The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    crcc:i 'CeiL'
::ZLCU:i CrrcRS
- ;-; ' ,'-,: , -. - ,.: ' r
' f rem Dr.Vi!2y's fc:u:i!n
Prosecuting Attorney Makes Ar-
' ? . k-
! ' '
- :i
Ths Ex-State Surveyor, General
V U Arraigned' on Indictmsnts..
.Charging Him With Frauds;
Stlpp and ' Kirinaird Plead fiot
Guilty , to m axing raise
Und. Surveys.
: ; . ..;.; ...--.,-...-. -". j-v
' . ; Henry MeJdrum. ' ex-urveyor-gtnsrel
- . "f Or von. Uvy Stlpp, David W. Kln
V v Mini. Harry L. Res snd Henry F-
' : :w arraigned tble morning la Judge
i . 'Bellinger's court on Indictments found
-egainat then by the federal grand Jury.
" Meldrum, 8tlpp and Klnnaird are ae
' ' ' ctttM or conspiring to defraud tho goTj
-eminent through fraudulent surveys of
; .public tends. Rees and Ford are charged
- with being parties to tha aoneplracy te
' , Obstruct tha Investigation of tha land
, fraud by defaming tha character of tha
s ; 1 .United tutu district attorney. J; With
; ' c'tha oneeptlon Of Btlpp and-Klnnairo, who
pleaded guilty; tha defendant filed the
- . usual dilatory pleas, '.
. - 1 Henry Meldrum was convicted teat fall
-"'wt fraudulent aurveya of government
' .tends, but existence has no yet bean lm
. 'posed. After bis conviction two- freeb
-" indictments wars returned against him
' by the federal grand Jury. The firs
charred him with conspiring to defraud
" s,-tha government by fraudulent appllca-
. tlon for surveys, and hie co-defendants
were Doors B. Waggoner, who was his
hlef clerk during hla term as surveyor,
general: D. W. Klnnaird, United States
' lexamlner oP-eurveys; Rufue Sr-lloora
: 'surveyor and a relative of Meld rum, and
.'John W. Hamakar and Frank 7. vaa
- '-Winkle, notaries public, 'J .
. - This Indictment was returned Tebm
. lary . 1. Two days later another In.
Jdlctmentwas found, similar in 1U
71 chargeThe defendants - we-a- Henry
! Meldrum, Oeorse H. Waggoner, ' David
c :-W. Klnnaird. Benjamin F. Mlntoiv Qua
tav KlaetBch. Oeorja Borenson, Ilvy
' iflttpp end rrenk H. Dunsan.
To each of these Indictments Meldrum
this morning filed plea tn abatement
: who was United States Ulatrlct attorney
. for Oregon during uieveiana
tratlon. Stlpp and' Klnnaird. who ara
; reoreaented by tha same attorney, on
tered pleas of not guilty. ,
Allen R. Joy appeerrd for Harry U
- Rees and Henry r. Ford. Indicted for
conspiracy against Francla 3: Heney, and
filed a motion to uaah the Indictment.
' . It-was further stipuUted that, hla oil
enU ahould nave the benefit of the pleas
In abatement filed by other defendants
In tha ovent that tho pleas are sustained
' ' b Tomorrow Ynornlnf Judge Bellinger
'.will rendtr tils decision on tha plea Is
abatement filed In behalf. of natot
"t,1 MttcbelL Several defendanta In the
land-fraud cases wUl probably be aJr
ralgned at tha same time, . y , r-
r:o-r.oRE BuiLDiwa :-:
. 'w-il '."w. Arii uJkii arbitration
. (employers mn myi -
' tebor provides that there shall be neither
ITlX." . idi Am tba " building
trades during the coming year, and the
"building season began In aameat today
and mora than 1 . additional labor
. ars wera put to work -; :"Z
'7X .f-T'.?''.The' Orpheiim.; X
' VTllftra U no end to the new-attractions
offered by tba management- of tha
' Orpheum theatre. It )ooks as ' though
'this bouse U enjoying tha very beet of
talent tn burleaqua and vaudeville com
ing to tba coast. Tba bUl this week
presents U new star attracOona. ; This
v . popular house la flvlng tha best anter
; ' talnmant tn the . city In tha way of
; amusement and tha admission is only 1
...aaala. Tha ballat.Afpretty glrli ; this
week is particularly attractiva aad id
' V mirsoly stagad. v. y, .
