The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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3' V.i
; io; dy pope
ma guests
t t. ,..
Nearly TWenty Five . Hundred
Pontiff Greets Trust promoter
. With Courtesy Diie Prince
Supreme-Court Reipfresths Do
; ; v cision , to! tv Cower .
Elaborate preparations 1ade to
Receive the Big Deieptton ;
'. " of Chicagoans.
Policy-Holders In t EquJ:
table In Thiatiif .
' . t . !
r tt vs . t
of the Church, t;
' '. f'' . f . ' ' " " ' . T"
a -V
V V-
a .1-. - ' . -- '
71 American Financier. Conducted
r3 -Through Vatican by 'HIsi .
Holiness Himself. V-
.r Vl.kt Bmit Nrw Bfa-VJ. hr
t, ",wtr w .at, '
- ..' Rom. April I. Th banow of a
prtnc of the church war aooorded Bat
urdey to. Pierpont f I
v-akh, ' wh-r. he " """J,.
-pop byfa privat family, alienee In
' STcwi room, of the great dltlo. by
. tb pontiff himself. ' ' ' .
Suck honor, hu nrr bn accorded
to ee American before and the tanpr.
eedented character of; th reception of
Mr. Moron demonetratee clearly tn
. ; feeling of deep gratltud Amrl
, m mUllonalr because -of hi action
! .-...-nina to the church authorities
1 the fanoua oop of AaaoU. ' "
Mr. Horpi M tmtM throoghom
' aa'tha paraonal fut of hi holloas
' and Uia VUU aorrouBd!
of tha usual barriara aracted. , th
Vcastama of tha vaUcn. ,
Th pop avarlooked Ua unlntaotlonal
offenaa of Mr Morga In oaU'ng upon
t-tha 'kirn of Italy baforo TUHtina- tha
Tatlcaa and, of court no
mad rb thl braaoh of ohurch aUqaatU
4urlnv tha rlalt - .
After tha lnterrlcw had been oonclud
d. hi bollneM took tha, deepott tatar-
it In coompanytn r. Moran
1 throuch tha vatJoan and In ahowlna; th
wonderful art treaupea that have been
collected there during- many oanturlaa.
I . Many private room never abown to
thoM ouuld of th aUoan wera Jto
lta and nearly-an hour waa apant In
th great library. ' Mr. Morgan wa
then eecorted Into th wonderful ar
dens of the, Vatican between long line
of papal guards, and everywhere th
' hlgheet honor poaalbl la reoelvlng- a
: paraonal friend of th pop war
corded .to the financier. - ' '
Today's Incident 1 In accordance with
,nha honor that have been ahowerod
' upon Mr. Morgan lnc the" beglnnlni
t of his visit to Italy. Th action of th
kins- of ' Italy U inviting Mr. Morgan
to alt beside tola during th call at the
i -a .ha Murtaalaa extended t
him at th Vatican' vldeno fforto to
Indicate to- Mr; Morgan ma wpwuuw
of his cour In restoring th oop of
Awll t Italy. : , v . - '
After leaving th pop Mr, Morgan
. 'visited ' the papal ecrotary. Cardinal
Merry del Vat In the famous apart-
-' h Dam(u vhtn ha anent
bbdi4 wfc mv . -
, long time In examining th. famous
paintings. , ' .
arranged several days In advance, and
. Athar vialtor. .. Ha Wa
met at th main entrance by a cardinal
.w .nH,tt him lnta the a I wet edi
fice through a lln of papal guard, who
aaluted with n- raffle of drums. H
,. . was led AO th private- apartments, of
' the pope, where, after, th oxchan; of
,' greeUngs. he sat for half an hour In
- conversation. -- rv---f m1-
' "I have been deeply toocbed by th
attitude f th people of your country
- : toward th -Vatican.- said bis hollneea
.Clt haa-aarnod ar W "P ,i
hav - aeen," he said smilingly, - ttat
vea Protectant of your ooontry rcixVer
' Th pontiff as deeply lnterBt4 In
economic oonttlons In th United States
i - .Mtiunll . Ta ftiA mini
pug nai . BW" -- w
; auestions he showered upon Mr. Mor
gan be showed wonderfully wide rang
- of knowledge about th affairs of thla
country, and especially with regard to
the church of Rome. He expressed net
thanks to Mr. Morgan for. th return
- aama with. jiAllnai. whteh called
"V forth from Mr. Morgan afterward the
hlgbeA expression of regard for tha
. . ...mi AaftnM. ef tha none.
It was at the eonclusion of the coa-
Him that tki iiiiiiimMt action of
""Tola holiness In offering to conduct Mr,
. .hM.ivh th WAftlmn- tAAk UP.
H.1M1 .
