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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
v." tiis cncon sumdaV jcur.::.x rcr,rz Naughton Writes About th Fighting r.:r One , Hundred to One Shot Wins at Jamaica r-ColftTrack'Jand Football Gossip. wZs, Do-n ' Port" zr.i Uri Cirri Csma trTI i. J. JUMkS SCOTM Of tfon cf Hcrrts , Nixt V.'ek-CiiC-iJ a. r ' ''I" . '- ""-"ii ry- '.' . m - , T JUTCflELL WEARS CE LUSHED TO t DIG, DROAD GRIN -S-V. . Charley Is Well Pleased With,Hi Jockey Dirts on Flat ' Lands ; Him Winner in&maica's Ht; ;. First Rice., v ; t: , , ; -,r FAVORITES DO NOT " ; f'' ; Protege and the Calif or- ii'K?- m .Came. 4; : VNAUGHTON DISCUSSE ;; tTHE" FIGHT PROBLEM ;,Biitt VV Be' Big ; Factbr In Win-v ninjr'' Battfe-'" r .,. 1 -.-. . , , - -Wr' ieT--r W.W.' SMMiil : J (BokUI Ittepatcfc By I Wire te Tse howl) j 8u FrsjnclBco, ' April . Charlie -' (Mitchell .1 wearing a big, broad rails 'these mprtar -attwnoens. He ia pleas d . because the obstacles which heart ths International" glt emtt ha tavtnter- carted la have baan -removed. He derives ! -rreilficatton from tha fact that a lrum bar of good Judges hava eun Tlimed WhmItw that Jabes White la both a ; clever boxer, and a at iff puncher. Hla good humor la further increased br tha ' knowledge that everything' haa gone well with White- durtnc hla training and " that there hasn't been a aetback of tha moat trivial nature even to oast 'ahaAow uiiai tha amav . ' ) - ' 1 . . fAooordlM to Mitchell. WhiU haa bean on rood tarma with tha California .climate from the - moment . ha flrat v. donned bit road wrapa for a tramp throush r Larkspur Canyon, f Ha haa found the Americaa viands to hla Uk . lav and ha haa alept welL Ba baa-been . enabled to pot all hia energies into hla -traintne' and he haadropped easily and 'naturally -to within reach I bU scribed we txbt. , . , tl -. t These are the times ef treat Import t' for MlteheiL 1, WhUo .anrulsB' out the terms of tha match on the day. the artl- rlea were being drawn up. ha remarked " ;treffieptrr-that 1 the. ooateet .affected oulta a wide area of aportln territory. . He fait the aa ha faela now that ha .will reserve much of the credit If ha 4 brlns White back to Ensland a winner. He la watching- every circumstance that might have bearing on White's eond . t ton and ehanoaa are ho ia utilising, in .AVhlte a tntereat. all the knowledgo and i experience bo haa rained through yeara of nghttng and having to do with fight. ; Charlie la always ready to discuss any apparent weak epota In White when noted . by. parsons who he thinks are . nrlvlnc aa boeeet aipresslnn of opinion. t i When the writer remarked that White. ifrom tha standpoint of physique saf ' Tered by oompaiison with the- ragged . lightweight of the - Amvkaa , school. ..Mitchell asid: "Well. now,, you're touehtag on something that can only . ba decided -oa a bona fide teat. Too . oaa tell when seeing a man at practice ,. . whether he hits rapidly and with dev " iirhaaa -and force, but his atreugth and . .dirabOlty era - analltlea. - yeii .cas. only Ti-vnaaa at Ton can't aeo them.. To be i a In with. If Jabes bad mora beam, ht L would lose in, height and reach. . But, ; . mind too, X think he haa beam enough, jthat is If by beam la meant strength J. proportionate to weight. If a maa ef lis pounds, say, has abnormal strength ti ha probably auXfera In soma other dlreo K Uon. Maybe., .you'd find that he la slower Jacking in .sappleness. ,i . . I 't o ! ."Now I don't pretend to be an ( tomieal sharp or anything of that kted V but If I had the molding of It pound of flesh, bone and alnew Into a human, ''fighting machine, I think rd shape II up juat like White rd feel that rd ' use. my material to the best advantage. ""It seems to be" thaF"UieTe"Tsht a scra -; ' of dead wood or waste any where about - him.