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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1905)
. : ' v-'V -' h i ' 7PACZ3 13 TOT" ' 'I 7"'" V- '. y z . " . U.S. 'kU TT PC HTLAND, CtCON. SUNDAY llOSNING. ' APHIL tt. 1CC5. vr-f.'s 'ylJr Li-Li'.-y Vi-i,: . i i i i m f J , J ' - " r GREATEST STORE 1GHAIID CEIITUAL 'BEFOTOF rTHE r-WESTERII--FACIIICIf-i-WOliLD -(Jr JlJt'L. JV. 'Easter-Sunday Morh-i S : ;M-ffp. , . . - .-. : i : :((':,:.: '"Gfccfcngs:, , IT- Ad SPr" (T . v. Lrd,Mifi-ru.Bt tf-fc J? 1 ': M" fW 'ViX''M P' K?- " '-J f6rJEasteiriMonaay-- - . V . ' . Sing. Butw Herald., sine! , OtaVCN NCiflL-V---;. V;7VA VrlFf-iA''t" rV t 'jy f ' ' jJsw 'J 7-Hur htowokyt.rl.onr r' ; y ' v fMTWlX2Cgy. ; .jr-? -A fiMf C V-- ' " 2mQWCCK I C?X- V'r; ' WM lt th triumph rinst . f T T;r"ViSlifk iCSK ' W 1 - - "" BElATJTIFtJIi' ORIEnTAL , IM.CES VALUES 1 II t,.t -,mf.,rZtL i i l rT f:Sv ' ' ' - - -4 htack . hiuj .too .cm. pretty net top. oriental tji. th beat val- J , ' , , - J U bot th uco,u',ful u.!ne. nan will tell ilD qauter Urb , . . . , iJ5i lT, v fryisV, ' . i etrtp-. 1 r.P- , uea jrer in tHe "Lace Btore" at-the regular l , - V i :, .&SZ ' you that no way U worth while which nn, ZVZr, V, - TH"UTY V,5$'(E ' '.V.! ASS' Prtc of So. an4 th. yard; ' f flta on for tomorrow, dutlea. ,' ." -r. , epocul wall thtr lut. t. .SHOP "i" 5- '; - "Lz& . , . hi prim, ue jrardV.Me " i -tomorrow at, ................ .. ...... 194 4 t A Gmnd Mtematibnal Easter SYMPOSIUM ! i A VALUE-GIVING EASTER WEEK THAT WILL ECLIPSE AND OUTDO ANYTHING HERETOFORE ATTEMPTED BY ANY WESTERN MERCANTILE HOUSED READ THE UNPARALLELED PAGE OF v VALUESr TODAY FOR EASTER MONDAY AND WEEK. AND BE SURE TO , READ TOMORROWS SUPPLEMENTARY LIST, OF MATCHLESS BARGAINS. DONT MISS AN ANNOUNCEMENT OF THIS ' STORE'S MAKING DURING- THE ENTIRE WEEK, OR YOU'LL OMIT NOTING BARGAINS IN NEW, WINSOME, STYLISH, REASONABLE MERCHAN DISE OF'THE WANTED-RIGHT-AWAY-BY-EVERYBODY SORT NEVER BEFOREEQUALED IN THE HISTORY OF PORTLAND STORE-KEEPING. WE'VE CONDENSED THE NEWS SO FAR AS POSSI BLE,, OMITTING DETAIL, THAT AS MUCH OF, THE MIGHTY MASS OF BARGAINS AS SPACE WILL ALLOW THAY RECEIVE , MENTION TODAY. ARRANGE THE HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS NOT. ; TO INTERFERE IN YOUR SHARING IN THE SUMPTUOUS FEAST OF EASTER MONDAY AND WEEK BARGAINS. MORNING SHOPPING -WILL BE ADVISABLE, AS SUCH AN AGGREGATION OF UNMATCHABLE : VALUES AS WE'VE "ARRANGED IS SURE'TO DRAWrTREMENDOUS THRONGS OF BUYERS DURING THE NATURALLY BUSY HOURS OF THE LATER DAY, i y ' r H ; ; ft SPECIAL, NQTIC3S : 1 For final result of the L C. S. Free Scholarships . vote and awards,, see, Tcctiay papers. , ,. . MOST RADICAL REDUCTIONS EVER KNOWN TO - JlTRIU SBLUNU IN TUB , - ' ress Goods and I -Sijlc Stores;. ; r FIRST rLOOR SOUTH ANNEX. "Put tneaa Item - la big- . type." aald tha chief of tit Dreea Oooda Balona: -nhey-ra-the blnwit al tie ever offered, either by a or any , other Weatera home ' they can't do, touched la price by any house ta America today. - I know, : for I know w own them leaa than they coat tha mill man, and I've lopped off profit." He eufht to know ha boucht tha yooda dur ing hie - recent New Xork trip. :'they aee them tomorrow,; ; -.,': . ll-INCtf ALL-WOOL BUITINOS. ta neat checked and . . , atrlped effect, all la the new spring- .hadea; rru- lar ll.Se good.; special for the week only, yd. 98w NEW ENGLISH NOVELTY MOHAIR BUTTING.