The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 23, 1905, Image 12

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    A 7
t::z fc-"co:i euiiday jcur : :al. . rcr.TL.: : r ,
lI! rU C- i
- re
A Uritram meled
'. v I
Candidate for
. r
of Landscape Architectur arid Marinescape Arouse
Mor of Pod
i 1 Behold iin:Hqnc3t
.1 did not believt in your policy
' at the start. 1 now see the loglo in .
year rrntir W ita ve. 3 vHre
-is this house (kind package of
your cards. ' I am with , you,- --'J--
To Cnthudattic Praise Those Who See Result at giose ;. j,k
v7 cf Most Notable Building Week at the 'FaIr,T: a;
Af, :
Mayor of PortEand !
i Controlled by. no 1 cjub, faction macjiine, v wimbling or
r Bfold th Qaimbliri
Tonr candid." open, truthful hon- .
' eety interests me.' ' An honest man
is tbe noblest work of God. Tou
are honest, even whtn wrong ' A
hypocrite X despise; If .Tom Word '
4a M.t MHIitttt. T will eunnnrt vnu'.
vthe Past Three Weeks Nearly One Hundred , and Fifty Cars
t. x
r Hare Arrived Containing ExWbits Frorh-Almost All
J $ ,1 .; " th-? Civilized Nations In the Wqrtdf a ! a
TnCirf "oava g-gant, -sensible -mayor.
' 7
"Ko he begtae to look Ilk a showf,
The old exposition-follower, in a lone
,ock eoat and aUk hit,-stood on the;
Hnk of the esplanade and deolared him-;
Certainly It has bn a wsek- of
onderful propwj on th Uwli and
:iark grounds. For so other week since
project was conceived can so much
. claimed. When the laat hammer was!
-Mit away yeoterday. . from ' president
node to the office-boy there -raan'J art
: a ache of the grounds who did not feel
.preaaed by the Imposing scene. More
over, they took onto themselves a deal
f Justifiable pride In what had been ac
..lisbed. ; ..-.. ' ' '
i-ven at this date a striking thing
' nut the. exposition grounds is the
.a.ty srita which the foliage has ap-'
red In big plots of ground that a
rh ago were notable for the prom
t'tbat lay beneath their black mod.
Aimst at the. main entrance of and
-"ending to the Trail the show grounds
. the appearance of a-vast park 4ec
tied with white palaoea, The grass
shot up as if by magic, and very 11a
t laodscaptng remains .to. be done,
-at-pieces of statuary-confront the
ttaeer on every band, and with-the
tcee looming-up, surmounted by the
tips of the flagstaff s, Vahe certain
y does look like a show,'.': , 1 ' ;j
' ' XXaay BaUOlaga CnatkM,
1 There are 16 buildings under wty or
hed. Of this number, an even dosen
e been completed. They are the for
y. European, foreign exhibits, varied
.ostriea, mining, machinery, auditor
I Oregon state, administration, police
ilon, fir station and pumplng-houae.
a e-overament buildings are practical-
, t completed, as is the California bum
i 4ing. Those - tnat are wen unaer
i .y are the New York.- Massachusetts.
A -ericaa Inn. Idaho, Waehlngton, Hun
nan chadra and Swiss chaleL Oth
s under construction are the , Utah,
oung Women's Christian association.
teourt National Cash Register, eon-
trator, Voneya restaurant, line aria.
Coos county, the main entrance, three
le Tuner-houeea and two annexes to the
a -Unlet ration department.' - -
-i the department of exhibits, under
'1 Clonal Dosch and his assistant. H. B.
I rdt. Is on time.- In all or tna n Dig
- niblt ptlsTi the work of tnstallatloa
an laat week, and, In another week
practically all of the exhibits will be
v "packed. Colonel Doech baa made It
I clear to exhibitors that unless tney
1- 1n ins tailing by May l tney xorieu
aj' rights to space, and the delinquents
,r not likely to let their opportunity
by default. . '.' : ".'"' '.
'I .' . . , Matloaa) maptsseatel- V
I 7"iny nations are represented by com
it aloners in wprtland. among thent tha
1 ttted States, Great Britain, Germany,
' sla, Holland. . Austria, Hungary,
i jjy. Japan, China, Algeria ana bwk
erland. Most of the representatives
,.avo Imported goods already, on . the
and ' ra-utv to unoack. . Uncle
Yarn's eontingeal ot special representa
jtlves numbers 'upwards of two or
J three for each, department, Among the
lcountriea"yet to come In are France,
thoee aeot Is on the ocean bound for
4 Portland; Denmark,' New Zealand, aiam,
IjKorea, Costa Rico and Hawaii.
