The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 23, 1905, Image 8

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    a i.
ItcrZami flays '
' L. ZZlaal Ee3 .' v
' 1 I : I I I .".1'.'. r ;' ..'? , v' . ;-r t i;. - l . j!..t?'-' l - v-'... . -w : " :
, . . i 11 " . r s .' s' T f ""," - " " V 'n,i': .": .'" : :' 1 '. 1 ' . i "' t '.' 1 : :
TtirELY niTTine
.tz, McLean and , Catea Jouch
Up I
Baum and VtTn the .:
Tim Flood Make the First Home
-Run of Season on Local li t
- piamonct y' .X
. : Portland, t; Loa Anfla..t. 'it
, Bttrl 'Ctw ind Murphy; Baum
and Ear. . :. . .,....
Tb Portjuul boya found their batting
; eye la jroatcrdaya coatoat with tb An
via, and by timalr waltoplna-- of tha
horaahMa thay auocaadad In aranlnr up
matte ra with Captain Ptllon and hla
trtba. . . .
, .MoCradia'a boya took "8pldar" Baua'a
maaauro : In tba aacond Inning, whan
vary man on the team faced tha long
bey from tha aoutb. and thrae of them
- troBWd the tatlon- that antltlea thfm
"-ttr reeogtutTunna-1 m uoiumn;-1' m
thl-cajjto the . Portland-batamaa ae
'cured three hlta. Spider. Baum walked
thrM Van rmm At h wallra fiwMn
Murphy orar Aot fh'M run at tbal
iaaalon, and the three bata who wore" re
tired went to the bench on etrlkea,
which la a peculiar coincidence In, baae
- .ball. .. -
The Loo Loo annexed a tally In their
half of the aacond. whan Cap Dillon
-, ' who, by the way, made four of the eight
ewata aeciired off Ell Cataa led off with
' - a -two eatfc -drtTO orlht. -ParTy"
Crayath placed one In Van Buren'a mlta
and one was down. ' Roaa hit to Bchlaf
Jr. and Dillon. In rounding third, was
v caught and retired between that atatlon
and the plata. Roaa continuing ta second
m the play. Artie took third when
Runkle erred on Toroan'a grounder, and
cored on a paaaed ball. ' .. .
, " Then the Portland boya took Baum'a
' meaeure. ddla -Householder was the
' first to face the San Joae lad. and could
' not negotiate anything better than to
' i. fan out afcLaaa laced one at Smith
' . which burned tils' tooth -carpenter's fin
V,aera aa he knocked it down, and Mac
4 .waa aafe. Jakey At fotlowad with a
. slnale to center. Lou Runkle fanned.
and two were out . Harry Mvrphy
: prayed hlmaalf to be ev good -waiter and
' ' aecttred a pass, filling the aacka. , Ell
, Catea then earned a reputation aa a'hlt-
'- tar that wll last him aaveral weeka by'j
4 laoina; ou a pretty mt te eanter.Vwhlcb
, - aoored. McLean and Ata Baum derel-
oped a streak of wlldneaa. and by pass
. . Ing both Van Bhren and MoCredle he
i forced Murphy oyer for the third acore.
4 1 Schlafly-a strike-out ended thelnnlnr
v Baans took a awing at a ho4re one
4 from Catea In the third and took two
; etatlona before the ball was fielded.
Brash ear pot down a neat sacrifice, and
, 1 sl
; 2 j-m
Eastern Dam ball Scores --Local
Matchee-ughton on tha , FI:-
Ctsnding of th Tam Sporting, CKcit:!
v .
Tnav Flood earned hlmaalf a- niche In the
baseball hall of fame In Loa Angelea by
bitting the flrat home run of theaea
eon. Ha lined the . aphare oyer tha
right garden wall, and aa it disappeared
Into the Lewis and. Clark fair grounds
the' lopal faaa looked gloomy, even
though they applauded the feat, for the
hit a co red two runs, tying tne boo re.
Dillon hit for another two-aack drive,
but waa caught off eecond by quick
work en too port of Catea and Ata.
