Till! CHACON CUIJDAY JCU.1IIAL, rOHTLAKD, CUIID.YY IICIXIIO, -. ..IL' U I. , , VER REV7 . DEADTY rtttty Marquis ds Montaglierl, an English Girt, the Rags In french Capital. ; tOblESS IS ENJOYING SIXTEEN MONTHS' SLEEP Physician Hypnotizes High Born Lady and Keeps 1 Her In ".. ' Continual Slumber. .(Mf Haro.uia OuWliM.) (Copyright. Btnt aerrlee. fcr Lnh4 .-. Wire te The ' Jooraal.) Pawls. April' II. Paris must always -have a beautiful woman to rave over and ' every -year electa a new society queen to whom all homage 4a paid. Thla year Jt te tha Marquise da Montaglierl. whe la all the -rage. Daughter of an English . aculpter. aha went to' Florence In her eighteenth year and the budding of her remarkable beauty, fine carried all be- , fore her- and left a. string of broken .heart! in her train. . , ' Finally gha married a wealthy Israel jlte. knowing very wisely, thatfH-f fine enough to have beauty, but mere beauty la mora, aucceaaful lf.lt ia backed by wealth, and that, best of all. It should be supported by a sonorous name. So, with the aid of her husband's fortune and her - own tact, she has succeeded in ' having , her husband, Mr. Meyer, . 'dubbed (quite authentically) Marquis de Montaglierl and herself Marquise. Thla beautiful English woman-Wha has captured Paris, came here at the beginning " ofTtheeaaaoii to-have-her voice cultivated by famous tenor, Jean da Reexke, and will-soon be re turning to her home In Florence, where he will long remember . her Parisian U-luropba Tha majority of our social sensations seem to come to us this, year from Italy. We have learned of a separation (divorce doea notexlt in -the Italian 'code) which causes a great' atlr In Parisian society. Monsieur Massolenl Is about to obtain a separation from his wife, . - Dona Maria Bruschl. eldest daughter of Count Bruschl, who 'Is re lated on her mother's aide, to the Cara-'men-Chlmays. . '. (- .:.;. X . Donna Maria baa In all Rome but one rival In beauty, and aha la the exqui sitely lovely Madame Albont, who ta her own s later. The case has been dragged through tha courts for tha last year and ,durlng that time tha couple have lost opportunity ta call each other all the unpleasant namea Imaginable and to ac cuse each other of tha most, reprehen sible conduct. . Now - that Masjtoleni la engaged In parading before the tribunal engaged upon his case all the hotel keepers of Vichy and Paris from whom his wife engaged rooms last year' In order to get them to say that aha had conducted herself" Improperly while .upon their premises, all 'the French hotel keepers will, f course, present themselves be Tore the Roman bar, but If M. Massolenl succeeds In getting them to do any .thing but proteat against hla proceed ings, l shall be very greatly surprised. A Za Xypaotlo Steep, ... The Duchess de Talleyrand (ex-Prin-eesa de Sagan) continues the sleep-cure which I have already mentioned In these letters.- She ia bow In her .sixteenth month of almoet uninterrupted .. sleep. Tha doctor -to- whom she had confided the care of her health la a hypnotist, who puta her- to sleep and wakes her at wllL He keeps her In a aomnabulent elate 29 hours out of tha 14, and as a matter of fact allows her to wak only to bo fed.-- ' " -. - - " Notwithstanding all' this and- tha natu rally depressing Influence of this treat ment, so tenacious ia the duchess will that she finds tha means of pursuing be fore the Roman court her demand for tha annulment of her son's marriage to Miss Morton. - Jejrj?rdr.a-jthAACta a n.r,rahsssadoi. to tha Roman authorities. The duchesa'T6"""' fth Imperial family go choice la a particularly happy one, as tne.urantaas da la-Ferrondya haa .dur ing tha last 40 years of her. life received rtt hai table"HJ the "papal nuncios who have visited Paris and who at tha pres ent time form part of tb Vatican coun . ell. ,v .