' WMJuamrMMMM wtMximtJkS:-.
,' . :i (Mill SaetUr Serrlee.) -
- Stratford-on-Avon. April ft. This
- Weugh was filled with tha usual Urge
- number of artistic and literary pilgrims
today on tha occasion of tba opening of
, , tha annual memorial celebration at the
birth of Shakespeare. The aeries of
memorial performances -was opened In
' tba Shakespeare memorial theatre this
C afternoon with perform anoe of
... "Twelfth Night" i Tho perftfnnanaea
'. wilt continue for three weeks snd will
' Include all tha favorite comedies and
tragedies of tha immortal playwright.
. The
Woman's Exchange"
I : ,'.;,-:,:" -? ' ;
c l over 500 Paes of Useful
.1 J-'boand la all cloth covers. Pub
Xj 3. Ushers' , price, . f XW our prion,
1 i
; i
:1 'fvvr
1 J. K. GILL CO. I
'.; ' V Bootoellers andCt:'
. '.' ., Stationers- .-: r; ;,
. 1 . . . . . . X
Eighteen Within Radius of Six
Blocks' and; Preparation..
i , Made to upenpxnere.
Councilman Say No More u-
censee Win Be Granted tor "
9 1- Groff ShODS There
: Eighteen saloons are already running
within a radius of six blocks of tho
pteoed are being fitted up for liquor
ahops and beer gardens. - Several addi
tional applications for licanses have
been niea with me liquor iioeea nnv
mtttee, and these wUl be acted on at
the next meeting. . ...
Parents of school children and real
dents In that locality, publlo , spirited
miA h, AfllMlla 'in Ith.
tectlng to bo many aaloona around tha
entranes- at the tair grounaa ana in
all -probability -many people -win appear
before tha liquor license committee next
Monday to . remonstrsts agalnat .mors
licenses for grog shops In that locality.
Parents whoae -children have to paaa
IkM, mIadm ah thtr wav tn anil fmm
the Chapman school, wera tha Ars to
Object, wnue ail ine saioona were aa
far distant frem-the echool house a re-
h, iihiv IS nat haltave
that such plaoss should be allowed 4n
. - ... T . 1 . A 1 II M
a reeioenov oieu-icx wm i rauuno
would be forced to sea and hsara-thlngs
which would be degrading. Cltlsens
and fair offlcjalt : sra . opposed to se
many aaloona tn tha neighborhood of
the fair grounds beeauee of the' Impres
sion of Portland which they will give
fair Tlsttorm ',-'.' i s-
Tha members or tha liquor license
committee have made no mvestigatios,
nl.thA condltlona in that locality and
have "granted every application which
has been presented. Members of tha
license committee state that no more
licenses wUl be granted, and that liquor
dealers who do not strictly observe
aalooa, regulations will loae- their prlv-
flegaa, - r- -T---jrrvT7-r;7"
Los Angeles' Poctor Cautioned
by 1 Friend Before .He - Waa
Struck by Electrio Car. ."
,!- ; (iamtl Spertel tervtea.) -:'Vv-. '-" :
Loa Anselea. Aorll St. Three days
before Dr. Martin U V. Ruaaell of
Mount Camel was struck and killed by
a Santa Mania ear he was warned
thaLhe would be killed hyzm street car.
upon the extern 00a oz ins weaneaaay
preceding his death Dr. Russell, whs
formerly lived in Ixm Angeles, met Pr.
tieea una of his net rh bora. The stopped
ly, without a wore having been said to
leea up 19 men an voww
Meed Intarrupted Dr. Russell . In tha
iniae. OS a nn"w . -
4mdhm.ii r . mm a h mil irsrei
XUl ,0 yourself woue ywi m
the street ears tor in nasi irs nif'
-nnf ssr ..i...... .j ..
ww . A m w .h.h eA,i. wtill n. were
talking to mo just now I felt a sort of
thrill running uo and dowa my spina
and immediately I had tha impression
that you wera td bo killed by a street
ear within a short time. 11 yea win
nw .iioiM Ma will watch vary
careful when yen are near ears for a
few days at. least" " ' -f
- "I haven't a great deal of faith In
hunches myself.' . Dr. Hassan replied
with a laugh. "Beeldos, 1 never ride
upon the street oars when I can help it;
pi trar n asia.
