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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
Vr ! 0 a - CLOTP-1A?.C2 4 i JtrfELD'S'STOSY TDROVfl liJTO JAIL Cwora Azmmnint With Bridges In England, of Courss, and for ' u Refuses to Pay , H:s; .r-'- ? . ; '. TsJtss. . ., . .. ; Wia NOT PAY TO HAVE . Wu r..i-J AfUr Contract for -; Dock Was Let. 'i ' , it , IN SEATTLE TESTIFIED , ,4 ... . .. CUDfcES WAS PARTNER SCHOOLS UNDER PRIESTS '. . . -' Contractors Tell of Meetings at . .4 , v-a-' - - , - -1.j-t.; Is Making Crtat Effort to Hav A T.iyrant to Get Them -' ; " , to Withdraw."" 7 Cibls Rsad to Elementary Pupils., 1 'i ' y 1 ; j 0 QAM L . v -r , ; 1 .'After Robert, Wakefield had told his ; tory of the partnership which no Baa . entered Into with J. B. Bridges for the building of th Fort ef Portland dry dock, the attorney tor. Bridges at tempted to Impeach his testimony in the circuit court yesterday. Wakefield ' said th partnership - agreement with Bridges U - mad be rare the con- - tract (or the construction of thi dock . bad been awarded to him, - In answer ' on crosa-examlnatlon, ha repeated this " statement . ., , . i t ',. f . ' -,-t "In another "ease,'' said Judge More , . land, yoe swore that - the - agreement ' was entered into after the contract had ' been let." and the attorney Introduced a paper from the civil suit of Bridges against Wakefield to pro-re this. lie ' read the paper, and then offered it la ' evidence , as , the swora statement of Wakedeld .that the partnership agree nent .waa made after toe contract was obtained. , , ':: ' f In reply- to questions. Wakefield tack to the statement ha made en di rect examination, and said Chat after he had secured the contract -ho agreed - with Bridges aa to the management of the construction work and other details. But: the . Dajrtnersbis) . aareeaseai -- had been msde in. 1(02, and tbe only condi tion attached to it was that "Wakefield should secure the contract. No writ ing had ever, passed 'between- them. Bridges had asked that the agreement be reduced to writing, bat Wakefield re fused to grant his request. ' . , , ' " Knew Soma Saw. : .s : "I told him,"; said Wakefield, "that a written agreement- would have to be based on the facta. -I had never taken legal advice about Ihe matter, but 1 knew enough -about' law 1 to know that If Bridges were a bidder the agree ment would be illegal.' ' . :i "Didn't you furnish Berry with boy In his officer' i " "Tea, aad they rah their leg off while Bridge was sitting at his ease la Vaa couver." "" 'V -i '' . Tbe defense tried to show that In 111, Wakefield had given testimony ia a easa In Seattle in which Bridges waa Interested to the affect that Bridges was his partner in the construction of the dock. Wakefield denied that ha bad said that ' Brtdjrea was his exclusive partner. He had gone to Seattle at hia own expense to help Bridges oat. He did not remember - the nature of hia : testimony.' r'vn-. . - t j i. "Don't ask - ma any questions." .be said, "beeaoae I cannot answer thesx, I . went over there to help Mr. Bridges la Ma ease for the guardianship of hia prandson. The boy waa heir to about 17.00 Ins ura noe money. It there la any glory In that you can have, ft,", -..:. ., a XJMle TO. : ;4 '-there is little glory la this ease." ald Judge hf oreland. r "L am not proud "Nor I eltharjaiaWakafleidU:!': Wakefield said that he had testified that Bridges waa a partner in the-banding of the dock, soi- that tha Seattle court oould ' see tha Brldgea had a standing In Portland a business man when tha application for tha guardian ship of tha boy was heard. Attorney I. C FUndera testified that Brldgea had borne a? part of tha exponas of the suit begun by tha Federated Trades council against tha Port of Portland at- terra 41. sa sukaaHaai s. kilsl. dork bXl let " A. : Cs Ue DW t f, bOOatkMpCaf ' TOT . . 