The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1905, Image 3

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; c;;LY;FAig tiu:::2
Reported Cannonajia Outside
. Kamranh Cay It Not Confirm
d by Later Dispatches.
-RojestveruJcy'a J Squadron Last
i. Seen Fifteen Miles Off An
nam Coast Going North;-
Xf ,V
A - (Journal Special Berries.)
London. April li. A Sal son dispatch
i stats that wlnu.. last . seen. , Jlojeet-
rvenskirs ,. rit ,wu It miles org im
, Annanv coast. atsamlng north. .
- Tha reported cannonade ' outaide ' of
, Kamranh bay after tha departure of tha
. Russian fleet Is not confirmed.
The Russian squadron which left
Kamranh bay at noon on April 2 J con
sisted of it ships. Including transports.
i ; Sixteen Teasels, Including the cruiser
, Svettlana, hospital ahlp and 14 trsns-
,- porta remained In the'-oftlng. The
French erulssr Descartes) haa aalled for
. . a point on the coast where 29 warships
i are reported. -
t From Japanese sources 'It "Is stated
. that Togo will assemble .hla main fleet
oil Formosa oa April tt.
A BL Petersburg dispatch states that
. . Rojestvensky put to sea In reply to a
message from St. Petersburg without
; returning other answer. , No) Intimation
. of his plans or destination hare been
i received at St Petersburg. ' A private
, i dispatch states, that Rojestvensky la
.-I suffering from dysentery, bat otherwise
' ' the officers and men of the fleet are In
good health. , -. - .. ':,
, Journal Special Berries.) i
Bt Petersburg, .April 24. -Owing to
r tha strike of printers and reporters but
two newspapers appeared this morning.
The Novoe Vremya discredits the
rumor that the Japanese, have engaged
Rojeatveneky -oft toe coast of Annam.
: The report that the crew of the Bus
j stan cruiser Diana , Interned at Saigon
. has Joined RdJeatvenaky'B fleet Is denied
here.;. :, . (. , .,.-.:.' .-
i '- 1
v - : onuT OAaour att. -:
(Joaraal Bpeclal ervtea.) ,
i . Toklo -April St.Tha annual cherry
'.garden party was held at Hama'park
' today?". Twelve hundred .guests were en"
tertatned by the empress, imperial prln-
cess and princesses. The emperor was
uiojsposea ana not present.
.' President of First National Bank
y 'of Milwaukee Gets Con-V
tern Into Trouble.
Ti tJoeraat: Special Berries.)
V '
. '"'IfilwsTrkwe, .April 44. Frank 3; Blge-
' low. president of the First National
'. Bank of Milwaukee,' one of the biggest
- financial Institutions In the ' west, . and
'. ex-president of ,, ths National , Bankers'
. . association, waa removed ' this morning
by the directors aa president.
rV The directors took Immediate steps
. " to protect depositors and signed s per
sonal guarantee of - l,oo,eoo. This,
I" " wlfli tha amralue of undivided nrnflta
which the bank carries over andT above
a aat. . . .
: a capital pi fi.iiv.ouv) maaea mi post
Hon nf tha bank secure- it is aald. .
Bpeoulatlona, it . is reported BlgeloV
" told the directors,, was the cause of the
: trouble. Attorney Cfcarles Queries an
nouncedthat the ' directors discovered
the whole affair Saturday night. -Wil
liam filgelow. a brother of the deposed
: president; is a vice-president and one of
the signers ox the guarantee. . .
-'. ,':. ' :' ' " "W
I 1- (Bpertal Dispatch te The Jooraal.)
' Bllvertotw w.. April ' 24. Homer
'Davenport, who will have an exhibit at
the Lewis and Clark fair from his cele
"brated poultry farm In the. .east,' has
'written Or. A. A. Leonard, president of
.'the local board of trade, requesting
. Bllverton to unite with him in the exhl
bltloo. Homer writes that he has been
'. a living exhibition of BUverton for
- number oT years and cs willing, to fur
nlsh space at the fair-If Sllverton ' will
Join "blm In the exhibition. t -
' JJr. Lieonard la In Portland now mak-
-t ing necessary- arrangements with Mr.
, Piper, Homer's manager, and Sllverton
. :la making an effort to put In an ex
hlblt second to none, end Independent
; or Marion county's exhibit. . , . j-
I (Jeeraal Bptdal B-rrlae.)
