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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1905)
cnVCyVV v M Retail Druj Emporium. " From tiny graduated tubes for handlisg eni mtsiurinj powerfol adda in Iiicrxtsry wcri, ts fca .;, V . 'r' UA nnOAr v 7 . jars- for exhibiting ! prixe ruit-irom - hand-ground' crystal ' lenses to ss!sert.CKj; ttewwdc-iosi tuacsV. thtnactert ' . SWiOXtli li ;for testing cream to,massive tranapaxent ,tanka from eyeglasea to eyfvumlrlei uatjtQ rUch thij-t:-:h:lTrer ' . s-t'&r &PaZZ!W?Sr1xfi'K' ' 4" ' 1 . 4 J f -'Cto pufare represented. , f1 t , , . - ' sTjPtefe xkF&r: Fruit Exhibits r ''y&httinisrtng-Cut' Gloss - BfsU JHA(-" v" ' : - f ' -.Growers, from now pn yoin ? xca . ' TVfyA rT C7V- . . 4 m-T rtt tT 'SS ill nttobpttle samples for exhibi- , xV': TVPl ACaW - ImOSi ' - 0&&Zm IY 1 1. -Ji 11 i J - Hermetically scaled specimen jars,.. weWt wm, 7 II "V ' ' Vfll ' , -V - . k - ' " Wu.hln bride ; f 7 W ' ; fJM V- lit 7f.l t y ... , xftW ' Vv.' v Alt '-fted for-.ccurw.y-.nd pnrtnUci. , cut oryiUJ No , . " ' , Ci. a W j . , A,l 7T22C . I, ifilHrU-,' . Complttt qn)pmn for Laboratories, for A- " Blft moro dln- . X XX "l-iL X - - V- UAJ T" v r - ' ' -i Myors, Cbemiata. CoUcec Manufactories. W . ty 'md appro- p- "" - ' . ' ; ,1 . TAS5i W laboratory-on th Paplik Coat a ? Ifiy ' . if vW5rJ'jy urprl to Eaatorn.. vUUora to find on ttt1au: ',t ' v'' C lC "COMt""0 MV n 'Pt Una. of 'f; ' lV 1; - f , exanaoAXi oxxxwxjui jNJTTJi ii.' 1 - ' i , r- - . , 4 ' -'' J 1 1 1 'a '- ST.JB Mmiiun nnora ra muni aw, i-rm. , :Vi .:-; M vn: OXOrT . .-,V-rr 11 i i ign, . i in . mmm i nfr--ii ill 1 ' i . wr. ewer, unvo vii, -ooaa. Mmaraia, ; Dno ofRojettvcnsky'a Submarine. . It'Ia Known That the Kuuiait Fleet Hai Fourror Five Submarine Boatx Whh ItThe Pictura Bhowt the Arrangement of TheseitirLEnginea of War.. CiD DDILCluGS v r; : TO DE: REOUILT Stores at Second and Stark Will ; Be Remodeled by New ' " ' ' Purchasers.' EXTENSIVE FUTS TQ ' - BE BUILT ON DAVIS t: fij:. SL Zeller-Burne Undertaking Corn pany ; Pianjs Establishment . r on Wiljiams Avenue. The of tha , property of . JFVed 1 Blckel at th aoutbeaat corntr of 8o- quo ana outk airaeis to inomu ocoii - - Brook and Dr.'A. J. Gley, for $I0,00, , ,will be followed ; by JraprOTment by -the new owner. Tne trourtd. ioa by 109 foet, U' ..covered .pumber of "one-a'tory frame butidiogs." An architect f in at work on plan for reraodellha the bulldlna on the corner, and it will alao - . be repe-ilWe.' Ther emaJler . bullAlnit. - fronting on Second- atreet, will be - re- , modle4 and -new fronts put In, or they '.-will be torn away at once and' a oife- story Cbriak, 1 building erected, tor of- fleea... .; . , -;. , i. ;;M.-T ".(?.$-' '. - ."-We regard thl property aa an axcel , - lent -iaTeatraent. In view of tha.Anangtog , condlttona la tnla part or the city," aatd 1 n Mr. Brooke, ' "Our Intention U not to build any very large or expensive struo . ture oa the ground at this time, but to .. fit tip such butldinga as will Insure a j revenue sufficient to carry the prop i arty. .In.' a few years there will be a . denuuid for large buildings- here. 'ihe . Street railroad company Is waiting to tar , .and operate lts tracks on Second street a soon aa the property owners deal t -the .question .of materials with ., which thtratieai la to be paved, and iheia U alao a-, strong prospect that th Oregon "v -Traction company will - soon 'build a ' Jine on Stark: atreet, past th property. AH thee, things wUl help this seotlon t Bnlldtna; -permits Involvins larg and -erxpnsie . tructuras have - not . been mjtnoroas during the list week. , The Coleman, flats. be built on Da via atreet. at a coat of 111,800, was the tiaoet notable. . N. Wolf is building -dwelling, to. cost on Koamay. ba- trst t and J -Twentieth 1 -rtreeta. - The Zeller-Bnrna company will 4 , build a vndertaJklng, stabllshsnant on 'William avenue, near Russell street. , .. J. D. Coleman will remodel a rest. - denoe n Davia heat Nineteenth street. , W. H, Wallac :, will erect a one-etory . brick building on ' Sixth near Davis. , Plans are drawn for a handsome dwell Ing i for David ,vOgden. of j the . Vnlted'j . ascatea -engineers: corps, on nanaers trectu near the Cornell road. ' THI-S EYE Direct you to 4 ? jL Portland'ay ? r Foremost Optical -- V ' .