The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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    zz:j daily j CrATS
vo;.Mri out of det
rzw i-i j."..
Atz and Jones Play Great Bal
Absence of Betting Commission
, ers Prevent WomarV Win-; --
. 'ning a Big Roll.
v and. Bring Victory .
J ''? "t Home.' v-'v
'Portland's Work Shows Decided
How It Fiftjf to One-Shot Would
" V" Improvement Over Two
Have Enriched a Quaker ,
'X4V; . City Damsel. ;i X'i
I I I II I " JT Ilka 1 I j I I sW7 . I 1 II I I J J It
1 1 1 1 " 1
n0, : .
1.' '
Portland 2. Tacoma J. "
Batteries Jones and M urphy; BVown
d Oraham. ' '.. '" ' , .
Yesterday afternoon McCredle and ,bls
" men woke up long enough o put the
finishing -touehea-- upon.-the XTanermeo.
The victory can be attributed W Jones
lira pitching Ats's brilliant fielding and
bat tln and Murphy's base running.
. The cam was the beat that Portland
lias played In five daya, although theia
waa poor Beaowora tjwj -to .
raalona. Jones waa pitching beautiful
ball and Brown waa doing likewise,, nJe,m, t0 -Washington expreaaly to put
(coring Wins done to relieve the I to. I
tie from the fourth to the eighth Inning,
when the locala secured the winning tal
ly on Murphy pass, hie steal and Ats's
Texas leaguer that dropped Into, Truck
Hasan's back yard. The fielding of the
locals showed a big Improvement over
the-twa Drat games with T acorn a, there
being consldersble .amount of ginger
Injected into tbe team work. To also up
, tbe Portland team. - man for man. It
would appear that the maklrfg of a good
ball team la at hand, but after seeing a
oontcat," one wondera WAat is iaffclng I
m the nlavlnc of the teaisras a team
The meet noticeable faultwlth Portland
la nm iw:ii vi k" r
h rad work. The tacoma players are a
" happy; lively aggregation, always ready
to ateal a base or get out on me coacn-
ing line Infusing new life Into tbe match
and. assisting the base runners. Port-
' land players are slow to do these things
'yes modestly slow and the effect of
this ' condition " certainly brings bad
result . The outfielders are slow to
get back to the bench, after the side has
been retired Instead of romping back
aa If tbelr hearts "were really In their
work. MeCredie la always tbe last man
to reach the bench. (Sow It Isn't a hard
task for McCredte to aire a tittle whoop
- to his men and hurry to the bench,
neither would It be amiss for the play
. ers ro. leave the bench In a rash to take
their positions In the field. Tbe fans
are quick to notice every deficiency and
"those same fana are just as quick to
appreciate any effort tending to action
' and improvement. 11
yesterday's work was good and the
.crowd enjoyed It let today'a be still bet
ter, and tomorrow's still better. " ,
Murphy's walk In the third became a
' run when, after Jonea had fanned. Jakey
-Ats slammed one to4eft for two bases,
the fleet fooftrd catcher scoring . from
first on the hit. - ;
'. Tacoma came back In the fourth with
a ran which was a result of a pass to
. Nordyke . and Householder's muff ' -of
Kagan's lonk fly. which allowed Dyke
to take third, from whence he tallied on
' Casey's flyout to Householder. Lynch
also flew to center, giving Householder
-credit for retiring the side in thst Inning
a Tommy Sheehaa the first man up had
" 'rtW.'as- enter.
The winning run was registered In the
eighth when Harry Murphynegotlated
another walk and stole second after
Jones had filed to McLaughlin and when
- 'Jakey Ats's .Texan over short dropped
safe Murphy scored.
- Tacoma looked dangerous lnf the third
. Inning when McLaughlin led oft with a
single and stole second. Graham hit
. one to Runkle, who could not get" the
catcher at first, but held McLaughlin at
second. Brown, sacrificed, advancing
both runners, and Charley Doyle, who
had secured four hits the day. previous,
met one on tbe nose, which was stopped
with one hand by Ats? -woo threw -McLaughlin
out at the plate. ; , '
Doyle started te steal second, when
on as pretty a play as has been pulled
off on the local grounds In msny a dsy.
,' Murphy made as If to throw to. second
but Instead threw to Jones, whose relay
to Runkle eaught Graham eaatly.
The official score follows; .'. V T
."v. ' PORTLAND. '
AB. R H. PCh A. E.