-' ' . . . j i ' Am Bxolastve Saloa. . ' Tha Countess Rosa 'da Fltsjames, nee Outtmano. whose husband recently died, ia the widow of one of tha wittiest and most Parisian of French national of fl ora, Kbw relylng-on her great wealth l and the circles to which "her husband's 'position gave her the entree, aba pro- poses to form saloa to which none but , the most exclusively select members of the French aristocracy will be Invited, and among those only the men and worn en whose Intellect and wit give charm and distinction to their presence. I .' The countess has before her great Undertaking, and one irf which many ..ether women have failed. 8ha la an Austrian by birth, and If aha can revive tha Illustrious salon of the Prlnceas Pauline de Metternlch by creating such one of her own, Paris will not stint praise .of her achievement. . ; Old Family Welcomed. ' 1 Certain famous French families, after . many years of retirement, suddenly give -signs of social activity. Among those : who . have recently sprung - into - social prominence after years of quietness are ' the family of Maasa. In this same week ) the head of the family, the Marquis de " Maasa. haa given a musicals In hla beau ' -fitful home-on tha Champs Elysee, at which his own compositions were played. ' The Marquise de Maasa, bis aunt, haa given a bal-blanc, which was attended by tha youthful flower of the arlstoo rary, and the marquis, his uncle, has given a 'performance in the concert hall . - Wl 1 -.u ' j tnnable audience of his very clever lit tle comedy. , entitled . "A Philippine." Parisian society has given a warm wel. - come to thla distinguished fsmtly, which . la esteemed aa much for Its talent as ; for the high position that It occupies and . for Its .ever cordial and graceful hospi. tatuy. V - . . ,. , TEST GAELIC LETTERS . nci ivcnrn im rwrii a Kin . wkkivbiibw lis ajsviiBrisa (CepyMakt, Rearat Kews Berries, bf Xeased r'.WJre- te-Hie Jmal. - rr-r- ' London, April 22. The test letters "'Ihat the iBaelic socTelf of the" Vntted States posted Great Britain addressed In Irtah, have been delivered, although . they would nnt have been accepted bad they been mailed at an Irish or English peetefflce. There are- two clerks in the , 1ndos) pnetoff Ire wha speak and write - - eellaeid they tranalated - the ad dresses of ths Oselte. letters Into Eng lish end forwsrded them. lt tnoh days, , however, ta dispose of the l.too letters ' which were posted In New Tork. ' Mow many hundred mora ships haa ftuesla got', to Join RoJeetvenakrT The China sea rhnat be neerly full -of them rv tMs time. Perhaps Ultra ia no room Auction Sdp MatlBglny Office '.Furniture! at .the r 1 - J., , 3alS ; ? j : 211 First Street, - ", - Tuesday, April 25,' 10 a. m. Wi have-front the Cos . Commission Company, to be sold without reserve, i mahogany roll top desk end -revolving chair. I mahogany flat desk and chair. II mahogany office ehalre. e yards In laid linoleum, book cupboard, etc., etc. We lao- have a full line of FURNI TURE and other-household goods to be sold at this-sale. ; i . e. 1 fUKU, Auctioneer. Auction Sole Thursday, April 27, 10 a. m Complete restaurant outfit,' all new goods. Including NICKEL-PI-ATKn COFFEE URN. cost .,-' also sell a full assortment of FURNITURE! and other goods at this sale, and again con tinue sale on Friday afternoon at 1 p. m. C ; i r unu, Auctioneer, If.you have anything -to sell call up Main 5635 The Portland Auction Rooms, at 211 rirst bt. .!C SCHUBACH,-FroP. KAISER'S TRIP IS : POLITICAL JAUNT Emperor Left Germany for Rec reation But Has Had Stren- ; uous t ime of It. ??trz ARCHDUKE JOHN SAID TO BE A JAPANESE GENERAL Austrian-Nobleman Said to Be Prince rYamagata - Ger- man Head for Jesuits.' .' .' (By Malcolm Clarke.) (CepyrlclR, llearst -News, Serrlea, - by Lasses' Wire te Tha ' Joaraal.) ' Berlin. April It. The anxiety caused by'an unconflrrotd rumor' a week ago that the kaiser had ; contracted- spinal meningitis