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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
J, .. i . : they bMii t :r ki tn around the he J, or la perpendicular lock. or horizontal tiers thin v. a what the outalder w. It looked a scene i iron the Flea riper, only , th rats weren't there. - r Ana we oaees were roid to (be on their beet behavior -Ehe loving- parents gasea xpnaiy a own at aleeolna- children and aald. "On. his eyea are the nrettlest 4 And Judges of Contest at PSraHy hlm-" An1 tfar would tryi Fair Escape With Their Itlvee. AND C3?.:Z AHS UCCFUL Prizes won are pretty , iwost Successful : Chows , Ever f Me d- n Portland. Sav I , - . ' " ' ...J Happy Mothers.. 1 n he ft pretty baby?" seemed to r-'-i Paaaword Into the Elks' fair yee- m. . . .. . . . " ti ' atisrnoon, ana it too you even ' j rther. Into the mother's heart " Apl . l vwuw.iw wmm mil VHlftm Alia B . ! "Tea. and he'e thai RCHT (! " i-i TTr But there were three unfortunates 'who passed In but were' near to never We Cri:zrt-j U Hi tla VjttX Corerstr 3 Cam. ' IV 2 Crcken Ixzzz D-lcated for One Year Without Extra Cott. . t; Tr. .... . . ? 1 1 V J, , I all cut ora OVER, SAYS ALOE Councilman's Friends Feel Con fident He Will Get the May- i - oralty Nomination, rr; RESIDENT DISTRICTS v ' ?. ALMOST SOLID FOR HIM Herbert Merle Holman, ' i' ' Months Williama V Will Be Second With Oiju:.;: I -: : Business Precincts and": the North End, 1-. . to joiet the Irritated sobs and walls, and declare that he was so pretty when he was aulet and that reallv 4ie never cried at home. And still another would say. "He is the best child, and that Is why he Is-eo beautiful, flav 'How 'do.' oaoy,.' ana oaty would stubbornly re fuse to be cajoled Into greeting- the judges with anything but howl of rage. . , .: Poor little tots, they couldn't heln it: mey awn know they were on show. and that If they were good they might tell their grandchildren what beautiful babes they used to b And after It was all Over, -each' judge nobly shoul dered all the blame onto the other twn. But 11 devoted mothers and several 4. . ! Ernest Cotton CBrytn, 4 Years Old. - ' '. 1 . . 1 i 1 11 1. 11 ; coming, out again. Those were, the JJudges. who, learned,- that mothers (usually don't mlnoaXmattero where young hopeful la conoerned. On von- Mt n I wkM k V. Vs H a , . .all . . . , ' m.vmm ..v. tm.JJ . w HV. . 1NMWJ. IUI Jon Its wraps, with silent tears coursing (aown ner cheeks, patted the little one, and told It how she loved It, anyway, iBut others took adverse decisions less jquletly. One woman demanded from .the Judge who was unfortunately neat, iwhy her little girl had et received a j prise, and in the midst of the abject . apologies that followed the exasperated (mother said, "My little boy got a prise, I and he deserved It, wit my little girt I ?is just as sweet.- -.-- ., sinauy the three - judges pinned oa 1 41 1 4 1 it .- 1 1 1 ' V'" '4 ".- v. I V " " . -V ' v . ) ' ' .-"li-'- . ?"T" 1t"r"V SBWasw '. l; -i 'ij' - "GYorla Jtrfmaton, Z Yeara Old, i John Wood, a Years Old. their ' hats securely, tucked away as much hair as possibla, shut their eyea. pioaeti up ineir sains, ana nod. .' : Uttls sag-sTs TTHtO Tkey OMsd, V Mountains of white ruffles, bows of pink ana hlue mosquito netting, boots of red, white and blue, chubby wrists tied tightly with baby ribbon to show how fat the owner was, faces that mlr your own, so conscientiously had Tc inliciiice : flc? S held Soap 1 To Introduce his emeus -ikln soap. rr. A. Ik Nelden. the great eoeclalleL ' who ena-rafted the ear, and who la at Tne neaa treatln of the largeat sclentlflo skin m Inatltntlon In the world, hmm Instructed me to nut on sale for ail uiie wees H gross 01 nis soap ai T715rPcr Calcc which is actually less than cost 'This soap Is antiseptic and contains marvel vue ruraiive powers, it is a soap man' vfactured particularly fotw-thom whose are oiemianeo in any way, hoald number among ber toilet reoul but Portland .altjs. Rnmemser the offer of lBo per cue is lor this week only. - ' Demonstrate Tear Scperior Jninent ?nlng hero' when, yea are seeking relief from some facial or akin affllo- f.lo1-, .? "m the Only graduate of the A. Neldm Institute on the Peclfle coast, .toneeouently I am the only one who can KaimuiBter ni snienuno admlnlstra tlona. Those deelring a course of treat ment should apply now and get special .act now.