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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
P0ttTLAWD.-D!IEAKS EVEN In Last Contest of Series Dillon i Men Lose Racing News, Box ing Gossip and Baseball Chatter. JL A. HOKAN ? LONG. G Af.IE ERDS " CARABANA BASEBALL riSiEr4 VIRGINIA CARROLL HAS PASSED: AWAY immm Buggy . broke down; horse . frightened. . ran away p'driver fatally' injured. "' 7 7 THE -CAUSE: Poorly made buggy; nothing under4 the paint .'. i ; LOCALS' FAVOR Jn r Last -Game the . Ansrels "Couldn't Keep Pace With - v: V Portland, c- i ':. -7.1 y ': GOOD SIZED CROWD r : V ; SAW THE CONTEST Los Angeles Leaves for Seattle -.-r-and Tacoma . Will Open '4'-? Here Today. Portland I. Loa Angeles 4. '' Batteries Essick. Garvin and ? Mur phy; Gray and Eagar. . . - A good-slsed Monday crowd witnessed tba Portland team (lra tha Angels a Una tannine yesterday afternoon, and al- though thetomedragged through tha long period of 111 mlnutaa and ) con da. j tba (ana want home pleased at tha way In which the" locals smashed tha ball when runa wara needed. Of oouraa tbara waa a basketful of arrora toaaad Into tha match by both nines, tha vlaltora' J mlaplays counting far mora than tha loeela. Tbara waa tha usual amount of kicking by Dillon and hla trlba at Klopfa decisions, bat tha Angela left laat night for Seattle, vowing that they , would bury tha hatchetr-somewhere in (he umpire's anatomy. . , '- . Eaalck pltobad Ave Innings and waa ', relieved by Oarrln, who had tha Angela faded throughout tha remainder of tha game. , ..- -. . . The advertising banner waa hoisted on tha flagpole and there waa no on "bung" by. tha thumbs. Each team aaoured a hit In . the first inning, but there waa nothing doing in tba scoring line, for batsmen failed to it get beyond first. One, two, three was tha order for tha s second, - and third ramnirs, but - in - tha fourth-Portland want after Dolly Oray and batted in two runs. Harry Bchlafly led off with a pretty hit to center. Householder sacrificed neatly. Bchlafly scored when Rosa muffed McLean s . long fly. Ats hit through Blood, sand' lng McLean to third. Raakle's hit ' scored big Mao. Catea hit to Dillon end Runkio . . waa retired at - second. Harry Murphy secured a pass and the eases were ruu. nut jseaicK nit to JUd . Smith and the aide waa retired. .Cravath Started some pyrotechnics In . the Angels' hair of the urth by swat ting for two sacks. Roes neat one out and on Toman's out at first Crave th '.. scored. Bobby Bagar bunted toward Runkla and beat tha throw which scored ' Ross. Grey's ant to McLean put Eager on second, from whence be scored on Cates' error In letting Bernard's hit go through him. Flood fanned and . tha side was out . Portland .came back with - three in their naif. - Van Buren flew to Toman. Bchlafly walkaj, but was retired in an attempt to steal. Householder dumped , ' one at . Oray which He beat out and scored from first on McLean's long twe bagger to - center, Mao going - to third when Eager allowed Bernard's threw to roll to tha grandstand. Jake Ata w hit Jby a wild shoot and immediately stole second. Rankle hit to Dillon, who ' luggled but tossed to Oray in time to get the runner, but Dolly dropped the - ball and Lou - we s safe. Ata soar - from seoond on the play. Cates strike out ended the tnnlng. Three more were registered by Port' land "in the seventh. . Dolly- Graf . threw Householder's bunt away and Eddie went to third on the error. Mo Lean's seoond. : two-seeker brought Householder oyer thtjilatcta fol- . lowed M Li sen -wtu anotner aouoia, sooting tha big fellow. Runkla sacri- You have heard ' of the man who tried to walk oil his hands so he could save his shoes. The' result was he lost time, wasted his energy and could make no progress. .Just so with the man who fries to secure more, style- and .' elegance in - furnishings than, our stock presents. 