- - Ha has. muscle everywhere he I' needs them and they are distributed SO ,'aa not to take off from hla speed or , hamper him ia. any way. Ha la a wall : balanced piece of mechanism., i,' "Apart from all this, I know White is strong, ajinougn.ra mi .case 01 a man built af be ia might ba more"' ex plicit to say ha .is wiry. v In the . work 4 with tllrri grapple and pull around a good deaJTandrha 1 there ail the time, forcing and tuggln' me until - I assure yoa, a little rest bow and then : ; la very welcome." 7 Mitchell ooaiplalna that, .whether by. - accident or design. considerable mls ', leading Information: concerning ; White r ' has been disseminated. , - v: . ' ' "Tor one thing., they said 'he would . , never aee 10 again," Said Charlie. "Ont : : had it. in fact, that ba was 4. New If . v any gen is "of the opinion .that we are 4 inclined to fib about Whlte'a age, X will 1 bet to 1 aslAaV-any-aawaai-Uiata-f bes Is Jusr tl years old and I will pro ; dues absolute proof that what I claim la correct. , ' j . 't t. It la said that not a few Job'a em : X fortera find their "way 'out' to Jhnmy ..' Brltt' a aeaside camp these daya- Many .'of them have seen White In action at t hia quarter, and their object In ealltn r on Brltt Is to warn him against harbor i lng the Idea that tha "Brummagen Boy" ' ia an easy mark. Others who probably 1 hava never had a- glimpse of White stripped have taken op the cry and Britt 1 has been regaled with some wonderous tales of Whlte'a dexterity and pulverto ; lng-power,,,-..; - : , ....... ; . '-'Mil 'sta-fc aaya mm. :V If I wiera to beUeva all that I hear I It'a Jeff lie that White abould be fight ing;" aald Brttt yeaterday. "There's ex ! tensive kidding going on. but I guess I . eaa separate the wheat from tha chaff. . There was never a time-when-1 held -ca of a Bfettmeil A peula tit cf a,l .inserter artiaie. sm.umr joaav AUTOKOJLE TCIES VuiXiATOZED ? "A atltck 1 tlmo saves nine- oftlmea you can, save the price of a r rro by baring ft repaired at the right moment nXGZS mmAMOM- 'tJwL mirIleami3n. wph' ,"4' w '' of akmful and ear- , Ti:3S. h. DIAJN ARB cb7 . . CTTtiiATJI KCTCIJB m a '-iitew uuiui -" - a am - 1 y 1 1 ah aii ai i , . .tr 'atiitt , ' w a. a klj ,:', - . n - m . r asm . w- - m w i isa. I fl II lurt f i il l t r T-Tinr-Ti-i K ' ,T - r 1S :" I White eheaply and Tm satlsoad mora than ever now that be la a great bant. To be honest about it, rva always kept In mind that Mitchell Is behind this lei low. Mea like Mitchell don't travel acroaa sea a with dead 0008." Britt is paying good heed to hla train ing. He thlnka-that White U a finished boxer, but aaya ho ia not worrying about the 'Englishman's cleverness. . FerTeet oondltion. Brltt thinks, will about offset everything that Whit pusswaasa. course.. If White Is cleverer than Prank Brno and Martla Caaole. both of whom I defeated,., ha may " give me a good deal of trouble, but I will need ocular-proof .to -eon vine me that this voungmaa Worn the other aide is a better boxer than the eunerican flghters fe uauieo.