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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
i! D-AICEP; CITY MUSICIANS ... " . -"..'.' . ' ". - " . (Mtrtil DhKUk h At JntmII ;', - ;''..". . ' -.'- . - V Baker City, Or., April II. The WhlteBwan band of this city will be -heard la Portland .during th coming summer, probably the' last week In July., The , day allotted by the fair management .to this-city and section la too early tee. the band aa aa organliatlon to put 1 an appearance, hence Ha members pur pose creating eoroe apeclal Intareat on the oocaalon of their visit, Thla band waa organised Jufer IT, 101, and ,was Incorporated on September t, ltOS. L. -E. Freltag has been its leader continuously. . I ta present membership Is IV Thla band owns the largest bass drum ever made. This drum is not placed, in service, being merely used for show purposes. ' ... ' ' a '.:.).., - '.'' ',' t ' 'i- SOCIETY (Continued from Page -Sixteen.) jvewoy, Victoria Goldman, It. Bonneau. ' KmOy Walsh, I David. Oreenleaf . Mae ,; Horoalne. V. Multhauf f. . L. Van Fleet, ,' .; Edna - Maddux Louise Wohlers, - Eva ' Hay. Filers: Messrs. K. KIrkpatrick. J. i ! . Keton, L. Penne. Michaels, Lloyd French, Q. McClurg. Earl Collins, Pete Ras- mussen, Joe Bchemsnaky, Cunningham, William M. McCreery. C. Spauldlng. Roy 1b wennerburg, F. Day, Jamea Dorney, W. McDonald. ,W. O. Davis, . Will Backus. Tom Stevsns, Hlniley. Heaman. J, ; V Sullivan. - Tom Merchant. 8. " A. Cohen, O. C. Culver, M. Bechard. Carl Buchner, A. McDonald, George Dustln, Joa Burke, K. R. Glllnaky. L. P. Thornton. Goods, Bonneau, L. A. Smith. II. R. Jobea. Bert ' Heaman. v P. " Wlcke, Joe Wodalege, Gevurts, Oarretaon, 'Toemans, K. K. -Oohen -L. Miller. - J Of f ner, CL Littler. J James Sullivan, I Smith. L Boott, Fred -Multhauf. Harry CraadaU. R, C. Put- man, W, H. Jobea, Jack Caasou, Henry j, .Zetoah, Carl Neth, . K. Bora. Plunkett, . Harry Douglas, Jack Vandeleuv Faakett, Jamea Lane, Rowe, 'O. Sharkey, X C r Bhafer. Lancaster. F. E. Lovejoy, Pres , ton Prtdeaux, Henry Mann, W. A. Bell, , E. Segal, H. E. Williams. Ed Lochard. ' 3. .It. Sheets, George Teller. Dullen, y Baumgart, Claude Franklin, Branson, -rGevurts. W. Healy.Q. Daley, L.D. John- son, J. McDonald, E. carter, J. Phillips, . Kd DeKeater; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Staver, . ... Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeola. lt$. and Mrs. C H. Still, Mr. and Mrs, Jackson and Mr. and Mrs, .. . H. Wetaler. " w - - The annual dance given by the First " battery. Held artillery, O. N. O., Monday '" evening, waa on of the most elaborate -,- of the military dances this season. : Home tog eouples attended.' - The hall waa decoratM with a profusion of red bunting, the-color of the artillery, and red llgbta shone at Intervale through ., , out the large hair. Punch, was- served ( from one corner - of the room. - The . patronesses of the occasion were Mrs. John : Hall. Mrs. Lee M:- Clark. Mrs. , Fred H. Burna and Mrs. Frank L" Ran dall. -The committee on dancing con sisted of Lieutenant Frank I. Randall, Sergeent George EL Hell, Corporals B. T, -. :,. Hall and E. O. Bender and Private H. i J&. Macuetn. - , ' - - -.-.-.-,:- - r - - . w - ' The Jaat of the season's balls, gtaren - by the Scottish Rite Masons, Thursday evening, at their cathedral, was more largely attended -than waa any of the - former ones. LArge palms, handsome cut . flowers and Innumerable lights were the ' ' decoratlona. Claret Bunch waa aervad upstairs. an-late in the evening supper t'. was served, in the banquet hall down atalra.,. Thec eardrooma.- library and re ' ceptlon-rooma , were opn - to those who - : did not dance.. m . - Invitations sre out for the Portland academy prom., - to be given - by the ' aenlors. In the gymnasium. May II. 