V AshevUle. N, C, April 24. The. ad
', Vanoe guard of delegates and visitors Is
already putting in appearance for the
.annual meeting of the general , society
of the Daughters of . the Revolution,
Svhlch Is to be held here" this week. .The
regular sessions of the gathering are to
1 begin at, Battery Park on Wednesday
. fmornlng. " As this Is the first, meeting
; tot the general socletyyto be held in the
. -eouth, the North Carolina society 'ha
made ' elaborate arrangements for the
reeeptlon '.and entertainment of the
visitors who will babere-Tromr many
jtatev Following the conclusion of the
, meeting the delegates will make a pil
grimage, to Mount .Vernon and ths na
tional capital. .'.- y ::. - ;. ' i'. : v .
i , (Joamal BpecUl Berrlot.) T,
" f Salt . Lake, April. 24. The severest
thunder and wind storm in many years
occurred in this valley laat nlght. Both
Mhls'cltr and Ogden were left-In-Jerk-ness.
The electric light; telegraph and
telephones' poles ae down, and the city
was -cat off from tha world until this
' morning. ; Trains were operated by flag
tnen and ah Oregdn' Short' Line freight
was derailed by the wind! , .-
. . - i ' .
xmnioTA rowMT txmm$. -
)- (Jonrnsl Special Berrfee.) ' j '
. . Duluth. Minn., April" jr. rfoftheas
i em Minnesota' Is ' enveloped inr a pall
:-' ef smoke from forest fires. Scores of
fires are burning and reports ere com
ing concerning thorn from every dlreo
. tlon. There has been no rain for three
... :' weeks. ', i ;
.TV."--, r f1 "a
.' a sj. i...t J..ao4 -
e '' ' ' " ' -
S ' ,(Jol gpeeial Berrtee.)
i Pens cola, lis-, April 24. It
Is report ed-that a bad accident
ooourred Jaboard the battleship
4 Maine this morning. The, vessel
i is . coming Inside the Bay with
flsga at half mast; indicating a
serious accident.
And Secretary Shaw Will Not
, t- Be Here When the Gates
Swin Ajar.: ; l , ;
Balloonlsts and Descendants of
' People .Who Knew Explor
n era Write for, Jobs. K ; ;
17 President Goods received a letter' this
morning from Secretary Shaw of the
United States treasury stating that it
would be Impossible for him to attend
the opening of the4 Lewis and Clark
exposition. : The secretary save aa bis
reason that ho would Jhave to be to
Washington on the date thst President
Roosevelt arrives- there from bis bunt
Ing trip, and that this would probably
not be until within two or three days
oc the first or jane.
Toraeto Kushlblkt, Japan's commis
sioner-general to the exposition, arrived
lest i night, and this morning visited
his ttld friends among the officials at
the , Administration building. -
Kushiblkl is ernVps the most promi
nent, showman of Japan. Ha has rep
resented bis country at II expositions.
in vlew.of which bis opinion as to what
hs has seen in Portland is worth, know
"I had heard so much about this fair
In the eastern cities." said he. "that
when I' got off the train yesterday af
ternoon I literally Jumped Into a car
riage and was driven over the grounds,
even before I went to my hotel. And
I want to say right now that of all the
expositions I bars sver , attended, the
Lewis and Clark holds - out ths best
promise of success. It Is compact and
select, and located on the moet beauti
ful natural site 14 the history of world's
fairs. . , .-, ...-' f - '
"Our exhibit is sa example" of what
this fslr wUI be. Jspan wUl not make
nearly" as large, a showing as she did
at St. "Louis, hut we have the cream of
the whole thing. It will be finer and
more, select. Our art -works. Ivories,
bronses and silks were the costliest seen
at SL Louis, and there have been some
valuable additions. Tomorrow we will
start ths work of ornamentation in the
Foreign Exhibits building, and the day
after I. personally,, shall begin the con
struction of my Japanese village on the
Trail.- -i t J -, -. .
Kushiblkl has been In America for
several years, and has Just .completed
tour, that .carried him to, all or the
eastern cities. Hs states. In food Eng
lish, that everywhere great Interest haa
been- aroused In the 'coming exposition,
for which be thanks the excellent work
of the newspsper publicity bureau.
