The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1905, Image 11

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    - , 4f
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1 -i
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t mm Bn. 4, tv
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1 la
III LI D" A FOTKL Mark at bat, Tfcbt
.and teariM, rortlaad; euurety Bow, kaad
Mwlf fyiW;- tairlm pita, $1.60 par
'. day aad hp. ..i--.-
BOTH Panda ttoa, HaobtWi Or. P. W. Walt.
HOTEL r-wrtmaA.AsMrlcaa ptaa4 $8. $8 Par day.
BOTKtt BC Oaorra. P-e-dletoes kttt hotst
.WfinUivn pfaa;4-h end lM
and reel (atata. eooooasore tr- art hat WiaM
', Co.: etucee. M aide. 187 luS Pbarloeb
kldp., Nla 1008; east aide feat. 4V4 Esat
Alaer (Cltiaen
a oa' aaaci
liaat tel.
ISAAC 2k WHTTI. Sre lnaasnaca, 100 Dakaai
Ja8. Mel. WOOD. employer- liability aad la.
. dividual ccMeat iurety bonds at aO klade.
Pboas 47. M IbUf bM. . - .
H. P. BARTXLS COMPANY Pwe Insnraaca.
44$Sberloch bldp. Orepoa PboM Clay 8A
.'. '. i-, ..
Aa talarM ampteya. wi aaraar, aaa pat
'aa kia.aaU. wltaaal aiarUaaa - 1
i Month. H Maata. Waak.
fVluOOBapar a
i.0Ov-Bpap ta
aa aia.M a aj.oo aw
aa I .6S pr U.M a il.M
aa 1 .00 or i00 ar l.00
Sia.0 Bapaj to
McKay aids.
, ' TITB par cant laaayi wa balM paw a bona
j naa paa nena -oa yaar prManr! anaiav
laa uaj., m V waaa.
MONBT TO LOAM aa raal, paraaeal aa4 aaU
, lataral namltyi apodal attantlaa ta caattal
. art(araa; aotaa koalit. C . W. PaUat,
. bjm paacoa Map-, aa
v DBHLI taapartabla plaa
. i canta caa parraw . aioaa
plaaa wkara ladlaa aa4
nnwar. m aiamoada and
Oollalaral Leaa Baak, Saw Waaa-
' Mum llu T1 . v
iaa-taa'at'. Pbaaa Black Tl.
t LOAMS and kpward aa all klada of aaaa-
mr ar ta aaianM paepia aa ocu aaari warwu
rauat an publicity, aa daMjr. US AMastaa
vaa liaa.
ICO KIT ADTAJICKD aakulad paopla, taaavtara,
ate., wlthoat eaeorlty: aaay pariaaaH; lara
aat kaalaaaa la 44 prladpal altlaa, Tolawa,
" ta Ablattoa bide. -... . ' ... v
CHATTBL toaaa la
ita raaaliar (rata "B3S
lo s.w; room
. Bra Laaa Tra
Traat Co SOS Abjajtoa bUs.
LOANS at laanat rata aa fonltara.
... aa aacantr aotaa parrnaaao
- craea, aa anarian
MONBT TO LOAN la km ar
aa pood aartirlty) lowtwt rataa.
irttTl 1
Back. SOT Si
LOAMS aa fatulUua, aUaaa,
A Waak.
auia oiuo.
: fcmaafroiaiULraa ta pu aiaataa;
MONBT TO LOAN aa Clark a
B. T. aad P. B. kllap, SuS Ckaaikar at i
w oa. paaaoiai, no raiuac Hop.
MONBT TO LOAN, 4 par raat Marthrsp
a,iaafc uiMii I maiiniiai van.
TO LOAN 4100 ta 13.(00 by Cbarka aUratat
- SSH Third at, roow S.
rltp proparty.' tt Stark at. ,
MRS. L. H. HBABT Traata ahranle allawata.
' caeatlpatloa. atoaaaek, Utot, b
waaa and fawrttoaal waak aaaa
fraa. Sit Toaray bldf. Mala 41TS.
PIANOS Cartltaa aatf-vur-
pranoanrad tfca beat by bwdlaS
alas OretDan plaae-pla jarl. .. J. Jf.
aoo aiaar aa.
taatranaaata af aB
. klada at toaraat priraa, raak ar
Pfcikar Maala Co., 189 Tblrd at
OOMPARB aay priraa wlrb that laeal rat's aala
Bow - aotaa aa, unri . aiaaaa - aaevaa,-ai4
raartb at. LUC. Bid. V
MR. AND MRS. H. A. WBBBBR. kaala, aaaaen
r Ha. paltar raatrwcUaa-Mata SOUS. ITS W.Park.
BOTART annua
aaadaltri ariea
. tka Marqaaaa.
loa' aiatbtaar aaio ttada. Kaaatadtar
aaaaafactarara. Port la ad. Or.
' Jt B. S. MLU)SA axpart- aceaaataat raaa ddl
. Sbarlaek bM.;. kooka apaafd. ad)aatad aad
' lauin i wiwaa av w awau w woti
rata ckaraaa; Sratflaaa rafaiauna. Mall
-OX 00., aaaMarytplaaaara. ttl Saeoad bat,
. Mala aad Salawa. Orocoa Pkaaa Mala SOOL
WANTKD Aasatrar paotoaraparra ta
; wa aa daaaaaplnp; pad prtatlaf : kndaka tor
" raat Oraaaa Phota Stork Oa., Ill SUtb at
rxABO Tmrais.
aJBOBOB ANDRRSON Bspart plaaa taaar aad
rapalrlaa;. Inqalra Ptakar Moale Oa. Bad MX
. allaar, -eappar, . nickel aad braaa alalia-.
.' dawalry work; apactalty.
laptaa at Paeaa SBTS. PaUaklac, pUttap;
7 pad laraaanna'.
V, B. BRACB CO. Tba Pbxaaar Paint Co.
i wlndow-r laaa aad laatas. - US Plrat . at
Pboaa 1UA.. - - '.-'.-"
BASMCSSSN 00 Jobbara. palata, all, (aua,
aaak aad aaara, Sara ad
aaa J
tunn stamps.
'p. n mvp works.-SaP A Mar at,
' Mala TlOi rabbar atajnpa. aaala, ataarlla. bap-
papa, trada ebaoaaj aaaa tar aatawawa.
TIN ROOPINO, nHarlnf. rpatrtap sad
Jobblnp. - i. LoatlL 111 Jafraraaa at-
aad Nartbrap ara., rartlaad. Or.
FOR apatrtap lorkoata aad acta fcarfalai a at
- J, B. Darla. dd rklrd at
BOWCASBS at aaary daacrtptlaa baak. k
aad a tor Siiaiaa aiada ta ,
arear. aaa mi
Maaafartwrtap; Co.. Portland.
BAPBS. ntaaea aad
' raaay lor ab-lpplaf aad aklppadl an wan
' ' faarantaad! larva. -aorr. Kirk, Si a araai
, warabaaaa for torapa. Otflra Ut rkst at
. CJ. M. Olaaa. Pboaa Mala KT.
C O. pICX. afftcakS PI rat at. kwtwaoa ttark
aad fpd far rklpntnf 1 inaiaiadlowa
Clay ata. - . , ,
ta lot la any paw kartMtaa.
a 3ap- axiiias a
t p
I t
Lt wtWAT "-l. f, r --v.
,. taU Dot, .a. , k-ote Uua 4
A ka Boarta. Iim.l
We teat repeir, aaU. eicbause tipaaillBiA
m noi-es m an nacmaaa.
. faa--d .inoa 1 $ and ap to Bio.
Lo ) Waal a itiMniaa at trpeM
v, a aan net at puod eppj
aMJOCnanORrr ft lypowiltoi. rer-pHae, re
patriae Bess Boa. Saa Stark.. MaialSTA
tO BAUD One half eeettoa of ebnlca tlmbir
, land, baa bsea cruised at lO.OOO.O-O feat. 40
. par cent ran urrora coney, tltl from oebool
board; prlea tla.00 par acre. B. a.
Coo Co., Sol Aider at, "
POB SALE Two nomeetaod raUoonlasnMSt
ciajn-a; aeoDro prewta; will aau ttaap. JL
P. XtabM. . aietal KkalBprakaa. .
fob HOMemiAm.
tlaibar eUlna aaa aarla
apply la au Coaiawrlal block.
row JLL BtmXT.
CLKAN TOWRLS DAILY Cab. braaa, aaaa,
SI par awatk. Lawraaca Broa.' Towal tpppa
Co.. Paortk aad Coach. PboM dSp,
TRANRPCR CO,. 1M Nortk Sink.
Pboaa Mala at,
ttaary aaauaf aaa atorapd.
Inctoa at Pkoea Mala SCL-
. " V, 'v...
J. A. WBSOO, Ttalla aaikar aad rapalrart work
Brat claaa. V BaaaaU kldf. 4tk aad Maniaaa.
it, bat Taahlll aad Taylor, rartlaad.
' TIBABOIAL.. . s V-."
lT Ba. 10S TKIBB ST.
v.- Tfca Old aat Traat Oaaaaaar U Orapoa. -:
. . CAPITAL V,aOa, .
Wa caadart a paaaral banklnp baateraa. Wa
aralra aaalapa danoalta. Wa iaaaa Ubm aor
till rataa aad jaartiarataa at aVpoalt payabb)
apaa 10 daya' rail, SO daya call or PO daya'
caa with lataraat at . aad 4 par aant
pr ahaaaw roanrtrwly. Calf ar aaad fat oar
r ij. V POHKM. ...Praalaant
I I. PrrTOCK..u.,.M....,...Tiea-ProaMoat
B.'UCT! PAOrt......................Betaxy
J..O. OOLTkA...... ...Aaalatant Saoratary
J. PRANK WATSON,.. ftwaldaot
B. L. DURHAM.'..
C W. HOYT ..Caahlar
UBOROB W. HO TT.., ........ Aaalatant Caahlar
' ' Traaaaata a Baaarai Baaktnp Baalaaaa,
DrafB) aad Lrttar at Ckadlt laaaad AraUablp
k All Porta at tka World. , .. ,
: " i CuliacOoaw a BpaeUIty. . ..
