The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 27, 1905, Image 1

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    ... . ...... (
5 Of The Jcurnil ; 7
Tonight fair ana coldj Friday.
,' falrj wind mostly northwesterly.
a : ' i . ;..
: ';....-'-.''..-! . .i. i - .. .
VOL. IV. NO. 45.
price five cz:rrr.
Ilcrlon CcuatyGrcnd Jury
; vLI Rcpprt eg School
; , Land muds.
-. i---.
'Consequently Few Indictments
w cxpeciea; dux ah ot King
. the Benefit Ues.
e"L; - (Ties t'Jeerasr 'Staff OorrasDoadeat)
- Salem.' Or. AorU '!. Th4 lnvutln.
tlona of tha Marlon county grand Jury
wio ma ecnooi land frauda have brought
xo ugnt a mui of incriminating evt
dence and laid bare the operation, of thM ot tb ,char!" ot "P"00 tha
, y-swindlers who have robbed tha atate of
; immense traot ot land.
Indlotmanu will ba returned tomor-
.... raw aiicrnoon, wow ina jury will pre-
,- , aani iia-nnai report., owing to tha lrv
adequacy of tha atata lawa and tha Ilnv
ite Jurisdiction of tha grand Jury,
.which can Indict only for. Crimea corn.
' Biitted tn Marlon county, ' many of tha
, awinaiera wui eacapa. but it Ja believed
1 that the lnvetlatioa will raault In tha
7 reatoratlon to the atata of hundred of
tbauaand of acrea fraudulently aecured
MH9 tiuavaa. i
It la expected that the lodlctmenta
will be faw in number, for tha (rand
-Jury haa aouarht to reach1 only the prln
lpela, allowlnir tbelr toola to eacapa.
; Probably a hundred indlatmenta could be
, returned if the entailer offender were
.to be proufht to Juetlcev .-, ,
. .,, - The Kern Involved, V Jj
. 8. A. D. Puter, notorloua for hie frauda
agatnat the fovernraent. haa bean a Urge
operator la state achool landa, and much
of the tread Jurya time- haa bean 6e
'voted to hla aa. , It ia freely predicted
i .. tnac be mux be round tmonr those ln-
4 ictea wnen the report la filed., ,v - .
' " A. T. Kelllher. formerly of tlalera. ae-
' . quired. Immense tracta of land throuch
dummlea or through appllcatlona In the
- name of riotltlous persona. - In bun
, dreda of ca see applications for the pur
chase of landwere made' In fictitious
naatea, and the claims were Immediately
' - aaala-ned " to Kelllher. The evidence
against hint 1 regarded 'a very strong.
. F. W. Jewett of Hlbblng, Mlnneeota.
la another heavy operator whose trane-
actloira have been under - scrutiny, and
whoae holding of achool land are said
to have been secured front , the . atata
throuch fraud. :
;''"-;"' ." Tnraar Under' earohJlgliVr' '
Ii L Turner of Salem, a notarj pub
. , lie, whoae certificate ia attached to
large numbers of application for achool
' landa declared to be fraudulent, was be
v fore the wnd Jury thla morning. 1 Ex
.' perta on handwriting have declared that
Turner forged the elgnaUurea of some
of these . appllcatlona, and )hen - at
- tached hla notarial' certificate, declaring
- thawtha fictitious applicant had made
' oath before him to the etatementa, there
recorded. Turner la believed to have
' been in the employ of (Kelllher. , ..-.
' . XAwa Arm Ja Sooad. ""'ri--
' ' The state lawa are very Inadequate
for the punishmenfcof persona guilty of
land frauda. ;- There ' la no provision for
' the punishment of conspiracy to derraad
' the state of it lands. 1 0ffender can
, be reached only where they have vlo-
lated , the statutes against . forgery,
perjury and .-subornation of perjury.
" , Furthermore, the Marion county grand
Juryi cannot reach criminal who
' crime was committed In another county:
I- "Hundreds of fraudulent applications
emanated from Multnomah county, but
V these cannot be acted upon by this
grand Jury. ' Many Portland men have
, 'been Before thla grand Jury daring ita
' sessions, among them George Soreneon,
-Thad S. Potter and Charles JY Lord, all
under federal indictment; J. J. Flts-
gerald. 3. 8. Well, M, F. Culver and W.