-Mi- L - . where 'satisfaction is !- giverf in' a mos particular rnanncr.1' Jt is presided :mfXfy:laxL t expect optician of tnanyT 4 yea.:t:ypCt"ce and your lenses are ground ' on the ; premUes, -wbich- insures -per- lect results. for-your correc- ', Oculists' Prescription i, , , Accurately FiDed. r P. DEVELOPERS COMING :IHEAT-H0fJBERS Portland Prepares to Give DeleJ . gates to Oregon's BigXeague ' a Warm Reception. INTERESTING PROGRAM -FOR THE - CONVENTION i When - Business Is Over Social Features" Will Be Enjoyed t at Commercial Club. V ' Next Tuesday, evening ori Wednesday morning delegates will pour Into this city, front, ovary portion of Oregon to attend ' the second . annual : convention . of tna uregon xieveiopraent league. ' ; A ' reduced railroad rata has been made.' From some of the nearby points special cars hay bee.nsjraflgeAJtor., 1 1 rocepUon ommlHe wtu be at thn",Mar- qnam Qrand theatre to welcome visi tors. . . This committee will be composed of . men named , by- Portland - Com marciai club, and . cor Silttee of Port land woman uruipr "thn 4nt chairman ship, at Mesdaiae f J.'V .M anja- A, It Breyfaan. .--." ,t. -r - V -: . . i-ians nava-ioeen inaae-ror the enter tainment of women who accompany th delegates, sod. .they will: have a promi nent . part in..tba reception given - the league Wednesday ; evening. . Delegates on arriving at the. theatre will register ana receive badgst V vt.''J 'reeinant Smith In th Chair.' 1 The convention will be called to order st : o'clock by President E. I Smith of Hood Klvsr; ' Governor Chamberlain will deliver aa address - of welcome. 1rh will tin nspsndad to 1)T TTriMnnt I up 1n the fuieiioon goneral session, in eluding th arrangement of headquar- tera for the organisation on th,. exposi tion grounds, to be In charge of com petent, men, who can. giv data' on any desired portion of -th state. The ques tion of securing special rates to enable exposition visitors to make lid trips over Oregon will -alao be given atten tion.' In the afternoon sectional meet ings will b held.; a . outlined In th official call. -- '..' t. .. .-' 1 The Willamette -valley - agricultural section will be uadtr the xupervtsion of Colonel K. Hofer and Walter Lyon, pres ident and secretary, of the Willamette Valley Development league, at 'the liar- quam Grand theatre. - . Throe sections . will be held . at ' th Commercial club. . The - dairy -' section wlU hold ita session in th ladles din' Ing-rpom, with j. W. Bailey, slat dairy and food .. commissioner. . as chairman. In th tower room Judge John 11. Scott will preside over th good roads ee- 4lon. - In connection with 'this a tele gram-was received from Colonel R. W. Richardson, - secretary of the National Good Roads association, m-.wnicn be stated that he would arrive in Portland April 35, and would address the conven tion. Th mining section will be held in the black room. vvi..;... .v.. Ifg SoaiaJ Side. Wilbur JC Newell will be chairman of the' fruit section.-- Through correspond ence with fruit growers., all over th state he has succeeded m getting the promise 'of an enthuelastlo gathering for this ttrancn or th-wor. -.a: . , j..- ; All sectional conventions will meet at Z:1S o'clock Wd aesdayv -Condensed re ports of the proceedings of eaeb.wUI be prepared for presentation at the genera) gathering Thursday morning. -' , In the receotlon to be a-lven at the rooms of the Portland -Commerotal club Wednesday night, from S to 11 o'clock. the league Will have its principal social feature. - Portland women wilrtMrnrea. nt 10" rneer and welcome tHe wlv" "ahd daughters of delegates.' There will be dancing In the large dining room of th club. ,y ,' ' ,:- After th ' general session - Thursday morning ' the ' work of f,the league , will be concluded,' and -at I o'clock ? in the afternoon delegate will leave In trolley care for th exposition grounds, where they will be the guests of in of ft clals. , FOREST-SROVE-WmS -uTHE FIRST DEBATE (RpeeUI titspateh ts Tb. loaraal.) Beattle. , Wasn AprU JlPaclfJo ITnlveralty team of Forest Orove, Ore Won, defeated the University of Wash ington team In the first tnter-colleglate debate , between the two universities after a close contest at Denny hall last night. - Th vot of the Judges was di vided. Judge Hatch voting for Washing ton and Judges Crow and Fry for Ore gon. H . - V . t .