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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
' t -- w . o ' I M i ;. v 1 j l- K"J J 14 aJ... aw -J c ,f" ifi--i"ii niu rr-' ......I LrtT t - -t ' ' ' ( ... Chiefs , of Industry From ; ; the V City Cy the Lake Enter ' tiined Here.- j EXPREC3 WCriDER AT;V, ' ; EEAUTIE8 OF THE FAIR Middle Wast Cusines Men Charmed With All They Se of Our Town, j , .-- f ' . .. .i v ,- -. ', J-' Atlchl to this morning's train over the- Northern Pacific railroad came it J special ear carrying- . a party of promt-. .(pent Chicago merchants and manufac- lureri, -wno are niacins a lour or ine - i PaolAc northwest A committee of Port- land -business men,'' engaged In similar '" I lines, assisted officers of the Commercial club In entertaining the visitors. The ;'. Chicago "party Includes: Ferdinand P. - Arrabruster, Burley ATyrrell.-CTOcksry .;"' and glassware; Frederics: Bode, Gage Bros. Co., raitltnery; - J. ' E. . DefebaUgh. V ' American Lumberman, lumber Interests; - Reginald Hatdln. . F. A. Hardy A Co., l manufacturing opticians; W. D. Raynle, V Illinois Steel Co.; Prank Hlbbard, Hli- bard. Spencer. Bartlett le Co., hardware,; W. F. Hypes, Marshall Field Co dry foods; K t. Klmbara. Paper Mills Co.; Karnes MacVeagh, Franklin. MacVeagh Co,, grocers; John McCarthy. Conti nental National bank;" John O. Miller -, j '- John O. Miller A Co., clothing. -.Ax- s, Tiie local committee met ' at t:S i . o'clock thla morning and went to the ' v Union depot,, where they were received i-'. by-the ChlcaSoana, and. after' brief ., visit the latter were taken by the com mittee - In. automobiles and shown the city.. The Lewis and Clark fair grounds were visited and the effect of this part "TTTof IBs TJrIpr updn "tnevtslloi . , maraeo. ' i , , .. . ;. ,.-4. t. v , . '.-: ,.'. Words af WetaomarV .-,( ' '. ' At noon the party waa taken to the ; Commercial club parlors, where a re f n: eeptloa waa held, and several hundred t ; of Portland'a business men . met the Ui uests.-. At X O'clock the party aat down i, to luncheon, which - lasted an hour. , Jk. i number of speeches .were made, Fresi- dent Otka welcoming the visitors, , and V other members ot the local committee i' adding eordlai ' remarks. The Chicago , -men responded with expressions oX op- ' . prectatton. -v- .'..'-'- - - ' , ! .The party will leave tomorrow morn- 'Ins, over the Oregon -Railroad A tav- lg-atlon lino 'for the oast. - They will .- make stops "at The Dalles. Pendleton, La Orande and Huntington. A committee ."of the Portland' Commercial "club -will ' escort them as far as The Dallee and point but the beauties, ox the Columbia. - river, the Importance of the Celilo eaaal i and portage railroad In their relation'to . .. the growth ant prosperity of the Ore ' son country. . . ,;..r;.yf':-; ' Bsohaated With fks) Vait. t V i ' ' The visitors were met ar the exposl ! tlon ' grounds by. President Ooode and .subordutatW officers - and escorted over . - the groonda. The result waa expressed i by Ferdinand ; P. Armbruater ' when he ? aald: -. -..., v-- 4 , vt :--V ' ' v - - . .. without question, this Lewis" and ! Clark exposition-will be mora successful ; than either Chicago or St. Louis, not be rceuse more , people will see. It,, but be . cause people wilV see more of it. I am f afefonlshed at. the magnificent work done ; .here, and nnniy, belle v that 'thla .fasH will live In the American memory longer ""than any 'other. -i - - Upon their arrival at the groundJ the ? Chicago people ' were ' taken, to the their-eyes as nothing else could.'- 8Jb , v aequenOy they were shown through sll 1 ,f h, main htilMfnva M4'r-'tlia Apa the , " , (Journal Bperlel Service.) . e Haigon, April .