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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1905)
Si" I '4 :;BpJtTWky,f1JPlhlp, Knia Suvaroff, at Fall Sjxad. rSTRUGGLK FOR" LIFE '- t (Continued from Par One) ' ness, his Java BcrunohlngKths gum which 1,; he efeewe -v everlastingly. ,-ls ataadtly conscious of the girl ar th table behind v him and 'again and agalavhts eyes will stray -vr to her to noteth effect of N thle sr-' that - bit ' of -..evidence' ton her courage or spirits. .tAnd. the girl. - placid . or pouting, as tha fortunes of the dar , abb and flow, can seldom Jake her -. from 4 he broad, .black or rugged profile of the Intensely masculine- prosecutor. ii sUU-hlm ' thniihahe ustana would nata a mortal, enemy, ne. never theless exerts aver Ter .a powerful ' . fascination the spell perhaps In which a cat holds a bird that, flutter and . chirps, but Is powerless to move- a muscle see her manifest fear of -the man her self-possession la really marvelous. '"-She seems to be determined that be or -all others shall not learn mat she la afraid of him, c . i'- .. '- . ... Anttass Self Central. ""When ; Ms . head la swinging slowly around .and aha knows that the next ' moment b will be watching her furtively out of the tall of one of these searching 'bins eyes,, aha straightens up, smooths awaf the frown from her forehead,. ad justs ' her hair and r looks. -cal ml y .and steadily In' some other direction, .and Rand, noticing th -changa In her, will To -Intrdclucc :r ; FiIA'iif Co Mil ' V Aon 5 TTr7-s,z ---rwj' "P ' ' To Introduce tils .famous skin ' soap, t)r. A. U Nlden, th1: great specialist. .who engraxtsn ne nose, -ana wno is at I or uw largei Institution 'in the' head of the largest scientific skin Inatructed me to put on sale, for "all ' treating ths " world, has jiext week 11 gross of his soap at P2RCAICE J m r. .V. .,vs : . ! " iV which la actually leas than eoat. Thla v- 'aoep la antiseptio and contains marvel oua curative nowere. It la a aoap man- iririurm narticuiariT lor laommr. whom acea' are'lmiahed--l"-ay-T-wer--t-! till - a- eoew vrv- Jadic la .Portland , should number among, her toilet requl ' , sites. Remember the offer of.l&o per caJte U for tills week .only. . : . . ' r; ricr Judgment im ... . " .' . . v. ..... i ii.i n wwii j t a . tlon. T A i von Dm some facial or akin affile- am the Only Tftrfilflt of the Netden Institute on the Pacific eoaiit, conMrnuently I am the only one who can administer his scientific ' admlnlstra I tlons. These' desiring a course of treat . ment should apply now and get special ratee. ' The. fKln n.,h will nun lb. . act now.' MADAME AZA V IllOLCIESiRiODECKE Maater rind Teacher of Permatology anl Beauty Culture. . ' afORRlioff. YfKa". fARK.' "Ttens-X:- i. ' TTrlU for Eoctlsi. smile grimly as If to say; "Never mind, young lady, you will not be so defiant when all- this a over. . ; Only once In ths former . trial did the two coma' face to faea and battle frankly for victory That was when Nan was on tha stand and In that fight doing -all that is masculine and doing all that' la feminine, strength, rugged- ness, determination, against . subtlety, Intuition and qulck-wtttsdnesa, ths Slrl won.'.' v .,-.ri.' , . r ; , Sssts kr taa lltl. ; That was '4h- only day whea Rand's manheK as hs- left tha oourtroom.- was a confession of wefeaL- - Us ftJolt that lesson to heart and it will b lnureat Llnrta:iJiowiis seta bourlo -work r" I r n . ' r m i wnea again ne is cauea vn ia ' w j turn the glrra etory aaalast hsrself. -Monday will come Hand's chance. Then it wIU, be that striding back and forth across ' tha ' courtroom, head -tap, arsss sstsnilsd .aryljyea.gUtltlpg with excitement. . hs will tell tu jury . Jow hsv expects to prove that taa little girl behind htm committed a murder, wny hs believes tha dldvit and what manner of woman .she baa been. And Nan Pat terson. ' without her father to pat assurlBRly -on . bar arm, with . nothing to shield her from ths scathing denun ciation as it falls from tha lips of ths prosecutor, and with a woman's weak ness, for all her bold exterior, will need all tbV courage aha can , aummon, to aaye her from collapse. , v,; ; ; f v rimradoi. 