- ' i. ' ' ' ,v ' ' The two teams Joined Issue on the qnestton; "Resolved. That ' the Vn1t4 States should not Wain permanent pos session of. the Philippine islands unless they shall ultimately enjoy statehood." Jwtaw-Aixrsd Battle resided and lntro eucea toe epeaaerar- "A 'BEST JOB IN OSEGO T '(-Continued from Page One.) however, these calendars ware carefully arranged so as to be get In four columns, thus doubling th price of composition. Not only did this arrangement double the price of composition, but Jt very materially ' -added' to itbe - amount vof 'White space- m the worg, ana wnicn is measured aa' If solid type. - The matter in the calendars la added to day by day, but .the stat printer recelvs pay for all matter contained therein, each day. In' thla way th state pays for the same composition es often as 40 times. I It is not hard te figure th net pre-OU on this one lob, as it was done clusl very by the night fore at the state printing orrice, - This 'night force con sisted of from four to seven printer working IS hours each night, on press. man and . en press-feeder doing the presswork In. few hours la the early morning. These eompealtorg were paid at the rate of price and one half, that being the union night - scale. - Their earnings came to Just IT each a night, or tit for all of them,1 while the press man and feeders work brought : th amount up to about a day. - Aa the paper and binding Is paid for by the state, the net profit onthls work ' Is the difference" of St (or less K the entire seven men were not employed) and Mbe - amounf , recefved by Mr. Whitney. " At double rate for composi tion (set In four columns) and the allowance of IS cents a token for press work, this work figures up - to ft a page. for every page of -the hoos and senate calendars. 'These vary from four pages each at the beginning to 108 pages each at tb end of the session, or a dally average' t about 10 pages each. Thus, Mr. Whitney received - a dally average amount 'from the stste of $0 day on this' one Job, of which ever l0 -was clear profit-v t - - oa t staay.-. : This is only on of "many of th waya that .th stats printing office is mad to pay big profits. . Perhaps th easiest way to arrive at the approximate earn ings .of ' this .office Is to deduct - the amounts, of its expenses from -the amounts trr wemy pte4w fee .the warXLa .jepdacpiLAL doner The appropriation for state prinUng during the two years from January 1. 10I to December II. 104. was $10,00. Of this amount ' the state printer was paid directly SST.t7t.ST - Added to this there was a deficit in the appropriation of $11,000. of which $t,SI4.l4 has .al ready been paid, leaving about IM75 due him stilt i v r-w-; la eddltion to this s special appropria tion wss granted for the printing of the supreme court reports. Tor this -work the stat printer received ST.100. - During the last two years the Oregon National Guard has paid 'to the - state printer from Its individual appropria tion $4.8tS.4X These amounts total up to the amount of $ll.70.7. Then there 1a a considerable amount of other print ing inai nas neen oone py the. etat office' during the last two years which has been paid for cut of the appropria tions of three respective institutions. It Is almost impossible to give the exact amount of the money mad In this way by the : state printer,' but It certainly exceed the $1,100 yearly which is paid for tb use of the printing plant, and any - other miscellaneous expenses in curred by him. ' :..,:f -.-, t- For the two years. 101-104. Mr. Whitney has paid hi employes S2S, t4.1t. This- , substricted front-the amount of the ; income for the same time, leaves the very snag MtUe sum of t a si, wnicn is anouv th . amount of the .sute printer's profit from this source for the past two years, or. $18,- 93.80 a, year. -.;. : "'( ..