-In all the latest styles and eolortoa. the swelleet )v fabrhs for shirtwaist suits made; radically reduced. :.V for tha. week - v; .. t- Regular t.0 graded special, per yard...". ...69 it Regular ti ll grade: special, per yard......".89 Regular 11.50 grade; speelaVper yard. .. . . . .08e NEAT SHEPHERD CHECK VOILES, In. all wanted " street colore, our regular tl-te values: special, per t yard . ; , ............... ......T4 . - Black Dress Goods V.l IMPORTED SILK AND WOOtPOPLIN DE CHINES . and CREPE DB PARIS, Faahlori'. swelleet dressy fabrics, reduced radically for -the week ' .. Regular $1.55 gradea; special, per yard..., '' Regular $l.5 grades; special, per yard.... Regular fl.tS grades; spectal. per rard..., Regular 12.40 gradea; special, per yard.... -. ' Regular tl-M grades; special, per yard.... '.V . Rousiner Silk SoeaalsL i ' ,NEW 1M "UIT BILKSErery color and new design . .. mown mis imkii lunu vnxitsinepaeeseaiinea i ''' and Chiffon Taffetaa; a few of the styles are em . .. broidered dots with check grounds,' check ground '- ' with Illuminated dots, printed "warp. Dolly Var- den effects, eta; divided la. .three Immense aa- sortisentsw . ?.? .-:.'.. - LOT 1 Unmatchable ILSB and 1.0 valuta; special only, per yard ................... '. a.. .....78w LOT 2 Unatatchabl values; special only. per,. yard . . ...... A. 92 LOT t Unmatchable SLSS and !. values: special -L- only. Tan..L...lFtl..u-f.M-.--IL12 98f ii.ea ia.09 (; v s . ' 8PECIAL PALE OF.; ., , ' , ' Oil, Gasoline and 1lGastoyes: '' Oardea Tools, Window ScreeM gad Rtfriferatorg 1, . "r-. - Law FricM ' ' "' ' ' '. THIRD FLOOR. . BLUB FLAME COAL Oil . ' : - - . BTOVES. . i.'. . . One Burner; special at. " eaeh 2.R8 Two Burners; special t. each IVf.lB, . LAMP STOVES. . - ' , On Burner; specie! at each. 394 Two Burners; special at, ea..T8 r-" GASOLINE BTOVEa-- Tw Burners; special at, - each. .. ...,.i..i.,;..i3.TK Twa-Burner Qaa Plate; frie up , irom , i., 91.9, ;- . ..; .ovENa- k '- ' ' Planished fi'leel Itrwd. J shelves Mrv aoli $1.TS HARDWiVD ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREENR le IIJ21H inches; spectal at, each,....... ' Miss is37H livch-; special at, ach..,..,..f.a3s Hlsa texlTa Inches: spwlal at, cb........,.40 Blsc 10x41 lncbeaV special st, each. ........... .4Se ..... : ... RKymaERATOR! " -J - ; Of all kinds; jrlcd at. ench. up froro......9T.S9 tux Xfp t' - . . ... , - A ' , at" 1 p-A- urrana uon in .