011 VtaAsi'. ' Donble guards have bean placed upon Nan Patterson ln-the Tombs. Night and dar until the Jury at bar trial xlves Its verdict in open oourt, keepers will take turns In. watching htr. Warden riynn does notiknow that thought of suicide was aver sntertalned by Nan Patterson, but b does know of certain situations and conditions : which have , developed slnce she has been under his charge which convinced him that hs would be acting wisely to watch bar carefully. With thla end in visw tha warden re moved ber ts the hospital eel la. Nan oc cupied cell Wo. 1 and Mrs, Julia Smith, hsr slater, Veil No, 1 - Ths warden be lieved that Nsnvs ' mental ' condition would be benefited V .the. preseooe sf her slatr. . , : 'V- -( .t Ths hospital Is about four Umas as largo as the regular prison calls, hss separate beds and room for tha attend ants who will be on guard at all hours. "7 ) v Rarely. ' it aver, ' has there bean prisoner, in ths .Tombs, a coord lng" to those who . have- seen Nan Patterson dally, soblect to auoh despondent moods. PurTrig3hes.attackt, wliltih eoma on without. any apparent outward caussv shs suocumbs entirely and ber mental state has been such at Intervals as to occasion sUum. The prisoner has been carefully watched by Prison Physician accoutre and It la duo to his suggestion that aha was sent to tha hospital. The woman waa In a much- mors , nervous state-today than sh hss been at any tint, since sbs became a prisoner, and It is expected that, th wm bresk down under the strain. ' v. "' ' ' ''" Nan' was An one of. hey despondent moods, Whsa Xwyr Abe Lry called thla afternoon, but forced a a mile when they met In Warden Flynn's 'Office. The Uwyfr and 'client , talked for two hour' about the 'case. The hopeful words of Mr. Levy drove away her de prsaalon and she went baek.t the hos pital apparently her old-time self. HELPED BY SlSTER.y Van PaMarson Aided by aorUo and :. ' jwort of iUrrtet lowaU. I V;.' (Speelal Dhvstrh sr Learnd Wire t Tae iearaal) L Waahlngtna. - April II. Waahlngton oeletr indirsctly is aasistlng the caiise ofaa. Pattarsoa.., lUvhaa . bee, ana? nsously sUted that Mrs. Harriet Lowell, Nan Patterson's' slater In Washington, Is keeping a ihop," tha profits from which were contributed ta the Nan Pat tarson f'vdefense fund. An-, intimate friend of Mrs." Lowell said today: -' "It Is true that Mra. Lowell U doing a good business .by tha sal of high class perfumery and other toilet articles, all of which . are imported and that the profits are, aent regularly to assist her sister." '..' .. ' . - ' ' ' Mrs. Lowell,' when satisfaction 1 ob tained In on place, get a certificate from tha society woman with whom ah deal a a recommendation to tha next ociaty woman upon whom ah calls, and these lnclud the top atrata In Washing! i i Ths recpmmendatorx.ll'' tars are always forthcoming and the' profits added to tb sacrlfleea Mra: Har riet Lowell ha made of her property righta In Waahlnarton which have been LofLariatrlaOtsslatanoe to th fund for ui ueiense ox ruan i-aiieraon. wnst ever has, been realised baa been for warded to New Torn lor xn defenss In this case. It has been ascertained bar that Mrs. J. Morgsn Smith; waa at one time clerk before ber marriage. In th treafci ury department.' and ber friends 4here are Willi og to assist In tha defeaee fund. realising tha good -oharaeter sustained by Julia Patterson Smith during her tenure of ofac m th department. Tb father of Nan Patterson la expeobad to arnv ner tomorrow morning. HONOR tlEUORV OF v LATE HEAD CONSUL i.i'l' '- Woodmen of Worid nd ,W9mn y of woodcraft to Hold Mem- - , ori&l Service. 