The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 23, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    e - ' 1 '. f -e.
. ' V
-The Toung Women's Christian UN
', cotton of Portland .la making prrp ra
ttan for tha comfort of many visitors
to- the Lewis and Clark exposition thla
summer. The building in process of
Motion immediately- northeast of the
liberal Arts wilt ba famish aU the eon
venleaoes of a ham for woman. A
iaro.dlnlnvrooaa. raat rooma. - lava
tories sod bath, hospital room, chlldren i
; nuraery. Information nuraaa ana caeca
room will be Included In thg oonvenr
emcee of farad. The Ida la to make the
building aa homalika aa possible, that
. it may emphaelse that for which too
association pre-eminent! stands heme
ecraorta for woman. Alt tho aaalaUnta
In tha building wul bo college (Iris
Cess er EASTER
Tpacial and Elaborate Program
Hava Caari Preparad In Many
: : ' of tha Churohaa. '
.:tar Have 1 Been V' Decorated
t . With nowera In Honoi'bf ;
tha RIaen Lord.
r A
t Eai
Eutr will ba obsarved in all tha
t Hurchea la Portland: iki many prapara
' ona hava twen madb for a notablo oelo-
ration. Special manic pro grama-' haTO
bean arranged aa- follows: . ... ' ' .
- '' OATKOUO. "
" Bt. llrr' Catbmlral EuMr IUM at M:M
tracr, . H . ArkbUop , AlaxaaOn
lr. ys ,ratL""Mut P rr. H. J.
! .wwltt; hen. Diniiuo ahd Fblaa f tha
a. o. tankr aaa ArtMrnr a Luniuwi (Km
of honor; Be. Carta Tbaaifiaoa, waiter , of
oremonl Tba ebolr, aader tba dlrertloa at
ria GlU, will raadar a buum ajr A. Monaatel,
wltk sols, aaartst sad ckanst anlsUta . will
be: Sooraaav, Miss Ksthfssa Lswlrc; oatmll.
Mrs. Wltr Re4: tenors, Jamta .J. Faa,
:harlea-IU'baas, fltepbsa Hlcke, 1. B. On
: (tttrliie Buua. vent ersator. Mrs. W. Seed:
at offartofX. Heeina OoeH. Xta KathJera Law.
ler; A. T. Baldwin will prealrte at tba argaa.
. Hot? Rasary Mnmlag: gerrl at , :80
and l' a. aa. . Ivto the 8 so awjswlbaas
tk vlrls' rixAr arlUslng, airaetod br Mbw
eilsabetk McMaaea. rr Eer. A. g. Lawler,
O. P.. IUt. J. D. 6'Brlea. O. P.. and Oes-
wa aa 1
, leaueiinalri at tba 10;W'
mtm Vary R.
1-atber lavbr. on- P.. will
tba text, rtrat COrtntblaaa.
nr:l. "If Christ Be Net Risen Aaa la Tbea
Vain U Onr rreeebtaa -'Bed VaU Alee Is
Ttnr relta." ' Paring tbe aaeae tba ataln
rholr wUl aln three Nasbera: "VUl Aqaaia"
(Oraawian): "Krrle EWIaea.' VOloria In Kx-r-kts
Dee-' aad "Credo la tlooai txwia"
Uiardn'a first aasaa In B flat); "Ritlaa
i Tieir' -"-afferterTi A. 'Warner "oenctla.,
aeaii asdlsaaa",.M "aawe Del1'. Tea -Webet'a
tnaea la G : erfma rarfaatnnaL Mis Mnra
. (isellaad. orraalat. . I. H. Cass; directs tbe
male ebotr. eemseaid of these aaetabrrs:
Flret and second tenors, I. P.. Wlldmaa D.
A. Marrbi. 1. BeU. J: U. atalley. t, H. Caes.
" 3. B- Doavaa and A. t. Braalt; first aad
seeoad baaans. K. J. AbHocfc, Rdward At
kinson. J. Hobm. A. Boben. A. Morris, H. R.
Manning, t. Wlanaraisa. Taomaa Nessoa, R.
- J. Boer and P. si. Coffaa. Evealag at f-JO
-Vlork. enigma eiapaia
, t. rranrts Unrein) t, g and l0:Sn.
'At tha a n 'elerk mass tba children will
. dng. gpertal araalt baa beea arranged tor
tbe Ufa anas.- Tba ebetr will ennstat of Mies
' sue. ;leaao. Mrs. Teresa Hartlr, Mrs. Mor.
" Va,v Mias gtrDa Mi las. Mm. T. J blrNaaoee.
Mlaa. Vaa Hsonilaaan. Mr. Stranb. Br and
; rl atraae. otto Kleeaaana la dbiartor. Tba
rllardea arrhastra will plar the areonnaal
'SBeat ander tba direct ton ef Otto Kle
auna, Mlaa Mae Cleaaoa bring nraanlat. The
an On eti a eenetata of tbe- lellewlna; members!
O. 9. Beadrrssa. Ray taecaoter. Creater Vaa
i Hotea and A. W. Laraen, rloUa! W. H. Be-
' aneata, rlarlnaet; A. P. Meyers, eornet; R. R.
' MeOarsn. trombone: H. . Klnsmaaa. gamns;
Rdwla Wsll. .'eelle; Hobert Pin, rinla. Tbe
, areola serrk-ra begla at T:SO and there will
ee a epertsl sermon. Tba reapers wdl ba anna
by tbe ssnrtnary rbntr. . , . ,
Ba,r.g Heart Morning: Tba flret mass will
. be ssM at e'eterk. at ' wblHI tbe enlMren'e
' ., ebolf will Sine. Mbw -C.. Toahey nrasMlM at
tk ergaa. goletta bbrb maaa begine at 10:0
a'rbiek, when Petefa maas la D will be Tea
' ded. gotai of tbe "Krrla EVleoo" will be
aa sana by Mrs. Vararatbi anlna at the "Olo
tia," Mia. ghrrely. Mtas U Bakn, A. Walbel, !
