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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1905)
v ' r-y . - - 7, t J I ( or. t: rs a: Oln-abta . . Ldrrac .-at V "lb. Sweetest Girl la 1 ...... - -r . baker i..V y.-r'- To nlu funds forScajidlnnvlan day, ! . July it, at tke i-ewia and Clark fair, an entertainment-wiU -be . given in Arlon 1 ball on the evening of May 1. The en' rtaineaentrwtU -be- t -ChaTSe- Of .Scandinavian day fair committee. The ' following program has, beea. pi-epared i ' , for . tha oecaalon: Overture, archeatra Introductory remarks. Consul E. M. Ce darbergb; moot, ""skonn aiaj. dwniib " ' Hinging Club Columbian address. Conaul .' IfVW.-Elsen; plsnovsolo. "Alpengock. Chen," Mrs. O. A. Jensen; soprano soio, ' selected. Miss Lillian Mar carat Kieen addreae. Bar. J. W. Nervlg; . baritone solo. "Over tha Ocean Blue." Mr. W. . Hanson; address. Bar. a. Grill:' vocal ut, "Ilarpor-pelet pa Schylla." Messrs. i Borqulst and Ingleatad; viojin soio, ee- 1 acted. Mlaa Elala Larson: address, nay, T C.JL Ran bard; song; Sunrtae Bwedtsh . Singing Club Columbia; vocal duct. ; --Whan I Am Away From Tou, Dear, Mlaa Lillian Margaret Elaan and Thomaa If j W. Ray; tenor solo "Good-Night,- Be it -Gloved.. Good-Nia-ht." Thomas W. Ray t - recitation. seloctedr Judge Waldemaf I - Baton; "BJorkane Viae," arrangement bjr - Edward Boyse, Ivar Akeratrom and Mra. Bessie Appelgren. - y.-.;vv'i :' . i . While searching a wrltlns-deek whera .ha bad been aocuatomed to storing xeep- - aakea In hla vounrer days. J. Alton Har ' .rlaoa. agent for the .Lewis River and - Vancouver Tranaportatlon - ompanla. . draw fartb a irallow nlaoa of Dkoar con tain In f a crtnud llat of tba roembara of tha fourtn aaaaloa of tba-California. i ' .auta lcdalatiira. Above tba namea of I ' tba meinbara appeared tha explanatory ! , Una; "Convened at yaiiajo. January. , , Ktl, and adjourned to Benicia, rtora inr I. 1M." Amona tba namea wai that of bla father, W. Karri eon. who 'croeaed tha plalna from Mlaaiaatppt In .ltit gyldewUr the membera-had to alva the date of their arrival. in Call " fornla, from what auta they hailed, aa i -wall aa much other Information, aa all 'of thia data la appended. There waa " only one Republican among the It mem - bora,' and be . waa denominated n a -"California - Republican." The , otbera were cleaeed aa Whlca and Democrata - - . 1 -' aajwaaawaaMeaw . - ' . j gan Pranclaoo wiU aend a blcycU ex ' 'curalori to the Lewta and Clark fair. The -yi part r will be made up of N. a Farley. R. 'K OelaUlch, Lo Hampton and poaalbly . , a-number of otbera. Promptly at lt:t o'clock on thA afternoon of June ! the , btcycllata win leave tne bit tr wr ' ' the- north, and expect to reach Portland a da ye later.. For the greater part of l the distance' thay will follow the route - tha Southern Paclfle railroad. Mr. - ft Irtey la Is the euetoma eerrloe at San Franclaeo. and ent aa outline of the : trail the party will take to A. I Pike, - deputy collector of euatoma at thia port. . On tha map tha d lata nee to be covered la marked down at 77S milea, v There will be a Shakeapearean cele- ,r brat loo .tomorrow night anntvereary of i bnakeapeare a Birtnaay; ai ociock tn , the Knlghta of Pytblaa hall, under the . auaplcea of the people a forum. Tne -,., addreaa of the evening will be delivered . by Dr. C. H. Chapman, former president of th .University of Oregon." Shaken- v . Vpeereen aonga will be aung- r. , Mra, .Roaa Blocb-Bauer. and readings xrom ptha. afA,wUl be given. jf,. BtevenaJ " Mr.And" Mrah. JoaepnBuehtel yeater . day -reeelved eongratalatlona oh Uvelr M golden wedding annlveraary at their . - home en Forty-third street and Haw thortie avenue. Mr. Bochtel haa been ' promlhenUy identified with mnnicipal aKalra for many yeara, having. been at f F. ' Anderao who has Jttet ' l ' turned from China la here "on bla' way ".' 