- Advices Just received from Kamranh bayvSay i w 4 , that 10 Japanese warships passed d e toe nay between 1 and. o'clock ton the evening of April Jl. , , CLEAN fJAFillETS . CCUSACE'S ODJECT Mies Tingle ; Preparee for . Hard v ;t Fight Against Dirt and '- Disease.' EVERY STOREKEEPER MUST . OBEY STRINGENT RULES Wants Co-operation of Z House keepers, Which Will. Be Ef-' r f f icacious In the Work. oOn Miss Tingle's desk at the domestle Science rhnn) Ham a. . vnlnm. ' S hv If incnea. containing some 1,000 pages, on. titled "Municipal Sanitation In the United SUtes," by Chaptn. "There.' ears Miss Tin ale. nolntlna- ner nnger with traglo Intensity, though a smile lurks In her: eyes, "Is where .1 spend most of my time." The chief thins la aystem. and the strength of the work depends on that It will do little goou to so Into a mar ket, glance around and say,, things look pretty decent here.', Or If I happen to feels at 'odds with tha world ao that nothing looks nice to say that It won't something or mat sort. 1 am sows to make a list , or requirements which each mar ket will have to fllL and I shall 4ook Into ach.of these points Individually. V"Jut now I cannot sky what fhla list will include, because I know nothing of the ordinance,. and how It reads, and how much It calls for; - ; , , - "In general I find In going about them that there I a disposition to clean- up antr aa wnat we want them te do. But In many cases they are' Ignorant and don't know cleanliness from drrt. -1 ex pect to begin work May 1.", - ' imitates; hero wM ; a popular novel Cirlil; of Zl Respectable Family iiHeld 7 on fi Burglary y vnarge. y :.v r- . y1- department pleitded visitors 'heartily,, ap- r They pronounced the site the moer beautiful ever used for "exposition pur poses. What Chicago had to spend mil' f llone of dollars -to - create, Portland 1 possessed ready to her band In under t faking to build jan exposition. .Tha ..-. visitors were eloquent In their expres sions of -admiration of the place, and . tha advanced .stage of; completion In . which they found the expoaltton. -.. . . . ."The Lewis and Clark fair Is far more beautiful han any description of It I '" have seen, or any plcturea that have been printed," aald John McCarthy, -of ' tha ConttnenUl National bank. "Tha tilntiiM. Kiir KMn n a t Anil hav.nnt given ana an adequate Idea of-the aise and nornamentation of tha buildinga, r The' Forestry building Is a wonderful tktne.- 1 Tha . torerniMnt It ona klsf magnificent display here,; In some re- apecta the Lewis and Clark exposition la. equal or superior to all other AmerV .i can exposition aside tram those of St. . Louis and Chicago. The locatlou la the most beautiful.". , Mr. McCarthy aald tha day In Port land had mads every man In the Chicago ' '. party a 'Tooter" for the Lewis snd Clark ; fair. - But the people are coming to are . ' the country really mora than he fair, ha , aald. They, want to satisfy a, long-felt . ... xurloalty and desire to know the Pa clflo northwest, and they will take tha ' opportunity offered by the fair. ; , ; ; . '"' (SpeeUI Mspttrh to The JosresL) ( ' Oregon City,., April t5. A heavy piece - of timber fell on the foot of R. Wade, i en employe, of the Willamette Pulp aV Paper ' Co.'s . mill., yesterday afternoon ' and severely mashed It. . He waa brought -' to town on a -stretcher and his injuries cared for. It la believed he Will be able to resume work In a few weeks.-. AJUUTKB TM NVtl APsUOA; J".:,' (Jearaal peeill servlbe.) ' : -.!' f Port Natal. 8. A., April 88. The Brit ish ship Durbridge, from Portland, Ore. gon, arrived here April 21. and the Brit ish bark Dunrekgan. also from 'Port--Und. arrived April St. .1 Oearaal SpeeUI Berrlce.) ' :i Toms River, N. J., April 15. The po lice believe they, have locked up In the Ocean county Jail a girl thief who hs been operating for three. year on- lines similar to those of s young burglar he roine in' a recewV popular noveU Her name Is Edna -Williams, fn her trunk was found a complete bellboy's outfit. It appears that while pursuing her picturesque career' of a burglar heroine .aaa'way-wetf a-newn aji aions the- jer. sey coast at Long Branch, at Asbury Park and at Atlantic ity--aa Edna W1I- liaraa, champion long-distance swimmer, at Lakewood and along Rumsen-road aa the champion girl horseback-rider,, and at Shrewsbury and Toms River as