'The following - Salem people were . Portland visitors Eaater Sunday and at- tended the esrvloas tj theatarlous. -: ; : -..V ; STRAY ' BITS; , cnuacnea: jobn uiesy... Mr. ana aire. Lester Davis and child. W. T. Stola. W. ' D. - Evans, Rolls Soutnwlck, - Leslie Hunter,. Nick Haas. Mlsa Lois Byrd. Cordon Thomas, Miss Clara Foster. Miss - Sons lourer, - Miss ,- Lillian - Hunter, Anderson Cannon, H. J. Blunter,. TXic" Tucker, F. F. Carey, Ed Lamport,' Mr. and Mrs, J. G.'-- Graham and daughter, V John H. . MeNary, Clyde Mason, Mtas Winnie Reed, Mies OUle Kelly. Miss T Myrtle . Knowland, Mlea Ola Welch. .. - 'J'- .- Mi's. Anabel Russell, who for almost ,. two years has been superintendent of the women's union, has realgned that ..position, to Uke effect from the. let ot . May. Mrs. Russell lesves the oinlon with regret on the part of the manage-r-. went that her - servloes - are to cease. ; Her superintendence has been suocess; . ful In a high degree. During the espo " sttlon., Mrs. Russell will reside at the MoClure home, t Nineteenth .street, ' which she has recently rented.;. -,--r ' - 1 . - 4.!--'- The eoest wss a popular place lest week with many of the aoademy stu dents, wh ' passed their- vacations on ; the beach, A number of parties were . formed at yerloiis pottages for the opening .of the'aeeson. - Tie Xarr. Dr. and Mrs. -X..Moseasohn The" White Band. wilt receive from I to I this afternoon at their residence, 147 Third street, in honor- of the engagement of their eon, David N. Moeessohn to Miss Minnie Ler ner of Alameda, CaL ; -y, j ww - t The - Automobile club, which has re cently been organised, , met , Thursday evening and elected directors. .The club membership is limited to 60, men only, and the number Is being rapidly' filled. Mrs. Herbert H. Hoyt returned the last of the week from a visit In Call fomla. Mr. and .Mrs. Hoyt will go into their houseboat soon for the summer and Will anchor at Oak laland. ' , v ' : w '." r----,- A. A. Houston will entertain the Rose City Glee club and a few friends with a lawn party at hla home. 7l Washington street, next Friday evening. - w w -:( t Mrs. Walter Boneyman has returned after a month's visit In San Francisco. Mrs. Honeman. who Is a favorite In the California, elty, was extensively. and elaborately entertained during' her stay tners. t . ... .. tt --. T- "LP. Abshlre' of this city was In Eu gene .last week, where he was beat man at the wedding of Miss L. Anna Ham to Johan P. Nlckelsen. '. . ' One of the prominent events of the coming week is the social tea and an nual May aale of the Woman's guild of Trinity church, to bo' given at the Ho-bart-Curtls from I to I o'clock Wednes day afternoon, with Mrs. George W Mo- Bride aa' hostess. Mrs. McBrlda will be assisted in receiving by Mrs. O. A. Bar ker and others. Mrs, J. B, Montgomery will pour, tea.- assisted by a number of young society women. .An unusually fine program has been arranged, and the oooaalon la looked forward to with much pleasure. - , The tables at which articles are to be sold will be presided ever by well-known people. Miss Kathleen Burns and Mlsa Bryan will have charge of the candy table. Mra. C. H. Lewis and Mrs. B. 1L Whltehouse will be at the table of fancy and practical articles. Mra Morrison, aaslsted . by . several other ladies, will preside at the cake table. - The proceeds of this sale will be for the benefit of the pews of ths new Trinity church. W - .. i The. Canadian society holds 'Its next meeting Tuesday evening at the Glen dora. Nineteenth and Couch streets. One of the best programs of the season will be given, and badges for the members of the society will, be available.