SSS Morrioab St, Partlamd, Or..
Baaklna' Baalaaaa.
Utarwrt Allowed aa Tlaw aad Barlnpa PapPalts.
. Acta ai Traataa for Katataa.
Drafbj and Lrttora at Cradlt AraUablp to AO
, Porta of tbo World. .
CC P ADAMS... .77. Praaloaat
U A. LEWIS .PI rat TIea-Praoldaat
A. L. MILLS ;Baaoad Tka-ProaKloat
portlanbT orroob.
. , Tra aoa ata a Ooaoral Baaklap Baa la aaa. . ,
AralTabta la Alt ctttaa at tbo Caltad Btataa
. aad Ruropa. Boas Baap aad Maalla. .
., ,. ........ w. o, m m mm
fliiHa. liana aiada at all
polnu oa famrakw
aaad arallaMa la
brttara ar araait
Burapa- and -all patata-la tba Caltad Btataa.
' Slpbt Barbaapa aad Tntaprapblc Traaafara
paid oa Mew Xork. Waaklaptaa. China pa, St
i . i..k. w . ..a
Montana aad Brltkak Colaanta.
Bxefcaapa an Id oa Loadoa. " Porta, Barlta,
Praokfort. Boap Boas. Xakakaan, Maalla aad
Boaoraki. .
Poalgaalod Drpoaltary and PtnoacUl Apwat at
too Caltad Btataa.
Praridaat.. ..A. L. MTLU
Coaster... J. W. MXWKIRK
Aaalataat Oaablor .....W. C ALVORD
lot aad Aaalataat Caaklor...... B. P. BTRTENS
Lattars at Oradlt laaaod Arallabla ta Barapa
. aad the Beatera Statao. - -
Slpht Bxeheape and Toleprapbla Traaatata
old oa New York, Boetea, Chlcaaa, St Loale.
Pt PaaL Omoko.- Saa Praaetaca aad tka
principal aetata la tka Kortbwaet
Slpht and tiaaaMlla arawa In ana oaM
an London, Parta, Per 11 a. Praak fort oei the-
Mala, Boos Roap. Xoaoaaaia, oopeakapea.
ChrtitUBia. Btocaaoia at faianaiaip. .
aw, Kortefc,- Hadolola.
Oollaottaat Mada as Taearaklo Tiiip
,( ., t U flit attraat, rartaakd, Oa,
Ottm OIH-Rdpa larraUbrabj la MnaVrlpal aad
. Railroad Boada. Wrlta ar CmlL .
Oa rartlaad Baal Batata at Lawaot Beta.
Titloa laaorod. Abatraetp roraJaaoa.
' ,- TITLR UARABTXR 4 TRUST 00. ' -.
Rooai 4. Obaabar af
' Notloe to'karoby PlrrB Uat tka Ononcfl of tbo
City of Portland, Orepoa, at a mectlap bold aa
tbo IStk day .of April, 1006, declared tbo aaeeee
awat by Ordlaaace Na. It.pTe. for tba conetnK
tloa af a atwer In Saady.rood, Boat Twraty
flrat a tract Boat Irrlnp Streak bet Twenty.
oaeond atroet, aad Orepua trert, from tba fiA
ternertloa af Orepoa a treat aad Sandy road to
tba aewer IB Heat Twentieth tract at Saadr
rood, la tba Banner provided by Ordinance Mo.
14.ZW, aaoa earn tat part or lot ana parcel ot
land. , which ara aaecially aad -peculiarly bene
fited, to be fhllowa, via. i :
,, KAdT PORTLAND Raat U of block S, Otto
aofcanneoaoa. tBO.OO. BLOCK S. lot i, haaM
J. Byraa.;. lot 4. Daniel J. Byrne,
44.00; lot T, Daulel t. Byrne, 4.00; kit p,
llanlel J. Byraa, S4n.OO. BlrCbl , lot 1,
. Kphrloa P. Dewey, S37.S0; lot S, Amanda M.
Perklaa. SitT-oO; lot , Tba AJHanco Traat
(lompaot. Ltd.. S.1T.S0; let 4, Tba Alllooee
- Traat Company, Ltd., nt.DO; W k, Tba Al
liance Traat Coarpaay. Ltd., SluA; knt 6, Tba
' AllUnco Traat Company,! Ltd., A.80l lot T.
" K. O. P. Cbard, Sd PO; lot a, Tba Alliance
, Traat Company, Ltd.. In.SO. Block 10, K.
, H. BohMna, lt 00. BLOCK 11. Hykreater W.
' Rtra Batata. Hair pt. 4 06, BLOCK 12. lnt
- 1. Alfred t.- Panpe, I4.M: lot S, Alfred J.
Panpe, Sa.Sn; lot S, Alfred tt Paape, ta.SK;
bM d, Alfred 1. Panpe, M; lot a, Alfred 1.
ST. . i - a (W. lak ST SIP S kA o1
lot S.'-Alfred J. Poriro. tAi.-BLOCK l.t
lot 1. Mary Ttanbell, f4n.lH lnt S. Mary
Campbell. 11. 10; lnt S, oka T. MrDonaall
Daniel McAllea, td.M; lot 4. Joba T. Mr.
V DoaaaD A Daalel McAllea, to-an; kH . Wil
liam 8h-ban.; nt S, William Bbebaa.
pc etl; . let .T, Annie Voeway. Sa-POt bH S,
Annie Conway. pa.0. BUK7K 14. lot 1,
Rdward J. O Den. foA -, nt t. Rdward I.
, O'Doa, m.SO: lot , Edward . O'Dea, TT.Pr;
lot 4. Bdward J. O'Dea, $37 Oft; o . Edward
1. O'Dea, fd.N0; lot . Rdward J. O'Dea.; lot 1. Rdward t. O'lVa. $ST.4.H; lnt p.
fcdward 1. O'Doa, SSXtn. BLOCK IS. lnt A
: Bomea Catbolla Arcbblahnp if rko btoeeee of
1-ortlamt tnwpna. 44400, lnt a, Romaa
...CatbaUr Archblabnp of the. X)lncoaa af Port
lead. Orepoa. P44-09: lot 1. Roaaaa Catholic
'ArrkMabop of tka Dtoreaa of Portland,
Orepoa, S4B.0O; lot a. Roaaaa Catholic
Arrhbwbnp of tap Pleriea .of ..iort
r Kb. Orepoa. ptAOfl. BLOCK 30, bH S, Tbo
IfVioao ot tba. Uood Bbeaaerd of. Pnrt
tand. Oraeoo. oATSt tot A Tbe ' Hcwae
Mm Baepnera - or rnrtiaad,
S4T Tn. ' BLOCK tl. lot - A
T...aMa (aataraaBaakBwaiwaam.
K-tward J. O'Dea. SKI. 10; tot 4. Rdward J.
O boa, and to-, lot S, Bdward 1. O'Dea, .
lot 4, toward I. O'Dea, Soft TP; let T, Bdward
S. O'Doa. HIT U lat S, Bdward O'Dea.
InT.Sn. RLOCX St, let 1. PenUaand Optta,
iaS.ta: tot a. Fardhnad Opita, S4d.on; lnt
SPerdlnand Opita, $44.00; lnt 4. Pardlnand
Onita, S4nnilot n. Pardioand Opttt 1M.W;
lot A Pardinaad Opita, rJ.oo- lot K Jaaea
Arrward, 1Hi lot . iamat Arlward,
4I.IA. Bf4K . M f, W. D. Wearer.
4A1M V i W. D. B'eaeor, fjSl.W: lot A
W. K. ,Wata, AJ0; lot, 4, W. m. Wataaa,
v' .-... . ... ... ' " r - r -r-" -
1 ' v i v ' . ; :'. ' ',, 1 1
- ' i' '' ' v ; ' 'A '
ft-aa- lot A V" ivatanm. 11."". I I ,
W. A. Wa'-ea. 1 : It T. a. M,
I . . BLUCK t V 1, or
ead.!., bt s, o at; V A
Ur a K.k.r. k . A. i I kar,
Aa..; lot B, t a u-r, . UH A
Ocee Baker, -.; b T. rveaap Baker,
aj.l.; lot A Ooiaea Br. 416. BUUi
Jf. lot 1. Henry Holi-ei, pad-lS; lot 2.
Ueary Rolnnere, AI.1ij; lot S. Henry Holt
arlera. P4.U: lot A Hear FoltaTMre. 9U.40;
lot 4.- Henry Roltarlere. 0.4(); lot T. Henry
. Holtprlare, .u; lot 4. facory Holtprlera.
t40.ln. ILOCK S. Alfred i. Imoca. OS.
i1m:k It. r4 kilm. mJO.10. bLUCK. 'M.
lt I, Proa k -era, atnO, M A Prod Kllera.
4.80: lot S. red R.Mra. tT 46; lot 4. Pred
. RUera. ko3 ; lot ' A Prod VUer. M&40; lot
tt. rrrd auiera, 17 46,- lot T, rrap Kuera,
M.Su: lot S. Vred Bllera. M M. BUrCK 2,
'Jut 1. koee A. Hawklna, dot); lot 3. Rooe
. A. Hawkloa, M-ao;. lot S. Roao A. Rawklna,
SaTtri lot 4. Hoae A. Hawkloa, SKltC; lot
. A Roao A. Kawklaa. SBX46; lot -4, Heee A.
