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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1905)
f - ENT Is at Jsst at an end. Social . activities will recommence una , week with iiew ylgor. aiter tlielr i... .i Hnina ItMBer of Lent deem that th season closes with Good " Friday,, and that their vwara dls- 'solved with that day of special denial. But othera regard Eaater morn a the moat flUlng time for th new-found Joy .. of. release. . - . .v During th Lenten period thl year- H ;.; noticeable that many agreed to give up time rather than money, and several : asked their vicsr to dispose of it in tn . way most advantaeeous to' th pari sn. Workhouses and almshouse were) Visu- d by many women who offered to reaa ti th blind and infirm. Matinee. ut V feted markedly. These wer the great- . eat denial ttat the school krla ouV conceive of, -'And "with "".C ' ' season threatening' to com to -at any moment it muat ha ve been a bttter penalty to hav looming consnt- ly befor thrmlnd eyetha fw,u " aom mstlne. Idol and to feel that she could not add even a handclap. ' danger point Is past hi .'; .. .- ik..h ih. com nan y -may leave WWII LIIUWBI1 ...w - fter thl week, ' ? "t , . Th week, ha bn ul ot lnfor" affair for Btudent. Bom 6 tudent or more wer horn ffora the University of Oregon fori the Katr holiday, nnd .luncheon and dinner e smajl evening- gathering hav marked th famny Teunfons. Mct of th J ' busy the greater part of th t m with ' tie inevitable chopping and tfUngof .'I spring. A number of Portland girl i and boys will add their nam t th ilstt of Oregon graduate thlaPWg. . . People ar ghminglo t"rtJ , aelvea also in regardrto the High school l- and academy graduate in Junfc - A arg-HropUonlr bln. planned for ; th High echool claaa,. which Is glrm X vry year y the alumni, and the acad mL graduaus will' b nurtlnd by some , of th ntructor. JPUn being made for th an oul nlojr Pro. - Th photographlo xhlblt salon at th . new Museum of Art. which open tomor , tow night, will be an vent in art clr- ,.iclesl .AU th dl'Py,,",, AT ' rVasoclatloh at" 'J"' "i"??... Ith public, and th fact that thl mark the opening of th museum as well will probably Increase the. attendance. The ' ft laniav of Dhotograpnlo . work 1 - very fine., an ha elicited much admiration land not little urprU , whrvr lt ... ha gon. .'';!": ' - '""IT A number- ot ouUof.towL.yfa!tory t- tended th Wduatlng aercle of th ' "Unlvrlty of Oregon school of medlcln. S iAmong th graduate were .everal trom distant part of the Ut. Dr. Coffee. . ; -f th North Paclf lo sanatorium. nter V talned th ctoa .Maborately at dinner at ,th Commercial club Wednesday ven !lng. Bpeecbe wer mad by the hot . and prominent merooer. tn. im announoed for- tn art n..uiynr- tha after - 'Hnt seaaon. nd ar erowdinir J 1 fast that hardly a brentMng Tba.tofe for any, on who trie to attend - :??m all. - Most'- '?-'ZS .-. 'people' elob ar giving tbrr cloning . dance tn thV neat two or Jhre wel. - .ji ...... . M. I I EVENTS OF THE WEEK. ; " The te glvft t th Pntton bom i ilatat Tuesday wa on ot m noav !oynbl nnd -well attended of th. Hio. r-The vooma presented a sprtng-llk ap Jearnca with large bunch) at - whit " nnd colore Miaow- in Tme-nd -boVfce, Mr.. John W. Wauon nd ArJ.1-?" TTpock reorlved the many N i refrehmnU war served in the dining room, where Mrs. Herman B. Burka and - Mia Anna Rankin prealded. - An ecl-- lent program f music and Tending w . .given. - Mis Camilla Hem played Cho pin nocturo in F minor and ifav Chamlnad.- Air Ball for . - mi a. r. i i.u dinrTTM'h': mar at th Opera.", and "An Irish- woman' Hamlet, wer well received. Airs..... 'pleasingly. "1 "Because i vot y. ' , a lmpl little encore number. "A Bunch - ler1 vole showed to ,dvanta In "When the Roses Bloom" (Louise Reich ' ardt) and Khoogey-Bhoo- (Grace May I hew" In the duet "Hark to the Mando lln- Parker, ber volo blnded plea- ingly wltt Mr. .QIllett'. Th blind -T-glrrWth . Mia Josephine Wet ,kin, added ft- rclttlon and .Mrs. . ' . Rosa,' alao of the home, gave a piano ' number.. Mis Anna Rankin gave 1 charming old English ballad. "Th Heart That I Breaking for Thee," and re. ' sponged to an encor with Oaynof -Slumber Bea." .Mra.