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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
YOU're eerccun to una mat new nouseiurnisninga win do nccucu. y it aiwaya nappena wio. wyv - - ' V It may be new carpets or rugs, new mattings or other floor coverings, new curtains, new furniture but whatever It may be, we would like, you to remember the store and that eyrythlnfjr" and anything you may need to brighten tip the new-home 'Is. hereb y x . ; A..''. ' v ;, -':7'VY A v -:y ' 'i::::,;, ? r'1 -VV, y.yvAy ; U : ; The t stock Is always the largest, newest and brightest the prices are always . If you'll try, youfll find your, trading here both pleasant and profitable V III : ' I. 1 rn T f Ti 1 1: ' "''"nrf'" r nin n't nj CT K 'A - . -rr--.- mm PORCH - ' . ',.1 .' i '; FURNITURE Bay your . "Porch ; furnitnrt NOW. - YouH , profit by it ' First choice is always best . It's ; , also "worth while, to be ready when out-door days and evenings come., Don't wait until the best of our new stock is gone. Come now and see the ' novelties we're showing. ' .. , : ';,y. i-;,y X "MOSS GkEEN" and "FOREST GREEN" are two new finishes in OAK furniture for out--rr of-doors. Both suggest coolness and comfort for ' warm days.". MAPLE pieces come in natural fin- j ish, green and red., FIBRE and REED furniture is light and airy looking, equally suitable for in doors or outdoors.' , Of course you know "OLD HICKORY,", the furniture that wears like iron.. .' Look at our corner iwindow some useful sugges tions there. . , : v. " . '- OLD HICKORY CHAIRS. .. OLD HICKORY' ROCKERS OLD HICKORY SETTEES. OLD HICKORY, TABLES.. OAK 4 MAPLE CHAIRS. REED ROCKERS........ OAK ft MAPLE SETTEES. . OAK ft MAPLE TABLES. . . .$1.75 to $9.00 . 3.25 to 6.50 . .6.00 to 25.00 m 1.50 to 6.00 1.50 to 10.00 25 to 15.00 6.00 to 15.00 5.00 to 15.00 'V , ... LINOLEUMS :..f How about the kitchen and bath room? The ' ' back hall, too? Don't they need new linoleum? . i We've a lot of new patterns in printed and inlaid' ' ' fabrics that will appeal to you. Floral, oriental, - geometrical and parquetoire designs in tints that v ;.will harmonize with your 'walls. - The fine Ger- ; V man inlaid linoleum makes an ideal floor covering jlf or. billiard and smoking roomsyTi- v".' ... j 75c to $2.25 Per Yard M 10VDIIG DAY" SPEOALS r ;"3 ALL WOOL SMYRNA RUGS yi . ; Here are coverings for those worn ispots in' the old Carpet II I D pretty f all-wool Rugs in oriental and floral patterns. Size 30x60 Jl inches. . Can be used on either side. ' RBQUL.AR PJR1CB $2.00 if,, t --. , v. , !,.,;. ,-. r ar ,. ..--,: , PLEASINGLY PRIGED PORTIERES V $7.50 TAPESTRY PORTIERES, velour borders. . . . .- SPECIAL 83.75V 7, $8.00 TAPESTRY PORTIERES, heavy fringe...... ....... SPECIAL 84.00 ' . $8.50 BURLAP PORTIERES, leather applique.. . Mv..'....;...; . ........ SPECIAL 84.25 $9.00 BURLAP PORTIERES, leather Applique. ................................ . .. . ..... SPECIAL 84.50 " $10.50 TAPESTRY PORTIERES, heavy fringe. .............. ...... w". ... . .. . . SPECIAL $5.25 , $1L00 TAPESTRY. PORTIERES, two-tone border.. ................................. ... SPECIAL 85.50 ' . $13.50 TAPESTRY PORTIERES, velour border. . SPECIAL 86.75 ' f . ' (1i An T ATH7CTWV "PrMyTTTTOTTC Aoirm ' ' 'l-CPrrtAT f AA MONDAVr .. -TUESDAY- . -WEDNESDAY ".1 : 'i, '. i- ART SCREENS AT SPECIAL PRICES -? $5J!5 3-fold Oak, burlap filled. ...SPECIAL 84.00 . ' $8.00 3-fold Oak.. burlap fUled. ..:SPEaAL 86.00 1 $7.00. 3-fold Denim, pyro panels . SPECIAL $4.50 $12.00 3-fold Oak, burlap filled. .".SPECIAL 88.00 !-$6.75 34old Burlap, red and green.. SPECIAL 84.00, $15.00 4-fold Japanegold panel.. SPECIAL 89.00 $9.00 3-fold Japanese, gold panels. .SPECIAL $6.25 $17 3-fold white enamel, blue paneLSPECIAL 810.00 $11.00 3-fold Oak, burlap filled. . . . SPECIAL $6.00 $19.00 3-fold Oak, burlap panels. .SPECIAL $11.00 ;aionday .v-to GO-CART SPECIALS We've made Go-Cart buying veir eas'this spring, and , economical, too. We started right uriat the beginning of the season and put special prices -on every reclining Go-. Cart in our stock.. Of course it meant a sacrifice in profits, J but that's your benefit We still have a few reclining Carta -left all in nice condition and up-to-date in 'gear and fur nishings. We want them out of the .way,' and From now -on, your choice at - . 25 TO 40 DISCOUNT ALL THIS WEEK r L ' itiiiilplil REFRIGERATORS 5 , . Now is the time to boy Refrigerators. Do not -;,put off your purchase until the hot weather has : settled in and you are 'compelled-to take what you can find. - Come now'whihrour stock is full . I. nf t t ana compieie. . w e ve jusi naa in a canoaa 01 new patterns and can give you any size you want. : The prices will please you. -;,. ; . . , ; M cool; cleanable M AND COMFORTABLE and airtight doors that keep in the cold and keep . 11 out the heat They're the kind that can be de-; ' pended upon to keep perishable foods sweet and clean as long as you keep the ice box properly ' - filled. If you want a Refrigerator you can de- '" pend upon, get as"Glacier.'' r ; ? ' ; V $8.50 to FIBRE CARPETS For economical floor covering here is a fabric '. , that has many ' recommendations. yMade of hard twisted fibr4 it wears well ; dyed in fast colors, it is always bright; woven in pretty floral and oriWr .' ental designs, it always looks welL Especially adapted for bed rooms and dining rooms. ; Just the thing for the.cottage or country home. ' I . m IK ..air m r - V: Carpet Sweepers ' vy-All' Carpef "Sweepers are good- but uiiitUL'b AKt utii. Made with cy co. bearings, they are easy . . running and noiseless. Best, of .all,' 25"hey sweep dean and raise no dust.y You can't .keep house without a ' BISSELL; -lr'... rarocmriii' is GOOD j . j &rze&r it ire h9 a I'-.- Ramies ... ? - .. . . , . .i, . . " You're, probably needing a new Range. -If you want the I best baker earth and the , most t economical range- made we have it for you. 1 Lef s nave a mnge talk we u con I "(HI; i r ' JJ til .1 vincc jrqu. . Tr