rn auMia tmmt Yr KnaaalL while
crossing a etrest was struck and killed
by, aa eieeino car. b . v y..:
(Continued from Page pas.) :
storm of rata and snow last night prac
tically stopped telegraphle communica
tion to tna racina coast xrom wm.
stataa. . Tha storm reaches from Art
sons to Montana and in many sections
assumes tho fierceness of a bltssard.
interfered with, while telegraph wire
are prostrated. ,:A v
floarasl Ssedal Servlce.1 ' -V
V..' Wnrlh Tm Anffl 21.XA CVa
.KMiiiait .at Tessa veatar.
day. doing much damage At Snyder the
Methodist enurcn was mown nvwn mm
many residences , dsmoilabed, but JW
Uvas lost , r '"'-- ' yv
TtifA vniuin'rniiDl CC '.n'
-'. Uoarasl pestal arvke.)
a b.rfl, -.1 . Anrn it
BMl mjr - - - --
IvCius IxMnbard, the lT-year-old daugh.
. i . . ii.i i
tar or ur. r msbvi, -resident
sf Red lands, eloped' Thursday
-... . I. a, la., Im ail antamohlle
from her horns with H. R. Stows, the
Il-year eia son oia weaitny
familv who have a winter ) residence
Bear -the Lombard home.
Dr. Lombard had objected t. stows ss
son-in-law. finally ordering hint' from
,k. ,aaiu. Tht smniotal tha lovers
uw yr. -
to act, and while her parents and sarv-
. . . . 1 1. .m .hJI aAAH
BlltS BlVpt, aaWlliS .Wl. Wl. mmmm waa -"
scudding In a is-borss-power touring
... ntwaralila aahare Stnar. had Sl-
reedy arranged for the ceremony, which
WBB UKIU ipiiiniiiai.
Another couple taking aa automobile
. tha alter War Vilas ajerah
Rogers and Samuel J. Canhwan of Oa-
tarlo. WHO mans a racoro-areaaing ran
to Lea Angeles, disposed of their aato-
Ium . and mm th. Mrau...
wired the' bride's parents of the event
ana toox tne ini inm m nr wwr
Weeth, Toxae. . - - q-'"-' ' v :
r .. j.i tuaial Sa Te Tar.. I 1 '
Salem. O., April 14. Harry Wrl
aad Charles Monte, charged with aiding
and abet tin Traar and Merrill' to es
cape from ' tba- penltaatlary here, ap
noered la court this : moraing sod en
tered a plea of not guilty. Their cases
gurnent to Which Actress
Listens Attentively.
' '( '
Prosecutor Says' ' That' ffe Will
h Prow Murder Was Planned
Day Before crtme.,v
-.,?"'-, ;;.. ,. . -f.
(Jaeresl BpecUl' Serfke.)
New York. April 14. for tha third
time tn her Ufa, pretty Naa Patterson
ia i,r mini into the ares of the II
men la whose bands her fata rests, aad
who will ' decide whether or aw
former Ilorodora beauty mast ssffer
death for the alleged murder of Caesar
Young, the bookmaker. This time she Is
facing Arial alone and no longer has
tha sheltering arm of bar aged father
to leaa upon during bar battle for Ufa.
When tba prisoner tremblingly entered
tha court room this morning ehe faoed
an audience- of atarlng men, among
waom . nerj, whih-m ""
scarcely dlsUoguUbable far la the roar.
Uka a Mask anaoow mw w arr
light of tha court room, tha accused girl
ui-bi 1mm .ha ' Amrlr BruMia
BMW VMnMUI. . V"- . .
paaaage into tha. light, accompanied by
a prison guaro. ' neeiiaiias m v
she walked steadily forward to a seat
beside her counsel. There was a dig
nity in tna appealing glance sns auwneo
th. hite.k.!pMl snordsr. ana
an entreaty la bar lovely ayea as she
rested tnera upon toe jurymea. maw
oartala Intensity of nervous force la tho
manner In which she eiaspad and un-
.1 jt I... I...J. hni there area no
VHayw mum iw-i -
halo to tha misfortune and . Ignominy
tn wnica ana was envewpeo emy -vm-ber
and awful reality. '
Much of the old-time buoyancy and
spirit -fcss-left -the prisoner.- She was
aressea in aoiema oiaca, a, kii
wnea gown, 01 wnicn aa hicm v.