1. ; Notwithstaadlng her eonision with tha schooner Del Norte off the Coq utile river, tha maiden voyage of tha team schooner Be Foam from Portland to San . Franclsoo waa a soooess. '. She showed unusual speed for a oraft of her - aiae, ' and . overhauled five other team, schooners going down tha coast Messrs. Kollock and Ball, connectsd With tha Willamette Iron Steal works of this city, mad tha trip te Ban Fran cisco oh the Sea Foam. Relative to ther eoUlalon the following facta ware learned from them: A heavy fog hang over tha coast, and at daybreak tha Steam Schooner See Foam.'; mats, who was not" wan "acquainted with tha locality,' ealled Captain Miller. No sooner had they taken up their posi tion, on the bridge than tha dim on Ulna of a vessel waa seen bat a short dis tance ' ahead. - ; r-- --'-' v; -v -- -r Captain MUler1 promptly gave the sir nal to reverse the . engines and threw the helm bard to port, The ships ware so close that It waa impossible to en tirely -check 'the advance of the 'Sea Foam. and ' aha crashed tna - the stranger, which prayed to be the Del Norte, striking her amidships. A leak was started, and tha rock ballaat with :' v C,' -'-'A ;; :-' ?:-r-ey. which tha Del Norta waa loaded togan to shift, and carried her over on her beam ends. . While in Ban Francisco Mr, Ban se- rd a contract for tha Willamette Iron Steel works from Beadle Bros, for tha Installation of the machinery In a very much larger steam schooner than the Sea F6apv which will ba supplied with triple eJCpesalon anginas, and It la aid. the craft will be one of tha most economical boats of her type aver boat. Tha entrance- of- Portland Into this field of industry marks quita aa sra la her .progress, say those whose atten tion 'has been called to tha matter. Bride, testified that tilt In gold had been paid to Qaorge B. Thomas, a mem ber af tha Port of Portland commission, on March t, 10. Tha money waa paid at he office of Bridges. Thomas, when on tha stana, saia ue monev had been received by him as a loan. He had offered Bridges hia notaj far tha amount bat Bridgea told him V that it waa not necessary, as they were old friends. .-. - "' .: - J. B. Bennett, Joseph Faqnat ana Bia- ney Smyth, contractors, testified that two meetings had been ' held at the Quelle saloon before the contract had been awarded, bat arrangemenU were not completed then for the withdrawal of contractors from . tha bidding; on- test. , Bsoka Aa aTrasstsad. The afternoon session of tha court was taken on with tha comparison of the receipts and disbursements aa ahown by the books and as msae oy ins ex- porta. lor botn partraa. 1 mora taaa tvv vouchers. some composed of three sheets, wet introduced. Testimony in regard to these waa given y a. u. ar- rv. John Balrd ana a. w Btoaaara, ex- nerta for Wak afield. It waa shown that errors had been mad In the original compilation of Bridged and that they had sine Man oorreetaa, ana annum had been made In tha books of Wakefield ainoa jsnaica. jima nniiun am wm ment . Tb , oompllation af Bridges shows that the profits of tha partner-! he claims a aharawq x - ,v ; When tha comparison was completed tha hearing or tha oas waa eonunuea unta May IX. , ,. .' : CHURCH SERVIC E S ':'!',' i ' wfarmac- . 