haa disappeared, aa later re ports, -both private and official, agree that ha ta In the beat of health, but the physicians who Insisted that tha kaiser should go south are far from satisfied with tha way In which be abends hla vacation. - ,- When tha kaiser left here It was well known that ha waa overworked and In great need of rest, - but of rest he haa far Had very little. What wes to have been a trip of recreation tha kaiser haa turned Into a political tourney of the moat strenuous kind. -Hardly a day has paased that he haa not teen occupied with soma . political schema or seen some foreign diplomat, and In vain did 'the kalserln every day until a week ago beseech her. Imperial spouss to come to a quiet little apot at tha Taormlna, where she waa waiting for him. The quiet and reatfolneaa of the " place, - combined .with the . Ideal weather, has greatly Improved tha health of the Prince Eltel Frits, who Is now rapidly regaining his strength, although he Is not yet perfectly well. i At the Hotel Tlmeo the Imperial guests are treated exactly like any other foreigners, and all enjoy the'relaxatlon from the stiff court ceremony. Znaabltaata Wreftiy. . . The ' Inhabitants of the surrounding country are, however, greatly stirred up and there la not a little bitterness among them because tha troops who guard the imperial family, one company of infan tryand a battery of artillery, have transformed Jl fJmrShJritgAajcjy1 ned a hur out mey are eioeeiy wiuirn, iuvumi mv fact is kspt secret rrom xnara.--AU are most deilgtttett wlttt the town, with the delightful view of snow-capped Aetna In tha distance and the beautiful coast line toward Catania acroea the bay. Tha Prussian minister of the Interior haa decided- to' send a high official to America In the fall ta study the pros pects of ' success for German Immi grants In the United States. - The Investigation or social and eco nomic conditions Is to be a most thor ough one, and It ta confidently expected that tha report may be unfavorable, so that tha government may And new ar guments for Its attempt to check Immi gration. ; Bemejiee or auoaaaaa. A strange rumor la current In Aus tria to tha effect that Archduke John, who gave up all hla privileges and tltlea to become plain John Orth some years ago, and' the Japanese' General Tama- gata are one ana me earns person. xne strategy ' of the Japanese:; general la declared to be exactly Ilk that which tha archduke advocated In his works on military subjects. If Is also declared that a princely family of Tamagata had never been heard of In Japan until the outbreak of the war, and too Austrian living In' Japan has aver been- admitted to the presence of the general. -Archduke John leff Austria because of a violent quarrel with the aged field marshal. Archduks Albert, and went to England. He had bought a ship and sailed from Liverpool. He waa next heard or when hla vessel touched at Montevideo, but since then nothing haa been heard from him. Be fore leaving England he waa quietly married to a poor girl whom ha had long loved, and several people claim to 'have seen ih. couple, whom they say are living -Quietly on. a large farm In South America, , . - Oermaa Leader for Jesuits. In the nesr future the Jesuit will be allowed, to return to Germany, from which country they have been barred by law for soms time. Secret negotia tions are being carried on between the Vatican and a high German official. In return a German la to be given the posi tion aa- general of the order to succeed tlie present general, Pierre Martin, who retires because of sickness. ANNA -GOULD'S- COUNTS -ACTIVFINTOLTriCS (OnpT rightr- HrrttTtrrfcrhfTitri Wire te Tbe Josroel.) ' ., Paris, April 1J Count Bonl de Ca tellane the liuebaml of Anna Gould, Is taking an unusually active Interest In polMirs. HtK voice is heard quite often In 'thechsmber, mostly when foreign politics , la being