- The Iikme quartet, consisting of Mrs. May Dearborno- Schwab, iMlss Ethel' Lytle, Miss Stackpole and Mra .W. A. T. Bush- on will give several numbers. . Solos win do given oy miss. m.. i.yiie, urs. Bchwnb snd Mrs. Bushong.' Little Marie Kellar will give aom of her charming recitations; 'A paper on "Canadians snd the Boer War" will be read by George H. Shepherd. " Dr. Bradon will entertain with a whistling solo, and Claude Pow all will be heard In violin 'selections. The' May-day party to bo" given to morrow evening by the management of St. Davld'a Gasett Is attracting much attention among society people on both side of the river.. The affair will be given In the east side W. O..W. hall EssfSlxthrand 'Alder-street! and - wWH be chiefly a dancing party. The decora tions will partake of the May-day festi val. , The patronesses of the even trig are Mrs. George B. Van Waters, Mrs. Whit ney U Boise, Mrs. J. W. Gsnong, Mrs, J. M. Moore. Mrs. Walter F. BurrelL Mrs. 8. E. Josephl and Mra. W. L Sally. The committee on arrangement' consists of "James G. Bumeas, Frederick W. Goodrich and Dr. Bell wood. - t, . . it it . 't The Sisters of Mercy will give a card party Wednesday afternoon,-May 10, at f Parsons' hsll. which will be patronised by Society generally. The purpose Is to raise funda for the sisters' horn for working girls, which . la ta danger -of being sold. The patronesses will be Mra. J. B. Montgomery,- Mrs, . Solomon Hlrsch, Mrs, H. H. Edwsrds, Miss Fall ing, Mra, Slgmund Frank, Mra. J. .Wes ley Ladd. Miss Wilson, Mrs. J. Monks. Mrs. T. E. Sullivan. Mrs. J. B. Sharkey and Mra. Ralph. Wirbar.- Tea will be served late In the afternoon by a num ber ef young girls who are not out yet The membera of the New York State society sr looking forward with pleas ure to Tuesday evening, when they sre to assemble at 'Alleky hall,, Third and Morrison streets, to llstsn to a Zlns'mw leal program especially - prepared for Lna occasion. It is expected that a great i 'W. EVENTS- K j TO PL" AT many new members will be received at that time. - , , , : -' k it w ' " Ths Shakespeare circle of the First Baptist church will gtve an open meet ing Monday, May s, for the laat of its aeries. Miscellaneous read In sa from a number of Shakespeare's plays will be given, A general reception will follow the program. All friends of the circle are Invited. . : -, ' - '- it"- - Michigan society is planning ' for an open meeting Tuesday, May I, at which a May queen will beralected to preside Avr thdk f dkaitf vtf 4asl A . HMmm nf festivities. muslo will be followed by dancing ainrr Abrahamson of Congregation rafraahmanta. - - ' - - -twAhaval Sholom will leave tomorrow on a - The combined . Brltrsh societies .will this year follow their usual custom ol giving a big concert at ths armory on Victoria day. Mar 14. - The beat mu sical talent in tb city always appears on the program. ' : ' , - ; ' - ' --" ' The Toung Women's Missionary aocl- ety of the First Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. Chajles Levis. T& Clin ton - street, next Tuesday afternoon. Those attending should taks the Wood- siock oar. , - ' - : W Ths O. ' A. C. club wlU hold a social meeting at Western Academy of Muslo hall, next Saturday evening. May I, at o'clock. All alumni and former students ar Invited..' ' - . ,, Ths -Nebraska- society of Oregon is planning - to hold a number of social meetings In the -near future at Ihetr rooms in Alisky hall, .Thirdyand Alder street, y - , - - ' Ths Ladles Aid society of Taylor Street Methodist church is planning to gtve a. chicken supper Wednesday even ing. May 10. . . FERSONAL ; Mrs. ' William .Roesch . of 9 Pendleton spent the week with Portland friends. Mrs. J. -J. Geraghty of Salem waa a visitor In the .city early in w week. Mlsa Sadie i McGregor, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs, J. w. Mcuregor,pc, 117 Larrabee street, " is , visiting her . aunt. Mrs. C. W.. Martyn st Roeeourg. .. She hss Just recovered from an operation for appendicitis. . f Mrs. C W. Renner, sister of Mrs. George B. Cherhberlaln, Is the' guest of Mrs., C