The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 29, 1905, SECOND SECTION, Image 15

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    . v.u::day .ev
.i 1 i
Nw Owner ts rrtrrij ti Hav
, , Property C?n:i cn en Ex-
tsnsive CcrJj.
laMH e J eji ,,, -
coNciDzruncN op deed
Assumption Ftilowt That Work
la to Ca Ctun at Minea ;
(Special Dispatch to Tk Journal. ,
- Baiter City.. Or. April 2. t yee-
terday afternoon an Instrument waa
, ; tiled for record with " County r Recorder
Henry which Is the largest legal docu
' ment aver presented-in,,Baker. and by
r". Its - term Indicates lUt it wUl "do
i wings'', for the eouptjrn keeping wB
Its proportions. This document oi !,
001 - words mortgages' the Cornucopia
Mines compear properties to the Ham
liton Trust company of -New York for
$.00,000. Expressed and Implied with
the 40 . odd printed pacta this means
that the vast holdings are to be opened
up at ones and' operated on A scale
which will get the base ores of that dis
trict Into) the channels of commerce In
the near future.
This Is the second everitln connection
with the - Cornucopia that caused the
. camp to commence wondering. -H. It
- Rogers and wife recently gold this prop
erty, after redeeming it at the execu
tion sale a instance of oreditors. The
- 5 mortgage follows quickly, and Is taken
tomess that the new owner Is arrang
ing to have Ibe rnlne worked on ex
"I" - Inquiries axe made by many mtne
; owners regarding the conditions to be
" . carried out ta having the geological aur
. veyV make concentration and refining
', . teats of black sands carrying fine gold,
platinunl- and rrther values. Circular
,-' have- been 'mailed asking for the same,
giving the exact conditions to be ootn-
- plied with, end It would be wall, for -any
one intending to aid. In this work to
write to the survey at Washington, br
o J. r. Batcnelder, of the fair aaso-
' elation. In this city, for a copy. . ,
la the exhaustive experiments con:
templated. ft s the purpose of MiesillC
V, vey to wasted' as little effort and time
as possible . Recognising- that many
mlneowners are not experts In detect-
. ing platinufh or the presence of other
. ". minerals not usually sought In opera
tions. It was deemed proper that a earn
, pie should be first sent to the survey
for analysis, and If It were found '.to
carry the- minerals to be tested, an. ex-
"pert connected with the atfrvey- would
- visit the property and give the owner ln
eitTiotlorJ as to how shipments should
- ' be made) to the fair grounds. - If this
, were not done, there would' be an im
mense tjonnage sent la which would be
- - useless to the officials, and prove ex-
penal vH la handling before It was known
i what tbe sand carried.-1
Shlpp&ng tags for the four-pound mam-
- . Hies toJba sent through the mails wUl
"be t urdtshed every one aakina for them,
-and tb elrcular accompanying will five
. ' speclfid. instructions. If any mlae
. owneif is la doubt as Jo what kla black
' sand (carries, or has reasonable aseui-.
- ance that he has the minerals to be ex
pertmhated for, be should send the four"
poundf aample through the mails to
. WashTlngtoo at the earliest . possible
! 'date, with the desorfptlon asked as to
location of the property and conditions
of ttie deposit.- ' - -V
. inthe clrcuUr Issued byHhs survey
guiding mlneowners. the looailUes where
plauJium has been found are, set forth,
jk.' .ivinlr alt ttoeslbls Information concern-
4n- jfae eamts This .labia, is, lenathx. I
and does not Indicate with the .poaitive4
heaS Abat It SnOUlO or nm unam in au"
. .. - - - - . L a . -
of Oregon. However, tne taoie woura
be a I useful- vM&T frweiv
shoulld be aecured. r
rseeetat INanatch ts Th 7onrui.l ',-
' 3
Ineau. Alaska, -April it The aeeond
am to . erect a great milling plant
laaka has commenced work sear Ju-
lt Is the Alaskareraeveranoe
pany. which has erderd a lOO-etamp
m 11 narrow gauge railway ana wnan,
and has glvsn out the statement that
Within another year aa addition of J 00
- stamps is to be mad to -the plant-be-
; ifig installed. ' . '.:'
' 1 Th Alaska Perseverance property Is
ih Silver -Bow basin, adjacent to Ju
ne u. . it baa been equipped wnn power
kavelosment machinery for mora than
a year, and the vela has bean opened to
Arrest dsotn. xne oepoeii or vein, is
J Aald to be much like that found on
ioua1a Island In magnitude, and may
e sn extension of the loae system on
to the mainland. -. , ' v . r
( l.J, Handy of Baa Franolsco had
I reached Juneau and commenced eon-
structlon work, hla firm having the eon-
tract to erect the mill and lay a steam
narrow gauge railway from Juneau to'head Of tne pasin, it is saia
f h undv comnanv has the mill menu-
- factured, so that there wlU be no delay
In construction after the crew is en
gaged. , A large part of the materials
for the railway and some of the mill
have- been , delivered at Juneau. By
June I it is prophesied that the Alaska
Perseverance company will have too
men on the payroll. , . , . ' ; ;
V ,; ittpedil Plapatek t The Joarnal.) '
.-Kstchllran, Alaska. ApriU16--wAlask
,haa been able to show the visitor but
one steadily producing copper mine up
to the present time, tha Nlblark of this
district Ketchikan is proud of the
Nlblsok, and believes that the develop
' ment of the past winter, when the at-
. tentron ot the management was devoted
largely to opening ore v bodies, has
' , brought the property far up the scale of
eminent copper properties. . The ' shlp
mentS' this year will, .be on a larger
scale then for the preceding year, but
, the Nlblack will no be itself until
equipped with Its own1 eml ting plant, or
, has access te 'a smelter close to the
: workings. Several thousand tons of
copper. ort- are ready to be bent down
- on th steamers, and most of those-T-
. turning from the north empty will be
.', able to load here, '-until the big surplus
; tonnage has been worked off at least. '
(Sprrlal Dtanatrk to The JoaraaL)
Ketchikan, Alaska, April . -Ths
energetic work Inaugurated on the old
Khayyaa property by tP, Sajnuel Pea
cock Is Veins sustained yln a soanner
tet ir ' '1 i .kellnve tMa pr-
erty ta to la t ... i Ively i,
Ir. Peacock ,ue to tbe district as the
general , no ami are r of th Omar Mining
company, which la the- reorganised conr
(urn that wlU own the mine. Ha lmm
d lately 'set about erecting buildings
Beaded In extensive-srork. constructing a
short railway end a tram., These will
connect the mine working:, which arc
principally at an elevation of 1,600 (eat
above the sea, with tna wharf, where
shipment of ore will bo made. The mine
haa been opened by aeveral hundred
J rent of work, exposing a large body of
copper ore. ma nr. reacocK has ex.
pressed the hope that be would be able
to commence ahlpplog before the sea-
Bpa Closed. .;::. '
- ' . - -V.."-
Btate senator Whealdon,' who ' was
registered yesterday at the Perkins, Is
en route to southwest British Columbia,
wnere ne nas oil interests.. Late .re
ports from- the soene of the workings
have been so encouraging that It Is th
desire of the .Oregon men to hasten ex.
ploratory work there. Coal has been
routM -or -considerable Quantity In vari
ous parts of British Columbia, and the
usual association Of oil with this Joel
Inspires faith that the oil resource of
th province will finally prove tf great
value, i ,. ,- a - v! ''
' " ' L. : "' V-'
Preferred knock Oeasad Oeoda.
alien s Lewis' Best Brand.
nowro ' nmommrt
-i- srasxT. .
Katies U hereby given that at the xewtfag et
ie wwfii er ue utr or rorcieua, urcoa,
n a ue mta say oi aprii, wn, we ii
anruic molotlan a adootcd:
Bmolvea. lb Oeuartl ef tb City ef
rurtuao, Oregon, Ucwma tt expedleat IN oar
boms ta improve Artser street (rem ue ereit
eerk Use' ( yint stmt to the east lliievef
ecoae atreet, la the fol lowing uaaser, to-wit:
rirac -Dr sraolas -ue etrevt .to Ue . eul
grade shows by the eiak aa eet by the
City Baaiaeer.
' seooad. By ' coDstroetliif weedea atdewalka
n aeeordaace wtui the City Bagtaeor a plaaa,
apertriaaUuns aag eetlmates.
