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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
, cnzcoN daily joiriurAL. rcTLA:.D. iu:.v Evz...:a. j. E. WE Candidate for domination pf Republican j -V '. ' J. E. WERLEIN , .'V" A In tha Mmlnr contest for th ft- nomina tion of city officer pont appears to b liuwuv snca interval as uu lor wa city treasurerahlp. The gentlemen who eea- uie nonor, rw uiiuuuuiwuj n . ;traetd to the !ff to by virtu of Oi vmotutacnts that ta position carries, bat it looks from the various recent news paper comments that hare appeared that toe eanaiaaiea are anxious i secure we 'nomination and are - miking strenuous and honorable efforts to sain that end. Mr, J. .E. wertem, me present mcura .bentr to use. a street phrase Is strictly .'in it," and It appear that the 'only atuvnKl ln KUwk that ran YiM nvaaantad against his eandidacy la that he baa oc cupied the office Jons; enough. Surety this 1 an argument - which cannot or will not hold water. - In a recent inter view between Mr. Werleln .and a repre- sentatlT of The Journal he said: 'The ionly platform I hare to present to my constituents is my past reoord. -' It looks ' as though my -opponents are trying to naka stock by distributing hews which , lias absotntaly no f oondatlon in fact. '.and that is, that I hare occupied my present position for orar 21 years. The ''voters of the oity know this to be false -and It becomes tiresome to discuss idle italic. The people know that I was .elected to my present office in' the cam paign OI un, im, vduwi irura nr oent comments my opposing . faction would make it appear that I took office In H wnnlrf annaer that the onlv offense Hfr. Werleln has committed, or. rather, the only on that-can be brought agtln-t -hlm.'l that during his tenure he has been too faithful to the office which ho' represents. U la a very poor argument because a man has erred the people honorably and honestly for the past four year that he must be yinkwn out bag and baggage and should not be tolerated or ' permitted to continue in off tea. nr. werleln ha maoe a gooa - and conscientious city official, hi ad' - S 1PIII11I 'VB'B' - luEAdUKI UCnill nAPiniv nnni fiit lllllllMl VIIV IIIIIV Government Expenditures i Ex ceed Receipts for Year! by . .OverThlrtylrlillion. IVIUreT VVAOICU Dl mAni f Offiiala ' CiAnatnra an Oenre. . eerrtativeesHaving Glorious Times at Public Expense. ' . tt II I t faMl.l U III! t istrauon Officials express concern over the growing treasury deficit. The ex fcea of expenditure over the receipts of, the present fiscal year has reached jibe surprising sum of $30,111,414. . At j this time last year there was an excess .in receipts over expenditures fit $!,414 wo. i o say um m pmcuji are uisap pointed and surprised at the situation is expressing it mildly. Meanwhile of- never before known in the government's .history. 'The eye of the administra tion are Juxt beeinnmc to open to this fact. and Secretary of the Treasury Shaw has put Jtis foot down hard upon a proposed trip of senators, representa- , lives ana oiner omciate 10 Aiasaa on a isrenua cutter. t . t The rivsrs and harbor commute has just finished a trip to the West Indie on a government . traonport. - At the umt time Secretarv Morton is enter taining a party on the Dolphin, includ ing Speaker Cannon and Senator Hale, In Co ban water. In addition to thee Junkets, (Ire rur- nt fateae has tees eagetei f real siet seaaash far she lass easr-e rears a aaras faaal ay rallaf