. Hawkloa, AS7.46; lot T. Roaa A. Hawklna,
t.aOj lot S, Kona A. Hawklna, A0. BLOCK
80. lot L Joba Stewart, SAAO; lot 3. Joba
Slew art, SA811; lot A Joba Stewart ATT. 4ft;
4, Jiba Stewart; lot S, Joba Staa
rt pn2.4S, kt A Joka Btcwmrt, a-!l.o; jot 1,
Joha Stowort SA80-. lot 8. Joba Stewart in. SO:
BLOCK, HI, lot I, Hkuara of Chart tr of
ProrldoBce of St. Vincent Heepltal, SASO
bit S, Mtatera ot Chart! r of Prorldenco of
i.St Vlncoat Hoepltel. td.80; lot A kVtatara
ot Charity of - Prorldeaea of BLVIaooat Hbe
, Pita I, AlT.ti; lot 4, Slatota of Charity ot
rYoTtdewVef St. Vtaerat Hoapltal, P62.46;
- lot 6 biitera of Charity of Providence af
-St. Vincent Hoapltal., S6A4b lot A Slotora
of Ctiarlty of Proeldenre ot St, Vincent
. Hoapltal, 37.4B: lot T, 8 latere of Charity
of Prorldaaca of St Vincent Hoapttat 8a.8u:
- lot 8. .Slaton of Charity of ProrloVnck of
' St Vlaceot HoeptUL pd-SO. BLOCK ,22,
kt 1, Slater ot Charity of ffeaae ot Prorl-
ac of Vancoorer. Waahlectoa. ed.80; lot A
Blotria of Charity ot Hooaa of Praridenca
of Vaaeoarer, Waabtaptea, S4.S0; lot A
btlatora ot Charity af Heaaa of Pasrldeaea
, of Vaacoater, Waahlnpton. $at.45k lot A
Slater of Charity ot Houee ot provldeaca
01 Vancouver, waaniaptoa, aoa.oo wea( y
of lot , Slatera af Charity of Hoaaa pt Provi.
weat H af lot A B later at Charity at H00W
, af Pmldeaca af , Vancoavcr, Waaklnptoa,
. 818 Tfi; akat H of 'lot A Jamea Cadepaa,
I I1M.25; eaat H of lot A Jamea Cadepaa,
1V10; lot T, Slater of Charity of Hoaae
of ProTideaea of .fanopaeer,. aWaahlnptoa,
4. go; lot A Slater of Charity of Uouae
of Providence ot Vancouver, Waaklnpton,
4.80. - BLOCK JW, lot 8. J. H. Taylor, polx;
tot , I. H. Taylor. 84U.0O..
BTRNK8' ADDITION to ' Raat Portland
BLOCK 'A lot ft. Barak Brrao. . SAaa: lnt
S. Harab -Byrne, 83T.70; lot ,T, Sarah Byrao
aa.on - 1
alerly I
reel of land tying, between tba aoath
ly line of Sandy road and a Una inn
feet eoutbeeaterly therefrom aad - parallel
therewith and between tba went Una at Bro
oaaph'a Addition, City of Portland, Orepoa,
and tba eaat Una of Brrnee' Addltloa to Eaat
Portland, aave and except -that portloB of
mm parcel anpropruted for atroet purnueea,
tieoroo W. Darch.
BRONAUOH'S ADDITION to tbe City of Port
lond, Orepoa BLOCK 1, lot 10. Earl 0. Bra.
naopa, p;.na: lot 0, sari c Broaaupb, 87.60;
.lot 8. Earl C. Bronaapb. 82.40; lot 11, Karl
C. BranaopH, 8S.60; fct 1A Earl C. Bro
naotb, pAlO: tot 12, Xarl C. Rronanrh. $8.00;
1 lot 1. Karl C. Baanauph, 88. Ui; lot 2, Karl C.
. Bronaapb, PA80. BLOCK 8. lot I. Karl C
... .Beenaoaih, 8A80: let A Earl C. Broaauph,
. 84-7U; lot I, Karl a Broaaaph. 82. 80.
- A parcel ot tead lyinc between tba aaotb-
aaatorly Una af Saa civ road aad a Una 100
teat.aoutheaaterly therefrom and parallel
. therewith and tba eaat llae af- Bronanph'o
.. awiiuwD, v.117 ot raruaaa, orepoa, and taa
wenerir 1 me or uopaa a Aouiuoa
Portland- Leo Reffnun. 140 Hn
1. wt 1, Harry 41. A da ma. I0.M; lot A
' lUrry M. Ada ma. kASO: lot A J. A. Morrla,
80.80; oi 4. Z. P. Clarke, 820.80; lot 10,
David Alnp .and" Bather B. Mcholaa, 80.80:
lot 11. Darld Kina aad Batbar kV Nlrhokta.
$3.(6. BLOCK A lot 1, J alia Moak. $43.06;
lot A JnUa Moak. $2A80; lot AMorthera
Coontleo laraatmeat -Company, Ltd., $20.80;
lot A Mortkara Coontlea Inreaunent Company,
Ltd.. SA80. BLOCK A lot I, Lea B. Beack,
- fa.801 lot A Lea B. Beach. $4.Mu; aadlytded
U of lot $7 Prederlck K. P or bee, $1.70: aa
' divided ot lot A Sellte B. Porbea, $A.10
undivided H of lot 4. Prederlck B. Porbea,
11.70; aadlrlded of lot A Salilo JR. Porbea,
VW-ToUt, 83.818.8B. .
A etatement of toroaald ajaeamneat baa beea
entered la tba Docket of city Lleaa, and la sow
daa and parable at tba office of tbo City Treao.
arer. la lawful money of tbo United Statea,
aad If not paid within SO aara fTaea-tho data of
thla notice, each pronoadlnap wUl bo token for
tka eollectloa af the aaaw aa ara proililod by
the Charter of tba City of Portland.
Tha above aaaaamiuf' wlU bear latareat 1
aaya alter taa tire, panueatiaa or taia aothea,
.. --- -THOoV C. DBVLLN.
Aadlter-of tha City of Portland, Orwjwa.
.t,T.,l.,'.'1rt Bo""tloo, PorUaad, Orapoa
April 84, I80A i - .
rRoroBxs oxabsx or srasb or m
Motlre M hereby glrea that at than meethey
at tba Onncll cf tba Ctty at Portland, Oroaoo.
bald aa tba 18th day of. April, 1V04, tha fol
lewlaa raaolatloa waa-adoptodr - - -
lueoreed. That taa Council af tad City ot
Panlaed. Orepoa, dee me It expedient aad par
poaoa to ekanpo tka grade af tka aaatar Ilea
of - Tka CM of on t, aad hereby deelatea
Ma beteatioa ta maka aack rkaac of era da aad
retabitab tha name, aa foUowa: . , . r
At a point 100 feet weat af tba want "
Una of Eaat Thirty-third atreet at.... 140 ft
At tbo center Una of Moot Thirty -eee-
aad atroet at 122 ft.
At taa aaatar Uaa af La rent avaaaa, (tiUl ft
abora tha baae of elty pradaa.
- Rolvod, That tbe Auditor af tha city af
rartlaad ba aad be at kereby dlraeted to sire
notice of tha prop, wed canape af the pradVof
paid trert provided by tbo Cltf Charter.
kenaovjetnracea aralnat the trnppaid chance af
Srada aaay ba filed Is wrltlap wiia tba aader-
alawad wlthla SO daya from tba data of
flrnt pa Plication of tbm aatlca. , ,
By order af tba Coaacll. ' '
TH0S. ft DBTLIN, , ;
A editor of the aty ot Portland. .
Port la ad, Orepoa. Unto af flrat paeUcallaa.
AprU 82. 1S0A . . .
norosKB charsx or sradx or atx-
' Notice la hereby fir that at tba meetlnp
at tfca Oonacil ot tfca City of Portland, Orapoa.
held oa tbelU day of AprU, UMm, taa fuV
lowiap reootatloa area adopted:
Beoolvwd. That tba Coaacll af taa City of
Portland. Orepoa, decani It erpediaat aad par.
poara to cbanpa aad eatabltah tbo srada af
Plateenth atreet from 86 feet aoath of tba
aoatb llae, of Rllaabetb atreet to a point SIS
feet aoath of tbo aoath line of Kllmbetb atreet
and hereby derteree Ita intention to maka aack
cbanpa of prada aad aptabUab aald rada aa
Omiaveatlap at a pntat 8S feet noatk af tba
oath lino of ESaabrth atreet at aa elevation
of 8714 teat aa bow eatnbUahed: taoncp fol
Inwlnp the perimeter at a rortleal carve barlnp
a radio af 804 feet ta a point Sift fast aoath
of the aoath Hoe af Ellabeth atreet at aa
leeatloa af otaib rent aa now eoaaouaoea.
ReeoNed. That tbe A editor of tbe City of
Portland ba aad be la kareby directed to fire
notice of the propooed cbanpe , ot prado at
aid a treat prorlded by tka City Charter.
. Reawnetrancea apalnat tbe abora rbaape ef
trade amy bo filed In writ! op with tba ander
ipaad within 20 day from tba data, of taa
flrat pnhllcatlon af tbkf notlca. . . 1
By order af tba Coonen.
. ' - THOS. "C DBTLIN,
A editor of tba City ot Portlaaal
rorttand. Orapoa. , Data af Cm poblJoatloa,
AprU 22, 1800. . -
: - - - MAFLX tTXXXT. -'
Wotlro I kereby riven that tfca Ceancfl ef tba
City af Portland, Orepvm- ateetlnp held aa
tba Ifttb day of April. 1806. declared the aeeamv
meat by Ordlnanc No. 14.8T4, for tba larpfwvw
metrt of Maple atreet, from tbo w eater ly Roe of
Mlrwankla (treat to the eeatertv llae ef Plrat
aveaae. la tba aunaer provided by Or dl nance
Ka. I4.10A apoa each lot part of Vt and parcel
at land, which are epeelatly and pecaljarly
bcnrflted. te be ee Tolkrwa, '41.?