- eaia ttmx. .;- .Toung Corbett and Eddia Hani on aroi rnooe- too well pleased at being aide' iracxea for White and Brltt, .But the little- fellows will not have long Jo wait Matchmaker Greggalna of the Ban Fran etsoo Athletlo club has taken tha match off the hands of Morris Xavy of tha Hayes Valley organisation, and if urea- ant plana hold will pot Hani on and Cor bett ba the ring at Woodward's a tha night of June t. Corbett intends to retnni te hla ret love In the matter of training locations. Ha will unfurl hla banner at Mike Shee haifa Beach tavern, where he nrenared for the majority of hla contests. Han Ion, aa usual, will betake himself to CroITa Gardens, : Alameda, a favorite eendltion camp since the . time when Paddy Duffy, Jack Dempsey and Tommy Warren were 1 their heyday aa ring- TRUCK EAGAN LEADS THE COAST HITTERS Tiger's Shortstop fs Clipping Off . :: -v. Hits Every Day at a . : ' Uvely Rat-e'v:' '. The' following- table showa' tha bat tmg average or the Paeifia rvtaat league up to and including the games played ; on April - It, and ; give Track Began of Tacoma -the best average of ue regular playerabut several oitchera and players who take part In -but few game rank tb Tiger, batsman. ,Ths ocat aoi represented la the .to class at all, there being but very few players over that mark. Tha aver ages (euowrv . ' r .,.. .... . A. B mt n TiehnmonrBMixm - o 3 ioo JStlaU. "eittle 3D "J 1 . . a i.-.eftO ,422 T .Km .( .a&a UuSfia. nraai r........n J 4 . Bonniox. umaiaaa ....... 17 1 Kacaa, TaeoeM ..M IT ITi ZS Ml, Ul AafMS .....XT. Irwin, Ran it4Me...'.T 1 " IB ' a .. Mm, Baa yrearlace, ' .2' .u ' .Tt .M ? to 21 ' ,aia '-.818 ureaasi. .-fiaiaMl ... yrarr. attl ....... 1 .301 .' -2 nikWI-rud. baa fraa n ivaTata, um A rioodXee Ana 1 - .am ..3HS i .2M MU1-. aaettte H3 10 v ai Rlieeliaa, Tacesu ,,M Vaa Haltrea, 0ltaiid...ll ' BerniM. 1 Aateles.,..TI ' It. Hall, IVattle T MaLaa,.. VrtiMl.....SI J Sntea. Las Aat-alt-a. . ....40 HiinaaheMiv. PerUaad...M NorHfk, Taeeoe ...... .at laViMChlla, Taceeai . ,.81 MeCr-MTle, Portlaad Ht Waklroa. Baa Vnaeimem. .21 Vaa. Bona. Portlaad.. ..NO - Dort, Taroiaa ....08-. MrMala. Seattle M Wrmlar. Baa rrueleee..4T -Oearaeaa-Oak laad . . . . M Kane, hVettlfi. 8 fValafl-, Part la ad 77 8p-aeer, Baa yranrlfM...M Mohler, Baa IYiarla.,.'ni Nrloa,tBafl Frasciaa..48 ' BailUx Lm Anr-lM ee ' Marph, Baa rraarleeeu.lS Imaiaarr. aalaii4.......7 1 a v- a in T 4 . 11 . 21 1 " m i as . a an V 23 f ia . r xo . 23 ' 20 10 1s4 i U ' ' .261 Jtoi . .241 ,.B4 '.T . (.224 . .224 .221 ' .211 .213 .210 '.. .ana jne 7 1 10 " 1 ... 8 1 a 1 ' T la 14 v a 14 .ana ' Mi 1 .2m .200 . .200 Clark,. Portland.. . ... -a, .68 VAOzrzo ooAjrr uusn. m t r even. IS. .4t .6A3 .4K2 Oakland ............. Baa rtncttt . fas AjiirHea . ... ..i, . Portlaad ....,.,... iltla .857 10'12ll314HT1ia 84 Bicycles Commencing todav we will nefl Orient Bicycles, fully - equipped, with Ocaetai Brakes, for . . 04, hlrh-nrade fife-rcle for tbe prtoe toe paraoe aoa got ! en. mm wnue k . AND 8P0RTINO UOODS BTORE. ... 'I : ' "M- I.,?',, . 