ADrll 1 there bad been received oy
the exhibits department 191 carloada, a
few oars containing building material,
and the rest exhibits. - Since that date
a re have bean cone lined by - tha
ItJnited Btatee government to.thS'expo
taiUon "andII"cafa' from various 'other
j exhibitors: two from North Dakota,
4 which atata, tt wan thought at one time,
4 would not be represented. This makes
is, total of 144 ears, of which 4 were
received to tfco past .XoaySr-ae average
of almost two ears a day. ' The burden
of receiving, unloading and .disposing
tempore rtly of the contents of these
oars falla on Traffic ManagerJ. H.
Kern. ' Tomorrow morning the catalogu
ing of the exhibits will begin. .
. . Som Jotaaom VM Slow. '- .,
The oxpoaltloa baa decided to build
own representation of Great Britain,
ut January 1 ' Tom I Johnson ar
i . ,ved here to become the executive com
: mlaaioner of that country. He
Oregon Quartet , Who Win Stnf; at the Elks', Fair. Readinf from left to
right. In ordeiwArthur P John on, William P. Brown, D, B. Morjan,
C C -tanley. ry: .f
' On Toer
"Iwri t '
ar . '
y -evening next . tne Elks
lelr i Toonty fplr" at the
k is to continue up to and
Saturday ' following. Tbe
t i' .as to eclipse anything that
r Dlsatkon has ever undertaken.
I Oe principal features, are a
tea a-arOnn, a Phlllrvlna booth,
trf work, smokers" retreat, flow
A gentr ' fortllshlwgs, fortuns
Inning pond, postofftoa. picture
j- ldesv' Dutch booth, eeuvenlr
what Is known' as a commercial exhib
itor. hls .business being to solicit and
collect exhibit material . from British
firms and represent 'them for a 'consid
eration at the fair. The plan was satis
faotory to the exposition people' If the
exhibits appeared, but Johnson seems
to be ' behind . time. " He haa not ' yet
made a convincing showing, and Colonel '
Doech; .-after taking the matter up with
President Ooode, has determined to put
m the British display" himself. It will
consist of materials from all sections of
the British empire Australia, India and
Canada, and will be placed in the Eu
ropean nu!ldlng. Meanwhile Mr. John
son has been named manager of the
Robert Burn cottage concession...; :
;-.;r suit ootwora, '- -'r.
. Several Interesting- concessions were
annoimoed by the, department of oon
casslons .- yesterday: Robert- Burns
birthplace will be reproduced precisely
as at St,, liouls, - the project to be fl.
hanced by local Scots, including TX tiv
lngstona. ,A- U Blrrell, Dr- K. A. J.
Mackensle and others. It. will be situ
ated on the west 'side' of- the- experi
mental gardens ground, which haa been
given over -to-additional exbiblta What
will make tha cottage of exceptional In
terest la ita-ioontenta, consisting gof
relics of the poet, loaned by Scots' In
this country and In Scotland. '
One of the most Interesting "shows"
eonected with the Trail wiU be ''A Trip
Through ' Siberia, ' which ' la, the ' only
one of tha big Illusions thnt has come
Intact from the Pike to the Trail. It Is
a I0.00 attraction a ride across a
hand-painted Russia on a railway train.
The passenger enters a railroad coach
and peers through the window at - the
scenery while, being swept across the
country. The scenery. In thta Instance,
consists of three mammoth, oil paint
Inge, each almost a mile long. - These
are so "arranged that at times the pas
Sanger Is far from the points of special
Latere at. while at other times his Im
aginary railroad train passes through
tunnels and even down the principal
streets of cities. "Mukden. St. Peters
burg, Port Arthur and the Ural moun
tains are features. One of the war pic
tures shows General Kuropatkln's head
quarters at Mukden. Another startling
feature is a Siberian' electrical snow
storm. "Slber, ;. was conceived by
Roltaire and was operated by the .same
company that owned "Creation," ' the
largest show on tha Pike, Major A. M.