X. Haba nad M. Blaaebard; aolos ef tbe "Cre
do." b Mia. Tonker Mlaa U Haba.. Mm. T.
' iMy, N. Haba and A. Walhel; offertnrr. qnar
, . tet. "Raylna CorM." (Werner) t -Hanctoa."
rrttt: "Arosa Dei.' Mrs. Wararath, ..Miss
Haba and Mrs. Vmker.r RrentDi : ' Ves.
'"rs, Gresnrlaa rbaat, "Macalfb-et" (Mosart).
. There will be three aeiusiaa prearbed, two la
' EoaUaa. daring tba two masses, aad tba Oer.
, maa s"rmua after tbe lata mass. Very Bee.
' B. Darrer will sing' tba maea aad Breach tbe
Oerrana aiianiii. Miss O. Waansawrber, or
' aanut.- aad Brother Tkeodrle IU. direct the
r"WUIawreBreftnrrial TblrUetb abd gber
"ataa street. Elaborate nreparatloea baea been
' made fnr tba aelema eelabratkm of tbe feaat
' at tbe RKarrerttea. Maaees wtll be at T. g
- and 1040 o'clock. Tba mass at 10:W e'rlnrk
; will be antenna blth aad Rev. J. O. Hagbea
, petit bpeatb tbe arrmoa. Tba choir, ander tba
dlrertloa ef Mies Wattle Kellr, wtll reader
' la Hacaa's tVrnea Cbrisrl: msssi Kyrla. iLa
Hecbetj yftlorUl La -taebel Credo, , U
Hacbef wfertory, ( Werner (; gaartse,. Ii
-"-Ttacbelf- Benedlrros.-lLa Imcheflr Araoe TW.
;La Harbar. Tba folloertne ladleaaad gentbv
. rren make an the ebotr: If tea Lleele Harwaa.
Mlaa Mary Brennsa, Mlaa j aaa la MaDey, Miss
tllarr rtartntmereri Meaara. A. OlanellL 1,
Sanasm, Tbnmaa Kllleea, O. Plemlna. I). A.
r.aapae-.UUea-e)mk-WtlHni Lndefwobd. teeners and benediction, T:) p. at.
St.-Patrtrrs Ntneteenib and garter atresia
tyeetee will be oheerred with maeaea at g and
2!,: 'rrk by tbe pastor. Bee, R. P. Morpbr.
'Tee ctmtr. nndee the ttreetVm of Mrs. 1. k.
1- I J . I I." Ill II aa
.V'v. efafllWBaaVBaa1ge
are'thaaa Haas from i. H. Simmons, of
(.'aaey, la. Think what might hare rs
nultad from him terrible cough If. he bad
not taken the medicine about which ha
,'rlteet "1 bad a fearful oough, that
' letnrbed my night's rest- I tried av-
rrrtlilng, but nothing would relleva It,
ntll I took Tr. King's New Diacovary
r Conaumptlon, Coughs and -Colds,
Mch caunpletaiy cured ma" - laataatly
-iie-ewa and permanently Turaa all
roat and lung dleeaaes; prevsnta grip
i pneumonia. ' At Bed Craee Phar
.rr. math and Oak streets, on the way
i t a poetoKtoe; giiaraotsaa. s gad
' ...vjrtM us r roe.
N-il- .
Y. W. C. A, Building at
Owena, hare arranged the following program
for tba blab maas at 10:80 o'clock: Vide
eqaam (Radra)i Krrla Rlelaoa It Maraot J Gloria
la Kxeekb). Deo, Marao), Credo la tnadTDeam
(Marso); afnsrtiry, Keabga ooen, iLambiiiotte);
soprano aoln, Mrs. 1. B. Owena; Haacbaa,
(Uonnod); Benedlctns,-- Oonnod Agnna Del,
(Maraot: offertor. Ksalna Onell. (ImhlUotteti
Hecrsmeat will ba glrea Imamdlmtaly aft
W.' Mark's Corner of Nineteenth aad Qnlmbr
streets; Bee: J. E. glmpsoe, rector, g a. m.,
holy eommnalon; 11 a. m-, holy eommenloa
ana serawoi T:SO p. m., even lag prayer sod
seraiea.- iw- it e'clork serrlra will be as fol
lows) Processional, "Jesus Christ hi Risen To
day"! IntralC . "To Deum". (Von Bosblrkju.
Krrla I Kire U . fUerla TUI ft Garrett t: .brain.
"Aagsta, Roll tbe Bock Awar"t brmn. "Atl
tba Lamb's Hlyb Teaat"; offertory, solo (Oar
aler); Benedlctns (Moiler); . Alaas Del
(Adams): Ulorta la Kxcetala ' (old chant);
Kane Dlmlttts . Barry) recessional, fAU Hall
tba Power ef Jean's Name." Tbe Right Bee.
P. T. Rows. Bishop ef Alaska, will preach at
tbe ssornlne aeretes. '
Bt. Matbew's chapel Corner Pirat
and - Csrntbera . streeta. Hymn,. "Welcome,
Happy Morning UCaUlasll Krrle EUeeon (Kl
woed); (llorla TIM; . byrna, ."Jeeus Christ Is
Btaea TodaT" (Mnraaa) "Hoaanaa," solo
(Oraaler); King of Klaas.' offertory (Simper):
Porsoa Cords (Cam!de hymn, "Bread ot tbe
World (Hodeea); Ulorla la Exseailsi Nun
Dtmltrta (Laagdea)t byara, "He Is Bleea"
(Neander), -
Trinity chapel NlaateaaU 'and Concb
streeU; Dr. 'A. A. Morrison, rector. The fol
lowing araalcal programs' bare beea arraaeed
for Eaater day by Carl BentosU oraanlst aad
cbonraMstee: T a. mM JbolT , comnninton ; pra-
aerrlcs la P by Drkes; Agnus Dal and Bene.