'i.' '" St. Stephea's Cknrea Tatowaam sad Osy straetsi Mv. H. U. Mesne la eaarse, T:sO a. Bk,- ho if n is 11 a. av. swralag prayer; I JO a, -ak, eveaing prayer; S:eVa. Bk, unday school. ec Matuew-s. Thai sad Oaretaen streets; iLm. U. t. Bimtpmm will praeca at U a. av: aadar eehael at :S a. m. - St. Mark' Comer of Nlnetaaath ssd Qslmsy tMetoi Ut. i. M. H. tUnpaoa. reetor. a. au, seiy eoauBaaiaa) 11 s. Bk, mtr ana eemoa a p. sk. muH wi iw a. buu ocnuvi. HC Joke's steswrlal AeUwood: Bev. W. B. PenQ id diarce. - aoadar oinul at U a.Bk; asrree aad aermoa at 1:4 p. su - uaaBei mt ute TraaensTiiauusi we bixis wwi. em ' From the Council Bluffs Nonpareil. Briars . I went to a. cat rata barber yeeterday,... - - -i . - .-... j Drlggs What was hia ratat Briggs Tw cuts a mtnsta. ''" ':ri Free Larid Ready For 4'. Evervt dyr mm-1 W ARB SOLE AGENTS AND REPRE- SENTATTVES OP THE FAMOUS DesGhutes Lands CROOK COUNTY, OREGON Selected Under the "CAREY LAW , Perpetual Water Rights '' land selected controlled by , y We now have for Sale perpetual water rights .for sjader tha "Carey law," In Crook county, i Oregon, " now" Deschutea XnigBtlon ax Power oomnany. - ; '. .v:. .... ,. , -. i - i. , i' This land lies aoath of Crooked river and east'., of itha Deschutes . river. , Tha location and low altitude makes it the most desirable af any land being reclaimed nnder the ."Carey Axt". in Ore gov If 7e any. thought of Unresting, In irrigable land, new la tha time to do so, as yon' LjtULlinSXlchojoejusnd Vocation, Tha water ia now on tha land ' ready Xor-nsa; -U pHee s vaiagiaa I.CTM8rl3V" TOrtuUiHi tasU, bal . ance ana,-two and three years, at I par own..'1 -,v ' ,'.'".'. '.:;. Our headquarters and aaJaa offloa la located en tha land th Crook omnty, pnpem. .. -v -,;. -y .,.x' "'," "'''f-'"' ' . Taking this land does not interfera with yoor government bemeatead right, v.-' 'J:fcfrjS'r- ?vj -l .f.K.v ;J We eaa gls yon rotmd trip rates from leading points en tha O. B, St K. and Colombia Southern to Shantke, where stages will take yea te the land. Do not delay if yea wish to take advantage of water rights nader the "Carey Law." which entitles Twtrto "BoT mora tha Id acres of land.' . No charge for water maintenance on the part of the eompany for the year lv. unless water la actually used,'" and tt will not be eonrpulsory ' os the part ef purchasers (o nse watef" durThgsaJd year: B;S. Co. : REAL ESTATE AGENTS . 251 ALDER STREET TT3 - v A SnCXaXTT OT; OTTT Ajra OOUSTMT PBOnBTT. olr enainiBlwi st a. ski ssiralBS Brvtaa al nao a. Ski evening eerrke 7 JO s. Bki iBday aehool it II n. street. aear'Oak: Bv. W. a. Poveil. errice and emaoa at 11 a. m.1 oaday acaoel at soo a. ak - - - BL Faal a Woodsierei Bev. W. B. la chars. Sarvtee sad Bfrawa at 4 a. Bk TrlnlLr Cfcioal NnMioeata MmL wiuiBcua; Hov. it. a. Uoly enaianiBlwi at a. Sk 10:: Maadav aelinal at. Uood gaephera . HeUweod strett and Ti rer areauet kv. Joaa Vim, rector, geaaar acboal at 10 a. aa.t BmralM praysr saa at 11 a, akl ersaios pruror aad sarawi al I:S0 p. Sk t. ABihas-'a, Pea lass lal Bev. Jobs Dswssa la okaiTo. Afasrnuoa aerrke at p. Bk L UitVv'l . caiixl Cursw ef rint sad Cantbara amets. . Kaator awale will be n- natea, Mr. rllx Bt. MirUa wlU slag "One sweoUy HoWbui Tboagtat." by Ajahroao; Him Loalae Ott ta ergnaiBt. Is the evening ute rou arm sing la tae epateoeu caarta iat at, HrkEoa. on taa Oolambla rlvac ML DsvM't Beat -Twelttk and Behaoat Streets: Hot. Gears B. Via Watan.- U. U. rector. Praren at 11 a.- Bk sad liSO p. Bk; oaaoay acaoei at : .;bw '. TXi&M t TBIAJf . Pint Tae castor. Rev. Bdcar P. R11V, D. D will preach aanlng and eveniaf; Beater anal repeal Is the erealBav la the evaauag Ow. Hill will repeav .hy nonaat, the aataMS ea -Jttm' Way." yirat tutted Sixth sad stoatgenery straets: a. W. Wllaon. aastor. Public warship at 11 a. Sk sod TS) p. Bk Saa Say aehoM at liJB a. m.; c B. at-g; B. m-i Menilag eehlect, "What Shall We aavr' tialvary Oeraer at ITS-earl aaa Oar atreeta: Bev. W. s. Qllbert. seaur. ' 10 JO a. m., -atreasth la Wea iiBBfr8 T JO I. a, "1 H viral ot PetxMlsaa." Choir, htlaa