If -the igorrotee are, to be seen at
the fair this summer a proposition must
be made within a few days to President
Goods by Gen era r . Manager - Moody,
When naked as to the status of the case
t'"""y urowr....ntwsw, w ne eon
r MSialAHBi a)asa n4 esaaa. asat i . j.
cessions aepartmeni, said: 1 -t
Mr. Moody la the only member, of
the nrra that we can logically recog
nise. He came to us Saturday to talk
over-terms and we asked htm, of course,
for the asual 21 per cent of hla gross
receipts. He loft, stating that hs would
send a "proposition to . President Goods.
He haa not done so. and the situation Is
unchanged since thst time.'
There' appears to be a factional war
among the representatives of ' the
Igorrots Exhibit company, and 'they
Mr. Felder. the thlrdbrftctiro
must straighten that cut before the fair
fftclaT-or TTIS
itee that his I
Igorrots company, lntlmatea that': his
partners are trying to oust him, and he
wllr probablx prevent the Igor rotes from
leaving Seattle by court proceedings, if
xorcea to it.
(Sseeisl Dispatch te The JeeraaLl
Helena,. Mont.'Aptll 14. Judre Hunt
In the United States court today de-
eioea tne noted Indian tax cass from
Missoula county, holding that ths coun
ty could not take the Drooertr of In
diana living . on ths reservation. The
case was entitled United States of
America against D. J. Heyfron, and a
temporary - injunction against tha-. let
ter's selling the property of the Indians
which - had been assessed, .. seised end
ordered sold for $1.20 taxes wss today
mads permanent- Had the decision gone
the, ether way It would have made a
difference of hundreds of thousands Of
dollars annually In the revenue of the
state. .. v!' .'.'.; ; ' -' ! :,,;
' A flst for the cuaMdv of Haaal. and
Thomas Longater, colored, aged respect'
tlvely 11 and 4 years. Is said to be on
between the sheriff of Clatsop county
and ths-chief -of police of Astoria1 On
the advice of the sheriff, Henry Busby
abducted the children and brought them
to this city- . ; '.
Hra Longater was beaten this morn
ing by Busby. Her assailant wss ar
rested on a ' charge of assault and bat
tery-and is -now confined at ths city
prison. . ' , '!
The police were' Wired yesterday by
the Astoria police that the children- hsd
been abducted by Busby, who claims to
be the boy'r father. They were found
In the custody of Busby at IT Fifth
street and turned over". to the Boys' shd
Girls' -AM aoetety: yZ7? .. '
, (Rpeclsl tHnxtr te Tse Joaraal)
Helena. Mont. April li.'-State Audi
tor H. R Cunningham today wrote a
letter to H. Tyree. president of 'the
Continental Life Insurance and Invest
ment compaoy of Salt Lake,-directing
that ooncern not te Issue or writs any
more advisory board contracts,, or spe
cial rebate contracts, holding thst It
Is In conflict with house bill tit) regu
lating Insurance companies, and stating
It will not be recognised by hi offloe
unless he Is ordered- te do. .so by ths
feourrU. ' ," " " '""""'
Ve J i W wr e. - - -J '
Delegates From All Over Ztz.1
Villi. De at Dve!:c?mnt
League Meetins.' ,
OpenlrTg Sessfbn at Marquam
Theatre Should Be Attended ,'.
by Business Men Here.
Reports received at the office ef Sec
retary Tom Richardson of the Oregon
Development league indicate a large at
tendance at the convention to be held Jn
Portland Wednesday and Thursday of
this week. Bualneaa men of every county
' on the lines of the Southern Pacific and
tha Oregon Railroad A Navigation com
pany realise the Importance of secur
ing representation at the league's head
Quarters on the 'Lewis -and Clark fair
grounds, and are getting their share of
attention from the " visitors who will
come to Oregon this year.1- . .- . ,i .
The Wallowa county development
league will be - represented by L. J.
Rouss . of Enterprise. F. D. McCally
will be the representative ef the Joseph
Commercial dub, which- recently affil
iated with the Oregon Development
league.- . . . . . '
t F. F. Humeston, secretary of the Com
mercial association of Weston, writes
that they will have delegates at the
convention. -The association expects te
Join ths -stats league at the- coming
session.'- ;v-.- ., .;'. , ,.' .
' Bpeclal cars have been arranged from
several points.' The latest one reported
will arrive from Hillsboro, and be under
the auspices of the Hltfsboro board of
trade. ' r ; . . . "
- Delegates' will be: - Waltsr Lyon,-W.