- - .-. - -- .Master and Tee oh or of Permatology kndi. -r . "emr-,-utiure. ........ 114 rrcARisoif. anejtit Surporters of H. B. Albeo. candidate for the nomination of mayor on the Republican ticket, are confident of su-j-cesa. The past week they had men In every -precinct making a house to bouse canvass Dl -the voters, ana tu resuiis -were venr e-ratif yln to them. ' In the residence districts they found a majority of, the voters favorable to the candidacy of Albee; Williams came second and Olafke third. In the third ward, "embracing the north end. Wil liams had 4 majority, with Olafke and Albee' s supporters about equally di vided. -i . "Merrill and Rows do not seem to have much strength," said H. H. Rtddell. "We found a few Merrill men in the north end and a few scattering votes for Rows. Wo have hot been able to discover Rowe's boasted strength. Judg ing from the results obtained bjr Our men, wa expect Albee to carry the rest' dence districts and Williams a portion of jhe business district and the north end. By far the larger number of vot ers is in the resldenoe districts. In ths third ward, the registration averages from SI to tl7 In the precincts, while In the outlying sections It runs from 114 to 100. There are e.lfT voters reg istered from the four wards of the oast side sgalnst t,4!T from the six wards on the west. Wo expect Albee to carry everything on the oast side and several preclnols on the west, while Williama will get the majority elsewhere. "From all Indications Albee Is ths strongest candidate In the field., end wo feel confident of success.? ... . Every night this week Albee meet ings will be held. Tomorrow night a rally of first and second ward voters will take place In Vpchurch hall, at which' several speakers will address the voters. . Tuesday night , the speakers will visit SeHwood. , . ' - Btallwood ravers .Sow. Definite charges were made against the present city administration at ' a Republican meeting held In the Bell wood fire hall last night. Candidate for the Mayoralty 11. a Howe, formerly mayor or Portland, and nis supporters seemed to be In ths majority.' The charge was PUBLIC LAND PREY TO CLEVEH Turning tin' of the 'Searchlight . . Shows How. the State was: Robbed. : " T FORGERY AND PER3URY ; USED WITH IMPUNITY Investigations of Marion's Grand Jury Beginning of Work to Punish the Criminals. TJp to the Urns when ths present ad ministration came Into office; ths public lands of the- .state of Oregon were an easy prey to every clever rogue who chose to operate in them.- Laws de signed to preserve the lands for the le gitimate settler and purchaser were openly defied,, and a huge system of fraud was devised whereby speculators seourea immense tracts for a 'fraction of thelrT real value. Forgery and per jury were freely employed to accomplish this, and complaisant officials tacitly .u.j . , m Th Investigations of ths Marlon oounty grand Jury, which were conclud ed last Friday, constltuta the first seri ous attempt-to. set ths wheels of jus tice in motion lor tne punishment of the' land thieves and for ths recovery. of tho property of which the state has been robbedv In tne opinion of the grand Jury, at leaat half a million acres of School lands which have.toer n sold by tho state can bo recovered jpn account of frauds practiced by the purchasers. methods by the former stats land fathers and grandparents and aunts and sisters, and even some friends: praised 'iiforr.hord"aiifthd. "iLr.r- wt. as .before, shouldered alltho response tlon crushed rock for the street nawlna- ouiiy on nerseir this time. Vrettles Babes jm the Olty. Y And this simple announcement .was What had caused all the trouble: j Tho prises are awarded as follows: For prettiest boy and girl under 1 year.