",T. Burnay. r' :::;.-.
.Most or all of them' certified a no
., tartes1 to applications for achool landa,
. which are regarded aa fraudulent.. -WtUtnl
K. . Jones of Portland, tor-
merly . member of . the legislature and
. recently lndloted.for the second time
' Jby the federal grand Jury, waa a heavy
operator, in vcnuui wiwi,i" n
. i ...J nln. ' mnnntiin' jfljinr.)
Many of the transactions it Which -his
name appear ar sa!fo be tainted
wltH fraud. : .:- .'. " T-.'U,
Kay,' Manlay and Other. ,
F. P. May si state aemator from itult
tvomah county, and also . under federal
Indictment, appeara In the background
having been Intereated" ia . $he Blue
mountain operation.- s i- .
, Horace O.-McKinley, Dan Tarpley and
Contlnued on Page Six.)
fJoaraal Rpeetsl Serrtc.) ".,
rittsburg. April' 2 WJamea B. Xaugh
11 n, treaaurer ofvth famous steel firm
of Jonen ft Laughlln, worth H.00O.MO
In hla . own name, wa arrested at . an
early hour thla morning Whll trying to
j us his night key to let himself Into
Ma noma. He wsa mistaken for a bur
glar by a special . policeman, and In
spite of the protest of the multl-mll-llnnalre,
dragged Into a' police box, bun
dled into a pntrot wagon and looked, In
a dirty cell, lie Weir. refused the Tight
te telephone to' tha butler or hi wife,
. the pmire telling him that t'l rood bur
gr h4 a '
District; ittornejr Marin
ing Says -Councilmcn
VJVithBtd Franchises
Satisfied That There Has Been
v Corruption in City Council,
and. Is Deterrnlned to Un- r
earth Dishonest Men. w
"I am almost, certain that a grand
Jury will be ealledV Said District At
torney Manning today, "for the evidence
that haa been adduced la my investlga-
ter that nothing short of a "complete and
vigorous Investigation will gatlafy the
end of Justice. -. . ...v
- "Some -of the testimony la specif ia
If name men and earns of money al
leged to have been paid to influence
votes, and even goes o far aa to give
la exact detail . the attempts, and. It
la asserted, the 'aucceasfol attempts, to
purchase the support of councllmen for
certain meaaurea and their vote against
ether. ':.' ' . 't v ' ; , .'
."I 'have had before me Councllmen
Merrill, Sharkey and Bentley, J C.
Atnaworth, 3. H. Thatcher, district man.
agar of the Pablflo Statea Telephone aV
Telegraph company; Manager fitow of
the new telephone company, who la try.
mg. to obtain a franchise and who failed
In such attempt more, than a rear ago.
and 'Manager Craney of ther Trinidad
Aapbait company. ' ,
1. cannot give out their -teatlmonv.
Especially la reference to the eoun
oilmen,, wba are under Investigation,
must maintain alienee, But I may si
thJL Couneilmae Merril4 although sub
poenaed aa a witness, haa not been re
ferred to in any of the charge that
nave been lodged against members of
the council." .' '.'... -- .
The particular matter Just now under
Inquiry is the alleged handling of money
by Councilman Rumelln for the purchase
for councllmen s yotos, and that 110.000,
or approximately tliax aum. wa paid to
defeat tae proposed franchise asked by
tna new telephone company a year and a
half ago.- . ' :- ' -K- " ; .- - .
