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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1905)
-e-r i It Cr?r Ccrns Advice l!ow to Vets on Prcpcssd Amend- V. r v merits to ths City Ch trtir at the Com- , : fcfIf-jJE--:...r opposes AX!::a vv;icLE city fch gulch cr.iccss 1 U Ajainst Annexation A.r.rndmtnta and for Ctreet Railway Franchise , Change. Cittsr C:curity for the City's Money and Pen- -. , Alizing Failure to Pay the Assessmehts Promptly.! "V , t i The. following address wes adopted by ths members ' of ths Taxpsyera league a expressing its - sentiment ''In tb proposed amendments to tha city char ter to be voted on at' the coming city election: .. - . .:' ,.;,.':.-.. i Portland. br..' April 17. To the cHU ! . sens of tha city of Portland: - The .legls i latlve assembly of the state of Oregon, j subject to the approval of the voters j. v,'Of the city of Portland.-nave proposed -. ... .certain amendments to Its. charter. . h ' In order that the voters- of the city may understand ' the purpose of said r amendment, the Taxpayers letue has , : 1 preparea ins louowing aigesi o( ana its h views upon each proposed amendment; 5 ?.'. There are two amendments proposed J .- under which. If approved, a very con i slderable acreate will be added to 'the . present territory of the city of Portland. I .On the. ballot they will be proposed un ' - der the' two' following Questions: .rsii Section .11 of, lhi charter of ' the city of amended to In eiude wltttln the city, territory between 5 i Portland and St. Johns" . i , "Shall Section It of the charter'of the y. city ef Portland be amended to include -TT'wltWn ' elty. the territory between 4 .Portland and ML- Taborf. , . t - . -"eta We the AsVetBa,'----'.... We advice voters to .vote "no" on both 'questions for the- following reaa- 1 ona: . - tz-f.-. ?T" The -city " territory comprises" about J It, Q04 'acres. We now have more ter- '. ritory than we can properly" care' for. . There are constant- demands which can not be, Compiled -with for additional po lice and fire protection.'' lights, car of streets.-4 and we- believe' It la un il wise to' constantly expand , the city's limit V- No one at all tamlliar with tha - present limits of , tne city but what khowa there are hundreds of vacant acres la every direction. . Until these f - are populated it would" be- folly to add " to the burdens of the municipality. , - ;; " Ptoyosed Taat. l'y;i ''.? This is the most Important to. some .respects of any amendment proposed ; and, as It Is so drawn as to appeal to f tl)e personal -interests of many - voters, ' should be given .very careful conaldera . . ' tlon. The oueatlon will appear upon the :, ballot in the following form ?. ', ' -Shall Section 11 of the charter of ' the city of Portland be amended, taxing vwii CRf iot Driagesr ) . we'edvlse) voter to vote "to .on this f f I . JL . T J. -- , iguvniiuu. . ..... t .. . x . - ... I order that 7xhir ' reasons! mar b : "fully understood, a brief review of the ' -aropoeea amendment aa. Veil as' retro- ; ; epviri covering onage improvements covered by the proposed amendment V- nraasary. ThefMs4to- astropoasd . salslaartlng. -Th - tha. average .voter H apparently presents a question covering - something .tJ be done tn "Ihe future, tot . establlsbi a principle -fof future ;i guld- .jis, -nce. --f - -. -,r- a- A' . ri Pmttlsjr ihe OmssUoav V '- To have presented the qaectlon 'frank T- IT It should have been put as- follows . --Shalt-Section 1U of the Charter of - the city of ' Portland be amended ae as V to provide for a a annual" levy of two mills to par: - - ! First, about the sum of .lla.eoa for ' bridges already, built : sJitt 'those In -' course of construction, and I Second, for bridges 'bereafter, ta be :, ouut m tne city ot; arogtianar- -' The airecvorausea leading u to the each and .every section of tha city or that every street across a gulch should be bridged. . . : ; -' '" Bo far as south Portland Is concerned. If no bridges had ever been built suit able -means of communication existed. We do not claim 'that residents of some portions could go in a direct line to the center of Ihe city, but they could ' go to and fro and over-Improved streets, and no duty, expressed er implied,' ! Imposed oa owners of property la other sections to pay for conveniences, not necessities. Bearing these fscts In mind we will now show what was done. Early in, the year 101 it waa deter mined by the council to erect a bridge on First street- across Marquam gulch, and In pursuance of fhe proviatona ot the charter, laid out a district contain ing lota and parcels of land which the council deemed specially benefited, said low belnr m number ,HrOn October 1,. ltei, a contract waa let for the erec tion of a ateel bridge at the point men tioned for 4f.J and which waa built and accepted by the city on September t.