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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
. 'AT' .2, aitol: S3. 1::;; I " I. ' " --, , I . fin TMarqaas) ., . ..geateel Quartette . tupire "Tea avarble Heart" rte "The lUa rrosi Nea" liar r., ..-., ...,......t,,....Jeo(T" (rang ' .. ....,.,,... Veuevma liaker Vaouarliia '.'.- Artistic advertising. That ths enter prising Arm of Parker A Kahler, located ' t 2(4 Id 1)1 street ranks as top notchera . in tbla particular fold of advertising la '. evidenced by the elaborate pictorial dla ',. play Juat completed by them on the east i wall of the new Blssler building, corner ' Washington and West Park streets. The . sign, aaida from 'being a work of art; : covers a apace of 6,600 square feet, be- Ing by far the largest pictorial adver tlaement ever attempted In the city- of Portland, If not on the Pacific coast This la the only pictorial display In the city that bears the Painter's union label, , and the local cigar makers' union have ,','t Juat cause to feel gratified In the suo- cess of their : venture In advertising , 'union made. cigars. ..".. tC? "."'-7: - At 1U Mar Dartr. . Tuesday evening. ; . f he Michigan Society of Oregon will . - crown a queen who will preside over the .,' festivities of the evening.. Voting for the Queen will be continued np to 1:10 p, m, Tuesday, and at that time toe crown will be awarded - to the most popular .woman. The vote yesterday stood: Mrs. O. IC Baker, 100; Mrs. . Jay Wade, 41: c . Miss Ruby .Hubbard. It; Mrs. Jennie . Davidson, 11. , Several other candidates ; had. 10-votes or less. ,The society has ' accepted an Invitation to : attend the ,S housewarmlng of the Minnesota society ' en May f and a meat lag .of the Dlxla society on May 11. - ,-. ; ; j . Fred BelascV of the firm of Belasco ; '- ak Mayer, Ban Francisco, the new owners of the Columbia theatre In this city, ." '-arrived from Ban Francisco yesterday, .'accompanied by Phil L Wilson of th 7 ' Commercial National bank "of Dos An '. firs.' Mr. Belasco Is here to aaaum -"if Control "of the theatre the Belasco. as " -tt -wilt- hereafter be known tomorrow .,. morning.; ' According to Mr. Belaaco, the ' f 'company will Include-Virginia Brleaac , Clarence Mon tains, John- Sainpolis, ' laura Adaraa, Christie McLain, Kllena " - Gordon and Eleanor Haben. .. As before ' suted, H U Backett will . be resident '' manager.'. -. . ; ' - ., Not a true btU was filed In the state ' circuit court by Deputy District Attor ney Haney yesterday In the case of Kr- -nest B Idler, who - was arrested on a charge; of robbing a telephone box In a saloon V at Sixteenth and Washington ' streets. - The only evidence against 8 id ler wss the fact that be was Is the,sa loon shortly before the robbery oc curred. '.;"' ;,V .'v,vf-,'' .'i-!'J': Victor Olldlns Lawn Swing, scientlfio- ally built down to date swing.- Seats 1 four adults. Strictly horlxontal motion, ro dipping. ' hence no dixxiness sxper . lenced.- Adjustable, canopy , sunshade. ' Bead your paper with pleasure while ' ' swinging, Ornament to lawn or porch. To high arms. Neat Compact. Step ',, In and try It, it Btark street t , , , -" - .' i V: ' "' - - Extensive preparations' are : being ' made, by the Cltlsens' association of ' Echo and vicinity for the. second annual meeting end picnio to be held May f. 4 The meeting is to be one of toe largest . of Ihe sort ever held there. Practically ' every one la that neighborhood attended 'the gathering last year. XL B, 8 tan field, " la president of the association, and H. C ' ;VlJlls V) aecretarr. ; ''-Xi - '-' 1 A meeUns; of the Eighth ward Repnb- 1 arm ha liuM Rurkh&rt halL " - corner' Onion avenue andEsst Bornslde street ; Tuesday sveningj May '. at , o'clock p. m. candidal W..B. uiarae and other speaker will talk on the . benefits of Business City Admlnl , ; tlon. Music by the Olafks quartstte. .Indies mvitea. VA A. Women' social