A. Meesner, Dave Calbreath, J. & Coop-
er. K. w. Cooper. M. Merwin, Late
Laughery,' W.E. Bevens, Frank Butler,
Dr. O. D, Butler. Dr. B. L, Ketchunt, W.
W. PerclvaL E. M.- Toung, J. 8. Me
Cready, H. Hlrschberg, "J. R. Craven,
J. D. Whlteaker, & - B. Irvine, W. L.
Bice, C D. Calbreath, E. E. Paddock,
John Burton, T. Donovan, . George W.
Kutch, Orvel Butler. L. C Martin, . W.
E. Williams, C V. Johnson. Rev,, J. A.
Meara. Dr. E. J. Thompson, Rev. Mr.
Elaysr, J. M. Sorafford. R. M. Fewle,
Tracy Staats, James Blmonton, Mr.
Bruch, A. J. Richardson. A. O. Sperling,
uiytoa Bmitn, k. j. vaytor, cu j- jui-
dridge, James Prather. A. 8. .Locke, O.
A. Kramer, J. B. Parker, John Groves,
R. D. Cooper. James Origgsby, O. . u
Rider-'' '' -,'.' ' ' j- ' - J
The Monmouth Commercial elob, and
Falls City, will send several representa
tives- wtht ths Hillsboro people, and
there will be a band with the delegation.
.' '' " Other Belsgates, . -Many
other " delegations have been
named to attend the convention.: Among
them are: ., '
lone Development-.leagne J. A, Wool-
ery, A. Walker, K. T. Perkins, T. ,J.
Mahoney, Charles Borber. W. J. Blake,
S. E. Moore, W. T. McNabb. 8. L. Ktrst
ton, J. a Klnkaid. Milt Maxwell. M. R.
Morgan, F. H. Robinson, j. A, Harbks,
Dr. Alex- Raid. - "r va-
' Falrvlew CI vie Improvement clah-V
W. T. Boott a P. Osborn. H-W. Matht
son, A. L. Stone. N. N. Hall, EL A. Whit
ney, C. Shepherd, D. Dunbar, Napoleon
Davis, a. A. Coupland.
' Ashland Board of Trade D. H. Jaclc
son, O. W. Crowson. O. 8. Butler, T. E.
Hills, j. Byd McNalr. v
, AU members of the Portland Commer
cial club sad other business men of the
city are urged to be-present at the op
ening session, at the Marquam? Grand
theatre, Wednesday . morning at ' 1:20
e clock. All-members of ths club, and
thalr wives and women friends are ex
pected to be present at a reception Wd
needay evening, at the - rooms of ths
club.- -. -,
Recent thefts have recently been con
fined mainly to pocket-plcklng. A wom
an had her purse stolen last night at the
First Presbyterian church. . It contained
oniy a rew dollars
Mfs. WllMam Welkan was deprived ofl?"
her nurse, eontalnlnsr two diamond rinwZi SldlB1
her purse, containing two diamond rinsa
and cents, laat evening, while riding
In a streetcar, 8ho os cried the rune in
a smau reticule.
The residence of P. Featherstone. Ill
Kaat Clsy street, was broken Into by
thieves last night and Zt ana a gold
watch stolen. . . ..-.-'. ' .- 7
a ouo noK omazkmaw
Portland. Or.. AprU 14. T the Editor
of Tha Journal Under the above cap
tion, I notice a long "special dispatch
to The Sunday Journal" fron Salem,
the Importance of the telegraphle cor
respond snce being that the atate print
ing office la the- "best lob In. Oregon."
and, among other sub-beaded para
graphs therein, a one that 1 will volun
tarily take cognisance-of, and that Is
ths following:
"(1) Ths plant of the state printing
brace is , owned by Frank c Baker,
chairman of the Republican stats com'
m It tee, and (1) was' Installed by him
II years ago at ths beginning of his
term as stats printer. (I) Tha coat of
the plant originally probably waa about
17.500, (t) but the presses are now on
their last legs, while the entire equip
ment is badly worn.' (t) Mr. Whitney
(the present atate printer) pays Mr.