PORTLAND BLOCK A lot 4, Jot lee W.
fJlhaoa, $210.81; 'lot A Loalaa W. Olheoa,
rCSl lot A Lnntea W. tltbaoa. fOA.At: lot
Umlao W. Olbeen. $232 Aft. BLOCK -4.
lot 4. Genrtre Flar.1 Ketate. Hair af $2tB.SP;
kvt A Aapnat W. H. Poabwn, 878.6ft; lot ft
rW. M. Ladd, $0A8d; lot 4. Oeorao Ptarel
patata, Heir. af. ta.70i lot t. U KahA
. 8)0101; VH A L, . Kaha $TT.2Rr lot 10. I.
Kbo" S13.0dV tats. U Knka, $125.08. BLOCK
A lot 1, Olreer C. Rleboa. $184 411 kH A
. O river C, Rlebea, $14.74; andlvlo4A iaf
j lot K", Olleer V - Blcbee. $m l: aadlrlded
1 -ft of W 10, Salem Pkmrhvp Mill (oenpeny,
f 17. In; .M S. Klla B. Bybea. awtn; lot S.
- Itelem - Ploertnp - MIUo - Oampaay $B).8S.
BLOCK a. lot 1. W. at- Ladd. $2rrJ.84i tot
,11,1, Scott. 8MJ8: lot la, una B. Byfceo,
$n oaTlol IS, W. ML Ladd. pOAOt; lot 14.
B. TTHntoda? TO: lot 1A Salem rioorlnp
MITla Company. 84A12; bH 11.- Portland Cre
matlea AMeVattee. $llM: lot 12. Portland
- rremetkm Aaewrtatloa, $11T.8X " - Total,
: SAtdAAA - M .
A etatemeat of aforeaald aeaeeaejeat kee para
entered la tbe Docket of Ctty Lleaa and leaow
doe and parable at tba office af the City Tree
nrer, hi lawtnl ntoaey of tba CnMed Statea, and
If not paid within 80 day from tbe data of thla
Botlee, eaoh- neacoodlnp Will ba takea for tk
mlWftrtloa af tbe aaato aa ara prorlded by tha
Cbarter at tba City af Portland. .
Tba knee aaaneemowt will bear rntereat II
daya aftar tba flrat pohlieatioo af thie notlca.
Aadlter af tba City of BnfOand. t)repna. '
Date of flrat, pu Mice Ilea, Portlaa Orepoa,
AprU S4, 180b,...-- ' ,'
am rox txwxx at mxat
TXXZTR,- ' .. , ...
.Notlca ' I hereby ilvaa that tha
or ut city of rertltad, Orepoa, ! 8 moauna
bald oa the lath day ot AprU. UOt. declared
tha aaeeaameat by erdlaaiue No. 1A8I0. for
too aunaimuUua of a aewai ' la Delay tract
Uouk vaaao, allay tbroopb Mock A Klrenlew
Aadltioa, aad BorthwU-a atreet, ' from IPO
feat nortk ut the aoath, Uaa af blocka 81 aad
82, Caaual Alblna, to tha aewer la Morrla
aupat at Delay avreet, la tba manner provided
by ardlnaaca Ma. 1A227, upon each kit pert
of lot and Pareel of land, which pro eneciaUy
aad peculiarly beaadted, ta be aa totlowa, via:
Jamea w. ' Cook, $34.U0 ' lot A
Unok. Ata no: ka a Jamea W.
eamea . w,
Cook. $34.80. BLOCK lA let 12. Jamea W.
, Cook, $44.80: lot 12, Jamea W. Cook, $28.70.
All at lot 11 lylap woaterlr ot a Una 100
feet eaatarly af aad parallel with .the eaat-
, arty Uaa. at Cook praaae, Jaawa W. Cook,
$L1A . ' 3 . , 1 i
All of lot 10 lytnp waaterly of a Ilea 100
1 feet eaatarly of aad' parallel with tba neat
orly Uue of Oeok areaua,; ramea W (Auk,
Lot ft. Jamea W. Conk. $88.10, ' .. .f
, All ef lot 4 lylQA weaterly ot a Uaa 100 feet
eaatarly of and parallel With tbe-eaatarly
Una of Cook avenue. Jama w. Cook. $Llb;
lot A Jamea W. Cook, $2ASfti lot A Jamea
, W. Cook, $6.00; tot AJtaiea W. Cook. $Jt.Iv;
., lot 1. Jamea . W. Cook. $1A80. BLOCK 12.
lot A Ole Bokmaa, $1A78; lot A Ole Bobman.
J 12. 78; lot A Jamee Bohmaa, $W.16; lot 1,
aniee Bohmaa. ftv.PA BLOCK 1A 'lot 2U,
Jamea' W. Cook, $18.08; lot 18," Jami-e W.
- Cook, $14.75; lot la, Jamea w. Cook. $16.86;
. lot 17, Jamea W. Cook, $18.86; lot Id, Jamea
W. Cook, . $lAafi: lot 16. JaDMa - W. Cook,
- $15.85- lot 1A Jamea W. -Cook-$2.1B; lot
13. Jamea W. Cook. $114; ; tot 12T Jamea W.
Cook, $2.U lot 11. Jamea W.. Cook. tiU;
lot 10, Jamea W. Cook, $2.16; lot 8, Jamea
W. Cook, $A1S; lot A Jamea W. Cook, $2.06;
J kit T. Jamea W. Cook. $1.86; lot A Jamea W.
Cook, SL80; lot ft, J. H. Mlddletaa, $La;
lot 4. . H. Mlddlatoa. $1.86. .
-lot I,' Addle R. Elliott, $7.86; let 2, Addle
; R. KlUott $21.80; lot 8, Jamea W. Cook,
$lXu; lot 4, K. J, Gloaa, tMM: lot A
, Jamea W. Cktok, $31.00. BLOCK 11, lot 1,
Meourtty - Sarlapa A Treat Company, $XB;
I lot A Mary Murpaa. $2.20; lot K Jaavre p.
' Parr. $2,201. lot A Jamea P. Parr. . $20.So;
;. tot i, Jamea W. Cook, $20.80; lot 10, Jama
V W. Cook, $2S.30; lot 11, -Jamea W. Cook,
$24.06: lot 12, Daniel Ulce, $1.80) lot 7,
Hlraa Kkodea, $Z20; lot A Hiram Bnodea,
$A20; lot a, Rllaabetb White, $2.20: lot A
: KUaabath White, 8A20. -BLOCK 1A lot 1. J.
. Cardaaa, t A20; lot A L. J. Edwarda. $220;
lot ft, B. B. Cardwell Eatate, Helri of, 8X;
; lot A B. P. Cardwell Ketate, Heir ef. $2.20;
lot S. Joka R. Poater, $10: lot 10, Jeho K.
1 Porter, $1.80; ka 11, A. it taller, ALSO;
lot 12, A. U. Roller, $1.80; lot 1. A- R.
Seller, $2.20; lot A A. R. Caller. $2.2o;
lot 3, Mary A, Tkompaoa, $2.20; lot t, Mary
A. TbompaoA $220. ' BLOCK 8, let 1, kate
1 L. Schock, $2.20: lot A Lealle .T. Beery, fi.ti
lot ft. Catberlaa Daniel, $2.20; lot T, Catherine
' Daalel, $0.a; lot 8. Catherine DaaUl,
BLOCK 8, lot .1, Daniel H. Harnett, $2,201
' lot A Daniel ft. Harartt $2 20: lot 8. Daniel
H. UarBatt, $2 . lot A J. McK. Eckeraon.
r 8AS0;- lot 8, Vlnoaat Cook, $2.20; lot 10.
I Vlaceat Copk, $2.20. BLOCK A lot 1. Marpa
ret Storey $2.20 lot A Edward B. Twlcper,
8X20; lot 8. Leono Klrby, $X2o; lot 8, S. A,
Kolaoa, $2.20; kH 8, J. N. Ulce, $2.20; lot
10. Anna t. Stark, $320; lot It. Vaebe A.
Maaoa, $2.20; let 11 Pbeka A. Maaaa. $2.20;
' lot 7, William B. Ualaneaa Eatate. Heir of,
&20; lot A Martla Marast $2.20; lot A
a A. 'Henry, $2.20: lot 2, Amy L. Bra ley,
' $2.20. BLOCK A lot 1, M. R. ami In, 8220
lot 4. Jamea W7 Cook. 82.20.- lot t, lame
W. Cook, $220; lot A WilUaoP A. TttmbolL
$2.20; M i, Darld B. Dtvere. $2.20; lot 10,
Darld B. I M vera, $2.20; lot 11,
Andrew Raa
Wi 1
Andrew Kaamnaaea,
. $A2o7lot T. H. P. Wm. Aaderaaa, $2.2u; lot
. , exiue rwanv, ea-w, vw e, e. wiftwt
$220; lot 2. A. J. ColUtw, T. BLOCK
"2, lot 1. Andrew Paalaea, 82.20; north H of
lot A Andrew Pan lee a, $1.10; eootk 4, of lot
4, A W, and Mary A. Davla. $Lto-, lot S. A
W, and 'Mary A. Davla. $A20; kH A Martla
U HolmaA $2.20; lot 8. A. W. OoddarA
$220; lot 10. A. W. Ooddard, S2.S0: lot 11,
Joaepk Day, $2.20: lot 12. H. B. Noble. Tmw
tee. $2. JO; lot 7, Jamea W. Cook, $2.20;
lot A Jamea W. Cook, $2.20; lot A Carrie A
Joaea. $2.20; lot A Carrie 8. Jonea, $2.2a
BLOCK 1. lot L, Praneea B. relieve, $14.10:
kil l, Boby M. Sbafer. $17.60; north Vh ot
let $, John Anderaon, $11.66; oootk U " k
8, Joka Wick, $11.66; lot A Uarlu C Mlck
claoa, $21,001 lot 8, Chrietlna Nelaoa, S2A36-;
lot 10, Jamea 0. Saeneer, $20.86; lot IL
Jamea 0. tlpeator, $28.16; lot 7. J. t Beatt
114.H0; lot A Hopaa Andernon, $2.20; kd
, Baby M. Boater. $2.20; lot A Praacea E.