Morgan completely unaware. Being fa
, miliar with th customs of th Vatican
' at th end of th conversation, bat f on rid
- instead that he was regarded a a per
sons! gut by th bead of th Roman
Catholic enures. - -
-' The pop linked his" arm through thst
. ih. iMHlMi tnllllnnaira ami walked
J- with him along tha wide corridors, ac
companied oy omoars ex ui papai guara.
. They spent aome time In tha moat fa
Mia nt th ' aiYi.ll (Oamar etmtalnlns
the greatest art treasures of the Vatican
. ' and then visited the library, where the
pop explained to Mr. morgan in na-
..... h. mi a.lta.iltwv - mmA ea11d
. hi attention to certain , section that
. It caju it. U 1 1 1 " w l mm m
' est library In the world, ' . '
Vk I. ti r'.vwllnal 'M.jpev AmA Val
: , In the Borgia apartments was not the
.east interesxing ox xne oay ex pen -'
encea, The apartments, the.' moat
? unique In the Vatican, were tha eoncep
- tton of Alexander TI. a Borgia, and a
pope with who name has been con
nected many of the tales of the famous
family of poisoners. - Mr. Morgan will
' 1 M,.t.ntlinl. ahHl vha h.
is expected to he the guest 'of th sul-
- V, . Uam ha. w
th king of England, th emperor of
: ueminT, in aina ' ltaiy ana in
' pope, and his visit to Constantlnopl
, ' la expected to make It for him
' to add. to th material he ha collected
. " tar the book ho Is to writ. "Th Mon-
' -i arcbs I- Hav Met"
' v. - -araat BpsrUl arrrlet.t
: v Buffalo. ' N. AprU 4. Represen
tative of th Oolf lns,'th western
' ' II... ..ui tha tpfjalc lln. a.mtileil hnra
' today to confer on the subject of next
.' Mtaa i ta. llnM lKl Meaaaat
" Gulf roia petition has been la effect ef-
xorts nave pern man ins to come xo a
. . ttrallmlnarv understand in a between all
v .if a I WJ Ml V. II., VU . " D .11.1. V.
- which next year's rate could be deter
' mineo witnovx xne pnaaiouny n a war
- luta tha tTXiilt tIM atlant.4,
Th- efforts hsv been raelsted by the
-IWr tllliacr ar-wrwwtm .fiia Hum u.ltj
r.ianiiv dacided to meet mil br cut. and
tt is believed thla decision will Inflownc
a . II... .a . in, t a a t l.f.f.
arrangemnt In regard J9 tha rates for
.. ... ill coming ywar. .... -,. .-.v
' '' ' " Mmm Oar fog Oaaoe. 1 ;-
, All surface cancers are now knows
in be curable, by Bucklen's Arnica
fcalva Jaa WJti-of Dufflrtd, Va,
writes! ' "! had ar cancer on tnr lip for
veara, rht aeemed Inmirabla till Baok-
U perfectly well." Guaranteed cure for
ruia and burns. tSo st Red Cross Phar-,-.r,
Hxth and Oak streets, fa U way
Last Legislature Passed Bill for
. Puroose - Evading the
8eetal Dlepateb to The iecxaaL) ' ' ?
' Salem. Or., AprU 14-Oataop oounty
new eoarthoua waa knocked out by a
which revaraed the deelaioa of th lower
court In th oas of Asm is Brtx against
Clatsop 'county given, in btw v. w
county.--.' "' -
Th contract bad been let and part
of th bonding erected when th work
was stopped because' of a doubt as t
th legality of tha contract owing te
Indebtednea against th county.
.-The last legulature leased a bUl for
th purpose of evading th provlaloa
of th constitution and providing that
a levy of mUl should b mad each
year for II years to create a oourvnouae,
hnJ arul tha this ahonld lot bi OOO
tldered a debt against tha county. Th
supreme court tnrougn tiueuov
. . . . ..... ...I W.'Mtl. a
BOJUS Viiab ui i. wvwh. wa .iih.
debt against th eoonty. Clatsop county
Is la debt $70,008 beyond th constitu
tional limit ' : 'r ' -
Th cas of James w.won againsi
M t VlMaa Ml la.aiaaal .lid MmtDO.
at, Welch, having secured a decision la
th lower court. ' tm sun waa vnnu
by Welch to eollect a not, which bad
i . .iaiai n him for rtollactlon bv
a guaranty bond oommltta of Astoria.
Arnerica'r Most Accomplished
Forger and Bank: uerrauaer,
'V s Now In the Toils. .
" ' (.earsal Spaslal arvka.) '
nw. . Anril ,. Joaach 'Adams.