4 let as (Tears); affertory sntbeau ''Beheld tba
Mesne Cbrtat Is Rtsea Today." 10 :M a. m.
morning prayer and holr communion; ciroces
akoaei. March We blarctl"! ''OhrUt kit
ItaaeorerVt (Uaekt; ilorleA lleMnaoa; . ffe
Deum In. C IJ. R. West); Bcnedlctu la O
(tiuiaar); mtrolt, "Wbeai Ctirlat. who Is -ear
life" (Bobartt): hrma. "All Hsll tha Power":
commanlon aerrlce In T (Dykes): Agnns Del
In a (Toars)f Renedlctas In R fist (Toare).
10:80. a. m affertory anthem, "Behold , the
aneel or tba Iord" (Tonrari recesalonsL "It
so carttt at Htaea Today." T:S0 p.
"Angel roll tba rock away': offertory, ;
bold the engel ef tba . Lord'' (Tours) : ret
atonal "The Strife la O'er." ,
St. Dald's Matins aad holy - comma nien at
11 a. m.: ocean nrehule. "Msrcba Rnmslns"
0onnodl procfsalaa. 5. hmaJ2)l,-J'Allelnia,
AUclola'' (ed W. GoodricbTTreapaaed TTll-
Its; Faster utbem. 'Christ our .I'sasorer"
(P. , Humfrey)? proper ' Psalms. A gT. Ill,
(cbsnts br Oaford and BattlsblU)! Te Dean la
P (Ketasehmsr): Jubilate is D (i. West!-; an
them, solo. "Hut Tboa didst not lee re" C'Mea
slab"!. (ITsnden: Istrott. hrma 111.1 "Jesoa
Christ Is Risen Today" (Worgan); Kyrla. Credo,
Means Slleaelle, g. Cecilia (Ooenod): byma
121. "Tba Strife M e'er" (Paleatrlnall ocean
offertory "0 l 111 at rUlaa'L (ColUn) ; garaurn
uroa, piain aongj oanc tea. nenedictna, Agnas
Del Gkrrla Is Eroclals.. Messs goleaells. B.
Cecilia (Ooanod); pest commanlon. "O lord
Sara the Bute'1 (Gounod); racessloaal hyma
lis, "At tba Lamb's Hlh Pesst" (Roeemal.
tar); ergaa eeetleoe "Worthy la tha Lamb"
(Handel). Erenaong. T:M p. m.. tbe Knlabta.
Templar (Oregoa Commaadsry No. 1) wtll at
tend. Oraaa prsMda, "Croaadcre' March"
(LUet): -procession, hyma Bl.. '-Onward Chris
ties Soldiers" ifmUiran)t responsse (Talus);
nroper Psslms, IIS, .114 and lis (cbaats by
Jones aad Hayes): , Msgnirirat la C Naae
Dlmlttla la C (H. Gadsby): anthem. "If we
bellera that Jesus died" (R. Bunnsttl: hyma
113. "Jeans Christ Is rises tods" IWorcsnlt
fcyieisi f 4tte"Kn!h tTwinpaasr urns offmur w.
Offertoira U G" (U Wely). Gloria la Ea
crisis. U
receestonsl hyma.
The Strife la e'er'1
(Paleetrlaa): .oraaa Boat lode. "BaUelniab
Cborna", (Handel). yreirlck, W, Geodrlch,
argsnlst snd choir director. - ' t , .
uooa mrpaero aeiiwoea street ana vaoeoo-
er areone. Proceealonsl hymn, lid, "Christ
ear Psasorer" (Preston)t Ta Doom (Tan Vos
kerck); Benedict us (A Idrioh) ; hyma 117; Kyrla
(Gilbert): Gloria Lint .(Gilbert): hymn il2;
anthem. "He Is Risen" ISImner); presentation.
inn; aoraam tnros iiineriis anacioe ' 4il-
I: hrma 22ft: Glorls In Eire lets (old
chant); Nnae IMmlttls ( Bonnet t) I hyma. reces
sions!, 4M; eeensong; pronaalonsl hymn. ;
Maanlflcat (Hlmper): Nana Dimlttie (Grec-
orlsn); hymn 122.- offertory, "He Is risen
IHlmner): ersssa ration. 18S: hrma 121: rrree.
slon.1 , hyma. Jig. Mlsa Jesale Lewis, sr-
gasii,.' . ..... . vv -
rst Morning: " Prrlnde. "Of fertore le AM
fBatlsts): Bsster ' anthem.-- "Tba - Rasmus
tloa and tbe Ufa" (Bhecklcy): Eaeter sa
tbem. "As Sleep Takes flight' (gballey);
Mwtmda, , "March'' (Hleft). - Erenlng: Prs
nde. "Marcbe Pontlncala" (Lemmeask:
Eaater anthem, "0 God of God, 6 Ugbt sf
Llcbt" tMarfarlane): ' anthem, with elnUn
oblleste, "My Faith Looks tip ta Thee"
(nchoaeker): anstlude. "Kcceaaiooal" (Land).
Tba eaartet,. .Mrs, Fletcber lnn, Mrs. Msl
m. Bhiiiora, unrea resaa sna uom 4 . zsa.
William Wallace Orabam. rlolla Cdaar K.
Vuu 1 me-n.
Piedmont Mornlrai: - 'Anthem. ."Hallelstak.
Be Is Hleen." br choir, aad aolo br Mlea
Bealab Caldwell Erenlng:. Aathem, ''Christ
Is Rises;" dset. "Blessed Eaatsr Day:" male
quartet. "Eaater Hymn;" aolo. "Why Seek
ta tba taring Among the Deadf anthem,
"fie Is Risen;" solo, "The Maa sf Galilee;'
Solo and quartet; "There la a. Green IHU Par
away,-- witn so to ny ansa Lilian r.isee.
ytrat Comberland-ODrner Twelfth and Raat
Te4or-areeta?-Bee. V- Netiow Allear- Moraine:
Voluntary, "Grand- t'boeor" (Grlaoo): cbnrna.