- go-cart. Herbert Holman. ' t months Ut Salmon; Clara HJnch. I months-44t Columbia. . . For prettiest boy and airl between I ana-1 years, silver cup, George Han tlon crushed rock, for . tho street paving work cost to cauls a square yard more than It should that cement curbs and walks exceeded' tho Justified cost almost as much, and that In every department where city Improvements were consid ered,, the charges had been excessive. Attorney W. R. McQarry aroused en thusiasm with a statsment that "present council men managed . to make a l a week job pay big dividends."' ll. B. Rows presented his platform! a son. Il months, 14S East Twelfth: Arber I careful and conservative flnmnrl.i mJi. DlxosC 14 months, 10 West Park. ' I ministration, personar supervlaton of . . ror prettiest - ooy ana girl between I important Improvements, and tho on- s ana s years, caiia s Dea. John wood, I lorcement of all laws. I years f months, 47s East Cmthere: I . W. Btanleton. W. n. ommL ry. OlorUohnston. X yearg mooths, 721 1 Kmmett Drake. E, A. Austin and W.lW. , . . 1 Morrow were too other speakers. sor prettiest coy oetwoea 1 and 4 1 - nrM4iia ih v.m yn, spoon, crnest vsrju, t years, Opposed to Occirp-tton Tex .-A VOTE F0$ Spencen H. Cooper , ' - , , ,v. --..'. j' '.'-.'..:.',.,''.- r . ..: '.!,'."", ' . ; , . , ' '.'.--,.- i'i V'i'1 " ' '' '" For Mayor ; ' .s,;'-;'tMv'-",-iV-' - ';'-'M '-' - i ' On thfi Republican Ticket athc- ' f Primary Election: v.. arxsoxB h. coon' Ter Twaaty-rive Tears a taxpayer of rerttaai. X MY Pa-ATRORJVI r v.-t.-v I am In favor Of equal rights In conformity with law. and sneelal mrllaa-aa , fc . ti w. thoroughly business-basU, and tho occupetlon Ut ordinance should at ones bo repealed as prejadicioae to ths arowth and welfare-Of tho City, t ..i...:,. .y 1 ,: . ..- .: rv.,vAy;, i.-yV;., , v .7 ., TEETH Extracted and filled absolutely without pain oy our late scientine metnoa, pst' anted and used bv us onlv. Free nun. inatlon. . ' ; BraSTOira nOtll and these - aha areea bavins their teeth extracted ere invited to can at our omce, where' we will demonstrate to thetr entire aatls- Taction our claim xor painless extract ing. . w GOLD FILLINGS.... a vT"v 1 a nnt n 40 i-y iv wuiv ' a . CROWNS .a ...... . 93eOO &d m 0l M ............ PUf 75t and fl.OO OO Mk-and SR. FULL BET . TEETH . . v. ..... . B0.00 Boston Painless Dentists gl, MOBBXSO .- ' Opp. Meier Frank and Old Vootoxloe. Hours 1:10 a. m. to p. m. Sunday, 1:30 a. m. to $12:19 p.- m. - To be sure you are In the right place come In .and get bottle of Dr. B L. Graves' tooth powder, free. WOOD COAL WOOD Wo Are BxdnsiTO Wood and Coal If you are looking for fine, dry wood, A No. 1 quality at low prtoe, just look over these figures and call us up - Dry Fir, per oord. .aars Dry Oak, per oord. ....aaas Dry Ask, per oord... ...as40 Wo make a specialty of Bawoa Wood, and all loading broads of Coal. TBATSs HOI, Phono Main ! 463 Brarots St. Between Tweinn ana a nirteentn. n vb cam a aa-nxa. i III sj j-r'i'iiiiimii.-irrriniiii-irnl III II Hancock, v For-prettiest girl between S and 4 years, silk scarf. Margie Cameron. years, jnaaison. M-E-R-R-I-L-L, These letters were Painted ion seven targo oanners carried oy an equal nura ber of Portland young men. Behind the letters were tho automobiles. In the or largest boy for ago tinder 2, gib-1 tnrmrmt r 11,. -m-- ... w un. TWMnn. f 1.1 " . w I MerrtlL wreathed In amllaa. months, Alt North Eighteenth. The bond played and lights of various hues burned For largest girl for ax. under i. silver 4 LA. . " ."".r1 sot. Arbor Dixon. - . I Ii..,. .. n. k-J.T Special prise for most original look- I " L . -.7".""'":. . . . or tne city last night. Tho streets were run i i-uwfc utii Nolo . . 'T4?J.!!r-.: ... ODlnillTF air-i- inrpi ... UnMUUM I C ll C A I WLCrV I cnea man " on navin authority. - , -k I "That's right r cams a voice from th Forty-on. gr.dut..'of the Korth Pa- T.k.". "2dJ.,M.errtU- dflo dental-college will receive thetr do- ,; m V.rV..l'. greos as doctors of dental medicine next inatlon for councilman at largo, seems Auouuy .mil., wnen.tno commence-1 .to nave inenrrea tne enmity of the bill ment exercises will bo held In the First Mboard monopoly which announces its in- tentlon of dangling his scalp at Its belt on election dsy. Mr. Hyland Is the canaiaate or tne oivio improvement asso ciation and stands for law and order and is known as tne "clean town" candidate. He Is enthuslastlo for anything that wlk bo lor the best Interests of Portland. For City Attorney. Baptist church. The exercises will be gin at o'clock. 