the champion handle of sails and .oars. Her pares ta are respectable people of Long Branch. - Ni t-t v - The charge against the girl here Is the robbery or Mrs. Elmer DOweU. at 10 any street. New Tork, of tfiOO worth of dia monds. - They aay aha was caught a aha waa climbing Into a second-story window of the house of Raymond Brown of Lakewood,. by-means of a ladder, at o clock J0. u morning, t - 1 . (v . t - WILL BRING ALLEGED vM BUNKO MAN TO PORTLAND - .Andrew atcrffon, alias Jan'son, aald by the ponce, to be one, of the shrewdest bunko men that have operated In thla part of ' the oountry, waa arrested at West port, Pennsylvania, , thla - morning by Constable D. L.' Esinghower, and Is being held In Jail pending the arrival of Detective, Day,- who. will brlns him back- to Portland. ' Stef f on la accueed of fleecing Church Bros, out of $00, the Pioneer Wodd company out of $400. Kirk Hoover out of tioo, and Manager Olom- erine of the Steel Bridge Wood yard out of tioo. ' - . .i . . . In last December the prisoner 1 went to' Hoover . and offered to sell him SiO cords of wood stacked on tha bank of the Willamette river, near -Warren. - He represented himself to be Herman Fred, the owner.- Ha received a check-' for 1 100 on account and cached It with Ros- ensteln Broe., the Third street mer chants, y ', : '.-), J, . '- Hoover . did - not leacn that ha had been ; duped untH two : months later, when he went to set tha wood and pay a oeiance uue.- . -. -.. .-r r-f; , '---i. , Merrill .Wl Ce Called on v. Te.1 of Official Corruption r. , Under Oath. to I I: SUCPOENA 1C3UED FOR i ; : HIM BY JOHM MANNING 1 -- Lou Hartman of the . city detective force haa been detailed for SO daya, on the order of Mayor Williams, to 'assist District Attorney Manning In prepar ing for. the trial of R. M. Rlner on May 10, for obtaining money on false pre tenses in connection with the' Tanner creek sewer contract. Detective 'Hart- man reported for duty this mornlns and will sivo his full time to his new work until -the trial begins; r" " "JJ - xna trial 01 tuner win orins to iigni many facta that have not been given to the public The investigation of the past few weeks has disclosed much evi dence that beara on the case and the prosecution will go into tha trial wlU an array of -witnesses' that will consti tute a strong presentation. ' ' Recent allegatlona of corruption In the city council have caused the Issu ance of a subpoena for . Councilman Merrill, who will bo asked to give the district - attorney Information relating to alleged deals whereby . money . was paid to members of tha council to In fluence their- action aa public ornoecs. Others are to bo subpoenaed. ' and as rapidly aa present business ' will per mit, the district attorney will take up the newer developments and ascertain where evidence may bo obtained tending charges. . . , 4 . . a .' warm r'j "'Pl ;'"'-r V' ''''P- ''i'p '.vH-!' -.;.ir-.;,-...',,v.,., . .. 's0,:.V- -P'tp'u: a t : ' ;: P - A-- ' P p-P. - V -U? -nPP': s p-- ;f s j , I ...... .-. ..- ...... . , . t'-P: -j..--5 1 Then read over carcfu 1 ly and '.'-.?, ..-i -v.-...... '.. "r-t . -.-- '.,', , ' , ; ... : tibns an d you wi 11 c n j o y : t he .- -- -v corning summer, no Jmatter if; it is , a hot, oneA-' p..: 'p pi pp'pp Gas an Econonucal - Fuel ....': pU:.y .PJ-P'PP- . '(' v.' r. ; v !. : -''- 'pp':r 'jiP ppp- m ; v' i': ? -..;-;' ;';. ' .VA5 ' ppp:yppB liwesjln ifceyjajla. BABY GIRLS LOST ., 0.1 THE STREET ft I Hunts foe Them." r Sweet-Faced-lTotft ; Eat Candy fj s J " j-- uil i. ar.AHKe.. '- - .t! CHAMPION DEBATERS P ARE WELCOMED HOME '" ("peeUl IMtpatrk te The JeeraaL)' 1 Forest Orove, Or. Aprtl II. Pacific university's - - debating team : : arrived home last sVentng from . Seattle, where it defeated Washington. . A reception was given tha victors In Herrtck hall by the debating aocietlea of tha school. The debaters and Mr. Woods made ahort speeches. President Perrln presented tne badges to the winners In tha field meet held here yesterday. P L " 1 ' "Pi lilt" ! (J 111 i 1 1 " yn it'll wwn if Two sweet-faced tots Dorothy Gldda. t years old, and Dorothea T rem per, who haa attained the more dignified age of years want out . this mornlns on a tour of exploration of tha city. On ao count of her seniority Miss Tremper acted aa g-ulds and - protector . for her playmate. Til take oo down to Be cat bis bridge, Dortby," aho aald. aa they left their homo at. ill second street. ' The children started for tha Morrison street bridge, .