B. SheMon of Salem. Mr. and Mra. Paul Herrln and ohOd ren of .Herrln, Illinois, spent a abort time . in ' Portland last week en- route from Tba.Dallea to visit Seattle friends. Dr. and Mra, W. A. Trimble of bany made an over-Sunday visit with relatives here. . Miss Margaret Chamberlain has re turned from a visit wun saiem inenas. Miss Clara Hudleson of Albany vis ited Portland last week. Mrs. 8. H. Friendly ana ner asugnter, Mlsa Carrie Friendly, were guest at the portiana last weea. Mra. J. O. Graham of Salem spent Eaater Sunday with Portland friends. Miss Bertha KJlnger and Mlas Emma Godfrey of Salem were guests last week of Miss ,Irn Allsky-and-Miss Ruby Irwin, i ' '.: : ' Mrs. Harriet K. McArthur and her gueat. Mrs. Levi Ankeny of Walla Walla, - spent - a few -days lest week- on ths farm. of Clifton N. McArthur at Rick real. Oovernor ChambcrUln and hla daugb ter. Miss Lucy, have returned from a Salnm vlstt. '-'' ' " . ' Mra. R. E. Eastland of Eugen is tns guest of her daughter. Mra. Fred Tem plet on, on' the eaatlle. ' -l -" . Mrs. -W. , H.' Byfd of Salem, was a ghest her last week. -" Miss Myrtle DuRett of Salem arrived recently to spend a fortnight with rel atives. '' . - t'" . v - ' i '' ' Mrs. Peter Gevurts has retumea to her home In" Astoria. ' She was enter tained extensively while her. ! -Mrs- William Sohulte - and her -eon Clark f this city have gon to Pen dleton, to visit Mrs. Bchults parents. Mr. sad Mra. A. W. Nye. . Mrs. Jl E.' Bennett naa gon 10 una- wood. Wash., to visit for two-weens. Dr. and Mr. Langdon McNeer of Baltimore, MdU have left on their; way west. They will spend two weeks la Weet Virginia and wlll then com to Portland to spend, the Summer, arriving her about May lfc Mrs. McNeer U the sister of Mrs. Alan Welch- Smith Of this city, whom they will vlait - Miss Caroline Holmes left Thursday for Seattle to-visit friends nd t at tend the high schoel annual hop. " Miss Christine Smith has arrived is THE FAID.' visit Mrs. Sarah A. Evans at her subur ban, home at Oswego. Mlaa Smith has Just coma to America from her horn In La uses ton. Tasmania, In Australia. . . Mr. and Mra. "A. M. Woolaon and daughter" of Toledo, Ohio, apent a few days last week at the Portland.. A W. D. Smith left Friday for a visit with friends In Flushing, Michigan. ''-Mrs. L N. Flelschner and Mra.: I. L. White left Friday morning to spend a few daya at Hotel Moore, Seaside. T Miss Adelle McMurrtn of the Univer sity of Oregon was in the city laat week. t -. - snort trip to Baker City, where he will preside at the christening ot the child ot a former partahlonr.-- ": - ; Jr.'..- i - oozuonov-aox ovazos. -' ' " From . the Philadelphia Record. ' ; : The recent discussion of ballot-box staffing has hot altogether diverted ths attention- et churchmen from th ques tion of collection-box stuffing. In on of ths prominent churches of Philadel phia, where th weekly offerings of th congregation ar inclosed In small en velopes before being dropped Into the boxes, collection 1 being mads of th article contributed by the ungodly, snd it Is already TaVge enough to form ths nucleus ot . a small museum. ' Among the things thus far' found In th en velopes are emooth. mutilated and for eign coins, postage stampa,- axohange tickets, theatre-seat cheeks, assorted buttons, campaign and other - medals, tin, tobacco tags. cigarette, a Wash ington D. C.) street car ticket n Iron ring, lo sen (res, chocolates,-chewing gum, an umbrella tag. - pieces of Iron, lead and' glass;, candy, a. belt-fastener, a milk ticket, ah aluminum check "good for one .have." rubber band a, matches and blank paper. Altogether there are over 100 of these "offerings," which are ultimately to be mounted and framed aa a eurlosity. . . J Miit Helen Ountnhebn, Dcnghttr M jf.; : i "If : K aSSS' i ""T'W " V I ' daushter of the Lata Meyer Oufgnhefan. She Haa Just