-.'si r-f .wJ Easter Eposi- theVoman'sWorld ' . v . ... Gtand Salons Second Floor Surpassing Values in ThisWeek's Sale of New LARGEST , WOMAN'S, APPAREL STORE WEST OF CHICAGO, SHOWING DOUBLE, $H& STYLES AND .TWO GARMENTS FOR EVERY ONE SHOWN BY ANY OTHER PORTLAND house: - . - '"THE FASHION CENTER OF THE EXPOSITION CITT.T " Tha house of Olds,- Wort man A King combines style with economy. The complete array of charming styles In women's ready-to-don apparel la la full bloonV" The path leading to th Immense salons of dress oa second floor (th largest west of 'Marshall Field's of Chicago) opens Into a perfect garden of beautiful styles, this week. .. I , , .-.. . ' ' .- 1 ' ' t . ' . - , ., , 1 SPRING'S SMARTEST CONCEPTIONS. OF FAMOUS MODISTES AND EXPERT MEN TAILORS s. AT SPECIAL PRICES FOR EASTER WEEK. n i y Tou may select for three days, Monday. Tuesday nd tc- --r frnm Ihiijirresf nnllsntl-ra nl spring sl; ... UwSi OB-MAT-BgT-THB LOW EH t PfilCHH HVBJt ABKED AT ANY SEASON. This store has reached the height of d- outer aiure wnen inp vaiuea ana quainy are neaauraa in inssnioji s scale, complet and aiistooratlo harmony of fabric and de sign at prioes whoa special reducUon features from our wall known moderate pricings will be welcomed by hundreds of Port land's dressiest women. - SPECIAL EASTER SALE OF TAILORED STREET SUITS. , --i y $20 Suits for $145. ' 1. Panama cloths and attractive fancy mixtures, blouse sffects. Bishop sleeves, skirt In both flounce and ( fancy plaited effects, fancy braid and button trimmings. Blasfca. bluest brown and mannish fancy mixtures.. & ,t . :'v :-f fXThf-'i-.tU and $28.50 Suits for $19.65. i : ; v; E famines and fancy Tweedlsh Mixtures. Etonsf Mouaa and-Jacket style, skirt fancy plaited, plain tailored and trimmings of fancy braids, buttons gad taffeta. Plain and fancy aleev effect. Blacks, brown, blue sad handsome mixture. - " . , $15 Suits' for $10.85. Cheviots and .Venetians, blouse effect, with' peplutn, s-gored plaited flare skirt. Bishop, sleeves, braid and button trimmed.' colors black, blue and. browns. .i X'XsXXXT $38.50 Suits for tJU'XZ'-y-l'XyXyl" Cheviot, Panama and fancy tweedlsh mixture. Ia blouse effect rid with fancy Jacket. with yeet. skirt are fancy plaited" and shirred. Trimmings of fancy braids, novelty button and ornam)nt. In bUcki.-btues, greys and tans, in muea errecta and rich navy, y .;. I.; EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF SMART SILK SHIRTWAIST SUITS. " " ,' ' $180 Shirtwaist Suits for $12.88. In rich. hAndsom. black, brown , and blue taffeta, la strapped and plaited trim ming effects with .buttons. ' Bishop sleeves, nine-cored flare skirts with double stitcn feats. KSlS. . $25 Shirtwaist Suits for $16.85. Beautiful, crisp-and rustling taffetas with fancy shirred and tucked waist and skirt to match; Bishop sleeve. Blacks, blue and brown and handsome Chang e- anie errecta in garnets, green and browns. , .. ......... , -. ., i' . , : . ' 4 - , w aiivcw in garaeis, green ana dtowbs. . t. , .. ... a ASALE OF STYLISH, DISTINCTIVE." SMARTLY TAILORED JACKETS AT EXCEPTIONAL SPECIAL PRICES. t f i i Women's $12.50 Coats for $8.95. ' i . wA'- iKft ra 19 7 In bUck serges. Cheviot, and Un covert, corset fitting and loo back boxy f- , ' Women S 18.0O CoatS fOT $12.75. - . - In fects; sll strlcUy tailor-made In both eollarles and notched collar affects. Bom Ith heavy satin; the box coat are . unllned, atrap and button A GREAT SPRING SALE OF -WALKING. SKIRTS FOR EASTER WEEK. are full lined trimmed. " - r J7JKI Wlkmg Skirts lor , Cut tn full, round lengths, from handsom. svivlceable. Panama elotha. fancy tweed and oaava cloth, In plaited, flare and flounce effects; tana, grey mixtures, blues, browns; blacks and attractive, mannlsb. mixture. ,-',,.... ;v, a ? 