Wheeler of Buffalo represents the, At
traction here,- Local men of finance
hold stock in It...,:.. ;2's'.-.(
Tickets) Down "twwaja-,
.Chief Davidson of the admissions de
partment announces that beginning to
morrow 'people caa secure tha popular
commutation books at. Woodard. Clarke
Co.'a drug store. Instead of going all
the way to the fair grounds, aa they
hava been compelled to do. 'The Incon
venience -was - caused by - the- rule tbst
only orders for books would be sold
down town, whereas now the ' books
themselves may be obtained. A- photo
graph of each purchaser Is mads and
printed on the Inside cover ot the book,
to prevent peculation.- v' .v: V,,'
TWire te The wuL ,
- Roma. -. April 11. Owing . to the ar-
rangrtnentrof the Pspal apartments-In
tha Vatican It frequently occurs thtt
the pope's - visitors meet hie holiness'
cook- lntbo eorrtdorev Snoaanteia of
this kind are apt to disrupt the dignity
of tha occasion when visitors are wend
Ing their way toward an audience with
Pius X and it has been decided to make
tha necessary architectural alteratlona,
-t.:..V'''. i aTl4rMauufb v.-
Vis rroyley M ay, I give you soma
of this Welsh rabbit, Mr. OrmaT . !
- Rlef Onue No, please excuse ma I
ata some tha other night end dreamed
I was living back in Cincinnati again t
si'. I l) If awaaWJ
blackamlth, future wife and husband,
refreshments, and many others. j
There wiU be many soloists. Including
srtuts from all- the tbeatree; tha Ore-
gon auartet will -make Its first appear
anca. and wui sing "on the Trau."
Another- feature and a. novelty win
be the first presentatloa of tha "Elks'
Minstrel Malds' a. burlesque on the
old-time minstrel shows. Fifteen young
women will tske part in this set .There
will be a dance every, evening la the
large bail of tas armoiXtf...',, .-
For '.'a (ReguUted)"' "OpenTown From the Peopk,. WitM the
People and -for
:-X'--rX nxMMTmiA. -
'a. a. toa
L.L, . k. mniM nil lee Marios Lw
renee tae Uoixlr claT worker, wlU speak
brtnV: theri will b admlnl-t-r-a tb. rtte ot
ii? topic. '-nf CutUt In the avaa.
iZZ tkXr. -Ill bt aetK-Ul tuur -aoalc sad te.
rLVA m fimm Marshall aag Kertk
rfrvesiTaaiti streatsf nm. WW. paator,
swrtautr in vne via - -
rSSZi .w at hotk ct kraal aw-Bmber
wui be -ealeaesed la the BMralagi X. P. a. C.
B. bmudjii r;
pastor. ,10a
Chrlat Iailaen Today,' tAab-
. . wnlMntarr.
. . ...Im, f nuv. tinl
napeaalve readlns:
LV.. laTTia tne Croaa et Ckriat I OlT
aataas-, "Why Meek. Ta the Ulnr-S
- - n t l-ht That Breaks
hte; erae-i
tHTiflnorr. vaii -
raeeaooa oc
hrma. "Bleat. Be the
aatbest. "Calvary;" hyms
S4; sosUada In B flat, Aehfor4)l S .. vol.
Urr7 'ifca-U." (Mosart); hymas SM and
uiT Aseatl-a' OreaS; bytaa by., ehotr, '"The
Woos ana
Tbe Lord
n,At" a-riDtara .readlas; astsem.
la aiaee Asala," Adam) Prayeraj
oftertoryUt t. -Bstlatelr Sole. "Te us es.
. . . ' 1 1 an. auaii
alorr aona: Eaaur sraoi, TBa
lUaerrertloB as aa lamaun. r
Uun; acatloda, nareh Is r. 1"P""-
JDUTT a--. "- -7 ... W..t
, ararar aaMtlBg. T a. B.: eom-aslaa
aad reception el sew BMmbera, iu:l a. aa.,
Tabor 11 a. s., Baatsr sarrles, eoeuBau-lc-?
VpnamTat 7. SO; Bev. J. 1. ateQb win
beiia a week ef eranaellatH work; the Ut. Ta
aTiiethadlat ehurek wui salts is theae .ear.
vtcea wlU Lbe 1st, Tabor Praabytariaa ekarea.,
V'. 'i'iiCXt '? Wrawnisc. r' '";"-' :-:
Taylor "treat Ut- rraarJs BergeMe Rhort,
paatna, s:as a. aa. ciaaaaa, m. .,
What Mooiear' 1J:1 p. at. Snnoay school;
0:10 a. ., Bpworth "asaajli!."-, ""Vi-H
aatloaal Basday scaoel werksr; spaclal Baatar
sarvk-je... - n .