Eelbna. 82-tO.
BLOCK A weat 21 feat af lot A Wll
' beuntna ,' Paqwe, $1.80: eaat S 'fort at
' mt A yviiaeuaiBa rncma, 00.00, weei
84 feet af lot 4 N. WboalaoB, $1.86;
lot S. N. Whealdoa. Sl.SS: lot A P. P,
Smith, S1.8S; lot T, P. P. Smith. Sl.aft; lot
- 8, Ak J k neon, $2.0O lot A A lea Jekoaoa,
$2.00; lat 10, Tbomaa Gray. $2.00: lot 11.
Tnomaa uray, pxoo: want zi leet or wc 12.
Jamea-W. Aooleeate. 8L00. BLOCK 2. oerth
; 88 fori af lot 1. Peter Lellaee, $L06; aerlk
feet ot kH A Peter Lallark, tl.Uftl noatk
60 feet of lot A Joha Hill. $0.80: Boats 60
feet of lot I, Joba HILL Su.pO; jot 8. Tbomaa
" Hendrk-kaon, $1.80: lota, Darld P. C. Daken.
81.80; let ft, R. J. aad Sarah B Wllllama.
;; ai a, CBariea u. aaa ataiiKia la
Oberp, $IA40; lot T, Cbarla 0. ' aad Ma
tilda L. Oborp. $21.80; kH A Chart O. and
MaUlda L. Obatp. $28.86; lot 8. Obarlea O.
'aad MaUlda L. Oberp, $1AS0 lot 10. Cbarhm
a and Matilda L. Oner p. $1.86: kH 11,
Jama Sarmaa. $1.8$; tat 12. Jama Bnr
bu, SLSft; lot 1A Jamea Sarmaa. $1.85;
lot It, Jamea Sarmaa. $186. BLOCK A
-north $4 reet ot lot r Minnie Smllb, $14.86;
Berth 84 feet af lot 1 Mtaaie Smith. 88.40;
. aoath 64 feet of lot A May A reet t, $14.80;
aouth 84 feet af let 1. May Kraeft. 20.80;
aontfc 64 feet of bH A May Kraeft $14.80;
Bortk ,64 feel of tot A Minnie Smith.
. SdOka; let 4. Tba Northern Coaattea Ia-
, reatmaat , Trnat. Ltd., $2A86j bH A Tha
northers Coaatlea laeeatamat Traat LtA,
$28.86; wt A Tka Northern Coaatlea Inrret.
1TW, a,ta..; ma 1. ina norta-
arm Coontlea lareetmetit Traat. LtA. $22.66
I kH A Martla aad relate Helmaa, 4-14.04;
weat H ot lot S, Mart I a and Selmla
, Hotman, $14.80: eeet H ef lot 8, Henry
: SlnebeUaer. $14.80; let 10. - Henry sine.
hetmer, 828.88; lot 11, Joha and Ana tanda.
S28.S6; lot. 12, John aad Ana Laada. $JB.aa:
lot 13, J. A Charca, $28.46; lot 14, t. A
. Chore h, $28.08. I
BLOCK ft. AU o lot T IrTnr portb of a Una
SO reet aoath af aad parallel with tha aoath
lino af Cook vaaao, Joha M. l'ltteaper,
$4.60. -.
All of lot 4 lylnp nortk ef a Una BO feet
. noatk af aad parallel with tbo Booth Una
of Cook avenae. Joha kL Pit ten per, $1.00. -
denoe V. Hotatoa. $2246; kt t, A A Mene-
f e. $22.68; aoath 1$ feet of lot TV LI nor
P. O'Connor. $d.7A; north 18 Vk feet of tot $.
Ubbey P. 0'CoBBor. $8.38; north 88 feet of
, lot T, Mr. L. A. Thayer, 6160; asatb 81
feet ef north 4fcM feet of lot S. Oeorp
' rVhoallar, $14.80; oooth 0.$ feat of lot A
Nora Ooatello, . 80.20; lot 8, Mora
(oetclle, $1A05; 1 kit in. . Joaenk 8 treed,
SI. 80; lot ll. Cart Sckieya. At.tOl lot 12,
Harriet New comb. Char lee L.. Earaeat W.,
" Clareaca W. Newcomb, Jeoala B. Reed. Emma
Hlekebn, Hattle M. Carter. $2.So; lot 1$,
Ambient E. tlantenbetn, $2 20; aoath H af
lot 14, Norman Merrill, $Llft Borth af
tot 14, N. 8.- Krenaoa, $1.10. ' BLOCK 2A
VH A D. D. Coffey, $2.20; lot 4, hi. H.
Tbempaon, $2.10; lot T. H. p. . Cnamhan,
' $2.20; lnt 8.' M. E. Thorn peoe. $120; lot 8,
. kt B. Thorn peon. $2.20, kH 10. M. E. Tbomn-
. ana, $24. BM oeatb 171, feet of lot 11. M. B.
Th oin peon, $11.10; north 82H feet of lot 11.
Tbomaa J. ParrelL $2&58; lot 12. A, L , Hel
maa. $21.88; Vet 13. D. D. Coffey, 81 6;
. lot 14, Boaweri H. Laroeoo Batata, Haira of,
$H1.8A BIMJK 8$, nadlr-lded 2 8 of Wr 10,
Tbendore NlcoUa. $1.80; andlrlded t-8xef
lot 11. Theodore Nlcnlla. $1 JO; nndlrtfled I t
af tot 11. Aetoooy Neppacb, 80.78; andlrlded
; l-l at Wt IO, Anthony Nappe ch. $0.78; lot
lA Pool Aebrbe, $2.2S; nndlrlded 2-8 of
, kit 13, Theodore Nloolla. $1.60: nadlvlded 1-8
' of lot 14. Theodore Nleolfa, $i.80r Bndlrlded
. 1-8 of lot 14. Anthony Nepnach, $0.78; an
dirldMl 1-$ af lot U, Anthony MappacA
m-l-o'w-tl Uf"1lbdJ1oonrert ajdeerrfhod t
folfewa: Beptaalnp 8.133 i feet . weat aad
SO feet math of tka aarthaaat corner ef
aertloa ST, townehlp 1 north, raape 1 eaat
Willamette Mertdtons thence eontb 88 feet:
thence waaterly 1.17.2 feet; thence anrtb $3
feet; theaee aartrrly 177.2 feat ta beplnntnp,
Oanrpe Smllb. SAIS
A parcel af kind boonded and deaerlbad
tollowa: Bepinalap A1A3.S feet weat of lb
nortbeaat earner of nrctton, 27, townahlp 1
ranpe 1 raat Wlllrrnette Merlrllaa;
tb PO root: tnenca weateny lar.i
127.S feet to beptaelap. Jearpb Streed. $IJ.
A Vwrcel of laod beanded tad dee- rib. 4
folio wa, . Bee-tnnlnf AI3.1.S feet weat aad
. 86 fart pealh of tka nortbeaat aaraar af are.
turn tt. toeraaklp 1 north, raete eaat,
Willamette Mrrldlaa: tbened eoatb PA 48
feet ta aeatfc tine af Jamea Ttveeanaaa do
net Ion Mad rmlm: tbeaea weaterly lane
aald claim Una 127$ feet; tbeaea north BA$
feet: thence eeotarly 137.3 feet to beplnnlep,
lawrenco Strand. $A1A
A pareel ef lane) lylnp Wtweaa tbe, weei
Km it Bortkwlrh atreet aad S lino PS
feet weat therefrom end Parallel tnerewltk,
aad between (he north line ef . nodlrlpien
af River View Addition to Alblna aad a llae
147.48 feet north tberermm aad parallel
therewith, Carrie Ckarek, $46 SO.
A parcel at Mod beenid aad Snarlkiid pa
tollowa: - BeplaBlap i. 993.1 , feet vol of
the nortbeaat f onraer , alt, aretk-w . 27,
tnweahlp 1 nrvrtS, reero 1 eaat WllUmetl
Mertdtaaf tbeaea nnaib 184 $8 feeti thence
weaterly 21 1 foot ta Mat Hoe ef Bortbwlek
' arreet ; tbeaea aartb aloap tba raat Una ef
Borth wVk atreet 184.48 feat to tke nartp
271 ' taeaca aaea pfc-mt taa
- north line of aecrloo IT, 21.1 feet to pktca
ot bepfaiilna, Carno M. Charca, $24.23. .
- A parcel of land beanded and deecrlbed
' follow : fteeinniap at lataraictloa ef weat
11 no of Borti-wlvk atreet aad tba north Uua
; of aactlon 27. townahlp 1 north, raapa 1
Veaet, Willamette Meridian; thence aoath
Valoap weat Una el BorUwIck atreet IT feet;
- thence weat 80 feet; tfcenre nortk IT foot;
thence oaat 84 feat to bestnaias. Iter C.