'Why not take a look at our harylsorme showing of .Clnett Shirts? ' S k . Robinson Hotel Perkins Bldg. f:, St Reading From Left to Right the PUyen Are: P. Walker, Smith, (Mgr.) flood Ats to third, from "Whence scored on Cates out at first, lie Smith walked in the Angels' half of the eighth, took second on Dillon's out Cravath hit to Bchlafly, wno threw him out at first, and McLean threw the bail away trying for Bmitfc at' third.' Ross walked but Toman could not get the bail nasi McLean and the aide waa out U Portland s ban or the eigntn, witn two down, Bchlafly beat out a alow one to Toman and stole seoond. going to third when Eagars throw rolled out to Bernard. Householder walked and ha and Bchlafly pulled off .the first double steal of the season, Larry scoring and Eddie taking second. Smith . captured McLean's pop and tha scoring was over for the day, and the Angels failed to negotiate in the ninth. The official .score follows: PORTLAND, ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Van Buren, 1C 4 0 0 0,10 Bchlafly, lb. .'. 4 Householder, cc a McLean, lb. t . ii S 0 Ata, ee. ...!. I Runkla, lb. S 1 catea. rx. 0'' Murphy, a. ........ 1 0. 0; 10 Essick, p. I 0 0 0 0 0 Garvin, p. I 0 0-0 t ft Totals .T. 1 JT II " ; tea 'ANGELES. 4 - - AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hern aro, .. ......... o s a v Flood. Ib. f t Smith, lb. I 1 Dillon, lb. . 4. 0 Cravath. rf. . . ....... 1 1 ROSS, If. ....... mmmtm I 1 Toman, as. 4 0 Eaaar. a, 4. 1 Oray. p,- .m...-. a tT. If I Totals . -..1.4...H 7 It. IS . . ,i SCORE BT INNINGS. - .-- : ' . , 1 I I 4 6 t I Lea Angeles M...0 0 0 I 0 0 1 6- 4 Hlta .ivvei i-7 Portland .0 1011 0 ...i Mini I mis ARTr3 -Br Essick. (Rosa. To man jr iooa i, uernara: Dy uray, l vae- Van Buren. Bchlafly, Householder) ; erf Eaalck, l(Bm!tb; on uamn, j Smith, Roaa. Two-base hits McLean. 1. Ata yravetn. Leri on oases Portland, 7; Los Angeles. 7. First base on errors Portland. I: Lea Angeles, M. , Bacrinoe hlta Householder. Runkla, Cravath. stolen basea Bernard t. Bohlaflv 2. Householder. Runkle, Ats,' Catea.' Hit by pitched oao Ata. passed ball Mur Shy. innings pucoeo y Eaalck, ; by arvin, 4. Base hlta Oft Eaalck, i j(t Oarvln. I. ' Runs scored by opponents at time rucner eica waa- laaen out S. Time ef game Two hours and la min utes. Umpire Klopf. . ... . . j VAomo ooabt zaaava. 7 ! CLUB. Oaklaad L TeoMBe 1 1 1 1 11 n 1 Baa rraaelace , Urn aaaelas Portlaad ........... BMttle to. 131! : VAXXOXAX XJaAOtnt. -J 1 II. ,. h ' ' . Won. - Lost. PC. .167 '.625 .168 .too .441 .444 .171 .100 New Tork . ' , 1 ... Pittsburg . . .2 6 1 Chicago . t- .mv....m 6 4 " Philadelphia ........ I - f Roaton . . 4 S Cincinnati . ' 4 . R. .; '. Bt. LOUla ...... I " 5" Brooklyn . I . t At Brooklyn R. H.E. .1.1 I 4 I Brooklyn . ...... . Boston tmwn . . ............... .e a e Battene BtncKiett, Bcanlon in and Umpire Rlttert Harley and Needham. Johnston. . . AtChtoege. -. j.f-R. H.E. Chlcaga . ..... Pltteburg ... M. , . . Batteries wei Welmer and Klinv- Leaver, Hlidebraad. Case and , Pelt. Cincinnati Dt. inu. . m. ......, ... e e s - Batteries Hahn and Bchlel; Eagan and Warner. ; Umpire Cam. . , - 1 . : V At STew Tork. Vlt H.K. . 11. 4 rniivuiinw , ....... . ( x Batterlea Matthewson and Breana. han; Duggleby and Dooln. Umpires Emslle and Bausewtne. , . , . ; I1...11.I l A . lor, . ........MAM.B 1 'y atto maoa Brora. A movement is on foot to hold .a han. dlcap automobile race next Saturday afternoon on the Base Line "road. The plana are not 00m plated yet bat it the scheme can be carried out there will be some tali speeding alone that highway Seurdatv. 1 - . . I, 1,1 4 0 i$ t m li-i IB .047 14 . la .boo 10 .41 10 .4W T .S04 V. : f: ..... 10 0 43 lK- rt'ft- 'in' vN - 4 ? 4 XTOTTOn TO AMAraTTBS. . AU . notices of amateur base--. 'ball games, challenges and ath- letlo events must be sent to thlsr ig : office before I o'clock' al m. on the -day for publication.'