Grand- t'boeor'
Rertb! Prom
nnoot, o Kertbl mm Bllseea Waking'
(Hehrleefcer): duet, tenor and alto.
Come, Holy
la Dlea'i
Bpliit" (Jerdme)) anthem, "He
trrea acni
Bcbtlllnc) aoprsno solo, "The Be:
mg l"licTlcy)l poatlndeTTEsater b
Krentoa: Volnotary, "Medlt
i); antbrm, ''Now When Jesus Was
tea Suij-a
i Klein): antbrm, "Now When Jesna Was Rlaea
Urly'' trrank tfnas): nastlsda. : "jreatlral
gertics"' (Hhslley. - .
1'alrary Hped.l Eaater arrrlcaa wilt be held
Burning and erenlng. The choir will ha as
sisted by Mrs. Anna Selkirk Nertse. - Tba
orfssart, H, V, Mlllljraa baa retnraed from a
at aneatba- sroar is new- rock city. Tha
following In tbe musical program: Trelodc.
"Eaeter Morning" (Mailing): noartefr'nie Is
Risen" , (Cblreli . eontrslta sole. Mrs. Anna
Selkirk' Norton; quartet. 'A It Beaaa te
waa- Martin); soprsnq sovi. "Bueanna
tlnlea Graaleri; -erfertery: qnsrtet, ; "Tey
Hse .Takea Away My Lord'' ttttrsiaer); .poet'
hide, 'Allrlojah'.' Mldaeda Uwet). Erenlng:
Praia aerriee, tlf German ETsagcllcat churrb
anltlng. Prelude. "Finale Prom Third Roasts"
(llallmaat): quartet, "Arise Tblns for Tkf
Light as Come" (Reck): tenor erio, Dr,-Alna-lie;
gasrtet "Csrlat is Rlaea Pro re tbe Dead:,"
trio, ' PraleJ Ye" (rerdl)i sontrslte snto. Miss
Ceonnllyi hart rone solo, George It., Street;
Snetlsde. "Klurlte la CfMtnor" fRacb). .
I , "Y . t v; ..'. ' J
ij; 'e ! ".-
ids prayer: proosssKinsi, "TBS i'ay oi uesor.
rectloa' Glorlaa fKobtnsoa): Magnificat snd
Nana, Dtmlttls (Btalner); Introlt, . "Whoa
Cbrtat -who Is ear life" (Rohertsir hrnta.
taken from tho aaaoctatlona Of Oregon
colleges, Tha wsltresaes. pa. Ida tn at
tendance and - olarka will , all bo edu
cated and cultured glrla who will ba
pleasant to meet It la tha hopa of, tha
aaaoolatlon to giro some entortalnmant
In tha building ovary weebv of musical,
literary o social intereit, to promota
tho aoelal . f oellng among tha visitors.
Letters of Inquiry aro recelvs ororji
day from all ovar tha atatea about-tha
fair 'and what accommodations . will ba
Offered by tha aasoclstion.
. the. Erpogition Grpunds. ,
At ' 10:W a. m.t anthem.' "Ha -la Blsea"
1 Edwrn . Claret l tenor nolo. 'Hoeanns" ttirs-
nlrrr, K. Knudson. At T:M p. m.l Soprano
aolo. "Anynls Boll tha Bock Away" (Bawley),
Mlaa ' Htelle Llnehan) . satbem. ."They Hara
Takea Away My Lord"' (Stalner); contralto
aola, "Heeto-rectloa" (Bheller), Miss Lain Mil
ler; nanmlng, "Uusnrractlun; ' erenlng
MedlUtiOB.', - ' v.v
.': trjtTXODfn., ,
' Q'race Morning: Prelndtam, Easter Festal
(J. Batlate Calklas); hrma sad Apostles' Creed.
staadlnc; - prayer, eloelng with loco's
chanted br all; anthem, "fling With
Vrsyer, chanted
the goaa of Ulor
the goaa of UlorT," la R, (MetaslJ reepoaalra
readlna. Psalm Id. "0er1e Patrla:
ntw xeaia-
iaaeoa; effertary. "Hossnna." (Jaiea ra-j
nlark i hrma. Mlaa Mar Dearborns Bchwab:
sonnosv "rba Pint mita from Death." by Dr.
Wilson; hymn 8M; apoatolle beaadlcrloa snd
doiology; poatladlnm. Rrenlng: , 1:30; Pre
sidium, "Lees Martyrs," (Mayer beer); hyau
See. ."Beiolcs. tba Lord Is King:" prayer
them. "1 Am Ha That Mreta."
spoasirs reading. Psalm 21; offertory, "God
Hat Kent Ills Angels."-(Load); byma No. 42,
"O, Bow Happy Are They;" sermon, before gt.
Paal'a Bremer boad. "Why I Am S Methodist;"
rer: brma No.
T70, "i Mrs Tay Hingoom.
benedictloa sna aosoiogy:
sna aosoioey: Dostiuoinm.
Wsr Msrrb af tha Priests." lAthalls). I Men
delesohn). Grace cbarch quartet: gonrsno.. Mrs.
May Dearborns Schwab; alto, Mrs. May Powler;
irnar, nainr ,,. hh
ore an let and chorister,
baritone, a. m. nraenury
Wllilsm M.
n iioer.
Taylor gtrsat ... Mm ulna,
10: tO o'clock: "In-
eoretloo," (Msilly); auartet with rlolla ebll
gate, "O, Ugbt That Breaks from the Tomb,"
(Dressier); contralto solo, "Keeorreettoo,"
; caiidrea a cnotr ana gnartst. ' f eaa
Bartlett): "March Romstns." tXm-
renins; Malodr. (Daussolcae-Hehal);
quartet.. The Choir Ansellc." (Hanseom); so
prase solo, "I know That My Redeems Ur
eth." (Hsodel); eaartet, "Redamptioa Day."