Ceetaikv $7.88. . -
A parcel' of land boBBded and due rib 4
fc.,loJ Beplnntnp 2.4J04 feet weet el
. tba aortbeaet corner, of aectloa 17, townahlp
, 1 north, ranpe 1 eaat Willamette Mrrldlaa;
thence weat 337 8 feet; thence Booth HI T
' feet: thence eaat ATI.8 feet: t hence north
173.8 feet to beaianlnp, A. He me a, 8Ue.De,
A parcel of lead boaaded aad described a
' follow: Brplaelnp A830.4 feet weat al
tha north eaat corner of pwtloa ST, town-
- (nip. 1 north, ranpe t eaat, Willamette Me
rldlaa; tbaaca aootk 173.$ forti theaee eaal
' SO.ft feet; thence north 171.1 feet to tba
- the Borth Una ef aectlnn 27: thenca Weat
a loop tba north Una of eectloa IT. townahlp 1
' north, ranpe 1 eaat, Willamette Meridian,
80.6 fact to beptanlac, P. ttvkroeOer, $1.08.
; Total, $1,888.00. , r-r 1 v
A Uteairet ar aft-reald meonneatWet
been entered la tba Docked of City Lien and
la bow due and payable at tba ofSca of th
Illy Ttaa euror, ta lawful moaey af tbo United
ft la tea aad If not paid within 80 deya from tka
date of thla avtlce eueh nraeeedlnpu wUl be
takea fop tbo aollertloa ol tha eama aa are
j-co-rtded by tb charter of tha aty at PrV
The (bora aaeeeaatent will bear Utereet ' It
day aftar tb Srat pablteatloa of thla notlca.
- , . TUOA C- DEVLIN, .
, Aodltor of tba City af Portland, Orep-oa.'
Portland. Orepoa. Data af krat pablteetioa,
All 24. 18f. ..-,."
. .. i ''t-: BTBXEX, -' i
Notice k hereby plvea Uat at tba maettnp of
tbo Coaarll of . (be City of Perl 'end, Orepoa,
keld oa tbo lPtk day af April, I806, tb ful
lowlnp reeulutlon waa adopted 1
eaoleoA That tM uoaacii or tne taiy oa
PortUoA Ureruo. derma It expedient and par
Maea to Imnrovo Arthnr atreet from the weat
curb Una of lint atreet to tba oaat Una af
Second treat In tba followlaP meaner, to-wit
Plrat By pradlns tba atreet to the ank
praee aa ahowa by tfca ptakw aa aat hy the
Br eoaatrurtlnr weodea aldewalk
ta accordance wltk tbe city Kaploaer'a pUoa,
peclflcatlona aad aatlmataa.
Third. By eoaatrneUad weodea carkd la 8e
cerdaaca with tbo City koplneer l plaaa, apecl
OcoUoaa aad aatlmataa. t
PoortA By cotutractinp bos drain ta er
cordaooo wltk tfca City JfaplBOor' plaas, apicl
flratlooa and aatlmataa. 1
Plftk. By eaeatrartlnp atrrated roadway la
aeeordaaca wltk tfca Ctty Bnptaaer' plaaa, auaci
fleatlona.and eotimataa.
SUtk. ' By krlaplnp tba carta rp af tba atreet
to prada with macadam, aa ahowB by tha City
Enptneer' plaaa, opaclfleallona and eatliaatCa.
Bald lmpreeemeat te be mada la aererdaaee
with tba Charter aad eminence af tba Ctty of
Pert lead and tba plaa, peclfleatloaa and eat!
ma tee af tba aty Knpineer filed In tbo efrice
of tbo Auditor of the City ot Portland ea tba
4th day af AprU. 180ft. lndoreed: "City Eo
plnaar' plaaa aad apeciflcattoaa tor tha iae
Governor! t of Artbar Mreet from tba arret earb
tm mt rivet atreet ta the eaat Una of Meeoud
atreet and tha aatlmataa of the work ta ba daa
and tba probable total coat tberaof.''
Tba coat of aald lmproveaoent 10 ba mm Jeai J
aa peaetded by tfca aty Charter apoa lb
aeonertr enecJally and nocallarlr benefit id there
by and which la hereby declared ta ba aU tb
lota, parta tnerect ana pereeie at maa lyinp
between a lino luS feet north af Bad Barallel
with tfca Berth Una ef Arthur atroet and a Un
10 feat Boalb of aad parallel with tba aoeth
Uaa of Arthur atreet, and botwaea tba weat Una
af Plrat atreet pad tba eeet Una at Second
Tba Enrlneer'a animate af tbo paanable total
eoat for tbo Imuroveaieat of paid Artbar atrart
The abora Improremoat la to ba eUened at
8 pUnk raadway aad macadam Improyamant
and ah all be maintained by tba city for a period
of roar yaara, provldea teal tne owner or a
majority of tbe property bene filed by aald ine
proremeat ar any port loo thereof aha 11 aot bo.
titloa for a arw ar different Improve moot be
fore the eaplratloa af aav parted.
.Tbo plana, a peclfleatloaa and eatlautea af the
City Eop-lniar for the lmpravmwU of aald
atreet are hereby-adopted.
Reaolrod. That tbe Aadltnt ef tk City ef
rortlaad a aaa n ie aerooy an-eneo 10 piee
Botlee of the ptupaaid -tmiwwi'ment at" aald
atreet aa provided by tba City Chartoe. .
Remoaatraaceo apalaat the aboee latin n
meert may ba filed la wrttlap with tbe ander.
ipaed within So dy from tb data af tb tint
BBblleatloa ot thla notice. ... - .. -
By order of tbe Ooendl.
Andltcp ot tba aty ef ParUaaa.
' Wietland OreeoO.
Date af flrat publication. AprU 22, 1MB.
rxorosxo chabbx or aaivop XAt
- Maetee la berebr nieea that at the meetlne
of tfca lODaacU ot the City ef Portland, Orapoa.
keld ee the 18tk day af AprU, 1800, the M
lowlnp reaoratlo waa a doe-ted: " .
PneeUwl That ft i mt tfca City of
HerUaad. Oree-en. duma It eipedlent aad par
Booea to efcappe aad eatablleh tba prada of
Eoat A KMT B4reev. irom mmm awenty-oieie
atreet to Beat Thirtieth etreetj ' aad beraby
dorUree Ita Intenttoa to make each cbanpe ef
a-rade aad eatabUak aald prada aa follow: .
At tbe renter line ef bat Twenty
elpbtb etreet, at UUft
At the renter line at Baet .Twenty
ninth atreet at 124 $ ft
above the baae at cite a red ca.
Reaolvod. That the Aodltor af the City at
Portland be ead be m hereby directed to pive
notlca ef tbe paanjead cbanpe ef srada af
eald otroet Branded by tb Cltv I barter,
Kemooetrancae palnat the aboee rbaape of
prada amy be filed la writtnf wlU the nnder
alpned within 20 day from tb data at tha
ftrat paancatma ac taia neuca.
By order at the Ooanrlt.
THOS. C. lETT.l!f.
'-' Aodltor of tbe Ctty ef Pert la ad.
Pert tend. Otipia. Data at flnt pablleattoa.
apru aa, lava, .
isarssMiBT roB xbtrovhubt or
: - . rxxsooTt stxext.
Notice fa berebr 1ea that tbe Oneneil
ef tbe aty ef Portland. Orepen. at a a-eetlup
beld aa tba lath, any or April, nam, oeeierea
tbe 1 1 1 1 1 111 ordinance No. 14.877. for
the Im pro-re meet ef Preeeott otroet fmaa tbo
weat line ef Knot Twelfth atreet to the-eaat
Una at Boat Fourteenth atreet. hi the man
ner prorlded by ordlaaace No, 14.2m, apoa
each tot part at lot aad peredl ef laaaV which
are eportally aad peculiarly beaadted, to be
follow. Tie:
HIOHLANb BLOCK 14, kt I, BUkitt B.
Tnfford, $2.88; lot ft. Elliott B. Tafford.
- 8214: lot A Walter J.' Cheney. $4.08: lot T,
, P. P. Neleon, $4A. BLOCK 12, lot A
Mary. J.- Handnae, 844JW; lot l Kirf.l.
Haiadone, $4.08: lot A Jaaww N. TalllloTe.
$4.08; lot T. Marrie C. Kle-rena. $44. Bp.
BLOCK 12, lnt S. John Meraa. $1A8S; lot A
John Moran, $1 Mt. ,
Title Onarnnta A Treat Company. $2.88
,U 1 The Title Onerantaa A Trent ComDanr
S14; lot 11, Tb Title Ooarantee A Traat
mnanr. $214: let 12. Tke Title tloarantee
y. m Irani vjompaay, pA.nn. nua a xo, ma 1,
, The Title Onaraatae a Treat unmptny. pf.a;
lnt 2, The Title Uoaraatre A Trnat Com pa nr.
: $2.14; lot 11. Wm. Roy Stokea. $A14j lot 1
Wm. Roy Stokea, $2.88. BLOCK 22, lot 1,
Mary A. Boere, z.tM; 10a a, mary a. imea,
tl.M nortk 7.8 feet ot kH A Mary A. Bolce,
-LIU- Toaal. 8IP7.HS.
. A atatement of efoeeeald aw-eaament bl
bee4 entered In tbo Docket ef City Llena and
fa new ee pad payable at tbe office of the
Ctty Tleaaarer la lawfnl moaey ef the lalted
Statra, aad if not paid within SO day from
tha aate ar tarn Bfltire nrn m wiuuinao win
be takea fop tba eel leet Ion of tb earn aa ar
provided ky Mm charter ef tbe City ef Port-
The' ibn-ve iminiirf will Bear rntereat 'Id
daya after the Bret publication ar tbia nolle.
Aadltar at the City of Portland, Orepoa. '
Portland. Orep-oa. Date ef Brat pobitcatloa,
April 24. 180A
Notice la bereby plvea that the Council
ef tbe City ef Portland. Orepoa, at a meet.