'to attend tba general conference ' of Seventh Day Adventlata at Washington, ; T. C. . He win ' apeak thia evening at T-aa riilo;a.t;:Jheeenth-Pey , vtntlat church, aat BUteenth and Ev ,.r erett .trta O. . W. P. trolley ' trip today. to Katacada,' -tha moat attractive outing reoort In "the vicinity of Portland. The hotel la. provided with the beat of ser vice for the aopommodatloa " of Ita gueeli Yake"- rtd tnto' the "countrH .aaa.a ainnar at am nnci anaaoa. Sunday trolley tripe on tha O. W. " To MU Scott and Bast Side reservoir cars every It mlnutea. fare t' cents. To ' Ore go City and Canemah park, every i mlnutea.. Round trip it centa.- Sa ,.Uc'ada T:0. t:il. U:J0, 1:10, :; 75 cents round trip. -. y, -s -t-f-t i, I. too Immigrants Wanted To locate -- along the Oregon Water rower at Rail way company a line between Portland , t- and Katacada For Information Inquire of the Oregon Water Power Townalte company, 114 First street. Phono, Mala . Easter at the White Temple. " Special ' music. . Floral decorations. Thlrty-flva to be baptised. . Morning subject, "Shall We Know Each Other at the Reaurree ' ' tlonT' Night. Dr. Broogher speaks by . - request on -"If I Were Elected Mayor. ' . Beware of ' adulterated cream r Cut - cans and look , for . gritty , aedlruent Jn bottom of ; cans. , One thousand doiiare vreerara- tor.v prow otf any ' adulteration In either Oregon Grape or , Pactfio brands, of evaporated cream. Katacada ' Offers Opportunities te ' manufacturers which" means vjhllliona of dollars If properly handled. For In formation Inquire of the Oregon Water -Pswer:r Townalte company.? 114 First street. Phone, Main', Hi., j-.i 1 Beat dollar spectlcles on earth, cor- - rectly fitted by our expert optician. Ev. err pair' guaranteed. Examination ' free far- one week -only. "Ill lxtn treat. . ' Metiger dc Oo, Jewelers and optlclana. , i For Bale Hotel dining room con- ; cession near fair grounda. 41T Cotnmer- clal block. ., ' ' - x' . ! i The of f Icere and membera ' of the Jst battery of Tleldjarller ttr. Safe Investment The ; newest - pattarna la' Mea'aAo4 Tout ha- Suite " from fw.OO - wp- -to - f 1 a.OO, prices marked la plain fig ures. :- : -Y" '' A variety of Tan Shoes and1 Oxfords for Indies, Men. Mlaaea a4 Boys from 91.25 up to f3.0., . - ,; . . . , Very seat patterns of Men's Panta and tha latest styles of Hats; prices from : 91. SO and upwards. s .- - Men's Oolf Shirts, the latest paUerns, , S and upwards. i s .)m -j -j .X We guarantee value for very cent yeu tnveal with us. , .,, i , t- i . V ' ' I. 1 I It . i t..a t t i t U I- f. -1-treret's i.toea u."ce. ' IbM patron i 2 uL LTra. Lm M. x. . 1 ti U. 1 w,i and, Mra. . . & I. rr slL ' The committee la c . - 1 of I -atenait Frank Ran t .1. - s ejt George K. Hall, Corporal IUT. 1 J, Corporal E. O. Bender and ' raU!T .from a "Third street oar, be tween i varett and Flanders streets, last nht, Peter Nauberk, a German, aged t years, sustained a ragged cut on tha forehead and several severe bruises on tae, body and K was found in a seml-conacioua condition by Patrol man KJley and taken te police head charters ' in the patrol wagon. - There tne old manfe Injuries were d raised by the street railway company's physician and he was taken la the patrol wagon to the workman noma, at. secona ana Davis atreets.- How . he earns to fall from the. car, the' old man .wag unable to explain. ' . ... " Florien Salvan was - arrested ' on charge of threaU to kill laat night by Patrolman West and booked at. the. city prison. A warrant was Issued from tba police . court yesterday afternoon on complaint filed by Christina SaJvan, hla wife. The principals to the trouble live ar.MTft Fifth streetv -s .Kv v May WhlU waa arrested last sign and booked at r the eity prison on charge of larceny from the person. .She Is accused by Carl Oustafson of staaling lit from hla pocket In a room In the rear "of a saloon at Second ana Couch streets.; .... -.. .. :,V:--',, - Steamer 'South ' Bay sails .Tuesday evening for San Francisco. Cabin, 111; steerage, tl; meals and berths Included. C H. Thompson, agent, lit Third street ' Ladles' Bath Parlors; We reduce the abdomen.