Other charge will follow in the In
vestigation the claim that money haa
been -rraf ted from contractors on street
ana oinerwora zor me city, tnat con'
tracta have been manipulated in a man'
ner to cause the city to pay mora than
H ahould for many improvement of the
paat three yeara ,-1
'Say to the people,, aald Councilman
whiting Xoday. "that I court an Inves
tigation. Tura on the dlmellght. and if
there haa been corruption let the guilty punished., I care not who they
may be; any man who will betray-his
trust and accept money or other consid
eration for hla vote aa a public servant,
such a man ahould receive no merciful
treatment from the courts. - t For my
part, I hope the investigation will, be
pushed to the extremity, i certainly
welcome lt" . ' ;:. ,:-.!, .. . -
' . Iaeraal Special nortea.) "
j New lork. ' April ST.- The announce
meat i made today that Andrew Car
negie haa eatabllahed a f 10,800,000 fund
to provide i "retiring' pensions for
teachers of universities, college and
technical schools; la tha United Statea
and Canada; t . . ;. . . , : '
, - v i i ',,;;... -T,
(Joarsal Upsets! Service.) ; V ; f
Washington. April 7. The leader of
tha outlaw who murdered four Ameri
can school teachers near.' Cebu. Philip.
plnea, in .June, lvOVhaa been captured
and haa ' confessed. The government
will urge the extreme penalty. . . ;.
H - m ii t'H
"- KOBKoar om.iwm. sbkum. , '
: (loarasl Spectsl ervlM. v '
' Salt Lake, April 17. A demurrer In
the eaae of.' Don Carloa Museer and
Charlea Bmurthwalte against the Mor
mon church and Josenh F. Smith, trua.
tees, was filed' this morning. It atatee
that the church waa Improperly made
the defendant becauae. It ia a Voluntary
religious association and not a corpora
tion or legal entity, . . - ,
Not until f o'clock dl.l Mra. laughlln,
frenaled with worry, find out that her
husband wa locked ' up. When aha
Alighted at the station from her own
carriage there waa a scene, and Inside
of 10 minute the authorities had Mr.
Laughlln on , hla ' Way -homey -with- hla
pocket full of cockroaohe and other
vermin. , . ; " -
Laughlln, ' after taking a bath, em
ployed Congressman Burk lo .handle the
case against the city, lie Said:
.Tim the champion cockroach killer
of the world.,' I killed a million last
hlht In that lousy cell.
I had to. or
they'd have gt
Groom Prominent Physician and
- Bride .Well Known in ,Spo
'V.ff kane Society.. .
APnriiMiu Be?nr-Nnairrrs "At
Numerous-Portland People Pres
entCouple Leave for Trip .
-v ' ; - V to California; ( ..',;
.(Special rMspateb t The 'eeraaLl
Spokane. Wash.. April JT At the
home of 4fra. K. B. Luhn, In thla city,
yeaterday afternoon. Dr.' Kenneth A. J.
MacKensle of .Portland : married Mrs.
R. EL Brown, sister of Mra: Luhn. ' The
ceremony-was performed at I p. m. by
Abbot Thorn aa ot :' Mount Angel, and
wa attended only-by near relatlvea of
tha pair.. - . , - . j . , -
These person were here from. Port
land to attend , the wedding; i Mra. : R.
Lea-Barnss. Mlsa - . Isabella - MacLeayi
Ronald B. MacKensle, llaa Jean Mao-
Kenale, Mia Barbara MacKensle and
Andrew Kerr.'.-: ' '
The bride and groom left on the af
ternoon train to visit tn Salt LaloV San
Francisco and aoutbera .California be
fore returning to Portland, where; they
will -make their home. , .
Mra. Brown haa been a resident of
Bpokane for yeara, and I well ' known
In aociety. r. .... v v' ''' ,
Woman Frightens Children Into
j Obedience, But Uses Arsenic
. Instead of Sugar. , -
' JeorasI Special
Salt Lake, April IT. "See, mamma 1
angry: now she s going to alii herself.
Thla wa the expression often used
by Mra. Jane Maynard to frighten her
children into obedience. - Following the
words: the woman would put eugar in
a glass ot water-and drink the mixture
and feign Illness. This always bad the
effeot of producing; good behavior.