Been Mr ' tied to Edmund Louie Heaa bf New York. :;:yy;--y:-';y;;: UrJTRAMMELED CATDIDATE FRED T. KIERRJLL Ll. MARIE TEMPEST. (Continued, from Page Eighteen.) th company and th manner of its ap pearance. It la an entirely English company which was brought over from ths Criterion , theatre In London for a four weeks' engagement here, then to return to London and take up ita suc cessful run. .The venture is thus some what novel and whatever be Its reason. thanks should be given for a delightful performance of on of the smartest and moat amusing comedies seen on the stage In many a day. . Th company is competent throughout and In Its lead ing man. excellent. - ; ' juotr AU-Swur wrl.-T Spring is ths season of th revivals and the all-star casta. We have already had several of thee and more ar to follow. It may be remarked en passant that Trilby" 1 tb most recent an nouncement, with as near, as possible its nrst east. ..-:. Laat Monday night at the New Am sterdam theatre. Goldsmith's eomedy. 'She Stoops- to Conquer" wss revived with Eleanor Robaon as Kate Hard cas tle, Mr. Kyrle Bellow as Toung Marlow, Mr. Lewie James as' Hardcaatlar Miss Isabel Irving. as Miss Neville, Mr. J. E. Dodson as Dlggory. Mr. Frank Mills as Hastings, Mr. Sydney Drew as Tony Lumpkin and Mrs. Calvert as Mrs. Hard- oaatlc i' It ta not necessary to talk at this late day of this remarkable old eomedy, full of sprightly humor, now . verging on farce, now all but mellowing Into pathos. Moreover It is a comedy that wears well, on that never loses Its charm and ap peal. Perhaps It is the essential truth I Isaac Quntnhelra and Orind- E5AY0R MERlili: v : "., " V'.''r-.'"-;";V6rte'lbr NoznirMtioii "j- OF TOIiTLAIID Mayor of Portland y , " A! (REGULATED) OPEN TOWN : t THAT VERY NEARLY TELLS IT ALL! 1 - - - - '.. ' x ; i yy'- - '"'' :? FoKaGfeatcr Portland ! M ? ,Fbr a ';:;i;Bcinent;l,;: Fora Qeaning Oat of the Dddfallsl For a Sharp Eye iand Qqictjoiis tb Protect Portland's Ftoanc.tiy A - "JUST AS C0C3- at Hie simr yea M- -,. .-.'.',....,.''.,-' ' ' " "' !' th namt&foiatfymi bvV -' .-i-4.iy" .l.l-.V..''!!': , ths onulne, anmiHsBr Jr 5 -- , ' -''.' ' Jh best sake? w maQfw' " w ' ' T , ..'.:. " .......... hidden away In .Its eharacterisatlom which is th clew to it alL Certain It la. the- audience the other night laughed heartily and seemed to enJoyJt To confess vsry frankly, th perform ance was a bit - disappointing. . Barring on or two parts th character war not acted , with the finality and . exoellenos which might have been expected from such-a cast. Miss Robson hss done better things thsn her Kate Hardcastl. Mr. Bellow, oonsummat artist that he Is, could not fall, yet offered no par ticularly new light upon ' Toung Mar low. Mr. Sidney Drew aa Tony Lumpkin waa far from ideal, very far. Mr. James lent dignity snd charm to Hardcastl, Mr. Dodson gave one of the best per formance of th evening in the small part of Dlggory. He shared with Miss Irving and Mra. Calvert in doing really fin work. ' Th play Waa thus worthily if not brilliantly produced and was well worth ,th seeing.- - . f - ' Other Jottings. r' For the reet there was . revived , at Daly's laat Monday that delightful tune ful musical comedy. "San Toy." Jamea T. Powers was again th Li and he wae as irresistibly . funny ss ever, .,"8an Toy". Is ons of ths pleaaanteat and most meritorious ' musical comedies ot recent times. ": Also at the Madison Square' a new oomedy, . "Th ' Firm of Cunningham,' was presented laat Tuesday, with Mlsa Hilda Spong and Katberin Grey In th cast . The play doe not seem to have made a tremendous success. .. It "I by Willis Steel. , ,; '-','' m . FACTS MOT milUT row. i All Chines fruit ar picked green and ripened oft the plant. The Chines farmer .1 too anxious to sell his-crop or too much afraid of thieves to wait until the fruit Is properly rlpeendr-t'y