Baker 1100 a month fer the use of the
plant, so that in a four years term he
pays (4,100 for the . uee of an outfit
worth not nearly that sum. .(I) Ha also
furnishes employment to a brother of
Mr. Baker." . ,.--,,' ,
With youFfihsentrrwmiUtVeTrwSrd
to say on each of the Points set out In
the above paragraph, thus: (1) Tea, 1
own the plant, (2 and It was installed
by ma after I waa elected, state printer,
) ana tne Tinginai- or nrei cost oi
the plant waa probably1 about 17,100, bui
during my term aa state printer fully1 as
much more wae sdded to ths plant r in
fact, I know that the plant stands me
About 116,000. Besides, Mr. Leeds, who
succeeded jne. xut In between 11.000 and
14.000 more during his elRnrTeara; HH
The bresses ara not on their last lean.
not la. tha. entire equipment badly word,
In witness whereof ydur itceruiun Is
called to the quality of the printing done
by Mrr Whitney since he took the office
and aft the present time. (I) Tea, air, 1
receive 1100 a month for the use of the
plant; and If that Is what your 'corre
spondent has In mind when he subheads
'another graft." weH and good. How
ever, I will add that the rental of that4
plant to- the state printer la simply a
business proposition, and that If there
la a long end to It Mr. Whitney haa It
m Tear sir, he - furnishes the state
printer does employment to my broth
er, who la a first-rate compositor snd
earns every dollar he receive I can
not forego remarking that thla laat bit
ef Information coming over the wire
front your ferreting correspondent haa a
sort of get-even slur to It.
r V 'Rwa C BA&EH.
'''-.vt'.' ; j
' . ( ''.'' '"i'j" ''..' ' ' ..''i ,.' .;
ii'C :
'v''.-'"'...''..'. '"' '..':'.. '':.Ul -:. I L?i i"-''
.:'' ' . ;'-"., .' .. - . i'
PrettySuccesor; of 7 M urdered
- Amelia Siriani Threatened
; ;,,( by. LoveSick Italian,
Julia Coerz Fears for Life
: the Hands of Ed Pec-
'J-i ::r'. '.: coraro. ,-: ' V
The little candy store at 121 First
street, where- Amelia Slrtanl was -murdered
la cold blood by Joe Florobelll.
seems to be fated aa the scene of trag
edy. - Fearing that her life waa In .dan
ger. Julia Goers, a pretty little German
girl, placed la charge-of the shod by
Mat CootanscL . administrator of the
dead girl's estate, -appealed 'to -the au
thorities this neemlng for protection.
as a result, ism reecoraro was ar
rested oa. a. charge -of -disorderly laon--
auct; a complaint alleging trespass
was. afterward filed against him -by
Deputy city Attorney FltageraleV-. .
Iniome of its features the story re
lated .by the girl tallies 'with that of
Amelia Slrtanl, who was murdered be
cause shs looked with disfavor on
Florobelll's suit. - Miss Goers fears vio
lence because shs has refused permis
sion to Peooararo to keep company- with
her l-year-old sister, Ida. -
Peccoraro has his liberty on' bonda
He has been cautioned by tha authori
ties to be careful In his conduct, and to
keep away from the candy store.
: , ' -v-'
' Edwin Worthlngton Joseph, aged -71,
was Interred yestsrdsy at Woodburn,
and many members of the famllyV re-
isms s-nrnsaflJLt'enqea tnejuAvsaai-r
Ices. ' Mr. Joeeprrras born " In
Muskingdon .eotrsty. Ohio, In AprU, 1110.
and crossed the Isthmus of Panama for
the California gold fleldsNat the sge
of 10. In the early days of his call
fornla residence he mlned-and had vari
ous business ventures, but later , opened
a large . stock ranch on Puter creek.
Salinas county, where he . won the
sobriquet of -Puter Jos.' by which he
Is - known to a vast number ef .Cali
fornia ne today. ,' Later Mr. Joseph re
sided In other counties of ths golden
state, and finally came to southeastern
Oregon where be resided with bis family
until six or seven years ago. For 'the
psst three yesrs hs lived at Woodburn,
where he died Saturday evening of heart
failure. He waa in apparent good health
the evening preceding his death.