saMI s kagaa laktaa rear Camnk. aiace . he baa mi sskln CeeeerM as has aarar has Caeaarats aa what oa ri inaiai l tbasi ss da. I wtll im roe ae priniat ef ailcf kls ass L Uesaah, 10 Beslaetsa, W.laaisesaelto, 1 Hisses 1 Faletabl. Palest. Test Send, P Aae4, ttarar Slrkaa, aahaa ar Ur4a, ,. Mrr ai is halk. The (aaalaa sahlat ataaiaad 00 0, Vesraaaaa he eaas ywar ssoaay seaa. snerUltaeaedyC.,CbJcagerN.T. ast CIwIL tJlE TI3 C3XES y7rj-X for. " if L Ths Powla . at R L E I N , City Treasurer on Regular Ticket , tnlnlatratlon has been clean not sus picion of a complaint from thoaawbo have had dally large or mall dealing with him or his office ha been reported and this at leaat the moat uncharitable will hare to- admit The press has re cently . published many f avorabl corn- menu In connection with Mr. Werleln and hi administration. . W herewith publish an editorial from the Portland Fraternal News, April JJ. which speaks for Itself: , . . . -. .. 7TA, p.i ilng Candidate. .;., ' The Fraternal New la hot a political paper, in any sense'' of the word; nor 1 It interested in the succe of any po litical party, or faction. But It doe de lr the ascendancy of principles of good government in local, state and national. affairs. This, in local affairs at least. Is best aocompllslied by supporting men "true and tried." without reapect to party affiliation. . 1 . For this reason the Fraternal New hopesr to . ae the re-election of City Treasurer 3. J5. Werleln in the coming municipal election. .HI past record is hi platform, and-it needs no "patch log." A strict fidelity to every trust re poked In blm has won the confidence and esteem of the general public. While alway taking a decided atand on every question relating to his department' of city affairs, h ha never been found obstinate or unreasonable. . ' ' . Mr, Werleln has for year taken n active Interest In fraternal-affairs, be-, ing aiu Influential member of several well known order. - He t past grand master Oregon lodge. A. O. U. W past regent Oregon council,- Royal Arcanum, past master Tram assembly, United Ar tisans, past commander Portland tent, K. O. T. M., and a sealou member of Webfoot camp, W. O. W. - But it is his willingness to assume any duty assigned him, rather than hia offiolal positions, that has end eared him to fraternallst with whom he has com In contact. lead - of other ofliclal will be taken across th continent to Portland, Ore gon, in June, to attend th opening of the exposition, ail. at th government' expense. , , .-, . t "Portland Kennel Club. . Exhibitor desiring entry blanks or any other additional information in con nection with entering 'their dog for th coming dog ahowv-oaa ' enr th am by addressing th secretary, Mr. F. F. Wamsley, ISfi, Pin street. City. Entries will close Tuesday, April it. EOBliSIJ3R0YOBl: HOLD FIRST TRYOUT - - i (Speelal Dispatch to The Journal.) ' ., Forest Orov Or., April t. Th track men of Pacific university held th regu lar annual try oat her yesterday. It was th best and moat Interesting that has taken place for a number of years. All th men were In good condition ex cept Fletcher, th distance) man, . who ha been sick for several weeks. There were from fiv to IS. In each event Captain Peterson was th greatest point winner, taking six first places, winning all th runs and . th broad Jump, al though Jn ' many of the events he had close seconds. The result would prob ably hav been, different had Fletcher been. able to oompet. with him. . Th vent war as follows first, second nd third place men in order: , , ..100-yard dash Peterson, Huston and Piideaux. , ' , Discus W., PhUbrook, : Lawrence and a Philbrook; feet 4 inches. Broad jump Peterson,' W. Philbrook and Humphreys; 10 feet 1 Inch. 120-yard hurdle G. ., Philbrook, . Prt aeaux and Mason; 17.1. 