidad Aspbslt Paving Co. sf Portlaad.
Office 658 Worcester blk.
FRENCH ladles give baths and mtaaag treat
. menu - Son Flttb at- Pbon Main ett.'ld.
F. P. REKNAN, 208 Tlllltn nr.
HOWE, DAVIS A K 11.11 AM., 100-111 Second St.
Bank book msntifscturera; sgents for Joses
' Improved Looee-Leaf ledgers; see' tb asw
. Fureka leal, the beat oa tha marked -
CHAS. V.. YORIt ft CO. repairer and pltlrM,
removed to 67 Flrat, -2 blocks north. '
A. J. APTH:RS and H. B. WOOD, earpeater
:nd builders: repalrlsg and Jobbing : stor
nd of nee fixtures built. Shop 20H Columbia.
; I'knn Clay IMI.
CHAS. H. CART7! S. ft Ct) cement conwactora,
64 Eaat Twentieth at, ' Pbous Ksst 1S8.
All work uarsBlesd. ,
WFttTEB M FEEft ft riEl OO.r cr.Tront a4
T. Uojt. sis., dealer- lo -dooMMtl bb4 ateaia
coal, blackamith coad. sbarcoal Bad euks,
t-bon Malu lold.
ALBINA FLEL-CO Bealor fa eurdwsod, coal -and
greea snd dry alabwuod. , U. U. and Al-,.
bins sac, 3 blocks east af ferry, tust. iilL
xHiPKlit rVEL CO. Tbs best dty wood In---
town, uou i torgec 10 pnone oast 100.'-
- Ksst Eighth sL. tor. Maulaon... .
CAIX CP But 2229, Sid 8Ubwood Co.,
dealer In all -hinds of slsbwoud. ... JJU2 Eaat
1!'.'JL1i -.e, . .
STEEL- BBIPOP TrrL' tTl. fjenterg la- coal,
cord wood ami dry slub wood. ' Pbons. Esst 424.
j1:ki;o Fl'El, X.O.; all kladsnf coal and woodY"
- i644 Morrison. Pbona Mala go, 5
KIRK HOOVER, Sll Wster St.. wood aud eoal. , .
Phone Mnln 4S06. ,- - .......
' , 1 1 in ! . 1 -q ,
' " ' CXXAMniO AND PTXhlO. " ,
Worlaat uracil) Hi cvpuccllun; fnUiat
boss ana plumes cieeuea sna c
curled br an tl-'
21 f. Fourth.
Pbona CUy70, .
:s .lceu'd snd pressed $1 per awatb.
.Tailoring Co. , 847 Washing toa sL
Br W. TCBNFR. profesalonal dyer and clesoer,
808 Jefferson st. - Phone Msln'SftlS.""
STANDARD Steam CsrpetlVaVrnrioZ-srpctg-i
cU-oud.-fltteh eewed snd laid; mattresses.
" feathers renovted. Ksst Third, north, and
' Pael lie te, . pbon East . 2SU. ... lorriwiaa ft
North. - - - , - - ' -
CARPETS cleaned on tha Hoof; w ralae no
4nl. 1'hqjie liyS.'U fur free demouetra-
I rit'NyffB. sleaui rxrnet. 8K0 7efTM"aln ti.
DAVENPORT BROS. General sommlaslda mae. rrrr
1 Hclted
cbiu; irum sua-proa uce: Bouaignmeats .
IWUJupi . reiru- . jjy .mil -w - .
KVERDINO A FABRELL. produce snd commla
Ion merchants. li0FrvBt L. rurtland. 0v
Pboae Malo 179 " r-v,
-ERKbSON'S RES'TAUBANT Mercbsnt's onea-
11 it as. to 12 p. m. euder Bew management.
O. B. Evsaa, - prop. - Seeosd - and Burnslds. '
THE OFFICE IHS WssMnrton et.-
Pbons Aula
II I7LlUmnJM.llcsse.if
WHOLESALE crockery end glssswnr. - Pre el,
Ilegele ft Co.. 100, to 106 Fifth, cor. Stark-at,
ComDanr. 808 Stark St.. Portland. 0. K.
everything la - tbs electrical Una; Phono
Main MSB. - ". ' . j-. - . "
PACIFIC! Eleetele Co. Engineers, contractor. "
repairers, electric wtrtng.T snpptles. 4 First,
eoe.-Btark. Main 6,". K. H.- Tat, mgr. r-1-
DR.C.E rlROWK.nV 8..D.C.M. Dog. boras bos..
pttsl.KMT Bornslde. Phones: Msin4inB:BW bohb.