. -M . . . k J. .1.1. .nil HAAS!- Aa
nniwni mw -
her head aha wore a black turban con
taining a small white reamer. an over
It was drawn a thin tnawk veil. She
wore no Jewelry, tha nearest approach
te it being a big cold buckle at tha
waist Una She has grown stouter since
W lm ,tiHllr ud.
iwr umm "f"' .r ..- ; f . TV.
1. lk w.a laat llfrtla . its
k iiwa a. a . wwm .-. " w ------ -
elasticity, her rase is paier ana ner ores
seem to no oeeper sob "
t. .A bM mwrm mwkA Ift la wMMlt
ami. aw - - ----
to all that during the 1 manths In tha
Tombs tho frivolous girl of tho Ttoro.
dora" sextet hss given place to a ma
ture woman who has cases a to trust to
m . iiiiiiliial tn riaht
to the last ditch and sell bar Ufa dearly
If neeas must os.
- aw. Iha Amtmr au H.ll . P
ratgnmant by Assistant District Attorney
Kana, wno witn ui nva" jmm-w -fighter
mercilessly flayed tha accused
girl aa he outUned tha plot against
V ... . W -. iL, a,aa Mtat. A nikaa.
lavu !.! r w---
At 'no time during his speech did Miss
Patterson try to mask tha violence of
bar amotions wttn a smue or a eo
uk, aiiHi Bltlfullv whoa as
cused of murder, and oven her vast
..I. HaiMi.t mmfl tuel ta
tu utmost. When Rand referred ta the
changes la aer past Ufa aad bar sup
noaad immoral career, it seemed as
thougd It had become almost unbearable
agony for hsr. - . 1 :
1 But the ansoirer oia w -a,
atta'to take her ayes from her prose
cutor, -ner syae iouo-wau
aL. tttA hie ever ostura. aad only
dropped when Rand faoed bar,' -
Occasionally - tha prisons -poka- to
her counsel, but for the most part aha
... .u ia,i, in he etiair. bar rather
broad shoulders turned to the crowd aa
she studlsd alternately "'' h
Jurymen and tha assistant district au
: . ..4 aiMMir Ooff. . who is
balancing tha soalea of Justloa. - ,
During Kanos argumen. iua num
of tha actress took a seat beside the
Jury bos where ha eould ass his daugh.
tare faoa, This seamed tabs soma
a a . iVa KoHmAMdkw' mmm frMtlwmtly
COIDIur wV aaass asawwa.- '
eestea naa iiimjiwliw .
- . a,aa InaaHablv araetod
warn .aww r -m
With a emlle full of hops and ehaar.
. Rand eala mat no wouia uunr.
tho murder of Caesar iY oung' wsj
planned the day before the shooting, and
It would be proved by circumeiaiicee
and facts which preclude the possiDuiiy
of Innocence. ' " '
that ha would show a conspiracy on the
nut Of J. Morgan omisn bihi b who,
Julia, ta bavs Toung continue to sup
art the defendant, aad to keep hint
from his wtfa . : .. ,'
(Continued from Page One.)
horse December ta haul hayt I-vts
ia tha evening as the aoy waa preparing
to attend a Christmas dance, ha thought
. .mi fp,1 aaa .hoi if the
OZ in. fivtaw -
shlmal. . He found his father beating lb
Ha pretested and tae rauer is saio i
ua T a .ji,www
He ran home, . tearing away planks
from bridges aa ha went so as to .im
pede Ms fsthei-s progress, and secured
. -.1. Tkan k. arant hack to meet th
thraataaarf him. He lav be-
hind a log on tha roadslds and opened
fire when the man eppruacni-w. zi
walked 11 miles to surrender himself
at' tha suggestion of his uncle. . -j ( ;
' v .' (Contlaued from Page Ona)
anced by the Chicago market tha price
pr may option iwwr iv. - m
lower, at ww - , - :
.' (Jeenal oteia asrrke.)