-' Ama-4 teur managers should pay t-j tention to this rule, as the keep.' :lng of it will Insure a proper report ' of .. their . domga. Tba Journal. QAM tMAaiHL; Detroit . . . Philadelphia New Tork . Washington St ' Louis cieveiana I.OKSIO . Boston n t ' ' , ' At Brew Tork.' . Z . ' . R. H.E. W.ahlnvtmi j . JJL 1 7 S few Tork V S7T.lHx Batterlea Patten and Klttredge; -nviinai. jrvweit .anu Jacuruire. - .- Aa BMler' " aftHTOlC i es t41 9 Clrlmnd - .0 S Batteries Kltson and Flood: Moore tA n.mi. ..... r ., At Boston. R. H. E. ... 1 Boston PhlladelDhia r V . ... i e -1 Batterlea Tannehlu and MoGovern: Plank and Powera. V . At" Bt Xrfmiev .1 .R.H.E. .. 14 1 Bt Ixmla . v,nii;.KU . . . ..1 I I, Murnw BUQDgn ana ouin an : uwen ;tert UQ DUUTUk ' ." .'-.'' ' COFFROTfTREFUSED PERMIT, FOR CONTEST . ... . ... -..,, (Jearaal SpmUI Serrlaa.) . . . ' ' Ban . Franelsco, April II. Jamas W. CofTroth. the well known flstlo promoter. who controls the Tosemlte Athletic elub of this city, atld who bad matched Jim. my BrUt witU Jabea'Whll. wag refused the May permit for the affair, by the board of supervisors yesterday,' which body. Immediately issued a 'permit for the same .contest to take place undrr the auspices of the Hayes Valley' club, Co (troth's rival In local fistlo circles. The action of the board yesterday has o rested a great deal of dlaouaaion among the local followers of fistlana, and the oonseneus of opinion seems to be that it means the retirement of CofTroth as a fight promoter. Now that the matter as to which of the rival clubs would pull off the bout la settled, Morris Levy and the pro motera of the Hares Valley club can go ahead, and complete arrangements for the affair. The exact date of the bout has not yet been decided upon bu t will in au probability be early m May. f BASEBALL SEASON TO v v XPEN AT SPOKANE .-.-. -' : -;. . v "'(i (Bpedal Dtepetch to Tat jearaal.) ' Spokane. Wash.. April It.-The pro. fesslonal season of baseball will be opened tomorrow with A big street pa rade. Arrans-emsnts have been com pleted by C H. Wllltams, proprietor of the Bnokana team, in tlas Faciflo Na tional league; for the .celebration, which will take place in the1 afternoon before tha opening game ebtween the Indians and ReUleys Salt Lake Elders.. . An sscort of police will be In the pa rade, neat a brass band, following which the Indians will pass in automobiles and tha Eiders will be Just behind them In autos. Mayor Boyd. Chief of Police Waller, city of f Iclala. and tha city coun- ctlmen will ride in carrlagea. ,. If tha weather. Is favorable tomorrow will be the biggest opening day In, the history of Spokane. The opening game will be particularly Interesting, Inas much ss Rellley, Salt Lake's present manager.-menagedriTi Indian IasTTea. on. . . , .. , - '. ... ;-x'......ur"83BXB' sirnrn. Sporting Editor JournaL8Ir Unfor tunately I -am a small man. weighing but 111 poundv'and I have been threat ened with bodily harm by a big fat man who lives nest doer- te-jny boarding house on Washington' street VWIU you please advise me what kind of a.Jlu Jtttm grip I would use on him la ease of attack."- - ' ' Answer Should you pa in danger ef violence from a fat man, go Into the nearest bakery and order a custard. pie. Then, -as he rushes at you, slap him sharply In the eyes with, the pie.. This will csuae'such awful rage that be wUl ; Won. Lost P.C. '.'I'lli.'L! 6 , I I71 ........ 4 ; " . 4 .600 I I .400 ... . 8 .175 I .160 die with apoplexy, on tha spot. ' 1 yoajtM n. Wiser, Dunkin, A. Thompson, T. LONG SHOTS PLAY Z PRANKS AT OAKLAND Mischief , at Thirty Rays With His Held and ' .Wins ,. Futurity. Race. (Jeoraal Ssselal Service.) - - . Ban Francisco,' April IB. Long shots had their inning at Oakland track yes terday, four of them winning in good style. Mischief wss backed from 10 to 10 to l,nd had an easy time and a Cinch wfth his field. Results: . Three and a half furlongs Bt' Iran, els won, , Commodore T-""M second, Legal Form third; time, 0:41. Futurity eoorsa Mischief won, T.""X Cox second. HI Caul Cap third; time, 1.11H. - . - Five and ' a half furlongs Angelica won. Maggie Mackey second. Cloud Ught third; time, 1:0114. Mile and a slxtantb Rey Dace won, ronuiwiui houhl jaca ruu uira time, 1:4714. Seven furlongs Toupee won.' Flaunt second, 1 Chihuahua third;-, time. 1.