Oraca-Cairee-e iiu man, v. -- -ter
aermoa at 10:30: T:80 tne Brotkeraood of
t. l',nl wtu attead In a body aad Bataa ta
the paator'a dlaroarae ea "Why I Ast e Metb
dlatr'; arasle by ausrtet ans eaora,
SMetlas at ao a. an.: nanaay.acDow aa
Kpwnrlk Tip-r- a,i itea. 6:80 p. at-
Trial tr- -Kaat Tenth aad Great; Bev. Harold
Obarg. paatar. Kaater aerrice at 11 a. aa..
Bev. Jaaaae 1 meuoaao wilt avaara in. imai
UptUm at ekiae of aerriea: Kaater vroaraB
teaderre by tbe children of the Sunday acbodl
at T:So p.-ra.: eMldrea freai the Chiaaae M.
g. BUaaMB WIU laaf -.,v-, wa-
rta arsont at w .a. aa. i -.pwurui,
''Cenuinarr dnraar Bt ' Pin 4 tad.-' Klstk
itru; " wnil-m- Hr-Heptje." r- paa toa.
IO Wi a. st. The Jewe4 Oatae ea-Ufewaa
Wide;" eianorare aaaier p-pia it i .ou p.
ai. ha aaeiabata ef the basday eehool; ape
eUl smale at all aaevlera; Bnaday school, 13:1S
I. ra.; Jaolora, 4 p. .; Kvnrorta dVrot toaal,
:1ft p. B.; rhoraa at 00 vnlras aad arrbaatra.
iauura na-ar ii u ... -t., .n'nu ,
r. 1 Vonnx, saator. . Kaater Snaday .will be
apprupriately aJ-an-xf. tha Bnaday arbool trill
reaoar a prosraai u u
pree-hlDC at I B) s sa.; .Kpworth leagae,
l.Mt ra. . . ' --'
I.U-IUII t'Msei - w y-LJiirn .. ana irrini
streets; Henry T ' AUlnaoo. paator. nnadar
i anal ia a. m.1 'ii a. aa.. mbmt jnajuHBia:
Bawartk kaarua. C aS p. kaater aarTlra, T:45
S. BI., IB WBBTB Bnnay aajaj w.u -Hunaiia
The Whltrf
role ( nrnct' " Twa Lft and Tay
; Bar. i. wuuaai jvaacper, u. u.
One A coord'' prayee awtlai. 10:11
m m I 10 0 a aa.. "BhaU we know each otbei
at th laaarrarOam1 baptlaat at apenlng ef the
aervtea aad tne irapw qanei win
aelaetleas approprlata for Beater;
Beater; Bible
11:10 .
i.l B:K0-
P. av. (i
Ba. H. W. Pee, aaaoclated with Mr.
Meyer aad mil t lad with th Mnody sataaelea
it, ' will
aki B. Y. P.
4 no a. aa.1 popalar araBlas an ilea, r-D p, aa.)
Mraw aaai Mr wtu ee. napnaaa si u epantng
of th aw ma apaciai; large eaoraa, aooae
dlraettna of Ptiafaaaur i. W. Botcher, will Jee4
th staging. Dr. Brnasber will peaeek sa th
aahcc. -It t Were Fleeted Ofaynr."
Ctlmy Ctmtt Bast Blahtb aad Baaf tjraett
A. Iarreer Black. aet-.- in e. rao BiKt
actum. J. W. HearalL aanrrlntradaat - aaarlal
(llkvaaf for tesag Bats aad. sesaea; U a,, -rl
the People Alwaya,.: w ?
' " . t.
"Hew te Bead the Bible:" Bsaday school sag
preaching', aarvleaa la the? tianaaa laatraaga
from 1 to 4 P. nvt Yiaina-jW's. meettng at
6:o . aa.; , a. m?toii. 1 Baliare the
Hlble. ' - ' ' .
Cestrsi Woodraea of the World balldlsg.