Tha game continued In nlp-and-tuck
style until the eighth, when Baum again
weakened, and before the a how waa even
three) blngoea and a neatly placed aac
rlflee. rave tha locals two rune and won
tne game.
- Larry Sohlafly started Baam'a . Water
loo by driving a awlft one straight at
the pitcher, which caromed Off and net
ted the batter one aack. Eddie House
holder put him down- with a neat aa ori
fice. McLean hit Barely to ten, aa
vancing Bcblafly to second, fron whence
be aoored ea Atr drive over ; union a
head. McLean going to third on thehlt
Runkle'a long fly to Blaahaar scored big
Mao. Murphy bit to Smith, and theaide
Several brilliant fielding etunte were
Uirown Into yeeterdajra game, which.
with the lively batting, kept the erowd
on ' edge." McCredle- pulled off -a peat
catch of a foul from Flooda bat la the
flrat Inning; and the fielding stunts' of
Ata and Toman la the. abort field were
fine. Flood ran . back of eeoond and
grabbed a hot one from Schlafly'a bat.
which he worked .Into -a fast double
play. .' ,
Young Harry Ooodwln. the aouthpaw
Lao L4u find, who has yet to be defeat-
d. wUl probably be -on the slab ior the
,fpM. ieym-ay iTotan la ntlUi nhfla
Will Kaslck or Bert Jones will work for
Portland. Owing to the interest man!
fested In the local team, the flrat Sun-
day. prom laee Jo, pee a recprd. roU,
thoae deairing to make sure of seats
should go early and avoid the ruah at
the gates, t : . .
The official acbre follows, , .',
' -'- ' PORTLAND. t ; -.-'v
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
van Buran. ii.
McOredle, rf
Schlafly. lbj.i,iu.
Houaeholder." cf . ....
McLean., lb ,
Ata. as .
Runkle, Sb
Murphy, a
1 -1 ,
1 11
1 5 -4-
(Jates, . p
: Totala
10 $ I 27 1
''. .;,'';; L08-ANOBLK8. j ;"
- . i ; AB. R. H. PO. A. B.
Bernard, ef ......... 1 e 0
Braahear, cf ........ 2 1
riood. 2b I 1 1 i I
Smith. lb 4 0 1,1 !
Dillon, lb ........... 4 t . 4 11 .
cravat n, rf .......... 4 o e
Koes, if ..f f . .
, If ........,... 4 vt 2 ,
m, as ,........ t 0 ' 11 a
r, '0 Ira O-iJ
?, p ............ a i .1 t
l omu,
V-Totali-, ..,i:.,..ll . 24 11
. J . ' - 111 I I IT I '
Loa -Angelas 0 llt.ill t
Portland., ti 0
Mils . .......... II1IMII I
Stmck out By Catea. (Baum, Roaa.'
Flood); by Baum, f (Householder. Run
kle, Schlafly Murphy. Catea). Bases i
ball a Off Raum, I (Murphy, Van
guren, McCredle). Two-base hit Ata,
Dillon (il, Baum. Home run Flood.
Double playe Murphy-to Ata; Flood to
mum Tirai paae on errors Portland,
We have a Cicely assorted stock of Mitts, Gloves,
Bsts, BaHs, Shoes, Stockings, Belts, Supporters,
at the RIGHT PRICE. W want your trade I
; 7" 1 ' " Let rget'togtthert - '"X
- XrjXXTr- SAVAGE Bicyclea. :,XX
- Second4und Wheels at your Town price. -Big
stock of FISHING TACKLE just opened I
- V-'7 ' V'-;.:..?' r ... -.'Xl v X'-
The 5. H. Brainard Co.
' XX : m Grand 'Avenue.!
Amtt. - r
lj 'Los 'Angelea. 1
Householder, Ata
Sacrifice hits
ta. Brashear. Stolen
base Catea- Hit by pltohed ball-
Flood. Paaaed balls Murphy. 1.- Left
on bases rortland. f; Loa Angelea, X.