-iW4- for B.J8I.l,-- Tho prelimi nary assessment to pay for this im provement was advertised November 4. !. - Objections were made to said as sessment and tha matter continued and cost computed from time to time be cause of various objections; but for the purpose as -we have reason to believe of putting oft the collection of the cost until the legislature -would pasa 'the act now being submitted. ' Not satisfied with one bridge. August 1. 1W4.. a contract for another steel bridge oa Front street, crossing the same, gulch. Just 20 feet east of the Brat steel bridge, was let for theacon tract prloe of SSMU and which wtU actually cost no less than - MMOO. The district created for this Improve ment includes fl.ltt lots. Bat a few hundred feet east Of this bridge will be found Improved streets famishing 'am ple communication between eouth Port land and tha rest of the city. V U t -.- . Thnrataa-- la eat Bridge. ( , . un sirto w, H a contract for the building of a bridge oa Thurmas street wss let for SIMM and Wa av cepted March JJ. ltei. for The district created for this Improve itnt conUlned about- aSS lota.- It will be -observed: -t -.-?.. i ,-5-- .'v, - a. . . 1. That each and "all ef -these- im provements were instituted byfrepreaen Utlvea from the wards In which tha im provements are located. . '.. V .- That AO one outatde' of tha ra. apeotlve districts had any voice as ts whether the bridges were to be buHt "or not, where located, thf number,- cost or cnaracter. -. . . .. , .-- -That- wider no- possible, ulniunr provements'tnaPKtif aieq lit" south rr- sand on dec. tha ohartcr. ' ; : -The principle ander which- tha pro . posed amendment la presented is that j as every part of tha city Is Interested la maintaining -communication with every ', . other part, when great natural obstacles, : V such aa rivers, gulches or ravines exist, ' .. :., 1t la unfair and Impracticable to cast tho burden of uch an improvement on. ad- the entire city should -be taxed sad pay ; far tt. mv,t v As aa academic question there la an - questioned merit Irr this position, but under the existing' facts, as we sbsll, it baa but little application. Xvea , those taking this position do not eon- tend It is Incumbent upon tha city to furnish the most convenient method to l J - l il lur pi.u r t. e t br-1- s In t--ci;y o-.ner t V. i..isette rivir, t .e which st h'J ,b' t be Ue a scix - the J c t of t-an" lli.CvO ear v and a a iur t purpc- raying t ' any bri, or bn. es not a.woa the . i..unette t.r wnku were construct, ed In and .by said city dur g the year 1$4, or which are aoa- unaer course of construction under contract with said city, and which have not been paid for prior to January 1, 10S. -'J. Upon the com olet ion and accept ance of any auch bridge warrants are to be issued for the payment thereof out of ihe-seecuU trlij'.fund. out no uajujuy can be incurred In any one year for a i greater t- jwnt -than-wouid na proaueep by a I-mUl levy. t. The street railway, companies are not to be released from paying their pro portion of tba coat of said bridges as provided by the ordinances and fran chises of the city. ' " As the taxable property of the city Is In round numbers about tS0.00v.009 and the cuat ef these bridges now con structed and under course of construc tion and the Interest . thereon ' can be easily figured, each voUr can easily as oaruin the amount of tax that will be required to-be paid In order to -ray for th. bridges now constructed od ""d construction. We also desire to, call the attention of the taxpeytSS of this city to tne fact that If this amendment bo' adopted It will arbitrarily and Irrevocably Increase the tax. rate each year by 1 mills and it would seem as though taxes for special purposes such as this, should be care fully considered, otherwise, tba 'levy will eventually become very oppressive. ; . V Aaothar Preaosit J wsaaisat. - This Is, an amendment to section 111, nnder which, subject to the terms and conditions of the charter, street railway companies may, build connecting; lines of railway to. shorten or make - more convenient their