Mrs. Joseph died In Portland slightly
more than a year ago. Members of the
family resident In Portland are George
W. P. Joseph,' the attorney, who Is the
only son,' snd Misses Carrie and Kva;
the third daughter, Miss Jennie, resides
In Huntington. (' 'v-..'' " ' : -'
Mr. Joseph's long residence In Call
fornla brought him in contact with
numerous men who have become famous,
among tha number being Mark Twain,
the humorlat-anthor. .who often 'Urged
Mr. Joseph to take to a literary .career,
predicting eminent success, aa lie was
a vivid word-painter . and remarkably
close observer,
..... , ,
The funeral of Thomas M. Richardson
waa held this morning from Holman's
undertaking - parlors. The funeral cor
tege moved to St. Mary's cathedral,
where a solemn high mass was cele
brated by Father McDevltL After the
maaa Father McDevItt spoke feelingly
of the deceased, touching mostly on his
Innumerable ' charities. Interment was
In Rlvervlew cemetery. The honorary
palibcaxarajyerc. - ' i.
Cyrua A. Dolph, Charlea Malarkey,
John O'Shea, George Watklna. " Thomas
Whalen, John ' Mann and Tyler Wood
ward. The active pallbearers were. J.
B. Coffey. Frank Watklns. Dr. J. C Zan,
Charles Stinger,' Raleigh Trimble, John
unta and j. a. Horan.
, OO
William Henry died of alcoholism
-yesterday at St. Vincent's hospital. He
was found by the police lying on aped
of straw under ths Seamen's Institute,' at
the foot of Flanders street. Patrolman
Jonee took him to4he city prison, where
be grew 111. -The deceased waa aged 10
years. Little is-known ef blm beyond
the fact that tor soms time hs worked
In the mills at Troutdale,
; $15.00,
Head Vof , Booth-Kelly Lumber
- Company Pleads Not Guilty .
v to Land Frauds. '.v
. County Judge L. R. Webeter Is to
conduct ths defence of State Senator
R. A. Booth,' who. was Indicted toy-the
federal grand Jury for complicity In the
land frauds. . Senator Booth was ar
raigned ' before Judge Bellinger at -1
o'clock this afternoon. , A. C Woodcock
of Eugene, who la associated with
Judge ..Webster in the defence of the
case, entered a plea of not guilty for
his client .' ' .
Senator Booth Is ths head of the great
Booth-Kelly Lumber company, . whose
operations in government lands occu
pied the attention of the grand. Jury
during most - of the last week of Its
session. - He was " Indicted r for eon
splrsyto defraud the government of a
portion'- of, Its publlo domain-. . His co
defendants are J. H, Booth, his brother,
and former receiver of the - Roseburg
land ofnee, and T. 2. Singleton. -
The proceedings in court thla after'
noon were very brief. - In the absence
of Mr. Hdney, Assistant United States
District' Attorney 'Banks ' appeared ' for
the ' government. , Senator Booth -waa
accompanied only by his brother. County
judge J.-.- Booth er -Josephine county,
and his attorney, A. C. Woodcock, Mr.
Woodcock informed the court -that
Judge' Webster would ee assoclatsd
with him In the defense of the ease.
Senator Booth art Judge Webster
have been close personal . friends fot
many years. .'...'...'..,.. ? . ,
The Toung -' Man's Demooratle club
will meet tomorrow evening at I o'clock
In Union hall, Second and Morrison
streets, where Colonel Robert Miller and
ether speakers - will discuss the issues
sf the municipal campaign. It la i
pected that several candidates for city
offices will be present snd state their
positions on- current matters pertaining
to local ' government. The oiub hsa
msde arrangements to go some actlvt
nvn. In the campaign. ,
I Ths Albee club has headquarters II
rooms 104 snd 101 McKay building
whlohTwill be In charge of a P. M,
JamleioiMifd H, H. BlddelL .
IJoeraal aeefal.lerrlee.)
Los Angeles, April 14. Woodmen of
the World are discussing ths creation
of a monument fund of not more than
160.000 by an asseesment of I cents on
each- member, the advance payment of
dues by local camps, revision of ths law
goverslng . prohibited rlaks snd a new
table of benefits for two-year members,
The Women of Woodcraft will probably
raise the rates I -per cent, A big recep
tion will be given ths nsw officers to-
night- , v- . ,-'"..'
Mrs. - A, Tlchnsr and her ' daughter
Hasei have gone to Collin's Springs for
two weeks. .,.-.;,- ,
George W. Ores field, a well known
sheepman, of Wasoo. Oregon, Is at -the
rortisno. 1 -j
M. H. Winst, president of the Cali
fornia Wool Growers association. , is
here from Alameda.