- cure rhaamatlam, grip. lame, back.,. 411 Morrison street. Hood Dr. W. B. Hamilton has returned to the city and wUl be at. hla office. 17 1H RuaaelL street, at Jle usual hours. Woodward's Dancing Academy, Burk- hard aJttaJlJtonday.ana Thnraday evee. Dr. U M. Thornton, dentist. Itl Mar quam, building. Phono Mala . . . nsley's envelope ' display. Acme) Phar macy, .Third and Burnetts v Oalll Itat-French resUurant, ttt Upshur ' Ask your grocer - for Gold en Cheddar, The Journal asks who's-Wooeter 7 JOi .W. DEVER1DGE LACOal r.IAH-7- HEtPAPBl HAH Friend of the People The Logical - Candida t for City Treasurer. The name of Joseph W. Beverldge haa bees presented to the peoplaof Portland aa candidate lor the Republican nomina tion of city-treasurer, and In Justice to said nomination something; In connection with the gentleman Who aspires to such aa honorary position will not ho amiss. That, everything; 4a fair and Just In poli tic a aa old axiom: neverthel honorable record backed by a continuous statement of Just 'dealings, '-a clean ree ord from boyhood to man pood days la a factor that tha world at barge la quick to recognise and bears' a man that Is man In good stead. tx- , Joseph W. Beverldge, notwithstanding the fact that be is a laboring man and a member of the Typographical onion, has from early boyhood daya many admir able traits to Indorse him if nothing else were at stake. And these should not 'only endear "hi a to the people of tbla great commnnlty but should win for him the respect and love or a commu nity that-looks forward to good govern-1 Mr fuMhnMjihftiai1K:.BiunUn.r .fll fairs. Ii would not bo amiss to give a short synopsis of the early history of Mr. Beverldge,' ehowlng tha - many tribola tlona be went through and the manly qualities 'that have brought him to the position whlctThe now occupies, ' Joseph early age of .1 years of age, being one M a large family, aa a little boy he decided to strike out for himself. Hav ing lost his parents and having- sisters dependent upon him he struck out man fully. - Hla first employment was In a printing office, entering the well known firm of H. S. Crocker dt Co of Sacra mento. California, Here he accepted em ployment-aa- aa -office "boy. working in those -daya It -hours a day." Realising tha aaceaalty-ot educating himself ,-w find, the boy. attend Inr .night school after-- hla arduous labors, from 7:1 to p..' m. Desirous of still doing more for his family ha-secured, a position with newspaper carriers and - delivered papers to hla home city for the Bulletin and Post of Sen Francisco. We. find htm following this occupation up to the tender age of 1 years, when his ability waa recognised by the Crocker foreman and he waa delegated. to the composing room, .a position which ha held for many years. 'During' tbla time he' helped to support, and educate his brothers and slaters, all. of which today occupy re sponsible positions In California and Oregon. Looking for a betterment of hla position an offer presented itself t Portland and Mr. Beverldge, then a com petent, mechanic,-aae Pled Ithe foreman ship with tha printing bouse , of the Lewis A Dryden Printing 'Co. which he held until made isslatant manager. When the firm changed hands he was tendeed the foremanship of the Even ing Telegram., which position he occu pied with distinction for more than four re. At that time the' well known firm of- Busheng eV Co. made Mr. Bever ldge an offer, a most - flattering one, which he accepted and still occupies that same poattlon today.. Such is the life of Joseph W. Bfrtrertdgs. r A clean, nnlm- peacnaoje record. Men or thia type are the claOof material that bolld up our