The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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    t::j c..zcc:r 'daily.' j-
( 1' f '1
Cvsrything Being J Rushed to
Start "East Side Pdstof-vV?
;--v fice on Time.
We have hot told you half ,
enough about- the merits of our
Carrier Will' Cain1 Hourt; Each
i V,
Day : by - th ' Location of
' Convenient Quarters. - :
aa I . . r r . - -
Spring Suits
1 to la
Taa aaaf aid" nMr of The ii
.1 M um r. W UrklDMT.
kUrriaca irrrU : Trlhpkeee bast 214.
According' to' Poetmaeter Mlnto, th
; eaak sida ventral Utlon-will be open
tor business May 1. and after that data
material change will be made in tn
method 4t distributing ths central east
Id mall.' Th new office. 8ttkm A
as It Is called, will be located at lis
Union avenue, and a fores of eight ear
riers and-four -or-flv .derke will Te
"needed from the start. Should -the ex
pectations of ths officials be realised.
this fores will havs to bo considerably
' Increased beore ths summer ends.
What will chiefly aid the east aids
. by ths chance Is ths additional delivery
that can be mads In ths district trib
- ! to the office.- 'At present ths car-
.r in this rea-lon cross ths river
' el ghf times a day in order to secure
their mall and Bet back to their -routes.
Each man has to secure his mail at the
--mefn office on street, and much of
" their time la wasted In comma; and go--In.
When ths east side station . la
opened elL mall will be sent directly
to the office, after betas; takea from the
mail cere, and mall from ths Southern
Pacific will te thrown off at th sst
side station and wUl reach ths people
hours earlier than undsr - th present
' JThTaddUlonal delivery Will probably
1 be made In ths afternoon and will in
elude ths residences s well as ths
businesa houses. All carriers who take
"mU from Station A will, after May 1.
report to that office ly. and time now
wasted In crossing; ths river will ba utlU
Ised to ths benefit of ths various routes.
Ths new station will also havs reels
try, money order and stamp depart-
menta, and th very considerable busi
ness Interests of ths olatrlct near ths
office will b greatly accommodated by
these. ' '
Station A was seen red after a long
campaign by east aids business men
who were backed In their sffoxU by Mr.
Mlnto. A few weeka ago a apeclal
. agent of the postofflcs department In
vestigated the cass and afterward sent
In his approval of the proposed change.
Washington - authorities quickly sane-
- tloned the new station with a suffi
cient fore to. handle ths business that
would come, and work has been rushed
on the building and fixtures sines word
was received from Washington.'.
nan rem
Street ears- handling Alblna, Pled
- mont and Union avenue traffic have been
greatly changed sities ths Burnslds
bridge waa closed, and Otis of ths most
perplexing changes has been the Intro
duction of illuminated signs. - The Up
per Alblna, Lower Alblna and Alblna
signs havs been replaced by w in
scriptions - better calculated to teU ths
destination of the ears, ,but ths publio
" generally has pot connected with the
..' new significance of the signs, and at
night patrons frequently allow cars to
pa, ; 'only todiacovr thatthy wr
' the ones wanted. Upper Alblna cars
carry the sign. "Williams Avenue;"
Lower Alblna cars are labeled "Mis
sissippi Avenue," and the Alblna cars
-of the old Portland railway, bear ths
sign. "Russell-Bavler." r ,
i X.04TT a oaks. '
1 Because their pitcher went to sleep
In the ninth Inning, tha Carabana yea
terday lost ths gams to, ths Wood lawn
nine by ths score of it to t. - Ths score
was, at ono time, to for ths Cara
feana'a. and to the beginning of ths
ninth inning it - was i to , but ths
mteher allowed three men to walk to
ths basse; and after tne bases were full
a lone hit brought in every man oat.
Next Sunday the Carabana will play
the Mt Tabor team at Mt. Tabor.
" T. fiBOB TOX
' The Methodist and Episcopal churches
tof Mt. Tabor have decided to conduct
a lO-daTS" revival campaign, and -the
iinkm services wlU begin tonight la
'the Presbyterian church. Rev. J. L.
McComb, one of the Chapman evangel
ists. wlU bo In charge. Vast night Mr.
McComb told of revival experiences dur
ing ' the recent tour of the Chapman
party from the Atlantic to Portland.
'Tha; Woodstock - Methodist church.
which waa reopened six . months ago,
held a special Easter service yesterday,
ths feature of which was the musical
- program under ths direction of Mrs. W.
