The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1905, Image 1

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    ' ' .. - S
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. T-'-t iTeaslne;' e,n""':
Tt rho r aj eooier; iov.j-
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Tha C-v i
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y,v: v .. v..
vou iv. NO. 1
In Two Cases Before
iKa the ?LowerCourt
noraIHcmentof:Por Vic---etory
Against the-SaloonkccpcrsrWho r;
Fought Bitterly for)Private Rooms . y
; Balm. Or,-AprU 4- PorUand'a box
ortlliunc la held Tmlld br th uprtm
. :' court today In two eaaoa that of Hatry
Sandra. John P. Roth and other against
Otorn H. WlUlama. aayor t Portland,
and other and Theodore Kruao agalna
' Oeorr H. WilHanM, In both of which
- the decision of the lowor court In favor-
of tho city of Portland waa afflrtnad.
--rvTha aaloon man who brought nlt to
J-i enjoin the enforcement of th ordinance ,
; maintained that the local .option law do-
p rived tho city, oounetl of the power to i
1 reculata or reatralh the aale of Intoxi
cating liquor. ' 1
The eupretne eoart holds that wnera
two tatutoa rolatlng to tho aeme ub
' Jeet are Inoonslatent, tho later law fur-
nlahea the rule of action, but where
s a later law only ntodlflaa --a former
- atatute, tho two must be taken together
, ! as ono not. and that Mla Is. true in the
. vmm In queaUon. and that the local
: t octthnv' law was not intended an ub-
titute -for or to superieda tho prior
leglelaUoa on tha " subject to -which rt
. relates, but only . aa". a - modification
thereof "whoa b prorlslons of such
law are made applicable to a county or
' subdlvtolon thereof by a majority pt
of tho elector,- , i . " : 1
M It also holds that the oouocll of Port
' jind has express legtalatrvo authhrHy
to license the sal of Intoxicating nq
'" tiors and regulate and restrain a dealer
' In places where such liquors are kept
." for sale, and that the. council having
V plenary power In the matter a oould
exempt hotels from tho operation of
ih. ordinance without vloUtlng any oon.
jlttaUonsl inhibition. : The, oplnlon was
'given by Justice Moore.
Wi Hsusttsa
Th suprom court's decision will be
' regarded aa a victory for tho champions
of better condltMMis in th municipality.
', Against It was mad on of th hard-
nt fights vr witnessed- la th eoun
.' itll.' but which resulted In complete ca-
j--iUtlon by thos striving to defeat It,
sesufted In th adoption of - th
, .measure by practically ananlmoua rota
Th box ordlnanc was introduced In
- '. the council early In May, 14. and
passed Jun I. .Next day Mayor Wll
' llama r signed It BborUy afterward,
Bath Sandys, Tbeqdor Krus and
4 other, attacked th ordlnanc. claim
r kig that it was aa Infringement on th
- -nghis. of saloon, and restaurant own
. . era. and caused reststancs to b mad
la thclreult court to Its enforcement.
iTh sourt - upheld th law. and . th
' eaeewer then appealed to th u-
prm court, where they wer argued
7 about two months ago. ' ' . '
"... Th ordlnanc prohibits the main
"' tenanc of boxes In saloons and fUt
' rants In which to sail liquors. - Th full
" text Is: '. :'- ' I::-" '-'.
"Sactlon I. No ' proo :. ngsgd In
selling spirituous, ' malt or fermented
4tojsors or winea in quantities lass thanJ
. oat quart in any saioon. wrjnon r rw
" , taurant In th city of Portland shall sell
'any liquor to b delivered or used, or
!, that snail be delivered or used. In any
sld room, back room, apper room or
'other apartment In th earn or aa ad
. Joining building, and a hair not maintain
' taereia or connect therewith any alcove.