-but lost their bearings and -wandered wror . good part of the city. They met A' woman on the street who save them 10 cents, and with this money they purchased oandy and pea nut a. - .. ,. . At ' th rher ' of Front and Pine streets. Swawlldered by the ' bustle af traffic and fearful of being run over. they - had ensconced themselves . Jn a doorway and were contentedly munching their candy and peanuta, when Patrol man Carlson found them. He raturned themtg.DorgUeA'srandmnthaB yt the police ataxion. , - . i : i - -Wait a minute." said Dorothea, -When her grandmother waa about; jo lead, the' children away,- and trpttlng .up to - Po liceman Carlson, she1- gravely offered him her sack of candy. SAYS HE WAS PAID TO ASK INJUNCTION ;r - T ASI INJUNCTION Ifi X: PERT! N E N tsUG G ESTI O - ,' 1 Top burners should not be lighted until ready to use them.; Oven burners lighted but a few mo ' ments before usirig, according to the temperature de- ; "Hiired. Make all preparations first and then use only , heat enough to accomplish the work to be done. In ' cooking, as poonras the water boils, 'turn down the fire you can't make the water any hotter, . ' :v.- .-; " 2 Extinguish , and relight the burners between - operations. Turn off the burners the instant the work , is done. Perfect results are obtained by using just so much, no more nor less gas than is required. ':-'v '....,...-.-; .rf. 'f-s-' y' S -Learn the valuov (S'immering burner.' ; .u'j,,i. ",.-v , .. 1 1 : HZ PURCHASH PRICE of a GAS RANC2 now includes inatW -a-rtnat u, tor tne purcnase price we wui set it up ready for use, which inuuaci m ran at ww icxt n pipe. ju u casn sue or u.vou dsf tor it within 30 days, we make you a discount. of 10 per cent, Where a fuel' already in the kitchen and no pipe is necessary a discount of SO : la made. PlP?-.PP ' - -.P-l . - . I I A. C Her. on whose applleaJ tlon an Injunction was today Issued to forbid the pooling of the hop crop of . Oregon at a. meeting of dealers held In thla city this afternoon, aaya: V . "Yesterday Mr. Bernateln. ' of Bernstein . a Cohen, attorneys, vlalted me at the Scott hotel and wo talked over tha hop mar ket. He said that ha wanted to Set out aa Injunction for soma eaatern brewers . to atop - tha growers from pooling their In terests at the meeting today.' He dsked me If I would sign tha papers. I did. I-now believe ; that it waa, a put up Job. Of 4 course I received - some money for signing rne paper, but I. d ' guess you needn't fcnow the exact J amount." , .., ..;,;,,.: lAf ,. . - - I . M-:P,pppppp:. HH ';' V'r't'P'l, -r:p ) b 1X1'. 7PP-':PP-i:':'; "-percent mp-.-:;, --vi . . ,t pp.; p. - ; . : 4 Plan your meals so. that when .the oven is-in use you can do most of . thecooking in the oven. Vegetables and fruits 'usually cooked over top burn ers may be transferred' to oven, saving "the -gas and ' losing- no flavor, in this method. L , ; f Follow these1 simple , rules and with a little thinking and planning you will be able to make the gas bill exceedingly reasonable; and have a lot more comfort besides than could possibly; be gained with tne use ot any other tueu i f V t I . .. r S. i 5 . '-v-r ;-,.;.- jf:'.