-John F, Logan . and Mr. King wer accompanists. While V refreshment wer served a number of . th women of th horn recited and 'oleyed for th guest. Plana r being ' Imade for th annual tea In June whleh lis always, more elaborate, than - th 4 i 'monthly entertainments. ... ., , x i t : x -t-.- - -;-", , A merrr itudent crowd took advnnt. V. aga of th lull in th.raln th first of 'the first of the week nd went on an i ' '"Oregon" motoring party. In n company iof om 0, Tuesday afternoon. Mlsa " 'Lela Ooddard wa th hots and. her : I guests wer a number of th UnlTertty r Oregon students who were hom. for ' th Eaater holidays, a few alumni, ami '"a few prospective student. Two Urge 'V motor cars wr filled, and th party "ti'rodn all over th-clty on both lde of the liver and caused no little attention with th hug yellow pennants bearing " th "U. ofO." and -"aregon" emblems. - ' Mr. Henry W. Goddsd. , Mr. Timothy 4 'Wood and Mrs. Condon McCornicn. . , chaperoned th party.' Oregon" Bong H. B. LITT POORTH, AND. .-U. WASHINQTON 8T8. iiti High-Class Tailored Suits, Cdstumes,and 5 J a c k e t s - received 'every dayr r.-. Inspection invited. - and4 yell war given, 'Those In the1 pirty were : Mr. and Mr. Henry W. Goddird. P. an! Mrer Condon-McCor-nack. lira. Timothy Wood. lea Lola Ooddard. Alloe Bretherton. Ella Doble, Mary Dale. Carolyn Benson. Mary Gray. Grace Gray, Jean Gray, Jean Slauaou, Sadie Noyea, Peart Luckey, Alloe Ben-eon.- Lulu ' Holme, Henryett Lauer, Miriam Van Water. . Imon Raftety, France Oill, Florence YvaJrath.- Mil dred Walralh, Ldna Church, BelO Church, Stella Love (Honolulu). Clem entine Cutler, Jeale Ooddard, and boa ter Gibson, Harry Raffety, Seta Kerron, Ernest Bean, Robert Rountree, Arthur Leach, Richard Hathaway. Eliot. Hoi comb, Lloyd Brooke,- Omar Blttner, Richard Geary, - Arthur' Mears, , Ray Goodrich Cart Ghormley,'. --' , ' . ... -. - ' . yV-i- ".' A.'' musical reception1 was" ' given fn honor of Judce and Mrs. Bllnn, of Bac ramento,, California, at the residence of Mr. H. Mors,' on the east- aide, Friuy evening. May M : The rcptlon-r6n made a brilliant picture. -With colored incandescent and.- elaborate costume, Over ' J 00 ' guest were present. Mrs. Mors wa oasis ted la rcrvlng by Mr. Northrun. Mrs. W. A. Hoover and Mr. C. Goodrich. Mr. ' Hoover presided at the piano and played in solo, work and aecomDantraent with' artistic finish. . A mandolin auartet added to the enjoy ment, and delicious refrhmnta - were erved. . i'''-s . ': ' ' The hostess wa elaborately owned in Uvender silk, with hand-painted trlmminn., and .wore diamonds. f afr. Northrup wore pale-green silk, daintily amhroldared -with Dink- rosebuds.- and her OTnamenta wera peartK MfHoo ver wa in lemon silk, embroidered with blue forget-me-nots nd wor auunonas. Mrs. Ooodrlch wa In old-ro chiffon and wor rubies. ; ;.-.'; , - . On- Friday : evening the : ' lto -City Gle club gave another of their, enter- taming parties in honor or me newij elected officer at the residence of Wal .... trinkart: 11 Eaat Ninth street. North. The evening wa spent with whist, after Which refreshments were served. Those present were: ' - Th Ml ; Elisabeth Ti,mr Nellie IClckert. JSdlth Schmeer, ThaTOrac Naylor. KUDy sucaen. may Marion Brldgeford. Lena Hoyt, Marion Thnmnaon. Messrs. K. Haworth. R, TO, Wilde P. Walker Waiter -Hoyls,. WaU ter Klrkert L. WUllarav tu . ioyie. Charles Hewitt. C "Evan. C R. Cook, n M smith. Tom Thomas, A. Houston. tk.w n.t' 6ertr will" be a1lrn at th "horn of A. Houston,-Ti Washington treei, aoureuajr. . , -' The PorUla clufr wa entertained at the horn of Mr. fend Mr, i-r. -iara. ts. East Sixteenth. ' street. North, on 1 TKurn- w.tilna-- Progressive -whist mi mavea uunm nm evening, after which buslnes meeting was held to prepare for th club en tertainment In th summer month. De licious punota. tad - refreshments- were served.' Thoa present wer: Mr. and un il l. Mauahtou.-Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller. Mr. and Mr.,N..Paln. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. 'Woodburn. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. .P. Clark. MU lne Evana, Mis Clara Hughe;-Ml Lt Oarretaon, -Ml w. Shield. Mies Carrie BUpe Q.i N. Marshall. A-'J!-' Hastings, U P. Thorn ton, J. M. Bheetsf William Leonard. R. aTsAOnW-iA- -;.A'W;.! r.:v..-.4 Last Thursday svenin oiimm sum West entertained delightfully in an in format manner In hooop of -Mlnr Ann Dllchburn,- who baa just returned from a winter U NewTork- fseveral of th Omega Nu girls formed th party, nnd oe waa played Miss XMtchbum and Mia Mildred Walrath 'won th prises. A dainty menu wa aerved at the card teblea. A number f young men earn in later In the evening. The girl jifc. tertalned beside .th . guest of honor wera: Miss Elsl Lyon. Misses Flor ence and Mildred Walrath. Ml Alio KUllnasworth. Miss Daisy Dean, Mis Margaret O'Connor. . Misses Lillian and. Tha Tueadav Afternoon club met thl week at th hom of Mrs. H. B. Hudaotif U77 Flak atreat. v.Th subject ot study for th . afternoon waa th "Renal anc," and th program wa announced by the boate a follow:, "Cause and Condition at Tim of th Renalaaanoe." Mr. O. M. Glin; ' "Contemporary Llt eratne ef Italy. Germany, Franc and England" Mrs. A: Crofton Mrs Robert Bmlth. Mr. F. M. MlleA and Mral Ju lia Caatr. ' Th houa waa, tastefully decorated with flower and evergreena, and dainty refrhmnt wer- served. Th next meeting will be held with Mrs, Otto Hlrach. 141 Sixth street, near Lin coin, on Tuesday, April SI, ll:lt o'clock. '. , v - " Mrs. L. Bt Taylor; an Oregon pioneer of 1112. spent a very enjoysbl dinner hour Sunday. April t. with Mr. and. Mrs, C 1U Pcnnell and family, In honor of her seventy-frrst birthday. -Mr. Tay lor started across th plain with her first husband, Mr. Hadlock. from Illi nois early in list, arriving In Oregon City six month later where they resided for II year, at which tlm they moved to thl city, where h now reside. .Mr. Hadlock died about If years after reach ing Oregon. After 10 ye re abe mar rled Mr. Taylor, wno. i aeao. , - , . .. V,', -' V5- '.- ;.Mr. ' and Mr. F. A. Blfelley enter tained th Joker Card club at it last meeting of th eerie laat week. Prix at flv hundrad for the evening wer awarded Mr McMillan nnd R, E. Smith, prises 'for- th season's highest scores Uarr awarded Mrs. C O. Smith and T J.. Cleeton. A number or compliment ary meetings will be given within th next few weak by club member. Mr. and Mr. H. N. Lacy, of 76 Irving street, will entertain, Tuday, April il, - Eureka Council. 104. K. L. of 8., gav th sixth of It eerie of prise whist contest laat Monday evening. - Mr. C Eef and Fred C King won th first prise and Mrs. L. D. Fseney and s. H. Breakenkamp, second prise. Th sev enth and laat of th aerlee will b given May II at Auditorium hall when th season prises will be awarded. , -.... - - ' W . '' : MrJ. Charles Rosenfeld entertained the Whist club very charmingly Friday afternoon at her home, II North Eight eenth treU. -Very hsndsom prise were awarded Mr.' Llpman and-Mr. Julius 1m Melar. A dainty tete-a-tete luncheon -wa rvd.. . Th marriage of Mlsa Edith Alio Col llnson to Herbert F. Kerron waa cele brated last Wednesday evening at . th hom of-th biide parent, Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Colllnaon, 1 Hi . Eaat Fif teenth atreot nortt. The Rev. W. h. Mareott offlcmted.-The hom waa vary .itw wtta tha raaotlon Mnmi In araan and Whit;' quantltle of fruit bloaaom and dogwood were used. Mis. Inga Hanaen attended the brld and.Arthur Kerron wa groomsman. Little Barn Colllaon, the bride- nephew, was rlpg bearer. I ; '. " ."'' , ' WEDDINGS, ; .V ; i ' '' 1,1 ... 