. booth or, box, er shall have or maintain
any private or separate entrance for any
i particular ' class) of , cuatomera. or - any
. word or alan noon any- entranc sign!
fylng that such entranc I for ladies or
amlllasi oc f n any ... psrtWulai
claaa f persona, or is a pri
vate antrane to such .Barroom, - saioon.
r ree taurant. or to any other apart-
merit ased la connection therewith;
provided, that nothing herein contained
shall prohibit th serving of such llq
,or to gueats In a' hotel hating a valid
Ifcens to sell th earn. - '
: r "Section J. It haU a antawfut for
: any person to conduct, carry bo, hpen
.or maintain- any restuaranC barroom,
' or sslooa within th city of Portland
aoanecte tborewttB any box;
booth, stall, or any private room; pro
vided, htrwrver. that this section shall
not apply to a private room having a
Boor apace of more than lit squar fett,
or shall it apply to - restauraata Jn
"which spirituous, malt, or 'fermented
liquors er wines are not sold, and in
which such box, booth, stall or private
, room is so constructed as to b nttrly
pot th sld facing any' hall, hail-
way. paasagaway, er room, and the eld-
thereof do not. exceed- seven fet la
' height- - ' -
la-the attach made la th eoart th
proposition wer set j that It was
snconatltutlonal In that It violated th
bUl as .rihu guaranteed to iuana.
'rTSk ho SCeaanrs Poas
,V, .Joyoaslr Jy Beformaa.
that 'It virtually would prevent certain
salta and restaurant keepers from con
tinuing , business, aecaua It Imposed
conditions under which It would bo lm
posslbl for them to maintain their es
tablishments, and that this -vitiated th
ordlnanc because these aaloon- men had
obtained licenses under conditions that
did not contemplate later depriving them
or their privilege as provided for In
th ordlnanc. .Discrimination also was
charged.-' '"T "V ' - ,v'-
Th effect of . th ' ordinaaca. ' If en
forced, will be to compel all saloon men
ana rostaurants , to remove ' boxes - or
small eompartmenta having floor scao
of less than HO square feet and to-do
away-with private entrances that have
been used for womeju. . . ..', ,'v ; i
. The strength of the light against the
ordlnanc on th -part of th restaurant
and saloon men may be Judged by tii
Hstof-plaintiffs la th aurt to prevent
th officials from enforcing- Hi Harry
aanays, venn i. sato, llenry Hanne,
John Schlenk, ' rtrdlnohd Sechtem.
Charles. KlrchnerV A.- Q. Day;'.- Frank
Orltnth. T. K. . Carsch, Charles', Bern
staohr, , FriU Btrobl and Theodore
Krus. ,;"'; " ''
"I am much gratUled to leara of - the
action of th supreme court," aald jt. R
Albee, "andhav been assured by Chief
Hunt that, -If the supremo court upheld
It h would -enforce it- vigorously. -1
believe that th hw ordlnanc and Its
honest application ', to local conditions
will do much to bring to pass a better
state of things and to cur abuses that
have marred th fame of the city." .
.- Many of th saloon man, - wo do not
th ordlnanc,; hut yer tfMJ&JtltlUL
"I xpctd th supreme court would
sustain th decision of Judg George."
said Attorney -John F. ' JJogaa, oounsel
for th defendant today.- I anticipate,
however, when w ffoelv th text 'Of
th dec talon, that It will be seen that
a compromise has been reached la some
of th details of th case. For Instance;
H. R. Alba claimed that under th
ordinance liquor could not be sold In
any box, but I believe that th dedsioa
will allow liquor to be sold In saloon
boxes containing II or mora squar
feat of apace. Boxes la t. restaurants
wiH have to be 'taken out -r-1
do not believ any of the boxes
will be removed, bat thos which do
not comply with th regulations of th
ordlnanc will b closed up."
"I cannot say what I win do In this
matter., aald Mayor Williams this af
ternoon. "I have not aean ttn text of
th decision, and do not' know how far
th supreme court has upheld th de
cision of Judg Oeorga - I will send for.
th decision immediately, and as soon as
I learn of Ita contents I will be able to
make a statement but not before then."
- . s . i;;?',' ?