Ats. sa
Van Bur-en.1 It ......
t 3 Z 1
t 0 I
tOO .4 01
S 0 0 0 1 0
10 0 I 10
10 0 110 0
1 2 S ; 4 0
1 0 0 0 2 0
Householder, cf.
Hrhlafly. 2b.
MrCredle. rf.
Mclean, lb.
Runkle. . 1
Murphy, C
Jonea, p. .
2 1 27 12 1
- ie- AR R. H. PO. A,
. O 1 9 1
Fheehan. Sb.
4 1 0 , 0 O 1
isordyae, id.
I 1. O f
Kaaan. sa. . , 4.0 01
I'asey, 2b. '
J.vnch. cf.
. McLaughlin,
ilrahara, c
If. ..Jv
Brown, p.
Totals i 21 1 ,Jf 24 11 1
1 4 ', SCORE BT INNTITO.'. 1 ' .
r-:' r'vv t 1 a 4 6 7 i-V"-
Tacoma . . ,,.t 0 .0 1 0 0 0 0-0 1
Hits . i'- .0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 S
Portland.. W.....0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 J
, lilts , . ........0 0 1 M M 1 1
H" ':.k - SUMMARY. ; :f: ' ' - "
'"-IS truck1 out By Jones. (Nordyke,
Kngaa): by Brown, 4 ( Jones 2. Hchlafly,
Murphy). Baaes on balls Off Jones, 1
(Nordyke, Brown); off Brown, 1 (Mur
iiliy 2. Van Buren). Two-base hit Ats.
I 1 1 env bases Portland, 4 : Tacoma, 4.
Klrrst base on errors Portland. J ; Ta
rratn. I.'. Raerlflce hit Brown. Stolen
, ,taaes Murphy, Householder, McLaugh
lin. Time of game One hour and 30
minutes. ' L"raplre.KIopf. (
time In the history of the Amateur
1'encers lesgue of America, the weet
will be ; represented In . the national!
icru-ins cBsmpionsnip ' tournament,
whd h begins tonight at the New Turk
Atlilctto rlub. I'bipago' has sent a team
of three crack fencers, including Haier.
the Illinois state champion, and It 1s not
Improbable that they may return west
with several Of the choice prises. An
other city represented In the tournament
this yea lot WrUfatltmo 1t Wsablnr
ton. D. C. . -
- - e
, : e
e All nellcea of amateur base-, q
' bell games, challenges and ath- ' 4
letlc events must be sent to this
offlce before 0 o'clock a.m. oa 4
e the day for publlcatlfin. Ama- 4
e teur managers shonld f)ay at-'"
tentlon to this rule, as. the keep-
Ins ef it will Insure-a proper 4
e report ' of their 'dotngs. fhe 4
Journal. ' ', . .- v.i "- . : . '
e . w
' ' '- . :- ' ' -
JS VCiooraal Special 8r1ea,)
Waahlngton.-Aprll IJ.WThe exclusion
of the women's betting .oommtaalonera
from, the Bennlngt grandstand at the
race , meeting Juat closed, brought out
on "the opening day an -unusual number
of near win' stories. . "
One Incident, which came under the
observation of; -many people m tne
grandstand directly back of the press
box " on - tha opening day - concerned a
PbUadelphla.4wMnaa of business who
down a -good-slsed wager on ' Waa dell
IU the Virginia Bradley horse that won
his maiden race at the Inviting odda oi
l to 1.
.The Philadelphia woman, who con
ducts a, restaurant, and bar much fre
auented by betting men, bad received
Inside, Information as to the condition
of the Bradley horse, and moreover, the
horse's - name waa-a sort of hunch for
her. Inasmuch as Kute Waddell. thej
erratic 'baseball pitcher,- - had ' been a
- '- - - - f - 5
years. ; - I - T
She started to make tne special rac
lng train which left Philadelphia for
the Bennlngs siding In time for the
Srst race, but missed It . owing to an
accident. 8ha took . the next ; train,
which pulled -alongside-the -Bennlngs
track only II minutes before the horses
were due to go to the post for ths third
race the race in whicn ui norsa waa-
dell was engaged. .-:., v:.:
The walk from the siding to tbe track
fate Is a matter of about t or it mtn-
utea. ana wnen Tne rroiaaeipnia woman
of business with the Information and
the hunch on Waddell II got through
the gate and reached the grandstand the
horses wera. already on their way to the
poaf 8he naqjs't Tiesrd" anything about
the exclusion., of ;-; the betting runners
from the stand, and she looked around
in sin for a running pencller of whom
to Inquire the odds againat WaddelL
Then she asked Big Smith, the de
tective In charge of the Stand, to send
her a commissioner, and he told ber of
Ihe new rule,
The Philadelphia woman lookea xeen-
ly diaappolnted. , ? -
"Have you heard what waddeu e price
isT she inquired of the big detective.
