The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 30, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 17

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    mmrmrmmm.,mmm-mvmmm,mmm -, - .... , . .- - - - 1 r IL ", --'"-' n ---'-- - -
'-- t-
Edited fey . Mr.3. SAEAH A.tEVAKS. .; ..-.' J
C Mrs. Donald McLean ;; . '
Vice-President of Oregon Club.r
It was with no in all degree of sat-
i laf action man 7 Portland women road
, of the election of Mrs. Donald McLean
, to tha highest off lea in tha gift of ths
Daughters of the- American Revolution.
'Through a long and brilliant eoclal and
ipubUo oaxeor Mra, McLean baa shown
I herself above td narrownesa' or petty
Jealousies, and broad enough to aee be
yond her own" hfcrlxOn. While her bus
'. band is ' an eminent ' lawyer they do
'. not rank with tha multl-mllllonalrea but
, I head the "blue book" in every other re.
- spec.' Nor hag Mra.' McLean been made
' 1 president-general by political rail, for
neither aha nor her husband is "In line
Jifor promotion;" so it la fair to believe
'as one of her friends has aald:I fit
. 1 was: by her unfailing devotion, patient
' self-sacrifice, generous consideration,
Intelligent perception, administrative
' and executive attainments. ".4 ,
I Another element - however entered,
; which night serve sa an object lesson
! to other organisations when tha eon
. : test became heated, and tha opposition
feared defeat, they made tha fight 'a
personal one, which, as It alwaya does,
'sent a host of voters scurrying to the
"rescue. -Over a yeas ago Mra.. McLean
, beoame Interested in tha Sacajawea
':- atatue, and was made tha vice-president
: of tha assoclstlon for New Tork. since
V which time she haa taken deep inter
, 1 est In tha progress of . the work, and
i through her influence It haa received
' material aid from New- Tork. - Immedi
ately bar return to New Tork aha la
it. tends to visit tha Heary-Bonnard Bronse
company to see tha atatue before It la
; shipped. ' - :-.,"-.';'.':.-;.,' .
I , . j- H H ' ' . ; ,-
.' Marshfield Club"'-'" -
Holds Delightful Meeting. ?
The regular .meeting of ' the Progress
- 'club at tha home of. tha president. Mrs.
Seugstacken last Tuesday afternoon was
' ' one of tha moat "enjoyable affairs in the
' annals of tha organisation. -"-(Contrary to
t -- tha ; usual custom, the members
through tha eourteax of the hostess, had
' tha pleasure or inviting a few mends.
v- Tha literary feature ,'ot the day. was
an interesting and Instructive paper oa
1 ne utncnoiogy 01 tne racuio i;oa,
by Mrs. Sengatackea, who, having first
awakened a keen interest in her audi
s ence with her auparb collection of clas-
, allied shells of tha Paclfle coast pro-
. ceeded te lira their enthusiasm with her
descriptions of tha homes slid habits of
the little Inhabitants of our wave
washed shores. Tha paper was absorb
: lnsly interesting, . and . showed tha
speaker' was thoroughly at noma with
'tier-subject that aha had not depended
'wholly on textbooks for her knowledge.
T but that aha bad learnea many 01 na
ture'a secrets from - personal research.
Holmes' "Chambered NantUea" waa' read
(.with good affect by Mrs. T. B. Dow. sad
' a piano solo, ,"8hells of the Ocean." by
.. f. Miss Klckworth, met with the applause
" ' her nlavlna always elicits.
Mra. Tower exhlbttea a quaint. little
ladv that bar clever fingers had Xaah-
' toned, from sea shells and the quota
tions were descriptive of sheila from
'Brarlous Darts of the .world, as each
member was furnished with a shell to
- Illustrate her a uo tat ion.- .' . ,
The next meeting will be lield with
. Mrs. Beogstaokeh, when' Mrs. T. B. Dow
.and Mrs. Pruess will present "Our ror
41 sign Possaaslons" for the oonsideration
f tha dob. ' ' ;
Oregon Club News
v Gathered From Abroad...
-Mtae) Chaa reports! thraa new lub
' In Oregon, organised within a week. The i
first at Kniaboro, haa tha following of-1
' fleers: -President Mrs. D. W. Bsth;
' vice-president Mrs. Mary Anthony
Ware! secretary and treasurer, Mrs. W.