Third, i By eonetractus weeflea ear be ta -eereuiee
with ue City Knglneer's plaaa, osec
OceMone asd eatlautoa.
Fonrtb, By eoeatruetlns box drain In i ae,
eordaaee wlti the City Kaguieer'a plana, apecl
fiatjooa aad aetlnuitea.
tiftk. By eewuiKUag elevated roadway la
accordance wltk th City gninr'a aUuia, aneeU
(latloaa aad eetlmatea. - - - -.
Srtth. By eruilnr tba sarfaee ef the atreet
to grade with auicedim, aa ahowa by toe City
Bnxioear's plaaa, epoeitkrattoaa aad eetluatoe.
Held Uaproveawst to be aude la aceordaeee
wiu the Chart or aad erdleuKea ef the City of
Portlaad and the plans, epoclflcttlona aud !
metee ef the City Kaglaoer tiled la the office
of the Auditor of the Uty. of I'ortla ni ea the
eta ear or April, iwuo, laooreee: "Uiy aa
glneer'e plaaa and epertficaUooa far ue in
Erovement of Arthur) etnot froai the wet enrfe
ne of Pint atrert to the eaa line ef Uteaud
street, aad the estimates of the work to be done
aad ta probable total east uerwf.''
The coat of aaid uuwovemeat -to -be aaa tmt I
aa provided by the City i'bafur apea the
araparty nseeially and peculiarly benefited tbere
ar and which la herebr declared to ha all the
feta, part thereof and pareela of land lying
between a line luO feet north of aad aaraital
with the north line of Arthur street and a line
100 feet noath of and narallel with tha aooth
line ef Arthur etreet, and between the west line
m rim atrett aad Ue east lie f
street. -
Th Hngloeer a eaameto ef the semiable total
eeet for th Utpraveaaaat ef aU ArUcr atrert
The above Improvement la to be elaaaeeT as
a Dlank roadway ' end macadam fmorovemAnt
aad ehall be maintained by Ue city for a DerkoaH
i tour yeeje, provMea taet ine etraert or a
majority el in property benefited W said Ine
prevement er any portion Ueteol shall not ne.
Utloa for a aew or different Improvement be
fore the expiration of an-. parted. -
The plane, eperiOcatloos and eetlaltt ef rb
City Enxlneer for Ue Imursvemtat of aald
atreet are benny adopted.
eaoivea, inat ue aaaitor er ue city et
Pertlsod be end be le hereby directed to glv
notice of the - proponed tm jouit - ef enid
arm ae previa or in uiiy tnnrte.
- rumaonstrnnces arainae to above n
moot aaar be filed 1 wrtttn erlta the auM.
aimed withra So day from Ue date 7t tb first
BoitcTiea ot tnia aenee. ... ,
By order ef ue CeanriL " ,
THOU, ft ' DbTVLTM. -
-fv-- r----AdfaHn T th rit MwtUd-
Pertlaad, Oregea '-
Data of flret pBhUeatloa, April Zl 105. .- v
VBoroszs miu or eiADi of m
ilf.-lwCTIIICrifT. v;v.Ty
Motlc Is beraer siren that at the meetlne
f th Oomoell cf Ue City ef Portland. Oregon,
held on Ue lftth day of April, . luuO, th fee
lowing reeetatltta waa adopted:
Beeotvea, 'mat ue council er. tne City ef
Portia od, Uregea, deems it expedient and por-
poaa to caange u grao oc tne canter line
ef The Crescent, end hereby deeUree
It Intention t make each change ef grade aad
eetahliah the eame. ae followa: .. .
At-S point 10O Trcf" weat of the west
Un of Baat Thirty-third atreet at.... 10 ft.
At th era tor Uoe ef Bast Thirtri
end street,
...1M ft.
ve the send ef Cllf grade. L - .
keeolved. That the Andltor of th City ef
Beeolved, That th Andltor ef th Cite
Portland be and' he la berehy directed to e-tve
notice ef the peeptawd ehaag ef th grad of
said street aa provided br the City Charter. -Bemonatrancee
aval net the proponed chanse ef
grade suy be filed In writing wm the- nnder-
igaea wiuib aw oay trom ue eat ex the
tint pahucattaa ef this neUre. - . - ,
By erdet ef the Ooasrlt. - "
THOB. C flgTLlIf.
' Aadltor et ue City ef Portland.
" Portland. Oregon. 'Bate of fire pacUcatloa,
April 22, 100. .
raoroscs OHAvaa ot bmaok ot btx
' ': .',". TUBTa RazXT. ,,' !i
NettM Is hereby given that at th eating
of Ue Co neu of the City ef Portland, Oregon,
beld on the lath day of April. 105, the tut
krwlng reeoietloei -was adopted: ' T
Rreol-ed, That the Council ef Ue City ef
Portlaad, Oregon, deema It expedient and par
nnars . to Chang and eetabllah the grad of
Blxteanth etreet from- SO feet eoaU. ot the
eontb line ef KUaabeth etreet to a point SIS
feet Booth ef the eooth line or Kllnabeth atreet
aad hereby declare lu Intention to mehe sorb
change of grad aad eatabliek aald grade ae
tolloera: i,
Commeocfng et a point M feet aooth ef the
snath line of Kllnabeth etreet at an elevatloa
ot 072., feet a now esUbllahed: thence fol
lowing the perimeter 'Of a vertical carve having
a retlloa ef 004 feet to a point US feet eon 111
f th aooth line er Biiaaheu street at
elevation of era. 10 reet aa now eetaouaned.
Reaolved, That , the Aadltor of the City of
Portland he aad b la hereby directed to give
notice ef the proposed ohenge of grade of
eeld etreet ea srovldrd br Ue City Charter.
BeeMmetreacen against the above ebaage of
mda mar he filed In wrttlns with Ue under
eigne wfthla W daya from the, date ef the
Uret ennilcation ei taia aeuca. . , .,
By ardor f ta Oranell.
'-f . .... ' , VnOM. tV PBTLftf.' 'i
t Aadltor of th City ef Portland.
' Pertiaad. nresoa. ' Date ef tint Dablicatloa.
AprU XV 100. - - ' ,
,.;,'...-.';,. ALDKB gTBXXT,
Wetlen'la- tverebv aiven that at the meetlne
ef the Oouncll ef tb City ot Portland, Oregon,
held en tb lth day of April, IPoft, the foi-
Iasreaa aTmanai ImtHiSh aa m flintafl
Beaolved, That th CeaacU of tb Ctty' ef
Portland, Oreaod., deeaa It expedient aad pur
peer te ebange aad astablUh the grao ef
Beat Alder atreet trom - aaac iwvnty-ntnia
ttrect . to, .Bart , Thlrtlelb etreet, aad hereby
declares Its Intention to make such change af
grade aad eeubllak aald grade aa fouowai . '
At- tb center tin ef Baal Twenty-
"eighth street, at 151.1ft
At the center Una et Bast Twenty-
alntb Street., at lM.g ft.
above the ban f elty grade.
Heaolved. That ue Auditor af the City of
Port lead be aad be M hereby directed to give
netlce ef the nronoeed chance of grad ef
said etreet aa provided by the City Charter.
.- riemnnetrane aaatoat tn enove raanse et
grade may be riled in writing with the nudes.
igna witnia xu any rrern u sat si ue
firat pnhlkatloa of thla notice. .. - ,
jy sraef et u coaneii. - .
. THOS. C.
' ' Auditor Ot tb City of Portland.
Portland. Oreaom. i IJate at Ana mbllceiloa.
AprU XI, Itoo. -
Notlca'ls hereby given that Charles Waaavr.
City Besiaear, baa filed In th office of the
andrretgned. antic that Wreea A Beater, Co,
traetnra tut tb Improvement ef Pr exult etreet,
under the previa Ions of ve-dlnane No. 14..1HU,
have eomplrted th east on half of tb inter
afctiea ef yourteeoth etreet. -7
He Id eceptenc will be Ooaaldered by the
Kxeratlve floard at 4 o'clock on lb ftta-da-y
Ot Mar, iai. and objections tn th acceptance
of aald ilrejt, or any part- thereof, may he
filed In t'ic 'ffl of the oaderelgned at -en
time prior tHerem. '
V 1 Vr TROS. C. HBVUHt." I
- Aadiior of th City ef rcrtUad.
rerUaad,. Oregon, AprU 30, 100O, .
err r
rxoozi txiBOTXet tr tut viTtt
v-'. ',-v'-v:';-;.' jltrxm." .-, ::.