5. , - AT GAME'S CLOSE Klopf Struck Witii Cushions, : Sticks and T Fists by . A 'rSv,; Angry "Fans? CROWD PURSUES HIM -: ; K'X TO THE STREET CAR Jerks Trolley Wheel Off the Wire -rrTacoma Again Defeats,; . - 1 Portland by One Run. Taeoma-C Portland 9. B atari es Thomas ' and Oraham; "French, Qarrtn and McL-aan. Taeoma. again demonstrated baseball superiority over Portland yesterday af ternoon and won tha game by a vagrant telly that came acroaa the bom rubber In the eeventh Inning when Catea mis-, udged Lynch' a higa fly, allowing Me 1 Laughlln to score. The game waa ratnar entertaining because of, the close score, j Mr. "OoBsie" Klopf was at bis worst. Ua was Imperfect on ball a and strikes.) but as there was no scoring for six In nings tha crowd didn't pay much - at tention to him. In the eighth Inning, when ha called Garvin out at first, af ter that runner waa safe by at least four feat, the fans rose aa one man and de mand ed hla scalp. This decision robbed Portland of the tlelng run, and the crowd was rampant. .. It . was all the bleacheiitea could do to stay away from Klopf until the last Inning was played. As soon as tha last man was retired. however, tb crowd surged onto the field and surrounded Klopf, hitting him with cushion and sticks. - The Taooma-play-ers protected him for a short time, but the presence of a thousand fans caused the Tigers to seek ears for the city. Klopf wanted to fight the entire crowd. A well aimed, cushion hit him in the bead and aa be. staggered to on aide Boafawoc-d "Prixe Ball Terrier ' Owned .by I F. F. Plowden of T- ' 1 ... t , v - , - .' ,' . ; .coma. .'v,."ri'jv.v,t ,. V . . several of those nearest to him struck him with their flats. Klopf Instead of seeking the dreasing .room at onoe. walked acroaa the- diamond with the crowd on hla heels. At every step he waa struck" with a cushion or ome- bodya fist. The crowd followed him into the atreet, gaining recruits at vary, step. When ha reached Thurmaa and Twenty-fourth atreets ba made a dash for a car but the crowd proved agHe and surrounded the car, pulling the trolley wheel off the wire when the ear tried to I j .' aim 1 a m inii-aiw start Jn4w9M-mtnmratrftifrvf at' the"lrack" torobrrow morning. came along And helped the car aet away, the crowd yelling, vociferously aa It started down town. t - t Klopf a work during the two weeks that Portland baa been bom ba been the worat exhibition of umpiring ever aeen here. It ia useless to go Into de tails regarding his shorteonilnn aa life la entirely too brief for that , The game. early settled to a nt-tetMrraH Dame oerweeujwin Frenelj and the on- aereaMa bui Thomas, the Tiger star t wirier so far this season. , In the early innlmra French developed a ' streak of wfldness, and several times had Tigers o-a the sacks, bat his stmiflnw and the splendid fielding of AU, SehlafTry and Runkle pulled him.' out of some tight situations. It was Frencb'B first ap pearance before a local crowd and the Ud from the sunny south easily made good with the most rabid of the fans, who wuiwlwed -why ba did trot Tlnlah the game.. Qarrtn waa called upon to re lievo French after the Tigers snored their run. a good move on the part or Manager MoCredle, not bcaus of sny defect in the work of French but ss a matter of precautioa, for -owing 4. ... -......,.;!...