1( '. ,J 'T.i L'..iii.'l2 SiI.ill) -AGAIiiST LOi icliES Government Secret Cervlci Men Raid " Concerns' Throuii ,; "ii out the Country, r . .... ',., .. - . .... - , , . l . . THUNJCS FULL OF TICKETS CIIZED AND CONFISCATED Uncle Sam Stands to Win Prizes , If He Draws the Lucky y-yy Number. al' ' -v-'-;- . . -.. . SBeial DUpatrh by laeaed Wire U Tea Jooraat) Houaton, Tex., April II Aa a result f smooth work on the part of secret service sgents, the stockholders of th Uttle - Mexican ' Lottery, company, a fraudulent concern having headquarter at Baa Antonio, waa arretted today at Denver with a trunk full of tickets. To day there have been arrests-at- Houston, Ban Antonio, New Orleans, Loa Angeles, Kansas City, Kvaaavllle. and probably other points,, taking In all whoa names could b found connected with the camel 'The poatofflc department today made n effort to break up ths operations of th big Mexican lottery In Now Orleans. Tha office of th company waa raided by ecret-aervloe men and police. Four mea who war working in th office were ar rested, and two other held aa wltneaeea. In addition tickets of th"value of 18. 004 for th May drawing were taken poa session of, and. $1,15 in cash was also taken. - . -.- .- - Tha local pollcahav allowed tha com paay to operate openly, and were sur prised when th government officials raided th place." The" ceptur of th Ucketa for th May drawing may cans th United Bute to win on of ths big goat prlssa, ss th lottery pople do not know th number of th ticket In poa sesslon of ths offloers, and th drawing will na to go just th sama ',' 1 7 ' AGENT ARRESTED XadlaaapoUs surveyor of aVottary Tlokess ; Taken Sat TsAeral Onstody. ' (Sperlal Dtapatob by Uasad Wire ta The Joaraai) Indianapolis, Ind., April 11. Lor C Hammer, a wrldely known purveyor of lottery tickets, wss arrested todsy by Deputy United States Marshal Boyd for selling ticket In a lottery. Hammer waa arrested under ths Interstate 'com merce law, applied to the selling In ons state of tickets tn a lottery in another. -He gave bond for 11.000 to appear for a neanng naior united State Commis- slonsr Ungar next Saturday. When ar reeled -Ttammer had on hi person mors than 1.000 lottery tickets. ( ; " v J) RAID CIGAR STORE. Xm Angeles Maa Arrested aafTan Thos- V; ' ' nal Tickets Oaptared. J (Spedal Dlapateh ay Laaaad Wire u Tae Jearaal) - Loa Angeles. Aoiil tl-Denutv i;nitri States Marshal Traegsr today raided the cigar store of .A. B. A J. Oreenwald. securing over 10.000 lottery tickets. A. R. Oreenwald. the senior memba at the firm, was not in tha store at theUime; but J. Oreenwald; was Uken into cus tody on a charge of violating th United But law prohibiting th handling f lottT. I was taken before Unlttd I Co -nlaaloner Van Dyk end re.- . d on 2,&0O bonds.' This Is the larf -t raid of this character ever mads in tisla rty. . . . ,'.;,.. y. . fai:da:::;3 is mfW by v;c::zri'S politics Method) of Vice-Pre'sidenVe Wife at Dauihters Congress May ' Endani r Huibarid's Future -, N..W- : 8peritl Dlanateb by Leased Wirt te Tae Jesraal) Waahlngton. April J 1. Women poli ticians in Washington aver that th method of Mrs Fairbanks, wife of the vie president, who is a candidal for th .presidential nomination In 110$, have materially weaaened his causa. ' It had been mapped out that If Mrsi Fairbanks la In control, shs will have established ' a ' social tieedquerter In Washington and . either herself. ( or through her candidate. Mrs. O. . M. Sternberg, manipulated the' social polltl. eal pull In Washington.- an. Important center for Vice .Preaident Fairbanks for ths 'prealdency. v -, '. V'V "., Ths undercurrent . story today t th D, A. R. congress is that Mrs. Fair bank! has been routed, sod that tha cen ter of politics o far a ths D. A.' R. la ' concerned, - will - 1a T-tn - Nw. Tork where Mra Donald McLean will control th salon, . .L .' '.. "'.' The, Foraker-Beverldga adherents for 1008 say that New York and Indiana and Maryland have been loat to Fair banks by j-eaaon of ' ths blundering of Mra FalrUanks St this D. A. R. con. gross. ' -v ' . '5 . ;. ' ... ..! ' Tbs Important -thing don at th con gress todsy waa tha adoption of a reso lution violently opposed tn Mormonlsm and favoring tha unaeating of Senator. Smooth ..'