Bast aixtb'and Kaat Alder straata: WlUlaav
B. Baadall, asinister. 10:46 a .. 'Tas
eat Taaae ef tha Be-rrectlen:" ll ra.. Bible
aehool: T:46 B. av, "Tbe loo4 of the Bad
bpeelal. Kaater araate.' Profeaaor W. . Warach
kol. Kaaical. director; alias Bstb Baogres.-
gsalst, !f- JJ -
'X'4 7 OOWOkMATTBBaX. : y'- '"
riratPark aad Madlaoa atreata; Bev. B. U
Bonaa. . O., paator. 10
l:0 a. m., praaebiBg
liondoa; T:80p. ra.,
"he Pewac ef Ckrlat'a
ha aa. r. B. Merer, ef
K. tar. Mmaaa. . 'Tha
KarorrarlloTi;" l:lft p. is., Baodar acnool. Oln
a uiku aanerlntandeet: S:SO a- au. Y.
P. B. 0. B. ra-. M Boaa Blo-WBaoar, alrav
T. nBahoog. rroieaBor w. n. noya,
A. BtoBtaomeryt Profenaor W. H. Bayer,
etolr director; Mlaa Lawnora rianer, ertaaun.
filarial Chapel Second street, sear Uoeem.
p-io a. aa., Sunday .school, WlOlaja H. Breay
son. aaperlnteadent. " s . ---
Mtoalaalppl A-enue Corner Mlmlnilpple ve
nae aad fremnBt atreet. 10 a. ra., Haiula;
school; 11-a. s., praaehlng aerrlee followed by
leeestioa of awabers and eorasrnnlon, aenaoe
k. I'naliaw of Oeklaha-aa. Rev. Iraa Pea-
eeck will aaalat In tbe eoanraualOB aerriea; 6:30-1
- Vnoa. Peoola'a awetlna. led by Mra.
Si. B. Tbompeoa; I jo p. Bt. praneklng by BavJ
ntof St. ' Jobus Bartleas la Blrkaer't
ball; Ion day arhool, S:ao p. bli Taraeeblag,
1:80 p. av by Bev. Obarlas B. Chase.
ralearalty Park - ehoreb Bev. D. B.; Oray,
Paator. . nerrleae. ta Artiaaa taaaple (Porta.
mouth), 10.80 a. an. f kaater aaraaoe; apadai
"is'hUnd Corner P-aamttt' ana Baa girth
streets, aorta; Bev A. M. B-arkwaa paatoe.
1b place e( the -oaaal eervleaa tba , saoday
school wiU give aa Kaater exareiaa at 11 . ra.,
with apectsf B sale, and rartutlona; Jan tor Ba
aeavar at p. ra. i T 80 p. an., "The resaestiaa
ef aa Uaaaortal Hope. ' ..
"' A ( :. X ' LtTTXXBAlT.v ' ' ' 15 ' ' -'' '-'.
i Bt" ianaei' BngBah Cornee West Park sad
Seffaraoa atreeu; i. A. Leas, D. D., pastor.
Order of aarrlro: Beapoeaory, "Chrlat Bala
Raiaed from the Dead;" epantng aarrloa Inrhid
tug ftrat acrlptnre leaaoa; aoao, Mr. A. B. Ho
aw man: aaeoad leaaoa aad aerriea eoecladed;
byua. ''Chrlat tba Lord Is Btea Again;" Bea
ter sermon sad prayer; . nttas, , "Wa? ' seek Ya
ika ulee Amonc the Dadr' (Bartlett):
special Baatar thank offering; reception ef 3t
Ml dudm: tlua ef the hajy eo-B-H0
Ids; cioalDg aarrice, 7 p. m.. a-rrlc b r the
redtatleBa by tba ehUdres; Baatar talk tats
children by the paator. A oi by Mlasprac
Oilhert end a ladle' qeartet, "Th Klaaa B-
alaaaaelsiw BWraVaW1al aUBBSnBI BP w laf SB-SSaSU
deanMT," by Mla uiijri, a
Wick line and Mrs. Pr. Kfer, Bastar effarisg
y.."taJ,- -u- ma '.i
A. P. Kraasa, paator. . Coal
s. si.; Baatar aarrla aad holy eonaaraaloa, 10:s
a m.; evening aacrlce,. 7: P.. aa.; Baadar
ertHol, S'SO a. Si
Th MorwefhiB gyaoO Ooraac Bast Teatb aad
Grant streets; O. lUioae, paator. High suae
at 11 s. Bi.; tbe Norweetaa atngara, Dlrector
Bert, will alng "Tbs Oet Wblt BobeaJ Mnl
tltnde." essuts by Bdaa Ort; anis by Mr.