'-'R Thorn e. Mrs. Wars is a cousin of
' Miss Anthony. The seoon Club Is at
1 McMlnnvUle. President Mrs, J. Wort
" man; vice-president Mrs. W. C Hera-
ibree; secretary, Mrs. U L. Nlcklln;
' j treasurer, Mrs. J.P, Irvlnei-Auoltor,-Mrs.
J." W. Oault. Tha third, forest
' Orova, has for Its officers: President
Mrs. Anna M. Bold rick; secretary. Mrs.
B. P. Walker; treaaurer, Mrs. D. A.
' Oraham. . . ' - ---' "
i Miss Chase gives encouraging reports
:as to tha prospects of all these clubs.
Eha says, that Mrs. Boldrtck Is of the
J Beecher family, and Is a vary able
' woman and a general favorite. She haa
lived and voted In-Colorado. . Dr. Woods
'. says that tha honorary president of tha
. Ardmora club voted In Colorado for 10
. 'years.. - -
, Miss Chase gives tha following Inter
i eating and valuable bit of information:
i- "Dr. Jeffreys and I were surprised. In
looking over my towns, to -find that I
7 have, been working almost wholly In ths
, . two countlss that east the largest vote
,r against ths suffrage amendment Wlth-
.out realising it tha Oregon officers have
aent ma into the- places vrnere work la
.', i needed, most" Boston Journal. . i .
l', - , j
- No Merit 8yttm'---',-v.'..r '"'l)
:-' For, Chicago Teachers.
" The power of organisation Is very
. well Illustrated in ths Chicago Teachers'
' Ideretlonv This Is probably, the flrat
instance of public school teachers form
ing themselves Into a labor union, bit
in spite of tremendous opposition the
'.federation continues to flourish snd to
Increase in numbers and strength. The
federation has outlined a policy which
It means to fores on the -board of edu
cation, if it canapt induce tha board to
agree that Its demsnds are Juat The
'conditions the teachers consider fair In-
.. ... nmirialnna which Sre not In
use elsewhere tn the beet schools, for
example, they ask that tha promotional
examination system established by the
present superintendent of schools be
abolished. , They aak. '.also, thst ths
regular yearly advance of salary for
kfflclent teachers adopted, aelt haa
baen'-Blloptea rn-NaerTork city. Among
other things they sat is thst a certain
percentage of the tax levy t aet aside
by law for wia payment of teachers'
salaries; that a pOblio state teaehera
pension fund be established; ' that the
"teachers be given a voice in tha selec
tion of textbooks; and 'It asks for an
elective school board, elected by men
and women. Most of these things the
I Metiers will get almply because they
ra working in a body instead of indi
vidually, i . - ! ,
- , . et eV v et - - t ,
Clackamas Teachers c
Hold Instructive Institute.
' One"of tha forces that make for bet
ter country schools Is ; the teacher
county Instltutea which are tftuilly hel l
ones a month and are only semi-official
In character. Live questions are dls-
, cussed, snd the best thought and actual
experiences are exchanged by the teach
"era from .tha various districts, not-onlf
through excellent programs but In, a
wholly Informal way, -for at these meet-
" Inge the social element enters largely,
and the rnnt o!'titful acquaintances
are r"e- '- A tt enjoy-
' i X I ? t' ; - '.no: I
1 ' ,'' '
Mist Kata If. Cordon, Corresponding
: Secretary Womtn'g Sol f rage Am-
toejationl f ,
of Clackamas last Saturday at Park
Place, where, the educators : were tha
gueeta of tha Mothers' -club. Ths fol
lowing program was listened 'to with
interest by many: ,. r - . '
"Analysla In the Advanced, division,'"
Mrs. Elisabeth ' Buck, .of Clackamss;
t-Ethical , Training." , principal D. P.
Mathews otCsnby; "Music In tha School
Room," Principal - tV Gilbert' Seattle
of West Oregon -City; "Nature Study,"
by' A. C. Btarbrough of ButtevUle; "Ele
mentary Agriculture,". by Principal J. -J.
Clark. Molalla; "How to Teach Geogra
phy," by W. .W. Dlzdn Tangent. A de
lightful lunch was served - at t He. noon
hoi4r. , ... , - i 1 . f-'
What Has Been Done . .