(Hbachley: baaV aolo, "Bosaans,' (Graoler);
"Msrebs rtea Trrmhadonra." (Keobier). Tba
quartet: Mlaa Helea Usrstow. Mlaa 1
Mlaa Inuwene
noes rsrgo, sna too cnou otreean,
Vr. V.- At pummsag. , Mhm MelUa - Dtofchmoa,
orgsnlst, and Mum Cornells Barker, vlollnlate.
gunday school program: Boas, ICaa
tarn." nchool: sou ."Eaater Heralda
rsi-ltatlon, "Tbe galDdroo." Mildred ' Brtas:
song. ."Freia Calvary te Olivet." glrla) Raster
tokens, Esther Lsnalng. Harriet Leach and
Joele neither; song. "Eester Lilies," Wsslr,
RaharcsU: recite tloa. Oerroll Me keens, bj
vira . Tenrhyw aad Ksntursh Aleord; dnet,
Rnth Radar and BAtbertne Radsr; reel U tloa,
"How tbe Revival Came," Georgia Mewberg;
snag The Aacel Ward." school: recitation.
"Jeaaa H least tig Little Children." Rath. Tha rer;
song, "aeeter tinaatasss." . soya ana .
recitation, "Tba gtranger Gaeet," Marten Horn.
ble: duet. ."Marr." laara Hi hie bora t sad Hl-
"Mary," Laura Habtaborst sad El -
ala Clalrr.
lira re ooodalL
" aia rsrreii ana imuy , mc-
Csllr: closlaa sons. 'Victorr." school.
Somtyslde At 10 JO s. m.: Organ volants 17
(Vslentl: antbem, "Vatbor la Heavsa, la
whom Got Hnnea Ooaflrte ' (Edward Broome 1
anthem, (Triumphant fttrslns Arise" (Chip-
man I : --Olorla:" solo. "1 Hesrd the Voice of
"Gloria;" solo, "1 Heard the Voice of
lay" (Ratbburn); poet lade. PrioataJ
. from "AthelU' (Meadebmohh).. . , -T1
Jceus Ba
rirst Moralaa: Irelode.-"Orin
D" Uellmant)i smartet, "Aa Ik Regsa to
Dawa" (Martin): soprano aohx " Know Tkat
My Redeemer Llveth" (Handel): trio, "garret
Is tbe Work" JWtegsad) pestiads. "Oorons
tloa March" (Kreetscbmsr). Evealagt Prs
hide, "Allegretto" ( WoUteabolme) ; eborue,
"Hosaansh" (Oraaler): contralto sola, "God
Shall Wipe Awsy All Tsars" (8ulllvaa)t aoar-
tet, "VK-tory-- tnaeiiey); pastmda, -'Hosaaaaa"
(Wschs)f W, H. Borer, mnsleal dlreeter. and
Alias jeoaern rieaer, oraanisc ,
Hasssht Street Bast seventh etreet. Varth,
and Hsesele (Irvnurtoa and Union a re tree Csrs):
Rev.- O. .B. Oisss. pastor. -10:M a. a.. Eaatar
service with special mania aad rereDtion sf
meuibeis; antbemw1th tenor aolo end violin
obligate; aathem With soprano solo; barltons
solo; JGaster Bymas OJ . rhelf ana eensregS'
tloa: oraaa voluntarlea. Tbe ebotr: - Mrs. P.
R. Cook, organist; Miss Corneta Barker, violin
ist; soprano. Mrs. V. g. Meyers. Mlae Lottie
Hampton, miss HardM eoatralto, Mlaa omra.
Miss Ethel MrKeecber; tenor, C. M. Godfrey:
Irsrltoee and director, C T. Tinker,
Bunnyside Corner of Eaat Taylor and Rast
TBirty-roarta atreets; Kev. j, 1. BtaaO, pea
HDseisl Kaater ssi'iluea both moraine and ea
Ing. Admlsaloe ef evsr 00 new members at tbe
morning service. : Tba chnreh will be besa
tlfully decorated with caUa lilies aad potted
Slants. Progrsm for morning service: Doxol
oay aad mvoeatlsaj hrma. "la the Oroas af
Christ I Glory." con relation scripture reading
end Bra rer: Brmn. '-He Waa aVmnd Worth w"
ceaaregatioa; effsrtory; anthem. 'Nailed to the
Cm.. ' .lw.l, I.MIMH m -hIMM..
new sBsmoers; aomissioa or ever aa new mem
beers; eslebratloe ef Lord's - go oner 1 hrma
Thsre Is e Poantala." congreaa tloa , hened le-
noa, r-roarsm roe evaams servsra: i ura
"Honabloe la (he Hoal," eencrsgstion; aatbei
"Hall, Jorena r.aalar," choir; solo. "The
Palms, " T. Prlvstt; ' scripture reeding; an.
thrav "He Is Rises," ehslr; aolo. Cslvsry."
Mrs. H. Stone; prsyer; glory nseg. congre
gattoa; satbem, 'The Lard la My Shepherd."
ebolr; "That Besotlfol city of Child, mala
qnsrtet; ermew, -The Joy of the Ream,,,, Una,"
brmn. 'Rrlghtea the Way With
a Smile,'
esngregaueat baasaictloa. , y
'J,.'. ;
I ..V ,. . ... . . OBRtSTLAV,
eflSB WUl,,,
1 fcashsa JBnjig. at
TRe Firs Christian charcbt corner Park and
e'ol am bia
rests. Da a prepared the following
ss prepared the followlni
Eaater prosrsm:
rreiude, . "Gloria," Twslfth
Mass, ' (Momrt)
Moral ne Aathem. "Me
HlaesT (Clsrs): solve br J. N. Smith and J.