-,,. v.' To ail ta proata. Nor Is this ail that the sute printer makes. ' Out of tbe printing eboroDrta- tlon and th ', deficiency erlntlng appro priation there was paid (for -paper and binding during 1 to and 104. 117.- 4.40. - The - state -oonftitution origi- naiiy required tnat this t work be wiven out by the secretary of j state, but this was laUn amended (H. iB. 370, p. S0 O." til 0 JT so" M I6piace ThWitiegi 1 the hands of the stat printer."'- Th law says that advertisement for bids ah all be made for-thla work.' but If these bide -were advertised no trace Can be found of tbe advertisements. , , The state . binding, folding. . etc, - has been done by George p.. Rodger Co. for several years at prices 'that allow Considerable margin of profit. For In stance, thatata . was charged at the rat of $3 a. day for eaenf one of -the girls employed at , folding, etitohing the most part $8 a week, or le cent a day. although a few of the mor-cs pert received as high a t a week.- - It Is said that during thelaat leaislg- Uve session there was som . complaint on this score, but It was settled by the raising of the saiarie from 83 a week tO $1.60. -'--1..., .-. ".-.,. . . Am tbe contracts ( for paner and bindery work . go through th sute printer' hands, ft Is not unfair .to pre ume tht he receive a je men tag-fof 4oU4rraf, . -' '" The plant of the State printing office is owned, by Prank C. Baker, chairman of the Republican state central coaimlt- tee. It was Installed by 'years ago at the beginning of his term ae state winter: - - a Tn cost of the plant oriainJli tttfc? ' . ". - . t t : - -, ' v" Pr.... " ' jj XrAromaaan, Xmmawioa Bowla, - JTyA 1 . ' aooloa, , t Xriob Jan. . - - - A .rl Ja T,:J1j.Om43 Photo Complete tin of Oround Crystals the producu of the finest establish ment o(thf .worlds including Goers, Bausch ft Lamb and BolghUanddr. xraaxsms, eBASVATM, gAms, tbvatb, ' Everything in Ola Everything In Glass for the Photographer, including Plates, ; Glass Thermometers', V ,1 Pasteur Thermometer, the kind you read about; for bath ' and other purposes wber axset temperature of liquid.. ' . ..a. - 1 A.lM.ieij Hi mt .i fnw home us J Dairy Thermometers . ..t,.... These Glass Thermometers float Uoal for- any purpose for which any thermometer . . . .can be used e great nousenoui - - -J 7" convenience. 4.' 'Glass'yes' y - jwt tbouMiit) fai our utortment. W match Jaturk For Cleaning Glass 30o PoHshtnr Cloth .......4.-i -Chamois Skins, all prices ably was about $7.$00, but the pre are now on their last lega, while the en tire equipment, la JMuUy worn. . , : ' Mr. Whitney pays nr. jsaaer. n a month for the use of this plant, so that In a four years! term he pays 84,800 for the uad of aa outfit worth not nearly that sum. He, also furnishes employ ment to brother of Mr. Baker. Th state furnishes free room and light. 1 If tb composition oa the state -worg could be done with the aid of typeset tine machines instead of by hand It about nail tn present cost. A small amount or the state maiiw has been set oa th Capital Journal ma chine, tbe past year, and Mr. Whiting baa announced his intention of. getting considerable linotype work done in Port land in the future, but ee tbe metal la vary heavy and the freight charges on it wUl be considerable, most of tb work will probably continue to be , done by hand..- v.,-. J'):'-;.l.. . ; -v j; W.' ill- .-itua .XeusaiajaaioM, ' At the last session committee was appointed to look Into the workings of tbe state printing office. The committee did not report until the last night of the session, and its report was that It had checked up the measurements of the stat printer -and found them to be correct - The appointment of thla cOrnmlttee. however,-had some visible result, lor one member of It, promptly oa his re turn to Portland, purchased aa interest in a linotype plant there. - Can Craft Be Stoppedt ' After viewing all these facts the ques tion naturally arises as to how this oyer, charge on the state printing can be stopped. - It seams Imposslbl to - frame a law that can prevent thla,' owing to tbe great variation in the kinds of print ing done. ' .,.!