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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
r 1 .tournament won every race in which it started except one. will toaka . its. first appearance la New York at the opening automobile race want at ths Brighton NEWS OF THE AUTOMOBILE WORLD I Beach track on May . This wonderful oar, ths creation of a .well-to-do Ameri can, aad built In - his - back yard last summer, 'holds ' the world's one mils competitive- record - of '41 3-4 ' seconds tiy w ' . and ths mils straightaway record of tt seconds, .and mils track record of 17 second for steam propelled vehicles. Tbe EUers CoaxntaUttosTh elres op Their 1nmnton A. R. Diamond, the wwU-knowa real .atate dealer, purchased an Olds touring ' StUee of . Hlihet Qrtttto n4 car last weak for use in ths city and Tin; crjzcoN suiiday jcur.::AU TcTLAin), LJ..u.Y ncrj.x.o. busy. .:c;Tii Or. and Mrt. C E.. Brown In, Their W)iite Toarinf Car., Dr. Browtt It tha Newr Elected Treasurer - ,', . i:"' the Automobile OUtbT- ., , . . " of Tbt president aaall nrerlde at all awwttsn of tin club and et tba 'board et dlmetora. Mi r President, 8oI Blumauer. , Vice-president. K. IX Inman... ', . Secretary, David Hooeyman. " - Treasurer, Dr. C B. Brown. . v , . V Directors -D. . C.- CBaUly, Dr.. CI B. Brown,. David Honayman, R. D. Inman, 'William I.tpman and Bol Blumauer. s, Tha.PorUand Automobile dub baa ur- mnised and alec tad the above officer end directors for tba coming year. Onl . Thursday evening fair-aised gathering of automoblllst met In tba Commercial -club rooms and elected aeven directors, .besides bear Ins" the by-laws read by Dr. Jlaekay,' wuca were unanlmouatr adopfl etna at tbe aaaacl dm tin, and perfurm aaek ex -officio a member of an suttees t which be ahall sot be tesnlarlr ap pointed. Ba ahull alae save aoch etee duties as the beard et directors Bay aire te hum. ' .The vtoe-pnaMeot ahall aaaiat the. praatdaat la dlaeharalnc hla dutica and, la bia ahaanr, ahall perform, the earn. ... . -: , , , Iha secretary ehalt flee all Botlcea, keep a earrect list ef member, with their .ad sreeeee, and of' to sstoeaouUas or ether Rotor vaatclae esrsad by then; sane a. record ef ell em rase, contaata aad exhlbltisae; kaep Ike sunstss-of- all awaUnas of the club aad et we near i auecUMi uu a cd and which are published In this col' urns. To keenest. Interest waa tested in-the meeting, and if the-aamo JUnd.of Interest prevails for' the rest of 4he season It la an assured fact that Portland will soon have one of the pro-a-reaalve automobile clubs in the coun try. Yesterday at noon th directors met and chose their officers, and .from the , Jlst it looks as if the club bad secured jrooo nean worasrs 10 perxorm us exocn ttve datlaa, . Mr. Blumauer, as president, twill make an active -official, aa be is a most enthusiastic , auto 1st and 1 eaten " tupoa every duty with fores and deter Jralnatloa. Mr. , Inman,'- Mr. Honeyman m and Dr. Brown, the other ofllueia, are ". well known In the auto world and will . make excellent officers. -- The principal work that will confront fTtne clutf -wBr-bs-tn iliaa-o the beat . driveways throughout : the city and county. "Many favor the oufnr of the ' XJmiton road, while others say the Bass -LJno is the best, while the minority think Riverside drive would be. more ideal far the auto fanciers. Beyond gen. rat discussions nothing has - ret been dons. The directors will meet next 'Wednesday night In order that the) mat tor may be pot la soma tangible shape so ; work on the road or roads may be etartr ed at one. T Following nj "the by-laws adopted by -the club: "" --' ran- T-'t't-t " ahall be ssews ss last Portland ntaeasbua club. . -. " OMerta The promotion aad maintenance' ' et ; a aaetal and srutnallv orgaalaBtlaa ef all USiimbs ewnias aad intonated ia sntar vetdctea. T sramnta the IsTaatlgatlae la the develop er sartor earrtaeaa. 