.ti.. i.arii TWkvr itkl laha 'B. Wbaal
r, ha been arrested bar. It la claimed
that he la a member or tn luoat-wnii
raan gang of bank awtodtora, who raised
iiiaoa from banks In Maw Tork and
Boston In two months' work. - -
- Adams la th last memor or tn gang
n h amiattal all the others being either
waJtlna- trial or serving aeataaoaa,- . He
la wanted la St. luia for forgary and
bank swingling, aaa w hn ww u
Cincinnati, Chicago and other cities of
- He ta described tn a reoent Attwrtoaa
Banking aaaoeiatloa circular a th most
inmnnlllhal HiaU Bt BWlndlar HOW
.t i.m. Mia t math ad la ta establish
credit and Secure th oonfldone at bank-
era, working in tn, gau ox a prion, or
. u. t. V, ..l.a . .ymi TaMiaatm. whn
stole tm,00 In gold bar from th ub-
traaaury wagon tn Hw xora. ana wnv
Is - now doing time for ewlndllng the
People' bank on a Boatoa draft written
by rAdaM.-rr-----?---" . . " .V"
Rev. Dr T. B. Mayor, i1 th eminent
Umdoa divine. who 1 cotadactlng a
mission In thi elty. had a very busy
dav vaatardar. He Breached to a large
congregation at th First Cengroga-
tlonal cnurcn u tna mrami,
o'clock he addressed a hag aadlene
. . tha nrutl t h t ltv
at 14 o'clock be. talked ta woman at
tha whU Templnaia ta g
w b.irl. tha. Stt-at Tl I .lnlUI
Rav. Dr. Meyer t a very latarwung
speslrsr i Thar la noUUng naaionsi
forceful manner which appeal to hla
bearer. . v 1
r Xoo many hav degraded ta body
It tha atrltrin af Sin." seld
he to th men at tha Marqoam, "whtr.
aa w know tnat bib ties em otr uiv
body, la th soul and ptrtt Our body
t - ... all. ta aha ii i a,t tbttiflt. dt
graded, but It is Just now tbo body of
our Bunuiiauoa. uea na m owner vu
tha body by calling tt a temple, and to
tail a M l. aneet It isuire
tkm In th Ukanoa of th body or
Christ r . . ; - j
"Wherever yatj find that aa outward
thlaa ta naatfM-tntr VOO. VOB mUSt ttUt it
awar. . Too must be master in ta
house or your me. veair u a iwn
' tat tm, nrntt an itmu ifnni.
nr.. awluli atralnat tha formation
of erli habits in our bodies, which may
b begnn in ignoranoa tutu fuuui, vi
becoma Iron bands. , Sow a thought
rean an act: sow aa act reap. a. habit;
sow a habit reap a cnaracter: sow a
character reap a destiny. W must see
to It that w pas on as par a nature
as possible to coming gsnarauons.-
' S ii." .1 Batvtaat '
TMalywV T. .aatl . Aat I trwi a a
Uiat D nan laaen a israg oianji car
boll o acid by mistake tor whisky. Mrs.
U.nall. TftKW. SI. . tf. I fj AM.
wife of a rich German merchant of thi
city, aimoot oiea irom ine auggwiuoa.
f3ne WBtl U nuuua;iuu. twmva. aia uva.a
and the moat stringent . efforts were
mrmirr tn rostor her. . l -
Physician say it was a moat, ro
..b.kl . .. . la .nlHMfftaatlM ' a ait
IK II CUtW mrw - wa . .
nervous trouble wonderful cures eonld
i m I ftk. aa la.1 .ait la f m mmm a
b nut in insaarcy aaa vuiwr mtfiiiai
trouoiea v- ;.
aa. a,i a a aa. at . a mm mm tt.
tndtanikpaliar-prn'-li.--tA Big Pour
ralaht aaa aj f a, kt tl.M ill 1 1 " Vail
bit thi; North Indianapolis lln thla
morning. Engineer aoiazn aim tirtvatj
man A. C Duncan wwra killed. Fire
man C Dolph wa aertoualy Injured. ' AD
or inaianapoiis. . . - ,n
'. (latmal ganriai.
' Stockton, Cal., AprU ! William
O'Neal was alaetrocuted thi 'morning
while, working at a gold dredger, Cala
versa river, near Jenny Llnd. 19,000
volta nassinc livough body.
VisiW Will Be Escorted About
City and Entertained at i
r; Commercial' Club.; j H;
ii ; alaborata oroaram Of enter tain-
meat oocuprtng th entire day. has been
prepared by the Portland :Coaunrelal ,
club for Chicago buslnaea man, who rtl
arrive tomorrow morning at T o'clock ta
a special ear from Seattle. The follow
ing commute, repreeetiMng line oorre
poodlng with th bosraoaa of th ma
comprising th Chicago delegation, aaa
haan aDoointed to assist, la reoelvlng la
antertalning tha -laltora: ;V
J. rrank. ' Watson, Mercnanwi' na
tional bank; Benjamin X Cohan. Port.
lanil Ttait . eatliBanv! I. Allan Lewis.