government and cities. Mea of starling Integrity . are , necessary for municipal jrorementaj( Portland aeeka bODcal adrainlatratlon. official , that - will do thetr duty not In part, but wholly, on. trammeled and fearless, then such a man as sears the stamp, of Joseph W. Bev erldge la not. only the logical candidate but the man above all others that should MectajCll - ri From tbe'St. Nictwlaa, ' Rearta of cold-blooded animals - will beat for a comparatively long time after death ev lentoval from the body (If kept cold and- molat. because ' of powerful Inter-aal. eollaetkma of aevveav known as ga aclla, whose aatomatlc Impulses cause the regular eontractlona ef the muscleej. SlmHar ganglia raiat la man and other werat-blooO aaitaala. bat their actroa Is leas prolong- - Scientists have as certained that a turtle's neart will beat after; removal If pat on a piece) of glass, kept'eool end moist and revered. wMh a hll-Jar. I believe It has been known to t It cf even ft hoars-. If or 14 hours v'- " 9 I of Pfeure, is the 'stream of money flowing back to you ..after years of daily depositing weekly, or , even nonthly-r4n a, splendid Mvings institution like this, which allows 4 per cent interest, and com pounds that Mmi-annually. Sup pose you do scrimp a ;bit here, deny - yourself there, now think of the satisfaction not so , long hence I Call for information. OHEGOil SAVINGS DAIiK SIXTH AND MORRISON. CHURCHES TO HOLD v ; ANNUAL MEETING j t. Congregational Atsociationiof Portland Prepares Interesting ; Program for Th! Wic. i The . annual meeting of tne- Portland Association Congregational . churches wiU begin next Tuesday evening at o'clock at the Miaaisalppl avenue. Con gregational church. There will bo an ail day session - Wednesday with short Intermissions . for . luncheon .and. dinner. An attractive program has been pre pared aa follows: Tuesday evening organisation: elec tion of moderator; 1 election of sotibe appointment of committees; -address, Rev. Oeo. A. Taggart; sermon, Rev. A. M. Rockwoodi communion. ' . Wednesday, morning Devotional ser vice. Rev. R. M. Jones; business; paper. "Defects In the nTvangeliatle temper equipment of the church, Rev. Luther D. 'Mahone; dlacuanlon; paper, . "After the Revival,' Rev. C B, Chase; reports irons me caun-nrw. -y ,: Afternoon Devotional service. Rev. John Na galls; symposlsm--Present op portunity in the . Portland association; Aa a city paator views it. Key. Unas. McPherson; "As. the city missionary ap- rehei ii 8.. hends It," Rev. C F. CUpp; "As the missionary feela it," Rev. H. N. Smith: "As a Oerman paator known It; Rev. J. H..' Hoop; -the woman'a hour; greeting from the Home Missionary union. Mra K. U House; greeting from Woman'a Board, - Miss Frances Oage; solo. Miss Ullian Pertclna; paper, "The commercial value , of missions," .W. H. Morrow; "Supreme seed of the hour. Rev. W. C OilmoreNjPoealbilttlea of work among young men, . Mr. B. P. Mo- Naughton: discussion and business. . Evening Address. "Wag earners and the Christian church.' Rev. J. J. staub address. "Can Pentaoost be repeated f Rev. E. I House, IX enclosing busl Magnificont " Panorama i; From I nwia nhri ClflrV Ohnrvaarv - " Now is the best time to view the splendor of nature attired In its spring tlms loveliness. There la no spot In this' country whore-one can see such rarity of foliage-aa we have light at our doors. - The rolling hills and dales and ths deep green caverns alive with doaTwood and 'oyierwljd jnoiwjersJJChgJ sweet fragrance of It all Js -wafted to tha visitor who la almoat antranoed bv this beautiful scene, as ho looks from ths top . of the ' observatory !, feet across ths ' city and far from aU con tamination of th atmosphere. no one anouid miss tuts treat wnicn each a rare one and eo lltUe appre ciated by the people of Portland. The 1 observatory ,ia , now open daily from a. m. to f p. m. An electric ele vator