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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
i r i:: ' W sa a e aa" . A- -4. -v'l '17' an occasional error and numerous mis takes by the umpire, so that even the best dopes tars in the bleachers or stand . - -- 1 could not pick the winner until the last man went out.. Sooret v r ;- - , SAN FRANCI8CO. ' " 'V Gyc mm 'I : , - t. Prospect Are Bright for Most , ,v Successful Season 0 ' " Carrie's Hhtory, J-l- PActna wcnTHPAST v , . ? WILL LZAU UKS Vancouver, Victoria and Seatt'3 Are Getting Team Ready - for Active Work. ' .i- v- 1 - (SpeqUl Oboetca t The Joont) I VuMmr, B. CL April . What wW undoubtedly be the gfieetesV year ' that lacrosse hu known in western Can . ada Cor many seasons past baa now op. r To new ; International latent bu teams u, New Westminster, Vuooanc, Kura ana Beaiiie. Vancouver baa lost York, the' star llftnu nlinp. ini t la llkala that' a .couple of tli other oU standby will oot be on the oval this ysar, . Nearly nil the player of two year : ago In the Now WeatmlnaUr team will bo again en the field. From coal oat , ' we will find Sandy amy between Ue flags. Barlow Oaibraltb at point or ov. erpotat ud bis brother Charley Oal . bralta will probably take the place of . wells Oray, who retired, Tom Qlf : ford -will be another link In the stone- waU defense and with him are the peedy Oeorve Ronnie and "Blsoalts" . Peels. Alea TurnbuU, the veteran, will be again at centre. The home field is somewhat In doubt bat front the emndV -. dates) seen playing Aha came It looks as IX Harry Zaatham will be oiH again this -year and; Irving Wintemute will be drafted mm the tntermedlaU ranks to va t . uutsrri piace. rrea Jyncn. George Oddy nd Brysen will probably . complete the home. Then there are some promising Intermediates as spares. Of the old seniors Victoria will hare the , following": B. Dower. H. Jesse. W. Vest, S. Lo rimer, W. Lo rimer, Stan Peeie, F. White and Tip McDonnell. , V v . Seattle the dark hone this year. As Individual players the) Seattle man can bold their own snywberr but their strength. In a game wUl depend greatly '.on what combination they are able to daasla their opponents with. Look at this for a list of players: lAenet Torke :t Vancouver). Eddie Milne (Victoria), Jeff O'Brien (Quebec). Oene Miles (Nelson), Fred B. Beattle (Montreal), fW, Lynch (Kamloops). Colly Marahall (New Westminster and VancouTsx), C. . Harrison Green, Barry Moffntt, - Pete Oow (Vancouver). Jim Bastie and Jim . my Milne (Victoria). :. Then there will , be a number of the ex-Canadian boys - ".now attending -the University of Wash ington.. They may form a team of their own for exhibition games and will - ' be beaded by B C.Potun, out taey can . be counted on by the Seattle league .. team as spare men. : ?-." ' The teams la the National Amateur , Lacrosse association are anxious to plaf ' exhiblUon games with the teams In the - Canadian league -who are prof esalonaln, . But the N. A- 1 U. teams nrafaaa tn , be amateurs and their standing would be endangered if they played with the taama nt tha ntKal hama On lk ttawa petitioned the .Canadian Amateur Atn flstlb! tmioa to allow them to play these exhibition games and atUQ retain their Standing as amateurs. v- -r The eastern teams are all talking pi the big laoroMM tourney to be held la connectro with the Dominion exb initios in this city this fall., The eapltals of Ottawa are already negotiating for "games here and will afterward tour, the coast. As the Montreal Shamrocks will - be here about the : same time there ' should be some fine lacrosse on the coast this year. The Winnipeg Bham ocka are anxious to come west to the tournament this falL ' The Cognawagnsj Indiana' nave bead rrefuse4 admittance to the N. A. I XL The"lndians promised to pat p a fast ' team, but the league thought It beet to rear tn'axhtblUon - games and If they make good they can fTi 1 San m 11 n if - Spekane. WastL, April "It Chief Two Feathers and Ole Marsh are at Vast to get together, and -the big Indian has HORSEMJGTIOM ; . 