Allan As tewia Grocer oompany; Kdward
Ehrman. Mason, Enrman vai r . - vr.
Ladbotter, Columbia River Paper om
. ti c wtwtiman. Olda. Wortmaa
th King; Clarence Jaoobaon, Keustadter
tfc Co.; W. B. Ayr, natern a
IfOmber oompany; T. IX HonT-nan.
Hoaeyman Hard war company; la" T.
WMtwortb, Portland lumber company;
L K. rieteohner and others.
. H. W. Oood will represent th Juewis
and Clark Exposition , company. Th
Portland men will meet at the Chamber
of Commerce building at :0 o'clock
tomorrow morning, and proceed In anto
mobUea to tha Union depot, where th
visitors, at tr having breakfasted I la
their ear, will be taken aboard th auto
and driven about tha city. A fur sea
tag th town they wilr be taken to th
exposition grounds. - Th Chicago dele
gation Includes th following, W. T.
Hypes, Marshall Field A Co.; W. IX
Haynle. Illinois Steel oompany; John C
Miller, of J. C Miller Co.; rerdlnaad
Vlhhaafl TTIhhaMl WllMtCar th TTTT11;
n... wihhanL nOibajrd. Bnanoor. Bart-
lett tfc Co.; John H. Hardin, P. A. Hardy
Hardwar company;, i. s. voxwaDauga,
Amertean Imbar company; B, L
Cramptoa. National Bank of th Re
public; - B. w. "Kimoara. rmp-r u
oompany: lame MaoVeagh, rranklla
w..trL.tJ a. rvt. .: . . - -
At U:I Colock th party will return
to th Commercial dub, where they wlU
mt Portland bustnaaa men In th par
. a Maritl aatloa has been nostad
In th club rooms, and It la urged that
thera should be a large attendance of
chub men to meet tha visitors. Imnoh
La. .u It. aarv at 1 'dock. After
luncheon th Chicagoans will - ba taken
far a rtda a - PorUaava - balgbta. and
points of Interest will ba shown them.
Tney will aisnaaa aoom
th Chicago man dtarire an hour or two
In which to devote their time to lndl-
trldtlal affairs. ....-.
'"Th' tourist win leavs Portland on
th morning train Wedneeday ever th
Oregon Railroad Maviguion company
lln for Tbo Dalle and other point In
eastern ' Oregon. Several members of
th Commercial club committee will ac
company them as far aa Th Dallea to
point oat tha beauties of the Columbia
river, and th country e isuuro uoua
th MuttV-Th' anwrnnead pnrpoa- of
tha Chicago man In making thla tour of
u. Ta.. taartharaa la to atltMIrtha
th business relation between this sec
tion and th manufacturing and whole
sale -interests or. uiicago. a io-t -
aaja -interest ox v nirago. a . , . i im uucwr. nim fcvriaiuii, t a
visited Spokane, Tacoma, North Yakima. ! ntt aUega, that Vtoe Preskdent
. ... . . . .Ira. a tha rmttjfri... .lufl hla A li.i tnr. . '
Seattle and ether place along th rout
of th North era Facine, ana wiu mum
over the union racmo ijinan.' i ,
I ' i in ii i it..i.i W ia Tli. JaarsaLl
A'"i Ora, APTU It. l am jwuua
.. .i t haa amointad th fol
I l.a aalaaataa ttj altand - th it
convention of the Oregon DevalopmaBt
laagua to ba Bald at ronana avpru
.-a .. ' Una 11 IT JackSOIL Q. . W.
Crowsor, J. Syd MoNalr. T. X. HUla tvnd
Q. a Butler. ,. " - ,
The board hag arrange-. lor a oia
. i. . aitituma tA ha held at
tha Chautauqua tabernacle oa Wednes
day night in this city io pi-wau. m-
elalma of tn ooara xor uubw
ano In Its work f publicity, and pro
motion for the Lewis and Clark fair
.- Tia. utanaa includes speech
by a number of th leading citlsena of
fXW a aawaas-r - - w w -
ak im - wrant tnttav wrota to Gov
; ..v.. -
rnor ChamborlaJn. recommending a par
don for Frank aeiy. me -jt.
Ud who aa head trusty In th county a.-rf.a nlrht ! faced -Chaxia
Baumer and with a pistol prevented his
scape from prison. ,
gay wad acntenoed recently for lar
a a-raitinfT. navtnK pleaded
cuUtv to th charge. Seetey has been
warmly eongraonai-a r -Saturday
-night whlctt is said to hav Murua aa he stood face
to face with a desperate prisoner who
doubtless 'would bava. pereistad In his
haA h. not raa ii aari uitl Dtaiv.
meanVbualness and Intended to do whst
was hi duty a trusty in coma y
Ami tk'i.. a. rodirrL Wtfotd,
.Vi.7. .u..ivVrr gtwrt.. Ttcoaiaa Ot-se
. t H.,fiiaaa. lLantilL Maec.1 . H.