McKlanoni anthem. "They Have Takea Away
My Lord (Btalner),' sole by Miss Llnehan:
quartet, "Hosanaa" (Jales Oroaler), vkilln ob-
ncsia ay ate, uenrsw waestt oraaa poatlsde,
- r'recees tonal" (Ashtonr. . ISvsnlna- i'rrtade,
cornet solo with srebeetra and orean irne.
penlment; anthem'. "CtarlsT'ts lllecn"iMaiiS-1
serf, eon or ansa niangntert onsrtet, "Tbe
Magdalen;" offertor 7, violin solo, "Sweet
Spirit Hear My rTaree" (Wallace Hone). Miss
rns'l'hr anlbi rnJ-thrlat Is bleen seam lha '
ieso,r-iignm s I DOnia (Wsgner),. solos tr
Mlaa Wight and J. H. Johnsoai organ post hide.
nsiwir . jts oreDSSirs or I wlaillne we
S V Jz. ' "'"' M each service.
' t'i ' t,, RAPTIgT, . '.- I r '''
rtrat Mnrnbig: Irrees prslnde, ' "Gloria."
"Twelfth Mass" (Mossrtl: snfhem , "u.n
Stood W'ltkla tha Sernilrber' ( Parker)) ne
tr. Its solo. "Psce tn rsct," Miss Rtbe) Rbea;
poatlsde. "Baatcr March ". (aterael) Eeealngi
iH-aan prelnile. "tilfcrtorr. Oa. SS. No. f"
(Estlste); cborna.' "lbs Uesrens Are Telilag."
fronj freatton" ' rHadrai; rboras, "Cbriat Tbe
Ia-d Is Rlvs Todss" I Porter I : neeth.. M ,
denUno'' (Lysbergi, the rhetri Mies Ethel t.r-
tle, sapnao: Mms Ethel Bksa. eontrslta: W II
II s n i. Rclcber,, tenor snd director; H. R.
Martin, bartiune. Mies' Grace Kemp, orranlnt.
ee-eed gsst -Aakeirrv sad Seventh atreeta.
Rev. Staatne rt lenha m Beata. ui.
tTtT!.,"' ,n !m. V." vrnve on "The Ethlce
of ths Resarreetlen;" errnteg servlcen at T:
with sermon ea "The Raearreettna That Is tn
isnstr- tihte ecsoot at noon; Toong reonle s
;tna at M a. m. The erdlnaa.- of sp-
""T JX. nomiiHeioj ea H IM SVealOg
. ,..4 . 4- ' ; ', , ' f i ,
i .Vi . ... F.- - V-. . j ''-V' , ' -
Exercises That Will . Inform tha
'; World Juna Flrat Exposition
It Is Expected That Fifty Thou
sand People Will Witness v .
Ceremonies.', '
- The program for tho opening senrloss
of tho Lewis and ' Clark exposition at
noon on June l'ls practically completed.
- Inneo band will supply jnualo ns
tional airs. , 1 .. ' j
;. Bishop David H. Moore of the Math-
odlat Episcopal church will deliver tha
1 ' Governor George, SL' Chamberlain will
deliver an address." of welcome' ott be
half of Oregon. ' ' v'-; l
Mayor Osorga H. Will lama will make
tho address of welcome for the city of
Portland.- t e.T----(
-- Fresiderlt Ooode will - speak on behalf
of . the Lewla and Clark exposition.
Congressman James A. Tawney, chair
man of. the .house of rgpresentativog'
delegation, will respond on behalf of
congress. -
Archbishop A. Christie of tho Romas
Catholic church will pronounce the ben
edictloa. - , i -i .....!-.. . ";! v..
1 it is yet to bo decided who, if any one.
wwJ'"'-v".iiu .a- roe the United States senate.
. k ,h. reaemae-TcsmaeV
speech will embrace ootn nouses, oi the
national lesrislature. , : '
It ta expected that fully 66.099 people
will attend the opening. : This at once
precludes the poaalbillty of the . cere
monies taking place In the Auditorium.
A platform will be located between the
sunken wardens
Colin H. Mclsaao of the excursion
bureau of the Lewis and Clark fair, es
timates that there will be a total of i,-
11,10 admlasMma to tho fair. He has
prepared a tabulated . statement, show
ing ths number who will likely visit the
fair from ths northwest, from the oast.
and from Portland and guburbs.
Hs estimates ths population . within
10 miles ot Portland to be 400,000 and
within 1,000 miles of ths city to be .
000,000. . Jn preparing -the eatlmatg h
has calculated that each person who
comes to Portland will pay three admis
sions to ths fair. In that way ha has
made tbe following estimates of ths
attendance from the western gtatesr
Oregon ....'. ... 40,000
Washington .M...e.. ........ 487,100
Idaho ...h.m noi.netM.ia 40,000
Montana 41,350
California MeiMm.i 106,000
Utah ....... e..e.. lt.000
Wyoming; ...... ........e .000
Nevada - . .' 4 . a a r e l.00
British Columbia ...... ' 1.000
-. Eaatem travel, estimated-on a' basis
of S00 arrivals a day for 1ST days, will
bring 41,100 persona who will make
121.100 -visits to the fair. 'Portland and
suburbs, estimated on a basis ef ISO,
000. population, each resident visiting
the fair three times, will goalee a total
of 4(0,000 admissions. .- :. . .
Tlis daily sxcurslons ' Into Portland
will Increase the number ot visitors at
ths rate of 1,000 a day,' Sundays ex
cluded, which for 117 days, wlU make
SS1.000 admissions. . He estimates that
there will be an average daily attend
ancs ofl,00p. .
vicev'asd riant haad ol feliowshis slvea ta
sew BMmbers at both araralng aad evening see.