1 sveparate wits kt eeeartas lasialaUaai, ratoa and leg the sae ef astoaaSBUea. Te , tears by precept aad exenwle care aad : eldaratlea both for the pedretrlas aad et ether vehielea ea the pabue highway. te aaalat ia aacartag; the pnalahawat ef taoae wae tram ritklan or caieteaa dHviag viokua -ithe'leee eed Utiiaaai mmnlng of Motor vehicle. Te arrange clnh , Simula Te PToDMrta aad eaeoorege ' etraetkis and sialatalaenna ef good roads. mole Tbe smaiherihip thaaa claeaaa, sasMly, honorary ban wipnae piiiaibira, ae amliiia aad noa-reatdont aaaouiera. - haamry easihrahlp ahall ba inmnnaad The et such peraoes aa eMail he elected thereto by , the ainilanan vote ef the - beard ef dteae . torn Koch siieBhara ahall be exaaapt tana all be eniltlaa te vote at any They maj , privileges ef the dab heeaa et rsosia, aa a Ilka vats ef the beard ef direetora. ,- The active setaiherahiB ef the crab slat of pereoee, not te award , who era el char oemere of. siaanfactMrara ef, or In, aaster plraaara vehicle, aad reside la tba eoantv ef MaJtrjoSaib, etah of Oiiaaai. . The see laairlent sanbara ahall eoasiot of swims was era either eeraere ef. menalec- tarara of a dealer to. aaotor paaarjre vehtrlre. and ere set raaldenta ef the ananrj ef Malt- -.noaeeh. state ef Oregoe- AnoUeatloaa for actrra or ' aon-reet dent eerahlp ahall be aaade ea a bleak, which ahall -eeaa the aaaaiu. eddreaa ajd eccapeOon ef the , aesUeeat aad shall be Indoraed by two bora eg the dab ta good otanrflns. and ba Hat a tbe eMretary ef the cab. aad by hire delivered to the eoaaaalttaa ea aaaaibarahlp, It abail be the doty ef the aiiwnillio aa , ehlp te aaveatigaS the- aaeltf tretkma, ehanctar aad atanding of W pejamia prupoatd for aaeaH awahlp is the clnh, and to act epaa epp nce- tteaa la the nrat isataaeaa prevviao is eectloa-j Apptlmnte recelvtag the aneat vote at the eaatarTof the eeranuttaa sa i benatp at say regular Besting ef each ntlttee ehea. . apo paring the daea for as the eat receive inch aw anaOeatleB I la eapun be sa ohaU he illy aa adrasua.: daated. fee. The eesa U e yea, pay ica, eed for aaav half that saaoaat. . say i te pay hla deea withta S dare it the a am ere payable, shall iit the heard ef directors, for- ef a a, te letles ef retary eaagianrut -eed eo k aaasl he voated koiea ea the board tbe proatdewt. vtca I the treoanrrr ead ether datJes as any be enjnleert ea aha by tke praeiaeat or tee Mara of. daTeetare, , Ha anau a aw ba es-efflcls a meibev W all (lean mittaaa te which be ahall sot be regslarly appointed. ' Tbe tree surer ahall collect, receive and die bnrse ell aatavys belonging te the . Ctab. sack dtaliaieaiiiaiiii. ta be Bads os the Varrant ef tbe board ef director, te be certified te 1 by the eaeretaiy. lie -shall keep reenter ao eoaata, ana vooaut toe aeme te the heard ef direetora whenever aetraevired, and ahall prepare aad aobaut to the aaanal aaaadag s the nnaaclel .cosdltlos of Oak sadce, BtavTse beard ef dtreetere amy provide aad adapt ' each dlattngrilahrng hedge. emblem or flag for clab lamhtri . aa stay hereafter be determined on. Klertlooa The director ahall be elected at the aaasal BaMtlag. . Tbe election ahall be by ballot. ' Each active anaibar la food stand ing ahall ba entitled te out eae veto for each etlles, aad It ahall be the daty ef the teller hi aaeartala that a member la- as rood stand. lag before be la allowid te vote, nl aiajoslty. et the vetaa .cast ahall elect. . , .. The direetora ahall held efflce natil the adjoenmeat of the seat anneal aeMsdnants; and, te that end, at ahall be tbe doty ef the president te call a ewuUiig ta act aa each , aniandreenta, whenever the aanw ahail b propoaed hi writing by 10 aninlma (if the club. Is geod a binding One of the most