1 ' Special Sale of Silk Drop SkhtsJj $5.00, $7J and $8.50 Values for $3.8$. ' Superb Silk Taffeta. Skirt with drop, cut en train m goeor deon plaited, raffled and flounce styles, trimmed In raffle and .ruffled effects. Black, blues, tans, browns, navy, grey, green and, whit, - 'r - - -f :; $ia00, $12.50 and $15.00 Values for VAtS fg f . . . , . . ..... .. , . x , ........... . j . - , , v . - fa handsome tan coverts with fancy collar and' notched style, double or single breasted, eorset-flttlng, full satin lined, with strap and button trimmings. ,, $12.50 WaJkine Skirts for $8.98. Cut la fun. round modish lengths, la fancy plaited and th new "umbrella' style, from very stylish and serviceable materials, including alpacaai stamina and Pan ama, la blacks, blue and browns Umbrella effect bar gored flare. , . , Dainty Lawn Waists' in the Sale. & ' , POWTIVELT MATCHLESS VALUES. . - ' - Women's $5 WaUts for $3.45. . . - Of sheer lawn, trimmed tn .fancy tayok affects. ' backs tucked. Bishop sleeves, with lac cuffs to match yoke, : XX "iVfotaaiC $3 Waists for $198.: 1 . tzi Sam as above, except that front are handsomely gad elabo rately embroidered. i - - All of Above Bargaips'aiS rrzi.: ' ,' 'Tui&da3r uid tWcdnesday )HlS: . J:;r. LadiesVWash Belts ... m 1 j- AT EXTRA SPECIAL, i .PRICES. First Floor. . --tie BELTS-FOR lio.- Ladtew Waah Belt, soma . plain white., some eas-. ' broidered. our l&c value; - special at. each. , .2Sd A Big Special; l JACQUARD.PIQCES AT t CENTS. ! ,( WASH GOODS AlSLE--FIRST FLOOR. Finer Jacquard Plqae. soft, medium weight la . handsome raised effects; special price, th 'I ird; . .... fc. .;.. i. ..;... .tr F , Another' Remarkable Ribbon Sale Monday IN THE "RIBBON SHOP -FIRST FLOOR, i W shalLpUe en a spertal oounter "In the L"Rib bon fthop," ready for early buyer Monday, a lot ef Extra QOnltty New Ribbons, la newest effects, at wonderfully reduced prices. This event' will surviy throng th Ribbon Aisle b early: Thou sands of yard ln, th offering. RIBBONS WORTH M FOR SS TA RD. In the lot are (-Inch Fine Satin Taffeta, aw all silk ribbon, worth te th yard; handsom Shad ed Ribbons, i shades running from light to dark, regular value 40c; pretty black and whit effects in invisible stripe BwUerm,-4n value; H a t ,, -incn anaia in neautirul Ureedeas that are - worth thelf full 4Sc valo, and regular 0 vm tn IH-fnch-wMths of rich, elegant Persian Rlhoon. On spec I 1 ' - Monday for. the yard Corset Covers and Gowns for . Less in Mondays:SaJev; , ; UNDERMITSLIN -ANNEX ... ' SECOND , FLOOR. : ..For other special value la . IHtg section 1 see Mob- , " fcdayupnpers.. - -. Ladles. Fin. Corset -CvV . - in round, square and -V- shaped aeicfci ' trim nvetfinT f ' many . style. With fin " SwIh and Hambunr em broidery, Terr hon.