B. Moore. Ths Sunday school pupils
" offered a program and vocalists added
to the success of ths service. Boms of
We've got the swellest Has of
3.50 Oxfords In the city, a fact
to which you will lend your as
sent when ones you see them. -
g Saosa Xxolaarraty. '
. V Vekat
17c!lon ,
; $3,5()Vx )
'" '
..; (Joomal gprrlal (torrtc.) r
West' Palm Beach. Pia April l it.--After
a flay of unconsciousness, suc
ceeding a week's struggls for life. Jo
seph Jefferson, one of -the oldest of
American actors, passed away . last
night. At his deathbed were his wife,
his sons, Charles B. and Frank Jeffer
son; his doctor, nurse and servant. Mr.
Jefferson's last Illness, a severe attack
of Indigestion, Was contracted while on
a visit to his son. Charles B. Jefferson.
Ths body will bs taken to Busxard's
Bay. Massachusetts, on a special train
leaving her this evening, accompanied
by member of ths family, , :: : .
Joseph Jrffcrwm was bora Is Pbllsdolphui
rvereary 10, lwn. HI father ane grand
fatktv were sett ertora. as waa his saatber.
He was a eaa of Joerab J. Mtmom. - HI
fust enpearane ea the atage waa aa a ehild
ia Plaarre." ' la after hM ratoer-
ocata, blotnd a party ef atretllni player
whs , played . throe (h Tata and toliowed the
United Btatae araiy tote jiexico.
For Ban Jrffneoa pUrad la aleer
tbeatrei and latar la betuw companlve and
bam ma kaewa aa a good stark ertor. He flrat
brrama prosriorat M Aaa ivaDcaara ia "var
AatMieaa Ooeata" la WB.
The parts la which Jefferson baa breoaw
faaras bare beta Kawmaa Kocgs la "Mcoo
laa Mlekleby," OaUb Plnmawr ia 'Ortrket
ea the Hearth," Dr. Paagloas la "Tae
at Lew," Bob Acrr. la "The Btrala." Or.
Ouapad tb "The Poor Oeetlemee" and ea
paeUUy Bip Taa Winkle, whlrbkehaa played
fff ajssjas 4aBfWrtsfJw"j4tJt UW ' TJeHsJ! ftwaVw8-
Is latter yews J.fferaaa baa eely played
a faor xreaka la each year aad a-few . favorite
sarts, rettrtag aUocetkre a year .ago.
d- aathaaiaatle ancler and a palater.
. -e aw nalaUaaa havlaa attracted atten-
ttaa. la pelltloa. be was tor "the aaa and.tae
hm," aeitaer uosiiiuai oav-uuc-.
Is 1SU Jefforaoa aurrltd Margaret teekyer,
ths popUs who appeared were James
Iain gd on. Francis Haffenden. Oertruds
Hefty. Uu Buru, Edna Smith and
Hasel Petrla. - An Eaater sermon wss
preached by ths pastor. Rev. C. B.
Cllne. and aa offering amounting to 10
wu taken for the causa of missions.
Highland busineas Interest are In
creasing. r Th Clark drug firm haa
occupied "a new building and its former
place will be used by a notion store. A
nsw business block will soon be erected
near ths fir station by W. Ogden, and a
haMwar stors and harness shop will
occupy the rooms. - Mr. Ogden recently
purchased- property there, coming from
central Oregon, and Is also, building a
residence on Albert , street, nsar?, the
'Vernon .tract., . v. ' . j,' .; ," . .;
' "
Tbflrit hollow concrete block build
ing in ths city is being elected by Ed
wart Sharkey-on Union-avenue, near
.,a.. The blocks ara hol
low, formed in .the shape of a and are
bedded in mortar, the theory ; being that
ths air ' will r circulate - freely b'"
and' in th-walls, keeping the building
dry and Indefinitely preserving th oon
crste! Th construction is also alleged
tTbs as near fireproof as Is possible to
secure. 'v-. :' :l
There wUl b ' largs atUndatic at
th nsw art museum . this evening to
visit th photographic salon, which , Is
pen to the public- Thls-collectlon. of
picture has' attracted a. great deal of
attention - wherever' It has gob," and
sines Its arrlvsl ln roruna nss creaieu
much -comment among those who have
seen It. It Id, understood to be one of
the finest collections ' of the" serf ever
gathered -together and roruana-ia ior
tunat In ecurlngilt '.through ,th. ef
forts of number of art enthusiasts,
who desire to demonstrate th presence
of art" In photography. , Ths I SO . pic
tures; which 'ware - selected from some
10.00 sent from all parts or, me vwra,
naturally represent th best of photog
raphy, . ".'.'-' ' '
Th building Itself, which will be
naantd to the public for th first time
completion, and many visitor will go
largely for ths' purpose of seeing the
new museum. Only th upstairs rooms
will ba open -ts-s-hvHors,-- as -all. MforTX
bare been directed comple
tion for thla event and tb cast room
will not bs finished" for soms tlms.