will b given by ,Hhe members of the; Illinois society la ' their rooms in tbo Chsmnes sf- meree building on Monday evening. A oordlar invltaUOn to attend ts extended .to all nilnolaans who are new residents - of Portland and vicinity or who may be In the ciy at the time. The members of the Portland Admen's league will entertain a number of repre- santatlve business map -of this city at dinner Monday evening at the Commer- : clal club. Uach member of the ieaajue will have Aa his gueat a. proprietor or manager of a Portland business lnstltu ' tlon. Interesting addresses on adver tising will !b made. , : ,", . J ' Excursion te Old Champoeg. Tuesday, May t. to celebrate the Jd anniversary of the birth of American civil govero ment on the Paetflo coast Take a day ' off aad help the pioneers. Boat leaves Taylor street at :4I a. m retaraing. leave Champoeg 4 p..nv.Round trip II. .' At the party night dance oa Thursday evening at the Woodward's dancing acad--amy, Bnrkhardfs hall, over one hundred : cosple participated. It was a delightful occasloa. The dosing night dance will be held Monday evening.' Hive rest's or chestra will be in attendance. ' ' North Paetflo Steamship Co.' team ship Roanoke, MO tons, sail for Sa Fran ciaco and Loa: Angeles, calling at Coos Bay vctd Eureka, Thursday.. Mjy 4. I p. XromeColumbla dock No. i. Ticket offioe 111 Washington street K , Young, agent , Phono Main III. .. ' A meeting oftthe Ninth ward Repub lloans wUl be held at SI Russell street Skating Tlnk), Monday evening. May. 1, .. at o'clock, p. m, , candidate w. QUfke and other speakers will" be "ft attendance. Music by the Qlafk quar tette. . Idles Invited. . , - ? - '' ' We bay ltfe insurance policies and pay more than the companies issuing them; -w alga TsayThernmbwctr-to loansrwmr Mjtrm M I. care Jourmtl. John 'Constdlne and his partner, Tim Sullivan, of New York, have purchased the vaudeville interests of S. Morton Ail Jt LtV W lei AIM JJ U.AKK FAIR ' v -' :V.TICKETS REOPENED ' . In response to the overwhajlmlng tttowWeadauarters yesterday. It 7vpronnnity to tne putuio to nuy vowHoutaxioa Tickets. a eectal sals' will be reopened for period of It days only, ben Inn 1 n g"Mo (May moin- ( Ing, at I o'clock, at Woodard, Clarke 4k Co.' store. Fourth aad .Wash- ' - ington streets.' . 1 The Commutation Book are offered at th rate of 117 s-lmlawirsiat , or the entire season at $10, or 10 admissions for 111. I. In this eon- . , n action it la to be clearly understood that there will be no family tickets of any kind. No stockholder' passes will' be Issued excepting the five . single admission souvenir tickets heretofore promised by the Board of Directors to sll individuals who paid up their stock subscription In, full previous to June 1, 105, . . , There are several erroneous Impressions as to the Issuance ef so- ' ' called family tickets and passes, and thta final announcement I made) , to emphasise the necessity and Importance of taking advantage of the special Inducements. ' ,: ,'; . v '',.... 1 -':. H. W. OOODE. v lTe1dent Lewis sr.d Clark Exposition Compdny. April II, IMS. - v.i.J....; .. . .. '-.'.'-.-..".' iw t ,S sHHWatlllMi ....... .... r t a L.T f i 1 c'. I i attraction will be d.;-orut t f of Use Grand, but it will be u ..,. it snageisfnt, s long as t - ts the operation of the t o I . "it only opposition now Is that of the Faker, which house wUl soon revert to .George L. Baker, and become-the home' next season of tb Stair Uavlln attractions. , Charles Meyers Wss seriously Injured last night while loading a schooner at the foot of Lincoln street for th Port land Lumber company byV tier of lum ber falling on him. The accident oc curred.. t T:H , o'clock and Meyers lay tor several hours after being pulled out fromf under the "lumber, by his. own volition, as he -did not believe he was badly hurt ' - His ' condition continuing to grow worse, the polios wore notified and Patrolman Hellyer removed the in jured man to his room at the New Tort house and summoned a physician.. His front ' teeth were knocked out , aAd II is thought two or three ribs were broke by th aootdent -'..v..