Kotle la fcorebjr glvea tet at tk SuMtlng
ef Ue Conceit ef the City ef PortU-d. Oregon,
held es lee ltb ear of April, f luv. U ful
lowiag reauintluo wa aoet"IW . '
Reaolved. ioat the touneil ef th City ef
Portland, Oraaun. deeato it eapedlent and par
poaee to Improve Mat Devla atrett ven lb
weet Una of baat luird etreet to -he eeaat Ha
of Beat HtiteeuU sweet, la Ue foUowtn sue
WMnrTWBy grading tha atreet fall width with
fnH nterocctioas te th proper aofrsrad. t
secosd. Br - brUt1'ut the surface ef Ue
treet fall width wiji 1 Jl lutoreectwss U
grd with gravel. ' r .
Third. By eonetracting artificial stoas elde
erelka la accordance will Ue aty Bastasat s
fiane, apeeiflcaUoae aad estimacae
Fourth. By aesstreetug artl
rifth. Br taring aad re laylag erjeawalke
a aeoraanee "Wita ue city autnieei e v""
epeciricatlon and eetlmatoa. '
rllith. Br coaatractlag a tone garter.
auid tmoMw-fMnfe tn H made in nearda
WIU the Charter aad rdlaaa; f h lit ef
Pertlasd and Ue plaaa, epeetflcatieoe aad V
malee of the Uty Bnglaeer filed la th affk
ef the Aadltor of the city of r-ortlao ea Ue
Uth -dav of A aril lanil. indorsed! "Cltr Ka-
glneer'a Diana aad anectfloattona fur Ue Im
provement ef Beet Deris street IroWtJie "weet
line- of Eaat Third atraet to Ue weet line ef
Baat sixteenth atreet end the eatlmatoe ef tt
work le bdon and the probable coat thereof.''
The coat of nld -Improronnut to tat neaaaeed
aa provided by Ue Cltr Charter apoa the prop
erly apeclalljr and peculiarly peaeiiie lee-w
aad which la berebr declared te he ail the Iota,
parte thereat end parcel of land lying bwtweea
Ho luo feet north ef and parallel with the
north line ef Bast Devla atreei
rU line ef Bast Devla street aad a Un 100
feet eontb of and parallel with Ue eoolh Une
ef Beet Oavia atreet aad betwe a line luo
reet weet ef aad parallel wlU th west use r
Baat Third street ud Us watt line ef Baat
Miiteenu atreet. -,' ... . . .
The Citrlnaur'a aetlenata af the Drobebla total
eeet for the Improvement et aald, Baat Pavia
street la 10,wa.OO. . .
Th above Lanprorement hi to be elaeeed a a
gravel lmptevemat aad ahall n maintained
hy the city for a period ef five years, pre.
vided Uat the ewaar et a majority of Ue prop
erty benefited by aaid Improvement er say por
tion Uereof ahall sot petlUoa for a new or dif
ferent improvemeat letter Us aaptrattoa ef each
period, - - - --.'- -
rTh- aim aiiMidMtlHi end eetlmetea ef
th Cltr Bnglneer for to Improvement ef aaid
Beat llavia atreet9 are aerebr adopted.
Beeolved. That th Aadltor ml ths City et
Portland be aad he le hereby dliwrted
to aiv
notice af Ue proposed Improves
oi. mi
street aa ervtdd by US City Charter, -
Bemooatrencea against Ue above lmprov
ment may be filed la writing WlU the aadev
etgned wfthla to dara from Ue eat, ef . UM
rtrat pabllcatlon ef Ula notice. , .
By order f the Council. - 1
v Aadltor et Ue Oty t rortland. v
Portland. Oregon.
Data ef flret publication, April tt, 101. , -
. v - -v : :
noroszs iwBOTisryjrf or .bam cat
' MB TBiqtT.- . . 'l '
' Motlee le Weehv slvea Uat at the BMtetlns
of th Council of the Cltr of Portland, Oregon.
beld en the lata flay or apru, iwo, u tot
lowing reewlutlo waa adopted;- - ' (
Beeolved. That Ue Coeocll of th City ef
Portland, Oiejm, deema It expedient and par-
tn lufinia But Tavlor etreet from th
east line et Meat Vile? atreet to the went line
f t'nloa arena by ceaatrocting aa elevated
roadwar full Width wlU toll nternectloae, ex
cept ta Interaectloa f Bast Blrst atreet.
Bald lawrovemaat to be mao la amnteance
with the charter and ordinance of ue City
et Portland and the plaaa. epciflcaon and
eetimatee or ue t itr amine im m
office pf th Aedltoc ot ue city or retx
Und on th 1SU daj af AprU. ln&. Indorsed:
City Onstaeer'a plana ana apecuiesuoos. tor
the Improvement et Baat Taylor atreet from
the" east line ef Baet Water street te Ue
weet llo et Unloa sveaae, and Ue eetlaaatea
fit ue work ta be das aad the-Crobable total
cost Uereof." . ' - -
The coat of aald Improvement ff aaaesaed
a provided by U elty charter apoa th prop
erty epecleily and peculiarly benefited thereto
aud wblrhls hereby declared to be all the
lute parte thereof and pareela ef lend lying
between a' Una 100 feet north ef sad parallel
with Ue north Hn ef Bust Taylor atreet and
a line rOO feet eooth ef aad parallel with tha
eeuU line ef Baet Taylor atreet, ad betwe
th -eaat line ef Baet Water atreet sad the
ret Una of vnioa avenue.
The eastnear-a eetlmate ef the probable total
coat for the Improvement of aaid Bash Taj lot
atreet le ts.000.0. " ,
Th a bora Improvement is te a niacin al
t elevated roadway Improvement and ahall
b maintained by tha city for a period ef ftv
reers, provided that u owner ox a ma
jority f th property benefited by aald im
avement r any poruon wereot eoau i p.
km for a new er different improvement be
fore the expiration of each period.
The plana, aped f lea ttoa and- eetJmarc ef
ha mtv. R.iHnM. lorn the laanroveeaent af aald
Rant Taylor etreet are hry adopted
Resolved. That th Aadltor ef th City ef
Port a ad be and he is hereby directed to give
notice er th proposes improve meet i sau
atreat aa provided by the City Charter,
nanaineti aimaa uelnet ta afeov ImMIUI'emiiB'
mar be filed la writinevwlth the endenlgned
within go days from the data t the flret pab
ucnuoa ox mi near. '- , . ' ... ..':....;.-
By erder or the Cewnen. -.
, ,.; THOg. J. MTUIf,
1 ' Andlter ef the Cltv ef Porthwd.
Pnrttewdi Otveo. Date et first Bob Ilea Uoa.
noTogxs XBMOTBjrxBT or vnom at.
: ft--- 'i. 'if; - V
Netlce la hereby sires that at th sheeting ef
ue council ot ue t-lty et rurttanu, urcgoa,
beld en tt 10th day et April, 100, th tot
lowing reaoatio waa aooptea:
Hrolvd, That the Council cf the City ef
apnea t imnrove Unloa avenue from 10 feet
South of the couth line ef Broadway to TO feet
eouts or tt aoau II n ef echayler atreet. by
making a fill aad bringing tb atreet full widtt
with full tntereertloaa to proper grade,
eld Improve mast to be made la acenedaB
with tb Charter and ordinances of tbe City et
Portland and th plana, apeeineauona aad ecu
ma lea of th Cltr Bnalneer filed In tha office
ef the Auditor et the City ef Portland ea tb
4th day ef AovU, lio, lodoreed;-"aty Kngl.
over a nians and anecincetlona lor the imnrove.
ment of Cnloa avenue from 10 feet south ef
the south line ef Broadway to TO feet eooth ef
th eeuth line of aehuytor atreet. and tb tl
ma tea of th work to be done and tbe erooebla
total coat thereof."
The coat of eeld tin prove tee lit te be aaa
aa provided by tb City Charter - upon u
property ep tmlly and peculiarly 1 -raw rite
thereby and which ha hereby declared to be all
the Iota, narta thereof and Parcels of lead ty
ing between a line 100 feet weal ef aad par
allel with tn west un et union avenue aaa a
line 100 feet cast of asd parallel with tk eeet
Une ef T'nlon avenue, and between th aooth
line ei Hancock atreet aad the north Use et
Weldler street.