-27 - . - 1 Mile Ralph Toung won. Judge .Dea ton second, Magrana third; time, 1:4414 ' ' '' At SO." bonis Fair arouads. St Louis, April I (.Fair grounds re- sults; -- s - . :.Vi Four furlongs Topsy Robinson won Jane Rachel second, Rustic Lady third; ume, v:v. Five and a half furlongs Juoora won, Lucky" Charm aecond. Colonel White third; tune. 1:01. Mile King Ellsworth won, Blennen- worth second. Canyon third; time, 1:41. Six furlongs Forehand won. Pinker ton' second, Mayor Johnson third; time, 1:14. . Bur furlongs W. F. Palmer won, Awakening second. Miss Affable third; Ume. i:J4. . . Mile and TO yards Tartan won. Ban' nock Bella - second. Decoration third; time,. I;4i !-. '.,. . ,. , Amerloan Jockey Club. Bt Louis. April 16. Americas.. Jockey club results Mile Melo B. won, Stalker second. prince Real tnira; ume, i:4. Mile and 70 yards 8t Resolute won, Lord -Hormsnce second, The Maaaangar third: time. l:4f a-e. Four - forlonse- Orove Center won. Running Miss seoond, J. A.Cpllett third; time, :. , i Six furlongs Hobsons Choice won. Oavla C. second, Billy HandseU third; time. 1:17. Six and - a half furlongs Rightful won, Hal C. Bberman second, Aden third; time, 1:11. Mile Krbe won, Morendo seoond, Ala- basck third; time, 1:414-6. S , 4 Nashville. Tenn- April IS.-Cnmber land Park results: Sour and a half furlongs Charley Eastman won, Peina second, Polly Prim third; Ume, 0:S5 l-l. Six furlongs Nannie Hodge won. Miss Jordan second, Mabel Winn third; time, 1:1414. Mile and a sixteenth Juba wen. Post master Wright second. Blue Mint third; Ume, 1:80. . . '. ; BterDlechase. short course Red Car won, Bvander second, Mr. Rose, third! Ume. 1:04. i, i 7 Beven and a half furlongs -Jake won. Columbia Olfl second, . Ben vol lo third; time. 1:25U.) Six and a half furlongs Chantrelle won. Violin second, Ogonta, third', Ume, 1:1114. . . . ; !. ' - At Aonednet raek.' ' '. ' 'r New Tork. April IS. The Aneduct summary follows: . Seven furlongs Whorter won, Wlaard second. King Pepper third; time, 1:27. . Handicap, OH furlongs Mona won. Rose Tint second, Buttling third; time, 1:21. - - Half mile Oaklawn won. Veronese second. High Brush third; time, 0:40. " .riuithlng jltakas ml1a.Orenade weiv Ocean Tide second, Sals third; time, 1:40. ' Four' and a half furlongs Phyllis A. won. Avtson second, Ethel Haymas tblrdrilme.- 0rt. " Bis furlongs Regal won, Fboebut second. Ism alien third: time, 1:11 4-a. Amu .vs. BTnrsf. . (Joenal Special semes.) w-c " Sharon, Fa J April tl. The - feather weight cbampldnshlp of. eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania is the title for which Abe Attell and Jimmy Dung are to engage in a. 11-round boat tonight before ; the Nonpareil Athletto club, of tmilh flK.A... A f. .1 1 hi, '.t(Mt covered from bis recent Illness and ap pear to be in first-rate shape, for the 4 contest . ' .- One of the Most Noted Turf Men - v; In America Succumbs to : "4 ;.;,'. Disease.-: V '- , . OWNED BLUE JEANS? ' i . . FAMOUS FOR YEARS He Had Nerves ot Steel in .Bet- ting Ring and Made Many rr" ' .. Odd Wagers. : -; . ' (Jearaal Special gerrta,) " ', , New Orleans, April IS. Jamea J. Car-, roll, better known as rvirglnia,-.