- -i t ,. v, ,?;' S ', J , v t a-,, m Gas o. Fifth and Yamhill Strceto HEEEBHB 1 ." t: M E3EBESE3BnESZSZS3eZE2ZSZI5i I TWO ALBANY BOYS REMANDED TO JAIL $ Plead Guilty: to Larceny From Vr Train Box and Are Unable f r -:p;' 4o Pay Fine. " ' ; Rimwcn unni pw "Viliibi v-m a nnltir fab III I C Tfi DC DCDIHIT UT5ltKOAKmvi.rvrt IW Ub llb.WWIIk.1 I ... , .......A ITV1AIIIM1 At a meeting of the directors of the Bannock burn Manufacturing company held last night, it waa decided to build tha company's woolen mill which recently burned down at Albany. Four locations-for the new mill are under consideration; Albany -Is one of the cities that offers Inducements ' for the new factory. It wsa alao decided to operate a clothing factory In connection j with the woolen mill, but the clothlna factory Is to be located In Portland. Commercial Club-Secures Views of Improved Roads ; to" Be Shown at League Meeting. :' TRAINS RUNNING FROM - DALNEY TO MUKDEN (Ssedat Slspate' te The foertfiL) Albany, OrH April I5.-Ftanlc Ham mer, a son of Mrs. Florence uammer. one -of the aeachera in the Albany r hoe Is, and Oliver Wsgstaff, both boys about II years old, were arrested bar charged with robbing - the. box of the newa aent on the Albany local several months ago. - The boys confessed and were fined 121 each. They were unable to pay tha Sao. - -' . -. , A carload of eaatern ovatera amvsa ' (leeraal SpeeUI Service.) ' Pushan.-Korea. April St. The first train from Uaoyang since the retreat of the Russians from that place reached I nar4 yesterday from Old Point Comfort. Stuaaen yesieruay.- MRuiar irama wui be run between Dalny and Mukden lc a few days. . v Quantities of auppllea are being sent to Tie Pass from Jluchwang In Junks up tha Llao river. . . -, LAND OF MIDNIGHT SUN COMPANY FORMED Cannot Rest "Tour-appetlta 1- sonOi What- little you eat dlstreesee yeu. Ktrengm is fntllna- are bilious. Tou have head ache, backache, feel blue and melan choly and cannot reel or aieey. in, fact Is your nerves --are- luaatruns.' euid you are on the verge offchervoue pros tration. They must be strengthened, re newed. "They will not cure themee'vee. but muet have a -nerve remedy.. ' Thla you will find in ' Or. Miles' Nervine It Is prepared for just such ailments, Virginia, and waa . ahlpped to Taqutna, bay, where they will bo planted on tha beds : bclonslnr ' to Dr. U. M. Davis. There are mora than I.OOO.OOe oysters In tha shipment and two acres are re quired for their planting. , - Tha steam motor formerly rsaed In pulllns the street ears in this city has been sold to tha Alaska Copper com paoy and waa last night loaded for ship ment, to Seattle, whence It will so by steamer ' to Coppertown In the V aides district of Alaska,, where It will beJ used on the company's new road to haul copper ore from tha mines to the wharf. - Near ToncaJla.- south of here, yester day, a light ' engine running ahead of tha regular overland passenger train was derailed and In tha process a num- ber of spike heads were broken, delaying tha overland for an hour.. The Albany Commercial club yester day secured a number or fine views of improved roads In different parts of the county , where ' road-bulldlns has re ceived much attention and these will be shown at the Development league meat- Ins in Portland tomorrow, and Thurs day. ..... . - ;-- - . , The farm residence or John Steams, four miles south of this city, was burned yesterday, tha fire starting from a defective flue. The house and Its con tents were destroyed. There was no Insuranoe. - t .,'.': -'".. r tJmd of the- MMnlsht Sun com pany." which was recently incorporated, having aa its purpose magnificent elec trical displays at the -Lewis ana wiars fair, held Ita flrst election todsy. The following- well-known citisene or Portlsnd ere Included in the directorate and la a nevar-falHn remedy, because af the eomnanv! T. N. rielschner. Henry I It soothes.' feeds and builds the nerves f allowed to continue, stnmacTi, Kid ney and liver troubles will eoon be oiled to your already overflowing meas ure of misery. I 'suffered from nervous prostration. When I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine I couidn t toid--emy tnina la my oanoa. Wagner. Fred Page. Albert v Felden- helmer and peo Fried. ) , ' 5. ". I . ,11 I ' ' ' stAUr&T 1 rasuiovAjk Mr. andxUrn. K. C. Klrkpatrtck af Dallas are at tha Perkins.