will land you at the top. - , It I reported that a branch railroad . . running"' up Cunningham : creek, below Coqullle, witl be built to carry logs and coal out of that section. CURIOSITY SPECIAL v All Next Week Ladic'sFancy 1 ReerJ Rocker Half ' Price $2:23 WORTH" GOVELS "'Fsrmerly N. X- Furniture C 1846 FlrstjStreet Ten r;zv; ci:? c.iai;i In the Paxt Vet! War Cn gased Earlier Than Thia for ' Wheat Transportation.' , ;- ORIENTAL DISTURCAT4CE3 CMZZQElDZUML NOW And 'Estimates Are Not 'Clots . Enough to Civ Shipper Line on th Yield. If a ship has been chartered to carry grain to Europe next fall local exporters-have not. been parties to the trans action. In paat seasons vessels have been engaged . before this date to trans .port new crop grain, but thia spring there appears to be" a disposition to wait until a ' more definite opinion ' can Jbe formed as to what' will be the probable yield.. If this should be as small as ft 'was last season a big portion of the product will again be required for home consumption, and 'the price of tonnage will decrease. - . .- - Those interested In the- transporta tion business here say that London bro kers are notifying the shipowners that they are in a position to charter their ships st ' Portland to carry new crop grain to Europe at from 17s td to Its M. But the shippers declare no tonnage la In demand at those figures, aa tha pres ent conditions will not warrant It Evan If there should be an enormous yield the exporters declare It la impossible to figure on ratea at tbla early date, aa oonditiona are likely to be different this year from what they were In the past. - Unsettled conditions in the orient are likely to play an important partlnIhe commercial world. If hostilities are prolonged more flour and wheat will be exported than? ever before In the his tory of t oriental commerce, - and : little grain would be carried to Europe. - Aa the bulk of foodstuffs from this coast is taken to the far eaat by steamers, the aaillag veaeela are likely ones mors to beoome a drug -on the market. Then the owners of Bailing vessels would be witl ing to accept almost any rata offered,! providing; it would be gurnoieat to de fray running expenses. - Until it Is pos sible to make an estimate of the proba ble yield with some degree of certainty and what the demand will bo for wheat and flour in the' orient. It la not be lieved that very many ahlpa win be chartered to take out grain this aeason. SANDHURST'S MOVEMENTS. Ottlae Says She Win aVtmrn ai Ones ;fe Aaothas Cargo a Say..: J:' Just .' before boarding . the - British steamship Sandhurst which left yester day morning for Talngtau, China, with a cargo of oats and nay one or tne officers of the araft confided to r friends on shore that the vessel would return to Portland as soon aal her carga was discharged, for more hay. Which would be awaiting her at the Albera dock, and which would be carried to the name port for which .she is now bound. - - ,, Henry Mett, who supplied tha present cargo, waa asked ix he bad ner char tered. carry a second shipment; ho said no. - Moreover, ho ventured the opinion that ahe waa not coming back as the officer said she .would. By making a good passage and not losing too much time discharging. It would be possible for the steamer to arrive hers within the B,iv v iTav " The British steamship Raa Elba left for the same port in the. far- east on March 11. and shs has not been re ported since leaving the Columbia river. She dispatched by . Mett with cargo of oats and hay.