Time of game 1 hour 46 m.ln. Umpire
Kiopf. , . :a;;
t ' syr.y - i .' 1 i."" '"
(Special Oiepatcb by Leased Wire to The Joarael)
- Satl Franclaco, April IL The Seala
reveraed thinga today and took 4 game
from: Oakland. Jimmy Whalen .and
Schmidt, who'' opposed each Other In the
tamoue no acore If Inning game Tuaa
day, ware the twlrlera, and Jimmy, oame
out on top, , The locals had. thinga all
their. own way for alx Innings with the
acore I to . In tha seventh and eighth
Whalen waa found. for two hits and one
ran in each Inning, and .It looked like
danger bait Whalen- (hut them .out In
the ninth. -': ':T: .
Umnlra Perrlne waa struck by a foul
tip durlngihe game and waa "out for 1
mlnutea." The acore: , TT ..v
' AB. R. H. PO. A. ES.
Waldron. ct ........ 4 , . 0 1 . 0 0
Spencer, 2b ......... S 1 I f
Waltera, rf.-.-.,,, I ' 9 if 1
Hlldabrand. If 4 .11 I
irwin, so ......
Murphy, lb .........
Shea,' o Tittlb,M
Oochnauer. a ..... ..
S 1
1 a
S S 1
-a a ' a .
Whalen, p i.
" 4,:
I XT li
"" JlTL Tt Tf . rO. A. K.
TTairBmTtrea. tz 1 . .77iV 1 1
Francka, aa
Kruger, rf ..........
uunieavy, u
Kelley, 2b ........ 4
Devereaux. , b . ...... 4
MeMurry, a ,........
SrhmidL a ......... t
Moskiman ......... i -a
. : : . t .
Totala ' .,..!
2 I 24 It 1
Batted for MeMurry In nlnthv
- ,-.. i 1 1 i 1 1 r 1 1
Oakland ........ ,.0 11 01
Hita ......i mini a T
San Franclaco .,.. 0 0 1 1 t
Hits ...2 1 0 I 6
' .-,-r SUMMARY. .. -
Two base hits Dunleavy. : Sacrifice
hlta Francka, Shea, Flrat base On
errora Oakland, 1 ; Ban Franolsco. S
First .base on called balls Sohmldt, 4
Whalen. 2. Left on baaea Oakland.
Rein ' r rsnvianiu. e. k n uua wuv-oj
Schmidt. I; by Whalen, (. Double playa
Devereux to Kelly to Strelb; Kelley to
AAIeA , fj . g..l. Te
ptreiD . to uevereaux. . jraaaeo oaiia
Shea. Balk Schmidt. ' Time, 1:4(.
Umpire Perrlne. - . ' .
PACzrzo ooAirr saaava.'
Baa rraadare ......
y Aaaelea
Pim I lead . . ........
Seattle .............
; jTATTObTAX uaootl
v.- . . " S- . Won.
t-manurg A., .
New York
. . .....
............. a .
Boaton . S
Chicago I
t. Ixiiiar . ., ...
Brooklyn... ............ 1 t .,
' .42
.. ,2i4
' . Btotmrdaro aUemltav . .,
At Philadelnhla New Tork. let mlt.
adelphla. 2.
At BrooKiyn Brwton, ; Brooklyn, 4.
At Plttaburc fit. . LAula. -l- lln..
bnrg. . - -
At Chicago 3nctnnatV I; Chlcagd, 1
lOAjr SAaavm.
. .(44
, .444
' .800
tituitu e
lw I or
leveland. . . .... , 1 1
Detroit ... . .. 1 ' 1
i. ntcago ......,..,., i
ehlncton ........... I
St Louie.' 2 - ' 4
Boaton . ..... T.... ...... 1 ,
Saearday-s atesnita.
N'w York Washington, I;1 New
York. ." . ,
.At neron pniiadelphuv ; Boston, .
, At Detroit r.hcago IDatrolt, i.