At Brooklyn School; j ; , i '',
r 'The', alumni assoclallon'of tha Brook
lyn school is one of the. finest organisa
tions of young-people in the city. Its
work Is progressiva-and' uplifting, and
tha fact that, in a way, it still brings
tha- young men and . women under tha
Influence and control of their former
principal. , speaks ' volumes " for both
tea c iter and pupils. Last February the
Association gave an entertainment, tha
proceeds of which bought three dozen
ehalrs and a- beautiful - golden oak li
brary table for the assembly hall. "
"In the near future tha Mothers' and
Teachera' club of tha same school will
give another entertainment to provide
additional furniture for tha halL- Thua
mothers,. teachers and ' former- pupils
work hand in hand for tha best Interests
of the school, and it shows itself in tha
bright wide awake pupils who are proud
to be enrolled at tha Brooklyn school.
The people of tha district take great
pride, in tha school "work and all are
determined to keep It up till school and
grounds t-.ave reached perfection, vc- : j.
Club Notes' . i flyLiiiiL'
Of General Interest. 4 .
K number or roruana ciuo women
ni .Maiiii lha Oroa Cltv Women's
club on .Indian day. May I. ; One of tha
Anna Von Rydingxward.
features of the day will be. la response
to roll call, short Indian legends. Sev
eral entirely new pertaining - to - thia
part of tha country are promised. .
Mrs. Mary L. Bpauldlng of Tha Dalles,
one of the directors of the state federa
tion and state secretary of correspon
dence, hss been ' spending several days
In ths city.' -
Invitations are out for tha Washing
ton state federation convention, which
is to be held In Walla WaIla, May SI.'
June 1-1. Thia ' department acknowl
edges a courteous ' personal Invitation
from .the president . , Mrs. Mary , M.
Brown of Everett ' ?,. J
Tha Fortnightly club WM1 meet with
Mrs. Smith. Ml Hoyt street' May- 4
English history from 1I4S to 1853 will
be' the subject of a paper by Mrs. Fealey
snd Mrs. Bell will give a talk on "King
Otho.- ' , . --' -
June L Mrs. A. King Wilson will
give a. talk before the Home Training
association on "Methods of Punish
ment", '
., . - . st'et " .'-i t
Daughters df the
American Revolution Meet. .
At the last meeting of the Daughters
of the American Revolution committees
were appointed and plans discussed for
the making of Flag day June It-
great day a rallying day for all visiting
daughters. A program will be given -.In
Festival hall with the principal oration
by a man of national fame. A reception
will follow In the Oregon building. A1
though Multnomah Chapter in Portland
la the only Oregon chapter. It will prove
Itself aufflclent for tha taak of enter
taining tha national society. At this"
meeting the . resignation of Mrs. Me
Camant aa i regent was accepted -wtth
much regret and Mrs.- W. K. Thomas
wss elected to the-rengency. . . Mrs. R.
W. Wilbur waa elected vice-president In
Mrs. Thomas place. ',"
.' ', at ft , ,y .':
State, Federation - -t ,
Meets Next October. ;
It-fcad bean 'expected, In fact recom
mended, by the state board, that by
general consent the data of tha annual
atat convention -of the federation of
Oregon oiubs be Jjmnged from October
to September tbll year, to enable dele
rates to visit the fair, attend the cons
ventlon and return In time to "mother
their 'children when school opens. but
owing to conditions In Eugene, and the
fact that many of tha club members are
connected with the university, the earll
eat data that could posalbly be arranged
was October -8 . The call for this
meeting will be sent out before the
duba adjourn for the - summer, that
delegates may be elected before fall,
and save confusion-as to who legally
represents' the club as president ' Sev
eral amendments to the constitution will
be offered for consideration. Tha prin
olpal one Is for a change of convention
time, aa it is extremely dlfficui for
mothers to -4eave home Juat at a tlmt
when children are' entering school and
the adjustment of the household is in
progress after the aummer Vacations.
'. v ,y ; ::: ..: :r.,
Doff Your Feathers ; 1. . i
If You Co to Missouri.
'The MlesouH legtalatura ended Ita ses
sion in a 'lively row" overithe. United
0a ....lM.hl. am , Vu las, 4 . V Aa.
cording to the -newspaper reports chair
legs ana oiner vaipaiu wet. ujria
V. .h th. .1, vr tv, a nrnmtn'l eonil.
ell. the D. A. or any other body of
women had behaved, in that manner it
would oeriauuy save dock utoubi "
tha papers far and near as a proof Jlhat
women are too excitable to vote.