The Maynarda lived at South Jordan,
aettlement a , few miles from Salt
Lake. Yeaterday afternoon during her
husband a absence, the mother had
trouble with one ot the little ones. The
ohlldren were - unsble to tell exactly
what -the mother did, following her re
proach of the lad, but , the neighbors
afterward found the woman-lying, dead
in her home, i ' ' , j
An axaralnatloa disclosed .that aeatn
resulted from strychnine poisoning. Bo
far as ia known no motive, for -suicide
existed. The strychnine waa uaed in
poisoning wolves ,- that . '"pray ; on the
flocks. .-. - ' r
It 1 believed the woman made a mis
take and put strychnine Instead Of
sugar In her glass yesterday,
V (Jooraal SpecUl Servira.) ' -
Chicago. April 17 Seeking material
for a book on the Temptatlon'of Toung
Women in Chicago."' Mra Anna Howard
wa not . disappointed. - She found an
entire and, complete -array of material
before she left the cab which was to
convey' her within eight, of the "seamy
Ida" V .''? ' " ' r
In the Harrison street police . eourt
today aha asserted that aha had been
robbed by Robert Pie of 1700 and had
been injured by him. She engaged the
cab an which ' Pie waa employed -and
deolded to visit a west side "levee" for
her llret impressions, Mrs. Howard
aid. '.' '
It 1 alleged by Mra Howard that Pie
elsed and chloroformed er, pX ter which
he took .'her diamond rings , valued at
1700, from. her ear and finger.
- "I retursed tor aonsclousness In the
cab before ! got home," Mrs. Howara
reported to the police. "I did not know
my diamonds were gone until I reached
my room." -'x '" ''
"-.11 1 r,r in-r 1,1 .. ' ".
v . IJeamal Speetal Swvtce.1 -
Pomeroy, Wash, April I7.--The Pom-
eroy flour' mills, containing tlO.000
worth of grain and flour, burned early
thla morning. .Loaa $25,000. Origin un
known. The Allen hotel waa damaged
by watea : . .-
Some of the Officers and Delegates
' IS Mil
Eleven of Leading Stocks Plunge
: Downward in Spite of '.
' 5 ' : " 'Juggling..', j $
v ....;:.
Amalgamated I Feels ; Lawson's
y Rst to Tune of More Than 'A
; fi Five Millions.
(loaraal Special Service.) '
.. New Tork,prU t7. The total shrink
age In the value of .11 of . the leading
atocka in today alump aggregate
$S0,2I7,(72. Among- thoae showing the
heaviest loss are: .- Amalgamated, It,
SO.OOO; t Atchison, ' 3,0O4,000r Smelter,
ll.lSO.0vO; St. PauU IJ.M7.15; Cana
dian. Pacific, tt,7&0,000; - LoulavUle
Nashville, f3.400.000; New Tork Central.
ti.Dvv.vvv, rennsyivania, 'aia.vuv.gve;
Reading;- ti.2QO.000; Tennessee Coal,
1,I5MI; Union Pacino, 17,147,141.
-. Such d crash as waa witnessed on the
stock ' exchange , today - has' not 1 been
seen In this city for many a day.,
'' The Blgelow defalcation n Milwaukee
Is generally accredited by the trade a
being the' principal cause : of today
severe slump.. .... t -. .
The bulls are panlo-strlcken and even
the bears, whom - the market -enriched.
do-not-tknow.whaUto aay ottoday-a
performancea on -.'change.- .
The market opened .with a. down ward
tendency and but for vary , alight delays,
the price gradually worked toward the
bottom, j The closing-waa the weakest
een In jaaraw-' . :?-.. t.
The -losses rhown today are heavier
than, during any - recent session, all
thlnga consldere. .-v.- --' ,
' 'Tennessee CoareV' Irea proved a gold
mlne to the bears with its net loss of
M.llVon every share or a total losa en
all atocka Issued of tl.lsl.KS, .
Pennsylvania railway . Is . worth just
about $16,000,000 less -thla evening than
it wa last night.. During the day It
lost iz.zjh on every share of .atock.
Amalgamated Copper ran up asalnat
T A.inn and the Ku r tnAm . rA th.
total stock of th,corporatlon la valued
at 14,650,000 lesa than Uat night.
u account or a very u&ravoraoie
statement the Atchlaon to 11 way received
a alump of $2 a shar. toty or 11.004,000
on na louu noiainga. . ;
'-Union Paclflo had mora trouble tdtlaV
n ita conflict with the merger crowd
and thla, with otnar bear causes, let the
price .down Just about $7,147,140. .