1 1 The' grand opera In Ban Franolscol Well, grand Prn Is th word, for that 1 what it wa in Very wayrtlt. Orchestra, conductors and operas. . v ' . Parsifali was given mree time; th flrat' with. Nordic aKndryand th other two performance with Frematadt. Of eourae. much curiosity waa evinced in Frematadt, because she waa new. to Ban Francisco. Both are magmnceni. and I cannot praise one at' the expepse of th other. Nordics a nrrn tonea were thrilling, whll Fremstadt'4 beautiful low tonea were Indeed -erreciwe. 'uni 1 cannot imagine a1 greater all-rouna Wagnerian ' singer than Madam Mor- dloa. - Bh .1 superb in all her role. Framstafdt. ther' sav. la - a wonderful Carmen. Bhe gave ua only Kundry, but that- proved her a great artist. t Burgstaller, surely th legitimate suc cessor of Jean V Reaxk in Wagnerian opera, wa th Parsifal, and "mora tntn satisfied everybody, with his great act ing and -hi lovely vole. , Hi vry performance brought forth a perfect ovation. There wa a host. o. splendid male . singer. Van Rooy, . an Ideal Amforta in "ParslfaL" , gained - w laurel a Han Bach tn "Die Melster lnger"f Oorlts. a great baritone and'fc great actor.' won everybody by hi sing ing of th prologue in "I Pagllaccl," He I';"-. V. i-'''YS-'.i ; -MUSICIANS, !Mr'Fltehr Linn, Soprano.' U Th bride1 "wa gonrned in, whtt . llk net over taffeta and carried Brld rose buds in howr.- Her maid of honor wer pink chiffon ovea-sllk and oarrte. Png Brldeemald bud. The pes was CM la white. Mordaunt A. Goodnough played th wedding march. ' '. -'-.' ' An informal recaption followed nnd re freshments . wer served In th dining MMK. ' Th. tahla dano rations war in pink, green and whit, .trailers of ami lax falling from splash bow of whit tull and pink candle and shad light ing th table. Mr. and Mrs. Kerron left for a shost .trip south and will be at ham to their friend after May It, In their new hom on Waacp street, in Holladay Park. - ." , V Th Salem paper of laat Thursday hav the i fnlr-mlnr from Brooas con- la.n.. "Th moat brilliant wedding of th a.aann waa tha f Of Mia Nellie HOVer. th pnly daughter of William Hoover of thla nlaee. no Floyd la Craft of Portland, at th hom ot th brld at noon.: "Jnat'at IX .o'clock th bridal party. which had formed in th drawing-room ot th bride's . horn, moved into the pretty . llttl parlor, which bad' been taetef ully decorated tor th occasion. . -- "Th bridal march wa - from Lonen rln.: anil V waa nlayed by Ml Wlnnl Craft, a iter of th groom. Th bridal party wa met oy wi. . wj" pastor of th M. E. church, who nro nounoed th young coupl husband nnd wife. : ,-- .. -.'.". " -The. brld wa irowned In a hand some creation of white silk, trimmed with point lace, and w attended by Mia Edna Barrett or rortiano, wno wore a cream (mm. beautifully trimmed. Both carried bouquet of whit roaea. Th groom was attended by hlg brother. Archie Crart. or romana. , "After th eeremonle a sumptuous wedding breakfast waa served to- th llttl party of relative 'and elos friend of th contracting coupl who wer present The tnclude Mr,-and Mr. William Hoover. Mr. and Mr. R. W. Nusome. Mr. and Mr. CA. Hoover, RV and Mrs. T. F. Royal. Mr. and Mr. John Rtddlnger. Mr. and Mr. A. W. Nusome. Mr. and Mrs.' Durkheimerr the Misaea Helen and Mlrtan LouU. Karlton Durkhelmer. Mr. -and Mrs. H. A. Craft, Portland: Ml Wlnni Craft. Portland! Miss Edena Barrett,- Portland;- Archie Craft. Portland, and Mra, O. Ia LoveH, Pendleton. "' -'. . ',"' ' . - "Th bridal coOpl war th recipient of numerous and handsome wedding present." ' ' -"..-'::' ;';'r-- A wedding of prominence tn Mount Tabor ," took place Wednesday vnlng when Mlaa Edvth R. MeOowan and Jamea A. Borkin were marrled-t-th hom of th bride parent. Mr ana Mrs, I. MeOowan. North Mount Tabor. Rv. William E. Randall, of Central Baptist church, officiated. . About 10 of tha relative and Intimate friend wer p recent. ' -.'..':-';.'' Th room ' wr pretty In green and whlt-nmll.--lvy-nd flowering- dog wood arranged M an artistic background for the brldal.partyTha bride' aiater, Mlaa Blanche, waa at the piano, and WrmrCntrt" J-Rdyl ang--'0.