Nevertheless the legislature put through
soma reform btlle. .One which will go
Into affect June forbida Missouri women
to adorn their hats with the feathers
of any birds, except chickens, ducks.
English sparrows, ostriches, horned owtl
and . crows. rne law even uriu
i ... luarifta the nrnhiblted decora-
VT HVUU. M w i h . .
tlons to . pass through tha state. It is
stats commerce law -to annul, this lasM
clause. . , t ' . ,
, ,-. ..- .' H at -, -;
Tne Passing of '."
The Family Physician. '
l-la'an able addrsss before tha Na
tional Health league, vr. saanns, vr
fleld of Cleveland made a strong plea
for the "family .pbysic1hV! who aha
eald, "used to be respected as a mem
ber of tha family and trvated nert to
God. but who bad degenerated Into a
lackey who simply bows tha specialist
in and himself out"; ' . -; - '
She believes a reaction la eomlng and
that Intelligent people are beginning to
feel the need of tha family adviser and
counsellor. In dosing shs sald:."We
. .1, . t.n.iutknMer'alieat safe-
miivvv " ,
guard U tha family physician, who la so
expert a oiagnosticisn
head and . shoulder above tha narrow
gauge specialist" jl . -,
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Lying awake is often a habit It la
woth almost any - effort to break up
such a habit . ' ' '-1-
Insomnia la usually the result of one
of three things poor -elrcalatlon. Indi
cation or mental distress. - The person
y. ...tu KhnMlf carefnllv will be
able to locate tha difficult and treat
. For poor circulation try warm baths,
warm-water bottles, brisk rubbing, soak-
l .i.. mnA Ammwi tkMathlna1. ' -' '-
UIS r - - .
For Indigestion take a - warm drink
irinv nr srhaB alaenleaa. Drink
warm -water, warm milk, weak tea or
eocoa and breathe deeply. .
, For mental oisiress mere wm ww.
IS IU, V ..ww -' .
.1.-' tk..k tm nwmm Arbrm them OUX.
Carry on In the mind a house-cleaning
process. v '" '
- - sweet sleep and plenty of it win go a
great way toward keeping women young.
When aieep aepane wraa w
It is by sleep that we gain strength
..nti... ainta la to the brain
and nerves what food la to the body.
Hera are few simple, tried rules tot
driving away lnaomnla: -,
Oo to bed warm.- Never go to bed
with cold feet " ' ' CtH
ir the events of the day nave oeen
trying, reed a short light story before
retiring. ..,.;.. '
Leave the window down at the top
and protect the bed from draughts.
As soon aa the body touches the bad
pels tha muscles, shut ths eyes and
make ready to Bleep. Nothing drives
sway sleep . mora quicaiy inan
thought that one can't sleep. , .
From tha Kansas City Journal.
t.m&- Uanan. & Rurllnemma. Kansas.
boy. who ial now teaching school in
8 lass I, on on OC us smau isianas in
the PhUlpplna group, in writing of bis
school saya: .- -
I have no gnris in my scoovi. mm i
religion of the Island requires tha girls
to stay hidden xrom we puoua unui
their wedding day. In my day school
all tha boys are Chinese and Moron, and
...... . Hm am attired tn a kind of
parted skirt, with or without a shirt:
soma wear a piece of cloth (worn like
a haversack), tha utility of which I
have not been able to study out yet and
last but not lesst are those who come
and are not attired. Many of them are
verr smart however, and are learning
vary rapidly. '
rtmf night senooi is maae up i con
stabulary soldiers entirely, snd my
work with them is chiefly teaching them
. , th.i, namAA aa those who write.
write Arabian, which looks like short
hand, but which I suppose Is the longest
Hand on earxn." - '
' v 267 Iba. " 180 lha
KHJL K. WIUJAMH. M Slneatt Bo., Bnffala,
- Kew Tar., .
boeVta weight Sf pomade
boss ra nn ............
beat la waias . ..,... .... ,10
w . v ..'
atvwa mm mmmm
raa Bletare gives yea aa mm er sty aeeear
anee eefe aad after sty rednetlae br Dr.
araw. sly bealtli la perfaet I sever eaJoyad
Cetwr kealth la mj uV. w a wriakk Tie be
sees. War retry yoer . serosa teagw whea
i el sees i - -
tsn""i Or, sVast SO ponjada.
BaDaa. Or. few pewBda.
v ttr. Rayeer enaraeteai kle traatment te M
swteetlr mumV Is every parnealar. Ss
sasrslaa, se etarvug, ee eeteeuea rrna earn.