125 Head Single Drivers . Matched Pairs,' Saddlers, Breeding: Stock," Roadsters, " : ; , Carriage Horses, Hunters and Radag Prospects. - &vtaoii;Paf Copaxt ",:w!-.V-'At'id ai m. Sharp, Bvcry horse for absolute sale, without, rtacrre. 75 head from : the famous Brook-Nook Stock Farm, Montana. s50 Jbead of the best the WUlamttte Valley produces; , Ladles cordially " . invited to attend sales, ftrsons desirios lo see horses hitched . and speeded should go to track; early. Horses axe new at i the track., J. L. MCCARTHY CSk SON, Aoctioneera. Matt J. Bszr. tttntonrwnra 'J'iJc A1 15': v:v;!Lictoi arrtrad In Spokane tehow that he will bo on hand when the time comes. Two Feathers Is attended : by Jack OTell. his manager, and they have pee ted a forfeit of taw that the Indian will ap- The match has been set for May t at the Spokane theatres Jhe big chief us lo have a grudge against Massn. and his manager -aays there will4 be short work of the Norseman: Marsh,' on the other hand, says be will giro the Indian a sample of, good wrestling. , omm box. millionaire was standing by A vacant lot one dsjr. ' He gued upon lot of boysi , At baseball they did pUy. ' Among the crowd he saw-a, boy; ' M A child of tender years. . j , ; It waa his worth! office boy'v wiuj large ano napping ear.- Alast the mnilonaire did sigh, ... He'd fired that office boy That very day, an .hour before, 'n Frwra out of his employ. -Be would not have the boy around Because the boy waa dumb, , So dumb he did not know enough ..-vut ot.ue raw to. come.. - .( , The little boy played sboitabm and - A stinger' came his way. Be calmly took it with his left : And made a double play. ' -Be nailed a grounder atssllng not And aiammed It swiftly home r In time to stop a runner there -.Who sa the run did come. t - - ' f In time -A was his turn to hat ' ' The bases they were fall. Be whacked the leather over second . ( And while the nelder threw It MU And three Itne runs came In, i .v Thb ofBce boy flew round to third And quietly wiped his. chin, . The millionaire lumped up and down And ahnntw1 In Mm aaa. Be never guessed the office hoy flu sine I s-attn-emiM tamr- And when the game was e'er at last "If youll come back and work for ma. : 1 11 give you double pay." r "Ton seem rather hoarse this nvern- ing. dearr "WelL my husband came fcama ralha lace last night. ,, . v f- May 2 Rain or Shine1. ' 1 t : o( the British Columbia Amateur Associstiatt," V ' -Vr:i" "-vx 7 ' Glean Unrah. SEATTLE LANDS GAME AFTER LORG BATTLE ft Takes Sixteen Innings to DeJ -rdde. a Pftcheri'-ontest'BeJn tween -Shields and Hail; i - (Spedsl to Tte 'oersal.) ' Seattle, Anrtl 2 1. Warren HaU and Charlie Shields were In great form to day and the result was a grand battle M 18 innings, i Seattle allowed three pop nits to drop safe uttae firth or they would have won In the ninth, - Los Angeles then took the lead. The CoKs came back In their half of the fifth and tied the score after two men were out. In the final Inning Hoots struck out as but Miller belted a safe one to. toft and scored oa an out and Mo- Hale", hit. it was a bard .game for either man to lose, tor both pitchers worked like machinery. The soars: SEATTLE. AB, R. H.-PO. A. EL lb.. Uouta, If.. Miller, rf.. -.- It McHale. cf.a R. Hall ss.... 4 VI 1 1. James, lb. Bums, ' lb. Shields, p. Totals .r... .64 4 Ml II 1 ' LOS JLNOSLES. AB.R.R.I-O1A.S!. Bernard, cr. ... . 4 4 1 1.0 Flood. 2b.. ....... 7 4 1 I 7 1 Smith. 8b. 7 1 1 1 6 4 UlUon, lb... Cravath, rf... 7 14 1 8 0 I 7 4- 1 18 Roes, If...... 4 Brashear, as.... Fag an, 0 . . , .. m WTHall. p..'