Nortoa. Nr Xort; J- WeeOtrerth. t
0. H. Olayfterm. Toiai '-"-- -t---L
imOforrl B. JcnklnenB and W. U Nlml,
LZTl. CkarlS XSoroa.
w park. It rnaclm; O. AJ Johm, Bfktw
tnit' Job r. Syta. Botteei l)lrtt B. ataa-
aad Mn. O. B. Hutehlr-oa, C--,.. .
At ta Impanel: i-n-tra fnar"i
MrLoa(ll. ftasttl-! . H. BeAtortJ and Je
White. BtU; B. B.9onm a. w. nooe-
ea-k. Xiurtent Joes BV oiw-u.- iinre. nr.,
Uroy ao W. . Oram, B.knCtty.
imVT'mnu.m r. oraDer. Oroaers. Or.l W. U.
Wk.: C. U WOry. Oue; H. ik. Blanltj and
r,f. raaW.ll. WMh.: W. H .t. Wheat.
land. CaL J. f. oiUtmltatev Hot; H. A.
Mtreaa, gas Praoctmi W. A. OomflMtMiT
SrJZlr ta.w.. n uiaaa TffMfa lffaha! Dr.
H. tt- KtmUatl. BIT, O.: C. O. --rta, Heed
ElT-r; K. U Lead. laaao. f
T had a runnlnr
Itching or on my
lar. Buffered torture. Doan s
Doan s Olnt-
a..l taakr th burning Snd ItCh
lng Instantly, and quickly effected per
manent curV' , C. W. Lftnhart, Bowling
Qreen, Ohio. -
People Here Would Uke to Know
What Will. Become) of .... ;
a Vast, Surplus.
.wrhat'.wtHll ISartama of tha 110.000.000
surplus of th BaultaM AMuraaoa so
ciety of New TorkT This la th suut
in the gam that haa begvn bet wean
Tree President James H. Hyde and the
policy bolder who have Instituted a
suit for - a receiver for tha oompany.
Tha question haa oonaiderahl attention
from l.ITf Equltania poucy nmaera m
tha atata of Ortron. whoa policies a
gregate ICOM.Ott. "
It la believed Vy r local Insurance
agencies whoa legal advisers have as.
amtned th Kcrultable-s charter prbvl
in, atut - H. BinMmt aoart dsclslon
bearing on tha point involved, that Mr.
Hyd wax oootmu in aDsoiuxe w
trol of the' surplus. By virtu of own
rshlp of a majorltr f th stock of th
eorporalion he ha the power t Install
officer and directors who may legally
mak whatever- disposition of this Im
mans sum that h dictates. -Aside
from thla, th company's re-rv fund,
which U tn a measure regulated by th
tat lnmrane laws of New Tork, will
remain Intact, .and th oompany may
aoatlnna ta carry oa It basin, re
gnrdlea of th fat of th 10,000,000
surplus that money never havtqs' borne
any real part in the conduct of - th
Bquitabt affaire, although tt aoonm
ulatloa has represented th profit de
rived from Investments of money paid
la by tha poller holdar. . ,
- . , UA Ova Oaa-half. - S
-nThen Vic President Hyde's father'
ercanlsed tha aOqnitaDta, ce eapnaiiseo
It at 1100,000, " and - retained 161,000
worth of th stock. - This controlling
majority of the stock he boqueattvad
ta hla aaa arat ttrt him the DOSW tO
vote It but . plavoed tha stock la th
tana ol ais aasociaia in in mniwr
James Alexander, who la now Its
preaidVect to hold until the aon reached
tha ag of SO years. . Jam H.iHyd
will within a abort time be to rear
old, and at that time the slock -which
he already has tha power to vota, will
0 tuned over to him absolutely.
Supreme court deelalon tn previa na
eaaea have astabllabed that th Equit
able waa legally a stock company, th
stock, waa paraonal piwrty. and th
rights af an owner of to stock could
not bo tnvalidattd.. It la alleged that,
whll agent of th Equitable have
flahrrtd it was, all along, a mutual com
pany, th charter of th 3Uitaxu con
tains taiaa prvrisiLmff . - f
Ta Rhafbar jfrovlBlora, '(.