After this week tb' building . wtll be
closed until Jun 1. when It wtll be
formally opened In its .complete tat. -f
Th fclg Elks' fair will open tomorrow
flight and will Isst until th nd of th
week. . A large fore haa been amploysd
a th booths and everything' is being
done to excel any fair yet held on the
coast enough eatsrtlanint'jui: prom
and after tar death wadded Seres .Wairea U
lar. . . - .-'
He was the satbor ef several booka, asmng
tkeat kelng "Aatoblotrapby of Joaapa wer
oe," "Kaply te IcBatios .Doaaally" . ea . hla
Shakaspeare-Baeae arsameat and aaierons ax
tlrlae for Butsaatnas apoa. tbeatrlral .aabjrcta.
Jef'eraoa's aunmar dobm M at Bnaard'a. Bay
mA via sriatar-hona aaa Maw ' Orjaaaa.
Ia aa lntarrirw receatlr. ea kaviag the
7: .-"TVr klow. "i'
am Mitlrtai fta
old ana nave nvra
little weak ef late. I'U admit that est, Hat
t foany, I feel a yoeng aa a soyl !
leaving the Umellgkt te ge late the
eeneklne aad I- leave e Mrielng behind aw
and eray for a bMetas brfora me. It haa
h aaar te am that life ef .tlhnalaal
una and it kaa keea ee BMcalrieeatly repaid.
If T eoeld eaad aa eloaaant OMeaeie to th
world I wodld. bat somekow word U we
when 1 try-1 say It.' I have bean doubly re-pald-ey
tee ayaatbatle prennre ef the people
wnea I - was playing and the affection that
eeeau te follow sn. like the eaneklne atraaailng
after a Baa going down-the forest trail that
laada ever the kills te tha lands ef aioraiag. i
No. I eaa't pat It la words." - ' - -
Thea a-leaBi of baawr brake aerasS tba
wtatful faee, and he aald:
Perkapa Ife a good thing to emit the stage
before tha people have a chance to ehaaft tbetr
Binds aboat me.- T. .
"I kelonged te the stage tram birth,"' Vy
on Ttota la the atth ef the Use of acting
Jeffereoos fro the tint, who playtd with
Garrirk. Ha pUyiag Rio. I eaw alia play
M and ha does It very well tha pathetic
narta Daitlcalarly. I have had 14 children-
and eavan ere Urine, so I est every way blind.
l-baaa-graadcMldrva and gnatrandrhlldraa.
But I- htare ar wider family behind "oh
those who came to see ate et the theatre
and . I have a sauia and a warm thought for
than! -all.
"I skoold like to' eend then a tenderer
awesage batter eipreewd. Anyway. Perhaps
yoa eaa de It setter for me. Something chokes
a little bare were I think I am gotag te say
It od hires taaa aur
issd to warrant a charg of several
time tha price of admission, which haa
been fixed at I ft cents, season tickets
admitting th holder every "-evening ar
1 each. Th lk' Prevtnctal band and
Parsons', orchestra will furnish tnuslo
during ths evening for fh stags per
formance and dancing. There is only
on matinee, and that on Saturday,
when th baby show will - tak ' place.
and svsry beautiful baby gets a piis.
. A traveling bag that cost 110 Is to
be 'voted to th most popular travel
ing man,', and to th most popular
candtcat for the . coming election,
no matter to' what of tie v h as
pires;. On Wednesday evening - the
Unltetf T Spanish War "Veteran wiU
Laaarch In a body with torchlights ,td the
Armory- ana aoo memosrs -. win. attena
th -fair. Tomorrow ' evening all th
Elks wUl march- in '; body .to ths
Armory,- starting atarquam
Grand theatre buildings
Th latest two-atep in Portland I th
rob City march, and .th piece Is ths
first that, ha been composed by a local
roan. . arranged by " Portland musicians,
published -in 'th city and handled by a
borne music ho una Th march Is
catchy, so . catchy Indeed that phono-
liftfu viwiauiw uf aitwu. mim
record of It and the small boy on th
bicycle Is whistling it today. , Ths com
poser is B. M.-Courtl'nne, , and th
Flaher Idnalo company 1 th publisher.