In held ea tae lata any or apru, iew,. oe
eiareA the aaaeaaaMnt kr ordinance No. 14.673.
for tbe Improvement ef Mapnolla aUaet. from
tbe eaat II t Raat Elpbtb arreet to tbo weet
Hon of Durban arena, tba manner pro
etrfed br ordinance Ka. 14.140. apoa earb lot
part of . lot aad parrel af lend, whk-h are
apedaUy and pecaliarly baaaSled. to be a
foilowe, l: , , . a
WOOUIUWN VtJOCK 20, lot lA Cbthwrtn
MarweU.j2S.61 1 lot 18, Jamea Haeae, A4.HO;
lot 14, Clarrnro H. Baeu. aaaw; wt II,
larenco H BuelL $3B4M; lot 1A Pred A,
Hoblneea. AT7 3 lot II. Prad Keller. $3AW;
lot 10. Pred heller. 843.64: kH S. Anna H.
.Patten, $4,8B-let- $, Uimpi A Xlrhiand.
8ea.27.- BLOCK 22. lot 1. John CnamoieN
tia.10; lot A Joaa CBaiaot. f.-B-ZB; KH J,
te N. Slnaa, $42.48; lot 4. J P.. Sunabery.
au ea. a r a,. am aa aliu-v
24. lot I. Carrie V. Wllklna, $8I.T; lot A
. Peder K. Pedarama, $64.18; lot A Hubert
Kntilrk. 84183; kH 4. WUUdta Ryan. $41.23;
lot-8. J. 1- Brtppu, $22 81. Total. $ftt.8T.
A llatemeet ef foreald amiaamint bee been
entered ka tka Docket ef City Uena aad to
new dnd and payable at the aCSee of tke Ctv
Tteamnrer la lawful money of the United
Btataa, aad If lat paid wlthla 88 daye from
tba data of thla notice aaek proceed) aaa will
aewrbiad by too oharte. M tap CtV ot rmrlr
Tba bare aeaeeaaaent-W41I bear latereet 14
daya aftep tka Srat pnhllcatlon ef thla noUd.
. . THOS. C. DKVT.1N.
' - Aadlter ef tbe 0ty of Port lead Oreae.
-TnrtlanA "rep-. Data af trot paWleatlea.
AptU.84, 1S4S. .
rxoPosxB xxno-rxxxBT or urt bath
...... . t min....':.."..
Notlca I berebr a-loea that t tha meetlne
of tha Council of the Ctty of Portland. Oeapoo,
bald ea tha th day of April, ivub. taa lur
lowlap reeolntloa waa adopted: . . I -Meaoleed.
That the Council of the City ef
Portia ad. Onaun, deema It aapedleBt and por
poeea ta improve Eaat imvia eireri mm
weat bee ot Kaat Third -atreet ta .ha weat
of Eaat 81-ueenlh atroet la the follow Ina
aar, town:
Pint Br aradlna-tbe atreet. toll wldtlr
tall latoraortiooa to tbe proper eub-trade. J
Seaoad. By briaainp ' the urfaeo of
etreet fan wtdu with fU. lntaraaeUoaP
prade with travel. '
Third, . By eonatrartlnf artificial atone aldm
wuUa, la aeeordaaca with tbe City. Bopineer
plana, apecl rteaUoaa aad estimate.
Poarth. By . poaBtrocUas artlflcUl Btaae
earb.' . , ' 1
Plfth. By laylas aad i-Uylap evjaawalka
la acordaace WlU tha City Kazuicar'a plait
peelfleallaoa aad eat lorn tee. .
Hi 1 to. By conetraotlnp eteae puttere.
Held tmpraeemeat U be aaad fc accordance
with the Charter aad erdlaaa-ee af lb illy of
Portlaad aad th plana, aped flratlooa aad -?!-amtea
af the City Eopineer filed In tba allien
af tbe Aodltor of tbe city ef Portland oa tbo
imb day of April, 1406. lndoreed: "City F.o
pioear'n plaa aad apecl floaikxia for the lm.
pro van-eat of Eaat Davla atreet from tbe weat
line at Eaat Third atreet ta tha weat Un ef
Eaat -Sixteenth etreet aad tb estimate of t
work-to bo doee aad tba probable coat thereof."
The eoat. af aald Improrcneitit to be aaaeaeed
a prorlded by the City Cbarter apoa tbe prop
erty apertally and peculiarly be ae filed thereby
and which ta bereby declared to be ell the Iota,
parta tberaof aad parcela ot land lylnp between
a Una 100 feet Borth of and parallel with the
north Uoe ef Bat Davla a weet and a Una lud
teat aoatb ef and parallel wltk the aouth line
of Eaat Davla atreet aad betwaea a Una 100
feet weet of aid parallel wltk the weet Un ot
Eaat Third atreet aad the west Uaa ar Real
bliteeath etreet '
Tbe Eapinoer'a ee timet ef tba probable total
eoat for tbo Improvement at aald. Kaat Parte
treat la $10,848.00. . . - v .
- Th above Improve meet te to be elanaed aa a
travel Impreremont and ahall be malnUlned
y lb elty lo n period of flee yrara, pre.
elded that tha owner af a majority ef tba prop
erty benefited by aald Improvement or any por
tion thereof ahall aot aettttea for a arw or dif
ferent ImproveBMBt before the asptrettea af mfc
period. . L
The pUna. oped f lea tloo end eat I mete tt
th City Baptneer for the Impeoeeenent of paid
But Dart atreet are hereby adopted.
tteoohmd. That tbe Auditor I tks City of
Portland be aad ka la kereby directed to ptv
notice ot tbe propeeed Impraeeeooet of !4
treet pre Tided by tba aty Charter. .
kemona Ira acre agalaat tba aboee lmpie
meat may be filed In wrltlnp wltk th aader.
la-nod wttfctn SO day tram tb date mt the
Urat pabUeatloa af thl at
By order of tfca CeonHI.
tni wauaa. - - . - - r
THOA a DBTLnt. .
V Asdltof mt tb Otp at 1-ortlaaS.
Portland. Orepoa. ' -
Date ef flrat publication, AprU tX-Wm,'-
ncrxoTXBXBT or bar
Notlca la hereby pive that attte BMtlnt
at tee Coaacll of taa city j rori",
held ea tbe 10th day ot April. 1806, tbe too-
- - " w.e aAnftftteAl
keeorred. That tba tiooncll of the City ef
Bta.,i.ftui ni.iie rteama It eanedleat and por-
.... n Imofvjea Raat Taylor aU art from tb
1 . nM ft--., -ev.tee UfMt to aim went 11
mt t'alna avenue by toneti-uctlap aa elevated
roadway fall width wltk fuO tatereectkme, ex-
ept the Inter aaetloa ef at riret men.
Said lawroremoat to ke auHle la
wltk the charter aad ordlaaace or taa vity
mt Pnetiand and tba Blana. apecl flea tloea ead
eetlmatea of the Olty nptoeer ruoa 1
nrrlea mt the AadltOT t tha Oty af
la the
the, lata aa af AmiL lPOA
'aty Bnelneer plan and apeciflcaUoee
the Improremoat af Eaat Taylor "re
ik. ...V line mt Eaat Water treat
weet Una ef Dnloa avenae aaaL the eetlmatee
ef tfce work ta be done aad tb probable total
coat tbereoC" .
VKm-mnmt mt Ueld 1miWBlmeat to
a provided by tbo elty charter tfco prop-
1.11. mmA neceillerl benefited, thereby
0.4 whlchi berebr declared to be all tha
Iota, parta thereof and parcela of ad lylni
k. . . . nu ina feer mwtk of aad Barallel
.111, iu net line mt tmmt Tuvler atreet aad
a line 100 feet aaatfc af aad parallel with tbe
eon, Lb line ef Beat Tpylor arreet. aan awiweew
tb et llae of Eaat Water atreet sad tha
weet Una at Calon a mane. ..,..,
Tke vupiaeer'a eetlmate of th prohabU total
oat fur th Improonnmnt at aald Eaat Taylor
MTke ree-mmt fa to be .Ujtod a.
an elweaied roadwar Imsroencaeat and ahaU
be maintained by tb elty for a period, ex nv
reere. provided that tke erBerPf ma
Wlte ot the nrooertr benefited by bald, tm
provemeet ar any portion tberaof abaB
titloa for a aew ar airrerent iiootem
, ,w. ...i. , 1.. . mmfm nee lull
Tb plan, arieclflcatlena ad aatlmatep at
tba aty Enclneer for tb Improvement of paid
Meet Taylor atreet ere kareby adoyted.
Received. That tb Aadltar ef the City ef
narttaad be and be le heeebv directed te $1r
entice of the pcupoaed lmpreeemeat af aald
atreet aa provided by the City Charter. -fy
. Ramaaatrancea aytlnat the hove tmptanmaat
Bay be Hied la wrlUnp with the ndcrelan-4
wlthla 20 dare from tbe data pf the flrat pak
Ucatloa f lbl notice. ; r . .
. By ardor ef the CoancU. -.,-.
" . Aadlter of tfce aty ef Portlaad.
PortlaaA Orepoa. beta ef tint pu till cation,
AprU 22. 1MB. ' , ,
rxoroiXD nmofnan or vbiob atx
' Bin," ,. ''
Notice la beraby plven that t tb meetlnp ef
tb Coaacll of tb City ef Portlaad. un-proa.
held aa tb IStb day of April. 180A tfca t ol
io wine reeolDtloa wa dapted:. .