-A. -
suminaiDiD. worn we -'-., hmuv .w
l,8ii. sblrtyalatJuitl..w'..JaatBrag
let. Tboua tsat Uaol. -- "
"KErSTERTS Tjidles- Tstkirlng college; patterna ,
cat to tnessure.' Aiissy nan aw. rk aaornaoo.
artlatle dreaa
and cloak
, ti
t data; la tost
' - J-fillEgT BXBErtTB 8CETF.
itroved. nnreatrlcted, resdy-4ec linaM-mat-waer-
loweat trices. E. F. ft F. B. litis. 'aog
MlBIUPFCWe ' , 1 7
DRBOOft-Fornltor Manufactufl
- y furn.t
"-TgKIana. Or.
t).- t. th. tr.Am.
Fl'BlvlTt'Kn manutsctttring sna speeisi ovoeia,
L. Ruvonsky's fnrnttar factory. 870 Froat at, V
BOYNTQN warm-sir fnrnscea ssv fooL J.
WADHAMS A CO., wholesal grocer, mans- .
" facturers and .comnusslea BwrcbaBla. Foorth
snd Oak sts,, '
ALLEN ft LEWIS, mmmlaaloa and jirtdne xser " "
chanta. Front and Dsvis sts., portisna, or. .
KING'S HAMMAH BATHS Corner Bsrentb snd
Wsshlngton- sts. ; rtnest snd Isrgest baths la
' tba attyi slegant beds for the Bight If desired,
expert Biaaavure and -rtilrtf-ntSlst. ' '
tollcita otmortonlty te
-eoote .prh-e. 128 1st.-cor. Alder. Msla 1884.
t. J. BORG, mannfactnrer af human bale rolls,
te- 428 E. Ninth. Phone Kaat 2211.
Crlbbeu ft Sexton ft Co., Bevimtaoath aad ""
Lpabar sts,, hrgeat stock hotel, reetsuesnt.
, Any salaried employe, wags-saraer, eaa get
- on his not, without mortgags
Alonth. Month. Week.
!.V).00 R'pay to b U.:i3 or 16.66 or. 83.88
M.00 Repay to u 8.68 or 8.1.S6 or 61.M
12.00 lie pay to ws 8 4.00 or $200 or $1.00
- - 210 McKay bldg.
FIFB per, rent mmey; we pnlld yoa a bom
Sloan yoa money on your property; monthly
lyments; Investigate: open Saturday eve a.
ga. Rooms 16-17 Lsbb bldg., 227 Wash,
MONEY TO LOAN 00 real, personal aad eol
lateral secoxlty;' special attentlun to ensttel
mortgages; notes bought. C. W. .Pallet,
' io4-S Kenton bldg., 84 Sixth st- -
HIGHLY respectable place where ladles snd
Ents . eaa borrow money on diamond and
wetry. Collateral Loan Bank, 262 Wash,
gton st. Phono Blsck 71.
88 LOANS snd upward oa sll kinds" ef sees
Hty or to salaried people on their note; lowest
rates; bo publicity, no oeiay. si AoingtOB
f-'-bhlg. -pbon
is nea 1
MONEY ADVANCED sslarled people, teamsters,
etc, without sernrlty: esay paymenta; large-it
bnalneas In 40 prlrclnal cities, Tolman,
223 A blurt 00 bldg.
CHATTEL loans In amonnta ranging frora 428-
to So.ot'O; ri-nmtng nouses a st-eclalty. Near
Era Loaa A Trust Co., 206 Ablngtoo bldg.
Wff tnrrtlfe" 1iwursiii-rei1tetg--rnii bay mora
than rompsnlee Issuing thera; a la A buy them
subject lo loans.. ,M 3D, care Jonrnal. . .
LOANS st Isarest rates en fnrnltnr, Isnost
- snv sernrlty notch purchased. - EssUta Loss
ilBce, 4 to Sherlock bldg. - -
MONEY TO LOAN In Isrg or small s mounts
on rood serurlty: lowest ralea. William U.
"Beck, etm railing oiog.
LOANS sn furniture, plane, orhet secarlttes.
. lowest .rste. S. W. King, rooina, Wish,
bldg. , MsIb 61(10.
. u., .11. u. . , vm wm. ..una, WBHWlH
-e-17 Oregonlsn. -
MONEY. TO LOAN on Clsrksmas' connty lands.
- K. F. Bad F,- B, Alley,- aua Chamber of Ooaf "
sserc. . , -.. . . ...v, .... ,--
pert cent. Wat. Denbslm, 228 railing bldg.-'
MrvNEY TO 11 AN. per cent. Nartkrup A
King. 210-111 Commercial block.
TO LOAN 1100 te 82.800 by Charles HlrstaL
H Third at.; room 6. . - .
IjfONBT TO W)AN---Ftn nno at Per cent eft "
r city property. F73 Stark at. f