At', fit. I la4tl4sBWlswakTnfn.M . . oL
laVUIa . aW- -.
t ...... .
a i. ' J e j i a
. I . . ... 4 1
IfrnfooA on nm iimir I
California's Metropolis Refuses
v to Issue Permit for Britt
L te; : White BoirtV
Report of Match Between Mitch
. : ell and Sullivan Causes .. -
; Much Laughter, :' v
CBy W. W. Waeurhaoa.)
(Special Dlapaick byLeeaed IV Ire ta 4e Joaraal)
San Franclaco, April 12. The grand
jury at present ln aeaalon In thia city.
ta trylna4ta hand at purifying the pugi
llstlo atmosphere. ' So far the Jury has
confined its inveatigationa to the ama
teur phase of the game. It baa taken
its cue from a few sticklers for square
sport who had become exasperated at
tha failure of repeated attempta to
squelch the weekly thumping tourneys
that 'are held here and it haa convinced
Itself that there ia aa wlda a. -distinction
between llif'tiu Fiamlsiu ama
boxer of today and the old Ideal aa there
ia between a aafe cracker and a' reputa
blo bank clerk. -" r 'r
Just aa long aa glove . wleldera to
whom auapiclon attached ware simply
lugged before such Inquisitorial bod Ira
as held ' authority under the amateur
athletic union nothing very Incrimina
ting waa elicited. The suspects entered
a general and .emphatic denial, te all
chargea that they were In a habit of
competing for money prlaee."
1 When the grand Jury bade the ehrlnk
ing aluggera stand forth and testify It
waa different. The Idea of being haled
before the august tribunal which la de
pended upon to straighten out the kinka
in the morale of a big city, waa, too
much for the guilt atrlcken four-round
epeclallsta and the very flrat "amateur'
examined, collapsed under questioning.
He admitted that he had algned to box
another amateur for a purse of 2121.
' The admtaalon knocked tffa pro pa from
under whatever defehee the promoters
of theae affairs had. formulated and
when the Jury Inatructed - the police to
prevent further amateur exhibitions an
less all the requirements of tile laws
of amateurdora were ebeerved,"here was
only a faint protest. , , j .,
. Mew Msaters Stand.
As mattera a tend, the patrona ef the
illegal pastftaia are deprived of their
favorite amusement and 1C la ' doubtful
If any of tha promotcra will have time
or courage to sign ap a bunch of four'
roundera while the present grand Jury
ia ia -aaaaionu!
It , remains to be seen , whether , the
puristd who atarted the agitation will
be able to control thia amateur situation
when tha gentlemen composing the' Jury
return to their various oceupatlona. The
promulgatore of the fake ahowa aay that
the reform, movement la simply a flash
In the part and that a few, weeka from
now the game -will be In full -swing
tLgtUlt ft way I art aad turei nut, thai I
way for politics and pugilism go hand
in hand In flan Franclaco and. It la a
notorious fact that the promoters are
all professional politicians. , - .
Writing of politics reminds me that
the Brltt-Whlte match haa, by atreaa of
elroumstanoea, been removed from the
Hat of Bubjaote that Importing writers
are privileged' to discuss. It is now a
theme for the political editor -
Tha matter- of a permit for the To-
eomtte Athletic club Involved some great
4 4 4 4 4 e 4 4
4 aTOttOB to ajutnnu,':
4 -, All notices of amateur base- i
4 - ball - gamen, cballengea and ath- 4
letie events must be sent ta thia . 4
office before o'clock a.''ra. on ; 4
tha day for publication. Am a-; 4)
teur managers should pay at- e
tention to thia rule, aa the keep-
Ing of t wlll lnaure a proper 4
4 report ' of. .their doing The e
4 - Journal. . e
old lobbying and counting and recount
Ing of noaea out In the big chanVber of
th city hall where the city fathers hold
their deliberations. Two or three times
CouTroth. the Yoaemlte matchmaker.
waa on the point of having the thing
go, to a vote' but checked himself on
finding that be ' waa a supervisor ahy.