Engetatadi -organlat, Clera Malatad; asuaaa
Isa ssrakea at M .,,-(.- -,r i; .
Pk-at Corner Park and CoipsiMa trat; B.
a. Mnrkley, ralslater. 10:90 a. "la rwee
of Batf.-rlnf is th Doctrine ot th ,uv
tlOi 7:30 V. m.. "What All the World ! seek-
apeeMI smaimi proara
.1, i 1 IK at aa.t C a. at S:90 a. Si.
Kaott afreet; Albya nmon, aianus-. ii a.
rJZ.. Dn,iina:" s:s a aa.. Baadar eehool;
6:0 p. aa., Yoang People rwcicty or tar laiia.
LJ SLr. ZlHTZFr-rZ tllSnooi ef
Jliua? itf r-TifBWbb. alsglptaaag.l
taw, will aaalat la this ear. tea, .T '
Weadlawa 11 a. ra., "Chltdrea Pralaa;, T SO
s BL. "Boag ef Tnnmpo, win mnaioBi
arratn; 10 a. St., Snaday acaooi; s:w p. ,
f. awHati and Halm street'
BVj. P. Ohorsiley, D. D.. win apeak St 104
t m m "The Hlatorte Chrlat T:4 p. ..
Kaater ae-iBoe, "The keeorractlo f Cbrlnt A
t'Tter rabiaT Wkh-hr' Special Basr-r sanete.
Mra. Mcleraao ''Gale,' raerlster; Mis Bvs
gyaa, eraaniet.
. '; 'ft ' : ", .'
Bt. Davtd'e Holy ew-aaMBloa. t a.
B.t aaat
hra sroceeeina aad holy
a f
apaelsl sarvks
inline Tainnlar, T:S0 p. s,
All a tot' av Mortb Twey
prHeaa I0: a Si. aad T:80 p. m. Ur
in ...rh at hnth aanlfaa aaa la th
Ins Mrs. Ylole Gilbert PerBeybanrt will alng
the aetbiMB, -I Kaaw That My aeeneT IA
aa". - ' 1
St. Ptphs ehiirep -rairreeera wbo iiw t
M, . Basis, arias. IS caarge. , ami
vn-foPEN.TowNr jmayor,- ta" v 2
They have said 'rnariy timet that they' wanted to mn under,
.yj -a graft system, but they win never do i it with ' ;
rr n xm xt n ?r?.
The Wayor
, No gambling boas, no gambling clique or tjusi will ever
Vrule the City of Portland from this time forward. . '
v'-f- - r-. ; " ' PREDOMINATE. X'-Xr XXU XX:
OX--:.., XrX' -"X'-'-' 1- .V.;-: X'-'. X
' When vou to into the booth to mark your ticket Tune 6th
" gee that your X is marked opposite the name of the candi-
.. date who is not controlled by any clique or trust, one who
has been among 'em and knows all their tricks and not
afraid of being roasted or shanghaied. ' Vote for.' ; ;,'
BBB-nlBr pray sad
poly aiaiilan 11; Banday school, S:0. .
aaaaaio vaspaer-rnrunna oeia,
M. Kamaar. bi. rears. Brenlsg prayer, 4
8-18? i.Aa'aeorul SeSwd; ev.rW.' .
Pawall, la charse. MojyaoaaaaenaBi-a-a-n,
.; Blsg seme aas asraaoa, . -Chapel
of th TVaBoflgaratloa Mi Btztb
reet, near 0k( Bv. W. K. Prll. cbaplala.
a-rtea, semaa and holy eomsiaiitoa, 11 a. sv
l--X:':i. vmrA XTAjroiuoAi. '!, '
P1rta.TiaBth and Bhrma atreeta; Bev.
Whiter, paatar. 10 a. a., Bandar i
hool; 11 a.
aa., pri aching;
m . . . . .
I 9. Bu. a a w m
B.: s. au,
.KI K. Blahaa W. T. Hall. D. H. '
naeoBO ears . aaa akrwj
Boweraoz. paator. Preachlag at 11 s. Vby
win. w a. Hetl. - af ralcaan. llMnata: no
ovsbIbc aarvtee. werablp with Pint ehsreb; aw.
any arhool .St 10 a. nu . .