1 Pole vault Bold, E. Robinson and R. Robinson; feet S Inches. Sbbtput W. Philbrook. Ditnick and O. Philbrook.. ' ; . . 210-yard dash Peterson, Huston and Gate. . High Jump O. Philbrook, Robinson and Weathered. - ' K-pound weight W. Philbrook, Dim Ick and Lawrence; tl feet 7 Ins be. Half mil 'Peterson, Gate and Brown; 1:12 S-(. Hammer W. Philbrook. Lawrie and Dlmlck; 10 feet Inches. 220 low hurdle Piideaux, Mason and Huston. Mile Peterson, Gates and O. Brown; (:20. L4J0 run. Petersen, Ward and Hamph4 rey.. S Th claaaea worked faithfully and hard ron tur Minis cup. me lounn years of 'the. academy made 10 polnta, tlelng Peterson, who Was th only con testant from th sophomore. .. W. Phil brook, tbe onlj representative of the seniors, made 2X, taking four! firsts In th welghu. Trainer Moulton arrived on th morning train from Stanford. OOLOm OBA WXBaV ' (Joerasl gpseial rte.). Athens, Pa., April it. Colonel CE Graves of Duluth. Minnesota, th newly appointed minister to Sweden and Nor way. Is to be married her thl evening to Mis A He Kinney of thl place. On Thursday th bridal eoupl will ll from New Tork . en rout to Colonel Q rave' nw post of duty at Stockholm. i CpriESTIC COAL 'TO THE FRONT This Year Promises to See f or- sign Product Given a More r Serious Race. .v....-". ; COOS BAY SUBJECT OF.1" MANY SPECULATIONS Other Local Fields Have Pros- pact of Beating-tfir-f orefgnern Into This Market. . ' V Oregon coal Is destined to command more attention this year than vr be fore. Through the exhaustive -work prosecuted by Spi-eckel Bros. Interest on Coos bay, and -others operating there. thea well-known measures will be maae to- produce on a larger seal than at any time in their history. : The purpose of Coo bay mlneownera. to make an elab orate exhibit will be a further advertise ment, and will have the effect of ac quainting th people- of -Oregon with the fact that th atat la producing this fuel. There have been many rumor to. th effect that large deals were pending In the Coos bay district, some -of which may soon be realised. It la known that Important capitalistic Interests have been surveying th field, and It Is also. wall known that Portland people nave begun, to realize that they are permit ting thl product to go to a southern market, whil Portland Imports .from more distant point th coal required for domestic and steaming purpose. - Boreckel Bros., maintain in xtreaa- water steamer on, th run between Coo bay and San Francisco, with th pur pose of handling th coal product. of their property and aupplylng th mine. In competition- with such boat Port land people have not - yet eataonanea themselves firmly. Th rail lln from Marahf ield to Roaeburg or om other Southern Pacific point I th more ready solution, and 1 dlcud mis year wun an interest - portending success.' The Orea-on Southeastern, which was con' structed by th me back of th Oregon Securities company, has been 1 n vest 1 gat - lrnr ; the Droanects of extending from pCottage Orov oar a lln different to the old urr;r up 4Joquill river. wun th encouragement assured from this r , k. iin & rail,, rnnnsrtlnr the Southern f Pacif la with th coast near Coos bav seems assured at no distant data, after