He teld her that the price was 10
1.- '. '
-Well." she said to him, Von't you
do me the fsvitav Just this once, to take
or send thhr money' and she produced
1100 .yellowback, "down to tbs ring
and get it on Wsddell for me?" '
The detective was obliged to tell tbe
woman that he couldn't do anything of
that sort without risking his position. .
Very well." said the Philadelphia
woman , of .. buatneas, aeiermineaiy, -4
shall take it down to the betting ring
for myself.. j -
That's not allowed, madam, he told
her. "Women are not allowed on
racetrack betting ring."'
Juat at this moment a young fellow
sitting close by, who had overheard the
colloquy,- stood v up . and rsa,id to the
woman: ' ,T .
'I ll try to get It oa for you," ldy.
If it's not too 'late,, and sne-was Just
handing him 'the yeltowbacx when the
cry "They're orn" rang tnrougn- tna
sand. . . ''-
No use now." said the young man.
and the woman bit her lip angrily.
. Then the Bradley horse stepped off
In front and was never headed. , The
shutting out of the grandstand runners
hsd cost the Philadelphia woman just
i.3,""ghe' IninisdhrtelyleTr'tho-Btsntf
snd the -grounds' In a huff, taking the
first train back for Philadelphia without
waiting to look at any of the -other
races. . ' ' .'-' '. '
gas rraneisee .
Is Anseles
Irtlan4 .............
8a tt le-
4i l
' oodwU Xrftaa is Basae.
Beattle, Wash., April 21. . Toung
Goodwin pf Los Angeles lost his ftrst
game of the season yesterday through
a couple of errors by Eagan and four
stolen bases in one inning. - Score: "
r R. H. E4.
loe Angeles ,.. 0100000 01 , 7 .
Brattle ....102 000000 t 7 1
Batteries Ooodwln and Kager: Roach
and Daahwood. . umpire ia vis.
, i :
Seals Defeat Oomontsra,
San Francisco, April !. ThOTfleala
bunched hits on Poo Moeklman in -the
first and second Innings, winning tbe
game, aa the Commuters could do
nothing with Henley. Score:
R. It E.
San Fran .. . ...1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
Oakland . . ,....00000000 1 1 5 t
Batteries Henley and Wilson: Moe
klman and Byrnea Umpire Perrlne. .
: . ' .- .. V -. ' . . Won.'- Lost ' P C
Boise . ................ 1 . 1 , -600
Ppnkane 1 ' 1 f- .500
Ogden . . 1 1 .00
....010 1 000004 1
....000 0 0 1004 B 2
Bait Lake
epokane .
Batteries Thomas and- Leahy; Ho
Innia and Stanley. Umpire McCrea. ,
:' 'V At -eolse. " ''
Boise . . , .VT.-. . .ll 010 101 7 It 6-
Ogden.'. i. 0101 00000 4 0 3
. Batteries . McFarlan and Hanson;
CasUeton and Hausen. Umpire Betley.
AUTO CX.VB oMAsansv "'V
With P. 8. MalcDltrt In the chair and
about IS members present, the Portland
Automobile club held its first regular
meeting last evening and perfected a
permanent organisation.'
Dr. A. E. Mackey, chairman of the
committee,. on by-laws, read his report,
which waa accepted. The object of the
organisation Is to maintain a protective
ss.wll as a social organisation of sll
persona., owning motor vehicles.-- The
following board of directors wss chosen
Sol-- Blwieeiv--rrl-4,:B.- rVrowTi - R. O.
Inmsn. W, F. Llpraan. A. K. Rentier," TTl
i u tiemy ana u. t Honema ,r
- 1 - - THERE ARE
built to that standard
yoju to cteal .with-the latter.