-.. i .' ,. :. ' -i j ; CARTOONIST SEED VISITS THE ', BASEBALL to his wlldnaaa he frequent! j waa In tha hole with men 00 bases. In tha seventh when Taeoma secured the first run. McLaughlin led off with a two-bagger along the -left foul line, and following came an evidence, of the horseshoe luck that la following Fisher and his tribe around, for had Van Buraa been playing in his regular position, Mike Lynda's fly would have been an easy put out for Van, Instead of being misjudged as It was by Cats, and ai lowed to fall safe, scoring McTavighlln and netting Michael Angolo two bakes. Tbe 'Portland team goes oa the road tomorrow and Mitchell -will accompany them. The members of the team have all the confidence In the world in their ability to land well up in the raoe, and so far they have prtiTi'bettet,(.on tbe road thaa, at horn.' - -- ' . . - The boys played gilt edged ball yester day and not a flaw ooold ha' found In their , playing only tms error marring; their -work which waa charged against Jackey Ate. who baa already woa a permanent place In .tb hearts of. the local fans, and, b mora than made up for his misc-je by rapping . out two pretty bite.'. , ' ' ,,-: Virgil Garvin will pitch thla after noon's game, for Portland while '"Tire man" pitspatrtck win officiate for the Tigers. '. -.'" .'."" The official score follows; . - " ', ' i ; . POltTLANT). ' ' '' . ' v i : , n- ABL R. ILPO. A. K. Ate. as..... , 4 0 1 til Van Boxen, lb..... t 4 I It I I Householder, ci...... 4 0 .81.44 Scblafly. . tb....,..M S 1 0 4 ''4 t .8 McCradia, rf... ...... 8,01.188 Mciieen. e..M. 10.14 2 0 RuiUa lb.. 2 0 8 2 2 8 Catea. If.... t 8 0 18 8 French, p...... ... 1 -'' 1 J 0 Garvin, p......... 1 4 '4 14 Totals '....,....". .17 8 4 17 11.1 ?:..;;. . TAOOMA. ; 1 Doylev lb.-..'....,... 1-8 --4-1 t 8 15 oiwiiu, to. ........ , a . V Nordyke, lb 4 4 Ragac. ss. ... , , .1.8 4 0 0 0 t t: McLaughlin. If i I Lynch, cf .......... ..'3 - 8 Graham, - c Hogan. rf. Thomas, p -Total 7.17 1 4 t7 It ' . , 8CORK BY INNINGS. Taeoma ......... 0 0 8 8 8 8 1 0 0- Hits 8 8 10 18 18 0- Portlaad ....... 444040440- Ulte 0 0 0 1110 10- I SUMMARY. . , .. ' ' Struck out By French 1 (Doyle. Racan). bv Garvin 1 (Nordrkel. hv 5 homes 1 (Catea). Bases on balls ff French t (McLaughlin, Thomas), off j nomas (uaiea). -rwo-Dase tilts McLaughlin, Lynch. First base on er rors Tacoma 1- ..Poubla jplaya French Tunassuited). Euan to Doyle to Nor. dyke. Left on bases Portland t,-Ta coma a. - Baeruice nue van Buren, Runkle, Doyle. Stolen base Graham. Hit oy pitcnea nails isagan and Thorn as by French. Innings pitched B; r rencn t. or uurin s. ease nils VI French 4. t: rime of game 1:18. Urn. plre Jsuopf. SPRING AUCTION TO OPEN. ON TUESDAY Horses Arriving at Irvington Track for the Annual Sale by McCarthy. 'iI;" t. Tha third annual spring auction sal ef thoroughbred horses will open ' at Irvington. track Tuesday, May t, at which ill be sold some of the finest horseflesh bred In the northweat. Several prominent out-of-town horse men are now In the city to attend this sale. In view of securing some of . the orack trotters and pacers , now listed with J. L. McCarthy A Son, under whose auspice the sale is being held. . Among the finest t of tha thorough breda to go under the hammer Is the consignment from tbe Brook-Nook stock farm of Home Park. Montana, near Yel lowstone Park. .1 ,- , . Among the crack horses to. be sold are Knick-Knack. t:t44, trial ZT12; The Zoo, one of the greatest eort trotter bred in the northwest; Alt a Lace, trial 2:20, and Baron L.,, full brothers of the fast paoer Byron Lac a. t:14K.' . j In' the Brook-Nook connignroent are 20 head of fine single drivers, and 15 stylish and attractive matched pair, in addition to many young stalllona. A large number of finely bred horses, vrijl representing - eonslgnmente from the best breeders In the Willamette valley. British Columbia, ; California, ' Puget