.... ..... Totals Two .......... ..B5 t t47 II I men out when winning run cored. SCORE BT INNINGS. , . Seattle ...1000100004404441 4 Hits . .. .1 0 4 0 8 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 1 1 L. Angeles.44 0 1 10 4 4 04 40 0444 8 Hits ....1800.1440 14441 8 SUMMART. " Brne -rwns Seattle. , Los-Angeles Two-base hit Bralth. Sacrifice bits Houts, Frary. Burna Stolen bases Mr riate. niruca out ny rinields 11. M Hall 4. Bases on balls By Shields 4, by Hall 1. Left On bases Seattle 8, Los Angeles 8. Time of game 2:14, umpire Levis.. -, SAN FftANCISCO WINS " IS SIXTEEN ICINGS Numerous Errors by Players arid Umpire Mark Hard Fought . Contest at 'Frisco. ' SpoUl DUpttck ky Lsasss Win to Tasje-rasl) San Francisco. .April It took 18 Innings for the Seals and Commuters to settle Jheir HtUe differences, and the number of sensational plays and elose decisions kept the crowd en edge from first to last. . Osoar Oraham and Jamas Whalen were the opposing slab artists. but still the contest was not a pitcher's battle. It was a game of plenty pf hits. - AO. A. J Waldron, cf. ......... 7 1 1 6 Spencer, ,rf 0 Wheeler. 2h........, 0 HUdebrand. If7. T 1 Irwin, lb.. T O Murphy, lb.......... 7 -8 Wilson, o T ' 1 ochuer, SS.... ..... VhaUaO, p.... ........ 7 . 0 III 4 II 1 ' ' 1 t 1 i 1 J 4 it. 41 ti Totals . OAKLAND. ,7 .: ' . ' AB. R. II. PO. A. R Van.Haltren, ef...... 8 0 2 .1 I f Kruger. rf.T.......'rf .1 i t 9 I DUnleavy. cf ; 1 - 1 ' j Btrelh. lb., ............ t 1 1 23 1 i Keiiay. 20,...,,.,.... 7 1 8- IS Devereaux, lb. ....... ,1 12 i: FTancKs. ss.. ......... 5 l l 4 McMurray, C . .. ...... 1- S Oraham, p,.... 0 . J '.Tolal";'.f.'';'.;-'l'...;.o 4 fl 41 17, -I SCORE) BT INNINGS. - San Fran. .SI 1 HOI It ! 014 1 4 Hits . ...O 3 3 1 0 1 8 1 1 o 0 s 1 4 0 11 Oakland . .0.0 M 1 1 0 0 4 0 i Ulta ....114411140 11141 It - - ' SUM MART. ) ; ; - Stolen-base Waldron, Spencer, Murt phy (Jj, Oochnaner. Whalen. Van Hal tren, Keller. Balk Orahara. Two. base hlte Whler, Qochnauer, Kelley, Francka. Van Hal tren. Kruser. ' Sacrl- floe hits McMurray, Francks, Kruger, Wheeler. . First base on errors San Franolsce 1, Oakland 8. First base on called balls Off Oraham 1, Off Whale a 4. Left on bsiM Ban Franclacn - Oakland 15. Struck out By Oraham 2. by Whalen B. Uouble plays Kelley to Devereaux Kelley to Franrks to Strain. Passed ball McMurray. - Time of game :.-, . umpire rerrine.- . .,. , VATXOSrAXi XJsAOTTJU New York Pittsburg ... Cincinnati Chicago .... Philadelphia urooKHrn ...... Boston St. Ioaii.'..-i ' -Testerday' At PhUadelDhia Boston 4, PhUadel- phla 8. Plttshmw 8. At St. Louis Cincinnati 1. BL Louis t OA2T UAatTB. Won ' Loet P. C Phlladelphi 7 - 8 t- .700 4 4 I. .400 at w j f new xora aa-o -. V .pin mm m m 7 u.l ( . . 6 ft 9 ........ 8 ' .600 Washington Cleveland. . Detroit ' b .tan Bt Louis .............. ( ' 4 . .4SS iston 8 It .ill . . - Tssterdsy's Beeulta. At Boston Boston 2, Washington 4. At Cleveland St. Louis i. Clave. land 7. i ' At Chicago cnicsgo if. Detroit 8. , T. St O. A. AT At Hawthorne park 'yesterday after noon the T. M. C A. baseball team suc ceeded fat defeating the Portland High school team by the score of 17 to S. It repetition of the game a week ago with the O. R. V N. The high school boys were unable to connect with Hlg ginbotham's curves, while the associa Uon boys bit. the' high school pitcher freely for one ' and two-base) bits and sinnany a three-bagger. - Captain Ott of the high school was injured, by a oolllslon on second base and had to leave the game. .The line-up: P. H. 8. :':'- .T. -10. C A. . Jordan , , . , .0, .. .. . ; . r. Oraham Thayer. Klngkald...p. ... Hlgglnbotham Oanong Trowbridge Ott ....... .2b. ......... Russell Reed .-.. . . .Sb. ........ Oates Heltamaa . . ...... . . Morrow j season ..........rT..jeirnea, l.ighty. . ... t., ,a . Watklns reaos . . i ...... , frown Newell ,.ef. ...... ..... Thing .'sj-.v-y ' s . e e 7 g. n. s T. M. C A.... -IT "FUDGE" IS LATEST , TRICK IN BASEBALL Fudge!'