-',' .';.. ')..'' , --.' J. H. EKiggan. of IIS North 'feleventli street jnet a man In the' business part of the city last night who claimed U be broke and willing to dispose of hi gold watch for a small amount - He re ceived -1 for - the t Jlmepleoe ' from Duggatt, ' who ova' dlseoverinc it to be worth not more than II, hastened to police headquarter nd entered com plaint. Twenty-flvo-dollara was paid by H Blatt of 71 North Third street 4e man he met In the north end for a pair of . earrings represented to be t added with diamonds. He found faea to be paste and worth probably II. j ' Iwhen Berg goes into th north end again he will remain sober. He called at police headquarter last Bight and told Captain Moore that while in one of the numerous lew dives Infesting that part of the city he was robbed of fit aad ft gold wtah. The police are unable to do much' for the man, as be cannot remember in what saloons he spent his -thnev but Detective Kerrigan Is making an investigation. Berge ha bean la the city only a short time. He has a room at the New Grand Central hotel;-:. :j ri v,-,V..SV.''r"y; nrsuttdeirrrtde 'on -tbe-Wtt- lamette Beginning - today, the v. m. line i. of - steamers will leave Port land, foot of Washington street for St Johns, -XJnnton and all war point, at I and 10 a. m. and 1. :I0, and p. m. Returning leaves Linnton at t aad 11 a, m aad t, and p. m, Tto 10 cents. . " , s. f 'saBiswwws ' ! i' On complaint of Carlos S. Unas, de partment manager for H. Seller aV Co who Uvea at 43 Davis street a warrant was Issued from 'the polios court yes terday for the arrest of Warrea Stewart aged 14 years, on th ehargs of oalnf abusive language. L ,...: ,:- -s ,Ko place on the Mount Beott ear line shews mors thrift than . Kara Park. New buildings are starting everywhere and the free rosea furnished lot buyers seems to have stimulated the making of good gardens and that means goad neighbors. . .- ... ,- ,f .. iV , .t ,.. . Opening season of.exearsioB rata aa the O. W. P., Tomorrow low ratas will be placed In effect and continued every Sunday, during the summer. Opea oar and frequent trips to Oregon City, Wil lamette 'FallarCenemah- Park, Oreaham, Eagle Creek aad Estscada. 7 Havtng ' made - satisfactory adjuat meats of our fire loss, we ' are again open for business. Shipments made from our east side war house promptly and in good order. : F. H. Beach at Oat, the pioneer point oomriy. 111 street ,: . 1 ' - . Immigrants Wanted -To locate alona the Oregoa water. rowar as Ran. way company's - 11a between Portland and 1fffft"',i. For Informatloa Inquire I of the Oregon Water -Power Towns! ta Wsompaay, 14 First street .Paoaa, Mala lis. Fine corner In SeUwood tT.1t, on grad ed street and sldewalked. This is a sample of our, prlosa; - Five dollars pet month. Sell wood Townslte oonrpany. "fofnraV-geUwood aud at 111-Fall mej butldlnat .... ' ; r . -Eatacada Offers - Opportunities to manufacturer which t means . million of dollars" If properly handled. For in formation inquire of the Oregon Water Power Townalte company, 114 First street Fhone, Mala lis. Bst dollar spectacles oa earth, oor- rectlv fitted by our expert optician. Ev ery pair guaranteed. Bxamlnatloa free for on week only. 111. Sixth street Metsger & Co, jewelers and opticians. ' Trolley trips today. Oregon City and Caaemah Park. II cants; Gresham, ti cents; Eatacada,' II cents. Dancing at Cane man Park paviuoa. All ear from First end Alder streets. tf "Hotns Its Lights and Shadows' wU bo the subject of Dr. FBurgette Short's sermon at tha Taylor street Methodist church tonight The quartet will slag several special numbers. , Tents! ' Teatal I Tentst 1 1 Ideal camp at Mount Tabor. Large private grounds; one view, shady grove, rant reasonable; . by week or month. Phone Scott I7M. ''.' j...,-...