sound. Idaho, Wyoming and severe,! other adjacent point will be represented among tb vlalttag purchasers at the ale. ..... . ,; , ;. - s on - ' One day ti a gam lxtwoen, Detroit and Buffalo, when both cities were In the American league. Jay Andrews, who la conceded to be on of the funniest and most original, men la bashaU, came t bet la a pinch. Joe Cantlllion was umpiring, and It waa his Special delight to get Jay going In order to hoar some of. his fuimy speeches: On this occasion Cantlllion called low strike on An drews, so low In fact that It almost touched - the phUe.- - Immediately --Jay. 1 with his Inimitable swagger, jumped on tbe plate and. In a voice which could be heard a block away, aid:-rHey,Mtv Umpf Who do you think la at tha belt Tom .Thumb"" , Both clubs wvre aa con vulsed with laughter tnat rt was five minuted before tha game rasumed. , , waa-a-aaBBB--a-eBaWaaaaiaaBa y 1 PARK.1';' WOULD UPSET TI1E : FOOTBALL RULES Amendments Likely Jo Be Adopt V. ed That Will Mean Rad- (Jesrsal Special BerrtceJ - , New York. ' April tt. The footbaU rule committee to revise tha code gov erning the game will hold Its final meet ing to adopt tha new regulation to ob tain thla fall en tha gridiron In Phila delphia, next Saturday, after th big Intercollegiate relay' carnival on Frank lin field.' The committee at its last meeting. in New, York codified the sug gestions brought before It.-, but bo rad ical were' the change proposed that it was decided to confer with the authort tlos of the various colleges participat ing before -taking final action. Unless signs falL however, no . objection will be raised to the new measure.; Until final action is taken no official announce ment of, the plana will be made, but tt Is understood from a reliable source that no less a change Is ; contemplated than th legalising of the forward pass. Should such action be taken, the whole scheme of the gam will be changed and 1 existing Ideals altered. It means practically the Introduction of a saw port akin to association ' football It Is reported that four" members ' of the committee are opposed to the ehaaa'e and that In tbe absence of a fifth mem ber. A. A. Stag of Chicago, the remain ing two the. seven -committeemen forced Its aceaptaaoa. xne two so aet-1 lng are said to be Robert Wrenn - of 1 Harvard and Pad J. pashiel of Annap olis. .. .. , I ' ' 1 Walter Camp Of Yale, Professor Fins of Princeton. Professor peanla of Cor nell and John -C.' Bell of Pennsylvania vigorously opposed any change, holding that Pennsylvania's diversified play last year demonstrated conclusively that the rule now favor th open game If the coaches will only teach it. To - thla Wrens replied that he advocated meas ure to compel th adoption -or such style. . It is understood that this ylew finally prevailed. -"' V., Since the game inception i the . for ward pass has been debarred. . Infringe- h C LT Edecote PecfFnak B. Wat : kins' Cock Bull Tenler. : . menta were severely punished. If It 1 permitted tha ball may - be thrown. batted or passed toward tha opponent's goal from one player to another and system of long forward . passing must Inevitably result. It ' is hardly con ceivable that this will be permitted without some restrictions either aa to distance or tbe frequency- of the play The announcement of the committee' a final action will be awaited' with the keeneat interest -by football . men throughout the country. ,, - - in 'r .'I (learaal Bpeelal Sarviea.) , ' ' Philadelphia. April 2 "Hart la mutt. I can whip him every day before (breakfast. 