We belbnrr to the
FIRST-Our clothes areall wool,' and we test every piece of cloth before -making it
T ' SECOND Oursuits win give the best of service
.i. i m
irontrare surrenea -wiui naircioin wsxeaa ox oucicram, ana tncyt
THIRD-TheJinings-will last as long as the suit because they are wool-serge instead of cottorv, ; :t
jU..2i FOURTH--The' style and fit is correct, because they are made for us by Chicago and New York tailors of national
r ' , i " FIFTH No other store on the Pacific Coast can surpass 'our values, because as manufacturing retailers we have a
which' is patent to all, and which enables us to SAyEJ EVERY USTOMER FROM ?2.00 TO ?5.00 ON A SUIT. v. -
Here Tomorrow and See the Finest Showing of POPULAR PRICED GOOD CLOTHING to Jjc
; , ; .-.V"";' V.'-r' - ''-' 22 M ' r-2Y V; am ':V-:2 2r.2 '
!. m u wjw 222222 mm $ - . 1.
w . 7...-.., ... .-v .- JtJ' i vrf
TIES IN TWKEUSnnu:awn.nia wb nftvn; By -jS' f
, 4 . w -w , - - . ia 1--.- in- 1 - ; r. -
l(U).Cli)4Q) ... r
'2'2 22- ::, ,.
Racing Results at Oakland, Kan
sas City, Aqueduct, . St'. !
, Louis and Nashville. 7,2222:
' (loaraal Ssedal serrtet.) '
Ban Francisco, April . Follow Me
Drored a repeater yesterdar t Oakland,
untnrlnr vtha . one-mile event Follow
Me went to the post t IS to 1. an the
race was excltlna through out. Chest
nut stumbllna and falllns aa the bar
rier aUpped. .Results: "v. .;. i
Four ' furlongs -Daiiirerous Oirt - won,
MJdmont second, Rey del Mundo third;
time. :4Ks.t .' ' ' '
Beren furlongs Lura F. M. won.
Warts Nlcht second, HI Jaul Cap third;
time, 1:2714. v
" Mile and .a sUteenth Flaunt won,
Poasart second. Tannhauser third; time.
Ow mile Follow U won, Bdgecllffe
utnnd Cotillion third time, 1:411.
' One mile Lucrece wen. Ralph Toung
second. Forest King tniro; lime,
A Auedae Track.
1 New- .Tots!.-;. April lrt . Aqnedoct I
suits: . .
Four 4nd a tialf furlonga Dans
Tamne won. Bantam ' Second, Tarlae
third; time, : -. "
Fire and a half furlongs, handicap
Burleigh won. Toenail second. New Tork
tMrd; time, 1:91 t-f.
St furlong Bohemia won, Teacress
second, Kells Btromme third: time, 1:16.
Six furlongs, the Columbia stases
Cssraphine won. Bscutcheon second.
Oold Kleur third; time, l:ll-,
Mile and 79 ysrds liord Bsdge won.
IClAR-Peapet sacoiid,-Arsenal Uilrdutlme,
1147.. . ' --. 1 -
Vonr an', helf-fxrlong Tn Wr t-
won, - Vemnes second, Bldney F, third
time,' :-a, ,. . ; . r, ' ' ":
'TWO ; CLASSES OP. CLOTHIERS 4he one who sets ;a. higk:stjai6ard lot-his clothing and DEMANDS that every : gaiTnent be
od the one who sets a low price and drags the character and quality of his clothing DOWN ta that price. The forme is SAFE for
UNSAFE. ' J 1 -
former class our store Is SAFEST for vou -our clothing Is BEST
t . ,a M
! At Xaaaaa Ctttr.
Kansas Cilyt Mo,1 April
St. Elm
Ridge track results. v - . '
Mile and 7 yards Trinity Bell won,
Del Carina second, Ous Strauss third;
time, l:t4Vt. 4 - '
Mile and a quarter, steeplechase Cre
olln won, John , K. second, ' Collegian
third; time. :16V4. .
1'Fiva furlonga. Lady Navarre won,
Hadur second. Jurist third; time; 1:0.
l Seven furlongs Harpoon won. Leader
second. Erne third; time, 1:$J. - . -r.
Big furlongs Royal Legion won.
Oraphlte second, Darius third; time,
1:1SV4 - . '. :: '
Flvefurlonga-Kahoka won, Ada- Re
barda second. Durbar third; time, 1:04 Vt.
.7 2h (taaabaalasa ; c ' v
- Naahvllle. April !. Cumbeland Park
race results: - ...