Uhcn, ; htlaa Oeaaaoy. alio; Oeorxe AtnaUe, Uears Btreat. hart too. U. V. aUUgaa, ocesoJat. - PtedBMat quia on sis el aaa and Jafiett aereat: Bev. It. aastor. a. pea tor wiu eseas sawsmg aad eveaUis. Hah bath school at 10 a. Bk. Mr. Chart Vesper, eaperiBtendent. ' Arbor Loos Chap BSMtB eeaooi at a p. . Birwis hp Bev. U atrraa Boosar al p, Bk - r ' - avooBt imum auaato m. wv, paaua. atoratna servioe at 11 a. Bk Ne avaBlag a 1 1 U a ea the- two Mosnt Tabor aborehoa will suit a the U. B. charch flaBday Bight la th evaasailsti werk ceaduetea h Bev. i. I Mo- t:M a. sk. Ssaday aeaool.. Wllasi M. aanertetaBdent. Haauuo Ittmt Bast .Keveath B. Gaarlea B. with Wast 10 AO IS Bk. Boadar e p. ak, Ctariatlaa hMaaver., : Sixth Third Church East Thlrteeea asd Piae etreata; Bev. A. T MontcoBMrr, pastor. Berr. leea at leuai a. Bk saa ?: p. Bk Mrs eaoros eboir morntng aad evening. In the erenlns the pastor will apeak ee "The Christian Man's Opportunity la the Ooeuag City iOeetions." ataranau bul comer ci Btanoau ana North Beveatheeiith atneta; Bev. C W. Hj, paster. Bnodsr srhaol at 10 a. mt preaohJng oy the paalar at 11 a. Bk aad f UM) p. Skt p. r. a. v. m. mreiau st : p. m. MUpan JRwi u. smuaa pastor. ien pk. "Bnoeh the Seventh Vroa Adam": T:SB Bk,'("The laOaaaeBj Vpoa Ufe ef th. namfl ItMt." - A nart ef tha Bracraai af Kaator araals aH be repealed. .. , BArTHT. ' ' ." h The Whit Tcaaple Oorner Twelfth end Tir- '. i. Whlteoma BrwuBsr. n. u.. U It Peaslola to Be rer lor treed: Bev. pastor. - IUtbu a retr' hihle ae sobmb onlr. S:S D. uk. Bev. t. B. Merer, apeaherl T p. Bk, sarsioS by Rev. a. B. Merer; baptiastal sesele-BMralag aad rranluf i apeelal Brit . hy the Teaiple eaart- aad ehoros. Bk. tool, 12 JO P. Skt Stealing for las aervice. nishland CerBor of Pteaestt sad treeL north: Kv. A M. Boekwi 10 a. nk, BeBday schooL; 11 a. sh "Making Behdoa Oar inula"; I p. ak, jmlun Bn aoavor; TdO a. sk'A Bsaaedy g Weak relth.'5 r , ; MJaskeippI venae Oerser ef Mlnrtaslppl svenae and Fremont street; Bev. Prod Peaeack, staled sapply. 10 a. m.. Sander school; Breech ing at 11 a. Bk and T -JO p. Bk; SO p. Bk. Teanf Feopla'a Bleating, lead hy Msa. Lamra CrvtcMleid; T JO B. Bk, prearhlrf hy kes, Pred Pearoek. SennTakle Comer ef Bast Taylor sad Bast TUrtT-toerta streets; Bev. J. 1. Stash, pastor. U .a. Bk "Palth,. Weak ac Btraawr'j T JO p. m., "The Rew Heart and Bow to Keep if1; Bandar school at 10 a. aa., 6. O. Pier, aaperln tehdaBt; Chiistlaa Badeaver aervtre at JO p. a, Wm Whmttred Wuaaa, lasdar. . STAsTSaXIOAXi tggrWTTsTTOB. ' . ' of Tenth and CUT la Buoaiaat ef Oalvarr Pres- brterlaa charch, earner ef Blaiaath and Clay streets; Bev. T. Bchaaar. p as lie. Bamoa and worship at I0:4S a. aa. and T JO p. ak; Baaday aihml at t:SD a. Bkt T. P. A- T a. Bk rnian atoae tat the. new church will he laid at SJg p. as. Bev. n. Baapp wiu have ehargs af V ",. TTBTTXS rrawSaXXOAZ. 7' Ooraer er yarga and Ksrbr. etraeta ; Bev. Boweraos, pastor. ' 11 a nk sad T:S0 p. Dteaehlng; Bonday school at 10 a. nv I V valor ttnsesvor et S p. ak A. 1 . Bk at s:o p. aa. St. John's Corner of John and Ivsnaosi B. B. McVlcker. pastDr. Bervtees at 11 a. av and p. at., Kev. B. U. Pratt, preatdlag elder. wiu ptoses at eaca servioe; eaartariy ferear la eauuettioa with the Batnrdar lag enilta and eeennnnloa service Bnhday Bwrnliig. Snaday achoal at 10 A Bkt Jaalor a. i u. a. si a:. at T p. Sk Taylor Btreat Or. ITraarta Utorrrtts Short. pastor. :su a. s eiaases; n s. av. "neeaa applied:- u:ia p. nv, aaaaay arhaali m-M p. av. apworai leoarae; t, ak. lis usBis ana TMnoowa p. sat OenteaarT. streetat Wl Eaat ' Pine aai ullam H. Hrpne, p. I)., pastor. - - anu (tVA A la M Ol.M 'BSA UbTbj is. -aasj a wiassj vt VBTWi A TUlt te the Pool of Betk- aedas" 13:U p. ak. Baaday arheol; 40 A nk. mocnlmt ehtss; p. Bk, Jaahnrst JO a, at Kpworth deroUonal; r chores ef a0 voices sad errlmtra. TrttUtr gast Testa saa (Mat streami Kev. HaraM Ohers, pastor. 