-- -v- - r t - : it I , To. give out ' the work' by ;i contract would not be likely to help matters. Indeed th stat of Washington pays a much larger amount than Oregon for Its printing, which Is handled by eon- tract only. - To purchase a , plant and install a state printer on salary seem to be. the only practical answer' to tbe problem. 1 A good equipment say of three linotype, one monotype,- together with tb necessary presses and other material, could be purchased at a cost of from- 830,000 to 338,000, and with such an equipment tbe work- could- be produced at a greatly -reduced figure. The plant would thus doubly pay. for tteelf ta-a Xarm. uitLf out. years. SlatUM trraft ts Xansas . . In -conneotion with this subject, the follqwlng, clipped from the Labor Cham pion of.Topeka, Kansas, Is Interesting Ktr a numoer oi years peat a great. deal of bot air, has been - exhausted Toasting th Kansas stat printer an denouncing the system or doing tn wor 'graft, bat legislature arter legis lature met and adjourned without doing anything practical to. 'square' the -tent -Finally, the struggle for the Job tovtvVvn"0VF ,jpisyis'it jovrii"TWi,,'"a'ftT "-tiha present stat print, two. years ago, when Mr. Clark beat Mr. Horn only two vetea, overtaxed the political machinery and resulted In aa explosion. The legis lature of 1008 proposed an amendment to tbe state constitution to make th tat printer' a bone, fide etate officer, to be elected by the peepla. That amend ment was voted on st the general elec tion In November, 104, and was adopted by a large majority. During tbe sum mer of 1104 tn question or absolute ownership and operation of a printing and binding plant by the state wa pre sented and discussed, and Immediately following the November election, when It was known that the constitutions! amendment had carried, the printers and other advocates nf stat ownership be- ran en active rn.iirn to nrotnpllen .it J Xo:i lypt-.t't.'ral yrJoa . ': - . ' r Lenses 8 ij esriuiaru jja r. ...... --..oAae- and are perfecUy prac- rTAT-4 eH VAST V ,S . Ct vj Te) f 1.T5 aa aowa So 3 4? Prescriptions' a SpecialtyPrompt Deliveries, Ao Delays FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS No. 131 took hold of the question with both- hands, worked day and night and 8undaya, through its executive commit tee, and' beyond- a doubt ' crystallised popular sentiment -into a, determvnauon to try the experiment. . "On the 2d of February,-1108, house bill No. 43; relating to a state printing plant,' was Introduced la the bouse, bear ing the authorship of the way and means committee; and It was ordered printed Immediately. Th' next day the sam pill was Introduced la the senate ', a senate bUl Mo. 433, . -ejy euia nlmentjn-fvc .. fcaged' over to the nou te bin No. 4, and passea witn vote. It was mea Ouse7"aHd"UlV' house subsUtuted the senate bUl for Its own and passed, It. with a few minor amend ments, almost unanimously. ' On- the f jUith senate concurred In the house amendments, -"enrolled the bill and sent It-to the governor. -' On tbe 13th the governor "signed it, and on the 14th It was published In the official, state paper and became lew. - , "That was going some ,-'- "The new: law directs the governor to immediately . appoint ' three persons ag a commtsalon to purchase ground, erect a building thereon, and purchase and Install therein a printing and btnd Ing plant The bill carries the follow Ing appropriation: Six thousand dot- lara for purchase of ground; $10,000 for erecting a building; S33.00 for purchase of equipment. Total, scs.oeo. - "We believe that thla state Ownership will prove to be a successful experiment We know It wui ll tne-piant is con ducted along sound business lines .in stead of political lines. ;- - - "Our prediction Is that within five years we will be printing school books In this but printing plant, if the print ere In Topes do pot let grasa grow under their feet, .,... ,,y,i,':-v-. 'i PRIEST QUELLS RIOT OF ? - i STRIKING WORKINGMEN -v-- ''.