debated, end his re marks are often greeted with applause. There tars many here who believe that the count Is preparing tn enter the dtp kmtattc sen-ice end It is-his smh'ltlon to become TTench ambssssdor to Wash, lna-ton. 1 Promlsent French v oewipaperg bar Portland Auction kc GILMAH AUCTION ATD co;.i.:po:i coMPAfjy - x L. n. clLMAJt, AacuoDeer . -SiecUl Auction Safe Of Household Furniture it Resi dence ' (tomorrow Monaay, April 24, at 10 a. rrv at .resi dence, No. 173 East Fifteenth street, - between Belmont and East YamhilL All ine ai most new ni , w ui t- tern Brussels carpets, handsome dining room furniture In oak, pretty parlor furniture, matting, linoleum, large art rug, box coui-n, oesa. lace curiaina, . k. . MMna lint A mt Kl t M . I springs, mattress and pillows; dressers, commode, - gaa -cook - range, Kitchen Queen, etc-.- - - A- -- . . D. IN. QlbMAfl, Auctioneer, Attractive Auction Sala Of Fine Household Furniture at Salesrooms, No. 413 Washing- 'ton Street, Tuesday. April 28, -at 10 o clock a. nw . .v Thla sale Includes ' recently selected and fine roods In the furniture line, and buyers will do well to attend sale Tues day. 10 a. ro. Uoods are all ftrat class. -8. I N. OILMAN. Auctioneer. Underwriters - '- ; , r' ;"-,J' ' . ". Auction Sale y We are Instructed by Messrs.' John son A - Hlgglns, average adjust era, to sell by public auction at our sales rooms. No, 411 Washington street, on Wednesday, April 26, At 10 o'clock a. m . Ex.S. S. Oregon: ; - Seven cases - Dry Goods, Do mestics,' Dress Goods arid Under-weafversirEsTSheetmghkt-IngX'Eto-.; 1U caae CigarsJ-3 .barrels Shredded Cocoanut, 156 cases Canned Fruit, 1 bale Coffee Sacks, 1 case. Hat Frames, Etc. Terms cast ' v ' "..- i L N. Gilman. Auctioneer Chattel Mortgager Auc tion Sale Of Household '"Furniture Thurs day, April 27, at 413 Washing ton Street, at 10 o'clock a. m. All the furniture, etc, of residence, re moved to rooms for convenlenoe of sale. Buyers fitting up residences and rooms will do well to attend. & JU N. GIUMANAuctloneer. Auction Sales Of Household Furniture at 413 Washington " Street,.; Friday, " Anrtl 28. it 10 a. m. Thla aala affords an excellent ttppor- tend our sales and save money. Goods on our -floors must be as good or better than advertised. - r B. U N. OILMAN,-Auctioneer. By Geo. Baker & Co. ajroTsm ouat SAXJi or oost&y ruuiTuu WILL TUJ rxu.cn at BaKer'rAuction Honse osr rxmnAT MMXTr-cmaawmma ' AT10A.SC. " The following catalogue of high claas goods are received and will be on exhi bition tomorrow afternoon; Five-light silver candelabra. Turkish easy chairs and couches In real leather, elegant par lor pieces In silk, large mahogany rock ers In brocaded plush, couches to match, fine walnut secretary with bookcase on top, library and center tables la golden oak, lace curtains and portieres, five Aimlnatnr ran. Sxllr'four velvet oar- pets, body Brusselsrug, 12x16; Bmyrna ruff-viljn O.X iiuvuiwiu, muuu vjtivii- alon table, six box seat chaira. all In quartered sawed oak: silverware and eutlerv. srlaaaware and crockery, very fine rockers In golden oak blrdsere maple and manogany; xiav uprigni folding bed, with French plate mirror. It In. x 11 in.; very choice French walnut, elegant brass and Iron beds, masalva and artistic, complete with best springs , and curled hair mattresses; LARGE SIZE - UP-TO-DATE DREHS ER8 IN REAL MAHUOANT AND MRDSKTK MAPLE; chiffoniers with plate mirrors, wardrobe Davenports In fine velour, Morrla chairs,' hsndsome easy chaira In brocaded ailk coverings, sofa pillows, graphophone with records, square dining tables end chairs, bureaus and ' commodes. , cooking stoves, gaa range, and other useful Iota too numer ous to mention. We Invite intending purchasers to kindly view the goods to morrow afternoon as ths quality and style of the goods merit competition and will be sold for spot cash. OEO. BAKER A CO., Auctioneers. osr