. " - Thars what dbe new play in baseball ts called. -r The device narks hack to the first principles of hsswhsll, The scheme simply for the man on first with none or one out,j to stick near first till the livery. The catcher sees that the man not tried to steal, and the second nan or, shortstop, according to which is to cover, throws, also notices that there 1 no attempt to steal. The man who was to cover the second bag returns to his former position while the ball la still In the catcher's glove. The. runner then gets a good start. He Is not detected on his oila-rlmace 'to second till HSls- too late for the man who takes the throw to cover the bag. If he does, run to It he will have to go on the dead run," and there Is an even chance that he will not. get. the . The catcher also: la unprepared. The play looks good for occasional' use. It Is simply doing the thing which other fellow do not expect you to do. Ww la It called radars T That name waa a bright idea of one ef the players. who said that If he were a catcher or the man ooverlng the aeoond bag he'd, feel like saying "Fudge!" If the trick should be pulled off en him.' So .the players wUl call It the fudge trick. SPORTINQ GOSSIP. Bind, relatives ef office boys mar as wen be decent about It and prepare to at Parsifal: To applaud is risky. To Qittt is cowardly. .. . To yawn la natural. - . To whistle la difficult. To explain la impossible.. To "Look Wise" Is proper. To "rubber- Is Irresistible, .To sleep Is human; to snore, mare so. Jim Jeffries is far from bernar eon ststent. He has fought a bieck-"smith.' why not a black Johnson 7 . - '.,' ...' .,V v, ef e .. t. .. ',.-, It la perfeeUy absurd to Judge a pugl list's -sanltyer Insanity - by what be says. ;; . - . v. r 'Athletics. by correspondence is the 1st est Invention of Coach 8tagg of the Uni versity ef Chicago. Heretofore eo (-re spond enoe has been used only for oro- curlng Instead Of developing athletes. ,1 ' ' ' ' ' The quickest decision that tTmnlra Klopf ever made was when he decided to make his escape from the wrathful fans. The boy caught him, however, and gave him a ltvejy time. . J It Is a source of keen regret that Pres. Ident Birt allows such an lncomnetent to preside at a ball game. . I Kloof is certainly menace to clean baseball. - A 1 natural mistake " 'Just then.' - Flans to tret Rich : are often frustrated bv sudden areas. down, due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up and v take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They take out lh materials which are clogging your energies, end give you a new start. Cure haadsch and dllnss, too. At Red Cross Phar macy. Sixth and Oak Straota, on the Won Irost T. C. .... 8 . 8 .721 , 7 4 " .814 - f .144 .... 604 .....v.....4 n t ..444 ...... I . 1 .428 ...... I ', 7 .417 ...... S ' 7 . .104 A caattle-llsht search wll prore to you that If It were possible to build a better .ttn's Shoe for 93.50 then the PACKARD" Keyname weald still be PACKARD. ..- That has been the ruling policy. And that ts what has r-acaard " or toaay tasuard others ars iudxed. . - Not in one point alone la the superior, but In all points. In waiKB six monins aneaa-or ail material there could be nothing nt, tne same as tne naa made by swell ' custom shoemakers, and at a price that ' shows nothing Is oliarged for the "swell;" In workmenshlpt finished as - polished' brass. Consequently, the "Packard" not only looks best,, fits best, bat also wears best. , . . i, wear me - racaara"-. once. - other von will wear. . The larceat exclusive men's In Oregon will he ptoased to show oomniaie use. (ID umiuuflps said arry, who was sitting over In a comer, reading, to his young brother, Tommy. " big," gray wolf crossed jt be trail. Front bis eyes flashed the. nre of desperatloii, for he . waa growing weary from his long run, and saw, beast though hs was, that he would be brought to bay in a few seconds mors, ana that the chase would end la his death yes. In death, and that bis pelt