suaseaarful trips taken this season was made last wealthy F. M. Keeton and H. I Keats in' two Pope To ledo touring" cars. Each car carried four passeng-era, and ths gentlemen . named shove did .the driving. The party left hare Wednesday morning and consumed 2 hours and 17 minutes in makingr the trip to Salero.. The roads were In poor condition, and. ears had to-be axarciaed in tba bandllnr of the oars. Krom Salem the touring party went to Dallas, sod also visited- a number . of the smaller towns in that section of the state. All told, the cars traveled about 260 miles. The party returned to Portland Thurs day evening without experiencing a aat onors. delay, from rjreaJta or accidents to ths oars. Both Mr. Keeton and Mr. Kaata were highly pleased over the showing that the car made. Tbe sranrssi of the trip was so gratifying that another tour will soon be mad. The Fops Toesdos has, mads big bit In Portland, every person riding la them frriiirwirtr.rng thefo ths Pest ewer, , ; v k '. amenannmswawSSSaW. viim rem a: vicinity. vi,.v.- vi.'-.v,'--) '' . 'e' Ol jr. WUson of Baleen Is another well known man who secured aa Olds touring oar daring ths pest week, . W. F. Barrel! of this city has shipped an Olds machine to his agent kt Colfax, Washington, ' ...:-.. ; . ' Colgsis Hoyt, on of ths governor of th Automobile club of America, sailed for Antwerp last week. His new tour ing aatomobUs went on th same boat. and, starting from Antwerp a few dsys after . his arrival, Mr. fioyt : and hla family will make J aa extended tour If a vacancy akall serar Is say efflce or in tba baard of director, sack vacancy ahall ba filled- at tbe seat regular anetiag ef the dub by s majority .vote et thaaa truest; bet should the member - fall . ta ae elect the director ahall have power te flu the vacancy. . The direetora chosen at the meeting ef For Used Aalnmohlla club- oe April , xt, leuo, rhirad dv 1ft entll the1 anneal eleetlea. The praaldent, vice-president, eeeretery trasaiirrif ahall he elected aaaaally by the hoard of direetora frdaa aaaaag their aamber at the finrt meting ef the board after the annual election, aad they ahall hold the offices for eae year and natu their successor are elected aad qualified. -MeeUnss The saanal meeting of the CJnb be held en the first Wednesday In April in each year; notice of the time end place of the holding of the mate shall be sent te ember, at leans SU dan prior thereto. Meeting. . ether thaa . the annual, stay be called by tbe preaideBt or mast be called ap a ssajonty vote ec tae. soars ai oirectora, at Vi- mneiliiies la aee mti Ins ahall make e written request to the preel dent therefor, and notice ef each epeelal meet- Ins ahall ba , nulled te eerh member, later thaa 4s boors prior ta aoch meeting. Ten active mrmihera ahan eaaautsu a eunrsn at meeting of the clnh, bnt, if a qoonua la not present, the presiding efricer aaay adjoora aach swntiiig te a day sad aosr limed nr Bias. At all regslar meeuos ta order ei bsl- mm. , exeent when . otherwise determined by thnee vraaeat. shall be ysat 'The raadJag ana eertecuus si th sueatas ef the prevmee nssetlng. ' Hecead keporta et off tears, j Third Bepurta of eoaiaUttoae. "' '. . Penrthr-KlerUaaa. ' - - f t ; ". ) Klftu Cnflnhwed bsibitsi. .' - , Btotn qaaaral bnelaas. , v V ' -. Meatlng ef tbe board; ef director abaH held when and as called by the president by any two member of the board. Three bm bera el tse soars ol an-ector assu ermsauue AH notVea sbaH be east by saafl. wdd, te the last knewn addraaa ef the members, aad aoch smiling shall be praneaiptive or! da ore of the sendlnr Don't disobey th rules of th road. Remember tte keep to. th right aad psss on th left. uoa t I or aci inar pexxeBTrtans nmut bum right sa vehicles at street cross ings. . i Z ' 4 :. have 1 Br3ember thst' vvhk do not have th right or war ax street crossings. Don'lt forget that 'your rate of speed should never exceed th legal rat it Salle aa hour in th city.' Rememher.' when local conditions re quire, to adopt even a lower rat of speed, than ths legal rat. Don't get "rettled." ',.. Rsmsmbar-that-iria ttsSfnTTe- low". who always , loses ala head la ortsis. .; j v . :.;,', .At.. " j Don't Insist rrpon your rights. Remember , that the " "other fellow" may not know your rights, aad aa in sistence oa your part is pooad to reami In aa accident."