Kansas City, Mr., April 14. In llns
with other markets, psy wheat here
dropped IV cents a bushel under ths
closing of flaturday. '. .;
91. IMVt IS WflAJC
,' i V (ieanial Spsctsl B-rri-.. '. '. .' . :.:
'mm' t.l. Ua. anvil M.Tkli waa a
very .week day la tha wheat market and
May Option lost I cents on email tree
ing. ' ' ' - - - ' ; -
' Yer Xa&ati aa4 CUUrsa. -
Tit Kbl la Win Jfcqi ESt
Bsart thd
X I I h,T "ortmnt ! flrst-claaa condition. V. '
, aa4 we wUl close them at 00a tuUf their -alua. ;
A ( ;v Toa' will find . them 'ranging la , price from 7 ;'- .1 '
- ' ;t up a4-aUV- aold , as PUtfas?-nstanjplaa jotT - ' I
.1 "i' Wa havt aevaral second-han pUyara, thdudlnf lVif f
A ' armaa, Plaaola. Simplex and ApoUo. all ta first- ; j t , J.
-v conalt,OB about half prloa Eaay payments. ;
. ' Gi! ?yY
Schooner Crossing Columbia Bar
.".thou Pilot Has Narrow
Escape From , Wreck,
Believed That Captain Grew
Weary Warring for Pilot as rr
v; '. Service 1 Is Bad. -; :
Crossing the Columbia river ber last
night without tug or a pilot aa Ameri
can schooner, suppesed to be the J. W.
CUso. had a narrow asckba from dls-
aatsr. She wont agrbuad on Clatsop
spit, bat t hlgD 'tlde this morning sue
eeeded In aettlnd Into tha channel. At
T o'clock she reached Astoria, and It is
reported that she ta not damageo.
- Observer J. J. Kellther of North Head
wag tho flrst ta nolo that tha- vessel
wa stranded, aad shortly after daylight
notified tha weather maa at Astoria of
tha aoctdenU- Ha also requested that
a tugboat be d la pat coed at onoe to the
aoaaa of tho mishap, but no tag ap
peared. Shortly afterwards tha high
tlda floated tha Cllsa oat of danger, and
aha ia exneeted here tomorrow.
Pew vessels going aground at tha
mouth of tba Columbia have escaped ao
luckily. It ta thought that tha captain
of tho Qiao besoming weary of waiting
for a tugboat to coma out and eaoort
htm across tho bar. decided ta aail into
tba Mver. Many complaints have Been
made of lata of tha poor, senrloo at the
bar: soma sf ths skippers have aald
that they have been eompeUed to Walt
on tha ostslde for a week.
Tha . W. Cllsa la under charter te
tha government ta carry lumbar, from
thia port ta Manila. A part of tha ship
ment waa takea by tha schooner Alex
ander T. Brown; tho diss's cargo will
approximate feet. - The mater
ial la supplied ay me rortiana t-nainsr
company. - .'; .,...;:..,
Will tow bio raft, (
lrUJiinsln many
ths steamer Francis H. IggU 11 '"
la WorMand harbor, reacning nere taati
nirht from flaa' Franelaco. - After dis
charging a genertl cargo she began re
ceiving a shipment of wheat this morn
ing at tha Mersey,oaeB-xor i-mm
Tha grain ta being supplied y W. A.
Gordon, aad wUl amount to about J.JOt
fllnce her last vUlt to this port ths
Leggett has been given a general over
hauling, and now ..presents ths appear
sacs of a aew araft. .T-flha waaoa a
... at tha Bar city for three week.
and aalda from being provided with new
auarrie tha state rooms wore flxsd up
in fashionable style,' Ths vessel waa
also painted, both Inslds and out. from
stem to stern, and Cap tela Charles
Mat ner. hee master. Bare aha Is now one
of tha moot handeome steamer on the
coast He also states thst from this
tlms forward she will maks , regular
t.aa ta Portland.. '
Her owners have eloaed a contract
for towing four mammoth, clgnr-ahaped
tna rafts from Stella, on tha Columbia
river, to Ban Francisco this season. The
steamer will take oat tha xirsvst me
rarta nrr her next trip to this port, which
.in aa about the middle of May.- It is
aattmata that one of these rafts will
produce 10,0v.W0 feet of sawed lum
ber, equivalent to 1 big cargoes. Tha
four of them wUl spproxlmato 40.000.
eoa feet, nearly enough to keep ona of
tha big mills at Portland running, for
the greater part of ths summer. Ns
record la keot at the local custom house
hef this part of ths Columbia river lum
ber shipments. . '
. iatst yesr the Lggtt took a similar
number af rafts to ths Bay city, and
many prophesied that the venture would
not be a success. But aside from carry
ing fulLcargo pffre.fht from this
port aha landed her huge towa without
meeting Wltn ins Sllgnieei mieuap.