- , Tba Raa Elba is considered overdue,aLthe paaaage should have been com pie tad almoat 14 days ago. It la hardly probable that she has been captured, ' er tha incident would undoubtedly have been cabled. ALONG THE: WATER FRONT. Oeorge R. Vosborg dropped down from the Portland shipyards . to tha Couch Street docks. She will tow barges of rock -from ths Bunker Hill quarry to tha government Jetty at the month of With iSe.OO - feet of lumber tbe steamer Cascade cleared for San Fran cisco yesterday afternoon, Steamer Franc la H. Laggett la under charter to the Hammond Lumber com pany ta carry- Oregon fir to San Fran cisco. She Is en routs from the Bay city.' Schooner John A. Logan has been chartered to load lumber at Portland for Redondo. . -. MARINE NOTES.' Astoria. April . 2!. Arrived - down and sailed at t:av a. aw steamer Bee from San Pedro.' .-. . -. ? - . Arrived down early this morning and sailed, at 1:10 p. m- .steamer Oregon for Ban Francisco. Arrived 'down at 1:11 and sailed at p. m., schooner Erie for Ban Pedro. Arrived down at 1:11 P. m.. schooner Virginia,.' ,,- " '-' " " Arrived down at. I and sailed at tx. m., British iteamer Sandhurst for Tstngtau. ,- - ; ' ;v- Left up st 1:10 p. nu achoonera A. 1. Coatee aad Endeavor. . . . Arrived down at P. m steamer El more from Tillamook. Condition ef the bar at S . p, ' m- smooth. wind north, weather clear. Ban Francisco, April IZ.Arrlved at a. BL, steamer Aberdeen from Port- Sailed at noon, steamer Columbia for Portland. .... .'..-..-.-4 -f,-.r--.- Eureka, April St. .Arrived, ' steamer Alliance from Portland and Coca Bay. Reservoir Park, th ldal. "intending purchasers of . Buburban property would 40 well to avail them selves of the opportunity offered them to Inspect Reservoir "para. H. Mats gar, the managing owner, Invites visitors ou and to make their trip a pleasant one furnish) free lunch on the' grounds. OO out today and. see tnia PeaullXul ptoa- erty. Compare it with any ether on the market, and if yea don't agree that for the money lots in this addition are far ahead of any other, then ws don't want penny. -r- - :-- , :, t .-, Ii WHERE TO DINE. f.l" ,-aM''"- aSSBaBjenTansaaw' , y, . V . All the delicacies of the season at the Portland restaurant. Private apartments for parties, JOe Washington, near .Fifth. Ths Calumet, lit Seventh street, near Morrison, serves an exceptionally fins dinner on funds ya. Fifty cents. , TT. C Ura odes sew grill. 11 Sixth tree, will Serve m"mT)le dTlotg sin-ee-foe SO cents, from It m. tot p. m. " ' , la Ur-v Curding ori . " : 26ih Street Fcdrtx I 'cinEtrtrancerf asd- Exit of Lewis & ' r , Clark Fair. . f , ; 1 APPLT 1 ft nrr 5 1 iCa.ainber of Commerce or39a?K 26th Street ' fJEW DADY DO,'! 18 fCHUALLY G?ID Dedication' Exercises Ar At tended by JLarg Num- . - bar of Patron. . ' ' GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN ' "TMAKES ADDRESS OF DAY Big Institution Practically Free j of Debt and Future I j ' . .. Bright. ef.Tae Jeamsl ts te UKlaney, gM Kast Tit. ; The new bunding of tha Baby Home was dedicated yesterday afternoon and tha friends of the institution gathered la such numbers that -not only was, the new assembly hall filled, the reception rooms and tba nails crowded, but even the stairways wars pressed Into service and every step occupied.' The occasion waa tha dedication of th building completed recently and whioh now forma one of - the most complete and commodious institutions of the kind in the. northwest. Governor Chamber lain gave the address of the afternoon and spoke of the work Portland phl- lantbroplata are doing In earing for tbe unprotested children and tha dependent aged. Ha paid a high tribute to the faithful work of tha few that had made the new building possible, and stated hla belief that the tnstltatloa would find an ever larger' field and would f accuse funds as Its needs Increase, ' V. S. Akin, secretary of ths building committee, reported that tha new home would be dedicated practically cut of debt, only a few small building bills remaining unpaid. . and tbe money for tnese being already subscribed. Treas urer A. Lk Keenan. who for ! years baa been Interested In the institution as a member or tha executive board and who alona remains ef tbe first , board, told of tha early 