-' - ' - ?-,.";'..'--, Mrs. Donald McLean jgavs a brilliant reception tonight at th Neabltt house. The . congTaj, adJournd s tm ldn ijh t tonight ; . . t. ,. STILLMAN NOT BACKING 7 1 MRS. POTTER'S VENTURES Leasee (Copyright, Hearst Mew Service, kf ; y . ' Wire te The Jearaal), ' ,! London. April II. Mra. James Brown Potter's production of Du Barry" upon which she spent a large sum. has not been" a success, although it is the most gorgeous spectacle now on th London stag. Mrs. Potter ha been singularly unfortunat a an actress-manager In London and haa scored three failures at the Bavoy ' theatre In rapid succes sion. .;,.' . - ' '', ; , " -1 v - ' r Unless the public suddenly awakes to ths merits of "Du Barry" Mrs. Potter will Oustain a very large loss Ion. the production, Bhs is reported to be very depressed at her-expenatve failure to attract London to the Bavoy under her management. Her failure . may mean that shs will be compelled to accept a standing offer to appear in the vaude ville circuit of New Tork at a salary of If.OOO n wsskv ... - Mrs. Potter dde. not car for New Tork vaudeville. : despite th financial temptation. - Her appearance - there would probably not pleas hsr daughter, Mra. James' StUlmsn, wife of tha. ton of th Standard Oil banker; and apropos of this, Mrs. Potter hss caused th publication of a statement denying that bar unfortunat theatrical, ventures have been backed by th 8 Oilman mill Ions, . - Th little) tO-eent republic of Panama Is too small a place for our John Bar rett, anyway. , ' . t . a d. ae''liZna t If art optician isn't willing, to, rnaraptee 'his classes it . shows a lack of confidence in himself,' which should make people very skeptical about entrtistinn; their sight to him. rtOur glasses have become recognized as the absolute stand- ard of accuracy. . v . ' vf';"''Vi'7- ;-THICr iOUARANTEE ..i , - Goes With Every ' Correction-t's ' IroncladIt's a : ' Wonderful Protection to JEYE SUFFERERS. w:'-i' We guarantee the lenses sold h ere vyith in. ; . . . frames a. perfect fit for M m v v. . ." '" ' and warranted, good for ne year; J- V-" OREGON OPTICAL. CO., - ,i fll.. Ks. A . JDiag. t oriiana, -vjrv ; ...f.';,j,U.V. j-.The above" lenses "can be exchanged free of charge with- i in specified time. Broken lenses replaced, and frames Vept i in repair for one year without .extra cost. L t:; ' y NOTE See . IJtns-Grinding Machine ' in ' operation in ' OREGON OPTICAL CO. 173 FOURTH STREET Y, M C A. BUILDING ICE - - . - g - - ajar a a i I K , t "'- - (Exclusively "Pure Cream.) : ; . VANILLA, STRAWBERRY. LEMON ANY FLAVORS b.v--!.:t;V REQUIRED. ' . ; I ' " We art exclusive manacturefiTT'Our products have no ' equal on this market None hut the purest and best ingre dients are handled by us. aa a TRIAL ORDER . WILL FULLY- ATTEST. ; We make a specialty of supplying HoUls, ResUurants and Families. We deliver free in any part of the city in quantities from one quart up. Consumers will find the quality of our ICE CREAM exceptional and f- i i : our iPRICES MOST REASONABLE, v ; i iWE SOLICIT A TRIAL. V : 805-807 WASHINGTON STREET. Phone Main 223. y. V , (Bpartel Dwpstrii by IxMee Wwe s Tke leeraej) . Loe Jtngelea,. April U. Honor to ths memory of ths lata Hand Consul T. Falkenburg, tha "father of Woodcraft." wIU - be pald tomorrow afternoon by Woodmen of tb World and Woman 'of Woodcraft now in session In this city. at a memorial service at 1:10 o'clock In tha temple aoditorurm. under th direc tion . of Fremont - camp, Bnalnsss waa forgotten ; today end visiting delegate and many from Los Angeles enjoyed trip to. Catallna Island. , . V ' Spsaisl trains avsr-tha Belt -Late road and electa 1 ateaaeera carried the excur slonlsts, who - numbered 1,600. - There wss no program to be followed, and each Individually enjoyed the day heartily, Monday evening; among other