-' W. A. Cos of Sherldsn Is In the city On business. Themes Hnlmsn of Salem la a suest at the Portland, hotel. , . Theraas JuUa of Rosaburg la St U nor get from one room to another. Now 1 do all my own work." MRS. CHAS. uaisiiki jh. i-artnag. mo. falls Nervine seldom Slat to refund to do all we authorise drug iUal botiie. does EXPENSIVE FEATS OF SHERIDAN ENGINEERS Charles M. Baton,' an engineer, and James Kernan, an Oiler on the trans port Sheridan, received allopatnlo doses of punishment this mornlns In tha po lice oourt for Insulting the wife of H. P, Emery last nights at tba, corner -of Park and Waahlngton streets. Each waa fined $. AZO , soozarr. nnomji; The Prisoners' Aid' society rfll . hold its second - animsl meeting tomorro evening st o'clock In tha Unitarian Chapel. There will be singing by Mrs. Fletcher Linn and Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton. Father IB. Tf Murphy, formerly of Batem, will talk on "Tha Oregon State Prison." and Dr. Stephen S. Wise will dlseuse - "Oregon's Penal Legisla tion.' , Election Ot offloers will follow. rxonra r AWAT. . -eeehl Dlspatrh te The Jeereal) Forest- Orove, Or, April II. Mr, C W. Rosa, who haa resided In Forest Orove for the past three years, died here Sunday. Its waa It yeare-eld. The greater part of hla Ufa waa apent In Harlem county Nebraska, where ho held YOUNG COLORADAN ; ' ' CANNOT BE FOUND ' ' ' - -' - Friends of Anson Ballard, Miss Ing for Ten Days, Very V.. ' Much Worried. - , Anson Ballard, a machlnlat, la missing under circumstances which are pussllng his friends and tha police.., He haa not been seen since April 14. Tha Disap pearance waa reported yesterday by Mrs. J. Elliott of III Morrison street, where ho had a room, i. -' '. J :.':. The machinist came l'o thla city from Denvel Colorado,' a. .few. week -ago. Ha hsy llttls money, and waa looking for employment np to the time he d la appeared. ' lit eft the houee- that even ing, saying he waa going down town. and haa not been heard of by Mrs. El liott slace. . . . ,. , . .; ' A suit case, an overcoat, undercloth ing, too fa and other peraonal effect a of Ballard were left at tha house. He' did ' not - appear- despondent, and no theory baa been formed to account for hla fail ure to return. . . . . ? 1 Since he disappeared several lettera " have arrived for him from Appleton,' Wisconsin, where his relatives live. Ballard la ased about IT yeara. la. S feet 7 Inches tall, slender of frame ami haa dark hair and moustache. He wore a brownish sack ault and a black hat dented so as to form a peak on the crown.. .'..',',-..., .... ; ; :,'(.''' ooobabo ranntip;- ' Ed Peccoraro. arreeted by Patrolman ' Scallen for. annoying Julia Ooors, In charge of the First street cigar eland where Amelia Blrtani waa murdered bv Joe PlorebellOt waa found guilty on two charges of trespasa thla mornlns by Po- -. lice Judge Hogue. . On one ha waa fined 120.' while the other case was continued for sentence.-.-'- A..-' :.-' ; - --,.. pp; Ns ' v "A. r 1 ' - a II SV-et NO REST, ao sleep. Itch. Itch. itch. AAAfe-AlMA A At 1 1 flk. mA-m . L 1 A br ft man loi lamed, aorafsad pkadin. ..... .... . awies ey masMiik Ttvetawat. will tte tae eedtAj Hiiia h loetaat mi.t end (We, ' ID MeiBIMA CAfA. MallRAtlM Af A A say Barflaa bae ee eaeai for rb0. mta- lute, rapitASa, eaiMlnuT. this, ar.4 kewb ateamtrd, aatlwptk-, eiooortAmr. rr--rasb-"aSreethef Pine Belassi la Svtfy .. tsnje av. retM: citi en. ev. - m&. TAafnaa aukeutataa. tm aoaa Ia a-ma1aJ She H.rAat. faaaArlarAi bv WMla W-e r-.lA n. rwari. n. . laae eo..,. t. waaaaa-wA baaJt IISSIWV " arw Saw. t. wct-ir-v. r -. c , r. CAVED F3C7- JT0.7- Kmpt Htm mi ' ! sBVAwat 1 II If . tkewlonslXAf V ,,IV ILal Id. Utah j SV aa fiaei ; GfZ y-pe 1MU 4h AA AAJ AAAA.A. A A JA. tmtm at e my saw was sra, taa loac sva aair swaa aiai r aade hi i h 111 eaetrlni 1 eartl Halrhealth. and aa Ike saaw I mr Meed ket ale ip h look eld. Pntlaf Larrte V. eeilln. nAlati'. T -ei wltkeat sisaatate nils lt Ssaa ITvJ v.. JL if ., sad f-l . 1-r e--e 1 -. F. . e- - i a . 1 A - s iUseriaL :;.;; not. Mnent, many efaoas of trust. , A, , ....... , .... . v . . -T