'struggles of th homo and bow the first donations were a head of cabbage and a few pumpkins, gath ered by two devoted women from neigh boring farmers, '' :' Mrs. JU, W. Sltton,. president of the board, spoke of tbe great- growth the home had experienced and the satlsfac- r tlon all the officers felt In the comple tion Of tne new building-, touching tin on the need that had existed for this improvement. - , ; The' exercises "were closed by the prayer of Rev. T. I' Elliot' after wblchH tha many ' visitors Inspected .. the a and.pldhoTBcg. ftll..ln.. Inva ,., with, tha many "outcast babies In Oregon," there being an even dosen of this elaan In the home, and learnTng In part the daily rou. tine of ths Institution and how the small Inmates are -cared for as well as how their mothers are given aa opportunity to earn a living. " . , It la the hope of the board that a permanent endowment fund mar" be se cured tbst will In time place tbe borne on a footing where It will not need to beg for the dally aecesslttes, and where tba work will not bo hampered by a continual struggle Tor funds. r : Tha condition of the crossing at East Water and. East Morrison streets Is stui dangerous and delays are still occasioned hourly by tha torn up street. . A few planks have been placed between -the tracks of tha ear company, and these enable a careful driver to .get through without tearing off ,a whee V but only one vehicle can cross at , a . time' and either teams wait for ears or cars are lined np while wagona pass and" two nar row etreet cars are the only vehicles that can pass, - Morrison street has a much heavier traffio to bear now en ac count ef the closing of the Burnalde bridge and . there Is hardly an hour In ths day. or a minute tn an . hour, when teams are not seriously delayed at tbe little thread of a right of way that re malna for ase.. --ii ;..'' . TBACsaBa iroBa roxs Teachers hi. the ' Mt,' Tabor ; schools are preparing a petition to be f ctrcu- lated among tba taxpayer tf the dis trict favoring an Increase in the eale rlea of ths pedagoguea. The work In the schools there has been up? to . the svergge required in the city generally and the teachers say they can . secure better wages by secepting city posi tions. U-la. thought-tba aohooi direct ors will grant the Increase asked, should a fair per cent of the taxpayers approver Should tha satartea not be raised It ta probable that several of the older teach ers, in point of .service, at ML Tabor will enter the city fields asjmme OtLJbe berrt-lnwrectorsrdj-n the ditrlcC-dld luia rear.. - ..-.,. . A.' PAST. UPUaVLZOAaTS STBY Tha Sell wood - Rarrahrlcaa arab Was been organised on a firm basis and prac tically aU the factions are united In this organisation throughout the dis trict.' It has been planned to hold a club meeting every - Wednesday night in fireman's hall in Sellwaod and tha organisation will work until the June election foi" the home candidates first of all; .; Kertrhem la secretary of the club, and W.- M. ta Force la presi dent, - ' A considerable number ef cattle In oufheTB ,Umatt2t county ' hava . Killed by eating wild parsnips. , . lbs east sMs ernes the star ef Urs, W. w tt .i 1 wna street. -ralaaaeaa Jt ' The cures effected by the system In use by Dr. Anderaoa ar . vclous nature as to be considered beyoad belief exor c by t oe 1 aCaCC fptB1ny offers to all He has brought bis methods to such a high degree of efficiency that cures have been performed that seem almost lmpoaalbla and can well be classed aa bordering on the miraculous. - - v. v-.--. ' -'- "' t v-. ,- And all this has been made possible without the use of polaonoua drugs or the aid of the murderous knife.