operation upon streets not already' occupied by railway tracks, providing, that-such connecting lines shall not , tn . any one Instance exceed !,- feet or flya blocks in JenftK This provision was originally framed as a part of the present charter, but by some meana waa mislaid ao that It waa not printed therein. The question ' will sppesr.upon- the ballot In the following formr-t V "Shan section 186 'of " the charter of, the city orportiand bo amenaeaT (Street Railway Franchises Y'T' " ' - . We ad vis, voters to veta-res on this question. Our reasona for It are that aa time goes ' on. . and evert now. certain portions of streets in' tba city are and will become badly congested and means of relief must be found, and fui the more, anything that will ahoften or make mora convenient tha- operation of the street rati trays is beneficial, pro viding It la dona under .proper safe guards. ,,-.... ' v Providing tha character of securtttes which can be given by banks ot deposit for. city moneyaV';c..'V;-?-v .c.".' ' The proposed amendment . does away with the giving of surety . companies' bonds Tor city moneys and provides .in lieu thereof that bends of the city 'of Portland - to the - face -value . of the amount of deposit, or bonds. of any city, county,--municipality, or school district within tha state Of Oreaon. or well ree- ognTsed railroad or street railway bonds. the interest upon which has wot been In default for a period of alx years prior to the offering of auch bonds as security and -the market value of which is .such that the net returns tfrom the wohd- Is hot greater tnap-.S' per cent per an num.- may be used as security, provided, that if this claas of securities is Used the market value of the same shall not be less than - 1U -times , tha amount of the city deposits. This question will appear upon; the ballot hi tha -following num. stances can It be claimed that as a gen eral . means of communication . twe bridges JO feet apart were required in south Portland. ,- - ; .-' That If the entire city waa to have been . charged wHh the eoaL then tax payers, of the entire -city should - have bad the opportunity to have been heard. So mneb'for the particular features of the case. Two. however, aubmlt. aa matter of fact that there law similar ity of cnndltlona between tba bulldlna or anagea or the city aa a whole cross ing a river which absolutely divides It into two parts, between which there caa be no romm-jnlcption various portions of. the city. Furthermore, ir the proposed policy Is adopted he would be bold. Indeed, to set the limits of the extension, of the pre- posed doctrine. - . MJ,-i - We further submlt,-aa t was the in tention Of the promoters of these bridges to eaat the cost thereof on the elty. It would have been but fair to, have al- Jaeent or surrounding property, but that poweor thee Improvements. toawt the adoption of this law, and to have- given other portions ef the elty an opportunity In tne immediate future to , have ob tained bridges. - A -i - TT ,'.- s ; ' '..- 7 Taa Twe-atm BfSvT. The aallent features ef the proposed amendment bi as followlngs: . - 1. v Commencing next year to levy a special tax annually, ef S mill a. to go f ALL i k. j C , A. t A ValL t2 CU23TS Popular r.::zs Chepard to Entr tain Co'umtiamr ori .Annlver ' sary of Eighteenth Cirthday - A popular member of the Columbia theatre atock company ' la Ml as Iva Shepard,' who made her-ft rut appearanc-4 with that organlxatlon as Lucan, the Miss Iva Sbeparct poet. In "Quo VadU." 'She has since played parta In "Old .Heidelberg. "Joan rrArc." "Thelma," "A Contented Wom an" and "Woman, Against Woman.' Miss Sheparda name in private Ufa la' Shafer, her fattier- being N. U. Shafer. adverttaing - maaager of- the Chicago Clothing company. She takes the name Shepard from her grandfather, who was member of .Joseph Jefferson s com pany in; lt. . (.. -:.. tr W, . r. M ma Shepard wUl celebrate her 'Uth birthday htotxlay afternoon, - when the Columbia company will be guests at her home. Hi Third street. The young woman baa every promise of a bright career-...-.. ., - ... ., 'Wu-.. ... " . - I .' " T . ..... ; " "' I . :': ,-1,.-."r r.v.."'.: --.. ;" : I .,' ; . ? " j-"v, - - -. . . . - , . -. . . if -i . 't' i J ,'.-r '.- ;. im.,:m. ,M.j.;. .fli.i .....t,,.; ,i.,.m;.,. .r.,),,,-,. . : - -"'y -1- -'Jt-i , .?--.':' r - .J t- ' .r-. c-. .-;-:-;. ----,;- J "', - it V, '. . .' ' ". , ," ''.:", ? ' ''.-'. :-' I ' ' ..., '''.' 