Reoolrad. That the Council ef tbe City of
Portland, Orepoa, deem It expedient aad Bar
pear ta Improve I'nloa avenee (rem 10 feet
oath ef tbe aoatb Uaa ef Broadway to TO feet
eontb ef tk eoatfc Ho af Schuyler etreet by
auktaf a fill and krlnplnp the atreet fuU width
With fill latereectlooa to proper prade.
Hold lmproTmat to he made la aoeocdaaoa
with tbe Charter aad erdlaajtrea af tbo City of
Partlaad and tbe plaaa, apocUlantlona aad eetl
matea ef the aty Enclneer filed In tbe office
of the Aadlter of tbe aty ef Portland ea tbe
4th day of AprU. 180ft. lndoreed: -aty Rnp
aeer'B pUa and apart flea tloae for tbe Impreve
nvant ef t'afaa aeeaeo trom 10 feet aoath ef
the eoatfc Uaa at Braadway to TO fact aoatb f
to eealh Uaa at Schtufar atreet. a-vl tb eetl
matea of the work to be aaaa aad the prefcabla
total eoat thereof." " .
. The coat af aald tmpnvremeot ta be aoaeoaed
aa prorlded by tfca tiV Charter Bnon the
property mmuIIt and porallarly- Urnoflted
thereby and which to bereby declared to be all
tbe lot, part thereof aad parcel ef lead ly
1 between a Una 100 feet weat ef aad par
allel with tbe weat Una ef China avcaua aad 8
Uaa 100 faet eeet of aad parallel with tfca oaat
Uaa at Talon aveuoe. aad between th eeelh
line ef Hancock atreet aad the Berth Baa at
Wnaap1aMr'a estimate of th Brnhabl total
eeet for tb UaprvtMaewt ef aald Latoa arasum
'"nli'ptoei apeciflcatVoa and eetlmatea ef tfca
City Bnplneer for tke lmaroeemat of Paid
Laloa eeaae are bereby adopted. .
. Reoolrad. That he Auditor of tbe dtp f
rortlaad be aad la kereby directed to flee eette
of tb prepomd Impreremont at aald areaae
provided by th City Charter.
Rameaatraacre agalnet the aboee HupiuMawat
may be filed la wrltlnp with th aaderelp-ned
within 20 day from the Sato ef the Urt pab
Ueatloa ef thtt notice. 1 , . i
, By order ef lb Coanr-ll. , m . - .
' Aadi top ot tha City of Portlaad. AprU 2X Itr
a t . B0BBSIBB ttmUT. ,
Notice tp harab ptroa thaV at tha meetlnp
ef tha Coaacll of tbe City of Portland, tlrapoa,
held ea tbe IPtb day of April, 1800, the lot
iMhe eeenhatlna waa sdnptad: v '
ReaeJyed. That lb ' Heotxil ef the City mi
Port lees. Otwpoa. oaenm 11 eapeeaent ana por
peere to chaase aad eatablleh the prade of Baat
Bar-wide atreet at point SO fort weet of
Meat Thtrd eTr-eetrTrom 62 T ' feat ff U If
Pboee th ta af rlty pra dee. - .
Reeolved. That tbo Aodltor mt tb City ef
prade may be filed la wrltlnp with tbe ader
tpned within SO day frem tb date of the
firat pnhllratloa ef thto noaee. .
By order of tbe Council.
Auditor af the City ef Partlaad.
Portland. Orepoa. Date of flnt pobUoaUaB,
AprU 22, 180A
In- .eaarpllaoce wttk rwl-r)loa ; adopt ed mtrolar meetlop of tke Coum-II, keld ea
the 6tk day ef April. 1V daciariop tba dm-
?lct ba netted by tb Improve meet of Bast
emhll! etreet from tb 1 raat earb I to ot Beat
Water etreet to th weal Ilea of rataa eeenne.
nd dlrortlaa tb Aadlter ot tbo City of
Portland to prepare a preliminary aeeeaement
neon the nte. hlockt aad parcela ef lead
wlthld Mid dlttrVt
Now, tfcerefnra, notice fa bereby (Irea that
each aeaesament I oa Ble la th if of
tb Auditor of the City of Portland. Bod with
wb-we any and ill object 1 one shall b tied la
wrlttnp, and ant Ice fa- fwrther l-n that tb
Conarll at -it reeel.r ameiinp oa May 8. 18i,
will bear and reneider all obleetlona to Bait
swieesmeal by partlre arprteeed tbervby or
Ininnated therein, and all acb parties ar
berebr wanted net to popart salil tuck raaa
p. M fa re-p.etod. c
- f , C"r of lc t
h a,-a 1 . .
Tp -pr?to
, Jmm nj iiwCla - a d 1
WeaUeei.- a.
3Tralns to tb&tMt Dilly-C
TWeorh Panmaa etaadard and taarM awe.
ur mmrm aall to Oawba. . Cblcaee. hoe, - "1
teurtot aleenln car dally to Kaaeaa L J I
throeph Pallmaa tenrlat aleeplap ear -ally
roadaetedl Weekly P- p
ehal-r ear oaata free) to tb kaat asi y.
1 . -SPBCIAX. .
:1S A W.
$ 22 PftB.
Dally. ,
Par tbo.Eaal via Baat-
. - ilaptoa.
Par Eaatera Waablaf.
tea. Walla Walia. Lew.
18 .
Daily. ,
8-o p. aa.
tetoa. Coear d'Aktoel
and Qroat , Kortbernl
petnn. '
8:18 pvat
Ti a m
Dally. Par the Baat rta Hi
River Dletaiee.
POB ASTORIA aad war!
polatA eoaaeetlnp with
tmr. for Ilwaee and
8:00 p. tor
Dally. '
a ak
ea. Saaday.
Nortk Beach, rtr. Bea-
eaio, aaa-a.
lo:on p. aa.
TamhliTTW Beato. '
aty and Yamhill
T:0d A m.
T-88A nt
folntn, atmra. Ruth aadi
mooo, mmm-mX. dock.
(Witer perej 1 tt In p
tnaka River Rente.
4 .08a. at
About $ I
1. jru- peinm
Rlnarta. Waaa -
Bpoaeae and
ncunr optica nfad and
. Phone Mala VIA
. . W. BTlBOBB.C1ty TVH AeaaA
au ie. taAiw.
trelBA for Salem, Bmi
bora. A eh land. Seers-
meats, fie da a. Saa Praa.
n-as as
etet-e, Stock ten. Lea Aa4
elea. Ai Pass, New Or-j
leans aaa the mm
Meralas train
acta at Wat
dally errant a
t Js a at
with trala far Mt.
Aapel. atlrertoA
S-fs) A nt
niwwn-eeu-e, w e r s B'
flelA WeadUap pad
Albaay penai
4:08 p. BL
n8 a' at
eecu at Weed
eodbora wlrhJ
ns-,is a at
Mt Aapel
taa face!.
aad BU
orkjlty. IIDaily, eicept Re day.
fmllai 0 BWherheWervies aad TnwaU
&,tW etUt Of Jftt0tmD HTH4m .
Lear Portland dally tor Oawaa T at A nvt
,e CT a-M M 8 Si 8:28. f 48. 18:18 B. e-.
Daily tepcent Sandny), 6:PA.8 hO, t:H "
a. m.: 4 1A 11 JO p. m.
Pkadlato petnta dalty trxcetlt aWaosyl 4:i4 s. to.
Arrtee Portlaad 101S . to. ,
Zfti m hlentnesth end Air II. !.
nertlnp With nVmrborn Paclae eompeay'a nracsa
.. twiu. liftdenesldeweo.
yVet-eiam far frem Pert la Bd Ita
and Saa Pra nd eon $20, fcertk ft I
fare $14. peesnd-efaa bertb p Bn
u. . Biuei not si aad 1
"H, Ticket tlorS SZTmU W.-.
A mm al.aalA , nFnnnnnBnB aaBeanlnB I aau
dry -tftcmea in 1
Olvarpia. Soatt BeadN
4m 9. BV
aaa y-ray a marwor
Nsrtfc Coeot UmrteA
far Tseeoa. Saattfa,
Batt. St. PaaL Mls-1
nesooria. Chics eo. Newl
8-08 p. .
T -St 8-88.
terk, Deab u and Bntntal
aaet ana Bostsesea.
T-urts-drv Ear ilia I
Taeeme. Seattle. Spa-
kana, Helens, St Pant
Mlnaasoorta Chlaaa-e.
Mew Terk. Bootoa aaaN
all points Baat aad
Pa eel Bnead Kaaead
Clty-St Leek SaortaL
lor Taooeas. . Seattle.
Bpoaaae, Bona Biiiispa,
Denser. Oman. Kna
T-8SR. St
aty. It. Leal aad sill
potakj Bast and SOB'
dally zeept ea Seueh Bnpa
Aaaterast Oeseeal Paaeasrar Aaeat,
Mmiliaa at. nar. Third. Partlaad, Oa,
I' . ' IS'" 'ait-L? ' "-
ASiona cy LQiumDia -
, River Railroad Co.
, Leaves.
Pee Mai pat a-Be
Cia takea. a
s, Weitneee.
ueuy. ,,
CUftoa, Aeteria, Wer-
re a toe., r level, Hem-
meed. rori areeeus,
Searfcart Park. SessMs.
Astoria aad IraikiiA
bsraat aaUy,
f 9 .. , e .
-dtp. at '
T-rwp, BL
i. C MA TO,
. r. and F. A Aaterts. 0.
C A. STBTW ART. Cemavwrtat Apeat Bat Aldar,
LBS Tkird Mm riP C J
ea TranaoonurrPniai
ptV -v TrsklridS Utxiiy m t
r- .
RetaraJeP from ftowmrt. arrree Pel1d th"f
ItTlO pT m. Vally rerfaneS a, f- .
a an trim li:B A m. Bkarat Mnaaar. lmJ
.' bmiji,. Mile. 1 n-m a. m.