Tlcee. J. '. llsmford, orgsulst and dlreeter,
baa arrsjiged the fol lowing: Morning Volun
tary, Prelnde end Fane la B fist. (Bach);
sem, "My Irlvln Reoeeajer" (Gounod). Miss
Bertha Boval: of rertorr. "I lontemptstlon,"
tip. S, Mo. I (Tbarer)) sole, "Easter Dsy"
fllorsDl. Mrs. Kdwla A. Bairlfnrd: sostludn.
March- Aor- r hmhawr' -n Mfg rr -Ursntng
vomntsry, - Largo tttsnaei); aatnem, - He
Leaaeth Me" (Pslmer); effsrtory, "Offsrtotrs."
On tt htn S lUelfaiteif eeLe. "E.atM IW
StloaasdC Mr. H a. Aasma; posiluiia. , "Boa.
tie'' (Block, t
osntisl wsnnmea , er in werba tmliainar.
Rsat Hlitb and Beat Alder atreeta. Mnralaa
Anthem. "Aa Baetar AUeaea" .. 1 Ashfurd).
ebolr; soki, "Kins of Kings," Mrs, C W. HI-
an. nvening An mem. -uit loar voices--(Kesris),
choir: barltone-sala, "CbrlM (a Rtsea"
ilbech), Leell Wareckkal. rVnfeensr W. T.
Wrrsrbkul. director: Mlaa Bath 8 boar an. erase-
at. ,....,. . -
1 -' I'' ;TrStTAaiAir..-.
flrat Morning: - Velnnterr. "Offerloire la
D Minor" (Batlate); . anthems, Biak lllnj"
(nsnaeom). "J'cer . Ye Hot,'. Ob 'Israel"
(Mnlcker). aad "Mr 'faith LonU Vo to Thee"
iScbneckerli barltoae snio, '-nod Shall wipe
,wsy . All Tears" (Solllvan); reeesaloBal,
"And tba Glory of the Lsrd'' (Plaadel). J.
Adrlsa Spring will he the baritone soloist la
rises of P. I. I'scksrd, who' M tndlasostd.
The . muste will be ander tke dtreetlae af
Mrs. Freak J. Rahtyr. , , . ,
Elgin farmers have organised 4 farm-
era' Exchange sV Forwarding company,
and will bnlld a lajgs warshcniga, - :
1 O. RALSTON. President
C v Phono , Mala 4H. ? ,
Oregon Daily Jovirrial :ilj;:;.:;.;.L:-
.::;vr.''. Portland,' J Orcson ;, :
e.Ma .Men a t-ys-w-i-:i -"'-...', ; : , ' i ' ! : ',:'hv;!;'f "
v -r; vi. i- received
'V..we oonaiderv.
advert is ins
April; JSOth;.'
- :';KtM s&X r?
J' -"S''- vV ': bee 1 tvA ' '
; Oregon Savinga VBanii'
; . Portland g Or.
Centle'meri : JvV ; -
You will find
Thirty-Onef Hundred1
Dollars and 37-100 a
''. v'.-1 want to : been
I ontheVsngs f piant:according "5.;
V v wixw Bey . ,
Yours respeotf ully
'-. r r
The Michigan society of Oregon hats
added nearly' 40 people to Its member
ship In the past month. Meetings are
held on the first and -third Tuesday
evenings of each month. ''; Much latsr
ost Is shown in the May party on tha
evening of May . at which time a
Queen will be crowned to preside jnvmr
the festivities. . Voting for' the most
popular lady of" the society la now In
progress and ballot boxes are at Draa
eer'a etore. Seventh - and Washington
streets; Arthur langguth'g off lee, 40
McKay building: Conry s Tea store,
114 Fourth . street; Lewis" store. 70
Washington street, and at tho Michigan
Tea stora, on Orand avenue - The Mich
igan society is-enthustsstto In Its sup
port of the general headquarters of th-J
h ""1 1n Jrft'"K"'' com
merce ' and' ia sending Wormatlofftn
reference to the work of the society and
the purpose of tho general headquarters
to at least one newspaper In every coun
ty In Michigan. .v. . ..-.;;.; -, ,
JVHenneeay Murphy, president of the
Portland branch of the United Irish
leag-oa, hag received acknowledgment
from the national treagurer , of the
league, T. B. Fltspatrlok. of the re
ceipt of ttOO, the contribution of Port
land's branch to ths United Irish league
fund. -'.. '. '.. -a--e '-' L
' "The manner of securing this fund is
unique In attractiveness, snd Us object
appeals keenly to the sentiment of tbe
Celt." said Dr. W. F. Gallagher. lt waa
raised by votes for avblack. thorn stick
cut on the soil of old Erin, by her filial
children mora than" 1,000 miles farther
m 1 teW : x
: 2E j$yMl 'Vf
t J.'j " A J .,.,m,l,,.,2rarO TMXa-JWTmtOt OMJ.X. xr-p"-.-):J,i e-
' !'.; -w -.' :;i l :r; S "(rrwiMfi lUb, per lotd, I1,T. v!;.;.i !-'..
' aa. ' X "J-''; "?. f',:: ' ; r short stab, per load.. ...... .1 12.60 v :L. ;L- ?v S V-'V
" 97t 9V - l ' 99t 4 - ' : 1. , ' Oreen inside, per load.. ... ...1 18.25 ''.. vr'V," S .
' m(v btfi . I.C-i ' V ft'. r?'- ' 4-foot dry wood, per cor. I 'a.'..,' U
i : 1 ( v Blresk wood, per load. .......... .$3.00 V"'
. .rLlyi. .-' ss. 1 si. ' iT ' I'm' j uii-vU :,. mnwut wnatmk Kegg, wnissgvts -- rrV-.-.- -,- .!rf;
L-, A'.-ihi 7 q " "fC ' ',. ' '. SetgMg aaA RCenat Tasos. . v ; -,, , ; 1 1 .