Hunzcro Cared
with Harfas Soaa. Shlahealta (ola
awst) aad gklaaiealtk Tablets. A sosl.
Uve aad esaady ante for even Itcalag, beralag,
eralf, blfdlnc. rreetrd, pimply aad btatrkr
bnaiar, wltk loa ef katr. Pradeiwe rleer, fcru
UaaC kealtky skia aad aara, ttea, led bias.
S-J . Timtmmtt 7 So U U.
saetle; Bklnkealtkl (nlnt.t. UftHta klllsarsia,
et tke ekla. end Sklahealtk Tablets,
Site te eipeL banMr rreM. ail drasiuiU'.
HarSaa leas fee. the Cea-slealem,
far plmpJve, blarkbreda. w.atea. mckaaea, ekaf
lac. ekapplns. reogk kanee. . Netklas wul glr
each speedy eera, .Sae- cakes, 6.
g-ed Be. Mtan fnr Free Sasaple sad
Booklets te tUlU HA I CO. Mewarfc, M. .
and WnakiatXm.
f. Disappoints
This Has Won'for It
Pheilomeiial Success
aid at all traurlaM tf aad ky labkara. .
has niATioii
Discussion ? of ths i Candidates'
iChancesi Always Ends In
Big Jnterrogatiori Mark.
Big Floating Vots Will Go to Man
Whose Chanoes Look
the Best. ; :
TTnTs" week will decide ' whether or
nob Mayor William wUl hold th lead
that haa been conceded him for th Re
publican nomination,"! aald 1 a well-informed
politician todays "A large num
ber of voter have not yat selected their
candidate enough. I think, to throw th
nomination to of th other can
didates. , Merrill Is cutting Into Wil
liams' support. , for h la making hla
light directly on th present Incumbent.
'and hla .candidacy has been encouraged
In no small degree by those who ' hop
to assist through him ia ths dsfeat uf
William. Th primaries wtll be held
Saturday, May , II day a from today.
But ths trick will be turned thla week,
on account of th attltud of th many
voters who are merely waiting to ascer
tain to whom they should go td ao
compllsh Mayor Williams downfall as
a Candida." . .
lata developmenU have cleared th
atmoephere somewhat. In that tha chat
acter of th fight to be mad by several
candidates ha been more clearly de
termined. ' Th Olafk men have as
sumed an attitude of queai-frlendehlp
to th Williams Force, and have openly
professed belief thai ths 1 mayor haa
been conscientious In hla politics.. Her
man Wittenberg, last Tussday night at
ths Olafk dub meeting, and again Sat
urday night at-Woodlawn. gava expres
sion to th convlotiou that tb mayor
had been sincere and honest in his ad
ministration, and thus mad. a bid for
th support of th Williams people. Mr.
Wittenberg's statements, apparently
given as a keynote utterance for '' the
Qlafk campaign, ha been Interpreted
aa holding matter In, abeyance so a to
place his candidate Id a position to fall
heir to th William support,- In th
event It became apparent that, the Wil
liam - oeuae was . weakening and th
machine would turn to some other can
didate to save the day. - '
- It Is becoming more and roor obvi
ous that H. a Bow will have th Blmon
rot virtually solid. Experienced ob
server predict that he will show ip In
th Biimarle with many followers, and
hla people ara making strong claim
that h I th leading candidate In op
position to WUl lam a Th story la cur
rent that Dr. Andrew C. Smith, who
'"refused th crown" twice recently when
ottered support for th Republican nom
ination, has not mad final decision and
may yet enter ths race aa an Independ
ent candidate.' It Is known that he ha
a largs body of follower ready to tak
tb field for bim whenever h gives the
word. 1 - ; ' -
Th Albe men stats their confldenc
that he will knock th nomination per
simmons, and ar arranging for exten
sive exploitation of hla candidacy. They
asssrt that, starting with ths distinctly
law-enforcing forces behind them, they
ar gaining vry day,, and that they
ar getting th masses to traveling th
roadway that leads to th Albe camp.