Ml so vmin w iwvw.iw.v-. -" . -..j.
aaTbeee s.-aeMUUat tm tbttml m.
mmmt et ehealty Iwe the seat rwa. aad kee
the eaesaliaed eara.rt er tiia weaieal tn.
ternuy. seai wuus
WrlU today. . .
O. W. F. SNYDER. M. D.
IS sXaramaat Bldg-, Shrth aad storrtooa
sre ess, rorttaad, Oregew.
. , - ', - 1
' .' - ; - . - .. . ' ' - '
. ' -- r ir-r
' and.
... a
Ovvlnff to the wide ceneral Interest in the Lewis and Clark Fair. THE JOURNAL will pay
to the fair, for the most popular persons outside of Multnomah county. . ... ' .
1 . THE JOURNAL will pay the entire expense, including railroad and sleeping car fare,
for one week, hotel bills for one week and other amusements. , ,
... p ....... T'....v--. '
--eH...'. .1.. '.a
time Is short, start the bail
t;.L FOLLOWS : hrv
Baker county,.,..,.. ....... 1
'Bentonxand IJncotn counties.. 1
. Clackamas county ........... 1
Coos and Curry counties. ..... 1
Columbia and Clatsop counties. 1
Douglas county ..... ........ i 1
-Grant Haroey and Malheur
- counties ...... ...... X
' Josephine and Jackson counties 1
sn.pi.tK snd Lake counties.... 1
Um county ...... 1
Unn county 1
sfarioa county ........ X
Conditions of lbs Journal
LeVeis and Clark Contest
1. The basts on which credit for votes will be given is. one rota
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( ths Dally and Sunday, Dally. Sunday or Semi-Weekly editions of
THE JOURNAL . , :. T. ; ;
a. Any, person residing In any of the designated localities can
enter the contest' at any time prior to June 19, ltOS. provided hrir
nomination la properly Indorsed by two well-known citizens of their
. district. : ... .. j .:'-.,
- a. Every person who -entera this contest must be properly noml- ,
. nated on blank printed in this paper, before votes will be counted,
V A nomination blank can be sent In by any one who desires to
' "nominate a person, provided tha parson Is properly Indorsed by two
well-known citizens of tha county In which they live.;
4. The person having tha largest number of votes In each dis
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Journal's Levvis -
. . 1 .4 . . .'" ... ... ... . ' 0 - . i ; .. ... . . ; - i - -'j
Dlanli, landiGct, to Work at Onco !
All Ypur Friends Will be Pleased to Help'
Win One of These FREE TRIPS
.tJ.!.L4 . 4rl DallAtini
rouinz dv nominating your canaioaxe. ' ,
... -it
Morrow, GUllam and Wheeler '-.
oountlea ................... X
Umatilla county : . . ........ X
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Wasco, - Sherman and ' Crook " -
ive m ......... - - j - . - - Mt
Wsahtngtosl . and Ttnamook
counties ................... X.
TamhlU and Polk oountlea... . X'
'' wJjnrEsoTOsT.
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Western Washington X
Send in. Nomination
Mimnna uiill annaar tn avani tuna 111 THP JOURNAL ; The
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The Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 month........ .85 T
Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 year
The Dally Journal, 1 year,...
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'The Dally Journal. months.. ....... ........
Tha Dally Journal,- with Sunday, t months
Tne uaiiy journal. roonins...
The Dally Journal, with Sunday,
The Dally Journal, 1 month
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The Jonrn&Ts Letrb ai Ctrfa Ccstctt
One of these blanks rnuct be sent to THE JOURNAL for
each candidate before votes will be counted. The names' of all
candidates will be published and only one of these blanks need
be sent in for a candidate. . -. ; : , .
. I hereby place in nomination . ,. : ;''
person in...
... . -iS . V.'
.Nominated by,,.. ......
Indoraed by
Occupation ..............,,.................................
: ." ':..., '. ""'' "''- ' T ; '' v-'. .
........................ ....... ........
V Date .o .I..19CS.
Levi3 ctA Clrl: C'
:'-;'...;'''," - -
the expenses of twenty trip
.admissions to the exposition
i .
. T
. 5
4 - i
1 month
(poatoffice) as the moat popular;
. . .
. county.
e4 a-w
-.. .. vl. ..1 . ' ;,.
v I