- Promise Me." -Only th llttl nlec or tn oriae, Nellie Poon, ttndd ber, and aha was dstnty in white Wwn.Th brld wor whit Uk organdie over silk and parried Bride rose. Her sister. Ml Edna, caught tha bridal bouquet - An Informal .reception-followed, and refreshments wer served in the dining room, wher smllnx was th Ubl deco rations - Mrs. .Harry . MeOowan, , Mr. Ollv Holt Mr. Bteven. lln , Fred Rutledgo and Misses Blanche and Edna MeOowan aerved th guest. . Mr. and Mra. Bo tain will be at hom In May to their friend, in their new hom at Mount Tabor- . '; ' . .'i ' ' .f-it .-.. -J .' . ; . --Mlsa - Lillian - Gallagher" daughter of Mr. and Mr. Mr J. OaJlagner. ot Ban croft avenue, of this city, waa married , Wednesday, April It, St Los Angeles, GOATJD OrZHA HEARD BY MRS. WALTER. RE2D 'BrM.WJterRI became on of the shining Stars of th seaaon .an he ahowed ua Baekmeaaer in. "Pie Meiateralnger"- and . Dr. Falk in "Die Fledermaua. Relaa. Dlppel, Sootti. Blaaa, Journet, Muehlmann all mad up great casta. , "--" .Madam Sembrich la without a'au perlor in coloratura work And auch a delicious quality of vole. ' In such roles aa Lucia. . Marguerite d .Valols ln''Les Huguenots" -and Gllda In' VRIgoletto" she had full acop for 'her wonderful execution. The lessee stars were Bella Alten, . Marguerite Lemon , and Louise Homer and they all shone brightly In their different roles, Kotoer often shar ing honor. with Nordica and Bembrlch. And Caruso! Ban Frsnclsco la Caruso mad- And no wonQer." He Is surely th tenor of thl ag. HI singing of 'La Donna. Mobile" in Rigxletto'; wa the most ', perfect . thing ' In ' singing . that - I hav ver. heard. Uvery . note was . a genu Hi' vole is 'full,- clear, wringing and absolutely without effort.. '-And hi acting 1 quit aa great. Of course, hi work In the other opera called for mora dramatlo power, 'but for exquisite -sing lng: I never expect to near again th eauar of . hi Lev iJonna Mobile, Caruso,- wss encored, again, and again. AT THE HOBART- CURTIS TEA H r A MtWAwiev Selkirk Norton. Contralto.; Calif ornia'to Wllllam: K."Empey of Bac-1 ramntA. Tha brida naa of ten. visited re men to. The brld Aa .of ten.vtsiwa la Lo iAngler -wher sh met Mr. Empey on on of her former visit, and ha a number of 'friend who .war pres ent at -th wadding. Th ceremony, "a quiet one, waa performed In St. Paul's Kplaeooal chapel by Rev. M. Wilklna. Th brld waa attended by Mia Maggl Sullivan. ; Who , ha been her hoetee during her former visit. ." Mlsa . Sulli van wor a dainty whit organdie, and th. brld was . gowned In ehampagn voile. Mr, and Mr. Krapey went. to Paaadena )n ..their wedding Krrp, -and will b at hom after May 1 In Bacra- mento, y.,,, , ;,V.S..", v Willie JL Platta, formerly, lieutenant of th Second-Oregon volunteer, and Miss Bessie, Garth Kelly, both of this - w.r.mrllaiilla.TeLeii February II. Mr. and Mra. Plat la will reside In Manila for a year before re turning to tha states, aa th former Oregon 'jrolunteerl employd 'nsov emraenjt 'service. . r . - I vt-. '- "Miss Clara Adama of Santa Ana, Cali fornia, and Herbert Cleaver of Cald well. Idaho, wer. married in thl city last week. After a abort visit ' with friend here they left for Idaho, where they will mak their future home. ... . . ...... w w -. .' " . At th residence of Rev.' T. L. Eliot, S2T . Weat Park street, Mis Jessie Dolores Clopton was married to Thomas W. 'Taylor. Th brld is th daughter of Mr. and Mra. L. W. Clopton. of 887 Madlaon tret. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will ride In PortUnd, . f . Mrs. Roa Bloch-Bauer will ' alng a number of Shakaapcar song:' at - th Bhkepear evening - of - the People' forum thl evening. ..Among them will be Schubert's "Hark. Hark, th Lark," and Parker' "I Know a Bank Where th Wild Thyme Grow." At th Eaater service thl morning at th First Con gregational church she 1 will - sing "I Know That My Redeemer LI veth." which haa almost becrime a regular part of th Eaater , program. Many , think her vole ahow to better advantage in thia than in any of her other onga. ; ; ..-. ..ji ....-. 