' Reeding railway storks could ' not
wlthstandtha general slump and price
are $J oft on each share.. On Its total
capitalisation Reading today lost abouft
14,100,000. ,'','- ...' . , . , -
' ixoran Ksirsis unsssT. -'
: '' (ieoraai Spldel Servies.l f
, Kansss City, April 17. II. H. Tucker,
Jr.. today . bought a tO-acre tract at
Turner, Kanaaa. on. which he will build
a large- Independent oil refinery. -
' ' -i i ' . ' v"
t V f . . - ...
Ilwul SikMl.l ..!. l- '
Milwaukee, Wis., April ITl-r-rtre early
thla morning destroyed a six-story
salldlng" occupied by the Hanaoa JTur
company, Loaa, tlOO.OOO. ' ,
.TDM TTMM.ii22L50JM DKV J. JJiv E-t
Mil A SIyoSS
to the Oregon Development League
.Convention. i-irrcrv-T"
" ' 11 i 11 ! ' 1
Employes of Large Houses Co
Out Refusing to Handle-Goods
for Non-Union Firms.
Labor Leaders Threaten to Call
: Out Every' Trades Union Man
:,.::r.- .'Inithe City. ,y:
(Jnaraal SpecUl servtea.)
- Chicago, April 17. Five hundred po
licemen were detailed this morning to
the storm center of ' the , teamsters
strlka. It Is expected, that' tha strike
will spread to- several large houses and
be accompanied by vlolenca .The police
are escorting wagons to and from the
stores and freight houses. ' .'- -
.The driver of Marshall' Field A Co,
Carson, Pixie. Scott ft Co., John C Par-
well ft Co.,, Joined the strike this morn
lng. None of these concerns sent out
wagona from the barna .One hundred
and ninety, drivers of the Forbea Cart'
age Co. went out. "This strike affected
sv urms q wnica tne eoncerna furnish
wagona '''''- " .. . -. v-.-;-
. The driver of .the railway and ex
press qompanlea refuaed to haul aoods
for' the -compaalea . against ' which . the
teamsters struck, thus further eompll-
eating- the altuatton, Labor-' leaders
claim there will be 1,000 teamsters out
by' tonight. ' t - ' " '"' ', '
Xbor leaders threaten to . call out
every unionist in the city. If necessary,
to wtn the atrlke, which now hingea on
the employment by Montgomery Ward
ft Co. of -former union teamsters. A
special meeting of thehlcaao Federa
tion of Labor wllr be called to empower
the bualnesa agent to order strikes ac
cording to their discretion. v .
One hundred and sixty drivers of the
United States Express company refused
to deliver goods to" the boycotted flrma,
and atruck when one of their, number
waa discharged. Their action affords tha
opportunity desired by the employers to
sak the federal court a to enjoin the
strikers from Interfering with interstate
commerce. . ; ; , v.- . ' . ,' l
The strike waa precipitated by the re
fusal of Montgomery Ward ft Co. to re
instate any of their striking teamsters
when the strike called to assist the garment-workers
was called off, and was
ooca torted by an ultimatum by the Em
ployers' (association against unionism.
The great retail bualneas of the city
will practically be " paralysed until the
war is fought out. Shoppera will hardly
venture fata the fighting sons, and the
great stores like Marahall Field ft Co.,
Mandel Brnsf, Carson; Plrle. Hontt ft Ca,
Slegel ft Cooper and Rothschild's can
make no eJellverlea ot purchase -At
least thla service will, be fraught with
great danger and risk. , . j ,
' ' (loaraal SpeeUI Service.) '
" Rome,' April 17. A aeaaatlon haa been
created by the announcement that Tur
key haa leaaed Tripoli for yeara to a
French company, which -undertakes to
make extensive Improvement a in the
port, securing in return Import and ex
port pecuniary advantages. " -.J
State Rests Its Case and Boy's
Mother Goes to Stand to.
, Show. Son Is Insane,
Murderer's -Sister Is
Among Witnesses and States '
; ,; He Is Seventeen.