11 a. nv, eosissstuaa; B a. aa.. aermoa br tha aastor: 10 a. sk. Ban- OVT scnoot: T p. Bk, Kpworta Magna. uraeo iwrttSMt' corner or mini far lor streets. Dr. P. B. Merer, ef Iadea. will sreerh at 10 JO a. ak aad Or. Chueara Tree- Wllnoa al T JO ea the asiaMna. "la There a Personal IcvU T' class m ting st :30 A Bkt Boaday school, 12:1S p. Bk: Bp Worth veepar service at 0:90 p. Sk Bp worth Twontr-aird aad . Irvlag BUbsuh Rev. Uenrv T. Athlasoa. pastor. 10 a. Bk. Baaday school; U A Bk, "Why Ood Bpok to Moses;" 0:S p. Ok. EpwerU teea-ae; eeram br Dr. W. B. HeUlrmMad and ( ef Lord's Sapper. - . ttoo Corner ef Ulchlfsa avuuee sad Al i streets. 11 a Bk. "Tbe Dsr af Sod's rower; preaentng at t:sv p Central itaastll and Kr serrebrr P. ' It. vices iojo a. nv m. a:se p. ssd I JO Qaartet, Mlaa Bthel Lrtle, sVprano: hi las Kthel Shea, eootrato; Professor i. W. Belcher, Tenor; Mr. Ji. Jt. Martin,. baritone - Second Har aeventh ana SJwenv sxresxs; pestor.-ltev-H n, I .10:30 is. ., -Traos With Christ"; 1J Bk, BiliTnuanA''i 6 JU p. Bk, Yotuif People s anion; 7:30 p. Bk. TJ .Xf U "Btarting ont rer Uhrt"s msste sirsngse lJ J, P. Basiford, director aad arsonist, Csiverslty Pnrh 10 a. ak, Baaday sebool; praaehlag st 11 a. Bk asd T JO p. m. br Rev. Jobs lleotslea; evening topic, -The Capardon shle Bis.'-- ' IlethaajM-dwIlweod; araarMsg by Dr.' A. te Bop at nooa. hy A U sohnseoa at T JO p. Bk; Bandsy achoal st U a. Bk B X. P. 0. at 30 p. Bk . . . laimanael Bron4 arm Meade sweets; Mead M. Hledaoe, pastor. PreachlDS at 10:30-a. Bk hy I -resident A ht ' Brmnbeek of MeMhnrrllle ea the soh)eet ef "Chiisttaa Bdneatloa.'' Bible achooi at the boss boor. Will B. Hale ra charte; top. si.. ,B. I. P. V.; T: p. av, "The Maa We Want Per Maror." . Cmtrsk-Weodmea ef the- World bandies. Alder ssd East Birth streets: William K. BUntster. I0:40 a- -s-, "Oeod Oora. T'.ei A m rallr tor elrle welfare with ad- draeaes ea "Ohucatloas ef CTtlaeaehle" hr O. P. M. laatiaoa of the Maalelpal loagae sad A. P. .fwfel Of the eUresascU. . . .y ' I,'" " OOBaBZOATIOBal. ' ; rrst Par aad Mathapa streeta; Rev. B. U nooae, D. D.. pastor. 10 JO a. Bk. 'Mod'a Oreat Conpaealaa"; T:W P. Bk, -'Are Ghap SMS sad Merer BlgMr-J 1J:1 A Baanar achnoL Cltstaa 0, Mikle, eoperlsamdeat; S:S0 p. Bk, T P." C. B. Cnotr. Mrs. Rose Blorh. Baoer.' Mrs. W, A. T. Ruebonc Proieeaar W. IT. Borer, Mr, W. A MoatcnoMrr. - PrsfMenr W. IL Borer, choir dlrscuw, Mies, iaooers t'leher. exfanloi. -. I'llgrlsi Chapal lewsid strett seat UaaolA Tooiig, pastor. Services 10 B. Bk: Knwerth Pros Comer of Kaat Ninth and MUL las at 11 a. ax.. foUowed br1. shun . saeaUaa, i. Cms, paster. ' . ....... , . Sirat Airnev ef Phrh snd OotSBaMa auaata; B. A Muekley. aualater. 10:30 a. nk. J. Morrla ef Seattle, (tats sauietan far W Ingtnn, will speak ea "Boms MhwinnV; 7:30 p. Bk, Mr, Moealer win speak ea "The Palth That 8 tend the Test"; Bible acboal at 13:10 d. a.i u. a. at a:sv b. Bk Bedney. Avenae Comer of Rodney svenae and Knott street; Aleya SMoa, aunhrtar. s: a. m.