-' . ' -t-. ..-. - - Don't argue with trolley oars, at i) rasa wagons, brewery trucks or other heavy bodies found In th public thswooghfsr. - Ramember that ths drivers of these powerful vehicles generally operate ea the theory that might Is right. Don't expect .women and rhflrrrara ts get out of your way, Remember, woroen aad cMldrea soar't know how to avoid danger. ' . Don't rtra any unhecsrsaaary rtskm. Remember- that,' while ths satomotoC is flexible,, poeserfal and . easily eon- trolled, you may make a slip. Don't drink. ' Remember that nine tetrUM of the ac cident occur to automobiles . driven, by intoxicated chaaffeura. . -, - Dont nak away la case of aa aca- Remember that th tru gentleman chaufteur, although be may not be sponsible for th misfortune, stands his ground, 'i , . Don't fail to be . I any provocation. v ' Rern ember that th Golden Ral In tbe road will ' save you no end of trouble, expense aad worryi mac Inline jay as ruber -stay b aos pea Jed for s flagrant violation ef th w -or ordinances regulating tba aa ef highways, streets -or parka, or for conduct In- huloos te the welfare of the dak. by a twe third vote of the director at a meeting ef tha beard, 'of dlraetar - at which a eoonue sheJ il bet only anna wrltira coainlnrnt ei one or Bon members of th clobber ef tba aad meeting ahall be gives charged, at least el(bt day prior te anckr meat. mxtll he has bad aa ovDertnnitr ta be beard at aurk e meeting. . , , The board of directors may abm. Is tbd earn an ear, expel any smsibar ef the risk far adort which shall . aeem . warradt that malty. ... . . niiais Tt ire The hoard ad dleneteee eksll hae power ts after each raise, as to It ehail vnae, ragarruag the ana ef aaek rrse i or rooms a ahaB ba acsuired er aecs- pled bf -tba ciati. Aae-eanieat Tneoa bylaws aaay be mended by a saemiaaoaaT vote ef the drrsctor at a aseeU or. f-ke- beard e dh m ha - of which frrt daya' notice, roqtalnlag the test -of aurk pre, paaod amendment, man have been gtrea 1h thereat, er at aay meeting of tba dub by a malorlty vat of the rnalari thee nreaewt.. provided lb notice ef eech moating 11 nave been given live ears before, and ahall her roan all aid the text ef sack prupuoad On of the features of th paat weak la Philadelphia automobile circles was th appearance of th Pope-Toledo run about, which appears to be on of the slickest little cars which has yet been put 'on th market. This machine ap pears to be. a iltUe-deaawn) a hill elrmb-4 lag and Is ahls to keep pace with ' th big fellows up almost any. hill r la tbe vicinity of Philadelphia. It waa ths talk of th trad during the past few The Chicago AatomobUs ernb Is clea ning a three-day mast t be held oa the track of th Waahlngtoa Park dub on May 17, 1 and I a. Ths meet will fur nish events both for ractng and pleasure cars, besides '-a number of novelty events. On of the novel conditions Is cash prlss offered for 'every second by which tber wirmer of any race lowers th world's record for th distanc of that race. .. v . ; ' -. ' . . . " . " " " ; -Th famous '; "Lightning- Pus." the a team raclrtg car built by Louts Ross, which a the recent Flarlda anto mobile throughout Belgium, JTranc and Italy. Unlike most Amerfa-Ann whs visit KU' rope foe a motor cartrtn. Mr. .Uovt is taking- his