... . (Joaraal gpertel aarrire. . "
Seattle.. April 14. Dr. J. Wilbur Chap
man, th world-renownod ; vangllat
and flv Of bis associate vaagallats
edited th Seattle Star today andar th
caption- "Bow W Would dlt a City
Newspaper."- ' In - their editorial .: aa
nouacement Dr.- Chapman and his asso
ciate editor heartily indorse th Con
densed style, headline, and brevity of
Stories, saying they wra th only kind
Dtvorc and asaavorV , polio stories
wer suppressed. Th big news 1 v
TrurTBrthe cay H Ih -TOianotr PTmir
llnalr automobile ownera of th speed
ordtaanc and eallla; upon th aathort
tle t arrest th most prominent mca
of th, city for such violation. ' v"
r- ' - ' ' V'---
- Otanet aaerlat srrteat
Nw Torkv.AprU It J addition- to
Ita unrivaled basin system, which
enable It to maiatein abanlut aworscy
of all Its dealings, th Standard Oil
company haa more than lo. mil
of prfrat telegraph wires fa th United
States. Its wires follow tts ptp Unea,
and a man at any pnmplng atataaa-eaa
sit at his table and gt ardara from th
standard Oil headquarters h New Tor.
Th masaag doe not pass through th
hands of a slngl. Weston Unto r
Postal operator. Everv . hand that
touch H Is a Standard Oil hand, very
ky which click I off a Standard Oil
key, every wir which carries It la a
Standard Oil "Wlr. That la whyi thsr
ar so few leaks f things onumisg
..1 :
'UrutedT utes , Anir Tnmgport Sheridan, at CkcenwichDock. (
If -,,' ' ' Y-?.;
Mountain Range Would Ba Diyid
' fner Una N tw Division 't&'-O.
. w. ," v ;
, lt Be CaJfad Alleghany. W i '
' i ; ; 4 . ;' f
New State Would Rank Seventh
; on Uat With Popdlation of
" OverTwb'Milliona,
v i,;:,--- .. , v
r'il: '(Joaraal Iparlal narvwe.) ' i-.-''.J
Pittaburg, April Jt-An Sort to sep
arate Fcnnsylvanl Into two parts, th
western half 'to go by Atself - and ' b
known as th state of Anagheny, Is oa
foot Thsr ar thos west of thAlIe)
gheay moaatelas who feel, all ' la ' not
wall for , them In the eastern part . of
th state, and th proposition now mad
Is that it ountia on thla sld x th
f luoaataJna be Stpasatsd fm th rest
of th state ahi go alon.
Today thi Pittsburg leader, very
close to weatera Psnnsylvania political
lea ilen. com oat la a ooluma artjei
calling for a division of th state. At
tention; la called to th prophatle words
of Abraham Lincoln, who one referred
to thla section aa th state of Allegheny,
meaning at that time, perhaps,- Alle
gheny county, in wMch Pittsburg and
Allegheny ar situated aa well aa th
greatest l-plaat -of -th world.
Gracuabarg. Pennsylvania. Is suggested
as th sit for th capital.
Th state f Allegheny' weald hava
a populaUem of tl.eo, according to
th eansua Of 16. With th rat ef
tacres of th mat' X years mafntalnad.
It would tat th sBsas of .lli take sev
enth plae la th union.
. (JearwH nesiaf Serrle. .
" Madrid. April 14 Bull fight ..war
held vr aU Spata yesterday for1 the
first time sine the- law prohlbttrng Sun
day exhibition waa promulgated. Ow
ing to a popular opposition th govra-
aeat suSpeiKted th laav?
1 if
t a ,
4 4!
"" ' f.K ,,,; ' ' ?.'". ;.
ifc. i t.,ifi i ifmi mo Ic a immi n
Brrzzardsi Grip t Rocky , Mountain
Statea While Galea, Sweep
r Through ; CaTrfomia.
j h
r :Vi'iSi .
Meanwhile Oregon Is Basking in
- i Sunshine Without a Cloud !
' i'i:the.Sky.v(v..;,'i a
.. - ' ;' ' '''' .": f V;,r
: :Whfl Portland hag been simmering In
th summer' sua for the- last it hours,
adjolalns; states have not baea troubled
by.eaees f'.heat: " ::; l,'-'1' '
Sever storms 'swC aorthera ' Cali
fornia last alght and telegraph!? oom
mtinicatloa with, Sad rranclsco was eat
off -antll a lata hour, this ' afternoon.