-v,-'A! . ' (Special rnspateh by tesaed Wire to The Jon 1-01) New Tork, April 31 Holding a erucl fix high above his bead, Father Antonio Sclalla, of . the Church of St . Phillip of Nart, issued through a crowd or riot ing workmen near th Jerom reservoir today, Imploring them to remember the day and not to desecrate Hely Satarday by : staining ' their hands with blood. Later, 'when "be -calmed them, - he knelt In the street while the great .crowd fol lowed hi example .and listened with sullen respect to the words of the priest king Xotjllvln aid in controlling the nasslonate temper of UiC PleT--irritil the last day of holy week has passed. The police reserves of two precincts had been sent to the scene of the ex pected outbreak, but their Influence-was as nothing compared with that - of the priest,. ' .- ' -''il ') .- ;'V,r? ? iX's; SUPREME COURT'i VERSUS LABOR UNIONS (8peUI DUpatc by Leased Wlr to Tb Joarnsl) XcWMhlngton,J-Aprtt - 33. Union- labor ls right W :iu eontentlotr - that -the Baker cast ef New York Bad a right to determine what should be a week's work and what ahould be a day's work in tooee stabllahments. "'-.- i , -- Tbe American Federation of Labor, speaking through Prank Morrison, it general secretary, - said today that the various sute decisions, and notably the Utah state decision, the local legal authorities-being la close touch with the local conditio!), had been In. favor of th labor organisations, and that the ag gregate showed that th - sort sen sua ef legal opinion wa In "favor of a labor union aa against th United Rtatea Su preme 'court. A further test will be mad by the American JV'teioa yt --V --,- 1 ',-"-- -, that will have higher value In yexs - - f fltght-fnch Berr Bowl .... Nine-Inch Berry Bowl ..........,.....,.....,,. Ji.58 Twelve-inch Fruit Plate J-$ Seven-inch . Nappies .... 4.1 S , Bait and Peppers, sterling silver top.. ...... ...... - .a This Week on eil For; the f Bridegroom .Magnifying.. Shaving,' " : V Mirror, , ..folding4., and .adjustable, so it can be -.".raised hi gh- of-low and. -'" tilted V at any s- angle, . Mirror both sides one i side magnifying to im- lisvaiv je?vv , every pore and whis- ? ker- a i luxury. . that i mere man will appre-i ciate possibly. morc . highly than anything t - eise you can give mm.-. Special this- -j week i ...f'.$3.1ti Rpadlng Glasses .4-lnch ......:....f 1.T5 Other, siaea down to..50 - r LANE SAYS HE LEADS Thomas Makes SimilayAasertion r and - Each Republicaiv Can didate Claims Everything. .: k ALBEE MEETING FAILS r ; JO GIVE INDORSEMENT Gathing in His Interest in Fourth ' Ward Cries Hands Off in , , . Majority Fight. Although Dr. "rfarry Lea and George H. Thomas, the candidates, have- been active in lining up supporters, they have waged a contest la which no hard feel ings have been engendered. Last night tbe Lane 1 men- eta ted that they had polled the ' precincts and oould claim. with figures to . back their assertion that their candidate would hare almost three to one over Tkomas in the prU marie. Mr. Thomas, however, says he Is In the lead and will win the Demo cratic nomination. . ' . - '. The Republican situation is' very much mixed. Albee men have been actjve and are claiming substantial accretions from elements heretofore thought, to " be favorable to other candidates. "They as sert that in addition to the distinctly law-enforcement element .they are re ceiving assurances from business mea who, up to a abort time ago, .had been outspoken in their expression of oppo sition toioee-B oandHiacy. ' . The Glafke forces are confident,- too. and the organisation formed In his in terest has been carried! forward to a much better stat - than . it wag at the beginning of last week. -,. '-V' , - Olafks Pore) - Confident,' H. a- Row' return from the east last ' week stiffened his campaign, and his orrice was flihrd with friends who called to pledge support for the coming I fight It is generally uhderstood that I Row JKill-faLL heit to tha Simon vote. ana tn tain u maae lor mm insnir lg th leading candidate at this time. F. T, Merrill who has com, out with a frank, open town policy, I conducting a unique