Tourist travel aa ths steamers plying
between Portland and Ths Dallas 1
starting la earlier then usual, many
astsrn people taking paaaage this
morning on tha DaUea City and Charles
R. flpancer.
The schooners Endeavor and A. P.
Coats reached ths harbor yesterday
afternoon from flaa Pedro. .They , will
So far ss they go, SchiSinj't
Best takedovbt an) Zxxltj
out of -t ffstdax tyettr ; uUe
uppliefc "?vS
- 1
teamar ia Take flhtpmsat sf Z.mser
m ywast-a . ;-
Per -tha
be supplied with lumbar ear goes for tha
return trip at tha Portland mill..
Local Inspectors Cd wards- aad Puller
waat to MoOowaa. Oregon, this morning
to inspect the eteamers WUavlg aad
Mildred.'. ...-....-.- i . v,.-,
It is believed that ths British steam
ship Dumbarton's flour cargo will bo
completed Wednesday afternoon had
that aha wOl sail for Japia tha follow
ing say. - : - '
: British bark Dumfrtasshlra moved
this afternoon from tBS-unmaa-Poulse
to tha North Paolfle mill ta complete
her lumber cargo, r-i --
. It . U poaslbla-. that - tha
George W. Elder, will be Coated
afternoon. The cofferdam has
tewed down there from St. Johns and
placed under tha vessel. Tha work of
pamping her put has been otarted. Xf
tha attempt ta rale her la successful
she will ha placed oa tna drydock.
Astoria. AnrtI It. Arrived at I and
left up at a. m tssmer Northland,
frem flaa Praaolaoo and coast ports.
Arrived at t and left ap it I A m.
Steamer Columbia, from Baa rransiaoa.
Arrived during ths night A four-mast
ed schooner; got on a spit and floated
off this moral ng. - ,
Baa Prsaclsoo, April J 4. Arrived at
I a. m. Steamer sea roam, nrom forx
land. AVrtved at I a. m. teasner Ore
son. from Portland, and steamer Roan-
oka, frem Portland and coast porta, for
Port Ioa Angaiea.;- "-
Astoria, April II. SaOed at t a. nv -Bohooner
Virginia, for flaa Fraadaco,
Ieft up at a. av -Stsamer Francta H.
Liggett. Arrived at 1:11 and left up
at : p. to. Ualted.SU tea traaaport
flhotidan, from ManllaT -
Ban rranclsoo, April IJ. Arrrved at
noon - Steamer Acme, frem Coluatbla
river.,- . ' ' ' '.
- Buraka, April tl. Sailed at t p- la.
Steamer. All la sea, for Portland, via Coos
hay.. f ?. - -t.
r Aatorta. April It. Arrived dowa at
l:l'p. m. aad aaUed at t p. m. Schoon
er Erie, for flaa Padre, . Arrived at. 1:11
p. nv Bchoonsr ' Virginia. Arnvea
down at S aad sailed at p. m. Brit
ish steamer flaiuthurst, for Tstngtsa.
Left up at :! p. sa. Schooaers A. P.
Coatee and Endeavor. Arrived at T
p. m, Steamer .Eltaora. from - Tills
mook. : - ' - -v. '-
Aatotia. April 14. condition or tna
bar at ,t- a, m smooth; wind south;
ether cloudy. Arrived this morning
Schooner Irene, from Sin Pedro.
When the traaaport flherldaa passed
ths North PaclfM mtU this morning the
British ship Lonadale, which waa lying
there receiving a cargo or . lumber,
dipped hsr flag ia honor of tha return
ing troops. Tha soldier, boys observed
the Incident snd began to cheer. It waa
the flret note oiTweluolMrm- Had is-
oalved since reaching the harbor. A
minute later their bank struck up that
old familiar tuna, dear to every Briton s
heart. "Ood Bavs ths King." Then there
was cheering irora tna oecx or ins
Lonsdale and ths anion Jack waa dipped
tlms and agala.. . . ,
,V oaxxiTH back ojr mtnr.