Utah and western Colorado wer visited
by high, winds and cold, driving, rains,
ah leu hld ap traffic and tatewapted
th telegraph ie sarvtca. Th Western
Union had no wires to th seat by th
direct - root aatit this afternoon, and
th Utah lias were la especially bad
conditio). , , The -storm -seamed -to a
centered in. Utah . and . Colorado, aa no
troubla was reported east of th
Roekte or ' south ef th Salt , Lake
regiesv'' - ,' '" . I '
Una. Porttaarf had ' an- andlaturbed
Eaater day, and tha tmperatnr yaster
day. of tha rcord-braking
art' madw th Saatej bormat bloaaom
Uk th- lilr and drov th etty people
by th thousand to shady nooks aad
emd drink aatabUahaMate. - Tha ther
mometer yesterday stood at 94 dear, temperatar 1 practloally th
bum today. Oa April 1J last year It
waa 17 degrees, aad so far tha aioaUi
baa not bean nearly so hot am It was at
that tlm. Warm day ar xprlaed
la aeariy rry Aprtt -t-5 ;t---
cvt err. ,;-
(Jmrsat laaHsl gerrlr.) .
San' rranelaao, - April 14. A heavy
jContlau a lavg Tw4, 1
: I
Photograpb by jtiscr Bros.
t i
Superior Court Begins - Hearing
. . Testimony InTom Brown
il- L: -.Murderjcaae.
. f t.'.-
Youth Stilt Retain' Air of Won-
der and Amazernent at th
" ! 'Commotion t Created,' '
- . laserial Dstoh a Tad JsaraaL) ,
v Chahalia, Waalu, April It Befor th
superior court today began th trial of
Tom Brown, th lT-yar-old parrkdda,
on tha cJiarge of " murder. "Tba.lad 1
changed In demeanor s th result of
months . of - taaprisoament although t a
retains th ajr of. wonder andamaae
ment that his act should eaus so much
commotion.' -- i- -.,- t 1
-Today will b? . deyea Jo inrpaneltri g
aT'jury. Thar are mora than - wR
neases to be-examined, and said from
th sensational feature of . th crtra
th trtal i xneeted to be on of th
moat - Interesting ever- heard ta thla
county. County Attorney Buxton wtll
be assisted in th pro cotton by .As
sistant Attorney-Ocneral Palknerv
Tha' deTcns represented sy at. ju
Lariahorna, antll roantly sinaei-uflug
atthrnay, aad Attoraay John M. Ponder.
legally "It win a on or th fhtreeat
struggias aver held befora bar la this
state.. ..--; - ' '-" '
It was December il that tha boy shot
and kilted his father. Thorn Browat
a short dhrtanoa from hia bom . sear
Eagtearm. , Th crlma was don deUbar
ately, for th lav seen rod a rtfla and
lay ta wait for th man. After tba
crime had baea committed th boy aay
isudid - himself and told th Jailer
ant morning that ha be 11 red h would
go nomv for hW mother naaild klm
in mflk tha sows aadT attend ti th farm.
U haa avr understood why hi r
qnaat waa denied.
. Th elder Browa borrowed his son's
- . ICoatteuMS oa Pagairai -J
Transport; Sheridan Ar
rives This Kerning With
Fourteenth Jnfantry
Officers and Mn In Good Spirits,
Fw Ars Sick and AM Are ,
i? Glad ; to . Ba ; Back ti
Thalr Old Quarttra, ;
- i .
fltralB of must from th rgimatal
band oa th forward deck, loud whistles
from factories and mllla, ihiill tooting
of tugs and rWer craft mingled with
cheer from J very small crowd that
had. gathered on the dock a tba
American transport Bberidaa steamed
alowlv an the river and gilded along
side the Oreenwlch pier at r: o'clock
this morning. '
Colors were flying from to mast
funnels and ventilators wer decorated
la rd, whit aad blue, whll th daoks
aad railings wars crowded with happy,
mlllng faces that eagerly scanned
thos oa th dock for f Hands or rel
atlves. Aa Ota huge steamer . bumped
against the dock a lln waa thrown and
fastened to th pier, and th Fourteenth
Infantry was at horn la Portland, after
mora than ; tw years' service la tba
Philippine. '..-..! ..'". ; : - -.