4 The pros ram is. as follows: ' " : "Serenade" ( Widor). Miss TTurrtn. piano, Mr. SplUner violin. Mr. Konnul vlolincello; annual address, ilon. Alfred F. Sears; "A Red. Red Rose" (F. 8. Has tings), Miss Edwin Msettok; conferring! I of ; degree of doctor of dental medli-in Dr. B. F. Eshelman; (a) "Devant Son Image". (Hubay), arranged for trio by Among tho aspirants to office at ths Bpltsner: b) "Traum Value" (Snltanert: I comlna- primary election th.t h.... cnerge to tne graauates, ur, Thomas L. particular mention Is tbst of Edwsrd Eliot; "The Nightingale Song' (Nevln), I T. Taggart, who seeks ths Republican MISS EdWlna Maatlck; Valedlctorv." Ben. I nomination for cltv altarae. U- f Jamln Norman Hamm, A. B., D. M. D.; I gart Is a young lawyer of rara "ability allegro from trio op. II (St Baena). V I and unimpeachable Integrity and If Tho memocrs of the graduating ctaaa nnmlntitilti ami ailsVtsVil waiiIsI arf w.a rs ;,?!L;?rIw,n' Oeorgo Jsy Bachsr. city a clean and honest official. Ha Is a Chester Franklin Becker, M. Montafloro graduate of the law department of the Bettman, Kobert Nicholas Browstor. University of Michigan and l In every Henry Enrieet BurmeUter. Cornelius way fully qusllfled for the office men iV.i ",J77 OwDavis. tloned. He J. tho of faction rw! iL' i'' "I" "ncU or clique, but presents his name to the t! kVi J?. .m?,.Crw,ord. End'cott. people for their ...Support on his own Sta uKlV5nl0,1l?,h'r' -tending and reputation. From present H.nry AdoEarr? 'wlM-i? J.'fl Ah ltkVnM., XI.-...-i- . . oinni uiipr nvpuoiirmn voters tfh-Tr i.f01 "Dc. Edward I of our city at tho coming election. - .- v.. . uiav.i , Anna Ijoug Yates. Cornelius Rllvey Kelsav. Aihart WIIM.IM ITIntiMV T Tm . i ander MacDoUsalL Earl Cornelius M. I ' iariana, Tom Mesda. Chester Arthur Morris, Herbert Adolphas Moss, - Bert Clareoco dinger, Mllford Austin Price, Alton David Remington, Orvllle Robert Reyburn, Urlas B. Shan Is. Bert R. Schoonmaker, Henry 'Brough Hook, Ralph ecll Swinburne, Dana I rasa Wadsworth, wis Free Walker, William Adam Wal- tnew, Bawara Halo White. Doaro are tne eupiect or soma emphatlo criticism ln tho grand Jury's report.' ' Governor Chamberlain said yesterday. after reading the report of the grand Jury: . . , . . Faithful Ftetnro In Beport.' "The report is a fair ."one. and rives a faithful picture of tho condition of the public , lands of ths state. The facta were outlined at length In the report of the state land agent, Oswald West, to the last legislature. When Mr. Mor row, Mr. West's ; predecessor, wss ap pointed state land agent tho Instructions which hs received from me were to go to the bottom of all tho transactions had by former land agents and state land boards, and he had commenced this work prior to his resignation. . 4 - The samO Instructions were given to Mr." West when ho was appointed to sue. coed Mr. Morrow. With the utmost dll Igenco ho was not able to entirely com plete the work until shortly before ths last session of tho legislature. - He has been extremely diligent In this task, and tne unoartning or the fraudulent trans actions in school lands has been duo to his efforts. In this he hss been as sisted by George Brown, clerk "of tho land -board. Tho records of the two of fices bavo now been completed and the office of tho stats land agent has been moved Into that of the State land board. so that tho two eonatltute a single of flee, working in harmony Instead of at cross purposes, as was tho rule pre viously. WJ 111 BtiM Uigpeaking for myeelt without having ' th h" Tf.r bn hid Opportunity to confer with the " In Portland. The jnatitute was other members of tho state land board, openea ia wmi.r m. jw I