81x furlongs--Misa" Jora won, Laysoa
second, Mcllrain third; time. 1:11.
Four and a half furlongs Helena C
won, Velour -second, ' Polly Prim, third;
time, 0:11 .
One mile Benvolib won, ' Postmaster
Wright second. Bugler " third; time.
1:44 Hr
Avondala stakes, five furlonga Char
lie- Eastman won, RotnQla second, Hy
perlon II 'third: time. lrtt.
, Six furlongs-Ma.Ban an4 "tee Water
ran a dead heat; Mabel Winn third; time,
1:11. Purse divided.
One mile Olendon won. Mine n mast
second, Ths Trlfler third; time, 1:44.
St Lonii, April S-Falr grounds race
results-: - '." -' v. . "
' Six furlongs Sir Carter won. Torlo
second, . Bishop Wex , third; time,' . l:Srf
S-S. - - ' ' ' " . - - " v
Half mlle-Rostlc Lady won, Balshol
second, Chlspa third; time, 0:44. '
Six furlongs Lons Wolf won. Bava
rian second. Mordella third; time, 1:J1
Seven furlongs Ralnlsnd won, .Mata
dor second, Floral Wreath third; time,
l:St4. -' , ;
Blx . furlongs Our Lily ' won. Sorrel
Top second. Bone Drake third; time, 1:11.
MIT? "n--a"J"7imirtefrreorge "'Titian
won. Never Huch second, velog third;
tlmv S:J3 l-l. - . i - .
2.'i vr' :1" 1 ; :
and retain their shape until' worn
- f ? t
11 4 . 1 i ri '.
are nana-maae insteaa oi . macnine-mjiae. , ' , , ,- ;'
-' L
It la a good gamble that the railroad
men named In the papers aa the regu
lars at ball games - won't send any
marked copies to headquarters. - v
On, the Trail to . Texas President
Roosevelt shot a bear withtialf a bal
let yesterday, but as tbe bear was al
ready half shot. It did the business In
good style, "past reports state that the
bear Is doing nicely and will be well
enough tomorrow for ' tbe president to
shoot It again. Ths president came
nearly shooting sw giant that ha met
face to face on thelToad, but appreci
ating how crippled Portland is for good
material, he stayed his finger which waa
already on the trigger. Manager Mo
Crdie, upon hearing of the president's
charity, . Immediately wired his thanks.
: i " . ' - ' e J s '" ' (' .
. . . . v
John D. Rockefeller Is going, to buy
a ton of srolf tails next week. The
clety that Is considering the advlsabIN
Ity of accepting $100,000 from John D.
better say "yes" right off or the money
may be spent for a golf tea. -l -
- ' 2. ' ... I- ':.'V -
' Portland played In more spirited' style
yesterday and defeated the Tigers.
little life and headwork counts far bet
ter than the old excuse, -slump in bat
- Terry MeOovern 1 o Brooklyn, New
Tork, has accepted the' positions of box-lng-4nstruetor
af the state Insane asy
lum at Balenv Oregon. V r 7 e ;
- - ,; . v"
Mike Fisher and Ma men rave To py
car fare this year In Portland. ' That's
fair, to Mike, although he doesn't think
"Sundry'- is Mike Fisher's new name.
Everything spent on the side be charges
to Mr. Bundry, hence tbe appellation. .
' ' ... -
Climale Burau-;Thls Is, spit bal
weather.---';-, '' - ' - -, -
- ' ,-4. :
"'i.yncir'rnad'e a "pretty asff drive to
right field yesterday and ss -it looked
good ' to- Mike for two tasea, he sang
'.'"'V"r;:':.'-":V-;;'.: ;:-'f' t ;v.J:
for vou.
up. - 2':r2:2!si ' ; ;
out, because the interlining is linen instead of burlap, the coat
- . . '..'
. w M i v 1 1
Unrivaled for style, and dash
Scores of other styles down to as low as f 6.50. V -
' ' I i i i' -
Boys' and Children Clothingr ,
;, .' . TENNISON- OutingSuits for boys 6fJB to 16
r $2Lso:to $7.00 -.
BUSTERS foir the tot oC2yt to 7 yeats 1
to $6.00
"LITTLE TUDOR" Play Suits for children of 1 to 8, 50
- ' ' 9 - - .
"ha,' ha, ha," on his way to first Fast
fielding by MoCredie nipped htm at sec
ond and the crowd yelled "ha, ha, ha."