Finally, impelled-- -by desperation, he
asked hla frienda. la office Xo bring the
matter before the1oard and the permit
was denied him by a voteof eight to
seven. ; . ;( ;
' It Is a rare topic for the alda and Ilea
tenants and ward bosses fcnd precinct
roundera. Brltt and White are the two
amallest people In ttte whole dtacuaalon.
The quaatlon la whether," by eating bum
ble pie. or making eombinatlona or con
cession a, the Yoaemlte club will be able
to add a vote or ' two to Ita present
atreagtk If . the matter some up for-re-consideration
..... . :..'....,...!-"-
:'v.wtta aa ptm, '
. . White . and Brltt are' keeping right
along with their training and apparently
repoelng Implicit faith, in CoSroth. Jnat
the same the fighters and their friends
are enveloped la an-atsaoaphere of doubt.
Occasional ruroora crop up that an un
derstanding' haa been reached and that
the permit Will be forthcoming, but none
of the parties immediately concerned
will .stand sponsor for a statement to
that effect." '
In any caee nothing' definite can be
known antu the aupervlaora meet agala
Monday.' ' - - ji
. The troubles which -beset International
contests ha vs 'clogged tha .'wheels In
more ways than one. - Not only are the
a porta refraining from discussing the
relative, merits of Brltt and Whit aa
test, but they fall to evince the slightest
interest in the matchea that are borag
worked "up by cluba other than the Yo
aemlte. : The announcement that IDddie
Hanlon and Young Corbett are to' box
before the Hayea Valley club haa fallen
flat and the auggeatlon that a Fltaalm-mona-Hart
go may be pulled off here
haa also failed to arouse interest. Such
la the baneful. effect that politioa ta aa
eertinf over pugUlsmat present, , s .
aV Xtttaa
A slight ripple of amusement was
caused by -the report that John L. Sur-
llvaa and Charlie , Mitchell had been
algned to fight 24 rounds. - Mitchell, who
ia aero with jaoes wnite, tmnka it. a
capital Joke. He can afford to ao I aup-
poae on account of Sullivan being ao
terribly In earnest, but even while pro
fessing to be greatly amused, thera la
something about Charlie which gives a
hint that hs would be Quick, to. murmur.
"ao be it," if he discovered that tha
publte regarded the acheme aerloualy.
For the preaent, ao far- aa. Mitchell Is
concerned. It is to laugh.' He aay a:
"Mind you. If SuUivan Is , broke and I
could help htm to make a atake by1 going
a few rounds with him. Id do It la-a
minute, ye know, but 19 rounds rldlcn-
loua." -. , s -.'. . , ...
Charlie apeak a aa though be regarded
the affair aa a December and May propo
sition. He haa right to perk himself
on . hla appearance - and condition, for
that 'matter, for . the "former boxing
champion of England. la aa hard aa
nails right now, much road ' work In
company with - Jabea haa cauaed . hla
weaklt" to hang In folds and hia com
plexion .is nut brown.- He extends' hla
south paw when shaking hands, his dex
ter list being jarred and swollen through
"taking a swipe at a blawsted'bag" In
the gymnasium where Jabea engages in
Ma oati work.; .
: (npeelal IHapateh te The JoaraalV '
Oreaham, Or.. April 21. The young
ladlea of tha physical culture class un
der the direction of Pro feasor Ringlet
of r-oruena had a very strongly con
tested basket ball game on Tueeday ev
ening of thia week. - The team had had
very ahort practice hut put up a splen
did front to the Portland ladlea and
when the game was completed the" acore
stood It to 14 -far favor of Portland.
The young ladles here are to be con
gratulated for the splendid game they
played, but they were weak on one point
only. The visiting team waa also, high
ly pleased with the treatment given
them and expressed a desire to play (ha
local teem again In the future. .
. The. ettreslkanv Basket Ball - team of
yeungvmen has gent a request . to Hhe
Tigers of Portland to meet In battle
array In the hell bare On Tuesdsy ev.
enlngtnext for match game." The
game played between the locel team and
one under, the direction ' of Prefeeaor
Rlngler from rortland was won by the
V.:.i cl C:":!:i-r,sv:iw ef Y.