, The Bngiaecr's eet, mete ef tb prehsM total
coat for tbe improvement ef said Ualea eve on
la ' '
The plena, aped Men ttoea asd eet I un tea of th
city Kngineer for ue imprvfneBt et
tlnlon evenne are hereby edonted, -
Beeolved. That be Aadltor of Ue City f
rort land B ana re e error aireexe to give neuce
of the propoaed Improvement ef sstd avenue e
pro VI tied by tb City Charter. .
ReBMastraBee against Ue above Improvement
may be filed la writing with the anderalcned
within so cay rrom ua eat t tea iirat pua
ucauoe ex tore notice. - . u .. , .
By order ef the Conrtril. '"LLLl--
v ' ' Aadltor af the City ef iNaniaad. -"
. Partlaad. Ore gee.
text ef flrat publlrctloe, April tl IsWC ! ' .
ettee Is herebr el feel that at tb sneetinar
sf the Council ot the Ctty et Portland, 4regou,
held oa th ISth day sf Apru, 1000, tbe tot
loertaa reaolutlo waa adopted:
HeeolTed.. That the CeaaeU.-ef the -City -4
poruaao, uregoa. ueeme it exewuiewt aaa pur
poeea to change sad aatabltsk the grade ef Baat
liurnald atreet at a point go fact west ot
But Third etreet, from Ml tt te M feet
above th ban ef elty grade.
Beeolved. That the Aadltor . of the Ctty ef
Portland be and ke M hereby dl reeved te give
notice ef th pmnimed e ha age af grade W
aald atreet pa provided by tt City Char tec. .
Beiennstraac aaulast tb above change ef
grade mar he filed In writing wltt Ue ander.
airued -wittla to daya from tea date et tb
fwet pub! teat low ef- tht notice.
By etder ef the Council. ' '
. , ' THOg. 0. nSTLIrf,
" ' - Auditor t tb City f Portland.
' Portland. ' Or eg. , Sst st flrn suhUemtlea.
April ta,. 1000. t
fU " " '' i
Nntle te hereby glvea that Oh arte Wanker,
Cltv Knalneer. ban filed In th office of th
underelgned, entire that H. t. Debuhr, contra c-
tor for the 'inrTctnent ot neeca etreet, aneer
the prevteloaa ot erdlnane Ko.i 14.SM., haa oum
pleted paid street, from th center line of
Mlaeourl arena te th crater Use ef Mivbigaa
Ha id aeceptane will be- eonlderei hy tb
Bwv -Bett t-4-lor ow th th day
of Mat. istr), aad elrjectlnna to tb acceptance
of said etreet. or any part thereof, amy be
I lied It, the errii of the undersigned at any
tlmtj prior thereto. ,4-, ,
THU BXect-ttVB BOARD. , -, J.
'',',"::. Bv TllfW. C. DEVUlf,'.' '
' " ' Aadltor ef th Cltr of I'urtland.
fcrtlsad, Oregee, AprU 2ft, 190ft. ..v ,J
frrr rc
FKsyosAxg yoK rxzs rom tzx rax dx
tABiszTT. .,. .
Seeled prooaeala will be received at tb sfflc
of Ue Auditor of the City of Portland antll
Moedey. May 1, 1M, at d e'clork p. m.,
for furniahlng to Ue fir Department of aald
city Ue following item of feed, which will be
required for the month ef May, jane aad
ear: - ', - ' .,- ., , ( - -'
8I tone saeatry hraa ' "i.'. -. ,
fifty tons beet Duality timothy hay. f
, Tweaty-Bva too beet Quality white eatsL '
Twenty tons straw. 1 -
Delivery to be mad as raaalred aad bills to
be rendered nlr for saeh qnantltiaa aa . are
delivered aad aeeaptod. --. -
Hample af bra a aad oat meat be submitted
with each prapoaaL Bay and a tr aw eubjoct t
epprovei ea euvery,
h proposals win be eenatdered enleaa a.
com pealed by s eardfled Chech payable to
u mm n. tt uuaw, aire, lav on mani
equal t 10 per cent ef the arf regale bid.
lae rigst te rejeetasy er au Dioa at nereoy
o the kbrecatlve Board.' "v
' Aedltar of u City et FwUaad.
Perthtod, Oreawa, April as, 1B00. - v
l"compUaac wltfi s Msolutiea isdnptsd
at th resutor meytlng of the Council, held ea
the U day of April. lOOB, declaring th dle
trlet benefited by Ue Improveawnt of Baet
Yamhill street front Ueeeat curb Use af Baa
Water street to the west un of t'nloa avenue.
and dimrtitaf tb Aadltor of
the City
Portland to pre para a prelisunary i
npoe tt . lata, blocks and parcel ef
wlthlB aaid aietnci.
Now, therefor, notice Is hereby give that
ssch aearaament la oatUvin U ofOcs of
th Aadltor of tb City of Portland, aad with
whom any aad ail objections ihall he Sled la
writing,, aad aoUce la further glvea Uat the
Council at Ita regular steeling os May t, 10(16,
trill beer sod - eonelder sU obyertton to said
aaaeanmeat by partlea aggrieved thereby , or
intereeted Uereio, aad all such partlea are
hereby warned not to depart audi each reaa
imnnatvai. aoaipleted.
Auditor of th City of Portland. .
. Data f Srat avbllcaboa. April 10. 1000.
, : ... narotuM ton bteut wobx. a 1
1 Sealed propnaau will ' be received at the
efflee of tb Auditor ef file City of Portland,
antll Friday, May . lt4Vat SrOO e'clork
p. aa. far Ue Improve ment ef Baigheh-aTer-race
from the weet Hue ef Lowneuale -atreet
te U eaat line ot block 40, Carter'a Addl
tloa. In the maimer provided by . ordinance
No. 14,100, subject to tb pTwrlakms of tb
charter and ordinance of As City at Port
land and tha eetlmU of tb Wty. Engi
neer, on Hit;, , j
Bids must be atrVtly ta aocorrlfoc with
printed blank, which will be fnrnlabed ea
application at th aUo of tb Auditor of
the City ef Port lead. AaB aald improvement
mast be completed on or before go day from
th data ef the atgalng ef the ceo tract by
tb parties thereto.
Ne proposals er bids will be 1 cxmetdered u.
tern acsompaawd by a certified check payable
to rb order ef we r. Mayor ef the City ef
1' art hind, eertlBed by reepoesible bank for aa
amount eonai to 10 per eent ef th aggregat
tt, ' ,
right to rsjast say aad an bids Is berth
, Tb f
By erder ef.tbe Bxeenttve Board. .
: Aadltor ef the City of Portland.
.Portland. Oregon, AprU te. 1900.
Seeded wutieaais' win be received at tb
afar ef tb Aedrbar ef the City of Portland.
until Friday, May . - loos, at a wo o'ciocK
p. m. for tb laeptoveinent of Twenty
third atreet frost th north line of Waeblng
toe atreet to the couth line of Tbursiaa etreet.
In the manner provided by ordinance No.
14.534, eubjeet to ta pruvtatona ef Ue charter
and - erdlnaaees. of the Cltv af Portland aad
Ue ea Ornate ef tha city Engineer, on die.
Bids moat be etrtctly ta accordance with
printed bmaka, which will be furalahed oa
application at the ofore - ef tb Auditor of
Ue City ef Portland. Aad aaid Improvement
must be completed ea er before go deys from
Ue date of the signing of US eon tract by
tb parti thereto.
ne proposal or etas wiu ne wiieiueieu un-
tni pan ted br s certified cheek payable
the erder ef the Maror of tbe Cltr t
Portland, rei tilled by. a reipoaalble bank for as
amount equal to 10 par east otv,tba aggregau
Tbe'rlght te reject say sod on tdds Is berehy
By order et the BxraHw, Board. '' ' " .
r 4 - t tuos. u. uaviaia,
-. ,Adlbar ef the tHty f Portland.
PertlaaA Oregon, April . 1006.