1f ' ...' -i - i n - The moaical depertme'nt'of' the Port land Woman's club mat Thursday after noon' last at th residence of Mrs. O. B. DenrUaon. ' Th following -officer wer . elected: ' President, Mrs. Fv M. Brarlch; -vice-president, Mrs. O. . B. Thornton; ecrtary. Mrs. E. C. Frost; treasurer, Mrs. George C. Flandsrs. Th next meeting ot the club will be with Mrs." P. ILFlynn,-T7-Northrup slieeL .'.'. ... w w '- ' - "Hsrold Milllgan. organist of Calvary Presbyterian church, returned Thursday from New Tork, where - he spent th past six months in study under Pro feesoK Willlsm Carl and at th Virgil piano school. . During hi abaeno hi plac haa been supplied by -Mlsa-Margaret Lamberaon. . Mr. Milllgan will re sume M positiantodiyi - r".;- ; w w .;.'.,.'" At last week's meeting of th Tuesday Afternoon Mualc club at Mra. Walter Reeds studio, the following program waa given: "A' Memory" : (Park).. Mies Lillian Croasmsn: - "Der , Nussbaum" tflchurmsnn), Mia All Mulford; "Night and Morn" (Met calf), Mia Doro thy HI neks; "Dying Roa" iTunteon), Mlas Allc Juston.. .. - - w. w "' ' ' ' --'--'' " 'The Trebl Clef club will assist st tha recital to be given Saturday. April tt, for- Mrs. Walter Reed's pupils, by Miss Evelyn Hurley and Mra. 8usl Oambell-Whltehuret, ; who hav re dently returned from study n th eaat. E. E. Coursn - wUh" ' accompany 4h All the Thursday Afternoon cUb meeting at Mr.' Roe ; Bloch-Bauer'. a Ikon Mlas Anna Week's deep contralto i; MUSICAL NOTES. I and every time he gave that wonderful cadenaa at the end, ravs 'Durst out anew. VIgne,. in conaucror, nnany started the ' orchestra and simply would not rv wayvto th audience, so it had to stop"spplaudlng. , ....--.. Mr. Herts Wagnerian conduc tor" and " proved hlmaelf equal- to hi great task. Th orcneaira oi men played aa one. :. wnat -a.nne orcneaira that Metropolitan opera nous band of mustctana is! And th chorus- was such a rood on, it nao . so mucn amicun music to sing, and It did It so well, ana ws always aweet In tone. - The chorus of - th f lower maiden In "Parsifal" waa on of the 'features of th aeaaon. not only -for the splendid rendition that was riven by th 10 -women (all good alnaers. but for the wondrous beauty of the composition and th orchestration in all it lntrlcaclea. That .alone waa worth th trip. It is th most beautiful plee - of concerted , work : for. women' voice that I nav ever nearo. v- TJ Bo, .with all the treajt singers, the conductors Vlgne, Herts and Franko th splendid orchestra and chorus.- and "Parwlfal," "Dla Mltrlnger," "La Glooonda." "Rlgoletto,-, "Lea Hugue nots," -."I Pagllaccl," . "DJ Teldermans." It waa a feast 'Of mnalo that fully re paid any musio-lover for traveling many-l mile to. bear. - ' ' . T M2m Htlen MwEwan, PUnigte. waa near to advantage tw Schubert' I "Erlklng" ' and Frans "Au - Meinem Groaaem Bchmerxen. in German. . Sh gavs - both At th meeting of the Toung Women's Christian association last Sunday after noon at the Whit Temple. Mrs. Olga Barisch-Lang eangWhy Will Be Don-'.' (afarston), and her deep contralto vole was much admired.' '",-,- . ' .s !. ' - -f - fr' r. - Mr. Walter Reed haa returned trom ber trip to San Francisco, wher sh attended th grand opera. Sh will alng th Went Creator" at St. Mary's cathe dral this morning In th Easter service. .''-: ' ' '" Mrs. Anna 'Selkirk Norton, contralto, will alng "O Rest ' in th Lord." from th Elijah (Mendelssohn),' thla.. morn ing at Calvary Presbyterian Easter per-. -yfoay? xl-'-n-ailin-na. I ) I T --, .. . ' :; - v . -if if r.- -'-.'.' . Mis Grac Gilbert and -Mr. Reno Hutchinson wilt be th soloists at th women's maa meeting at tha White Tempi thl afternoon. : . - CHURCH NOTES Th Knights Templar, Oregon--eom-mandery No-'l, will attend vnaong at St. David' Episcopal church thl even ing. Easter day is this year on St. George'e day, England's national saint, and the patron of the Knighta of th Garter.-i one' of th world' grandest order of chivalry. Ther is therefor a special appropriatenea In the asso ciation of tho tw ancient orders. A special hymnn win tm sung ror th Knights, snd th organ prelud will be Liast "March of tha Crusaders." which Introduce an old crusader' hymn of th 11th-century. 