-,.-..-. At the White Temple today, 11:10 . m.. Dr. Brougher en Ii It Possible to Be Perfect T" 1 p.'nv, E. B. Meyer's last sermon.).' Baptism both sen lues. , . -' For Sale acre farm six raOsa from Portland by Oawago. Max Smith,- No. Ill Fifth street, tha Savoy restaurant. '"C R. DeBurgh. Bepublloaa eandidata for - nomination . of oouncOman, eigh th ward, . t . ' . . , , ; Ml.Oe ' reward for any adultaraHova found In Oregon .Orap or Paoiflc Cream. Woodward's Daneinc Academy! lurk. hTd"glisil,- T0Bdy anduraday evac your grooer for QoMea. Cheddar. Mrs. J. Eastman of 141 Hall 'street informed the polio last night that her demsnd upon Lewla end Clark Ka- - ' baa bean decided to afford aaethar .... V ; ) it- ' ' ;. -. Five " rzzzzza why Vycu sZcjId kzvc cn . account wltii .: our bzz::iltl::lp3 ycur credit. r it stlziulsitcs your co u ran c." It cusrds you ezlast extravagance, It Clves you con fidence In yourself. f Your savin si will tide you over, adversity; If K comes. ; . We Per Cent Pay. Interest J: OREGON! SAVINGS Cor9f Sixth mud Morrison CIVIC improvement; i SUBJECT OF LECTURES Corge M. Hyland and .Thomai Utnkw Tell What Can Z- Bw""D6nitMwi:'F,T"' " Ob invitation of Mrs. Valentine Pritohard,' director-of the women's and children's - department of th. People's institute. Oeorg Hyland and Thomas MoCusker gave illustrated lectures on "Civic ImDrovement" before the mea of th. Institute last, night The kudito- Ocorf IrL Hrixnd. rlaar was crowded with rote rested liav tener. , , Btereoptlcon views showing the ap pearanoa of a City before and after civic improvement ' was inaugurated; thrown on th canvas. What had been dona la this and other cities by olvlo Improvement was told the . man. they were advised what they eould do to assist la beautifying., the city by cleaning up around their homos and In obeying the laws of th dty regarding aealta and cleanliness. Mr. Hyland lectured on the origin of eivlo improvement He stated that the movement was originated by John Pat terson of Dayton. Ohio, who had tba mooei manufacturing stajuahment In the United States. Mr. McCuaker told what bad done aad what remained to be dona la tha city, aad urged his bearers to as sist the work aa far as they eould by beautifying gardens - and cleaning up aooirc umir nomas. . husband I drinking and while la', that condition la violent and abusive toward her. He had not yet eome -home. Can- tain Moor kept an-officer la risrllmss at the polios station to send to th seana to arrest Fasrmsn soon as .a tale- phone message was received - from his In' Y.'-,.' , .. .-,1 - v 1 , :r ,'. " v,.; By tha prematrire explosion ef a blast which be had, placed In a stump at his farm, nine miles from the city, yesterday evening, . jonn utty, age to years, was nunea to tne groan a. his raoe w blown full of splinters, his ' hand w crushed and his eyes were temporarily blinded by the explosion. Hs was brought to town aad taken to Bt vreeanr hos pital last night by two friends. Th police -were notified at 10 o'clock last night that a man was trying to get In at the back door of the . bouse at m Thirteenth street Patrolman Baty found Joseph Gray trying to unlock the door with -a- ser ne was aroaav-aaa- was locked la the . dty prison. -' " 1 1 - ' " ' -tp See Ansley envelope display. Foarth street window, Woodard, Clark a Cn, Woodwards dancing academy el Monday night . Everest' orchestra. Dr. L. M. Thornton, dentist. Mar- quam building. Phone Mala 114. , For municipal' Judge, vote for Ooatav Aaderson, Republican. . ; . , Cedar Park open today. Daaota sf- teraoon. and evening. OallirtalFranch restatn-ant WTTpatrar Dr. J. a Court net. offloe First 4 ator. TV Journal asks whV WooatarT , WHERE TO DINE, r y AH the delicacies of the season at the Portland rareau rant Private apau-taoanta for parties, 101 Washington, bear Fifth. ' The Calumet 