Sealed prepoeahi will b - received et the
office f fa Auditor ef the Ctty of Portland,
ostil Friday, May 6, IPOS, at 8:00 e'clock
p. m. for Lb improve ment oi Bast Third atreet
from Ua north Un of Bsst Clay street to the
couth lias cf Hawthorne arena, la th man
ner provided by erdlnane No. 14.57R. sub
ject to the provlalon of tb charter - and
ordlnanoaa of the Cltr ef Portland ad the
eatlnuu of tbe City Bagueer, ea die. - -
Bid must he strictly la aeeoroanr wita
nrlnted blank, which wui be furniirtwd
application at the office of th Auditor of
tbe City ef Portland. And aaid Improvement
must be completed on or before 40 daya from
ua naie or-u aigning m tne ewatiuct o
the partlea thereto. -
Ke arooosala er bide win be eonelder ed tm-
leea aooomoenled br a certlfled check Pa rah la
to tb erder of the Mayor of th City et
Portland, w Lined br a resnoeatble bank for aa
mount eqaal to 10 per reU et th aggregate
PrTheright to rvjeet any ssd an bids Is hereby
.By. rder .of, the. Kteratlv. Board. - -
: : - - THOB. O. ftrTvXnf,
' Auditor ef tha Cltr of Portland.
rTSimrOrgoB. " April SB. 1905.
Sealed propoaala
urtTI h rei'etaed at the
efnc ef tb Aadltor ef th Ctty ef rortland.
antll Pridar. Mar A 1005. at 8:00 o'clock
i. ca. for tb fmprsevsaeat or Twentieth atreet
man tha north Una of Sarins . atreet 4 the
BorU lis or Carter etreet. In the maimer pro
vided br arrilnaBC Ne. 14.57. eaMect to the
provisions ef the charter -and ordinances ef the
city er Portland ana u estimate oi toe city
Knalneer. oa nie. -
Blda most be strictly In accordance ' with
nrlnted blank, which -will be fumlahed-
appuceuon at tne oinne ot tne aunitor ot
tb City ef Portland. -. Aad aald Imnrovemetit
moat be completed ee r before 80 days from
th date ef the signing ef the contract by
tne nortlee rneeeto.
No proposals er blda wiTl be coneldered an
ient accompanied by a certified check payable
tn the erder or ue Stayer or tne t.lty et
Pert land, certlfled br e rw possible bank for aa
amount equal t 10 per cent et th aggregst
prononni. 1 - -
The right ts reject say sad tl bids Is hereby
reeerrea. - - ; "
By erder et ts Etectmve noara.
" ' ' " Aadltor ef th City of fort land.
PortUad. Oregon. April 28, 1005. -
Notlr Is herehv given that Charles Waasef,
City Knaineer, baa filed In tb office of tb
nnoVrvlrtied, notice Uat Bmytb A Howard Co..
rontractora for the Improvement of BnrMlde
atreet. ander tb uruamluua sf erdiaaace No,
14.880, have completed aald atreet, mm ue
it lla of Third street to the center line ef
Beeond stret.'
Bald aecrotanc will ts cuuetoeTea ny raw
Kxecutlve Board at 4 e'clock as u 51 b day
of May. JtXB, asd jeion to tne acceptance
ef eald afreet, er any part -Uereof. may be
filed In-the erne ef Qm' imderalgned et ay
, ma ajAw i'iivw miAnif.
ft"-" " By TltOSr Cr DBTUff. f--
- Aadltor ef the City of Portland.
Portland. Oresoa, AprU 90. MOO.
Notice la herebr given that Charles Wanner,
City BnctieMT. has filed la the office ef the
traaWslgned. aotle that rrataey Keating,
eontnetor ' for tbe Improvement ef Tneiity.
i lost street.' Under tbe provlalon ef erdlnane
No. 14.474, have completed aald atreet, from
tb crater tin ef tiaaeers street te th south
line of Johneo street. -
Said acceptance will be ("Ooelilered by the
Executive Board at 4 o'clock ee the 5th day
of May. 1005, and ehjectloa te tbe acrepUac
ef -eatd ttieet or any part : thereof . may be
filed te th efftc ef the naderaigned at aay
tune Briar thereto. . ' . . .
' , . ; By THOS.. C. riKVUN. '
i Aadltor of the City of Port It sd.
Pnrtlaad. Oresoe. April at. 105.
n.TTBni..H.IUTM btT.
Katie la herebr rive that Ckarlea Wanner.
City -Bnglneer, has filed la the orrvc of th
anderelgned. aetlr Uat K. J. Ih-bubr, enntrn.
tor - for the Improveenent of boa vet - atreet,
coder th previa lone ot er din a ace Ne, 14.. 1X2.
baa rnenptoted eald street, from Us catrtrr line
of Ornnd avau,to tne enter Use of Bast
Sixth Street. - i
Meld acceptance win ne roneioere ny the
rrecuttv Hoard it t Vrkvt en toe th Tta v
ef May. leuK, aad objeetloee to the scceptenc
f eald atreet. or any part thereof, aiy"b
filed la tb office ef. the andcralgaed at anr
time prior thereto. , ,
''.,. By THOS, C. DBVUV. ' .
' Auditor ef tbe Ctty of Portland. ,
rortntad, Oregtay AprU JB, 1900, , I
' f tt roTnxrB.'
Notice Is hereby grrea thst Ue Aadltor f
the Cltr of ' Porttaad haa prepared a proponed
caecmcet for th lui prove meet of Beech atreet
rrvia tb weet Un of hueataeinpi avenue to tt
eaat line of Minnesota avenue, aad has aacer-talned-
what he doe m a luet apportionment ef
coat of tt uopreveaumt la aecordanc with the
upeotnl aad peculiar heaenta derived by each
parcel ef mad aad lot part thereof wittla
the aaaeaement dUtrict. and ha apportioned Ue
coat for paid Improvement In Ue aamuats eet
opiioett each parcel ot lead and lot er part
thereof aa lla ehar of suck Pfopoaed
Any objections to th apportleonteat ef coat
for eeld Improvetoent muet bo mad la writing I
ta uouacu ana I ilea wita tn jtnuitor witnia
10 day from Ue date of tbe tint publication
ef . this notice, and aald objection will be
beard aad determined by Ue Council before
tb peaaare of tb ordinance aaaaiiaing tbe oust
f aald Improvement.
MnTNOMAH BlAeCIC M. Int IS, Jamas Bye a.
tn.61): lot 1 Jamea Byaa, gl.44l lot 14,
(harles M. Toe bwtat. Metre of. gAW; lot
id. Charle K. Ton Ketato. Uelr of, ro.60.
BLOCK tr. lot IS. William Uatea. on HT;
; lbt 11. William Oat, 111.42: lot 1 Adolpb
' . Boeine. 10.4O; lot 14, Adolph Boalne,,
. BieOCK t t 13. amelto Blea. b4.&2; lot
II. Amelia KUe. fT-Oft; tut it. Amelia Klaen.; lot 14. AmelU Eleen, gol.ttt. BLOCK
' S4. kt 1, John liana. tJN.03 kit. A -flermana
" Oeleuer, 1.M; lot 4, Hannah K. Sootflna,
Rtecutrlx. .T8 lot 1 Helens J oh neon an
i-tate. Uelra U. 151.04. BLOt'JC 34, kit A,
- Beata Christen. IhS.rtj.let i. Beat Chria.
tenaen. $S.o0i lot g. I. B. Ktrby. 10.0; lot
B. Jobs Leonard. d(.riX BLOCK M, tot 0
Adolph Boalm, fOO.S: kw 1, Adolph Boains,
t gS TlT lot A Samuel Khar. gXlO: lot A
Cbrlstlaa Baaalag. 41.3. Total, T84. 04.
fUOH. C OBVUJf, --
' v Audi bar ef tb City ef Portland. .
Pete ef flret pubUoatloo., FarUaad. Oregon,
April . 10O5. , "
Motiee la hereby give Uat tbe Andltar ef
Ue Ctty of Portland has prepared a propoaed
eeaeaameat for th Improvement of Baet Madi
son atreet from Ue eaat Un ef East Twenty
a loth atreet to th weet Tine ot Baet Thirtieth
atreet, and aaa aaorrtatsed 'what be deeme a
lust epporttonuierit of cost of tbe Improvement
In hcEordenr with th eoeclai and eecuilar
benefit derived by each parcel of land aad lot
er part Uereof within tb aearaament dletrict.
ana Baa apporueaea ue cuet tor nnta imrow
tent In the amounts net pptts each parcel
of land aad lot er part Uereof ea Us share
of sack proponed aeemannt. -
Any objectload to Ue apportion moot of cost
for said Improvement araat be mad la writing
to th Cenncti and. died with th Aadltor within
15 ways from the sate ef tn rust pounce uoa
ef thla notice, and aald objectlotie will . he
beard and determined by tbe Ooeoeil before
tb peaaare ef tb ordXaano aaa liming the east
ef said Improvement. -HOICK'S
ADDITION to the City' of Baet pert-
land BLOCK B. lot 4. i. n. .uarni. :ti.i;
lot It, J. N. Devla, M M: tot 10, J. N. Davis.