1 " ' ... , - w ' ''. The San Greaf-Endeavor -met at th First Presbyterian church last Monday evening in it regular'monthly business and i social meeting; tt new members wer .rolved. . Th natter part of .the evening wa spent socially, an' animal drawing and guessing contest furnish ing, much amusement. The first prta u awarded Mlaa Winters and . the twmh nrtaa to. O. T. Settlemeyer. - Re freshments, ' including animal - cookie, wer served in th dining-room. . . ' " ': ' v '' - TheDux Chriatun Reading circle of "Mlspah Presbyterian church met last Monday with Mrs. J. M. C. Miller at Woodstock. Mrs.-Max Shlllock and Mrs. Miller furnished very pleasing vocal se lections and th tudy hour waa very profitably pent.- A social hour xoi lowed. Th next meeting will be wttb Mrs.-Charles Thorns on-Division and East" BlxleentB gtrests. J- .r. 1 "4 1 . - -. (w w '- The Ladies Pleasant Afternoon elub Of Central Baptkt church was enter talned last Wednesday by-Mrs. IT, S. Blakney at her residence. Itf Bast Stark street. Miss Morford. city mis sionary for tha Baptist church, gay an lnteirtlns-talB n- hvt: work among th Chinese. Mrs. Simon sang. -Dainty refreshments wer served. ; DANCES. Th last of a eerlea of at homes, given by th Scottish Rite Masons during th winter win b held at their cathe dral. Morrison and Lownsdal streets, next . Thursdsy evening. Thee enter tainment ar open to aU Scottish Rite members, their sons and women friends. The commute In charge stlmates there will be an attendance exceeding that of any preceding ball and-hav already, ar ranged for th latest and best musle from p. m. until U. Special ar rangement hv -also -heen-mada with tha street railways "TO-un-eara until a late hour. Aald from dancing ln the snacloua ball room, there will be cards Mn th card room, and refreshments wiU be served. No expense ha been spared to. make these at homea success, nnd Invitations have been sent to member In adjacent towns to Join In the Onal eh- 1 tertalnment. T It I -expected therw will I be at least 400 tn attendance at th nnai entertainment. ' ' ; . A pleasant dance waa given at Ports mouth last Tuesday -evening by the Narcinaua club.-a popular social organ isation 'Of that ,uburh, The club colors,-' purple - snd ' gold.- were-- made th color scheme In the decoration. Purple lilac filled hug baskets grouped about the orchestral plat form. ad hung on the wall. ' Crepe paper streamers of gold were festooned ' about the hall. Punch waa served, th patronesses wera Mrs. D. C. Hoyt. Mr. 0. G. Howe and Mr. Z.: A. Leigh, th committee having the arrangement In. hand 'being Mlsa Iv-uei Hoyt-MIa . Julia t Nash, R. '- E.1 Cain. About 100 people were In attendance and Everest' orchestra 'of Portland fur nished th mutllc. ? v- '.:'' Vf ' ' " ,;- )..,"' .''.-;:..'i,..V': v--'.-'' Th A Volant club of young peoplo will give' their dance Tuesday. May .1. and the Gee To . Rans the- following Thursday. -On Friday, May I. th 10 club glve da'Hc, and on Saturday the Fraternity club of the nign scnoo win entertain.. ; .' '".' , ' v ? r - - The Leclconlah girl . will give . the last dance of their series at Parsons' hall next Friday -evening. The . club members ar at is naset uean. siisb r lets Ward,, Mlas Helen' Brlgham and Mlaa Croaaman. r , , '. '.. v .;. . ..... - . i '.';; . Th Maannlc lodge,. Order of Eastern "Vtnr:.oX. Qregonj:itjr. wHlalyea l bell Wadnaaday,. May -1, which many -Portland people will-attend.) Mrs. Lynn, E. Jne 1. In charge of .arrangements. The Eagle at Oregon City will give their annual ball "tonforroWT: evening, which will be. one of the biggest affairs of the season. Thre. cara- hav been chartered tt or ' Visitor from Portland, - i' v - - w w . : t ... Th Elk festival of thl week wilt occasion mnch - soctsl 'activity. : Th occasion lssts from May 85- to 'May 19, and every night there will be dancing. Th date of the Hill military academy Loommencement hop la May . ,- ... 