-. "Law of Ubertr": :BO a. m- Baadar T jso , nk. loans rsopars aoaetr or ChrUtlsa Bndeavar; aermoa hy Bev. A.M. Morrla of Seattle. Waahlacton. Central Hast Twentieth aad Bahaea ainels. Bev. Mrs G. B. Brana will apeak at 10 JO a. Bk and T:s a. Bk Mrs. gvana m a epecUUst la nondap school ens eaocsuonsi work. Mr. McPhareoe, eaorlajtsr; Mlea. B)r Bran, organist. TiiyTBXBslfi -St lasass' Bnsllah Corner West Park and XJaffemoa stieata v i.. a- Acaa. pastor. SwrtM at it a, Bk eooauetea or toe pastor; Bandar school at 10, aolo hr Mlaa Gilbert and -musie katner utgna,- i p. T aaeeanLU be ne evening aervice la the abeear of the pastor. las norweciaa Brnoo -vomer ae Tents aad Grand streets? O. Rasoes, pastor. Ber. vleea at 11 a. Bk ssd f:W p. aki Bmaday school at 0JO. ' ' T. NoeweaiaaaS forth peortemth streetl Rev, I. Ml NervaT, paster. Services at 11 A Si. asd p. Bk; Sanday school st 0:5 s. sk . . CHAIST1AB BULEB0X. ' ' Plrst Bcottlsh Bite Cathedral Mautaua and liOWBSdale atreeta. Bel ;i,as at 11 a. Bk asd II A si., aabjeet, "Adam aad Pahee Maa." Bandar schpol"t do t awraing serrles. neroad Aortltortant oalldlng. Third b etwees Tayle asd Balnoa atreeta. lender eiihje at It A Bk and p." Bk. soblert, "Adsai and Pallea Mm." rhmdar school at 11 a, n . ,11 tbe raiding notns, ' . .;. -r -','!." '.' ' -i k. a a, ;, i'" i Meeting for Ben onlr at Marqaaaf Ibeetre, Bonder at S P. Sk Address br Rev. P. a Merer ef Londea oa tha top la. "Awake Proa Hlerp.". Hmw hp Oregon eaartet aad BMMJ thoras. lwors epra at J 30 P. J... "Tree Bars' moating at the awilliirTniarln V. M. tt A.-pnfldlnr at 3:30 p. m. Addreneed by Bev. M. M. Bledsee pa 'Tanwas BoyA" Special Marie. ' The flhrtstlae CatlioUe AparUlle .Cbsri-b -Is Zilos Rev. 4oha Alasaader DowlA general overseer; Allnkr hall, sernnd Mont, ear err nf Third and MorHena atreeta. t p fa., "Th Coming e( Christ. Oar Ierd'S; p. m-, Iterloptieea lector with 160 vwsa of JUoa Qty, :' "Although .we oppose the priest In tb elementary school, we are eager to ob tain tna -reading or oertala - selections front the Bible to- our school children; not only, because the Bible la the great est ef religious books, but because doUv log else lies so Mar taa heart of our national llf a - ' ' Rer. T..B. at eyer, who is known lit Ixndon as the leader of tbe great "Free Church Federation,'' and whose sermon a at tbe White Temple In this etty have attracted wide-spread Internet, hag made frequent reference to the growing prln- cipiea which he ea ably represents, but his strongest plea Is yet te be heard. It will be for the amalgamation of all Protestant -churches. . BeAted in his apartments at the Eaton hotel this morning Mr. Meyer explained the - purposes er ""church- federation." , ; "There i an eld church In England." said- he, "that is connected with the Lain. lb in an cpinoopaj cuurcu. Al sends its blahopa te the bouse of lords and derives revenues from thes nation. It waa agalnat the domination ef this very church that the Pilgrim fathers protested and finally, left their homes. There has alwaya been a large number of free churches -Baptist. Congrega tlonal, Preahytarlan-Hka Influential la money .and. in numbers aa ' tha state cnuron. uut unui is years age usee eburchaa were separalA ; "It was at the suggsstloa ot Hugh Price liughee. lr. Berry, the man who was asked te succeed- Benry Ward Beecher and ethers that a federation was formed, in which the free churches have now combined, without losing their distinctive existence, ' for ervle and aav tlonal righteouanesA That If about the situation. And the federation la exercis ing A Wonderful. Influence." - - Mr.- Meyer speaks with' degree ef earnestness ' thac is nnoommon among evangel lata. " "In (8 cities and ootmnsa, be con tinued, -"the leading men of - these churches meet In eonferenee te tswuddar the common Interests snd exert a united power en Anything; in social and civic life not consistent with righteousness. For iTaWarsray the church ot which t am pastor Christ church has c lowed tod brothels ' in our neighborhood and re duced the number ;of sa loons gpeatly. We try to exercise the sharpest Influ ence on anything that Id Immoral, even to photographs la ' shop windows And bUTboaroa ot a theatrical character, and If any maa