mirniT at le a. sc. AJTD raZDAT AT S P. M. . We shall have the auction room crowSad with . second-hand and new Furniture, fashionable In atyle and well manufac tured. We request buyers to get prices from the furniture houses before com ing to the auction, then see what bar gains can be found at BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, corner ' i' Alder and Park. GEO. BAKER a CO Auctioneers. - "T " "'" ;'. '", jrOTICna One csr of steel ' sanitary couches have arrived and tha orders al ready given will be filled next week. We are In. better position than hereto fore. In supplying our customers with furniture, etc. - Msttresses made to order. We csn save you-from 19 to 40 per ent. . Olve us a call, OEO. BAKER A CO.,' Auctioneers. tm'etyuirrneTrrpoTnainc foreign- polittcat subjects from Count Bonl's pen and since the Russian de feat at Mukden he haa, ln the eolumn of the Figaro, come-out strongly In favor of an understanding or even an alliance - among Russia, France and Ureal Britain against the Japanese. - At the present the count's followers are few and far between but his evldsnt earnestness, which haa surprised every, body, msy In time make him a- leader h ikhM tee taken 4nto consideration; It Is ssld that Jimmy Hyde Is paying Ellhu Root 11.001 a day, and that he has also employed - Joe Cheat. Oood-bya Jimmy. -. .- -,- . 4 Auction Sales Auction Sates By T.' T. Wilson,' Auctioneer. Monday (Tomorrow) at Sales . . --ej-ooms, 180 First St., at : .' 10 a. m. Thla aala affords lawn mowers, screen doors, roll tup deaks, letter press, cash registers, refrigerators, pianos, money safes, sideboards. The furniture con sists of rockers, chairs. extension tables, kitchen tables treasures, foldlna and Iron beds, springs aqd mattresses, two dosen. sheets, pillows, .pictures, baby carnages, oe lounge," rme oak burtet, lace - curtains, clocks, two gaa ranges. ataggie. restaurant range, large grapno- piionee, ; anu oiner' vaiuaois . gooas, )11 eluding fine maple chiffonier." At Salesroom, 180 First Street, at 10 a. m Auction commences at ! a. m. Dt'e will eell fumlshlncs for tha different departments of housekeeping, compris ing the above Itemised 'list, with the addition of many articles necessary for wuuern nuuseaeeping. . Friday's Sale At Salesroom. 180 First . Street, .at 10 a.m. Shoes, Clothing; and Furnishings. Saturday's Sale1 Uncfaimed Freight Bv .order of the Oree-on Railroad A Navigation Company, at storage ware house, on Front street, between Love- Joy and Northrup, at 10 a. m. This sale comprises miscellaneous merchandise. ' , J. 1. miuiufl, Auctioneer. , . - .. - WOTMlt you want right valuations on your ' furniture. - etc.. phone - Main Hill. : 1 ST.-JOHNS The great. WETERHAU8ER LUM BER CO. the largest lumber euncern In the world baa completed, the purchase of Its magnificent . mill site at ST. Johns, -for which they paid nearly 1100.000. - - - ' ' Few people In Portland or Oregon re alise fully what this portends. It means Immense development la all llnea of lumber traffic in the Pacific Northwest and for ST. JOHNS It means growth snd development hitherto not dreamed of. , . . . Even the casual observer'can see this at a glance. The shrewa rar-seeing- investor is now busily engaged In looking up fee Johna real estate and buying as oppor tunity offers. - , ST. JOHNS PrODertv haa the greatest future nf anv property ln'or near Portland; This cam not be denied, y Within one year from now It will be double Its present value. Why "no vou not tilu advutui at this great opportunity T We have about thirty lots In St. Johns Park nea. the Weyerhauser site and convenient to car line, which we can sen tor a abort time yet at 1271 each arid up 16 down and 6 a month.. In two weeka they wliube gone and you will not again be able to get such gooa property aa cneapiy. we also nave other St. Johns properties bf all kind on our list. The Pioneer Land Company. . Phone traloa 8104.