1 1 gave him a beating that under ordinary circumstances would call in tbs cruelty authorities, but I'm black. and raoe prejudice counted, and -tbe negro had to lose. "It waa a clear case of hlshwav robbery.'' . . Jaok Johnson, tha champion colored pugilist, with high hat. Prince Albert. etc, arrived in this city from tha west last evening, and. told his friends, open and above board, that he was robbed In his recent .fight with Marvin Hart. Johnson appears to ba in ths best of condition and says he is etiil ready to fight Jeffries, or' any man in the world. I would dearly like to get on one more bout with Hart, Rand what I will do with him will be a bity," the colored giant remarked.' v. J v..,.. WW ti " ' . 4 t MVTIVM TV, AJKATVUsHa , . 4 ' Atl notices of amateur baae-' 4 4 . ball games, challengea and ath- 4 . 1-rtio events must he sent to this 4 offloe beore I o'clock a. m. on 4 tb day., fot- publloatt-an. Ama- 4 tear managera should pay at- 4 ' tenuon to una ruie, aa th keep- 4 ' lng ef It will Insure a proper '-. 4 report - of their dotnga The : 4 -J-tMa...-' -. 4 4 ' 4 '4e 1 see that Rusala Is putting another. large sum Into a new navy.". . ves that's het Blnklnc fund." - '.4 ' rf LOCAL DOG SHOW ; V OPENS TIIIS.,,WEEK Entry List Equal to Last . Year, but Quality of Dogs Is.,'. -; :ri: -,- High. t - ' " - lezt Wednesday la tb opening day of the Portland . Kennel - club's , annual show, and great tntereat la being mani fested -both locally and along the entire ooast In-this event. Tbe entries com prise the best of local dogs and also dogs from all tha prominent kennel on the coast. There are also numerous eastern winners outeied ad tb compe tition promises to be very keen. ' While there will probably not be any more dog beached than at previous shows, the' quality of th entries win ba far above Um average. The special prtse are more numerous than at any former show and some are exceedingly hand aomaT and tb owner of a dog that walka off with any of them cava rest assured that It will aot be without a struggle. This year tha a bow la being' held under American Kennel club rules and a win hero -win be a wis of record both fu thla country and in other ooantrlas, as the American Kennel, club la ,tha recog nised national organisation governing dog shows. , it has been a matter of a great deal of comment among th dog fanciers of this city that only on or two of the large number, of Portland dogs exhibited at Seattle were eoocooa ful In carrying off prises, some even venturing to suggest that It might ba the same old story of Anything to beat Portland. -As alter a nomber of tbe Seattle dog wtlK be entered bora. we will bo- abl to gat a line oa them and also see whether Mr. , Ashton will upooiu tbe Seattle awards.. ; Th awards of th coming show, will naturally be awaited with tntereat a a consequence. ' (Special WsaatcB te The Joarrasl.) . ; Bugone, Or, April !. The Unrrerslty of Oregon basebsll team shut out the Eugene High . school nine today by a score or-T. to 4. Tha "Varsity team played an errorless game, and aided by three - bits, five errors by tbe High school team, and th fin playing of Hathaway of Portland, they scored one in tb fifth. Batteries:, -Varsity, Beck in tbe firth. Batteries: 'Varsity, Beck and Murphy; High school, Pender and Krnr ' 1 -- 1 "rn--- . . . . ; j ; v:...''