whose individual tertdenclea are Immoral la put np tot an office, we see to u uu a Clean man is ran in opposition to him. "Our churchmen are trainee: to dee the ballot as they say their prayers. The whole body of tree crmrnrtes is running; 100 Candida tee for parliament at this time. ' Speaking; furtbar ef the state Mr. Mayer said: f r "ia England for - many" yaara thare have been two sets of schoou. One la the people's schools andr the ether the Kplacopal - church schools, which are dominated by the priesta of the Roman Catholic and, anglings churches. Three years ago the latter schools ware made beneficiaries pf '. local ' taxation by tha government. - There waa a protest from the free churches. ' - We - oom plained against the command that we support the teachings of priesta pointing oat the absurdity of making men pay to have their children tanght that it was sinful to eater their own chapelA The government took no notice of our pro test, 'hut! continues to levy the tax As a result, thousands of us have refused to pay taxes and the consequence has bean that our houses hare been raided by the collectors.-- - "About 1M ministers bare bean raided for refusing to pays and six months from now, when I return to England; I shall be surprised If t mm mot myself thrown Into Jail for three weeka. But If that haocena t shall consider It the greatest honor of pay life. For I would Mm- . . - . ' - rauer uie una sew me. ""i7 schooU of Bin gland dominated by priests, who haye been A curse to children la the schools of? every aotmtry from time ImmemortaL" , , . . - - Mr. Merer says that one great argu ment put forth by people- In England against tha nse of the Bible In any form In school Is that Americans do sot use ft. '- ' -'.;-' - "They am -forever quoting yon on the other side- ot the Atlantic. It was a great Measure to ni therefore, te find Influential men at a dinner la Pasadena who are forming a league which will labor "for the re-ratsxxiuctlon - or the Bible In the elementary schools et this countrybut not under the priest system.- r - - ' - -.; doctrtna, bsdastries ssd isisls, Set. A Hey, elder Is charge, - r,... ' t PTTTIlTiB. - . s-tia rr a. a. n mir sastox. TI samee, with dsietnnrtoB ea "The Mnweaaee Tratvey, a 1 an in ror ass ns w""t Sanoay sensol st -UJ0 p, Sk WUUaat 0. KUot fratsral.ty . -,; .. BBUI BBtTTsT. ''' Deneh and Mast aThrtm streets p. SjwalL Ms. U a. av. Two AMndS ef TTrtae-; U.10 a, av, Saaday sessoA 1 nnicH, S0xi4k..;. . Ptret 171U BaesBd street, Pot asm a" ball: C H. MowT,- pastor. 11 a. Bi-. "Whore Art Thee 7"s ' S A av, -wsoja aey a isaa l Amrt Bonder seaeel at 10 a. BM Bpwarth TTrrrr-Tr- f Annie TKX WObXP'S CUATBST LADY WTUt SHOT US1S .-;v . The CRnJaNAL, resaaey that wns the i -;:-"' ...v ;:. '' r,-;,- . . -;.v ',.y:---'--; " r ; v; Trawcfing as 1 do continnoaslr, 1 hive been tToabfed ..' t a great deal witii dxndrtiff and ailing hair, apd until I tried. Herpicide I neTer found a remedy that was satb i factory .y.- ; ';:-:! ; y '"'' ,ff :'!'t ' v'; Herpicide is a dic4iifaW preparation that fulfills the claims made for it, and no lady's toilet is complete with-; - Oct it. I highly recommend it to my friends." VvtV'-:; r-,. t ;,p;v:.(Signed)1'ANNIE OAKLEY." - It Is eertalniy slgnffleant tha Kiss Oakley, the peeabrsted rtOe Shot and theatrical star, who baa traveled so extensively abroad, should ohooae Newbro'a Herpicide aa the ' SBOat afBoaohoria toilet , " remedy for tbe eealp. No one wm doubt her opportunity ta ohooae' the cans, aad these who nave seen tna natty and .winsome Mlaa Oak- . J ley -win net doubt her power of discrimination In matters of this We w two's sserplolde Is a scUsif tfio srmsclde and prophylaetSe for the hafr aad scalp, tt destroys tha germ or microbe Chat osaaea r eVandruff. Itching scalp and tallina; hair, aft- which the hair will - r --"' grow aa nator inteoded. . Extraxrdtnary results follow the una of - -. ' yewbiu's HerpicMa r-.