Nit. Johca Corner oX Joha and Ivanhe
B. B. McVk-her. peatoe. 11 a B.M ar
dene ef - Cbrtat'e -Bawiirarfioo:'' at p. am.
His bo W. P. nail, of Ulghiane rare, laieago,
IIUBota,.win speak; ea eeeoaat et th. t B. aa.
aerrie thee wlU be as svaalag aemoa; Bna
pay acaooU-10 . sl , A.""-T
rfajrozLroaX Aawaounov.:
Pint Bntllaa Corner Beat Btztb asd Market
reeta: Be, a. W. PBr. jastor. 11 e,ja.
Baatar prograsi; P- aa.. "Th wall to cav
ana;-' lu a. m.l . wwaj : - p.
al -AllUse; TaB. re., Toesg People I
i s Al-
llanc. . - ; ' ..' . .
rtrat riarnan-orr j ema ana y 'r
Bev. Tbe. Hrhaaer. pastor. Bairlce m he-
ef Calvary PTBaoyterisB onra -vmrr
Eleeaath aad Clay afreets;' eerswa ana wr-
ahtp. 10:14 a - at.; Sunday arhool, 4:30 a. aa.
aarrk-M la aveatag at T e'eleck. ,t r ,
; ' - - cBtxsTtAv umct " " :
Pleat-Beettaah Bite eatJMdral, Marrteaa aad
Lawaadaka atreet. Berrk; 1 1 a ra. jus s
pTsnTesbyect et eeraaoa. "lUaitlng Panlaa
mmt,u Basday aebool st elaae of sa slug ser
we. .
Si r eno ascararraai iei
Tayanr aaa aaiMeai
aer lees.
U a. si. ana e p.
Pulabwvnit:" Sesdaj
aabject, "Beerlaatlnf
la ta
j..:..:, r."U. 0. A.. UJ.-,.--.-. ;
a a aha tfaennaaa thaatia. g . SL. RV. P. B.
Meyer. ( Xaneoe, apeaka to aaca oly) ao
L 'i ana Dora. I. Baa: Coolter'a
arckaatm. atala eboraa; doors opes at 1:10, fra
all ,M; Bai
p. wuiusi H.
tave-uiB i
, CK a. Buaitormm. rnaraa:
Hedna. abort talk ea "Ll-tat-
Heorra Brand, vloila aole; J. O. Kll-
tack, bantene aow, narrr aum, aoaiaai.,
bee to bays frost 12 t 13 year ef sg.
!ct1T1 anLETstBXaf. X'''Xo
Plraa-carser ef Bast Plfteestb. and Marrlaos
. n aw., 1 BlKlA uhl
ta a. - Caatar nnMrrara by tha eblldrea
yaang peapl at 11 S. ra.; apaetai Baaie aa roi
WwaT aok . Mhw Petrier; daet, Mr. Boee-
baock aad Mr. Bartlaeaa; daet, Mlaa Huaay
and Mlaa Olzon: mala gBartet; eohv Mr. Man.
kle; O. a., S:so a, sm. aaram ay .paacar at
TKM p.- B.I baptlaoi aud reeapUos I BJer
St the BMrsing same. , ; ','
m. K. arnvMcm, BotrrK.
rre, pi
day aebool, 10 a ra.; Bpworth leafiw, T p.
apaeaai aaaieraraaw ay ma is naar.iea,
X' 1 . w ' . VBTTABlAV.
PkBt Tssuull sad Seveathi Dr. O. C.
ear. naator. 11 a. aneeisl
and maalcarproaraiBdlacouraa oa "laoders
KBOWledse and baiM la lmnrtllty;,. Ban
dar arlx1. 11 10 9. m. Choir, Mlaa . Bdwts
Maattch soprano; Mi. Prask Baley, eeatralte
aad director; W. Q. Ilodaen. tenor; P. I. Pack
arsVbasao; B. W, Boyt. srgaBtat, . ..
WMIf laail.Tgt, '
- Sirat Baat Caoeb Bad Baa Blahth! W.' P.
Bsvaii, put or. II a. ra., 'isuaartautr;" 1J:U
p. sa, Besday scbsot. . j . .,.
: 'arnwaXiAxoin. '' -
The ranatlaa Catsnllc Apaeli Obereb la
flee Bev. lob a ' Alexander Dowlas ftrat - apoa.
SA .
rn.k- a. Meet. ldf In char
Mlllenetal Isvi-. A. B. haH,
corner Second and Morrises streets.