'jS-. v
v (Biwrlsl Dieeateh' te The JoarsaL)
Chehalls, Wash., April $7 The state's
case was brought unexpectedly to a
close in the trial of ; Tom Brown for
slaying hla father, thla motnlng after
three wltbeaaea had been called. These
wsre Surveyor Oetger to,-Identify the
Plata he had made of tha scene of tha
tragedy, 'John ' WOdebour. who staid
there the night of the crime and who
dug up' the 'first bullet fired at Brown
and produced 1t In court and Identified
the aame, and Mra Myrtle Toung. sis
ter of the .defendant. . She lives - in
Dryad, It miles from Brown's and had
not been home for two years until her
father-was killed.. She waa married
at IS, and gave Tom's age aa told by
his parents atlT. . ;
The state rested, Attorney Falkner
stating that the defense had stated la
open court that they admitted the kill
ing, and would plead insanity for the
prisoner. ' ..
Mrs. Florence A. , Brown, mother of
the prisoner, was the- first witnesa for
the defense. Attorney Ponder stated
they would prove her husband waa a
drunken. Indolent, degenerate man, who
had threatened his family, and threat
ened hla wife with death if ahe did not
deatroy her ' son Tom, - after his ' con
ception. and other statements along
such lines to show that 'the defendant
was an epileptic and had been- ao for
years. .'. ; . a '. ; .. .. :
The motnere testimony was along
llnea to eatabllah thee etatementa
There was a sharp legal eonteet over
the admission of certain evidence. Falk
ner contending that the. defense bad ao
right to introduce evidence showing tho
causes of Insanity alleged, but might
produce testimony toprove.that the
boy waa Insane. The court permitted
the evidence to go In. V
- Walter . Blake waa tha first witness
examined yeaterday. He is a brother of
Mra Florence Brown, mother of the
boy who is being tried for his Ufa Mr.
Blake testified to being called to the
seen ot the tragedy, on the evening
that It occurred, from his home about
one mile distant from ' that of tho
Brown . - ...
Blake stated that on the day ef the
murder he aW Tom Brown at th
school house, snd when called to the
Browne' home that night he met Tom
about a quarter of a mile from the
house. ' He asked him why he had-kllled
his father and the boy replied that he
had to do "It, and ' that -if he had not
killed him then he would have had to do
so at some other tlm When ; Blake
told tha boy that he could hava found
protection at the Blake home, the boy
Insisted that he had to Kill bis rather.
Blake told . the . story given by Tom
to him at the time of the murder, be
ginning with hla return to hla horn
after school waa dismissed.-of his dis
covery that his father had borrowed hla
pony to use without his knowing It. and
his starting down tne. road to, meet nis
father and , brother Charles when he
found this out. " -
According to 'Blake th accused boy
told htm thst he hsd found his father
with the ream stuck trom pulling tod
heavy a load and that a quarrel enaued
In which Tom Insisted that hla father
take th pony put ' Tom claimed that
(Continued on Page' Two,)
m a
:-;i:" --.-
. . (Joenal SpeeUI ikrvtee;)
Omaha Anrll 17. With a , revolver.
Em II Schwarta fought against jeath In
the tee box of a Union Paclnd refrig
erator ear. After five day of Arctlo
expoaur he finally attracted attentloa
and gained relief by firing a pistol shot
through the roof of the car as the brake
man waa paaalng overhead.
Schwars avaa en route to New Tork
from San Francis and rode In a re
frigerator ear from Laraml Wyoming,
to Omaha. During the Journey he lost
It pounds, and when rescued bo' h feet
were 1., n so he could not -- 1. C
vccilitlcs, Keynote cfK
Meri Who Are Pulling Altogether
. Well-Directed", Effort .to i:
Build Up the State Discuss V
Oregon' Resotf rcest ;
Men of eastern and western 'Oregon
clasped hands today across the Cascade; '
and made a vow to continue pnceaalng-l
ly to work for railroad connectlona be- -tween
th . Willamette valley and tha
great isolated sections of the state. v-
Transportation facilities was the key- '
note of today sessions of th Oregon
Development league. Nearly all the res
olutlona and many of the speakera re-
ferred to transportation problem . The
absolute necessity -of more progressive
pollclea along this line. - if Oregon la1
to be developed la the preeent decade, ia
keenly ..appreciated by-all the leading
minds In the league. Sentiment through- -'
out tha-state criticises the ultra-oon-servative
policy of existing railway
llnea, and tha man in attendance at the
convention are giving expression to It
They want - the railroad companle to.