141 Seventh, street near Morrison, servos an exceptionally fin dinner a Sundays. Fifty cents. .A G. Brandes' new grill, 101 Sixth street will serve a' flnV tabta d'hete din ner for 10 cants, from 11 m, to I p. m. .......r, , ...... . T .... ,,. , . . . ' . LOAD TCE EXFOTS Custom Houss Figures for Past ; Monih'Hava Many Very En, r -) cotirasins Fas, , - . ' - FLOUR, GRAIN AND :HAY , LEAD THE SHIPMENTS Twica as Much Breadstuffs Sent Foreign as In Any Pre- y f v ceding Month. "" Aprfl Exports ' : . Value,'- Flour, 111,177 brreU.......,..Je,20 Lumber, 4,48414 feet........ 14,111 Oats, 11,415 lui.halar . , T ,.,,,... sa.oaft Hay, UJi& bales ,-,r..M, 12.000 Oottoo. tottaooo, eto........, U,71 Total valne ..MJ.....UI.ltT.US While the value of the exoorts from -Portland during Aprfl la less than that of any preceding month of - the y there were 'bigger shipments of purely Oregon products in the last 10 days than for any similar period 01 uoa. . Three oriental liners cleared in April, aad th malor portion of their cargoes was made up of flour, grain and hay. Almost twice aa much flour was shipped foreign an was exported in any -or tha three pre ceding months,- while but comparatively little eastern .freight . passed through this Port Th value Of the Oregoa nroducts alone totals 151X441. - . Custom-house statistics show tnas tne value of the export' from Portland last month amounted to 11.141.116. Of this sum, SUS. worth of freight constat ed of eastern nroducts. such as machin ery, cotton aad tobaooo.-lThe value of the eastern I reign passing tnrougn wis month only amounts to tUI.ITl, aad so In one Important respect -April Is the banner month of tha year. The follow ing figures show th vain of the ax ports for tha four months: ;':--' January". ..-...... ...... I 71J04 February . -... 114,401 March L141.6M r .. mmn , , Five cargoes of- lumber, 'measuring 1,481,114 feet ware sent to foreign porta. Two went to Shanghai, one to Cailao, Peru.! one to Haiphong, China, and the fifth to Manna.- Exoapting January, it Is the best showing in the lumber line for the' year. In January 7.I&S.71C feet of lumber were exported. - The lumber sent to coastwise points amounts to 10. IM7 feet this month.. The shipments la detail are as follows: .. April 7, barken Una Joko Head easered Cor Hhsngnsl wttn juav ber. valued at 110.141. . . F - 1 harkantliia .T. IC Kmixh. Bhangaal.xlrM0,7l feet Talaad at 11,- 041. - - -' . Anrfl 11. British bark Holt HIH. Cal- bto, Peru, 1.(71, MS feet valued at 111,. Ml. - '- --' 1 Aorll It Aaaerloan schooner CburchlU, Haiphong. China, 141,000 feet valued at 11,410. - . . inHi 11 ' atawnahia Aiaaoaia. Hong kong and way porta, 47,127 barrels of flour, valued at JlM.&lo. ana enaugn eastern freight to make the total value of the cargo amount to 1101.411. - April II, schooner Alexander T. Brown, Manila, L01M&B fort valued at I1M0O. AnrU 11. British stsamahlp Sandhurst, Talngtau. China. I1.14& buabels of oats, valued at 110,000, and 11.14 bales oi hay, valued at lll,soo. . , . .- April It, British steamship .Dnmbar- ton. TOkenama, 'Barrels ot xioua, valued at $201,710. ' .Eighteen lumber oargoea were taken down the coast nine of which went to Baa Francisco, eight to Baa rsaro, ana one to Redondo. -, ..... . : -. ,Y ' . . WSI TTT TO At high tide tonight an effort win be made to raise the steamer George W. Bides fiess the rocks on which she hi resting near Goble. .' The coffer dam was ' placed Inposlfteir ysterdajrr"and every needed device ha been taken to th scene of operations to be used in the work of drying to float the craft In th event that she Is floated, the Elder will be towed to th dry dock at St 'Johns, where she will be lifted and given a thorough examination, if tha Investigation shows she Is not too badly damaged the steamer will be repaired. . ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Captain James Shaver states that the steamer Sarah Dixon may bo kept in commission on th run between here and Clatakanie during this season. A short time ago, he was talking of taking her off the route In order that she might bo added to the towing fleet of the Shaver Transportation company. Oa tha. steamer Alliance which went out last night for Ztareka and way porta : AT, LOW COST We are going to reduce our stock of Upholstered Rockers, and it will pay xou to eome and secure - - , one at once. - . $10 UP AND YOU MAKE THE TEEMS ' Oreet variety In weathered oak' ' and other styles, ' upholstered : genuine Spanish leather; olive, red aad tan colors; genome black leather and fancy veiour and - piush. Fomerly Wow Terk Farahmr Oa, IM-f rptST ST. , LUXURY ' r ' .. r illi 1 ; In Icw Boildiiig on : 26th Stree : Ftdns Main Entrance v end Exit of Lewis & . Clark Fair.- . - APPLY- 5 14CbaniIer of Commer& or 393j-26th Street . rbero a Me; sMptaent of'nclrtnery for loggmg 'oamps ra , th Coo Bay oountry. a ;", ...' - In tow of the Orsnola tha bargea De fender; aad Oregon, belonging to the Oregon Round Lumber company, went to the Bunker HU1 quarry last Bight From that place they will carry rock t tha government Jetty. Tha first de livery will be made tomorrow. . .. - After a long passage the steamer Redondo arrived last night -from Saa Franeiso with a-' general cargo which will be discharged . at the Oreenwicb dock. N. Poaton, general ' manageTe.' assist ant iof the Paeif m Coast - Staamaoip oompeay. la la tha etty from Seattle oa trip, . ., -.. iMARJNE NOTES. . v Astoria. April It. Arrived down at las night British steamer Dumbar ton. ' ':S , Arrtvad at and left Bp at tl a. m , Steamer Redondo . from Saa Francisco and coast ports. ... Sailed at 1:41 a, bv Steamer North land for Baa Pedro. Arrived at noonu Barkeutiue Port- Arrrved at 4 and left p at I p. Steamer Oregon from Ban Francisco. . - Condition of - the bar f at I p. nv, smooth; wind northwest Baa Francisco. April X. Arrived at I a. m. Bteamer Cascade from Peru land. - - . " - r v -,-- " SaileoV Steamers Roanoke ' and To ledo for Portland. Arrived last night Steamer Colum bia from Portland. , , Point Lobos. April II. Pissed at t a.- bbv Steamer Francis . H. Laggatt from Portland for Ban Pedro. . Taku Bar, April 1 . Arrived. Bark- antlna John Palmer from Portland, fp',"t xbt ion. With tha chartering of th German ship Christet to take lumber to South Africa, there is only one vessel com monly designated as a grain carrier ia port he British ship Pytbomene. Cap tain Sptvey. her master, says ah will probably stay here until the new grain crop Is harvested. The Chrlstel wftt not begin taking oa cargo before th latter part ef this week. WILL LAY CORNER STONE OF DOUSE OF WORSHIP X wsawaaawaaassawaaBwaawa , Rev: Theo. Schauer Will Conduct ExerTcleesat First German : Evangelical .Cruirclu The eornerstoa of th new First Ger man Evangelical church, northeast cor ner of Tenth and Clay streets, will be laid at 140 o clock this afternoon. Toe soi vices wDl be conducted by the pas tor. Rev. Theodore Schaaer, who will deliver aa address to the people. Rev. N. SchuBD of Woodstock, presiding el der of the district sent word last night that he waa sick and would be unabta to attend. There will bo singing "by the choir and the congregation. - Th bunding - will be of brick wood, two stories in height and t by 10 feet fat extent , The first story will be of clinker brick, a style ef building fre quently seen In Ban Francisco and 10 Angeles, but entirely new to Portland. The exterior of the second story will be shingled, and art glass windows will b placed oa the - Tenth and Clay street sides. Ia this story will e the mala auditorium. . The basement will, be used aa a Sunday school room, t Tha build lag wlU eost about lis.000. ..,.., ' ' raYER BOAT MAKES FAST RUN FROM THE DALLES made, yesterday when the river steamer Dalles City made tha run down from the Dalles to this dty in mix hours and 10 minutes. The decks of the boat were crowded with passengers, many of whom clapped their hands ' with delight when ihey learned that the boat had made a record-breaking . run. - The Dalles City is 1b oommand of - Captain Soammon. one of the best known and most popular men on too Oregon rivers. 