which Portland would bo in position to bid for th coal of that dis trict ' - ' ' " .,' ' ' Th owners of th Heppner Railway tt Coal properties, 20 miles from Hepp ner, have not mad any Open arrange ment for marketing their product, which is said to offer- a fair tonnage. TMi mine i 21 miles from th nearest rail way point (Heppner), and until a lln I constructed up Willow creek to or hear the mih it I unlikely that any serious effort will be mad to put mis fual Into Portland bunker. . With th promised' extension of the Taeoms at Eastern through th Cispus Pass country, snd nosslbly terminating on th Columbia river at torn point free to navigation, th Plerc and lwm county coat fields will b brought in closer touch with Portland. At present all the coals of this new and promising district are hauled back to Tscoma. and thence to Portland by lthr the rail- war or onf the water. Should th ' Nanalmo properties of Jamea Dutamulr close, pursuant to th threat mad by th coal magnate re cently, th north supply .-.would be limited materially and there would be additional , inducement for domestic de velopment In Nicola valley new prop erties are being opened, and a thl country 1. near-th coat it would b bl to deliver coal at Portland far more cheaply than can the Crow's Neat Pas country of British Columbia. Whil continental coal ar struggling for entry to thl market th xoreiga nroduct eema to find readier access. Australia I able to get to th coast cities and compete with British Coium- Ma and Wsahlnaton products, especial lr in San Franciaco. Until th mine near thl city ar brought out better, and rransnortatton connection ar im- nrnvad th coat of coal in Portland will be- largely governed by -to forelgnrod- uet, but with tn stimulus inai .wut oe aHwan eoa minis a thia year, observant men hop for a cbang in favor of th domesuo product. SURVhT KtFUKIEU ON 7 THE TANANA PUCERS taxil U. Prindla, of th United States geological survey, la in autnor or a forthcoming report, entitled "Th Gold Placer of th Forty-Mile. Birch Creek and Fairbanks Regions, AJaasa.- it contains th economic result oi a recon naissance of thee gold flald or th Yukon basin which wa carried out ty Mr. Prlndl during the summer or ivvs. It was prepared primarily for th placer miner and prospector. For this reason the description of th auriferous gravels ar presented in considerable detail, while only th salient features of the geology ar treated. ' The geology of the district is Terr complex, and. It will require several mor field seasons "to solv ven the general problems of structure and suoeasion. Thar ar at the present time In th Tnkot-Tanana country four widely sep arated regions which ar producing placer gold th Fort yM II region, tbe Birch Creek region, th Rampart region and th Fairbanks region. Th Forty- Mil and Birch Creek districts ar among th oldest of th gold placer producer of Alaska, but Mr. pnndir invesiigs tlon show that they ar by .no mean exhausted, and that with th introduc tion of Improved method of mining thoy will contlnu to yield good return. It la im anon ta -Predict the futur of th newly discovered Fairbanks placers, but they ahow every evidence or winmomi n,nt, . Tha facta i) resented br Mr. Prtndlr indlcat that th conditions of occurrence of th gold are uoh that for profitable exploitation lt"Jtaut b mined by improved method, and ahould Invlt th attention of capitalists.., 'the placer ar within a few miles of water transportation on th Tanana, and ma chinery can therefor b Installed at much lea cost than at som of th older camp. 7 ' t - ' w' Th report i iiiutratei tr e tographrc plate. Its Titue 1s mncrl rn- hanoed by reason or tne Tact mat it contain two reconnaissance map of th region, based oh survey made by T. G. Gerdlna in IrOt. On map. on a acal of l:2RS.0OO. extends from Fairbanks to SebilKBsr's Best meini - j of gool-caoogh quality at fair prices.'