4 ' ' . ' : '' 'V'i;ti:.':V.' "';' y ;.,'.:,-,- I , -4 --.-! ;'.-' v :--u; 1 V -" .j: i"-4 In-fmWnatloa,poprt!oa Bd ; yTT: " ; ; . Af -vl-a9 fls--1. ' ' I , - procem Hood's Saramparills k Peculiar. , .. - ;.ZrrT ?7 T V"-f'. I If ' - . . mm mm . : - it is BUMto from-the bast rbiood--,jr-i.ieaicine Hoiaiajj 4 vmrifvlne. atterativa and" tonia " Inrra'. ' ' ' - . ' - ' . - diesis, by sadt oripnsi sod pecnHar v .. nod nain ibe fall medicinal ;-" .2 Thine f cb and sH. " ":' ' ' ' :' , rnereiore, it ia toe mom powerful ; blood parifleT known. ,.' The severer csaal to It for tLw- . smOOp t3 ' wfcj.1 rfjp biorifler.suwtrn,.:-TtM : severeet iZ;--4..jU:j T y ;v-:r'. " v" -.''' ..';. forms t scrofula, ssit r$earsr eaUirli . Vr',l.':iV''J' .''"-'i, ' ' -,' rlMtimgtigm, dyspepsis sad debility srs" -. ; tlV , IvCrVCSp C2A t-3T cnredbyit every day in. the'year.'-' ' : w ar pohreiy, n vra'car yoo. : ffifaev. cad Liver, REV. r.!!LSUYTIIE CAN'T DISTINGUISH COLONS --"ShaU aectlon S of the eharter f the city of Portland be amendrd? (8e-4 curtty for lty funds'.-'- - ,. '.... . ..w- v ij. e aoviae voters , o vole , "yes" on this question. Our reasona for doing so areaa follows In the first place It will have a tend ency to strengthen the value of , the bonds of the city.- , . ' v.. -In. the second place, we believe that any character of security should such aa can be eaaUy realised oa and without having tb. commence law suits e no romm-jnlcrtlon without the oseofi0 col lect the same. ' - - ffJgsbferrieirandHdiesllVr respecting slnh- tnC.-r'Jn(l .ofTltUou Jklndjv tha amoual. of city , money on hand will Increase aiwm we do not believe' that a suretv company furnishes the proper kind of security for such a deposit. This ws state without any reflection ' upon the Financial anuny or surety eomnenlee aa such, but because eg the fact bonds of that kind are generally . technical in their character, , and tba simplest and best form . or security and -that"most easily liquidated should bertha charac ter taken by the city for city moneys. By. this amendment It Is proposed to change, section til of the charter so as te - provide . that- the . municipal - Judge instead ef the executive board shall ap point the eierk ef tne police department. who shall be removed by the municipal 4 ' t - i'.';i.:"-';: ; 7- 52.50 i'A :;S'.v:-; 4 C: '.:''-'-vf' ELKS' COUNTY FAIR, APRIL 2SyT0 29 Spring and Summer SUITS- THATWERBM ADE T0L.giYEltONO- ERVICE, RETAIN THEIR SHAPE. AND : THAT SHOW ALL THE ART-TOUCHES OF HIGH-CLASS ; .' HAND-TAILORING, ARE. HERS IN EVERY. FASHIONABLE MODELWITH COATSSINGLE OR '.v.-X.Tl'' Spring and Summer Suits 5325 ; Qjf nc: Suits $W to S20 , ludeat.Jii pleaaureanLjwlyancehU aajary from I7 to fide per jnonth. . This' question 'will appear-' upon 'the ballot in tha following form:" ' -"Shall section 111 of the charter of the city of Portland be amended? - (Ap pointment - and salary ot the clerk' of municipal court). We advise voters te vote "NC on this question. . We do this for the following reasons: '. .- i. -In -the-first place we believe a quali fied man can be obtained for the anfbont now fixed by the charter, and secondly. we do not believe that It is wise to amend the charter in any way excepting this shsage H amend section 4S7 so ss to-' provide a penalty of 16 per cent If. aa assessment for aa Improvement Is wot paid within daya after the data of the entry of the assessment in the . docket of elty liens. '- ... .- . n.. . , We advise voters to . vote TES" on this question." now drawn a delinquency bears interest enly at the legal rate of six per cent. and aa this ia the only penalty provided for non-payment,' tn many xases it op erates as an Inducement for people to contest assessments,' which they would otherwise pay. and aa a consequence has tendency to- Increase) tha cost of Im provements by forcing contractors to bid on a basis of a contest and their nor receiving their money within 'the . time theysahould. We are not advocating the clatma of any contractor. . but where they do their work properly they should receive their money promptly, as it Is io every . one s - benefit that-- such be ef JvwrfttatsWa. z-J, Br this amendment It Is nronesed la change sections It. Its and & so aa to do away with the advertising la the city official newspaper, of the apportionment of costs of- the assessments : therefor made agamat . the property. - Aa - ample provision Is made for postal card no tices, there Is no more reason why, this advertising should be continued