- St, JohM." Oragom. Real Estate For Sale At ji! By SBEPARD 'a TUFTS SlSO--Lots tn Shepards Addition, ft down, 16 per month. . -, - , SS 2 SO Lota tOxlOO. near the Weyer- hssiser mUl-t II .down and 17 It per S500-0ne . quarter' acre ; and mall house. :. .. SI 10O 6-room house overlooking the river. v . .- . . S1600 -room cot tags snd lot lOOx 100. overlooking the river, one third cash, balance to suit. , Lots, blocks ' and acreage ' on easy terms. ' SHEPARD Co. TUFTS t, Johns, Oregon. On O. W. P. electric line, short distance east of Sellwood. Stop , f A"t Wichita Statioirr PRICE $150 TO $200 PER ACRE ON INSTALLMENTS. ' T. . PABBT, Mesldaat Agwam, KNAPP & HACKEV Xoom S. Ohamber of Oommeroe. Northwestern ; - Investment Co. Eastern Oregon wheat land ani stock rsnehea Call and see us. We have some-good properties for sale Rooms 218-220. Abfngton Building raoae Bed ITS. - POBTZaJTS, OB. Wednesday's Saie St. Johns Land Co. azJ.otos aIP I" A A Between lth and Jflth, Ilk ill I on 'Ella, near Washing llninl 110x126. II - room iPlillUVV heiise, -firmly liwated for ' apartments or flats; best buy In the' city. . Louis Salomon' .'y altH nUT ITBIIT. . l W;-.?. a: . ... - The Snaps of the . ...;:.::-Day: ... - .... - 7 . , SS,00e Elegant lot. beautiful lawn and . ' shrubbery, stvllab T-room col - . tage. "Sub Hill locality, Flanders ' ' streqCT , 3,ooO Very charming 140-acre liver front country home, over 40 acres In fine elate of cultlva . tion. over 20 aores of which Is . the very best " beaver dam. ., onion -or garden land; ' good . --buildings, eheloe fruit; convent- r-ent to railway station and land- . Ing. Thla ia the beat country ' ' buy west of the Cascade moun tains. - - ' ' - .. SS.50O 6 full lots, with a charming T- room cottage, strictly moaern , slid beautiful to behold, elegant :t -' . barn and choice variety fruit, t - berries and shrubbery. A place that beats them all; beautiful . . community, i blocks from eleo : trio cars. ' - - . S,S0O I -acre beaver dam garden, abun- . .. j aance uvmg water, exceeaa . . . - anything about the city sub urbs. Fronting on electric cars, . 26 minutes out... 1 S1.S00 Charming cottage home on East jsintn street; o rooms wun . modern conveniences, abundance fruit and berrlea. A lovely place for the money. . too Cosy cottage home In Wood - -, ' stock; I rooms, corner lot. SOO Neat cottage home In ' Wood lawn;! rooms, full lot. - 000-Neat little chicken ranch tn Laurel wood, " adjoining Kern . park. . t . . . . : 00 Nice l-acre place In Clackamas. 100 Beautiful residence lota On Ninth street, in Woodlawn. THE DUNN LAWRENCE CO. 140V, nSIT ITBIIT. ' V. SCHMID ; 101 tGrand Ave, East Side. . , Special Bargains 11400100x100, East 7th and TamhUl - streets, small house.. - S1400 Choice - residence lot, comer, E. 14th and Taylor. . , , , , f aad S soosa housesAlLiPiodem. E. Burnaide ' street. . . a-room eoetagea, Eaat I7th street, one mock 10 Anaeny car line; amau payment down, balance monthly here ! a chance to - get a home. ...'. $ SOO ' 6-room "cottage, nlce-rloeatlont . . . easy terms. . 9 T60 ' 6-room cottage and corner lot, - fruit trees, garden. -S1SO0 ' l-room house, lot 60x115, East vin, near-Anaienj. part -caan, . balance monthly, . -room houses, with acre tracts; good lucatlon; very cheap. : 9 S60 4 -room,' new house," nice loca tion 1100 cash, 110 per month. SS10O An elegant 7-room house and tern, s run -jots, -wTth modern - . conveniences, with or without furniture; a beautiful location, on Woodstock car line,. Acre Tracts S, 10, IS a ad SO sees tracts, no gravel; miles rrom nere, close to car . . line 1136 per acre.. . . , V- FARMS ' We have a' large ' list, ' over ' 10,000 acres, and some of the best properties on the market.' We can be of real serv ice to Intending purchasers by reason) of our extended knowledge of the charac ter and worth of