- , -V ' ..THfiT SGRIDNER'S MAGAZINE' ! PUBLISHED TODAY; . 1m WHn tnnA af KICTiON Then rcafd Edith WJurton 't brilliant novel of ocictY life. "ThcHousc of Mirth TrTiisrrstion bvA7 S7VTrizcTTTTain B. Connolly' "Dory-Mates.MN Nelson Lloyd "The Admirable J Whoople." Illastrationt by Fletcher C Ransom. William R. Lighton "The Ancient T jnHmarV " Carter Goodlo' "A Doubting Thomas." . In the Easter 'Scribnef. Are von interested in AMERICAN HISTORY? Then read "Webster and Calhoun in the Compromise De bate of 1850." By George P. Fjsher. 7 In th faster Scribaer'a. 1 .nil Imnruuil - kw . GRAND SCENERY?- Then read Over Night at th Sdga ot tne urana canyon. By Benjamin Brooks. Illustrations from photographs by . Dwight L El- uicnuui if yt iuicu ii ,i , In' the Easter ' Scribner'a.' Ar ' yon fond of 'OUTDOOR LIFE? Then read Frank E. Schoon- ovef 'a "Breaking Trail." Illustrations by the,3atithor, printed irt tint; ,; In Ih . Easter Scribner'a. f - Are you a LOVER OF NATURE? Then read: Frank French's "The Awakening of the Trees." -Illustra tions by the author. - In the Easter Scribner'a. Are yon interested in AMERICAN INDUSTRIES?. Then read Edwin B. Child's "The, Marble Mountains." Illustrations by ' the author, printed in tint- .. - ; - In tha Easter Scribner'a. Do oa remember the Great SAL- VINI? Then read T. K. Sullivan life on his Tuscan Farm. Illustra tions frdrr photographs. In the JEaster Scribner'a. Are 'you aoweciativ of ART? Then see Sarah S. StUwelTs "Flowers of : May." Drawing reproduced in oiors. . ', . - In the Easter Scribaer'a. 25c All News Stands 25c Circle, and th othr, on a seal of l:S2S,O00, embrace the entire Yukon Tanana district. Mr. Prlndl' report, which is listed a bulletin No. 261, is intended for free distribution, and may soon be obtained a application to tha director .of th United State geological survey, Wash ington, District or Columbia, ' (Sseetal Dispatch to Th JearaaM ' Gold Hill. Or., April 25. Superintend' nt A. A,. Taubeneck, tf th, Tin -Pan property, near thl place, continue to prosecute development teadlly, and th result of hi latest exploration ar en couraging. Thar ha bean considerable arena in th latest or opened, an In dlcatlon 'noted with much confidence by th management If th . favorabl showing continues for th summer, it Is probable that th management will en- a install aemiupuiem maxiuuvij befor th season ends. oj rtjro xs ainrr. (Spar la Dlspetek to The aoarasL) ' Grants Pass, Orr.' April 2t. 8. Chase, owning th Oro Flno, in th Jo Creek district, near here,' ha been arranging to complete Installation of his milling and cyanide plant this spring and com mence treating ore. . Th plant consist of a Sturtevant breaker and on et of roll combined, and leeching vat. These have been delivered at th mine, and oro of tha work of erscting them ha been finished. OBIITAXa O ' : (Rpaclat rHapstrh ta Tha JoeraaL) Cot tag Grove, Or., April 25. George W. lioyd left for Bohemia thl morn ing, accompanied by th metallurgist whom th Crystal company has engaged and will be at th property for several weeks. A large shipment of provisions