than for advertising e the - ordinary taxes. The charter will provide, as amended.' for the publishing or a notice of; the pro posed .Improvement, describing it and the territory covered, the- whole cost it the Improvement, that the assessment has been apportioned andls panein. the office of ibe Auditor and eubject to examination, and that objections to such apportionment may be mad In writing to-tbe cotnx-n and filed with the auditor days from the date- of the first publication of the aotice. and? will further provide that after the assess ment has., been declared notice . shall again be given by publishing for five consecutive weeks a notice i specifying the improvement for which the assess ment is levied, the cost thereof, the boundaries of the district, the number and -title of the ordinance declaring the assessment, and that the same la due and payable; the time It shall bear la- trresL. -and the time .when . the . same shall be delinquent, and further provides that a notice ot the assessment shall be sent by mail to each property owner, or to hM agent, whose property - ta as- Wewould farther state that the legis lature also ps ed an--ae supplemental to -this one by which - the sheriff la compelled to take the names snd ad dreaea ef taxpayers and place the same on the stabs retained m his office w1n taxes are paid. C By so doing the ad dress ef practically,. every taxpayer will be .knows, . We advise voters to vote TES"- m this amendment. TAXPATEW I.RAOCE, By M0 FRIK'DE, Preacher Who Wanted to Be a y ' Railroad Man Fails, to , v Pan - Eye Tettv- , InabUlty ' to distinguish JmitiioTm Thai caused the failure of Rev..C. M. Smythe to become ' a", railroad . brakeman, ; He failed to .pass the examinations. Unta recently Mr. -Smythe was pas tor, ef a Con gregatidnal - church on the East., side, .a caused something of a sensation by announcing that he would resign la- order to secure employment on the railroad. He did. not intend to abandon the ministry permanently, . he aald, but dealred to return to railroad work for a few-years, --. - ! - He accepted a position as passenger brakeman - with the. Oregon, Rallnoad aV Navigation company rand was - one of Conductor William Dunn's eraw running Into Pendleton. He finally discovered that ha was -nnabls'TO dUtlrigufah col otav and failed to paaa. the eys. test. M 1. .Daily Exclamations We Hear.t How of ton do you hear tha remark. olt how my eyes do ache: my eyes feel awfully tired. -1 have a burning pain right la my eye ball and similar excla matlona. .If one stops to consider, in nine casea out ef ten- this la perhaps the beginning : ef . some serious eye trouble. Ia It wise under such circum stance to wait -and permit - troubl to come along wbereaa tne same caa be yrral Hi lnrfgri-r " " irf terer siu consult a skuiuk optician. iuieo. ne . wur anaowunij in a anort period oeereome tha distressing ali ment. 'TA Chambers - ef " Seventh street ' is aa optician highly recom mended by-the leading . oculists sad physicians la Portland . and one who stands high among bis profession, and one who will reader at all times skil ful service. : . r .: ., , .,- ijiiachinerv and Fixtures, Sau-j sage Casings Pure Spices, Dais;' ;; - Dry Air Coolers. SeTvDlVkenwcJd Cc. The Largest Butchers' Supply j House on the coast, "-eu 304-303- Everett St. ; Portland. ; VIM FIM IIIM v). ; ; 1 IN iUN LUlii 81 Seceesl Street r; Coraer0ak Suey apd Noodle and Cake ' r -it ate t. Tin. aa7Sruin work alrnaal sasa. Ow 1 ytaie' eseerteaea ta slate week sa. sblrs as ts fjtyeae aMetb eaautertaelr. xtraet tveta. tadmul, UMt ealm. TW T. P. vTawia aa assart at gold fllUag aad efewa ssd srMre wars, tatraetlsg wkea sattas er bridges are slnit . WISE BROS., Dentists Vaflhw BaAthw. ear. Third sad Wank SIS, Osaa btssJsq aaadsys traas t 12. Or. sbuaSOaS. - - I f irrr 1 j ssvjr.'.s. w t ! V '.; ? ." .'is".-' r-t , ;v. . MOLITH FLOV7G . - rv '.. . ..)-. v-- i i. ' '.?'rt'.:t "V ' EACH LINE THE FOREMOST OF ITS KIND ; - r. Stock : - 'v.'""'.'','" VTm:pl'jfX J "v'..T""-"';" ' ' """" ' 1 II iiilMii nOMa,- -! Ill i In' in ill I i i ii ri I..,. , II -iii.ii.nii , ill - 't ' C..J :; ( W wsasjsT -LOW -PRICES-otr-BuKitDriTinfr Stxxhcts, Caxrl:;!, :ZrrT,' Spring end JDeliyery Wagons.,-Harness,. Farm Imp !c:entj'rJ Tzmi Vr ;cr.s. The increase in our retail sales last year orer the sales tzr ths ycrr t:.'rt Trrs Cro'f'rr c " Buy at the" store" that does the business. V t - , ,(..-. v ireprWNieai, I -wfi.afv, 1 '. v ' ' ' . , - '