Intend to Investigate every certificate penmen o " .Nf " bearing the earmark of fraud, and to 1 aian. canoel It In-every ease where the evl-1 Tho first feature on tho program was daim. wilt tuatif v im-h aptinn. miii a military drill and figure marching. time before the errand lurr-wu Imiun. I dumbbell - team of -11 boys, under In eled and at the time Puter and nla con. I structor Cuthbertson. went through federates undertook fraudulently to ac- their exercises with accuracy and P re quire title to about 1.000 acres Of land clalon.' The performance on tho vault In Lake county, I addressed a communl. lng horse was fine, the boys following cation to J. H. McNary. district attorney each other In quick succession. xnose of Marlon county, calling his attention who did not see this vaulting horse ex- to the matter and asking him to inves- srclae Will have so opportunity to do tlgate It. He has acted promptly In this, so -by attending tho exhibition to bo as tho Impaneling- of tho grand Jury and I (iron at Sunnysido brigade halL when tne report xuea oy it indicate. . - . team will r repeat tne periormanceu 'All or tho fraudulent transsctlons In two tns-of-wmr contests proved exclt- state tanus reierrea to in toe (nna lng. especially- by the seniors. T.n v Electric Light and Gas Shades v X naving recenuy recetvea a large snipmetit ef Electric Light jnd Gaa Shades we ax parttailarf V' anxious that the fact receive pobUcky fawwinr the V news wiH interest flany.'who are tmilding'. : ' V; 'The new goods are Hit of the nrvyesMtterria. ia cut and etched glass. The colorings are wery tastyi i manv elaborate. ' There'a nothlno' fant vetnA nartwrrni' ' in the whole shipment and no matter how much you pay, youll get something pretty. - J ' .- '- JPrices Riang BnaBBsarsBaBaMnasBBsaeKsaBnBKasKarBssaBaBsaaswM ..... We John Barrett G6; SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS. aHsaasawtstiatxatitei BOYS' BRIGADE GIVES "--FINE PERFORMANCE The exhibition given by the- Third Portland company of tho Boys brigade in tho People's Institute, Fourth and Burnside streets, Friday night was tho Jury report occurred prior to my In auguration as governor, and this will bo seen by reading the report In its on rounds were necessary to decide tne wlnnlna- side. Tho performance tn e. eloaa with a hlfh lump tlrety. Many of tho abuses grew out mMtltlm which resulted lnTono boy . 1 .. MtkAll. t. B.k .A- I ' r - .. . . of tho careless methods In making In demnlty selections In years past, and to which I put a stop Immediately on my clearing 4 foot I and another just one Inch leaa. Rav. A. D. Sopor, ehsplaia or Me inauguration. by refualnc to make wy M 4; commended the boys for their further Selections and by ettemptlng to straighten out tho tangle Into whlcn the land affairs had fallen. -5-.- Attenttoa Oanoa o Abases. I had tho state land agent devote his performance and their faithfulness to h4 nrfipra. and called - for three cheers for tho instructors, to which they most heartily responded. Prises were awarded to tnose wnoae time and attention to reconciling the MnJ. nrt attendance bad been moat discrepancies in the records and to die-1 ..tlsfsctory. coffee and cake were pro posing of cases which had boon pending trUeA by tho , women of tho People's ... rinatltnta , ' ' in uovemor uumnnun i ivo mss-1 4 thia Krlnde are "? 'e"1",Vu c1? rhanlain. Rev. A. D. Soper; - captain. peciai attention to tne SDUseo wnica had. ,ex ander C. Rae; lleotenants, Lewis Zl?nJn..???n?2i? DiShir. Cuthbortw and Arthur advisability of withdrawing those lands R0''"' front sale. It was in pursuance of his Instructions that State .Land Agent West began the Investigations which hare resulted ,'ia tho sctlon of ths Merlon county grand jury. It took many, months of patient research to get at tho facts, and. but for tho assist. anoe rendered by tho stats land agent. the grand jury would have been able to accomplish but little. . j-.t SPORTING GOSSIP. V (Continued from Page Nina) era th team has, and is always in evl' denoe on tho side lines. ; , ' . ! : Win French, besides pitching- gilt sdged ball, made an unassisted double play la tho third, when ho captured Nor dyke's- attempted bunt on tho fly and runnlBk to third retired Thomas, who had almost reached the plate, oomplet Ins the double. '. : " ' a Oarvln had the Tigers faded la the two Innings that he wasoa the rubber, for not one of them reached first, and tho only ball hit hard was that captured n m e. BID Thomas, the Tiger twlrler, has not-lost a gatno this season, having won It Will Bo IWldedly 10 Tonr Advantage.. 