1 When tha Dalles City and. the Charles' R. ; Spencer left Portland - on the ujj ti lu, captain Allen uf ma Spamwr mid his friends that he hoped to beat his rival oa tha voyage. Thin statement is supposed to have reached the ears of the Dalles City's skipper, : henoe the quick run. Both steamers left the Dal lea at about the same time. The Dalles Ctty having pulled out at exactly T a m. 8he made eight stop at way land-. Logs; th Spencer made more landings. EMBRY0T1C OFFICERS " : . . . RUN FOR POSITIONS Only ( out of the ISO candidates for positions on the police department ported ' at Multnomah field yesterday morning rov tne auuetio tests. - For- aa hoar, aad a half one race after another waa run, aad some of' (he events were exciting. Fred Mallet a ' large, ' wan built man, wa the star performer. With his clothes and his walking shoea he sprinted tha 100 yards in II seconds. Thirteen of the applicants fatted to cross the tape within the time limit of IB seconds and 10 credits will be taken from, their examination. Tha majority of th applicants made aa average time of 14 seconds.. Whenever anybody failed in the first beat he was given another chance.' - v ' ... . ! Many spectators witnessed, the- races. Testsrday afternoon .. tne . candidates took their written examination la the Levdd school. '.'V ; , iLLij::ir, e fqc c-qess Merchants of Morrison Street, -From First to Fifth, Take . Inrtiathre. . : . , THOROUGHFARE AGLOW i C : WITH UNES OF LAMPS .'OTaaararjaa'." ft;'. Contribution Toward Freshening v Up the City at Night During ; Fair Attracts Attention. ; - 11 Morrtnti uti Mt, ' from Ttrt. , ito Fifth streets, wa -brilliantly niumlnated with electrto light last night On each aids, of the street and arched ever tha Inter sections, lS-candle-power Ugfat were atrung. tworfeet apart.' The il rami na tion Is permanent i Ban Belling waa tha originator of the Idea. He tnoughttbe. merchants should do something to Improve tha attractive ness of the thOTOujfhfare. and decided that electrto lights would be , Just the thing.' He called on ssveral business men, who said that they were willing to loin htm In th expanse, and- within a very few days thex had secured sub scriptions for the light fund from every merchant between First aad Fifth streets, bat one. - "The fair is- coming on. said Mr. gelling last night and we desire to do something to beautrry th dty. Wa de elded that an electric Illumination would be the moot attractive thing, aad the result is apparent tonight We have tha most brilliantly lighted street In the dty..- . - ' ' "Merchants on Mbrriaon street, as far west as Tenth street have asked for the frhrmtaatt, - - Harhta will be extended. Merchants on otner streets maj follow the example set by Ths peopto are wakmg up." asid Dan- KoAJlen, In spesYIng of tne mamma non. Tbev are settinx out of the rat they have been In for X years, and are going te make this a city. Wa would like to see the entire etty illuminated like this." -'....:" ' See the Sea. At Seaside ' today via the- A. CL R. R. Kxourskm leaves Portland at g a. m.. Fare for .th round trip only ILMl-T A seat , for every paasengsr. Ticket at 141 .Alder street and the TJnkm depot - . '' . . ' , . t TOXTHRMBBS aasiwavJJSs'-y-.-: Tha Volunteers of America wfQ bold revival meetings at I p. m.'and I p. m. Evangelist Harry Elliott and wife aad Singer Chaa, JIayfleld nf Colorado will take part In tha hall. 117 Ankeny street betvreen Third and Fourth. THE PHILADELPHIA Newly furnished apartments, . overlook ing Plasa and Thompson Fountain. Hot sad cold water In room a. . Bath free to guests. , Kates ti-.a per oay aad up. SlaVe nrXJUl ST, OOB. SAXJEOS S 7JTl"uhiABh''BIACX. Prop. FLLCcraerSIilh2nd0aXSt5. Portland, Oregon ' . . , 1 - 27w1y Furuished and Mbdarn : . rrtvat Batha, S . SUMMER RATES Hotel Estacada . Tie 0TVr BOat APBTL aft. rJbrte A HmrfM .... S t Baora and beard par day , 1M Baora aad beard per waaa..... ........ IS 00 Baam aad beat par weak (two j annua). SB. 00 Braaktaat . . .AO Laadiasa ... . . . ,., p .60 OiDQav - . ... . . .. .m. . .... ....... - -.TO A epeeial tleM. .aBXBBPr. 4U. V A ' I wtsaVaa ' eiaaataseWswav awataaia w4Vtaaa eaal Saaaaa ats.erBi Krwawst Baa. . TVkejta m nit t tM iHotcl Eaton NEW , naoaseaaly fai alahaa, elegsBtly eejslpsed. raereat Ira aanmtaa' walk treat haart at ehaoprae; aad .baalaaaa latrlet all large, airy, eetsMa raoaw, steam aata. eleetrie llahta, talapBeae la each a part meat. ate. Larre ecsrea, leeaclaa e-aokln. kMUaa- raeasnea parlors. sy . Ban ar laiepaoae. Privaa. aaxsOas aaaets trsiss ' Room $I.OO fo $3.00 a Day soeetel Bstas ts Ossamlal Mas, atXi. lUX IATO. (Fetsaaily o - rioail BaOoaih. Binaaa. The Voodlarid - Tb Steel RssManoa) MRS. K. SHTJLTZ and - MRS. A. BROOKS, Managers. 8 Sixth- St, Oob. ata 'rrr -Phono-Mai isi.. Elegant Modtrn Fcnh:d Rooms With Ecird Single ar eo suite. - Price Rea ,. . ., - sooable, Hotel Oxford ''r ''gcraiTrrjt; . , Cdca Taoxa a&A Trgaw; - ; : tb Art. ,: ..zzz ' - ; ; Gam oUed lt 's 'x i IS ;'. .. s .:-. ., T.;' Oeawral ABmwm, SSs. ChXaf X -Orandstand for ladlea'freo ev-- day but Bundaya and holidaysi mea .. j. Laid lea day Friday. - Ii f I n n When You Cay q It's gi Elipn That la, of eouraa. If you want the best EHgta watahes rule moot instances where accuracy of time is vitally Im portant War. handle Klgin watohea es cluslvely and can pnt Eagin work In any case you may select ' . , . ... 5' . . j A.N.WRIGE2T r-" TU'lOWA JSWJDLZaV 293 Moraisoia Stmt OrientcuD ... r .,. . .... .. .'..'" Hoe f the tluie to buy all kinds ef Japanese and Clttneas curios, aa we are selling ovary . article at a great redaction la . order to make room for tha arrival of bow goods for the fair, ooasteu L lng of . silk ; -guwna. klmoaoa, netsuke pluses, silver cloissouiie - vases, aatsnms. On brown deoo . rated poroalata tea sets, ma it Ing, toy, ate... . ,.. . , ... t ' " V'.-: . .' i .:".- .' kkw Ken &'Co. acaf 9T, ' Don't Iy fcncy Prircs ITnta -yon-see tha latest 4 arrival of Mea'a aad Tenths' Suits and Too Coats. T.50. 910.00, fjia.50 and e10.Olt tne very same grade or goods and -Just as good fit the swell stores charge yon 1 1-10 to 14.00 more. . Our stock of Shoea and Oxfords for Ladles. Men, Misses aad Boys are hard to beat for. style or quality,.-facaa-AAa to 11.(4 saved In comparison with Other storas prieea.'. Tou will- be welt pleased to look through our largo variety of Men's Bate, Pasta and Shana, just thai right thing for the season. Our piioea are marked la plain figures. . JOHN , DELLAR, ' r AT TWO STORIS. ',", ' ad Third DISTINCTION Pf ewe DRESS ' Is acMevwi by waartna tha CORSET. Ifs bo trouble her to please tna moan rastvimns woraen. We are prepared to relievo tha-n - of all eorset worrlea. Xvary St EHrjMMTCI, Corsetlerw lt gJumifh. Cor. Aidec. BEWARE OF FAKERS I 'Rata Oo ti , roiADQ rXARTJCj for - - ..... ... felt Iht WU Dye for yon or Clean and BlocCt , , .. . ik , your. Hats., .-, -t 0U aTO. SXZTX ST. notf A Ps!s!ns tzi kfi Cr2 . Caa be afTerted. by OV awtba-w ta -e by Ilr. Anderaaa. Bheniaatv , a-r A roes . diseases. -- sneneeB - arveave e - 4 kindred ailaaeaai ant -.ean4 ey .-a 1 aaode af treat aunt A sateral. a aaaa sasse tjm gcat svesavea re saiav ... Sana a. Samsg-wwei jna, W. tk aad weaauarepa, . Offlse aaess a. a. ta a, av . - : : TTTIT. ' millU'l thwsssts Aawrws S-HeM ef ( AanaSVlua,- aav - - Ootcc sa. vrxxiAX a, tz ' ttetanparale Tr"-'m, a'l ' 41 AMagtae - g, TaJrtl at, a-1 V , , UgtaeiaAafaV. ' .... i mrs I. 1 rnnx V4mX. at a..a , m r "I fi t V Xm'K r rV5 ' Li. . ... i.r . ;. 7-'T