Amerioaa Vehicle with him. In at sad of 'airing or buying, a foreign automobile,-which' Is usually dons .by tourists, nr. itoyt's tour will be toof pughly American, even to th chauffeur wno arives ins macnina, ior his nauvs ehaaffsur went oa th same ', steamer with Mr, Hoyt aad Ala fataOx, New Tork aotomobilista ar adckini ever th tact that great quantities of glass, tacks, sharp nalla, etc sre being aoattered along th roads of Long island most frequented, by aatomoolles. ' It peculiar fact ta connection with the that , these puncturing : devices are found mostly clone to the location of repair shops, where enormous prices ax asked for that class ox work. Bo Interested ta motor ear racing CoL Albert A. Pope, who has entered machine ia th Vanderbllt cup race la addition to the on entered by his son. Albert L. Pope, that he has announoed his Intention of going abroad - to what th Pop-Toledo cars do ta the James? Gordon Bennett cup race, which will be held In Franc oa July a. With th more general us of auto mobiles la European countries ths desirability- of giving special' instruction and training to cbauffeuza aad others concerned with the manipulation and construction - of automobiles has been considered, by the directors of technics! ChOOU. I h. v Already there sre two special courses of Instruction provided for autoraobil- lam. on at Aschaffenburg. ' '. Oermaay, and the ether at Brussels, Belgium. A third school . Is to b cart aliened la Vienna next October, la rnn reaction with th Tatchnological Trade mnseom, which la tba most advanced trad school of the city. It 1 proposed to - provide twe courses, one for chauffeurs, who are ta be taught all the practical details re- nsT . to automobile and their con struction as wall as the laws of various countries concerning the right ef way, driving regulations., etc the other eeurs being designed more particularly for the education of mechanics in the construction of automobiles. . There will be both day aad night courses, th for mer for a period of three months with dairy instruction, and ths night cours for a period oc six rocntna, wim iwe hours of lnstructloa oa four evenings ef each week. v. tt-j.rj If) t-, inn i i . 1 il I s . i I' 'i Promlaeot aslcUni ud Qoto cromeat. Officials Anoof tne Purchasers. Lars 5 AUo la Meellunl Qrade Inftruments. Gzcepttonal ProvUlont ; Belof Made Ker'the Fair. Many New 5tyle Now ArrlVlnj. ' gSEPH. W, BEYERIDCE EminentlT Qualified for tbe Office of ', i ' 'c'-'C City Treasver. , -. . axnU contemporary dlarcrastng the Otxanaa ttf Mr. Beverldge's norotnsta-m for tba offlc of city tuaurnrru at the ooming primaries eayw!-. , ' - -Ilnsr are few men ta PoTthtarl taring th political field who can claim a eleaaer record thaa Joeaaph W Be eridge, the yriUemaa tM aspires to the noTrilnatlon of city Weavsorer for th tdty of Portland. , Tne record of Mr. Brrreridge. a self-made man, u ah sotutely spotless. .,. Polltciana say If a man wantg to know something- about himself, let him lust run for aa "Off lee. It is then, in political Tentacular, that "mud sungtng" begins. At th present writing.. Mr. Beverldge's opponent has not been able to stir up on single Item la th life of this gentleman that could reflect to his disadvantage, on the con trary, nothing but encomiums are spok en even by those wbosrolltical affUla tkrna are opposite to Mr. Bevertdge. The man, who as a boy or tender age. his own living; educating aad raising his sisters aad himself., all who today occupy honorable and useful po sitions la Ufa, la pre eminently ths maa to aerr th people In pubile office. During - the many years of - Mr. Bar Bridge's residence la Portland hs hag never sought political preferment. At th argent soUcitstloa of hla friends he lndnced to allow his name to go before th people, which waa highly IrMorsed. At the ooming prtmariea, Mr.'a- friends are confident of his receiving . th . jwiiitauUon, TheorrUook at this time Is most favorable for its cjOnsumniatioa.'' v...