Large oil wells have been discovered lnthe northern part of Roumanla, and petroleum la now being exported to many parts of Europe where IV take the place of American and. Russian pe troleum. : ' ' On th borders between China and Russia, in Asia, -la a good alsed town known a Martantchln, which is Inhab ited exclusively by men. An old law forbids women to live there. . ' , Germany haa ' new system of quick telegraphy by which signs can b trans mitted at the rate of 1.000 a minute. It haa beca successfully tried between Berlin and Koenlgsberg, .a . distance . ot 100 miles. . v. . Th Interior of a piece of gold-bearing quart waa -inspected recently with the Roentgen rays in aa Oregon .town, and veins of gold are said to have been as plainly visible aa if they had been on the surface, I - ,r ... , ..,.'! There are, en an average,, toe pigeon officially kept m every German fortress. Eight pigeons recently .flew from Klm berly to Cap Town, a distance of lit sailed. In 14 hours. . ; Cremation makes rew-'aLly slow progress la .England, partly beoause.of th deolslon of th court in 114, tb-t unlets express Instructions had been 1 t by the t ----- l. in e-.utor - t r cremr it 1 re deck 1 t it 1 f fr? -7 ! IIARRISOU " ,v - v-.; ,'Oni of tfe :Yidoas: to. Christian burial, and that cremation 1 not Christian burial. la a survey of the Scottish lake a depth ot 1.917 feet was reached In Loch Moray. This proves to be the deepest lake In the United Kingdom. Only seven . deeper lakes ar. known in Europe, four being la Norway and three In Italy. . . Whit jet is th jewelry novelty of ' liOS In Europe. It Is like Ivory, but sparkles, and when It haa been carefully out the. effect I said to be dassllng. Old jet. both black and whit.' la being unearthed' and reset , Queen Victoria, had a magnificent collection, which' Princess Victoria of Bchleswig-Holatsla Inherited. A shotgun recently manufactured ny a Connecticut firm waa a special order for a man who uses his left ere to aim with, the right eye being sightless. The stock and lower frame of the gun ar twisted so he may. shoot without dis comfort. - The gun Is ths third mad for this man In th laat St years. , - 'uxpsas or ajueajtbas. " From the 'Chicago Reoord-HeraldV When you leave-Missouri. and-enter. Arkanaaw th puffing of th locomotive seem to take up the tune of "Th Ar kansaw Traveler." Th color ot th soil changes from a cold gray to a warm . umber. - Th cabin appear more roman tlo .end' interesting, nestled among th Osark mountains. . 4- - The people-resent the way In which their state haa been ridiculed. In for mer 'days -Texas was made fu of, but . now' she 'commands respect.- So will, Arkanaaw, for th people ar progress- . ing. '' 1 Yet on sometime overhears odd bits of talk, ' enriched by funny expreaslona, and even If tobacco chewing la a com- mon habit among many of the men and some ef the women, that fact ie offset by It fines Imposed. upon offender who spit In oars r other public places, i A, woman witn a enurr-etlck la the left corner-f-her mouth looked with admiration it th new picture of her baby. t t '- '.. , . "It's th best I ever see." ah de clared. "I don't claim to be no arohi-. tect, but that'a my Idea of It If plumb eute." , ' -V, , , - "T 'pear to be goln' to leava as; whsr ye goln'T" asked the bearded one. addressing th man with his blue Jean tucked inside of hi top-boots. T a-goin' further- nuth - far a spell." was -th answer. "There's too much pyson air round shur to suit me, I've been punyln" round too aiuea with the aTir. I'm' a-gola' down te southern Arkanaaw,- and git - In - some ef these holler down thar, whar t eaa git ee f ' that pine-tree gum t shew tnstt, I of' tobacker. I bellev It will da . gOOd." . . - . - . - - ; cj:j "i : .".From the f '-- Jo"-tl. The best Wv 14 Am ' ' question Is ; r e f . :.:'u ': :,,; . y-.y ; ,-Vf .'...I