Th Sheridan aarrled SI offtoar. Ka
Jor Joha at-Parka commanding, and 40
anlisted men, tha remnant of th Four
teenth Infantry that left Vanoouvar bar
racks, for-th Island la Maroh, 10J.
Captain A. P. Berry, quartermaster, was
la charge . of th vessel. - Many ol th
troops hav ba. tranaf erred te other
regiments. - Iurlng tha two yaara sr
vie tbr war flv deaths, two from
accidental drowning. .. t -
-In addition to . th afBoara and, pri
vates, th Shartdaa carried a number of
other - pasaangarsv ' Thsr wer , 46
stearag aad 13 cabin passengers. At
11 o'clock tho troops wsr' tranaf rrd
to th steamer T shorn and Mascot ef
l4h.8. V.MM.1' , , ept-
paay's fleet and tax en to Vancouver,
wharo they dlsmbark4 and proceeded
to th barracks. ' . . . -
v. a ansa
Th Shatidaa lft Manila March 11
pat la at Nagasaki aad Honolulu, and
arrived at th mouth of th Columbia
yesterday morning. Th troop hav
been aboard th v easel sine March 1.
Ther Is no sic knees la th regiment
if men wer confined to the hospital
because of trivial ailment a ' Th pass
age waa longer thaa waa expected be
cause of high wind aad ths stop at
Nagasaki, Whr tha vessel ooalad.
Tbr war no incident of cons
oaeno oa the trip." said Major Joha
Park. .Thar was rough weather
at " tlm. W atop pad at Nagasaki,
making th voyag somewhat mora ex
tended thaa waa expected.
Th oinoere and mea are la excel
lent health and spirits and of eours w
cannot explain how delighted w ar
to b back la America, and especially
la Vancouver. Our order are ta report
ther. and I' think w ar to b sta
tioned there. 1 know nothing ef th
plana for th regiment future. .'
Ther ar 499 amieted mea with th
regiment now. Whoa w left ther was
a, complement of mea, but many have
been transferred to other regiments." f
Em ring Its servtc ta th Philippine
th Fourteenth waa stationed at Calba
yog, la Samar. It la th district through
which General "Roaring Jake" .Smith
mad history, aad it la also U part
of th Island In 1 which tha ."water
cure" waa Introduced. Many of th of
flcera aad man of th Fourteenth heard
the dattoea recount - their experience
with th "water sur treatment : ;
' P Furtated a OVJsa asaasa. ' i
1 The work of that regiment consisted
chiefly" of eonstruetlng barracks, aad
posts, and serving th swvernmenrs pur
pose ta providing aa object lesson ta
rebel! too Filipinos. Around eraij'pcat
kM'jrruwn war built wtrr fence to
' pose 1 Die sxtaca ay noani
tribe. Bottle war broken and scat
tered along th feaea t pravM addi
tional obstacle te aa attack by bare
footed nattvea. . '
Tha regiment participated lo te av
gagamenta la its two years' sulu;
Indeed Vther waa 'o eutbreak ef aay
at tha province wher K waa
located Calbayog ia located a dr
tourney from MaaOa. ' -
-It ta ovwoaay us -purpose ax um
in tha PhOlvataea - te throw -a
a tnto taa aarrn , saaa aa om
"Thar 1. nan a great deaf, at trouble
aad ttav to h wateaed cloaaly.
-I talked with a aambar of amtrv
waa wera treated to th -water cur.'
Th padre ef tha vfllasw told as how
r fait aad sew a tiort tama v
nattv wvoMI refasa tw taflg if sut, f
ta that prrjijass
-Of course. It la against an rr r :
regTilaSloas for th mbjl " C-'- t
ant ther aotnatlmea. 1 -ra a. i t
to hav died from Ita xna 1
l.-n i a-Brtok that Cs t ,
XCaatlaaaJ o I
Battle Between Gates end!
Armoiir ; Sends All
Slump In Wall 8treet Continuea
and the Northern Securities
Shows a . Great Loss-
Lawson Leada Raid.