- VaJen ; ' nenne and Qony lace, ' beading and draw ribbon, . . reg. pries fin and tl.1; special at ..14a Ladles Extra-Fin Cambria Oown,' Emplas style, clusters of fin tucks In front, em broidery (Insertion, t V-'wn oo,.ar vbh. ' hemstitched edjrq el w"nm sa - collar or of fl 1 t xmf k neck, t rows f A hemstitching at i with Val. lr t sptal at . Shoes J FAIR-WAT FOOTWEAR AISLES. FIRST FLOORWEST ANNEX. MEN'S 8h6e8. MEN'S 14.80, $4.(0 AND $5.00 SHOES) FOR li.4-The cele brated "Plngree" Shoe for Men. , here In aU th different atyle . miu . iu imrn. uiawinvn, som ... with double soles, other with meaium or neary soles; the . . shoe have been selling for $4.00, f 4.C0 and IS.00; special sale , , 4rloe, th pair ....... .4.49 MEN'S 14.00 SHOES FOR U.II ' .Men Tan Russian Calf Lac ' .and Blucner- Cut Shoes, brand-new goods, up to . date In every respect, mad to sell for 4.00; spe !, clal sale price, the pair $3.39 1 r- S H O BaV, W OMEN'S OYFOBlK TItt4. Wouwn'TJxTbl'J- -. Tie. n taa and gray Suede, the new shades whith. neinii wuni su urara mis season;, they have - th stylish Loul XV heel and allksrorked eye let hole; price, the pair ............. . . .sVt.OO WOMEN'S "JULIETS" FOR tl.fs Women's Com fort Shoes, the popular "Juliet,' with or 'without . rubber heels, our 1.:S value;, special sole price, th pair . .j;. 91.69 A GREAT t SPECIAL .SALE OF WOMEN'S I .. . SHOES A celebrated "advertised line' of Worn v en's Vlcl Kid and Patent Boots, to b' closed out . at big reduction. Thee shoe sr advertised rn . ., all leading paper at 11.50. but oura'ls th prlvl- leg of reducing the price, a we are about to dls- continue the line. - W will sell 'thee stylish -- shoes, the regular price of which ts 11.59. at a7 "'-special sale price of ................ j. . ..92.49 ; ALSO THE "IDEAL" PATENT KID SHOES a the special sale price of . . ; ...,.......;.,. r. 92. T9 'WOMEN'S 11.(0 SLIPPERS t4 Women's One-Strap Patent Colt Slippers, our 11.6 value; special sal prte ....... 5.i........ 940 ' MISSES AND CHILDREN'S , - SHOES AND SLIPPERS CHILDREN'S 11.00 SLIPPERS 6 Child's Two- - Strap Slippers, with spring heels, our tl.00 value; ' special at .994 MISSES' SHOES. In -patent colt and enamel calf, lac style, srxes 11 to 2, our regular tl.0 value: spe cial sale pric'. ......................... .91.49 CHILDREN'S FINE . OLACE RED KID SHOEd, . spring heels, lace style , . . Slses to i. reg. fLTt val.; special at. . -TBe4 Rises t to lljreg. 110 val; special at.. 91.19 Easier Week's 't Millinery Sale v Bjou Salons AmiexSecond Floor ' Beautiful $15 to $20 Pattern V ur wF-.s f V it V - The weks Interest Is not bounded by what we tell hern. There'- aha r m ia g nwneswprvadina' th entire section. We're ready for th great est, mfmsjary mm a trt all th year. Nw arrival are -mtg" every dar the stm hs wera never so lores or so waanxirai Brov. "' a spectal Easter Monday featurs will con sist of aa offering ef t of our, vary e holes creation In Handsome Patt- I 1 H t P--1- f . X f t '.. I .'. 4 1 1 i ,.-, r so