"Tb eapltel stock of said oompany
n on nuncrea i;noiiiiii aouui
In oaah. divided , into- one - tboasand
aharea of tl0 each; which, ahall be per-
aonal property. .- n oorpwrai pvtnn
a tail iwimrair a hall ti vested In a
board of d tractor, to eanslst of It -
aona, a majomy or waom anau am uv
sens of tha-atat of New Xork. each of
whom (hau a proprietor or at least
Hva sharee of said capital stock. In
the election of directors, every stock
hAlAaa ta ttia amfan anaii na Riuuan
ta aaa ml. aa mwmr9 ihUt Clf atdfcfc
bald or him. and suck vote jnay be
It is unoer tnrta prmmiuu. ni oppon-
haa elected his directors.
'A . Shnan nmrktinls th Qrsat alfiaa 1ta fniwitlra tha MmntUlV
asset hav been absolutely controlled
by th owners of th 1100.000 capital
ajtaatr ta. tkjlftnutrn Ulttatl aaaaia nmTV
akafl a -. In ItMU of llOOJkOO.000
they ara-atm rpreanted trjuth "origt-
nal luveauitent oi ivevv. jar. xy
of today Is. it is said. In th position
. h. aaraaa at a tntlnrit nf tha atork
V. mi. awaa. w -
of any other legally organised oorpor
!. ha na anl a ivinlrali Its hualnaaa
mariagment but h can 1 easily claim
personal posaasstoa or tna larger part
of th SS0.oe0.00O surplus aarntnga.
This Mint has aireacy oarj UBciaeo
In his favor by tha snpram court, it
la atfJd in a suit against th Xauitaal
by a policy holder la IMS. Enrll Oreef,
of Nw Tork atata, waa tha bolder of
an ndowmnt policy lor io.oso, wnica
fc. t..h t f. aaft aMtJjrad
ta i . a a ahlsh tlm ba raealvad tha
im named, ana in aaaition ,ii, rp-i
resenting his annual ainaeaas or snare
a .ha atft-nlna Ttrriflta allotjanl to him
by tha oompany. Ha set np th claim
that tha oompany wa Muna to aivm
all of Its surplus among It poucy
holders. ; ' : ; 1 .' s- ' ? .. :.i 9 3
Sot fog Bhaar of .0npUut '
ngurlng on th basis of a net Sar-
nii.a lit ITT IT hald bv the eomnan
on December II, 1S. h brought suit
to recover I7,QI7.I1 aa nis proporuoiw
bar of tha whole surplus, - ta addition
ta tha ana. ha had MnaHrSft as annn4l
dividends. TB lower court gave a de
cision In his favor, and tha company
carried the case to th supreme court
of Now Tork, which reversed th deela
lon. Jostle Daly, la nis opinion, saiu:
riit ahtltraHnn nf tha comcanv. is
tinfn la fWinftrat- and tha- nolicv eon
stltuta th con tract. Consulting this
policy to ascertain what th oompany
contract with reference to th surplus,
aa San that tha Ifumrsd la entitled to
"particlpato In the , distribution of th
surplus according to auca principles
and methods aa may from tlm to tlm
h. aitantaft tnr tha aoclatv for such dis
tribution; which principle and method
ar hereby ratunea ana atToepua tor
anv Taunton who shall hav or claim any
lataaaa. . tf twn (' thla. fmitTft ' Till
laintiiT - ao - agreed.' and "took' out ' hla
policy with tnat stipulation, it waa
for htm to ascertain bef or making th
contract whether tb methods of dis
tribution adopted by tb company wr
such aa h deemed- equitable, and par
ticularly whether th whole surplus was
to, b aistnptiteq.- . -. f t
Vumnlna the track at a point Bin
'Billag " troT-rBufala yeeraetri a legging
engine pinned to th ground r.. A.
Ralley. an employe of the Sastarn tt
Western Umber oompany, crushing th
bones of his right foot Unabl to ex
trlcat himself from th wreck, th In
jured man was frightfully scalded by
tha escaping aietun, paria ut. nis oouy
aat almAat tvtnkttd. t V. ..
- He waa taken to Oood Samaritan hos
pital last ,nlght, where amputation of
hla light leg was found nceaary. H
was soalded on th fao. ahouldera, arms
snd neck and severely burned on tha
thigh. - ' ' . ;
For some tlm fceavy logs hav been
cut and rolled dowa a it? tm, tand
Every purchase here means aCaSush-itang for yod
pick of these three-day
are a. part of every purchasewe give them with every f 10c purchase.
Special showing for the next three days In the different departments:-
r.j.-J .J...,t..;
IM Dial Strxn 10 Woven . Dot Whit Drea .