the. available farms. Ask any of the Portland banka aa to oua standing an? nualness methods. uui or write xor our list 01 zarma. - ACRE TRACTS W jfcr Jut pfiu?tnffoxi-lh market jrp luauions to Jennings Lodge- on the Oregon City ear Una. and aa-aeU acre tracts In this elegant euburb for wnat is naio ror a single small lot el s nald for i where. These tracts make fine homes. or ere first-class Investments. Call or write for full particulars. City Properties We have also a choice list oY well located cltv Drooertles. business and residence egwell as some fine vacant lota for building Bitea. Money judl cinualy - Invested In Income-producing propert1eawlirgrtrerwltirih "constant anil sure groartn of the city. j Invest now and realise, thla benefit.. - The Shaw-Fcar Co. 43 8TABZ IT. A Beautiful Suburban Home Outside city limits, on car Una, eon slsttng of 2 acres fine rarden soli, all In Arst-claaa condition, fine water;, un- oerorainea; new cviiaf" mil vuidujiu Ings, Including chicken-house and cor ral A splendid opportunity to acquire e, nice nom k inwuiuivn iifui ui owner being Involved and Is forced to ii I A Choice Tract Of, Bl acrs.. within three quarters of an hour's drive from city; finest of soil for' gardening or fruit; on road equal to city streets; some cleared land; no other improvements; near car line. We are authorised to aell thla at 171 per acre, and to give good terms, say one intra caan. v Cross & Shaw S3S WASatDTOTOaT ST. . . Real Estate Bargains S. 150 100x100. one block from Wood- atock oar. 134 down. 110 monthly; water, fine view, Very .cheap. , . i-. S8,TBO -roon house., rood. J.00xl5 0and . fruit, on car line, in suburbs. 14,000 8-room strictly ' modern, fur' i ii- naeey-jfjaa. corner- lot,- central, 14,60011 acres, near Mllwaukle. 11 room house, barn, well and pump,-21 bearing fruit treea, 1 acres In berries, running water, ' aoma onion land. Compton & Gibson 100 Abfakftom aUdg. ' " ACottage-iri W 3 For 1 down and 110 per month. Choice lots 1100, 1 down snd la a month. Electric icars, e fare. 4 . . aosbtt osr tsoi OBornri). QEOe W. BROWN ; ,' SOS TAXUBO BLSOV. ' i aThoaa lUla lias, - , v , ' ' '-, iL-iu- - ' ' . Weido furijlsh a NICE FREE LUNCH TODAY "to ou visitors and intending purchaaers of lots In BEAUTIFUL RESERVOIR 'PARK. ' Refresh yourself when you come out . Then look at tha CHOICEST prop- -. -arty' In the market. ',' Ws have Just completed our new plat and map, hav- Ing platted , some -more of our fruit trees and berries for you to make '' your-selection from. . ' . v -: "T--?-"-'.'. ' ". " '.' ' . ';'.') -vf: ,.: , ; - - , t" . '. .Plce (of lots ' flOO and. upwards .on easy terma Water piped. , to " 'very 'lot.- - Streets graded.. , Ground perfectly level. '' Take Mt. Scott car 'and get off at Kern Park and RESERVOIR PARK STATION. ' To wlU 'and our agents at our. office at tha station, and oa the grounds. .. Call at our City Office for a Plat and Map; Showing the 'Location, Etc. - -' Mah-ilrii Owner ; Is the place to get a home at actual cost Of material. Nothing less than 5-room cottage allowed in my addition. First- class bungalow cottages and large houses, all have picket fences and full basements, all porcelain plumbing and toileli inside. Come out and look them over. Make me an offer Just what you can pay down month. 1 live right at Nashville Station, in the big white house. --: - ".- ' V"'.. JOE NASH. Owner. 1 "Phone Union 1561. . FREE ROSES ARE CROWING : HOUSES ARE BUILDING ' ERNPAR OJt MT. SCOTT USB ME XT TO THE CARS LOTS - ' 40x100. with alleys, 095 to 0165' rO BXTBA aVOTS, tsse BACK. Monthly Installments, $3 or $5 ,WB HAVE PLENTY OF LOTS TO SELL,-: AND , TOO- T WlLL-'HAVB PLENTY OF OOOD NEIGHBORS. - SYCAMORE REAL ESTATE CO. j 203 Morris Jfrawf il$2560 11 eere, all Improved, well located and good aoll. 4 $2000 I acres and house, on easy terms. ' 11 acres, near car line. acre tract Inside city limits, and a bargain, ..... $6000 v.v: 10-room house and. full lot on . west side, close in. .,' , .