. f25.2S; lot 0, J. N. Peri, $1.85; lot 5, J.
,. N. Devla, tU.08. HlMIK north 10ft feet
of lot 1, Guy O. Willi, 900.54; BorU loo
feet of kit 4. Elv A. Dulan. 174.01. TottL
1M5.0. .,
- THOS. 0. BBTLIIf. It
( '" '". 'Aadltor ef tk City sf rirtland.'
Portland, tlrogoa. Data ef first BebUeaUoa,
April SB. 1006. - .
Marie hi herebr slvea that tbe Auditor of the
City of Portlaad haa prepared a proposed aa
accament for th oonatrucUoo ef a aewer la
Twenty-fifth etreet - from tbe aooth lla ef
Venters a addltloa to to uty et roruane to
Ue aawes la Nlcolal atreet, aad baa aacer.
Lalned what he deems a Just apportionment
t eoet f th seurer la ecoordam- wlU the
special end peculiar benefit derived by each
parcel 'of . lend and lot or part thereof wittla
tbe BBnasmncnt district, and has apportioned
the eoat foe aaid aewer la tb amount set
enpnelte ssch parcel of land and lot er part
thereof aa its snare ot suca propones, aaiaia
Btent. '- i- , v ;
Aay objection ts to apportion snt of east
for said atwer aana be made la writing te
tbe Council -and filed Witt tb Auditor wittla
15 daya from the date of ue nret putiucauon
sf that notice, and" aald ehjectlooe will be
beard and determined by Ue Council before
Ue paeneg et Ue arduwaee Banning the. eoat
of said newer. . - --
VRRHIGKO n ADDITION to the city er rorr
landBLOCK A lot S. D. - B.' laaaatag.
S2H.0O: tot 4, John Verateeg, taO.00; lot t,
- John Vera fees. 5ao.M; lot 0, Jeba Vereteeg,
' ii nd. 1VLOCK a lot T. KmerlnuB Vereteex.
4 flAMl: tot a, Emerlnss . Verateeg, glASO; tot'
B. Kmerinua vereterg, flX-OUi lot i, ' a
loos Verateeg,. fit 50.. ToUI, I13S.0O. ,
, . . - - aadltor of tbe Cltr ef Portlaant.
flat of flrat pubMoatioa, PurtiaaA Orefea,
April ze, iwo,
- " Xt BZXXXT.,
Netlc 1 hereby glvea that ths Aadltor ef
tn Uliy OT iwiuh ae pwpuiuw pnipavg
aeeeasmont for tb eoeetrnctlon. ef a sewer is
20 4 afreet from tb eeuth Ho ef Vcreteef'a
eddltlea to ths , seerer la - Nloolei
atreet, and has eater ta mod ; what he
naime a )uet appornonmnBt i roi vi taw eewv
in-aiieucdnnee with- the epeciai aad peculiar
benefits derived by eecS parcel et hmaa and lot
er part thereof within the aeeeeement dletrict.
no nae inaonanan u net xua- auaa www an
tha atnooata net ensaslto ssch Barest ef land
and lot- part tnexeeX as-lte share- ef seek
Any object ioaa ts th apportlorraent af eoat
for aaid aewer meet be nude ta writleg to
th Couaetl ssd filed with the Auditor wllhln
15 days from the date ef tb flrat public Uo
of thla notice, aad Bald objacttoaa wUl be
beard and deteeailned by tb Oeuaeil before
the pannaga ef th ordlaaaca aiaaaaing ue coat
f aald newer. ' ' - - -
VBRHTEKO e ADDlTlon to tne utty et rrrt
land BLOCK X tot T, Oarrett N. Verateeg,
$12 50 1 tot A Oarrett N. Vereteeg, $18AI;
tot 0. Oarrett N. Veretce. $iA0o lot 10,
Oarrett N. VerBteeg, $ll50. . BLOCK A
tot A X A. Hchaahei, uu.soi tot , a. A.
KcbnabeW $20.00; lot A X A Bcbnahal,
$2il.n; tot A X A Schnabel, faoja Total,
'f,'? TB0. C B8TU,
Auditor ot ths City af PortlsaA
Pats ef flrat publication, Portlaad, Oregon,
apru au, jitjv.
. BAH BTBXXT. .' -'
Notice U hereby glvea that the Auditor ef
the City of rortland be prepared
aaaieaiimnt foe th eooetroctlou ef
ttUi . atreet. from th aoatt Un
vereteeg aoaiuo in eww in
Nlomal atreet, and haa aarertatned what he
a mat apporuoament at rest ot ue
sewer In - aecurdaar with u specxti sua
lemltar beVjCflts derived by each parcel of lead
ami tot e nart thereof within Ue aa
dletrict, and baa apportioned the eoat for said
aewer la tt amount act oppeelt eech parcel
ef land and lot or part Uereof as IU share
ott such proponed ssnenantent.
Any eojecuona to ue spportiownaeut oi uoei
for said aewer toast be ma lie la writing to
tb Oouncll and filed with tha Aadltor wlthia
15 davs from toe eate of ue tint puxjncauoe
. K. M.U. mil u it n. I nut irmm wtll M
beard aad determined by the Council before
tb tMuaage of tne erdlnane aasaaalng the coat
of said eewer.
TEtlHTEKQ'S ADDITION t th City et FWt-
land BICK 1. tot T. (urate storey, 1 13.);
.-tot A P!rh Storey, $18.20; tot 0. PlrkJ
Storey. $18.80) lot 10, Mettle Jensen, $laV8u.
BLOCK 8, tot A Brnrna, poabar, $20.00: tot
d. Btama Dunner, tJu.00; lot A Emma Dun
ber, $20,011: tot A tan Dunbar, $20.00.
Total, fiai.xo.
Andlbw ef tb Citat' ni Part land. .-
Date ef flrat pubUcatioa, - Pertland, Oregon,
nstiatai ur xjl a eaavux.
Notice Is hereby given that Cbsrlee Wsaser.
Ctty Engineer, be filed in tb office of tb
underelgned notio that Blwood Wiles, coa.
tractor tor Ue brtprovesneat of Pin atreet,
aader th srovtaions et ordinance No. 13.S40,
has rem pee ted aald street from the west line
of Phut etreet to the east line of Third etreet.
Bald accept tic wui b coneldered nr the
Executive Board at 4 o'clock oa Ue etk day
ef May, 1006, aad ebjecttone to tb aeceptance
of said etreet, or any part thereof, may be
filed la the office ef the sederaixaed at anr
Uat prior thereto.
Tam HMt'lTITI BUAItU. ... ...
t , By TItOS. C. DITIJM.
' Aadltor ef the City of PurttaaA
Portland, Oregon. April' ts. 1006.
. FXOTXXXBT. OF.WEXXTT....irrxxtTfc,,,,.
Kotica fa hereby given thst Cbsrlee Wanner ,
City kngineer, haa filed la tb office ot the
inderalgned notice - that Smyth A I toward
Company, contractor for ' th Improvement ef
Oorbett street, under tt prnvialoaa of ordi
nance Ne. 13.080, kaa completed aald street
from the north line of Seymour svsase te
Ue center line ot Hamulus avenue.
Said accent anr will be conaiuerea hv th
Bvcvuttvw Board at "4 O'CkWIk en the 6th dav
of May. 10ft. and ebjecttons te th aereptamr
ef aaid f treet, or any part thereof, may be
filed In Ue ornr et ins naersignee at any,
tlnw prior thereto, -. .,
uni r.ct -lUK w.Aitir. r v
. :. ,, Bv THOA O. PBVLI.- ''
Andltnr ef the City nf-rnrtlABd.
fWtlanA tweamau AnrU SA 1BOA
Notlr U hereby glvea that tha Aadltor of
tb City of Portland ha prepared a propoaed
aaaeaement for the Imareveiuenl of Baat nintt
street, from th north Una of Beaooa street
to the eautt line of eUllewertb atreet aad he
aacertaintd what be ideema a Juat apportiou
ment ef east af toe Improvement In ceord
anca wltt Ua apeclal aad peculiar benuvSU
destved by each parcel ef land and tot er part
thereof within th mini dletrict, and has
apportioned th east for eald Improvemeat la
th amounts eet opposite each parcel ef land
and tot ae part thereof aa lu ah re sf aach
proposed aeareement. ; . ' '
Aay objection to th apportiorunent t eoat
tb said Improvemeat aunt be made la writing
to Ue Council aad lied wlU Ue Auditor wittla
15 daya from tt -date Of tb flrat publication
f thla notice, and said bjertleaa wUl h
heard and determined by th Council before
the peasag of the ordinance ten Being the coat
f said improvement.