: trasa-n
- Hay- Option.
Clilcago .
"New York M
hi. urraiM 4 ,
Kansas City
Milwaukee . .
Mlnneapolla w
Duluth , . ...
San Francisco
(Spaelal Damateh t Ta JoaraatV
Chicago, April I4-It waa battle of
tha giant today on tha floor- of tha
wheat pit The May option at the-clos
of tha day ahewed a loaa of 1 cents,
while ether options , aloaed : somewhat
lower, i- -. -"r. . .
-.-Oadea Aiawiai. tha provision hng
led th assaalt on Jthe market .
Kagerly waiting for the sound of th
bell, which announced the' opening of
th battle, both skins were apparently at
their eas. Overnight the plan for to
day's skirmish hsd been .carefully gone'
over aad tho with any traoe af weak
ness wera abandoned.
Both aide , were in for going and
both received their rewards. Armour,
it Is traev drew- th flrst blood, by on
saber blow cutting th prlos of May
wheat . dowa 4 , cents a bashel . ta M
cents. ,. - . . - .-'..'
, This rather staggered th Galea
crowd, but revenge waa now th watch-.
word, and Armour's great hoHlngs la
tha July option wer a lashed to the tuna
Of cent on each bushel. -;
Thu I odajr-sbatfJA of ihalglgfltg 0
wheat flnaoc began. This Is the way it
oontlnued. ..
After th price of Hay had been cut
so cruelty ta It cents by Armour, ther
waa a.rajly around the banner ef Gates,
aad his soldiers by easy stage carried
th arte back ta M cent a . Hare Gate
mad hia stand. - - Hia battle-flag waa
hoisted to th brees and openly defied
th warrior of th meat king te attempt
le pulllt down.' A skirmish r two of -small
Import took place within th next
few minutes, but price held their own
With May at cents.
Another assault was mad by th Ar
mour force, but thla time It proved ,
saoessful, th bulls ta May batnej swept
off ta floor of th pit May closed at
14 cents, a net loe from th prevloaal
day of IH cents. ..- - .
A ta May option, th fight was ear
rled on lata th July and September.
There was a reversal of leader bare
Armour being th bull, whll Gate waa
trying to bear the arloe down, Ourtnit
th session th Jaly lost 9 cents and Jh
September i centa
- All waa aa aproar la th oaah wheat
market' Wo. t red losing- 7 cents ay
bnsbel, while No. f red waa dowa
centa. No. spring loot a centa from
tho aloaing ( th previous session.
"Xn Portland th wheat market I very
dull, aad-tprire wer cut practically 4
cent a boahel under those which rureo?
th prcvioaa wk . - i -,
ta aTaoaka f atara Thasl fXTOss
rot OoaatJaa; Today. .
.! '
'waraAT omn.-:
' Jearaal- Ipseial asrtsa ' 1 - -'
New Terk. AprU ft Twennty-elx lead-.
Ing stocks on th New7 York and Boston
market show for tha past week a total
shrinkage of more than tUtoM, In.
value from th general slump, cwipl
wtth-taw raht brOatwaon aad othir wii
known bear plunge ra Included la ther . .
11 d Amalgamated Copper, with nw
than S.oa,ae, Amertcsui Sngar t4.fte
e. Atchison J1I.0.. Missouri Pa
ctfkj It ,, Sonthera Pactfla 115.-
,, Uaton PaeUlo UUM.TO, ateal..
preferred eonvm) aeaiiy llM4,tt'
Moat ef CM ether ateen la the Uat ar
raUroada. Copper aharea, aatskte of
Amalgamated, showed ap strong. If that
Meat shrinks of th leading Indus
trials sad Bora big mining properttes
wera tacladed. the shrinkage wonld rata
well ap to fl. , for th last Ore '
ay of 01 at :
Today Northern gesarttlea loaf fl n
share- wtH New Tern Caatrsi Ir
ttlli people's Gas kwt a" w
rteadins lost Mi aotnta or Itlt 1
tlatao Pacta dropped ef f
day a rM' Teaneas Cr I I. '
Itl J 4wn, si rr ths ra laca 1
t.r-: -:; tTi.
-7 ,