- for many -eara one of the moat noted fig urea on the American turf, who haa been suffering for some months' with cancer of the throat la dead. . : He fought a hard bat useless fight against the dread dlaeaae. and was twice operated on mince hie has been in New Orleana. ' ' -Mr. Carroll is not an old man, ha v lng been born 47 yeara ago tn New Orleana His pople still resid there, and are very prominent He has two brothers here one a prominent lawyer, the other a proaperoua promoter of rail way venTurea, having but recently ac quired franchises for a street railway system in Algiers, .an outgrowth ot New Orleans or the opposite side, of the river. Hla mother, .who after the "death of her husband married a prominent) Orleans Ian named Noble, is still living and is hale and hearty. He gas two sisters, one of whom Is the wlfe-of Rev. Dr. Wa ters in Canfidavand another who Uvea here and wbe was chosen queen of -the carnival bare but a fw yeara ego. The sobriquet of "Virginia" was at taebed to Mr. Car soil while he waa at school... he being a graduate of the Ran dolph Mason college, Ashland. Virginia. He became so fond of the neighborhood where he was educated that he after ward purchased a fauns there and formed the acquaintances which led htm to the turf. One of his friends ef that period waa old Major Tom DosweU. Mr. Car roll soon alocked his .farm- with race horses, having at one time a total of 10 head. His first purchase was old Bob Harper, which he bought from Major DoewelL One of the most famous horses he ever owned waa Blue Jeana, with. which be beat the great Proctor Knott ' He also owned and raced Sieve, a great stayer, who waa hard ta beat in tha four-mile heat races which were popular in his time.-. He also owned and raced The Vintage, Time Mare, by Luke Blackburn, which is now In the atud of . Barney ncareioer ae--Btidgeton. Missouri. , One day at Bt Louis two summers ago Carroll laid 1 to 10 that Little Boout would not show in a four-horse race in which the Bennett campaigner, waa a 4 to i favorite to win. -7"The race came down to a four-horse nose finish, end Little Scout's nose waa fourth, and Carroll kept In his box f 1,000 against which he had laid 1100 that Lit tle Bcout would not show. Laat winter he won a big bet on Maltster, who was a very short-priced favorite. Carroll laid 1 to i Maltster would not be in the money, and the Oay sprinter was left at the post .-.-- T "dIamond glisten ings. On account of the great prominence of the so-called "spit" ball this season, and Inasmuch aa Jones, Cates, Easlck and Garvin have mastered it to tba sat Is faction of themselves, it seems proper st this Ume to promulgate a half doaen rules for the aaaeral benefit of the Ltwlrlera and the edification of the fans In common. Here are the suggestions Ruts 1 In order not to offend the sense of decency, in the spectators, the pitcher should carry the balr back bind the clubhouse before spitting on It Rule 1 Always signal the catcher be fore throwing the spit ball. In order to allow, hint an. opportwnlty-to- doll g Tain coat and raise an umbrella. Rule 2 Tobacco spit Is strongly ad' vised. , Rule 4 On ladles' day pitchers should generate saliva by chewing musk or peppennlnt-ecented gum. Rule a One hour of practice- each day should be devoted to developing tha. spit' Ung eye,, la order that proficiency in placing the spit In the proper, place on the ball may be attained. Rule 0 Left-handed . pitchers should learn to spit from the right side of the motth and tight-hand era from the- left side.- .'.). - 'Ji: . ', One of Umpire Klopfs greatest faults Is his earnest desire to argue -' with every player, man, woman and ebtld at the ball games. While his other faults re many, there la none that lessens his hold upon sis position so much as his argumentative turobf mind. Klopf lacks every Vestige of tact' On Sunday afternoon, in the hearing of a half dosen fans, be openly declared what he Intended doing to Manager McCredie, A few days before he also stated that he had no nse for Dillon at all. and that on the first opportunity he would cinch the-Angels'-captain. Such remarks are certain to causa the undoing ef sny um pire and Incite' players to rowdyism. - The fault with the umpiring yesterday eras Klopfs failure to Judge line drive Ats drove a fair ball down the third base fine, -and on trying to field it Smith knocked It out of line, and Klopf promptly called It foul. Dillon knocked foul fly to right field,- and Klopf called It safe. ' Line drives cannot be properly judged by an official standing behind the pitcher' box. Klopf should know this. ' '' Portland made a splendid showing during last week's aeries, when with the team badly crippled it broke even with the fast Loe Angeles Jeam. With any kind of luck Portland should have cap tured the two extra Inning games. WonAoam's Thertomptnr by-the-risitoi'S. " Army rare- the show lng has greatly pleased the local fan a Eager, the Angels' change catcher, la the biggest baby lb lbs world. If a foul tip la made, or If Uxvball touches any part of bis clothing, he Immediately has a fit for a minute or two, whether or not he Is hurt Bach silly pranks are out ot place In Coaat league company. Rasebslr poetry Is the genutns article for the fane. . It la vaatly superior front a standpoint ot ' Intellgence than plain, prosaic , sentences . composed without verbs. "v , , ., , The Tacotna, team, last year's cham pions, - arrived here this morning, and will meet the -locals for the first time this- season. Captain Charlie Oraham and the Taeoma boys are playing fine ball and expect to break even' with Mo Credle's team. I - ' , BUI Thomaa Is slated to pitch the -VApenlns game for T aroma, and is IS XHiRBcirBuggy Its The Bteel body corner, superior to any other made, absolutely the best tn use. pollings Collar on long distance axle, helps keep- dust and dirt from the spindle. . Bailey Loops dipped to - spring bn lighter rigs. wood spring bars en heavy ones. Bradley Quick Shifting Coupler.,; CI"1 .expensive and best made, j Wrought Iron Rear King Bolt i'tfth. Wheel, a most Important feature over rough roads where the Tf U j ; wheel Is subjected to a continuous twisting and grinding. This feat. ' ure alone makes' the MITCHELL BCOOY worth at least V0O jmore . than a buggy with malleable fifth wheel, such ss Is used by ninety-nine out of one hundred manufacturers. Can be repaired by any blacksmith, malleable wheel cannot; this is an Important feature better think about it Axles and body especially well Ironed. . - " - We have them in other styles too and can suit both your taste and pocketbook. 7 EVEfcYTHINC FOR QUALITY: MITCHELL BVCCOtS " ' liB f 1 ve'yrlh 1 t .Tbe Following Prices- sre Retail, Delivered to Consumer ; j ' Smlk . ' . . SaakeS ',1 I PeacockRock Springs 6.50 ' 7.00 f :: Kemmerer . . . v . . 6.50 i ,7.00 f ' ' other coals proportionately low. po not pay more than fT.Ot for the ' , , !. - . best screened coaL .- ' ' : : The: Pacific Coast Co. ! : t '- CHAS. a V-; -. MM , We e. erewa asd bride war without sale. Oer IS yean' esperleace ta plate work ea-abtas-wJ . fltyaer SMth eeaUiirtably. -. De. W. A. Wlae baa Wise I extract frMta,' abaatataly wltseat pals. Or. T. P. Wise is aa expert at raid fllUag aad erawa aad erldr werk. ixtraettsg free wbee. slatse or brtdsae are etaeiis. - WISE BROS. Dentists raJUs aatldiag, ear. Tkird asd Weak Ota' Opes evaeiage till s. - SaBAays' (reel 0 tola. Or. kUIa028. .' Dm. T. T. WWs. grand form this season, having fire vie tnrltia. ta tile cradlt. Vlrgll Garvin is slated to work-for Portland, and aa be Is also In fine form. the locals can be depended upon to give the Tigers a battle. McLean la still troubled with a sore toe which was Injured during the Oak land series. This handicaps the big fel low's base running, but otherwise be is ail right -If he can keep hitting the bal aa hasd as-ka did yesterday, be wil'not have to run very hard. . . D U ALTR AC KllEELAT- C0RVALUS SATURDAY (Oeetlal Otopatek to The Jearaal.) Corvallla. Or, April SI. A week from Saturday on O. A. C. field there win be aa atbletlo event' that will attract all lovers of Such events hi this section. It is the big meet between Corvallla and Columbia university, and it la confi dently predicted that O. A. C men will do even better In the local affair next Saturday than they did at the Columbia meet In Portland last week. The great est Interest centers tn tbe struggle that ill take place between Kelly, the fast man on the Columbia team, and Wil liams and Smlthson of O. A. C This Is subject that la much discussed by local snorts, and it will be the drawing Nard that will attract the crowd to that day's- sports. Baturday or tnis wees, on the local field, there win be a try out to determine the team of O. A. C for the balance ef the season. There will be 14 or 11 events, with a large number of men participating In each. Many men are practicing dally, and each position on the team will , have man? aspirants. -- - Physical Director Trine or u. a. u was tha subject Saturday ot a surgical operation for a diseased condition of a bone In the chin. - He ia recovering as rapidly aa possible, but.. Is '-not in bis place looking after the Aggies In their pracUce. ' - . . TTnur- llll STfTOBT. - The nupils of the Portland Social Turn vereln will give their annual gym nastic'' exhibition on Monday evening. May 1. at the Turn halle gymnasium. at I O'clock, and is as follows: Overture, orchestra: entrance or ail classes: Maypole drill,, girl' class; In dian elub drill, first division boys- class. slon boys' clasa: poison snake, seoond dtvleicm boys' class: kipping the rope, girls' cTeas. Pyramids on tames ana chairs, boys class. Apparatus work- Rings, first division ladies- cia; pan allel bars, first division - girts- mass. Combination drirl Wand zercises. la dles class: dumb-bell exerclsea. senior class. Apparatus work raraiiei oars, senior class. . . ..- r - , WUlametie'e basebaU team put ap a rood article of ball.on taeur some grounds, and defeated the Chemawa In diana, to I, on Suiwday, The game was snappy from the beginning Until the eighth Inning, and here Teban, the In dian pitcher, waa red bard fur men eves VP to the 1 tve r for 1 l t 4 t t User's Life Insafarice Reason Vehicles Bicycles Implements. Harness First and Taylor Sti M rKiwca REDUCED : ' CLEJH Aseat ' . Sv Telephones OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMOO; teaae a ear was MQilofOIR fin Havana&qars. . AAY SIC. SICHEL a CO. . . ON 8AIB SVERYWHERB. Why Not Avail yourself or tbe opportunity of taking a Business or Shorthand course during the summer months, when the schools are not orowded, thus equipping foun t is ourself for a good position la the fall i i a sironie mine- 10 no. vex ina re sults are incalculable. We assist our graduates In finding positions. BEHNKE - WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE gtatn and Morrison 11a, Vortland, Ore. . Open aU the year. Call er send for , . , ; Catalogue. . , M the worst 4 tarth. yet tb. eertwt t cere WHICH IO(J KNOW - WilaT TO IKK staay a... plax ' eiwte aa tbe sar.s ta tha . Lw"lll3Jklll lawitk. ale raui. I UIUUIU alr. e nal na. m. t.rrn. aad aoa't kaow : It to BLOOD POISON. Send, to PR. BROWN, Arch it.. PaUartrlpal. Paaa-. Aw 1K"W , BLOOU CURB. 3.00 per buttle; Ue eoe " smth. Sold la Portland asly by grass Saa. ' Partlasd Betal Pbaraiaay. tit 0 db. w. a. war. awaswawjsnaawJHai BLOOD and It looked like anybody's game.'' The Infield work or both' teams was fait. " Jennaa Eltc;djt. good, game -L kept-, his' bits well seattered. Seven batsmen . -could not solve hls-bendere: and though Teban struck out more men, yet be did not use his bead as did Jennan. - spoxAJTB Arm rtosri. " " iSaeelal Dtopairh to Tee Jearaal) Spokane, Wash, April H.-SThe man. agement of the Spokane Amateur Ath letto club telegrapwed an offer ef f 1,00 to the manager of Martin Doff y for the forthcoming . fight between Puffy end Mellody. . Butte has been arter mis nrt. ' Mellodr sertlr prowlswd to f ' Duffy W Butte on VLnr Bpokaae makes the r - offer for tbs mill I fight ta be In th'e t one of the beet r. year aad dmJsU