'I COMING EVENTS. The nrtnelple event of. the after-lent eeason: every year le the tea given by th board of th -Old Ladle' nome, Eas ter Monday at the ' Hobart-Curtla. It ha become auch. a fixed event that no f pre-empting that date for tny other social event and society turn ut in full force to attend, -r-The recep tion commute, ror tomorrow aitemoon consists of Mr. P, J. Mann, president; Mis ' Edith . Nicholson, ' vtce-preeldent. s-H' Direction Lbis Steers '''''-'....;' - '-THE'- A-.---: - ..r,--. - . v.. v ? : ,--'';" . i -s i- -,:,' :- :. .. . v '.;' '.. y- ,- Siillliilii Saturday Evening, .April 29tlr ' 8:30 O'CLOCK. "r .' uam Mara PRICES Loer floor, except last t rows,, it. 0; last rows. H-fH. Balcony, nrst a rows. 1.S0: second t rows. 1.0: last 4 rows, 7o, k Gallery, reserved, Itf--Box,, $11.60, - Log, tla.9. . .' Sale : of seats THURSDAY, April 27. at 10 a. m. ' ' OUT-OP-ToNwi ORDERS MOST BH ACCOMPANIED BT CHECK. r 1 ' -, -V; ":: '' :'- Y." . ! ' - '. ' ';'-',.' i ii , Vv.;' 1905 - ModeL" -- y'- dar-r; ; .7"-"- 3t 9 : 1 ' " " '"" ' ' Persian Rugs 5 2 We offersdme remark MUST GO to makejroom for our iw ecocj ; .which will drive early in IZzy. i Curs b a Cr.a r: tC r and . Mrs. Solomon "Hlrach. ' Th ' av ' bers of -the board will act aa per or hoatessea. - -An excellent musical pro-" gram will be riven under the direction of M rev-Fletcher Linn, sad te will bo ' served by a number ef young women. . The. musical number will b given tn th following order: Piano numbers: ' "Th Butterly" (Etude de Concert). Mis Helen MacEwan; "All Through th " Night" (Welsh Folk Song) :-"Drink 'to , Me Only With Thin Eyee" (Oid Kns llsh), W. O. Hodadon. Group, of 8 wee). Ish - songs:-' '. VA - Summer Night! t A. Goring Thomaa), "It -.Was s Dram" (C o. Hawley), Juaay Anna von ny denaward. , Song -Selected, Dr, W. M. . Campbell: violin number. Scene de Bal- . . let (de Berlot), i Anton xairo; : viu--nurag" - (Schumann), ; "Spring Song". (Mendelssohn). aire, netcaer '4.inni. Chanson da Florins" (Oodard). Speak; Music" (Elgor).' Mrs,, Anna, Selkirk Nor v, ton. . ' -: '' ":n' ;-v j .-ft ft- .ur ... : James 0. 1 .' Burnesa. Frederick; VT.' Goodrich snd Dr. Sellwood, of St. Da-' vtd's church, ar planning a May party te be given at th Woodman of th World ball.. My; 1. Th event promise to be very elaborate, and will be patron-, . Ised by Mrs." George B. Van. Water a. Mra. Whitney U Boise Mrs. J. W. Oa- non. Mrs. J. M. Mobre, Mr. Walter F.;.' Burrell. Mrs. B. Jpi. Joaephl snu Mrs. w. f -r if - '-' '' ' ; '; Lincoln Garfield corps No. It. W. R., C. will giVe an entertainment -rueaoay, evening, April tt. at O. A. R. hall, See-j ond and Morlaon streets. ' Profeaaor Rasmus of th Western academy win assist with th program.' Refreehraentav KUl-J-Seryed.... - -;.--.' '": - ''- ' Th closing axerelses of tha tndtis-; -trUl achool of th.Womn' union willt- be held next -Friday afternoon at th w hall of . Seventh atreet. Thj school 11 under-th direction of Mrs. jun aio Mtllan Ordway. . 'V , I ... ir --'-"'' ' ". ' At he meeting of th Woman's club: next. Friday Jn th Knight of Pythla. KaU Professor A. C. NewlU will lecture on "SbakeapMr and HI Contempora- rlea.r The program Is in charg of th English literature department. , -'.'-.' ' i '-'. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lurtk Tutvo, moved Into their home. 27 -Eleventh! street, which has been remodelled. Thy. ar now at homo to their friend. ... J i;:STrUY.Brrs.;; , j Th Ban Francisco. Call of April ltJ says concerning a number of Portland! people who attended th grand opera Inj th city: "Mr. and Mrs. E. J. d Hart., Mr. and Mra. John C. Alnsworth. aU of Portland.-Or haver boon la town for the. open, season. Th latter are visiting (Continued on Pag Twenty-five.) and Wynn Coman. The Shirtwaist of Perfection Forsythc Sir i n g 1905 Styles . Show n r Only -.- b y Robinson caCompany 289 Washington Street ' 1 ' m. a. uur uresi WILL COMTINin: ran week 4 i ' ; 4ii y.Y -' 'i r " '.)