Bwlsa. assorted slaea.ln dots, good vaiu for . 1fr
too apaeial. thre day, yard. .;. ...... W
AJT9 PAMTw lgtj I Ladlea
Gray Bibbed Vast and Pants, nice summer weight;
th regular price vil --pecial.. . , 10
tnree day,1 th garment... ......j.....f... vv '
gaQ0 ajJUJaTWAnnr $1.15 This Beautiful Waist, tn -lawaa,-
Unena and batiata, ta white, pongee color and
black, lac or embroidery, trimmed with lucks or plaits;
a shirtwaist well worth IJ.00 y. CI I C
special, three days..,.. .,. ... "
ao Ifvraxar H) W 3t&4 A ' nlo aaaortxnonCof
Misses' and ChUdren's Musua .Oowns." made .from a
good . quality cotton, nock and aleavea finished with
ruffles; tb matsrlal would cost yow, 0 -l :m ; ?3QC
apodal, thro daya, each. ...... ......aa..aa..vv';
&lsssiiie eviwa.
iaH 'oUBM OZsTOXAltal TV Oood Quality Drasg ,
Oinghama, in a full aaaortment of aolora and atylea.
In plain atrip and .cHecka they ara warranted fast-.
Aolor; never sold less than II tto n - , 7J.CV
special, utre nay. yara..a.a. .. .- - -tiaaW'CAlXOm
WVTa f 7.45---Mtsed'Chvot 'Tailor-
. . , . mm i . I, v. tji.. I..1..I aat Waft,it.Kailt
rCaiXOB trm f 7.45---Mtsed' Cheviot TaUor
i laUHes Suit with Eton jacket and Roundabout
lapped Beamed and stitched; a cheap - C7 l -5
tor Ili50--epcial. three days, each......,7 -
ataa uanr
skirt, la
salt for
liM , OBam TOSU SZXBIC ' $1-85 Ladles Crepe
,VU-4Klrt . 1 black only., nlo light .weight for th
aaason. made with nine tucks around aklrt; would bo
good vain for. t.ft,- pclal.-' ;, . ; : 1 OC .
thre day, each. , . ... . , ........ . a..W.i. t .y ",
T1H rgOaXS'8 TIST) TM I whar "wa' hln-- .
Beat Quality French "Percale, "on r yard wld,a UTtO'
aasortment of pattern, small and large figures and
stripes, vrarranUd J as t colors; regular Prtc .
liyio special, three days, yard.. ...........
I rvwirCS StwlTP
bcraynpt IrasnFl jftrasr
Rxtraoted and Ud abaotntaly" without
. a .- a a a t tN KaOktaffl tviaa
put 0j &UT imAW boiuuijuw iHt4TOti i-m
nted aad used by us only. Frw exam
ination. . - . v
' 111 .iiw. atjafaa aal 111 w mm tarha
dreed having .their teeth extracted ar
Invited to cau tu owr uuv. t w
will demonstrate to their entire satis
faction our claim for pain loo extract
ina. -.. . ., 1 -.
TfTiHati . ......... A..- -llOd
GOLD rnILN08. . ..76e ana $100
tl AND 110 OOlfO ' J L.1.
CROWNS 93.00 ad SB. OO
rULL SET OpEBTH.p ,....$5.00
Boston Painless Dentists
Opp, Msler S Frank aad Old looflo.
Honrs 1:10 a. m.10 s p. m.
t-tii a. m. to tllO D. m.
TO b sure you ar tn th tight placa
com In and get bottle Of Pr. B. U
O raves' tooth powder,
in striking too track they loosened the
nii -Raitav waa 'riding . la ' th eao
with . th . ongloeer wha " tb accident
ocfOurred. The engineer escapea injury
1 ' . .. tna Ipffwimativa left tha
track. - H yelled to fealley. but the
latter was uaabl to sv nlmii. 1
RaUey is aged It year and unmar--m-A
nmwtmim .a hia sniandld health and
puTstdng ftrtand --oodcnfticO" 6f
rtjeovery, aespi nw im
shock incident to ii.pwuvrai
yIrays and RADIUMV
t 1 fTa.l Saaftal fV lit.! ' AtYrii it A small lump of
radiant carried In his vest pocket Is'
combining With the new nuroencan.
a taaattaant tn TfTOrk . B BdlCl
miracle upon Prssldent Hsrperofr th
Jalvrly-o-ateago. -uawr-iorwi-blned
treatmant it wa announced to
day that tha cancerous area - la v Dr.
, i . .M.ainfi navftv bad dcrased
on third and now Is entirely free from
contact with th intestinal wau. iu
condition show an. almost unheard ol
i.......i afwnnllna to the nhral
IIUIIVT.Ill.HM " ' - - - ,
clans, and thsy now beUov no will ra-
cover completely. ,
o.a .iaaa ill. ' oneratlon bv DT
fturney of New Tork two month ago
nuroeacent treatment hag been used on
Dr. Harper, radium having neen Intro
duced only recently. Ia X-ray treat
ments drags which hav power of be
coming fluroeecent under apaeial la-
bargains Trading Stamps
O OOaOVWAIS tScVLadlea' Corset Waist, mad
. from good quality satin, in drab only, full Una (
ise thy alwaya. sold Xor Mo . . , " " ' 2C
special, three day. ach.".. .......... 1 .. . . .;.