campaign, In which hlvwell-J known skill aa an advertiser plays pn important part He insists that he is In the lead, and that he will not only beat Mayor Williams for the nomination but -will receive- enough 1 votra to win the honor ef carrying the Republican standard on tm t,---j-r --1 JBUyoa th Mayor ; Williams I 'Credited with the upport of the- machine,- and his friends ay that he has never loet thl lead that was conceded to him when thi registra tion of voters closed. - - .1 . Seldom he a municipal cdaipalgn In this city, from a Republic point of view, been eo badly mixed. Tbe most skillful politicians are th leist definite in predictions - a to which' candidate will win the nomination, excepting they chance apeak'ng for one of -the men who are striving for th place, and In those cae they fn loul In their- as sertions that 'Jthere's nothing to It" but their man.: .. ' . Vetera ef tha f mirth wmrii sit) in the T. M. C. A. bnlliltn ls nit., i4 lt tiey weijia go on i. 1 i. . Clarke & C o, Our display of cut Olaaa 1 ( " Regular, 4.80 . peoJea. . 9 3.ST 14.88 3.18: v .45 other Cut Glass Pieces,' : Dr. B. E. , to come. ' - . II 1,1' - I M . ,f !S1 WRIGHT no semme -DBsTTuf that relieve U1 pain . In dental opera tions. .-.',, - - St, . eoz. Seventh. W00DTi3JArVcbl) We Are Xcsetasrv Wood aava Ooal ltesv - If you are looking for flnei dry wood. ' A No. t quality at lew price. Just look over , thee figures aad call us up. Dry Plr, per ejord....,....,.....fS.?S Dry Oak. per eord,.... ....... .. tM5 Dry Ash, per oord.. ...l&AO We make a specialty ef Bawed Wood, and aU leafllag bntads ef Ooal. , ---.- rmATis 3ssMs, Phon Main tie. 43 Svweet St, Between Twelfth and Thirteenth. of the mayoralty " candidates. ' John -Corkisb was chairman, and W. 1. . John- :. ston secretary. Soon after the meeting was called to order It was decided to further the interests . of no ' one candi date for the mayorallty, and th ques tion of councilman was discussed. - Th statement . that Mr. Bentley desired th nomination to make a, record caused a,' discussion, and the sentiment expressed was thst three years was ampl time - foe any man to make a record. It we A, stated that a cloae Inspection of . the ward showed several: men who elec-,, tlon to the cnuncU would ' further the ;. Interests of th Xourth better than an 4 . who. had announced themselves. - . " ' committee composed of a member . from each precinct in the ward to can-, vass the eligible, candidates, and at a meeting next.. Saturday evening present ' the names of those choeen for th con-ideratlon- of. the voters present was '-. appointed - av follows: Chairman, J. Corkisb l A. W. Ort on, 18th precinct; M. Calef., 14th; G. Wlngate, 14th; j J., -R, James, 17th: Guy Holman. 18th j WT Bell, llthr J. Oastonr 10th; O. Malloeey. : list; J. Bulllvsnt, 12d-- The majority , believed that it might, be necessary to i put an- Independent In th field after -the primary nomination.'; ( s- , "V ;' , j." r-; " ' ! , .' j BIGAltOUS ROMANCE OF .... 1 V (Bpeeral Dhpatck by leased Wlr to The learnt) - New Tork, April . 3.--Tbe traeedv that ended the bigamous -romancer of pretty Sadie McCart In. confidential sec retary for Werthelmer A Co., who planned her 'own death in the event of her first mirrlag becoming known.' and carried out her plan when exnosur earn, resulted today In second suicide, n auiiHBiwwn, it. wner n oiea- . -. -- Charles Houenoeck, an emnlova - nt Georg Llohenetern- wh tnada afi-s. , McCartln his bride a week aa-o. drank- earbolio- acid in a. Johnstown drugstore artr aiecussing . tne suicide of th , young woman with some friends. - . He wa a aevoted friend ef Llehen. tern, bat was not acquainted with hla bride. ,-., - , . v'. ,-. , Developments today ahowad that Vm. Llcbenatern had prepared for death In th event of discovery and that . her suicide Jn the Cuyadeta hotel when con- rrontea. 'carried out a deliberately , planned act - When she fled from her ' husband s home she took with her the vial of poison. It was her eompealon on her brief honeymoon, a constant re minder that the strane hs '-- r. f?t in hetng wh t- r v. i , . .M .. ...