1 aeven straight games. He lsr In much OaQd'a may. Mamma There! - Ton have a black eye and a bloody nose, and your coat la torn to bits.- How many times hsvo II told you not to play with that bad Bobby aee. mat ' Do I look Ilka we'd oeen a-playln T BUILDERS, READ THIS! "V Excursion Rates on the 0 In effect today ' and every uereerter until further notice . Round trip rat.a to Oregon Canemah. park, -lie To Oreaham. all points beyond UP to and lncludlna Estaoada, It ; '. 1 ffiif City and . f ft I i The M. J. Walsh Co. Have th targest and most varied stock of Gas snd Fleotrio Chandeliers and Supplies on the i-scino i coast. Kieotrto Ught Wiring and usB nping tneir speeisity. .Th a complete lino of Hearth. Floor lng. as well as Mantels and Orates. Will be plcaaed to have you ealL Hhow-rooras w -j : Washing i y .. y . M - . ...... , . . ' - i ! better form than last, year. Truck Karkn played a great game at short yesterday, carrying off tho honors In fielding at short by accepting eight chances without a skip. The. pitching of French and Oarvln was too much for Thsy also carry the ,'"ow. t!""1 at h.V."n? bT wf tor and Wall Til- unDlJ Und hu u,ual hlt- l , nniM win I . . - e e ; , , Larry Schlafly and Charley Doyl. each covered the second has territory In clever fashion yestcrdaf and both had Ut same number of obancea, . Each had PERi WEEK PAYS IT Watches, Diamonds, Rings, and fethef Jewelery 0 to 60 per cent lower than cash houses. Very complete line to aelect from. No red tape about, our in stallment plan; it is so easy paying is a pleasure. ,: A fifth down. $1 a week pays it.' Most Ubooal advaaees made oa an articles of vatae a low rase et laterost. TrU vsjSooatraneooaytaeatieei, THE RELIADLE LOAN OFFICS A T.TtX AM m MXMM ZKrUU." LlHOUlaAlrVe-w - 61 TUxd StTCtt. CCT. R' Butchers' Sapp!:co Machinery and Fixtures, . San sage Casings, Pure Spices, Daisy ; Dry Air Coolers. , . S. B.rkemvald Co. The Largest" Butchers' Supply , , House on the Coast. " - -- . . . t 304400 Everett St Portland. Discovered at A REMEDY Las! Which euros AXSTmaTZSJC la Its worst form. It's a Godsend to those who suffer with this dreaded disease. : It Is sold on a positive gruaran tee. Jf tho second bottle does not help, return tho empty bottle to the druggist and get your money back. This medicine removes tho tirto acid from tho blood which causes tho rheumatism. ' It la made by tho John H. Casey Med. Co.. Spo kane, Waah. "' Bold on guarantee by Watte-Matthieu Co., ITS RnsseU street; Woodard,' Clarke C. .Conner Fourth and Washington streets. Portland.-' The Sartorial .Cleaning System '-Will call for each, week7 clean, presa and return clothing for ; . $1.00 per month. Competent help will examine aind repair when necessajry, Call Main4?13 and a wagon Vill Call for, artides, or have e TBf our agents visit you. - 433 WASinNOTON STREET, . . ' WW two put outs by covering Bret bate on bunts when Van Buren, and Nfrdyke went in on tne piay. , . - i i e ' e ' In order to make rooraor additional signs ordered, tho left Held fenoo Is .be ing elevated to a level with the ether portlona of the eneloeure. Had this been done lsst wek Essan and Kordyke would have been deprived of tho home tun hits they secured this w.tX . -l - - O " Virgil Oarvia Is ert tt t t t i T gers today and with McLean at tho re ceiving end. Mike Teds will have tif troubles tn makina the circuit of t -paths this afternoon,, .- ' e e ' . Contrary to a report pt:,V . r Louis Castro ha made t- " ' ting won the o- : ' t i i Castro serrl f r I " j ' -t, t--o iff" l.' I U I ; ft i t 11 M r t; If t' t t t m , . ....... . t .fc.....,,