In about a week tha steamer T.
Kilbura wUl be back an ths Portland-
Ban Franelaco route. A lot of advertis
ing - matter calling public attention ts
the" fact waa received for distribution
this mornina. The statement la made
that tha Kilburn will stop at all ths way
porta and that "she Is ths II steal
steamer oa tha ooast" ; -;
(Continued from pegs Obs1
and it has a peculiar effect. It does
not make ana drank until two or three
days after It is taken, and -then one
floes.wUd. :.j f-ri-'-i .!"-?'',-'..-
., Ohaaa, hat 4at Bttt ' '
' "Ths men drink tuba whenever -they
can get it. and Its effects are pbout as
bad as those f birof Tuba Is taken
from oocoaaut trees by cutting off the
snd af a twig, tleing a bamboo cup st
ths snd of It and leaving It there all
night, la he morning ths sap has
filled tba cup, and that Is tuba. It is
usually colored before rlnklng. 1 ; ' .
r -There . was a straggling crowd . aa
ths Oreeawleh dock this morning ss
ths huso stsamer hove ia sight Miss
Henrietta ' and Msy Falling wera there
to welcome - captain aad Mrs.
who were on the vessel, aad wera aoea
Joined by Mrs. Montgomery aad Miss
Bchurlsr and possibly half a dosen
sther women. - Tha msslo - from ths
steamer attracted a largo crowd that
thronged the docks and wharvea in ths
vicinity. Captain Patterson, tha pilot,
boarded the vessel- 'at Astoria and
hrauant her ta Portland. ---
Among thoss whs cam oa tha Short -
dan wars T women. ' xne paasnnger
list. Including ths officers of ths Four
tsenth regiment, follows; . .;. . ? ,. .r
, i i . ;, 'Offlaeta aad-OlTninas. '
v Offloers sf ths Fourteenth Infantry!
John 8. Parks, major, commanding;' H.
fl. Cabell, captain. A. L Lease Igne, cap
tain; H. O. Learnard, captain; Joseph
Frssiert- captaln;-I-rJIorley,captain;
Oeorgs McIX Weeks, captain; Perry L.
Mllea, saptatn-i R M. Bramblla. flrst
lieutenant; H. fl. Wagner,, flrst lleuen
ant; O. N. Murphy, flrst lieutenant: F. fl.
U Prloa, first lleuteaant; la W. Cabell,
flrst lleuteaant; A. fl. Oowan, first lieu
tenant; X. fl. Hartahorn, flrat lieuten
ant: C K. LA Motte, flrat lieutenant;
Ia MeL. Hamilton, flrst lieutenant; E.
A. ' Herbal, flrat Hen tenant; Jsmes Re
gs n. flrat. lieutenant; It. S KHrttmnd,
second Ueutsnant; S. Gk Leasura, aaooad ,
purs juics of ths fitottieta "wi&oui.My'other:
sujar tistn tbst which is
without sny srtifidsl prescnratlvs of any character.
If sweetening ia wiahed, it
' . Dr. Wiley, head of the pure food buresu of the f ,"-,:
".XrpsrtnieRt of Apiculture, has laid down the for---
: 'xi which ihbuJd be followed if; grape Julce to J , ;
.'"2ti bottled so as to keep it sweet without usiny pre- r; ;'
tMrVathrt or flugar, ., This fonnula has been followed ;
V1n the bottling of Woodlark Grape Juice, which Is
ChTm offered for sale for the first jtime. ''riS u!'?y
''i'4::, Woodlark Crape! Juice is made in Michigan f rom
Concord grtpes.' The soil of Michigan Is peculiarly J
adapted prodycing tha 'rich,' fruitjr grape that ;
:;S';reiove o well back east-.The grapes are, pressed
,r t amid idesHy cleanly and sanitary surtoundings, the " V J f
VV Juice is sterilised, and bottled hot Dr. Wfley's direc- ;! V ,
tions being followed in ,eyery detail. j ; .:'' i J f A'hV
' The result-aGrape juice that is delicstely grsteful m. V
to thos who crmve i slicUy acid drink-that is so
; ) pure 'that if left" in an' ordinary temperature for s ;, .
day after being opened the
; mentation "wilTensur.--Keptin.a-coolpl wi
remdn sweet nd fresh for
Ths stomach sssimilstes
almnat Inatantlv. ','..
i ...'.V..v'.'lisi: -
Manufactured only by
-,. - - .v . r
Vdddard, C!ar!;c & Co.