George B. Dodwell ef Watford, Eng
land, head , of ths Dodwell Steamship
coinpanzj-Mftstered at the Portland to
day.' He wss met by his Paclfto coast
represents Uvea, Including 'Alexander
Stewart of T acorns and Charles Stewart
of San Francisco. . 4
C.t A. Johns, a well known buslneas
man of Baker City, is nrwwn. ...
J. G. Woodworth,- tramo manager of
ths Northern Pacific is at the Portland
hotel from St. Paul.' He Is accompanied
by C R. Cleghorn, ths company'a repre
sentatlva st Tacomar-
, Mr. and Mrs. R. Til Crane of ChlCsM
are at the Portland. 'I Mr. Crane le the
head -of the Crane company, one of the
largest-me nuf aeturrng- firms In" thr
Unlted States, snd Is Severs! times a
millionaire. JIa Is vlsltlng-the north
west to observe Industrial and commer
cial conditions.
Willis H. White, one' of ths contra o-
tors constructing the Celllo portage
road, is regtstfred at the Imperial from
Sesttle. i. .
rata A ZTASL . '
Latah, Wash., April 14. The office of
Dr.. Rtgga, together with valuable sur
gleat Instruments snd library, wss de
stroyed .by fire Saturday night. Losa
110.000. . ; . . ,-, '. ,' -
- -i ' a
"Cur, the.emish and save the life."
tT. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures
coughs ' snd colds, down to the very
verge of consumption, .
The new authoritative Summer Hat Fashions are now being
shown by this great clothing house in almost endless varieties
V'.'.''''';v:'.v:,;'V,:... of what is new and correct. ' v . vV'.
Brook Straws of Sennit and Split Sailors and Palms at $3. ;
Split and Sennit Sailors at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. $20, $3.00. $3.50;
$$t00 and $3.00. , -.'..: !.;:v.';,..;..;......4..V.-.t ,
Panamas. $5.00. $8.00. $8.50. $7.50, $8.50, $9.00, $10.00, $12.50,
$18.00, $20.00 and $25.00.
The Greatest Clothing House
Will -j King of Medford Missing
r - Since cRrTstmas and Can- .
T -- not Be Found. .
(Special PUpatcs te The JoaraaL) :
'Jacksonville, Or., AprU 14. ;WI11
Ktng-of -Medford - le- supposed -to -have
perished in the snows of last winter op
his mountain ranch 14 miles esst of this
place. Nothing has-been hesrd of, him
sines last" Chrlstmss snd a seaoch for
aim hss resulted unsuccessfully.
King left for his brother's homestesd
on Trail creek November 10 last. , Aftar
a few weeka' atay he returned home
and ahortly aftarwarda left for the
homestesd, which was ths laat seen of
him. Becoming anxious at not hearing.
Charles King, his brother, snd an uncle
went to visit him In the mountains.
They found) the 'cabin vacant and tha
food, which had been cooked, en the
table In a moulded condition. -
Neighbors stated' that nothing had
been seen of him since- Christmas -time
and they supposed, that he hail returned
borne at that time. There waa then two
feet of enow on the; ground and it is
presumed thst hs wandered off and be
come lost, or was the victim of foul
play. For six weeks, parties hare
scoured the hills in a vain effort to find
g -trace of the missing man;- -" -
(special DlsiMteh te Tee JnerasL) -Sllverton,
Or, April 14. For several
weeks past an effort haa been made to
organise a stock company In this
with . a view- of establishing , another
bank , In : Sllverton, snd at a meeting
Saturday evening the organisation waa
affected and definite plans were mads
r or ths establishment of tne new enter
prise. Another meeting will be held this
Lewis and Clark Contest
. . .
-V'V;' '."-'V'!''-::'' vV-VV'.'V-f V' V
' -" v.'V'," rl.'s .;.,.- k:'' ; i . ; i ': '' 'd ' :-'
" Owing to the wide general Interest In the Lewis and Clark". Fair. THE
JOURNAL Will pay ths expenses of twenty trips to the fslr, for ths most
popular persons outside of Multnomah county,' 1 ' .;
. THE JOURNAL will pay the entire expense,' including railroad and sleep
ing earfare, admlaslonato tire exposition f of" one week, hotel bills for one
week and amusements.' , - ,'.'.' V T .
The Trips Wfll Be Divided as Follows: - ;
To ths most populsr person ln-Pooe cr Curry county, One free trip; to the
most popular person in Josephine or Jackson county, one free trip; to the
person In Lane county, one free trip; to
or Lincoln county one free trip; to the
Polk county, one free trip; to the moat
Tillamook county, one free trip: to the
one free trip; to the moat popular person In Marlon county, one free trip;
to the moat popular person In Clackamaa county, one free trip; to the most
popular peraon In Columbia or Clatsop county, one free trip; to the most
popular person in nftirn, oiivrmnn ir
most popular peraon In Morrow, Gilliam
tne most p
ular person
nerson In K
popular peraon In Umatilla county, one free trip; to the moat pop
in In Union or Wallowa county, one free trip; to the most sonular
erson In Baker county, one free trip;
heur, Harney or
rant county, one free
ern Washington, one free trip; to the
iniioih ouo irva rip. - .
The bsals on which credit for votes
10 cents paid in sdvance for new or old
I Sunday,
, Sunday or Beml-weeaiy editions ot thk wiknau
The contest opens st ones ana closes
your favoiile, fill out coupon below aHd
Hot izi. fortisno. uree-on. coupons wm, appear every aay in J HIS -JULft
NAL, during the contest. -... ... , .',-
The time Is ahort, write for sample coplee and get to work at once. .'
Subscription Rates j1
' ; '- ' Terms-By OarHsr. ".'
ftsllv -JnerasL with Nandir. 1 year. .tT.M
Jtelly J I. - e -r; .0)
Dally JourtuU wits snndsy, s bms... t.ia
fHilly Joorti.l. S SKinths ,., M
Dally Joernal, with Snndsy, I not. . 1.U.1
rxily Jnornal, mosth. 1 .TO
Dally Jovraal. with Snnnay, nmitk .03
Dally, per week, . eUeredi tvoAtr ,
Incladed 19
Dally. I pr week, . delivered, Basday , ,
excepted .10
Terms y Kali. ' . '
pally Joenial. wlia Saaday, 1 year. .IT to
Dally Journal, 1 year
Dally Jmirnal, with Sunday. Bxis, 111
Dally Jrarsal. 0 moetha M
Dally Jnwrnal, with Snsdaf, t bms..Ii
Dally Journal. S monlui 1
Dally Journal, wit a Hnndajr. 1 Stout b. . i
Dally Jonrnat t oai
Snixlay J.mmal. 1 year I i
RUDday Joarsal, 0 BMtatha , . 1 1
SIBl-Wi 4 ,
earn. It ...
re-t. 1 '
in the Northwest
' V" '
If You Are
'Buffering from Sidney. SI
aeh or Bladder Tvonkle, call
at our office and we will po"l
tlvely cure you VRB OF
...... . 1 . r, - ' :
Geneva Lllhla Mineral '
' -: Wster Co. ". v
i "Dr. B. C.
,. The TMTtriO
.DassTTxaf that
relieves all pain
In dental opera
tions. .'
4gi, Washington
SV, . sot. SeveaUu '
week when the several officers will be
elected. A new brick building Will be
erected ss soon as possible. . v
The company is composed of several
of SUverton's wealthy cltlsens. Includ-
i tng some, of .the well-to-do farmers in
this vicinity; and la said to represent
several hundred thousand dollars.
It Is estimated thst nesrly 100 build
ings erected la this city during
ths summer, among them an opera
house covering almost an entire block.
rrrxem mr i-auxjto
' (Ipwial IMspateb to e JeeraaL) .
Newport, Wash, Vvprtl 14. C- Len-
ager. aa employe' of the spirit valley
Lumber' company, waa killed instantly
by a tree falling and hitting him on the
bead. Hla skull wss fractured. Hla
relatives in the' east have been wired.
bne free trio: to the moet popular
the most popular person In' Benton
most popular person in Yamhill or
popular person In Washington or
most popular person in Linn county.
Lruitii cininir, m ra trip; to ins
or Wheeler county, one free trip; to
to the moet popular peraon In Mal-
trip; to the moat popular peraon la
twneufcaa.xrla:ta the most popular person In east
most popular person In western Wash-
will he given
ne vote for every
subscriptions to the Dally, Dally and
st mianigni on June 10,
tIpV out
mall It at once to THE JOURNAL,
Thla Coupe la Creed for
J-o-t popular person la
x.ity. .......
4 1