- $2600 ISOxISO and small house' and plenty oi (xwring irun trees; will exenange thla for house and lot closer In. .Davidson, Ward iXbe-: . 40S Chamber of Oommazoa, . New Residences tn Hoi. ; laday's Addition Third -. and Hassalo streets, three new, handsome, well-built residences of eight and nine rooms, near the. beautiful Oco- bock residence, one. block from Union avenue car line, 100 feet from Holladay avenue car line, two blocks from "U" car line Also three on Second and Has salo, facing south and'tfast, mod em, well built, good design, very roomy and . reasonable in price. Apply to I- CHARLES JC1 HENRY. ' 278 Stark St. lIolladayParR'Addition anrAAKh Three t-room eol-jlZ-illltaes; strictly modern; hot faitVV 'cold - water: eleetrlo lights; porcelain ' baths: hardwood fin ish; wall all tinted rwadyvfo move Into; the beet built houses In the addition: cement sidewalks; sewer all In and Butt Run water; lota 10x110 ft.; one block from the Ankeny car line. Dn not fall to eee these beautiful homes. $500 cash; balance at per cent; or will trade for small Improvsd farm. Empire- IiaVcstmcntl oo sCaamW 'or Cmmeroe. Dissolution Sale; Of IH acres, beautifully located, all lit high state of cultivation, large bearing orchard: 7-room modem house, with ce ment cellar; large barn and other buildings:-- located north of Irvlngton on Fremont street, near race track. ..This tract will be sold awav. below what it has coat the owners and on good terms. J.LeWeHs&Co. aawurs aranr. n 99 LI- K i ii u u 226-228 Frorit &U '.1 . , and how much you,carr-payper7 Prices Go Up! - Prices of all lots at Univeriity Park snd Portimouth will be sd tranced 10 per cent on May I, 1905. Don't forget the date. Prices will advance rapidly from that date on. We hays told you that lots at Univer sity Park will sell for $1,000 per front foot within the lifetime of persons now living-.Thl atatement rests joa. reaaoning from cauae to effect and not on visionary prophecy. - - It will not require a (limpae to convince any person that business, of immense im portance ia now in process of develop ment on the Whole Peninsula and UnU veraity Park is ths very center of this business movement. The sooner you invest the larger will be your profits within the next five yea re. Prices $60 to $300 each, one tenth down, balance $5 monthly on each lot, no interest, no taxes, abetract with each; deed. . - , FRANCIS I. M'KENNA; ; Room 606, . Commercial ilocavand . . University Park Sudon. Ett St. Johns tAcreTracts We have'just; t)latted a tract at the intersection of St Johns car : line and -Columbia Boulevard and offer choice . ACREAGE "tracts ar$45lTanir5rXir--n Wakefield, Fries f CSl, Co. Agents ' .y:! Main 14 - 229 STARK ST. ARDMORE The most -destrstne-building t site In Portland, surrounded by palatial homes, with an -unobstructed view of our fa , mous mountains; tha only ex clusively hlgh-elass resident , riroperty supplied with . bltu Ithle streets, cement side walks. Bull Run water) sewer and gaa laid to each lot. Tska -Washington street car ta Cltv Park and get off at Park ave- -nue. Por plats and prices calf on or addreas. . GRINDSTAFF & SCtiALK S4S STABZ ST. so ACRES, all eleartll and fenced, on Powell Valley road, seven milea from Courthouse, Part cash, bal- , snce on time. " ",' -. "j . John P. TeL latain i So. 701 Chamber of Co 1VAINMOB"! ! TBS BIOHTMEST SUBURB nf Pni-t. land, lots 00x100 feet, with alley In reaE i excellent water supply. Take Woodstock or Mt Scott car Sunday afternoon enrl view thla addition of comfort a hie homes. . ataa on tne grouna. jljOIS yioo to 1170. $5 Down nd S a Month Buys them. Buy now before the advance,' - Agent on grouna inis STtemooa. . A. H. BIRrtELL UtJSfit bldff., corner -fThlrd and SUrk. rt a . r bharkey .v. -4 if. -a. v' fc wv-. . r r