1 '. "'
Oreo ham lads, much , ta tha surprise
of, those who had not wltaoaaed any of
the recent practice - games' participated
In by tha members of tha physical cut'
ture classes. .
The local base ball ntna hag arranged
a schedule of games for the next few
weeka-. and interest la rapidly increaa
Ing in favor of tba young men who have
been preparing themselvee for the sum
mer's aport. Tha high aenooi lada have
d very strong nine here and have ahewn
their ability , In putting , bp a atreog
game to opposing nines. ..- , .
Portland High school 1 1 .'..144
Portland -academy 1 ,1 ' :..
HU1 Military aoadamy ....,1 1 r.o
The Portland academy taam defeated
tha HIU milltaty lada yesterday In a
faat and exciting game by the .acore of
Lto. 1. ' . -..X
Tha Tigers hit tha ball at opportune
tlmea which coupled with Hlll'e errora,
gave them tha game. Meyera for Port
land academy pltohed an- elegant game
and. held the Military jade aafe at all
ata gee. 'y... i. :...u.y .v.. . :..
Portland aeademjrs victory makes It
tie between tha three clubs In "the
league. 1 - - -i r '-'
Score. v :, IV' KB.
Hill Military academy': ....... i t 4 4
Portland academy. ............ 4 -I
- Battarlea Clifford and McCoy; Myers
and Htggtna. , ....-.
-' A rvi.iJlaT,v,elHa fsS JIN
aaVaBV A bU4J 1VWUJ1 W aV XTlll fV liA
i( . mx
: r j
1 t,x-X':xr 'x: xxxxx'-y.
New S
L-s ill 4UU .UllLi VaBJ-JaiJ. ,
i I
l C.
v.;.; !' t if
-4U :
" i 7:-: -:1 " 'y r ( f h "
Membera.of the FortUnd Hunt' club
enjoyed a aplandid. closed paper- chase
yaatarday afternoon. Tha day waa Meal .
for riding and IT rldera went through
tha chase. The.' eourae was laid by
bare a. Dr. Coughlaa and Emmet Brown,
and waa, one of tha prettiest and con
tained Mat Of tha moo dierinult 4n,n '
In the history of the dub, Tha start
was maoe at Kan and 14th atreeta and
the f wish waa at tha old Wavarlv flolf
llnka. There were several horses that
went through In order to qualify for ,
the Juno meat, among them : being
Texou, owned by goott Brooks. TekoVa
rider. . was. . Thomaa - MeOrath. . Thoae
Downing; lira. F. O. Buffum. Mute Mel.
lawraie ansa wrann, Hiss one, EL M.
LaaamB,..t. B. McRath, T. PilJon? J.
C. Muahle. Bl n til..iU it u...
man, Henry Metsger, T. fc mamt 'Jaa.
NiooL A. B. Soobie. John Latta. F.0.
(Sseelat Despatch .te The JearaaL) ' '
Dallas. Or Anrll 11. Tha firm k
ball same' of tha' aeaaon Kak "rk.i.
las collage and tha Salem . high school
w waa ptayaa on tne college eempua
before. a big erowd today. - It waa a
hot game from a tart to lanlah. Dallas
defea.ted SaJem ' to T, Reybolds for
Delia and King for Salem each made
three runs anlae and u,m rwn..
pitched good ball. .. ----.a- . ,
. Dallas made five runsvfn tha sixth
mntng. Both teams put up fast balL
Is the) most c!v spring';
farment with 1oiowMiowM '
X jdressers. Our assortment of :
7 V fancy . brown and rray mix- v
tures in exclusive designs' is :
. the, largest to be found ) in
Portlsnd, ; and ; no matter ; '
. rl w4V44aii t Waal - Am W
Clothes of" today , are
i rX. FIT BETTER .-.,:-
;.'-;,---'"- : seen or worn
fiwUn mmrmmmmm'yt: x'1
we- J. ft,
- , vv-,;,-"w r' : . ' x - -''f . -x
. '. '