. .. ... - ; ,' y . . .
' Those who had hopes of seeing the
boxing game resumed .this summer in
Portland must have experienced a se
vere Jar when they read that the su
preme court had sustained the box ordi
nanc appeal.. -t v - .-;' . : -
. ' : ..- -. : : " "' -..!
Notloe to pitchers today As this Is
ladles' day you are reminded ' of the
rule which commands you to- repair to
the rear of the grandstand before spit
ting onvthe. ball. . " . .., :
Harry Murphy, the clever young
catcher of the local team. Is one of the
best waUrs In the league, for although
he has yet to mske a safe hlt be has
only missed one regular, game in whicn
he has played that he did not secure
a pass. In five regular games and two
In whioh he relieved Mitchell and Mo
Credie, he baa secured sight walks,
Jake AW seems to be thatnost reliable
pinch hitler on the club, fos whenever
a timely bfngla la needed the crack
shortstop la on hsnd to deliver the
goods, ss he tjld yesterday. ,
2, ' ff. . ;"'
' MoCredie made a fine running catch
of Caaey's long fly in the seventh Inning
yesterday. ;. . , .
' ; .'. ' : ; ' '
. Eddie Householder was a star in cen
ter, capturing several herd chances. . He
made a bad mesa of one, however.
.- V...-' V . ' '1 ' f
Pitcher Brown who twlriet for Ta
coma yesterday. Is the same Brbwa who
pitched for ' Sacramento In 1101. He
will be remembered by the Portland fans
as the pitcher who twirled against Sara
Morris in this city in that year. . ,
, - v - v-
Los . Ansrles went to pieces behind
young Ooodwln yesterday and the Angel
find lost his first gatnjc r-,
Dan Tjally and Charlie Elsie are play
ing for the Nsahvllle team in the South
ern league. Elala waa fired. out of the
ri fl
' " ;C V'J'; ;
, . . . r
repute. ;Zy:?'
tremendous prestige in buying
' -- --c:- -.;
Found in Portland
swi w jf. w w ,y-r
J.. r-
exclusive designs priced at
? .MAT
KEgTOkza BLOTBOOD Rae errnd tboasawrs
t eases of Nerraus IxoUlty. IBaomnl, and atro
par. . Tbay riaar '. tha eralo, atraosuiM the -Irealatloo,
auk el seat toe - perfect aad Isisart
BMSBetle vigor t the wbol being. AU sralaa
aad laaaes atoprwe perataneatly. 11.00 par ,
set; boxes guarantaed to cor me refan4
mraey, ta.00, Millrtl seated. Rook free,
Perelaa Mad. Ca.. 035 Arra It., Phlladalpkla.
Pa. sold ts Portlaae ealy sy rrraak Vaa,
game at Atlanta last Saturday for ob
jecting to being called but for Interfer
ing la a play. He Is still the same old
. V" . . (. . , T: "
Hector Mclnnls. the Portland boy. who
joined Matt Stsnley's team, pitched for
Spokane yesterday and tbe Indians won.
.-o-.,.. . ' '. --a-. ; i
' Dan Farlan, snother Portland favorite,
pitched for Boise yesterday and de
feated the Ogden team. Handsome Dan'a
pitching waa too jnuch for the Utah
aggregation..' - .v -
v- '' 2'-' : '.
- Bert. Jones la la fine form at .present
and trls work Is the, talk ef-the local
fans, who style, him -the "Do6" Newton
of the HAS pennon. Jonea will probably -pitch
again Sunday.
. - . ...-. s " -.:' ;;'.'
'. Bill Essick or Win French will go
against the Tigers with Bobby Keefe
or Fireman Fltapatrlck today, and aa 11
la ladles day. It la up to the looala to
redeem themselves for the game they
lost to Loa Angelea laat Friday. 2
' " : - - ''i
Lou Runkle hit safely to center yea-
tarday and Graham threw wild to first,
trying -to catch Lou off the beg, but
fast fielding, by Doyle saved Qraham an
error, aa Runkle waa oaaght at second.
Jj 'f " (Joarnal gperlal BerVle) '.
Boston, April S. The Kew . England .
Baseball league starts Its sesson -today -with
Manchester playing at. New- Bed- .
ford, Lynn1 at lleverhlll," ' Lowell at
Nashua, snd Concord at Fall River. The
season will continue II weeks, closing ,
8ptcmbar , v..
.--- ,
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