BKACON MaUUHTH. Is ths TfbbettS DosaUoa
- Lead Claim BLOCK 1, tot 1L Mra. O. John.
boo, too. U0 tot It. A. H. Breyaaaa and
Joha bViwmarriLia, t04.M: lot It, Mans Otaea,
"toAOl: tot 14. Martin Jensen. SrU.45; tot
18, Peter X Lead. - tOT.Ol; tot 10 Mary
' Uunderaoa, 8110.04; lot 17. Leander H. Welht,
BU :t0; eoutt M of tot 1A Lea Oder B. Well.
.; Berth ti of lot lg, Charles X Mattlot.
.M;, tot 10, Charles X suttleV OWAti.
lot au, BosnlU Clarke. $81.88.
- A parcel ef laud tying between the Berth
-line ef Beacon Height aad tine M feet
north there trom and parallel- then with, and
- between th weet Ha ef Baaft Ninth street
; sad the east Use ef itougla Addition. Maria
i M. Bigger. 51.43. '-..
A parcel of land lying between tb west Ua
of Bast Ninth atreet aad tb eoat lla ef
DaueUe addition nnd between two Un e.
spectlvely 00 feet aad 00 feet north et aad
perejiei , wita ue eorui iinv v.
Heights, Mlns O. Sodding, 8&T.TS.
,A parcel of land lying bet
-the west line
ef Bash Ninth atr
atreet and 100 feet weet-thereof
nnd narallal tharewitt and be twee tbe south
- line ot Brooklyn street and a Un luO.5 feet
, Booth thereof aad parallel therewith, -,a X
Bertlett. $300-03. , ', V
B-Ar'KHTY'S AjDIUTTON to East Portland
BLOCK T. tot tr A. F. Beed, $01.40: tot A
, A. F. Beed, 8M.T1; tot T, Dare Baifrty,
$100.48; tot g. Dave Kaffety. $7S.TT.
. A parcel of land lying between tb east Una
' f Bast Ninth atreei and a line SO feet
-weet of aad parallel with the weet Una ef
. Brookiaad Height aad between Ue north
.' Una of H con atreet and a lln 46.5 feet
north thereof and parallel, therewith. Fred-
. erics rraacta, auo.ofl. -
. A parcel f land lying btwrn two Uses
respectively 45.5 feet and 01 - feet north
' of aad parallel wlU Ln north tin of
i Boscoa Street sad between the eaat Haa
ef East Mnth street end Una 30 feet
west of nnd parallel wltt tbe weet line
of Brookiaad Heights, Leuia Krattncr,
A parrel ef laad lying berwera two tinea
respectively 01 feet and UA feet north
of and parallel wlU Ua north fine of
. Beecee street ssd betweea Ue sect Its
, of Baat Nintt atreet aad a Use 80 feet
west ef aad parallel with Ue west' line
of Brook land litigate. Emma X Bnrdlck,
' oM&ML '
A parcel ef land lying between tw Mnea
, reaprctlvely IMA feet and 13 test north
of and narallel wltt - tt north lln of
Beaeoetrt and between th east lis ef
' Bast Ninth atreet aad a line 80 feet weet
' ef and parallel with Ue west Use of Break-
. laad Height, L Cohen. 8W.1A.
' A parcel ef land lylag between tw Uses
respectively 188 feet sad Z2TA feat BorU
- ef aad parallel wltk the Berth Una ef
Beacon atreet asd between tt eaat Baa
ef Bast Ninth street and a line 80 feet
west er and parallel with the west lis ef
Brookland Heigh ta, J. II. Butler, $87.01.
A parcel ef toad lying betweea two 11 nee
respectively STA feet and BIS taet north
f aad parallel wltt Ue north line ef
. Brecon etreet aad betweea the eaat line of
Bast Ninth street and a Uaa 80 feet weet
ef and parallel with th wt line ef
Brookland, Heights, M. J. MeOnira, $aj59.
A parcel of toad lying Between tw Unes
respecUvaly ,178 feet ssd 818.5 feet aorta
' et and paraual with th Berth Use ef Beacon
atreet aad betweea the eaat line of Baat
Ninth atreet and a Us 80 feet weet of
sad parallel wlU the weet Une of Brook
land Heights, M. J, McOeiro, $0A81. ' - -A
parcel ot land tying betweea tw ltnee
respectively 81.$ feet end S4 feet north
ef sad parallel with tb north Una ef Beacoa
' atreet and between tb eeat lla et Baet
Nlntt street - snd s Uss 30 fact west et
aad parallel WIU the west line of Brook-
' lend Heights. Joha D, Mortleoa Batata,
'Heir ef, $7 AM. --- --
' A parcel ef laad fylag betweea two line
reepectrnly 804 feet Bad 400.5 feet north
' ef and narallel wltk Ue north Una ef .Bes
eem imnt end Between the eaat line of Baat
(Ninth street ssd s line 80 feat west et
' and .parallel with the want Ba ef Brook
land Malehta. Bohert S-ohertaon. XOT.ST.
A parcel of land lying betweea tw Unes
respectively uh.b reet sue eoo. xeet mtu
- of ana parallel win tn aorta un ex noniew
. rtveet sad betweea tbe eaat line ef Baat
Ninth atreet aad B lla 80 feet west ef
, sad parallel wltt th th weet Un sf Breek-
' laaeV- Halgbta, ii. Uoneu,
;,1 narrwl of land lruur between the
Una ef Beacoa street and a He M. feet
north therefrom aad parallel therewith, end
'. between a Ua SO test seat et and parallel
with the east lias er bloc , neacoa
' Heigbte, and a line 100 feet Seat ef and
perauel wltt tb eaat Une ef Bast .Nlntt
. street, - Henry K. Noble. $31-34.
. A parcel of lend lying betweea tb net lln
ef Baet Nlath- atreat and a Tine HO feet
east there from and Derail tl therewith
betweea th eouth Une of Brooklyn street
ssd s lln ISA feat south tb era front ai
narallel therewith. O. X Baruett. $308.g6.
BLOCK. B. tot 4. DaUa Scott, tlI5.0V: tot A
Charle H. Baffety, 1100.48; let A B. Mai-
lory BefTety, XWO.Ol; lot 1. B. Meilery Baf
fety, $00,03. Total. $J,14.4.
' Aadltor of th City of Portlaad.
Data of first paUtoatloa. iarUanA Oregon,
apru aw. jyw.
Notice is Berehy eivea ' that the Aadltor
f tb City ef Portland haa pre pel ed a
soma asei aimant tor the Improvement of alley
through block 8A Oratrsl Alblsa, from north
Un st Beech atreet to the eouth Une of
raltlns atreet. sad kaa aecertaiaed What he
deem a tost appertteenaeet ef coat ef th
Improve ment tn aeooroanoe wau ths special
end peculiar heacSta derived by each par eel of
una ana mt er pert uei em wiuiin tne ne.
eveetaent. dletrict. aad baa apportioned th,
coat for aald impreweinant te tt
aft apeaattarae pareel of land aad tot. or
part theraaf, aa ita sheen ef ssch ptupsnd ee-
aemvnc t -
Aay oh lections to the appm tVmmsnt ef reet
for. aald Improve rit utuat be made ta writing
tn tb Council snd tied with ths Andltnr wtthls
15 daya from th data of tbe flret pub 11 ee Lion
of that notice, and aaid objections will be
beard end determined by the Council he tore
th neeeaaa of tb ordinance aaa taxing the coat
t aaia I tn peeve ment. -
CENTRAL albina, MnitnotneB txmnty, ttre-
xn. t 1, iaa v. Aooereoe,
lot S. 0. U Jobtsna, $3.00; tot A
. Carlaon. $1.0$; tot A Nichols p.
Beetxsa. $VM: tot 5. Char lea H. Baoelat,
$1. 18;. tot A Horace J. Maoa. fAsS: tot T,
Heram J. Mana. $4.aB; tot 4, Jane M.
Smallwood, $4 3. BLOCK 38. tot M. X H.