- . . - This system of ears Is the reeuK of a lifetime devoted to a careful, pains taking, scientific Investigation of all the best methods used for the purpose of combating disease. V , : - ,v V It Is In truth a bsaoon-tigaV of hop for tha weary traveler along life's way who has suffered for yeara the multitude of Ills that fleah is heir to. ' Tha prices for treatment are very reasonable aad within tha reach of all," aa It ie- the doctor's wish' that all In search of health, whether Hob. or poor, should avail' themselves of this grand opportunity. ... . . 1 . Do not delay, but act at once; it may be a matter ef lifelong regret not to -take advantage of this, the best of all ways to eradicate tha evils wrought by DR. XT L. Smite n-as, aWUaUrsai BjandJaa;. Wast Park aa (OffaMTsaysa.aa.p.m.) ; ootbbttXiXATXOts . aire The Sartorial Cleaning System Will call for each week, clean, press and retnrnclothtegfoc $1.00 per month. t Competent help-will examine and repair, when necessary: Call Main 1713 and a wagon wiHcaUforJ - . articles, or have, one pi ourlagetita visit you. . . : 433 WASHINGTON STREET, -' ' ' ' PHONE BLACK 83 OH CALLFOa KUC3S ON.... Painting aAWDr.: Wall Paper Vard; & Ritzlnr, ;.l J, .V., ; ' ' - - IU Aa&CBjr, Corner Scrtz'X Easter Allow nS to extend our greet . Ing this beautiful Easter da y .and permit ua at the same.: tlma to call your attention to . this store, aa the - place to , do your " Jewelry abopplng. Whatever you need in Jewelry' or precious stones we can sup ply It and at modest prices. Those who deal hero know how , advantageous It Is - to . their pocketbooks. &NWMGHT 293n0PRISQN-ST- DISTINCTION IN DRESS . Is achieved by wearing the proper ' CORSET. It's no trouble here to - please the moat fastidious women. : We are, prepared to relieve them of all corset .worries. Every nt - guaranteed..,,,. -t ..,-:-;' E. HUMMER Cor-e tiere V ; Mitt EUventh, Cor. Alder. ' r SOU? kg. twa tuujA apors,,iU Mmum aaa I oalts. . aunr esnlea mthmr vartetlea far eeketfcn ton.l -. SM aad attea. t Paeae Mala Mo.. ; J.FI5CIi3?. King of Hat . Renovator. "i r?a far ' you or Clean and Xiiy jr- t V ' r-. ' ' HE I ..'.. :vViaaeaieaJ n Greetings the remarkablo benefits reeyJUng sreia 1 treatment, Nevertheleea- ft la an Indlj-putatsle fact tt't methods persons whos eases have been pro- . . curable have been fully restored to heaiih, . , letenoa that waa formerly made dark, dreauy a. t , less by dread disease has been changed to one of happiness and content. . . , .. Tbe wonderful change that can be brought o t I one's life by the poawesalon of permanent and per i health la something that cannot be paeeed light,? t , . Such a desirable condition can be attained by t. In g advantage of tha opportunity - that Dr. Andira whowouht hava a sono wholesome bov ANDERSON V . ; Over Tout Forailuie ' . rand Piano Uovinj;. . Ve'D ticte lt Eery! I youH let ns send pur ti? vp a g ori and ezpetkneed . , I - nien. f . ' ; ", GEN ER A L HAUXINO, SHIPPING ; AND TOIX , ' .WARDING ' v Kaddcrly Trdiftr-i 'rCCaa..a.aSiysl COe if Ihorie Main 1ZZ3. f M0 NORTH THIRD CT. OrtentaD " Curio Now le the lime ta bay an km da at Japanese and Chinese eurioe. aa are are selling every article ' at a great . reduction In order to make room for tha-arrival - of now goods for the fair, consist 1ng of silk gowns, ktmonos. netsnke purses, silver clots aorma vases, satsoma.' ana brawn daeo rated pereelala tea sets, matting, toyasta , M - Atfrew Kg fi.Cc. EcCc:: XawnassaM SSaaal, VwaSw aaswfe. sbSbMbpIbW ZttifrtUmmttty. RatMawaiely furalalna, elaeaatty a, grepreof, Ive aileuiae waa trass U W ahopstag sad aeitaeai eaatrlet, aM W airy, eststee mass, ana haa tea. eta. 4 llaats, telepbsee la each ssaraiet e-. tarae efaraakiaBciag. swwaine, . 1. mmt' reeeBCtee sarlera. . aoease rasav4 by Ball sr telesaeas. . Private ear, Ilea assets trains aaa sin ana .ftoofes $I.OO fa 5.00 mCz3 ' Special irjA-tuauTov,1 (Tmrmttt ef Betel SMMtfc. Ceaonate Aawrleaa Meaaet ef , aMrksvllls. v2i.yrtvuAM ei.-riArx Ostenpetble nratHaa, - AU CeraeM siU ' Tatra VSTlZ wU. "IT-0! a ana aura, , rriaaa. w- r - T tav. 1 r" a .i v v. ,'