would soon be nailed np where the sun could reach it. There was a ereck of a rifle and a bullet struck the beast In the neck. The hunter, calm, even careless at such a time, beoause he knew his strength, rushed upon the wounded beast, grabbed ft by the neck, and plunged knUe-" J rrHarryt Harryr cried, the LndignanTl father, "Drop that: - Didn't I tell yen never ' to read any mora et those nickel Ubrartosrv -- s - : This ain't any nlokel library, pa. Thiamin an account of President Boose- veirs nunung trip." . . ' , . : . - Makes a' dlffarenoe -HalfhSfk Davtea of the Minnesota football team waa awarded damages because' a railroad gateman' assaulted him. After -the tight It was found that the player had an abrasion on his ebeek, butane report of what happened io the gatekeeper has been made, Without meaning to pass an opinion ea the mer its bf the suit, it seems strange that a player who would consider- it glodous to lose half his teeth, and break a few bones In one kind of a scrimmage should feel so badly about an unmentionable thing like an abrasion, -rrT-r-i ,., t On ' the Trail, , April 1 SBpeeial--A procession of bears was seen . coming ever the bills today. A wildcat that could stand It no longer shwuted to one eld gnsaiyt ' . 1 -Heyl , Ton re the " 11th bear Ive oonnted'ln the last hour." Where-are all you fellers going?- ' ' -r "Uolng to givs oufseirea up, of oourse," responded bruin. "Tou'd bet ter fall In line. . Don't yon know that Boosevelt Is In the neighborhood 7" The president was face to face with ath today. - - A great mountain Hon sprang out of one of his faatninra and landed on the chief executive. Man and beast clasped In an awful struggle. They surged back and forth on the blink of the great chasm. Death' yawnad. The president swung on the edge of the precipice, knocking it out cold, Thes with a wild shriek which echoed and re echoed from the solid walla bf the gulch he reeled Into darkness and went fall. Ing down, down. Into Inky blackness. only to land with a dull sickening thud. It woke htm up. The strenuous bead of the nation had fallen out ef bed. ' ., , " ,,.; e " e , ' 7 2t Two 18 Inning games and the other. a bard fought 1 to nine Inning contest Is a record day's performance In the' history of baseball. ' : ' " 7', Truck Began made a circus catch of a hard hit line drive, fey-MrOedle 1-th second, when he leaped In the air aad Stopped the ball with his glove and caoght It with his bare hand aa it waa falling. Truck, was given a hand tor this feat ' - "', ' Big Jack McLean, who has ranldrf made himself the most . popular catcher the local team has had In years, la hit. tlog the ball In lively style these days. Big Mao received a bouquet In Tester. ay's game, and now all the Portland players are quisling the big fellow as to WMBD4WV - ; : Ely Csts made UD for his error nt Judgment In the seventh, by cleverly tax lng Mclaughlin s long drive In the nlnttU Catestls one of the best coach- ( EVERY PAItt MADE TO WCAJX ) Exhibits Distinctive Clzzrzcizrlil'.:: , That AppesI to llzn cf Pir.a Habits In Fc:tr-r "Packard" made the by which . "Packard" style. It others: in -. better: in . VV-naVO Union Madr ana. none shoe store yen a - if - -- 1 li A llll If v . s4w-e TV ; ( n - -: y ( V ' J "ALBANY n I LAST" t I As lllnstrsse I earrJed ta fola . V J , toWlsVT lesaVsSssW ; Kl STo. 44-1 sbnra OaM. musuiasBr. 4a I ford. I , S . .lnone. ' ' Calf, V'., :.. :-,':,'.,:'.'- Stses 4 to is. WSdtlsa . V AA to M. -109 SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, Have You rezQ Blues 5 P ) 1 fC If You Want the Best $10 Str!: YOU SHOULD BUY IT FROM US ; 4 OUR WINDOWS TELL THE. STORY virj turj; Liir.i fc? Zzt I. All Oak Botes. Sejnd for Catalogue. toe;. OREGON Seen Our (L0D"L' reatrValueo and Grays - -; (2. J ZlTtzt.Jz, oraer Cl end VzzZ) wax to the postococe. ' ito, guaranteed. : j.-: ..a :. (Continued on rage,. Eleven.) J ,1 4 c-''