Buckley, $1.W; lot Hi, Tbomaa aad Mary
BrodlnA $tm; tot 14. Jame aad Ha ttie
L. Babb. $1.00; tot l He rah B, Tnaant,
$3.58; tot It. Louie 0. BafAnser, $1.27;
tot 11. J. A Backatraod. $8.10; tot 10,
Charle J. snd Annie Baekstroea, $4.T:
north tt sf nt A Charles J. sad Annl
BcstroOL BV00; eouth t4 of lot g, Ida
Jobneoo, $lio. Total. ttSni i ...
TT. , THOA , PBVLtW. --'
Audi me of the City of PortlaaA
Pate et first publication. PortlaaA Oresoa
Nottce Is hereby rrvea that Charle Wtnaer.
OUy Kactaeeav has-Bled i 4b -off lee- - -the
aoderaignee notice teat nirxum a aeuy, coe-
tractora tor ta improvemeat ot oeeon eTreet,
ander tb provisions of ordinance No. lS,Bfs2.
bar completed aald street la rrent ef and
abntttng epen htorkBvtd and TS, Carutbere'
Addition to Carutaers addition, aa laid eat
by tbe South 1'ertlaad ,Hcl KB tat
(Ml. ?
Said 'acceptance wBI be eenaldered by th
Executive Board st 4 o'clock en the -St b day
f May, 105, sad ebjeettone te the eoceptance
of aald street, or aay part thereof, may he
filed ta th office of the aaderalxnrd at hay
time prior thereto. . .
' . - By THOS, C. D1TU", ,
Auditor of ths City ef PurtleaA '
Pnrthnd. Orraxm, April Bt. 1000. ,
Kotle hr hereby given tbe Cksrlee Waasev,
Cltr Engloeet. ba filed In tb office of th
iBdrralsned notlr that . w, nwee, en.
tractor for Ue Imsretameat of Jaekeea atreet,
tb provlalon et eraiaaa no. It, JWt,
baa enm Dieted aald street from th weet line
of btorka 48 and 40, Carter'a Addltloa to Ue
Eaat Una ot MIBMeema atreet.
Bald aeceptance wui pe retjeiaevea ny tne
Bxerutiv Board at 4 e'clork on the IM b "day
of May, 0(, and object lone te tt accept.
of aaid etreet, or any part thereof, may be
filed In th ejnre ox tn ajkoersignce at any
tune prior thereto. . -- 1 - J
ma r;.rt-iiva r"Am.
V . Anriltew ef (ha Cttv of Portland.
rertlaad, Oresoe, AptU J. 1P0A .
it WnW. -
, Te'-----'e
J !. . i
w-Trtis to tit Ext CIlyJ'
threugh ftrtmsa stsadard aad toarirt re I
tag ear dally. Omaha, Cbieae. aa , -taermt
stoept ear dally to kanaka i - a ,
through Pallmaa tout tat atoevdag aara fe'
PNIOW DBPOT. r Leave. Ar.-. .
. BPfJCIAk- ;,s A aa. $:$ p. at, i
Pur tkBSria BsVU'v ,
laeea, - . -. d '
gPORANB FLTBX -w-,-----
Par- Boater Weahle- 1 'I. ' i'i. !
toe. Walla Walla. Lew. 01 A Bh MjaB,
fcatoe, Ooear dAtose Dally. Deity. .
aad Oree -, Mertters .-. ' ' -"t''
petata i ' - . - . -' - - - .
1 Oolumbto Blver Dtvnxlea. . '.
.FOB A8TOB1A sad wayl Mp aal .tl , ,-
aolata,. eeaaeetlBg with Dally. Abo
taw. for Uwae sad exTawBday. A -North
Beach, etr. Has- Saturday. OX. gUBdlJ'.
eeto, Aah-et. dock. l:0O pm.
- j TamklU liver Beuto. ' ' ' "
City aad Tamhtn l7m tB-A m. t:MPa.
Petata, atara. Bath aad Bally. - Duity.' - f
MV-.'- --'ITT-iiy II gaslij.
: (Water pernrlttlng.l ; ' . ,
task Bivarltoaaa. "
FOB U.WI9TON. Ida.. I 40 a. nv Uhowt k aaa
tXT Jr from Tueedey
Rlpevta. Waah.. tmia TTnilaiagil Thnroouy
Spokaaa end Lewtetoalrriaay lnn-T ,
- - Phone MaU T1A
tnnoif dspot.
trelna, far Sektm. BeaaJ
rg, aeaiaan, aauie I
M p. a.
iato.Osdea. Saa mH
n a wi
eiae, Stockton, taw Aa-1
Eea, an leaa. new tar
ae aad the Beat,
Meralag trala ste
sects , st Wuodbesi
dully ' except Saadny
urlth traxa - ta tat.
$ a. m.
AawnL BllvartaaJ
Browosrill. 111111-
1 1 a i a. wane nag eadi
sacra. .
errSOa x.
Beeta at Waadhaia with
Wtl . m .
Mt. A nasi sad, gUver-i
ten locuL
CorvaUia paaiiaaat.
Bhertdaa panamner,
140 p. m.
FmlUnal'fwaeiiysabSt kwrvtas'saa Ttanhttti
, - - - JJivlatoa, v
l;f--'-rjeet feat ot Jefferaaa fltiest. '.
Steav PortUnd dally for Oaweee T: a. at.,
.50.'t:05. 8:60, B'20, SJS, T ef. 10:10 p. m.
illy (except Sunday ), go, SO, S:A 10
a. x.t 4:10,vU JO p. m. tsaday aiy. 0
S. SB.
PtaraiauT from Oewege. arrtv rorriaad
. . . nM . . I
TiTld a mTWliTtexaeri jT)T i y
iito. 10-10. 11:45 a. m. Bxoept Mnstny. -llai'
a. aa. Banday anty,' 0:f a. m.
r Leave from am depot far Deltos a4 tater.,
BMdtoto points dally (except Buaday) 4U0 p. mul
Arrive Portland TO: a. bb. .. -
Ths IndTpeadaata MuaaiaauBtote; LI set
operate dally to Muemewrh ssd Atrda , .
aectlng wltt Son there Pacta iimjisy'S trace a
, k kMtoa SR.
I ,11, o.ui. ' v." - - . .
n carte to pwr aa "w ""
rapaa. Chrou, Hemolula aad wjrau. .
f-Tt. Tic it Offtc corner Tnir aad Wxaa
tngtj etr-ela. Phoa Mstt.TIA 'mM ' t
0. W. trrTNOBB. w. a wnae,
Oty Tleast Ageet. , -"eat, -
-1 iiiib' vriiii
for Taesma, Seattle,
OlympU, Booth Bead
aad Bray's . Barber
M M a as.
norm tweet uanat
r - Theeeaa, Bsattl.
rem BL PauL afla-l
pee po il a, aiesge. New
York, Boston and petata
8 40 p. at.
Baet sue Boutheeet.
Twin dtv - far
Taeeesa. Seattle, Spa.
aan. net eaa. Bt. real,!
Minneapolis Cklaass.1
New York. Beaten aad
an point Baat
gearniact. - '
Cltr-At. Leula gneeULl
for -laoouwt, iwurtie,
Snekana. Butta Bullae
Denver, Omaha, Kan!
$ 80 A aa,
IM A a.
uty, et. beam and au
petnej Ban
east. .
Ari tralaa daily sxeeat ee Soetk
, - . A, D. CBABItOrT.
Aeefetant Oeseral Pa ana ua at Aswan,
SA, . TktrA Fertmnd. 0a
Astoria & Columbia
Leaves, j ONION DBPOT. - I Arrtv."'
ttS Bh Fet 'MapauVa. Batata. itrlO g. m. ,
CH-ftoTi-tSl 4
, : re to, r la eel, ' Heav ., - ,
",' amnA Fort gtoveea,
'.. Oearhert Park, teatlcle. r-.
' Astoria sad gatahira ; ;, '-' ,v '-.
'..V. t:w,kU .,
:-;'Asterla XTpram,-, ...... .. ;
' ' .' t. O. MA TO, .
m. F. OBd r. A, Astoria, ,
a A. STBWART. Comm.erisl AgeA $4 AMer
street., rseeestsie sue..
rkMOawifltttii. rt
sa Trttrtatcontlricrrttr J
TO SP0KA!i. TT. '
A Lie .
rteylt'-' t t't fhect; I
boc-r t
r. yaiwa, 1
.jtO, 4