entertsln- msnts, will be a reception to the hesd offloers of Fremont camp andclrcl at tb Ramona.' . ' i : r FAI.!ILY OBJECTS TO - , i GETTING CHEAF.WOOD Piling firewood against tho rest- m -A . M i, j . oinos ox Cm j. uarr, eve pnm imw last night got O. B. Robbtos Into trou ble. . Ha waa arrested and taken to the nolle station and locked up for the night. It Is supposed that hails 'de mented, and on Monday he will probably be given an examination a o-nl Ma lty. ' Bobbin live .at ' l$Sbrmaa treat, and so far as known this h' 11 rat offsnsa. . When told to desist in hla peculiar action, of -cording up wood In front of tha Carr residence hs entlnud te work with a greater vim than aver. It haa not been learned where b pro nursd tha fuel, which I said ta be suf ficient to last ths family for, a lunttt MysMat,..4T..JCi,..: . v.: RreeTrip s to Lewis Clark Ere e n.t. --' v V-'tf'-' V.. ' . r..V,., " " JVa.'1 .i::':.;.-A-aaesi rui rn nrtfi i rroii ;;a ms(& -uv-; READ CONDITIONS, SEND IN TOUR FAVORITE'S NAME, 4 AiMn nnr . n?ri , unDirr at riif!P ' .n - -. . 4-svs a- vaiira'V"a vr . w xss-efc .-. - wt iwmi i , I1 . Owing' to the wide1 general interest In the 1 Lewis and - Clark FakviTHE; JOURNAL win pay the expenses o! twenty trips to tha fair for the most popular persons outside of Multnomah county ? ' -y ', i 1 - THE JOURNAL will pay the entire expense, including railroad and sleeping car fare,' admission to.the exposition for , one week, hotel bills for one week and amusements, y :. ')'-') r;.v . : ,." . : -: ;r v-r . i ne .. i rips vv in lie liiviueu as : i 0110 vs ; -' To the most popular person in Coos or Curry county; one free tripj to the most popular person in Josephine or Jackson v; county, one free trip; to the most popular person in Douglas county, one free trip.; to the most popular person in Lane county, one free trip; to the most popular person in Benton or Lincoln county", one free trip; to the most popular person in Yamhill - or. Polk county, one free trip; to the most popular person in Washington or Tillamook county, one tree' trip; to the most . V popular person in Linn county, one free trip; to the most popular person in Marion county, one free trip; to the most popular person in Clackamas county, one free trip; to the most popular person in Columbia or Clatsop county, one free trip: to.the r most popular person in Waaco, Sherman ort Crook county, one free trip ( to the most -popular person ur Morrow, Gilliam or ( Wheeler. county, one free trip; to.the most popular person in Umatilla county, one free trip; to the. most, popular person in Union oi; Wallowa county, one free trip; to the most popular person in Baker county, one free trip; to the most popular person in Malheur, Harney or Grant county, one free trip; to the most popular person in Lake1 of Klamath county, one free trip; to ; the most popular. person in eastern Washington, one. free trip; to the most popular person in western Washington, one free trip. ' T7 -The basis on' which credit for votes will be given is, one vote for every 10 cents paid in advance for new or old subscrip tions to the Dailyt Daily and Sunday, Sunday or Semi-Weekly editions of .THE JOURNAL.! i ; : -! 4 " V ' f v1, The contest tns at once and closes at midnight on June 30. Pick out your favorite, fiH out coupon below and mail h at once to THE JOURNAL, Box 121, Portland, Oregon. Coupons will appear every day in THE JOURNAL during the contest 'V-'''.',Tb.e time is short, write for: sample -copies and get to:work at OMe.'- TErr' ' I' Snbscription Rates v. ' . - i.f : t- ' .:' nsraga w eajsuaxsm. ' .- '' Th Pally Journal, with Sunday, 1 year ........,,,,d......IT.IM - n irT'. ' ' - - . . v nn - The Daily eurnal, with Sunday, moo tbs 3.75 ' Tb Dally Journal. montba. ..; 3.60 '; v' Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday. S months'' 4- 1.95 t -. Th Dally Journal. 9 months, , b ,..s-'4-rt"V..'e a30 The Dally Journal, with.. 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