Is going In. -i-f,. ' ' v : " ' B9imnTasTTATTra At Amj (seeeUI Dlspetek to Taa'toorsaLl Cottage Grove. Or., April 25. Th sum of 1150 has been raised toward a fund to send a representative to th fair by th Bohemia miner. Only few were in attendance and- this sum Is only a starter for th amount that will be ecured later. TRADES UNIONISM AND : - INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY a. ( Joarssl Sseclsl Ssrrlet.t NeV Tork, April 25. Th question ss to how fsr sssoclated effort in Industry in vol re th curtailment Of Individual liberty 1 th topic chosen for discussion at th first meeting and dinner to be held tonight under th auspices of th industrial economic 'department of th National Civic federation. Among those who hav accepted Invitations to partic ipate In th discussion ar President Charle W. Eliot of Harvard university. President Samuel Gomper of th Atner lean Federation of tetborr President Ar- thur T. Had ley of Yale university, Frank K. Foster of tbe Internstlonal Typo graphical union, and Francl Im Rob btns, president of . the Plttaburg Coal company. y ,' 7 PASTOB TaVAJTtrrxjvS. . . ... (Rperkd IMtpstrk ta Tb learsaL)" Cottag Grove, Or., April 25. F. L. Moore, pastor of th Methodist Episco pal church here, has securad a transfar to Chicago and ha left for that pi sea Th now pastor. Rev. Mr. Steel of Chi cago, with his wife s-nd children, will reach Co tut Grove, la th hear future, n rr IN WOOD PRICES FOR ONLY 30: DAYS V .225. ; 3X . 273 : ' vn ..s, h ; J '.' ' '..'-V - ' - g msuwrooaraWiimowaM. f.t; j . '7gr IE 3T. A. ' y . ron xma oxmaar onr. t - ' J; .-a ,. - 1 . I , . . - . '" ! i 1 Oren sliott rh. per load.-n-.-rTf t.TB r - j, - . v , . ... . ; ' 1- i . -Dry short slab, per lodd... 112.50- . ;.' OTC . lg LI' g -' ' i - y Qreen Inside, ner load 112.25 ' 2.75 1 Ok ri " 53 -T: . " ?-foot T dry woodTpcr eota.ryr.i ia.S ", , "7 , a ',7--:v" '1 t ' Block 'wood, per load r.....3.00 ' - N : 1 "'vl ' L-J ' t ''pf-i'm jj 2 ' ' : 'A - : - -' Kslgnts, WOlajartt '; ; . '.V, L.7S' "7 JA V. n ..':. ,-. Saights and Mammt Tabor. r ,-n ' K' ,- Ml m ' '' - '. s ' Csas -foot greea sUbwoed by arrassisiisl t-J" r ', f ' r ' '. I V " :. , s f '- ''" fries isckised is dlstrtcts are , ' . . ' V." ' aw.J ' fee abert see weed, per toed, i 7T- 1 ' v 'fsf ' I I '.,'i'ef yt--yriWJ-r-J.'-- 'VV ''':V."-.r''r !' '"; '""''i-''; r: - ':. '"'-' - .: ' (Exclusively Pure Cream.) 1 - ' 4 VANILLA. STRAWBERRY, LEMON ANY FLAVORS' .., '. ' - .-- , REQUIRED-. Water Ices, Sherbets We are exclusive manufacturers. . Our products have no equal on this markeu None but the purest and best ingre-, i. dients are handled by us, as a TRIAL ORDER ' WILL v. FULLY ATTEST. We make a , specialty of supplying ; ? Hotels, ResUurants and .Families. W deliver iree in any: part, of the city in quantities from one quart up. Consumers , will i find the quality of 6br ICE CREAM exceptional and our PRICES MOST REASONABLE. . v. -' " ... WE SOLICIT A I TRIAL, a T ; 7 205-207 WASHINGTON STREET. I . I "7 f The Kind Ton Hare Always f in use for over 80 years, and yr. -sonal All Counterfeits, Imitations knd M Jugt-au-gtod'' are bati xperimente that trifle vrith and endanger the health of 7 Infants and Children Ebrjerience gsunst"lperiniensV 4 What lb CASTORIA Oastorla is a harmless 'substitute for Castor Oil Pare . itorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It'1 ' contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Nareptia -, aubstanoe. Its 'age is Its