-.,;'.,';'."'. mmm&wm&mmMm -..' . . . '. s ? - ' ' " " " '(' We please the boy, too, by giving him a genuine 4y ictor" : . Baseball, Mask, Mitt or Glove free with his .suit. : 5 Cj C7-TZ!xf Ct. iQctnQen Steritm Coh A FARE VERY WELL Frank Skinner on Sweet Tooth X": - Wins the Fabiola Cup .v: ' Stakes.'" , SY:X. (ftraelal Dtspatel by Lsaaet Wire te TM Jperssiy , V . Jamaica. - April tt -Th surprise of., yesterday was the winning of FUrlkt 100 to 1 la tb first raoe. Th bookie lost heavily. oa the event. Results: . Biz ruriongs-Flat (Uiggins). lot to ' 1, - won; Tommy Waddell. aeoond. The Oadfly third: time. 1:11. . - " One mil 70 yard Unci Ungh (HO- . debrand), 7 to t, won; Whorler aeoood. Gold Dome third; time, 1:4. ' - Four and a half furlongs Lady. Val- - antine (Burns). IS to f, won; Arvtatoa " aoond,,PyUila third; tlm. 0:U l-L. .. use ana rrnt sirrntinrn muss if spin Water (Lyne), 4 to 1. woa; Sidney C Love second. 8L Valentine third; time.. :?.' ..'..;.'- ' -' v. Pour aad a half fm lungs gralya J. . (Crlmmlns); 4 to L won; Ouy Manner- lng second. Evening third-; tlm, 4:M. - Hkadloan, att rurlongs wotan (Mll- ler), I to 1. won; Mew York second. Fly- . back third; tlm, 1:11 t-B. Kzneryvllle. CaL. April tt. Six ' fur- longs, three year-olds and upward; Bell ing, purse 400 cerro Banta , (Foun tain), It to , woo; Ocyrohe aeoond. '.. Sad Bam third; tlm. 1:11 . : , ' One mlla three- year-aid and upward. ' selling, purse ; MOO Flaunt (Minder). It to I, won: Northwest aeoond, Bin- cerlty Belle third; time, 1:4L Th Fabiola eup, amateur rldera, on ' '. mile, TO yards, four-year-old and up- ' r ward, selling Sweet Tooth (Mr, Skln-- ' nor), I to 1, won: Scepter secoud. Frank - Peare third; Um, 1:60 H, ' . ' One and one-slxteeoth m . , three 1 ,,, year-olda and upward, handicap, purs 1 1.000 Oorgaletts (McBrtde), .11 to V . won; Hon I ton aeoond, Boufrtere thirdj time. '.. . One and three etgtrth maea, ' four- , year-olds and upward, selling, 'purs 1400 Orohan (Travers). 11 to t won; Byiwrdal eoo-o(L Ledua third; time. I;2t. -' ''", Seven fnrlongs. three yeaf -oida. purse .... MOO Corablossom (TTavers), I to I, . won; K-rteOsJ. second. Sea Air third; tto-11-. : ' ; .. . -U v; v-L 'VARSITY DOWNS THE V v; DALLAS COLLEGIANS . '(Jesisal Btxetal tmllm.V1 ',''. ', WlDamett UrifyerBlty. . April v . Th 'varsity besoheJl team defeated the Dallas college sin yesterday by the seer of t to 1. Few errora were mad : throughout tb gam and some VDlendid -4 ," fielding was don by Willamette lnflald. r The batting order was as follows: v Willamette Rader. catcher; .Jermas.i . pitcher; Nace, - shortstop; tJuruh. third base: Trfil. right field: Hunt, flrat base; .'.. Beach, aeoond base; Jones, center Held; O. Hunt, left Held. Dallas Gates, third . base; Teats, fight Held; Myers, pitcher; . , Reynolds, catcher; Sibley, second base; . Craner. . shortstop; Morton, first , base; Grimes, left fleld'A--nold1ceptftCae umpire, Rhodes. 1 O Manila mm Whether the boy wants Xnkker- , bocker or Regular' Pants -Norfolk or ' XoubIe-Breasted Coat 4t mat ters not, so long as you bring him J here. ; We show both styles m coats and pants of onr Better Clotjbes for - BoysandiartilSOjanaJow you inspect them,' because we know ; yon will then agree with us that we V are on ' the rigrt side of the , Boy question wim' the ' price favorihg' v ..' -f. . vi.w 1.1. ... 1 v""1.'.' yt '.' -I r i; ;:,; '".VI, -