-.. .:-,... r y- .. - ' It your hair la dun. brittle, or lttstraleenk don't wait tmtfl H ' -. ' beaia te fall, but save It wtth Newbro'a HerpicMa In addltioa - to Its wonderful medictnal qnaUUea, Newbro's Herpicide ta the il t ii 1 1 I ntt winel ilellali t fuTT ari ililne X.I. rti omoIiio n f 1 K1a sue um nuGHwa pni i on ua guwiinaii a. - . . Bearstde rawitabm no ft wia Botistala sm ty.' l:-. STOPS rrCHINO OP TUB SCALP INSTANTLY .: "teas t Is itskTBt tm urn te TO atXTrOtt $XTOr, Ptyt L tares. Bck -At Laadlbtt Drag Stores or Semt Prrpmld troisi Detroit,: .- '- MIclUs 'Rscipt-ol $i.oev BlsXJtl.TABglWa .'.' "'.' Wtrwt nthla Bnlrltnal aneletv A. O. V. W. halL Belllnc-BlmrA hnildiea, corner af West Park and Waahlngtoa atneta. - Baaday at 11 A av, sptrttaal teste by Dr. OoOkssi 7:0 p. Bk, Imrtmrm hr ll U UrtanA- ' The Pwnple'S ttirWtlaa Hnlsa Pree BeBcionS BeeJety Vnitf hail aa asa awnm scraei. Bear neconit arrest; P. B. CoaUon. hwder and teacher. 11 a. as.. "Retrospection": IS: IS r. Bk, "The SobstsaUsI Caeraeu ef Mlsd T:W BBL, aaneart hp Uaton miSwiUa. Mra J. A oward. veeallati Profeeaor P. A Tweinaad. either aoteart: :! A Bk.. "The PsflaaiaA ef Spring." - f "Adnata. gnaaiy . evening at - T5 - Mr. taUod will take np tbe sobieef nuatpuei a rron iet wees, viret ww,, irmm iwmmcj and nirtnry Compared With Palae Propherlea Concern In the Second Adeest ef Christ." The inal Bona eollfc BeaUnlBg et 7 JU. The Pint BewltBal Uorlrtr Artlean's hall Ablsa-tea baidlns. Third Stmt, near Waahlne- toa rtr-t. Kev. Mooes Hall and Mra. Hull will lectnn at 11 a. m. and T 45 a Bil Chil- drea'a I'tweveaalve Leeeana at 13:00 , sa ----Th Charch of Mod kS .Hawthorn an nee. Bervleea at 3:10 sad T40 a av( Baaday achoal It 1 h SA. ... . Miiieenil pawn a. A. a. Ban, earner ef and and HeHM auaeuk UttO n. at- "Watrhmee. What of th Nlchtt The Hors ing Cometh and a Night AM?' ' I New Thenaht Society Tin II BOO, Third fMor Alwhr bnlMlns, earner f Third aad Morrises etreehh At t p. at.. Dr. P. W. Belle s The Science aad rower ef ThBngat.n,-. .. .-..-W..' w.,4JV--..-V- SBAA -iw-.-l.. a-.y. w-e-"... ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN . ' . - ' '. ' --. . . y y .- ; ; BtrTrT TOO AKB RZDINO A : stm TOTJB WOTB2. AT LEAST, IS ' '' ' 8AFBV. .'V' The SHELL BICYCLE Ekrujpped Wtth uaVMMlA SESATT TBQBAJB flu, Is built to withstand, any- ordinary and many extraordinary aocldentA - have handled thenr' for seven years aad know whereof we speak tPe will) XTBTTaUi our Ttrea this year agalnat any defects of material -or woYtrmanshlp and will promptly replace any tire found defective. We Itnow we have the beat tire made and are win tug to back the statement. RESCEMTBB7R, you get TIED INSURANCE wtth every psiy ef tires you buy. -WW' i I Mitchell Heavy Tread Tires, $8.00 Per Pair : T Portland Touj:h Thread Tires, $6.50 Per Pairi O. J, XORCUil WRIGHT and HaRTTORD "sad an ether standard makes of Tires, .pond ring aad Repair. , . , j. -y $25.00 iviltcholl 'Bicycles J-V -'"2.1- First and T : Taylor Sts. 0 b. t. p. wiix We do erewa ssd bridge work wlthont pata. Oar IB pean' experience la plats work a ables ea ta fit roar swath eoBifortablr. - Dr.' W. A. Wlee has foand a eaf wa t extnet teeth, ahaelately wttaoat pela' Dr. T.--P. Wnil as expert St retd fllllsg end erewa - aed - hrlV wrkv- - wealing tree wbea plalss er Bridges are ordered. . , WISE BROS,, Dentists faniag Ballctog. ear. Third aad "Waah gu -Opes aveBlaf till 0 p. ai. Bnnday frost . to IA Or. Mala Aaa ,'aw'wtrt. DB. W r I .' ...! -J - I- V -(.-