,.i" V) , J") "t7t ' - ' -'' s '''" .' ' Cbesg 4-foot areas slabwood by Btesgasmt.e--,- .
r) J '" . - .'., ' '- s ' -' 1 Prlesa harbmsd ta dtatrlete are - - 0 ' ' '
--- - rje-ed - - ; ,. , . ' . "t ; , ; ' J ', - far sggrt gvaaa weos.- per Mad.': "teeTe- ,"Trr
tFri '- -ryS-xS'Mr; xx-xxilyf
' - mav. I M75 ' VCX V'V'f''?'.''-''-.'''' v' i.rr'v:-:..v.4T.v;.-e! .;, ;.e
' nn'a I ' 2.0C y:17rtwr':''';-::'::'Aa;wc
I I ! aVtlJ I i II , -.."''X A Orson abort, per load.l...M....f 1.78 ' - ' aVrOaat aad W0
I I "1 f '1 I . . X. v tlrv ahrart. tea Load .....ra.ra - .-'-anaMrttg SegMs. , -e s-,-
I I XXt, J" J ' I- I 7 X. - vT: Vrr 4., ord.. J.5.J ' .-ma
l; 1. 1 1 ' ' 1 ' . 1 ' 1 -H v '
.CeaSTeAkSrff sIl0COO00
: 'M ;-; ''Vv'-;, r.'i r
the cinalbsed letterwith the f attached -
The journal one or our
' Verv truly
.ften- ' !l .'.V,(.v. - i:.--
: T'u yi
panic g f orr
yorty - Seven
' ; r ''
an account 'M.r:?
a -; . . ' t ,: , for
. .,( ss
- crest
the watgr
Sway from her than she la from tho cen
ter of gravity and is to ba applied to
the" amelioration of. her unhappy- chil
dren at 1 home.
"The aum of 149 has been sent from
Portland In tho past six, months in Bid
of tho Irish Parliamentary fundi '
"Committeea have beea appointed by
the league to entertain vhaittng -Jrlsh-men
and aoolaHed daring the Ieswhs and
Clark exposltUm... . - - , .'. - . ... , '.
1 "The United Irlah league g gpurrcd
to Activity by the belief that, quoting
the - Immortal ' O'Connell, "the politic
shifts and amiable persuasion of Pre
mier Balfour will- not long prevail. His
untenable position must directly force
him before the bar of tha electorate. la
tho - opinion of prominent Irishmen
everywhere it matters little which party
la successful, the probable olossnsss of
the -result and the Inevitable changes
in tho personnel of the houae must ac
crue to tho benefit of Ireland's cause,
- Commencing , Sunday, April II,' and
each gucoeeding- Sunday-untll the end- of
May. the A. dt C R. R. will sell special
round trip excursion tickets front Port
land to Seaeldo and return for 1.0.'
fsB-o!pa Jnday .eno
ing Sunday evening.'.
Train lea vaa the Union depot-at' I
a. are, returning leaves Seaside at t
p. nt.- TlckeU on sale at 141 Alder street
and tho Union depot.,: . , , ,
' r. 1 i I I 11 V XCi 1
Ttnuri tom aaSsfsTjr. -
- The chaplain of the Seamen's Insti
tute, 10 North Front street, will be
grateful for a regular' supply of Oar
man, French . and Scandinavian, news
papers and periodicals, both for use In
the mission and for - outward - bound
veesets. Anyone able and willing to
heln in this matter is ssked to kindly
comrauntcatg with him. Phono No. Main
' Oreon abort, per load. l....a.aa.f 1.78
Ory ghort, per. load..
Dry 4-foot wood, per cord. ......( J.i.J '.
Bloeka. per load,..........r.!,..f,3.CO
Phoni t.tzln C3
BeoTa csaiura or
your a
A' -.,;;
: W. COOto 4Z0rRIS, : Cashier,
1 e''I'.r:
IT! Ill
e Itsip g'somn tftt rati tm
.ggjtyi amgvemVooiapetahos,
A Vf dn 'dollars I UM I sAlds eveyy e
wrS'gcam'amOttflt to, htwdreds.; , Al ssv.
- it cAnMlutsa : tB
riw ' '
the -
Thi "'
but t
of olii agrs Rnd ta tfgn!f.reiabig'pr.
teotleig gggtnaT gvergtty: trg'pgjr' fonr
'.',. e ? c , ... ,c ,, .
pef- eest 'esdeeltAloampoiinded geVrf-
: rz v ,. r i . - . .
, '
r-r ;7,.: :v;
Cregca Savins Knk
to or ,
nest;' '.
pat '
flMaeomMR ... -
araden Jjetwaee' Portland and
T. v ,"sfwatsr .basin. and tha Uolo ee- v
Extracted and filled abaolntalv without
pain by our late -sctentlflo method, pat-
nuej ana usea sty us auy. - rue waaro-
iTfJTTS. PSOPljef and thoae -who .'
dread having their teeth extracted' are .
Invited to aall at our office, where" we -will
demonstrate to their entire satis- ;
faction our claim for palnlaas. extract- .
s , . .. .' : y.r - ' - :-' 1..'. -.""-
V '-'- - :' sbbsj " "-.'. .''f i
STX.VER IItXJNC3S.............60e ,;
OO LD and f J..OO
AND 110 aOVD '".'"" T--T- i-a-a
TEETH a. $5.00
Boston Painless Dentists
" fm.jlT,TiTaoBT rrT' -;7:'
Opp. nhf FvasUi aad Old Peetomae.
Hours :I0 a. m. to p. an. Sunda-,
1:1 a. a. to 1: p. m. , . u,
To be sure you are tn tha right pisco '
come in and get bottle of Dr. X. L
O raves' tooth powder, frsea ,( i, , : '
IT ST. First S
Awnings for
stores . sra a1
Tents .- and. -.-camping
fits. Oat our "
prices. '
, Phase Mala ,
err Tans map etra
,S A3n SATS XT' . ,..'
-. J
t- - : '. -
. :-, v. . v . ... t,' '