truarantee. It deatroys Worms , . and allays Feverlshnessa It cures Diarrhdsa and. Wind . ' colic. It relieves Teeuung' nd Flatulency. - It assimilates the Food, regulates the , ' tomach and Howels; rriving healthy and natural sleep ' The Children's Paiiacea The Mother's Friend Iomo CASTOR I A alwavo: f,. ;.: Bears Uie TteKini In Uco For Over 30 Yearn. IS OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL A N E W l Mr E,E. t.O K II Oiwn short. pr, load..., .,91.75 Hetyl rorOul ud Wfl. V Drv short ner load ' ' Dry 4-foot wood, per cord. ......92.25 " . CtTT VSTS KAF 0V9 Blocks, par load. .............. -93.00 , Isr-aZ . AJTS SATS XT. .. ''.' . -. . . - --s v . . - i ' , BANFI ELD-VEYSEY FUEL CO. Phon Math 33 Phone Main" 223. Ve Have a Large Line or avanzsr oozJ1 nMi WKarrmhSwtM 1 HlItHaBt snrTTS) also taxdles' Underwear. dies' Swlss-Rlbbed Vesta, Fine -Llel Vsts, lOng and hort slvs. low neck, all colors whit, pink and blujaU slses,lrlcsiiv From 25c up to $225 THE WESTtRH IMPORTING CO. ISaVlTO rXTTst ttMMMT, OVF. OU lOSTOJrTlUJL Biraet tmporbsxs of Chi' aad Japsass Onrias, Bras. Ivory, riotar rraa, tA : .'. . tla, aons; Silk, atta, . ' . 77i'" Dooght and which has been , Has borne the signature of has been made under his per .. supervision since Its liiftuicy . TrouDies cures sjonstrpaaon , Siniatiiro of w ALL T lIl H O f .Lt 1 YouHaYe Always Boupt - 'j'..-' 1 ' ' " -7 " . S2.BO lam XelghtS. SO THIRD STRI ','rl Do .Yba PsUpize the New York Dentists j7i Yoa DonX You Should T Oood teeth ar Msentlal to proper KASTIOATIOaT -i Without good tth thr cannot b MASTXCATIOV . ... . Wlthoofr thorough mastication thr --'-- cannot be perfect .. j nannos - j -. Without perfect digestion thr cannot he proper -i k. t , I asjrrnTT.arroaT ; V Without proper assimilation thrJcan not be -.:.... , - ; r ' ' sTDTamOsT . t';" Without nutrition thr cannot : b . ' , nain f- ; -'..vr Without health wha iavr -- -,--'- - unv ; - "; ": Call and consult! a rVble and com petent spaclaliat ln DentUtry. m TBRB .....9($.00 oou cmowsTS .'..95.00 SOU) ITtUsTOS .............91.00 ! 90s) New eVork Perital Parlors ifburth and Morrison Sts.VI "Ovr Saly-afason'a." ' .- " Open day and Bight, from 5:20 a. n to 10 p. m. ' .. - ---' -Eb-Portland- PORTLAND, OREGON. AjaMricaa Plan $3.00 a Day , and Bsware. ; HKArxJTJARTERS FOR - TOKIU-i "J. ISTS AND COMMERCIAL . . TRAVELERS. Special rates made to families . and alngl gentlemen. A modern . Turkish hath establishment In tb , hotel. , ' ... ' '.St. a BOITjraS, itaaagr. . C3. GUini'S Bicaa is? I3VE Tonic A Ttmr TO TsJtS AT USal, mtB, Jasons ateeS an Man It realeote flt let , a Dtiaeia, Oiarawt or Dsnajatata. . ' To tain Hm ttnntt. ( set fmt). ' ' r gasiese syeasasea ffesi Jlmg Caw a. Te Create Xera yeroe, Tt Imprto tkt Htmtrf. re ro resMaMg Saaa ratef7sf sfara rstMr ittht. T Oar KldHtl Mse, Tt ffeaiee Uwr Saats, U mk tlK CJaar. r Oar Ossses, -sVUeswsest ssd (teastsahea, sols it Dsufleirrs, os it mail on scenrr r 0PIIICl,7B.B0j BOXES 12. -. DS. BOSaJrxO 0O CTTT ngTiTKIA. A. . Hetdquartert for Elastic;: 7 St(x:kings and . -f Trusses LAUE-DAVIS DRUQ CO. Third and Yamhill "Sts. sj liarm 1 sad arwsld taew ...soou waadami , MAJrVU Whkwaw; SorY Mnat foSvenlaat. r a If na ran not snapl khe Banai sen.t ae MM, Betam Maasa fnr tllnaarata biM-MM. Itataa fall partimlara sad rtirari ion In. ainiaaimi, piAHvaiafX Ug Hew less. - At ''1 sZ Every 7c laaVl u"aesnr-r5r " 1 llSMaawaaMy. eranMrar. j ' .' -if T, - c: 77,' ff 'if: i , r ...Nt. v , . . . j 7' , ' .!