puah out through the atate, build feed
era and- cross the' state from east to
weat Many committees are ready to- .
extend material assistance Int construct
ing such llnea ! -',.,. ..
': Oat ' mednoad : staves.' -Preajdent
Smith said he had received
Information to the effect that th rail-" '
roada hava 'already practically ' decided
to grant- reduced rates With Stopover
privilege, from Portland to all point .
reached by the lines in Oregon, to en
courage exposition visitor -to make side
trips and inspect the country. ' The an
nouncement caused great enthusiasm in '
th convention.. President Smith -then
appointed the following committee to
confer with the railroad officials on thla ;
aubjectr- Colonel K. Hofer of Salem,'
Judge Stephen A, Lowell of Pendleton.
H. M- Cake of Portland, Walter Grlffln
ot Eugene, L. 3. Simpson of North Bend. .
. Today'a sessions concluded th second .
annual convention of the leagu Sec
tion reports were reed and adopted, reso
lutions were paased expressing the sen
timents 1 ef ' the delegatee on various
questions affecting th business inter
ests of th atate, brief addresses were
made by Judge Lowell of Pendleton, Dr.
W. C. Eliot Colonel R. W. Richardson of
Omaha,. Judge J. H. Scott ot Salem. J. W.
Bailey, Jefferson. Myers, . Colonel E.
Hofer and other , -,. ,j
''-: - Want Bfosa SMlroada.". "
' Henry Hahn. of the open -river com
mittee of the Portland chamber of com
mere submitted the following resolu- "
tlon at the morning, aeaalon: - '
"Where Practically all of the rail
road systems operating In this atate are.
under one control and one management,
and '
Whereaa, For a number of year pest
but little additional mileage ha been
built in thla stste, and
"Wherea A large portion" bf this
state Is now without proper transporta
tion facllltle and
Vhereas, Bald portions of Said etate ''
have great natural resources and large ;
bodies of unoccupied land which only
need transportation facilities in order to
be settled upon and developed, and
. "Wherea It la absolutely essential -
to the interests ejf this state and to alt
parts and portions thereof that such'
transportation facilities - be furnished
at once, and - ' - -
."Wherea On several occasions direct'
etatementa have been made that . new-,
roads would be built and extended into
the Interior of th state, aa well as tov
the coast sections thereof; now. there- - K
for be It . . . . '
"Reeolved, That the Oregon Develop
ment league, composed of members from
all parts of the state of Oregon, does ,
(-hereby express Its regret that aald roada
gave not been . built, and doea hereby -earnestly
request the said transporta
tion companies to build railway' llnea
and furnish transportation ifaclli ties to
the' portlona of this atate now without
them. ' -i .' ' ;
.''' Taaaka fo SUlp. . -
f Judge Lowell of -Pendleton made sj
strong speech In support of the resolu
tion. He said It was a matter for deep
gratification among thaeitlseng of east
ern and central Oregon to see the men
of the Willamette valley and Portlamt
Join handa tb help the people eaat of
th Caacadee In their effort ta secure
transportation facllltle He paid a fine
(Continued on Paga Two.
'' t did not suffer much until th tr tr 1
day. The car seemed to gel cnUer
and colder and I feared to go to ;.,
Staying awake is whst make a f '
eras. 1 felt a grinding pala In '
stomach, aa though two bone w -blng
together. I walked xt
tha car until I dropped. 1 1
the car waa terrible and ad y
came over me. A r VLln i
through the lege s I -- '
sleep made r r- r ' , r
from the eo! - i
At vy ,
efforts (
te t
t '
scr:.. ; U t ;srlenoa, Bchtri "i
. . ' , :
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