SjOO TnrSXBSKZBT fl.lS-Blaclt SafJna Tjidersklrt
nlo. soft quality mercerised, rain and dust-proof, mad
with 14-Inch flouno and I ruffle 4 Inch deep, trim
med with aatlna straps; never sold lost . " ,i j P 1 C
than 1100 special, thro day..;..a-,.--.atiP''
.law. SUM SWISS- TVwi Oooor QwaBtr Ires Swiaa.
aaaorted slsed woa dots, a material that rffl wash
'nicely. It
bava pain 1 for It special, three days. yard. a... r w
AjOO SiT nifM 4--panoy and Xtaa Border Hat
Zrapaa, in a large assortment of colors or plain and
dotted chiffon; they war mad ta aU tor.,. . JQft
fl.00 apecia, thre day, oach.a. .a...17V
McCs3s !:
; Pattern ro
.H vitA (mSs
leve flnUhed with raffia, else 1. I and , ; tn
cambrlo they are mad from would coat I0. '2Sc
pedal, thro days, .act, ...... .-lfi.i.'y.'
TlUiObAWsT'XIKOVO 48ty Thu' Is a" pretty lln 'of
good quality lawn. In a large aasortment of styles and
colors; to bay th same malarial thy would , ,; ig
eoat yon Tto apaeial. thr day, acli.....w,
IUI BuTTLIS OHmTATJV T5 A. good. Serrtoeabl
Bwlaa Curtain, ruffled aU around. S yarda long and II
lnehaa, wida. a. pretty bedroom curtain; a bar, 7-!r
aaiaat ll.ttvtmcal.Uire oaya. plr,.a.w..f
'i .... fi r' r
o ' Oruontt , aftaV-Oents v Black and . Whit
BtngU or Double-Breartt CmWrt. made from good
Quality Baachmaa Awil tha right good to wear; wa
hav them In all !; you nav been paying lOr
0o for tbin---poolaVtaree daya, acbvt ,v-rv
... .' At - J.,.
Edited, by Dr: J.
"''' f: ';r . Al .ASSOCIATES
"C " ' ' '
'i yirTLL ' BK , ON ' SALR
:2- v' : ' 4wM nrMsffr.o
i. , : ajv-T as a s a srv -- ja ninu
-"f l tz-vJ'y,--- v jvv.-'.l'.:
Ttia paint wttlf which w supply our ;
customer nvr crack, blisters or ' (
pel off irk many of tha cheap paints '
pn. th markst It Ucw-Thar'--wtiy--it
command a few cents more on th '
pound and la worth It Bee our color ; '
card, make year selection of shade f or y
Indoor or outdoor work,' and get paint
satisfaction m tjusJlty and 00 st '
FisherThor8i3n & Co.-
oosv norr ami vomazsow
flnwoeog are admtniartared and then the
X-rky 1 applied.- - ...n:..-:.
a Pr,- Harper lrf Under lh direct inflUr
enc-t radlnm daring th greater part
of teach day. bat as it Is not eoiMddered
-wis to have th patient In eonstant
contact with tha ' powerful raye. tn
pocket pleos Is removed at stated tun
to allow rest. That Dr. Harpar im
provemeat Is material may . he judged
from tha fact that ha now puts In nine
hours and a half daily at th nnlvaralty
with trot lltU atlgno. '
-7aaafa-aj-1-aBBt..fs '
txav Tza nrczs
Relatrv ta th flag Incident connected
with y-trdrs baseball game, tt I ex
plained that lflstructions war gtvaa to
vCoicae! ake year
that cost you nothing
come la whit only; you ,. fJUr
BtW ffnilfW SKty Babied'' 8hort Whit
, mad from good quality camorto, nacs ana
..' . ... j, . .... 1' tltA '" M
1 L I i-i
. AT ; ' All ' P0RTXAND
-itftftfAtstAttt .'.'" V "A
--'W Rg g IU -VV a Air
i Vf.
fir he advertising -flag only-, without
th American .flag, also that the flag
pole waa originally erected for Juat thi
purpose and 1 not, aad has never been
the property of th baseball oompany.
f c:jTl3CYu:?
PHibssa fd by ftTmio-s of Kittbtrri Air thasr
t uutraa inula TtfWitlBS for o-r yirty Taar. 1
I umm tottatklKtmrtnis W gtunt, all art
J pai a. aural jrlna aoUo, aad 1 the as
a': T IWautr-bftftf.
.. i