"Ths ."Ms, that, enforcement of th
law 1 better for th common eltlasn Is
galBltir strengtbai-aid oa-rf -A the
Albs man today, ."and .thos who ar
coming around to this view naturally
com to Albs as th on open and pro
nounced exponent of that Idea" , - -
i Tonight, the Republican club Will
meet, and canvass ths situation, and to
morrow night meeting wftl be held
by . th Row men to organic a club,
aad by th already well perfected Albe
and Olafk clubs. - ?:
Prom day to day other meeting win
be held, and tt is probable that numer
ous mas meetings will close ths'week.
rrT6rtland Kerinel Cliib.
Exhibitors desiring ' entry Man1ts , or
any other additional information In con
nection with entering their dogs for
the comlag dog show, can secure th
same by addressing th secretary, Mr.
F. P. Wamaley, Sit Pin street, city.
Entries will close Tuesday,, April IS.
.Ilb-Xnvr tH rOtnnd-railroad
haa Issued an Illustrated folder contain
ing a program of tb national meeting
of th Fraternal Ordef of Eagle, which
convene at Denver August 14-11. . .
Prsfaersd fWsok
,1 Allen Ik hnrUt Beat Brand,
i; mm m
Tt-v ' - i Y-i '-.r
m mm
m 1 m
mm m mm
-y:- A iwi v-' -:: '
t- . . rr . v "i "ai k r t r "vi r .wv
l :Vl A' - W-W : IT r . Jj
BH m m aW . a - ay ( ' BBaSaSaBaBBBBBBSr - SJ 1 aT ST
The ItJrfThctDcisGccd
Ths Cod Lavwr Oil Eknulakm ,Tar Kseala
lenoar ror oaearas, (Toaos,
a flrctp.
klea and all . Pulmonary Diseases.
Druggists, two .abjea, 0o and II. . , ,
Trial BottJt Fro by Mall
; t an' aeodlng nam aad sdflrss t
0zoBirtgsn CW98 Pfabp SUaWew Yorfc
Th delicate, exqulsits ' flavor
of this pudding Is beyond your
imagination a real tast is a
reality-,; ataTwjaOT. Ten-cent
package will servs fifteen peo-
. pi. - .-yy .:;
llllllr - '-I
i awv m y : : ,u i i wtj rn
I ' w- ik aj i -Twayga
. N' ..; -' U' I X II '..
mi - ' I . " EVl . T V 1JT II ' ' " WJ
.ii i 'j'lt . i 1 n . i w ., r
fctVJ I I --S-
r A.y'
If yclu Will ask atiy one of half a
hundred satisfied customers who
have purchased one during the
you how, pieasea tney are ana
'are giving at this; price.' We
bf eastecityles.tY FABRICS are
SERGES -and: TWEEDS-- ias-
sortrhents HiUcomplete.
GIVEN AWAY with pxircbasesbf FJVE DOL
LARS or over in our BOYS' tlid CHILDREN'S ;
The Sheezm- Uiujazs
Wa e erewa aad brlds werk wttboet sals.
Der IS yaers experlaate la plate work ear
sblee as te tit roar antt eesrfartably.
Dr. W. A. Wiaa baa feead a ear way te
attract teeth, akaotetaly wttkoat pain. Dr.
T. P. Wlae kt aa .expert et fold fllllag aad
erewa aad bride work.- txtraeuag free
whea plataa or brldaea ere ersered.
WISE BROS., Dentists
. fanls aaOdteg. ear. Thkd ssd Weak Uk
Opea eveakue tin a. aa. tnadays fre
V io It. Or. MaiatMB.
fW 7 th to
Jk- -V.
V . O V4S .11 1 I
Oreen short slab, par load.......fl.TB
Dry short slab, per load. ......1 1 2. SO
Oreen Insld. par load ......II2.2S
4-foot dry wood, per cord.......) 12.25
Block wood, per load. . . . . . . ... . . $3.00 .
Bzaept rortaaad Selghts, wmaxuert
Kelgkts aad Xouat Tabor. ,
Cbaa 4-foot areas
l.aa - - ia
fat abert greea wees,
Oreen short,' per load...........fl.T5
Dry short, per load A i. .$2. SO
Dry 1-foot wood, per 6ord....i..f
Blockt, par load. ..,.....r......f
Third and
S o ld Bir
N, E. Corner
Second and
Taylor Streets
Pa. w. A wllK.
-aUbwoad T arrasgeSNBI.
dlatneta ere '
par teas.
axaso PerUaad aad WO
lasaette aXelgkbs. ;
f tnrr m turovt
- . .-.-; - Airs cats nr. ;
ar .'-'
,- -