"iNTheiikl BaeVtpv-FaB 100 third flaea,
ABaky helluBig, earner Third and Morrison,
flop. T..W. will epeak aa
-The Bsetar Mea. Bssili.Uaa. Irog Bow
ThneCM VtwpolBt.,' 1 u A
flrat Spirit a I Siwiety Art lea na' hall. Mnc
tea hnllillng. TklrA sear Waahtngtna atrat
tMrfervnc. II cMldres's praCTiealr
Ujceaa,.UJe s. svi Coleutl C. A. Sard wis
tka: hall SOl AUsy bbuuibs. ww lam aaa
Mnrrbmi atreeta, aaeoad fkioc. i a. a., "bb
bob oar Belolciag Irrar tb Bmmetlet i 'sf
Christ:" 1: p. .. "Oaepel Paet;"--JU.
v ... . . ,
of Portland
-A .--
leetare a -'H that beUe-reth a an: 'ta weeks
ttat I do ahall ka d alao."j foUowad ky 41a-Ctt-aVwa
of the sobJeet. -
The People'! chiiarlaa Mute' Pies rellaioe
soetetyi P. B. Coulter
reaoer ane -
234Vi Marrtaea atras la I'nlty kalL ,11' a
I . m..
- uea La
th HeelaraWll aa th Kacrad:"
ll:l b. a.. "Bow t Kaow How;" T:4 p. m.,
con art by- TTnloa orchearra; Ptufeaaur T. A.
Tonand. VI t bee toaoaet; Mra. I. B. Howard,
vacallat; :lft p. Bl., "Dream aad Vialeea."
Bible BpMtaal Society A. O. C. W. banV
Weat Park aad Waahtagtoa streets, 8lltnc
Ulrech building. 11 a. aa., tnat and-abort
talk; T:4 p. BL, ; teeter by Mrs.' Abigail
bcett Deal way. . - .
Mlobter and MedllBU' prntertive Bptrttsal
ciatloB-l-'W lllamette bsll. Second atreet. At
I p. aa., sabject, la . BpirttnhiM Tne- er
Palter' C. U. Plggott. vaawtebt. ,
. . - . r ' .
. ' lozn AaaavrrAXSL. '--.. .
. At'th PcxtUnd: U.S, BIbwb. A.' U.
here. O. B. Coneosht. H. Jaonbe, U P.
mas. Baa-Ttanrlaeott Bs - BV Pets. Chicago; J.
H. alaBBera, Brlttah Colombia ; B. W.ltcUt-
Mlaa pelHl" James -MrBwas. AJbasy. New
York; B. . 0. Petre, Caacad taacka, Dre-os)
Mra. W. A. 8banB Seattle; -i B. Imel,
Hoqnlam, WaahlnstoB; Oeorge K. Helaey, Lea-rest,-
rSBsayHeals; Dr. O. M, Belfry. Phila
delphia; O. H. L Sharp, - Bo ton: Clares
SkaaBaa, Seattle; D. Campbell, , Belunghaaa,
Waahlogtoa; W. " W. Crowder, New York ;
H. S. CeaoliB, gas Pranrlaeo: Brat AlUa.
as Praaelaae; P. P. Wright, - Pittabarg; . O.
Kanaerty. Hiv Twtf... U, l.llhow,A)lxrt
L. Jaaiee B. Orstg, Chicago. . "
At tha laparla): P. W. Htwfneld. city: Mra
J. W. Day and- Mlaa KUaa Shield. Bt. Helena.
Otegoaj; rraak M. Brows sad wtf. 1. M. law.
reao sad wife, Baleat J. U-O'Brteav Seattle;
W. H. Clohl. Aberdeen.! Washington;. A, H.
Marsh aad wife. Predsnlee, Kew York; W. T.
Bhirer. Tbe Iiallea, Oregon; Mrs. 1. H. fUiartem.
Baa Joan Porto Bice; t. Karta. J. U rr4man.
0. B. Kaigbt, Tba Dal lea. Orecea; Mlaa Aa-aee
B. lalay. Beld-lUe; J. B. Wtlke-aoa. Baloer.
Orea; W. T. Stole, Sal. Oregna; A. Hock
eatalB. Bales-, Oregaal C, B- glawart, Cottags
Orava. 1 - - -
(Sptclal Diapateh te Tbs lonnsat.) ' .
-. Salem,. Or, April 11. Dr. B. A. