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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
v- - :,:i' . , i 'r . 1 . ....... . Mr. Korta" BisDirs l.JTIO . . "Ul LjBae' Tba Maa from ru4 .VauOeviiie ur i....,........,..,..Vrr1'U baker ........v, .......,.. Vaauevtue Owing to a misapprehension, eltlsens of th East Burnslde and Union avenue district yesterday circulated a petition easing we oouniy court 10 arrange who tha oontractora who ar repairing Burn alda bridge to put In a temporary plank ' way ao that foot passengers ana -teaeps may cross during tha, time tha bridge work la being- don. Today satlsfao tory explanation was mad by Superin tendent Chapman, In charge of tba re pair work for tb - county. . that . the county court ha already a clause in the contract that, provide - that the- con tractors shall open tba bridge to team and foot traffic ao soon aa the B chlnery. of tba draw shall have been put in good condition. The draw waa swung serefal day ago in order to permit the machinery to be repaired, ana in a-lew daya more will be in use again, ' when the temporary planking will be put down and one side of the bridge will Re opened to. the public r -' Exhaustive teats of the Union Pacific IUUroad company' new. gasoline motor car - are being made on it trip from Omaha, to Portland. It baa finished a satisfactory run in regular passenger service between Grand Island and 8t Paul. Nebraaka, and is now in Denver. It will make the run between, that city and Greeley In a day or two. and then proceed to Cheyenne and Salt Lake, for teat on the hills that make trouble for team cars In that region.? It Is .said the car U1 .reach Portland-In about a Week. J , , . ; '. ., ' h . ' .' , ' ' '" - , ; ' Company A. of the Newll Rivervlew academy, returned this morning from six days' encampment at ML St, Helena. Tha outing aa planned waa for only five days, but the cadet found ao many de light In the ramp rmtttno and the out- Marqnea.,. Columbia door work that Principal Newlll added nnother day to their tay A regular army aoldler wa In charge of the camp. " 'and- bis report to the principal showed that the guardhouse waa' not used, and ''that' the boy fen Into the drill and ': f guard duty as naturally as though they k bad been seasoned -veteran. -, .... What Is undoubtedly a moat unique ' publication la . the Buyer Monthly , . ; : Bulletin, which is being edited by B. - j -Lloyd Bayly, 'a well-known advertising ' man, and which will malt It appear- . v a nee on the 14th of May. The. Bulletin - will appear in, the form of combine ."' , ' t(on catalogue and will reach 10.000 mail - - order buyer In Oregon, Washington and , Idaho. Only one Arm of a kind will be . . represented in the Bulletin, and for that '" -I .; reason .will be unusual and doubtless - , highly successful, .-vvv..:.., : -': A number of representatives of rati ' road doing business en the 'Pacific coast are In Portland' today. -The dele- get km i Include George Wrr Bradley, . commercial agent of the Southern rail ' Ji way at San Francisco; W. L. McDon- aid, traveling freight agent of the Mln ; neapolla Bt Louis at Seattle; Brace Sweeny. . North Paclflo coast agent of ; r the Brio Despatch line. Seattle; J. Roe Nag-el, traveling passenger agent O. K. N., at Seattle. ... , i, J, : ';-.. The wm of A. . Conner.,' who died ! ' a- April. I, 105. ha been admitted to pro - bate, with' Henry F. Conner .and W. U Brewster aa executor. .The will give ; 5,oo to Mr. Sarah B. Ayr, tioo to - -J John. C. Burkhart, J100 to the Homeo - pathlo-Hospital' Dispensary assocls-- i tlon. and the residue to Mrs.' 'Jan C . v- Falling. Mrs. Elisabeth C Brewster and Henry P. Conner. - - .-, . -'-It i . , ii. f ' Helen tC CardwelL -widow of th late 'Of tl - Dr. Herbert W. Card well, has petitioned the county court to be grven the prop erty of Byron W. Car dwell, deceased. t her iwsusjio. i neesute is : valued at tto.ooe. The petition la based .on an interpretation of th. will of - Byron CardwelU that calls for a change In th title from a trusteeship to abso- lut poaaaloa. W ' - A meeting of the ' - South ' Portland Library association will t tMld tonight - at the ' Fourth . Presbyteriad church. Klrst' and Qlbb streta, at . o'clock. An appeal la made to the people ot Port '; land to contribute booka,-- periodical -' and paper to th library.' Plena .communicate-with ' the f secretary, A. R. . SpreadsbofbOgb, 14 Easu MorrUon . street. 'Phon East His. '". f B. P. O. anke Th members of Port-Hand-lodge and Visiting member, .with their -ladles, are earnestly requested to "- meet In our lodge room In th Marquam building this evening at T p. m. sharp, to attend tb Elk county fair, at 'the , armory in a body. Automobile will be J provlded-for the ladle. . By order of the lodge.' John B. Coffey, secretary. v fO.OOt Immigrant Wanted To locate along th Oregon Water rower A Rail way company's line between Portland and Estaeada. For information Inquire of -th Oregon Water Power Townait company, lit First street, phone. Mala '"' Beware of adulterated cream: - Cut can and look for - gritty- sediment In bottom ' of can. . On thousand dollar reward for . proof of any adulteration In either Oregon Orap or Paclflo brands -of evaporated .cream, , : Estacada ' Offers Opportunities to maaufacfurer which' mean - millions of dollar -If properly handled. - For In formation Inquire of th Oregon Water Power .Townaite company, 114 First street . Phcfe, Msln lis. . y : , ' ''The fire loss In thf hardware and .tin ware store of Adolph A. Dekum, 111-111 First street, near Alder, baa been ad justed and la now open for business, Th nmiat number of people who sre looking AAaUa Wc Have COLEARS Quartcr-Ihch r Sizes''? ;: Both Grades Hmctt, ZrzCzy 0 Co. y XATTIM Airs rriiruxxM. . v 348 Wdtktngfn Stntt y'!7 xas uvd mini : 31 ei .... . , j . V In ilew D;.c.;ng on 26th Street Fccshg Main Entrance , end Exit of Lewis V r'vv: Clark Fair.'. APPLY'. 5 MChamberOf Commerce or 393 26th Street for . bargains sre taking advantage of fire sale 'prices on .garden tools, garden hose and lawn-mowers, window screens. ' Thar will be a special .noon service of prayer at the Y. W. C.-.A., sixth' and Oak streets, tomorrow at 11:1 o'clock, ,under the direction of Dr. F. B. Meyers, the London evangelist. -Mlaa Jean Mo- Kensle will sing. .All V vomen- lire ln- vtted, - . , -. . , W. B. Olsfke. Edw.' Neubegin, R. O. Morrow and other, prominent men will address -the. meeting of the Olsfke Re publican club to be held at Allsky ball tonight at t o'clock.-. A male quartet will also be In attendance. Have you seen th fin line of buck- akin mower 1 belt es Albert Bernl, the druir gist.' Second and Waahlngtont The oaf eat. way to carry your money, and protects against loss from pickpockets and "holdups. lf you want a rasor tha,t I absolutely guaranteed In every respect or money back. call. on Albert Bernl. tne drug glat, and caH for hl"Lwia and Clark HpeclaL" Every one warranted satis factory. ; ; ':: Best dollar spectlcles on earth, cor rectly fitted by our expert optician, ev ery pair guaranteed. . Examination free lor on weea, oniy. in oiim lira. Metxger eV Co., jeweler and optldaaa. ; -.r " 0WwtBrJB-aw "'".'' Jams Ward. ' a Japanese, waa ar raigned today for stealing a raaor and platol. and Presiding Judge Ftaser gave hint, until May to pieaa j , ; ? , Ruby ha sued for divorce from Dan iel McLennan. Myrtle from John Con ception, and. Mortimer L. from, Josephine A-Wlnsor- r- f Entries for ' th bench show of th Portland Kennel club will close tonight at -1 o'clock. Entrie can be made at SIC Pin rrtiwst..:, ,v.l ...... ahlne your- hqe tor $1.0 per month. Main,il,, :.i;-;,..r:;;,-. r, Ladle' and gents' hat renovated. Pa clfleHat Works. dit CUy ell: Trr a meal without meat at th Vage- tartaa cafe, 101 Sixth street, - , Anslev envelope display. Aem Phar macy,, Third-and Burnsld. Oalll ItaL-Frmch restaurant 114 Upshur Ask your grocer for Golden Cheddar. DRAGGED HEAD DOWN BENEATH HIS WAGON Then His Coat Give Way, and Wheels, Pass over. An- s ; tonio Casinina. : ,t Car No. Ill of the Sixteenth street line atnaahed into the huckster wagon of Antonio Casinina at Tenth and Wash ington streets this morning, throwing him from his seat and . causing th hone to run away. - In falling Caaln lna's coat ' wa caught on th wagon. and he wa held suspended under the vehicle a th horse dashed down Tenth atreet - He wa dragged for a dlstenc of two block when.. hi .coat gave way. He fell beneath tha wheels, which passed over 'him. Dr. A, Tilser, who wa a passenger on th ear. dressed Casinina' a wounds and had htm removed to St. Vincent' hospital. Caainlne, waa badly bruised on the. head and body, and It - waa feared for a tlm that be wa Injured internally. - ' : ' v, Casinina la a gardener, . imng in Woodstock, and peddle hi produce in th city. -. ;' ,.-.' HE'S THE ONLY ORIGINAL MUSICAL RAINMAKER ' An expression used In New York when- ever the famous Knelael string auartat travel from Boston to give a concert has to do with atmospheric condition, "Kneiset weather," they call It. as there la always a Steady downpour. It seems curious that th same sort of weather greets the far-faanedquartet whenever it arrive In Gotham, but It I true. -The Evening Surf began one of It review of a Knelsel recital in tbta manner not long ago: ,. - i ,- .;..- .. Knelsel weather! Knelsel weather perhaps accounted for the crush of car riage and automobile before Mendels sohn ball last evening. All the more doe bouse sold out to It last vacant chair apeak volumea for the popularity of chamber mualo f th highest class." - This splendid - organisation will b heard here Saturday evening at th Mar qimfn Grand. Sal of Seats -.Thursday at if a. m. SPRINKLERS ARE W EARLIER THAN USUAL tf th dry weather continue for an other week th entire atreet sprinkling fores. Including ' 11 ' wagon and two ear. Will be In operation. Ten wagons were on the street today, and live more will be added each day until the entire fore I out A sprinkling ear on the Portland Consolidated company' track will be ' started tomorrow morning. -The warm - weaihef has dried the earth, and on ' streets where there I considerable travel dust la deep. The regular time for sprinkling to begin Is May 1 but condition have- mads It a neweaslty t begin operation - before that, r - i - .- ' C'ub f."mbers Ciy Coard , cf : Educ&tlon Knows Their Views. SHARP CRUICICM OF v " CHIEF HUNPS METHQD3 No .Prosress Toward Cslectina; ' Plans for New East Side : High School Is Made. ' ""If Chief of Police Hunt would pay as much attention . to keeping the sa loons of the city closed after 1 o'clock in th morning as he does to th piles of slab wood at the'publio school building, tb moral condition of tb city would be greatly improved,' remarked Direc tor A. K. Warren,-at the meeting of the city board of education last night Th remark waa occasioned by a com munication from Chief Hunt ordering th board to remove , pile of slabwood at th Davia school, Twenty-nrst and Raleigh streets. The order was obeyed. Member 6f th board expected a large delegation from th Woman's etub to remonstrate against , ths merit system In the payment of teachers, but nobody appeared. It was learned that the women did not Intend coming be fore the board unless' Invited, and no In vitation had been given. ,, "It wa all a mistake, ' said Mrs! Mer win Pugh today. "We never intended to go before the board of education un less an invitation waa extended to us by fh board to meet with them' and express our views regarding the merit system. They know how we, feel about this matter, and we thought' that suffi cient." ','' -' - : , . (' Director Richard 'William - Invited hi colleague on th board to go with him on. a trip to the east side to select a alto for th proposed grammar school building, which .will be located - In the vicinity of Irvington Park. , . Director ' Wittenberg stated that he had mad several attempt to secure a conference with the Architects' I asso ciation to discuss plana f or the pro posed nign senooi on in eaai sioe, du that he bad not succeeded. "They have become frightened.' de clared Wittenberg. "They will not meet us. We have met them more tbaa half way; and they have backed down on their Jown proposition." ., . - . .. Director J. V. Beach urged Che board to adopt plan for - th high school building, but the other members- re fused to consider the-matter. JAPAN WILL-OUTDO ALL NATI0NS.AT THE FAIR Through the commissioner general, Numeto Kushlblki, Japan has acquired an additional 1,000 feet of exhibit apses In the Oriental building, and will make on of th greatest national display in th history of world's fair.' Kushlblki takes ths view that this I distinctively Japan'a year, and be la authorised by the emperor, he says, to stop at noth ing to make tb Flowery Kingdom the feature of all nations. J. W.-Butler, secretary, of th Texas Banker association, write that about 100 members will visit Portland on June 11, and will spend three day In town, visiting th fair. : ,.. " ' , . . F. Laroson Scribner ha .Joined. -the government representatives aa chief of the department of plant -Industry, M. J. Wasael. Idaho' executive com missioner, . arrived yesterday and will rush to completion the Idaho building. The state commission ' haa followed th rule adopted by th exhibits de partment and no county of thla stale Wlllb '"f!!:? -.'bAL!hiJ.a ?UhogtigawlCTrthe machine in the tlattoirorita dis play by next Saturday, J Royal Dairy Ice Cream.; During ..the recent ' hot -, spell . th capacity f the Royal Dairy Ice Cream factory, -.107 Washington street, , waa taxed to its fullest capedlty.- Th x- delleaoe of manufacture and th high grade of . cream, together with special car in manufacturing; and handling I winning many patrons for ths new com pany. Mr. M. C Bean, tba general man ager, deserves much praise for th in telligent method be baa .employed and I using tn Introducing Royal Dairy proauct to tn people of Portland. . i . "SAXYATrOaT" SVBJBOT. Siarglng Evangelist "Charles Mayfleld will speak on "Salvation' tonight at the Volunteers' of America mission. t7 An- keny street, and Evangelist Harry El liott.' en rout to India, will sing. i. i 'ii , , II Go Like Hot Cakes -;. WORTH M.75 LACiES FANCY REEO ROCKER ALL THIS WEEK if They Last GOVELL'S rorsacrly Mew ' Tkk Farnltar c FlisT ST. Oo. . - v l V M i Ul I " -- Lc;!i Id Vc : . vi . tufa's Eyes , A well as your own.' If a child complain be cannot see clear, ha dull palna 'In the region of hi yea; If he leer or look at ob ject with partly closed eyes, or if he blink and hi lids twitch, h I suffering from. om defect of - vision. Children at school are often.' charged with stupidity, when aotn defect of their aye ' la to. blame rather than th child' mental dullneea. - v , , Proper fitting glssss , wCl OOSnrOXT PS T I MTaTATIOarS ArN. WRIGHT XOWA tn St.. ROVE INDORSED BY ' REPUBLICAN CLUB Keady Cajn Point, Ahthough Al V ' bee Is on Organization's ;'. ,' Executive Board. 2 ' REGULAR YOUNG MEN ARE , IN FAVOR, OF WILLIAMS Democrats Will Meet Tonight to Listen to Stirring Speeches by Candidates. 'fJ K, S. Row-wa indorsed for mayor last night by tb Republican, club, of which the officers are: Tyler Wood ward, president; Willi Fisher, vice-president; Charles B. Lockwood, secretary; R. W, Hoyt, treasurer. Executive board first wardl W. A. fltorey; seocmd ward. John Gin; third ward. D. J. Qulmby; fourth ward, H. it North nip; fifth ward. a-W. Nottingham; sixth ward. B. F. Jones; seventh ward. W. P,. Keady; eighth ward. H. II. NewhaU; ninth ward, H. R. Albee; tenth ward, N. D. Beutgen. The finance committee 1 composed of R. W. Moyt, C W. Nottingham,, John QUI, A. 8. Patlullo. FJB. Beach, A, B. Manley, J. U WeUa. . ? W. Pi Keady lntrodooed a resolution, whlcll waa. ad op ted, stating that' Port land needed a man for mayor who had had experience In larger affair ot llf, and named Row aa on who, by hi former record aa mayor and hi position in th business world, met ail requlre nswnt a 4 candidate. - Tonight a Row club will be formed tn Allsky ball, Th committee on arrange ments expects a large attendance and an enthuslaatlo opening of the campaign for the ox-mayor. --r-- - 4, eiark ana ' The Olafk club also meet tonight th th Alisky-buildlng. It 1 expected that Important expressions will be made with reference to Jalr. Olafke1 relationship to the William1 force, in answer to state ments that have been circulated to the hop that they might fail heir to the support conceded to the present: mayor, Th attitude of the Olafk following. if it entertained the hop of receiving strength from th elements naturally belonging to Williams, will probably be altered by th announcement mad today that th Regular Toung Men's Republt can club laat night Indorsed William. Thl I not tb Toung Men' Republican club that 1 allied to th Republican club of which Charles E. Lockwood Is secretary, but 1 th ' organisation formed last year for work before1 the prlmarle and 1 composed of. young men who are loyal to th machine. Jay Upton Is president. Dr. Samuel C Sloeom secretary, and ward captain who were present were: Oeorge Hart, first ward; J. C Zan. second ward: Ben IiNorden, third ., ward; & c. Molbrook, fourth ward; Dudley Evans, fifth ward; Ross Plummer, sixth ward; Fred BuchteL eighth ward; A.. R. Kerrigan, ninth ward; W-. M. Killings worth. Jr.. tenth ward. - Johasom rnx Mo aTsurv. " Marion R. Johnson, who wa named aa ward captain of th seventh ward, it Is understood, will not serve a an organ. tier for a club that la supporting Wil liam. He wa not present laat night. Th club met In Justice Reid office In th 'Alnaworth building, about iO member being present. The club claim a membership of llf, all under 10 year of age. Saturday night th Toung' Men' Re publican' club, of which Charles Lock-wood- is secretary, will bold a meeting In Allsky ball, for which invitation wlU b sent t all candidates for city of fices. Secretary Lockwood announced today that the-club intended to indorse no candidates, but to give all chance to state their position. . . - At laat night' meeting the Republi can cub. In addition to Indorsing .Row rorv mayor, inaorsea ines eenaiaate: Thomas K3rey of th first ward, W. H. Barry of thai eighth, Oeorge M. Hyland of th nlnthi and D. 1. Qulmby at large for' th council. Mr. Hyland and . Mr. Qulmby addressed th club, expressing their appreciation of the Indorsement that had been given, and H. a Rowe. fWhMf-thfdrmed by telephone of the club's action, expressed hi thank for th sup port thus tendered. ' i Albe Man Working Hard. ;' Th Regular Toung Men's1 Repubiloan club, the one of which Dr. B locum to secretary, after selecting William laa their., mayoralty candidate. Indorsed L. A..McNsry for city attorney. Joseph W. Bevertdge for- city treasurer. Daniel Kslleher; John Annand, W. J. Clemens and J.. P. Sharkey for councilman at large. A fifth candidate for ounollmaa large-wi ThaMAlbe worker yesterday selected room let and tot In tb McKay, build ing for headquarter, with O. P. M. Jamleson and H. H. Riddell In charsa. They also planned meeting for . tb wards from, now to thei close. of th primaries, ... -t The . Toung Men a Democratic club meet tonight In Union hall, second and Morrison streets, and will near Colonel Robert Miller speak on th municipality iKsues. I A number of candidate will attend, 4 - ' V. -. : Ftsfaned Sok OrsanM eV. ..Allen A-Lewis'- Best-Brand. " Ml' 'Y ... . 1 1 Over -Your Furniture "r ; , and Piano Moving. ' Ve'li r.lake;it Easyl It youH let us send ur big wagons and ' experienced .;.;''.:. :men;'.v"':C:;. QE N ERAL HAULING, SHIPPING i AND i FOR- WARDING.5! ; tf ; . D)mmission Co. Phone Main 1685. , 110:NORTHTHIRDS1T KNEISEt Quartette; .".- .... v . . DlrtctUxv ll 8t Wjrnn Comaa. MARQUAM GRAND SATUaVOAT aTTSsror, AJBTr. St, SiM. -.. PRICES Lower floor, except laat I rowa. 11.0 : last 1 rows. tl.Se. Baloonv. first 1 row, Jl.H; second t rows, 11.00; laV row, 7&o. Oallery. reserved, 7ic Boxes, 111.5. Logeev $11.09. Sal f Seat TsTUSSOAT at 10 a. as. . Good food will- civilise th most degenerate. We are In the . good food . business. We are good for the . person. the family, the nation the world.. We are staple goodness wheat, barley and salt. It cent a package. AT - ALL GROCERS. r 0K ' StftRXS. yeere eld. Se aa II, H I.I. lAAT. Acter uJ . 1 ' , te. Many . -choice Mhrr varietiea fee etketios raai la n 90. . CUCXJMaDT BSOi l Da sad Oliaaa. . raese aula mix. Oraesste Astsrleas BrbaDl ' et Ostespstay. ?t'.l...- sa-ksvuie., Me, GQteopathy r4- im. wTuiabi o- rtaaL""" ?f Oeteneethle nyalrlas, AU Caroal sad -' 416 AMnetM Ma. .k., . Thlr at.; bet.WasB- . . ' 7 . " . lagtes aa Ittar,' ... "yy "ias. Dfa JJ. E. Mm Te' xrane ' x.Brrw that relieves ail pain In dental opera- , ttona. - . Wac -- la o. avui. Don't Vony f . M Mid-Week ! Sale : SMYRWA RIIGS J:.-?Lii,.30 Inches . Wide,, 60 Inches Long. T , , tomorrow l only. ' Handsome ' . all wool Smyrna Rugs.' Reversible; patterns, in . v'-'Jlrjral atid ' oriental designs.' Just the ' thing for the bare spots discovered(in the -; y spring house ( cleaning. ' '.:S.'- REGULAR PRICE $2.00 SPECIAL $1.50 1 i MORRISON AND SECOND STS. r., him -wnsw,w ThursdajSpecial This Large , Roomy Rocker (like cut), in golden oak fin ish and rodded, a Special all day tomorrow ' f ' A Easily worth double . Henry Senniilg: ; & Sons ' - j 172474 FIRST STREET.. After Custonf Trade ThaT why we treat ' our patron 1n th way of giving them good valuea and lenient price. v.4-". -. , ' It I John DeQar way to get cus tomer. , , . . . . -, . He saves you from 11.80 to 5.0 on a Suit or Top Coat ..... ' From lOo to $100 on a pair of Pants, Shoe or Hat. , .- . ':v f ; Big variety of Ladles' and 1 Misses' Shoe and Oxfords. , $1.00. -tl.f.0. $1.00 snd 11.11), aa good as you pay 11.00 more for elsewhere. , Boys' Suits, $1.10. f l.tOXand $1.10. Tou pay twice as much for th same goods elsewhere. We stso g:vs a Ball and Bat free with, every Suit..- , . JOHN DELLAR. First and TamhlU and Third and Davis. T" Jsfl i Hotel Eaton Osrasr tfeirlssa sad Wsst rarh HaadaeBty reralahed, etefaatty xnlrped. tweroof. Ave stiaates walk treaa seart ef eboppln aad baalaeaa SljtHrt. all lerk airy, eetalae msis. ateesi seetee. ' elartne Hghts,' tlrpbeae is each part Mem t. ete. Large efSree. ioaniB. estuklas. wrltla. l weeaijee eerlora. BoesM lini) frHats sialas suits 'trnlas aad sliasiiis. Roomt $t.OO to SS.OO a Has eeial Sates te ComnweeUI Mra. ' ' MM. TSAS SATOS. - (Perawrry eC Hotel - lUosetk. Rnokee.) VC0D COAL WOOD W Am StaahMfv Wood aad Crl If you are looking for fine,' dry wood. A No. l quality st sw , Just look over these figure and call us-up. Pry Fre, pet erd.. ..,....r" I v 6 ee-. t lry Asa per . i..... - We re a s 4 r 4 V4, and t " - , t ijll"'.-i.fio-, ; j. - AMTSZMXaTTS. waraTaaBsjBiaai BASEBALL!! ATIOaT AaTUt,. f Oonf Ttsfka and iwatyovjrtdl St. PORTLAND r v; -J--'- Jtacoma Ann ss, ssv.stss, st m so. ' ' Game called l:S 'clock. ''; Sundaya, :, - CTaildswa, is. Grandstand for ladleev-tr every day but Sundays end holidays; men lie. Ladles' day Friday. . Teaifht ' at - :1R orloelt, ' last perfarsMsee Jm U. mOZWTU AMO ffsTtal, U. Is tke BrlUlaat Polltiesl "lhz Hon. John Kcnh Irlaas II, TV, Me. v. Kc COLimBlATHEATnE . ,-. . 14tta and Waahlngtoa. PARBWKIX WEEK OF - , . The Ootambta Rterk Onmnany, siasillllag ' rarx DOMziioxs' . ' A fsree enawdy la three acta,, alatlnee (tatsrHay. Kveslag prleas: ooe. SAc, 20e, 16c lbttsse, Jfte. ISe. 10c. ' Due sew a box ersee epes all day, K2T Mar rlaoe. street. Psoas Mala 110. , Bvealag st theatre. Mala. SI 1. . STAR. TICLATtli: .1 ' snrsAB's OAFaorx paxasoz. . PATST XAKOOtTkT. - . H0LMX1 AJT0 MACK. . ' OCXS AX-D COLK. ' - " - BTBTObT BKIXrwOKM. -- r ; .. aOtOOX AABtrCKXX. , ... r Bonexoacoyg. , ; gkewa 1:10, T':. . sr. ' Atalaste lea. sotal uuimuit at m J. DAKER THEATrX Tatod aad TssUul. Saatiag Fieat, Kgrs, THIS WETK'11 ACTS. . T SOTAL trUIFOTIAS TB10. Saasetl sad Dasksr. The Hale te. - WillHUi Sckciaee. .' " Byre aad ' isi Jaaies Oerey. Jeaa WUs. Tke Baaaregaaa. Bafcar's gbewa S:M. T:S0. :09 . V. to say eat.. GRAND THEATRC AlfOTHEB gTRONO BILL, . :TH mrprvjcxs. r - trow ahd fcatm am tot, -. . ;J ,;' MVBTHT ABO ABDV1 WSY. LTBDOlf ABB WXAJf. 0. F0BSZST. ALT. , TKX BABIHBOOyg. -Oeaeral adsil fas, 10 eeeta Vrast rewa reaervea, SOc Bea seaat. EMPIRE tS ' Voted a Oeaalne rffaa . v -MATtN KB BTBBV bAT, 1:1 P, st Oas Big Shew st Nlskt, SUttlsg t IS. -r . '."iraoiwrg ' ADMIAUOS ' All. Tsls Week.'''' ''' '. Tke WorM-yaSMea BoxKloeal Draws. , THE LYRIC THE A TRE . . SrVEHTU AMD ALDEB STBBBTS, ':"' Beery Afteraaae aad Bvenlsg, ; ' ' ;vThe Peer-Act DraaM. - ' "The Man'prom Ncveda!! ew SaecUltles Betweea Acts. i ' M mm mrm m . " w um p. I sm.1 jerics mi Amlmkm. It ee-sU. ura mom - :-.'"' SAWTHOBTfg TaCS -' . - POBTLABD BAiUAjid Maw sea. Tate Portland Helgtts ear sad set erf at Hawthnrae Tewf. eaa eiors tn t) eUinhln:" rWIMe at!. .--. mat swgBiruwaf view is tana keeetlfal e( Bowerral smtuo., db m wer. ova a. at. te a. ah , A9MISAI0B U CSXTS. S-e t4 y . . BLAStBB BBOS, ooBcgBt'gtTsT r - r i rr 4 y .v.,4. V? ', x.; - "