-;. ,. Anrlt his been an exceedingly busy wniK mt v.iwa Piano. llouaa. . Portland era and Deo ole throughout th state ksss beeoi aeuurina- the very finest in struments mads In "ths moat costly styles, the sales In this clasa of Instru ments alone being nearly thirty, thou sand dollars, which makes aa average of over on thousand dollars a day in high-class Instruments alone. - Among our purchasers have been Mr. Warren E. Thomas, one of the city's foremost musicians, who soiectea. a . . 1 . . Jt . X A . I." H. Mule, of the Mills Musical College, Portland, who secured a beautiful Weber grand; Mrs. I D, Whltehurst. who Will be remembered as Mlas Busts ,Oambla, irtea singers, wno Ly returned from a study of music in Europe, oe rcmemDereu eus jnio one of Portland's gift hss only lust recently two-year study of m auio purcnasea a weoeri wm ww T. Barnay of Port Townsend Wash., one of the wonderful ILOso Weber Pianola Pianos: miss cereta mnnei, a unicxer- lns: Mrs. Froreno -Jell, also selected a Chickerlng: Mr. F, Hani on, a fine plaad and Pianola; Mr. Donald Urquhart, a wooer; Mr. tJcas. a. sera-uson, a very artistlo Story & a ark; air. 1. W. De- wart, a Weber Pianola Plane; Mr. Lin coln Leramrd. a handsome Lester: Mr. M. K. Baunders, a Kimball piano; Mr. John McCarthy, a Kimball; also Mr. F. A. Carneater and Miss Orarce Cassna. Mr. L. M. Craven, a Story et. Clark, the same make being tha choice also of Mr, Frank C. Klley: a very lovely uadoornT waa selected bv Mrs. A. Chrlstsnsen: Mr. N, J. Craln. a costly Schumann: Mr. E. J. HalL a Chickerlng; Mr. Fred Krueger, an Aeolian Piano: Mr. L. L. Gray, a Kimball i Mrs. M. L. Uolbrook. of Port- land, who alreexiy has a nanasome Weber grand, selected a lovely Lester lano ior tne use ox ner acoompuabed aughtera: Mr. E. O. P. Long, a Hobart M. Cable; Mr. Oeo. H. O raves, an Aeo lian Piano; Mr. LOuta Hendrtoks, Weber; Mrs. F. O. Bnrkhardt, Chickerlng Infant drmnA' Vte WllllaVn Hane. . a wrv costly style Schumann plane; ' Mr. Leonard - Kneber. . Schnmann: ' Mr. K. J. Dresser, a Crown - Orctes- irai: jura. - uiiaaoetn ueosnisjan.. Kim ball; Prof. O. J. Kenaston, Kimball: Mr. Henry huaster. nimbavii: Mr. Idanrv Knlsengs, Chicdterlng; Ms. K. A. Car penter, KlmhaJl: Mr C L. Clouao, uracuniifi aara, ei. ... rrranaeoerey, i nvckertng; Mrs. J. p. BbinviUe, a weoer; Mr. u. if., r antes, chickerlng; Mr. Louis Hendricks, a Weber? V4r Claudius WaBich, of th U. a Bureau of Fiaherins, who is now stationed at Ore gon i;uy. a neauuxui tjiarenaon. , Bales were rtrooortionatelv lam In medium grade pianos, and all In all, the present April has been one of the' most satiafactory months the boose of EUers is ever seenv.. . ..... . ., . , Our Mr. Hr. Knars haa lui tn We East for ton time, making selections of pianos for the coming Fair season. hi oh It Is sntlcroatad win be tiMn. tlonally busy. Many of the new alvles choeen by-him -are now-arrrving and Fiurchasers will find much that is In erestlng In the wsy of original cane designs and finish, for th KUers Plane House Intends max in a- th most rear. sentstrve showing during the fair that uome in and v uatora are the'West has ever seen. alwava. eaVnrna ' - itear in mind tnat rmder ail cfrraxm Stances th Mlers Is the artrare at mi prioe, and that the lowest obtainable f?rT to thar eoemtry. Store SSI Wasbingtsa atreet, oorner Park. Other large errtab Unh menta ' Baa Franeiao. Stockton and Oakland.' CaX; Srnene and Seatua, Wash.; Boise -mloflEZriES, Idaho. 1....... .,.... ..,.v....i....... ... . 