U -f -; IV4 rwt CrafeAflt amd invalid Chain. r::, ..... :J
U;fgf Caaswrata. Kodak D0vloplMgmd FlmUhlmg.
VYsiils,jysWaWswl j"-:; ;. 'vr
; , .V" . ': .. f ': v-r" '' -'."M ' t;''
. :v'Vi4 i-vi- ir;::;V.4 a
lieutenant: Jacob- ikhtek. aoond Usa
tenant: B. Tucker," second lieutenant;
' a- -lira ..T ..rail llautanajitt J: P.
Brady, aeoond ltsatsaant; S. A. Harris,
econd lieutenant l F. R. Kobee, eee
oad lleateosnt; O. K. Tellry. second lieu
tenant; J. McEL Pruyn. second lleuten
antl i. C. Macomb, second IteuUnanti
K. TL Oragory. second lieutenant; H.
W. uregg, seoona iayanwii a,a. .
B. Cabell and otv Mrs. Joseph Fraser,
Miss Bramblla. Mrs. B. Tacker. Mrs. Ia
U Kreoa ana cnuo. r "
Mrs. - j. v. " r. zz;
Wardrobe. Mlaa Mary Mac Donald, Miss
jQaepnlSe AngOlie. U. V.. x., uuimunu aa.
wlfaT Mrs. J. W.-Beardsley aad aen,
Mlah V. W. Paarna, B. T. Hanson, wlfs
- The season for you to consider what you will wear
. Is here, we are snowing tnc most complete ainea
.l of domestic snd, IMPORTED UNDERWE ARS ;j I
ever shown In Jortiano, iA.tits.ti tvusn uwuhk. .
V WEAR, and they are aH linen,: GUARANTEED , v
.T;. to wear, GUARANTEED not to shrink, in union
and two-piecs uit, 5.00 and '5X0 suit";
l:5 Bon Bon Balbriggans1pi.o6 to 94.00" a suit n
' . ';."'' v'-' ,!'-V;.-'
V Fine' Mercerised. Cottons and "LisleS, 50 to
'Ui ". 7.50"a..sult A;4rf''y 'y;
; ; K Fine Woolens snd Silk and Wool Mixed, $2,00 3
:- i . a. ma wen a '
Fins Imported r SUk Underwears, ; 912.50 and
sy. 918.00 ' a ' sultu'r
WeVill appreciate a call from you and would liks
to supply you- with, your spring underwesr. : f . j
269-2? 1 Mcrrhoii St.
.- ,1 -' .'v , , i-r ;
ja .;; ; f " .
v wv vv
natural ta the. gmpe, snd
can be stided afterwards.
natural processes of fer- .,..; .
days sf tef belngopened. ::
Woodlark Grape Juice v
',-- .;'
,-. .(.f..i
and; son. alias" Eetella WllUer; Oeorgs
H. Pattersorrand wlfs. Ia Ia fllmma and
Wife, Harry Gray and wife, Don. .C
Flthlan, Oeorge Frey. Mra X A, Mack.'
Mlaa Nina 1 Paddock, Mr. A. P. '
Berry. Anthony Oereckl, Mrs. Van
Schuster and son, Mra- H. Q. fearnard,
Mra. A. 8. Oowan, Chaplain Headley.
wVa and son. Mra. C F. True and two
daughtsrs, Mr. H. O, Rhodee. . r. .
. Will mmmm aa a ara fllMnlMMf. .
5 "Ko, Charlss.- t -think far to much I
of yoa for that I still waat your
friendship- Let me . be your steno- -grapher.
.That is ths only way la which
I can submit to man's dictation." -
. . i . a . .
. . i : -
v - ' i - ' r 4
-v -y i-r:;-
vv vv Wv vwy
) M f ja .1W fVCtV.Y,WHMMHr
iwtu be sat for trial next JTldey,
rv.,' v.;; ."',.;
V r.'
' I,