7 LARGEST VARIETY HOUSE i IN WORLD IS OPENED .' (Jesrasl London, April The "Btoll'; dr- cult" of " theatrical entej uibes, -which. accord tog to report, la planning on early mvaston ofthe Amertcan field, opened at Liverpool this week-the largest-va riety theatre in the. world, Tbe new place, which la called the Olympia, has been constructed on a seals twice ss large aa that of the London Hippo drome, Its erasing cspadty is 1,70, and it la provided with II sxits, each feet wide. The hamcose arena stag lg wuiked by hydrsnllo power, and at the pull of a lever eouapaea, folds up Into sac tics a, and antotnatioally disap pears all in SO seconds, a lake for aquatle displays, cotrtainlng It.OOt gal lons ef water, taking its place. - . , i.i... J i . a .i i ,;. V Clearing the Decks. ; For th new Ia C Smith, a Bros, writ tng In eight machines, with which we ar now filling orders. ... Bee our window for snaps In partly used machines ef other makes, traded out for Mr. Smith's latest product L A M, Alexander a CUv, exclusive dealera entire coast, lit Third street. .' .- J ' . . " BUILT TO . RUN AND DOES IT.' ' . , . The first Runabout to cross the . American' continent under its own power. The only light car awarded a GOLD MEDAL at the St Louis Expoaition. It has set the pace as a hill climber and as a winner of endurance' runs. Thfra- ' 'snmore experience back of its': builderaW--rnore . quality in the material used and more careM workmanship. - . .We extend a cordial Invitation to aU interested in high powered cars to caU and inspect the r POPE TOLEDO V ' "THE QUIET MILE A' MINUTE CAR.-, fc ' Mr. F. M. Keeton. the f actory "representative, jwiU be with us for a few days longer and will be pleased to ademort . strate to the most critical that large cars are practical over our roads. A tour of the Willamette .valley was made the past week by two of Jthese Touring Cars -without even mak mg an ; adjustment. ; ? 't:-. t .w!' ' ' ;j-i';VT. ;;i An Automobue to suit au condiuonav ;.',.-. OLDSMODILES j '.T -ai .- .Curve Dash Runabout w. . .' . . . ' Touring - Runabout ; M m d Oex.'e araf u a, svuuvfia 1 : Touring Car ;.. . . LL. Delivery t Wagons, .Hotel Buses, Etc. . y POPE TOLEDOS .750 -...'a-o T 850 .....'...1050 ...1550 ,- -20 H. P. . , 30 H. P. 30 H. P., side entrance , 4r!5 ;IeCeJ' P' 0 andpiaa alia bjsbii sap.ea' 60. H. P. .?2050 . 3350 .. 3650. 6150 s 7650 CO. H.L.ICEATS ;"; V''t;:.'MAIN STORE, 64-68 SIXTH ST. Gau arhd Repair D 1905 Cadillac Runabout, Price $850 ? ' i". ' " --'' i ' t. ,v samV 'i - " ' .' I w . i waaamaw. mr r ; ':- - i ' If you take Into account appearance, quality, price) and service, th Oadfl lae ts do -your consideration. ZaTVSSTiaATa. Ta see la to better. To try 1 to be conv'rK-ed. ; it Is all. very well to adTaace arguments, but w depend. on the fladlTIa ear Itself to mak th sale. .. ; ' . ;J .. ' (X)VEY : & RIDDLE 15th and Alder NO SMOaOtV NO ODOR . , WHEN Yob USE , " 1 ssbbv jPstui Lji-a.vs w a a Id? -. - The most satistactory aotomobileoils on the marret All grades carried. - Your garage will furniah if you insist. Auto Supplies i i v ' v - r OP ALL KIND5 Rambler" and Pierce Bicycles t - Sporting , Goods. Cutlery WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SftiNO FUR CATALOGS .,. ' V .''." r rr aa-sm a n M I MKri I" . A tMMMll MMM .MMMMMM Mill k That Totally Different Wheel Sprockets Between i t;hc Bearings; Runs Easier, Wears Longer j Everybody Wants Them - (Some Want Them So Bad They Steal Them) : STOLEN! Ixjdi; 22-taL, L&a'UJ. Tires, Hn.Tcr Ko. 76.203 -".22-ta, C. nL, SSse Tcbt Tires. Ha. Tuttet Ko. 79,252 " Ncw,2Wn.XG.4 J.Tlrts.L'Wa.Tct!2i.Ko. W.I23 ' Reward fcr Wheels or Thieves Cash. Trade ; of ; Ircf xllmcnts. Bargains In Second X " .1 ; hand Bies. Expe . . . Oaarsi frwmtixfl aMti Sunday FrankM. Johes 3CK Oak Gtrect Sri ?3-- .5,. ,ew free) the reeeieerehlp f ( avrohee Intenarted la tbe rale jsU. as. aUfisas fat ear. etfiee. V , ' : " t 0 B.V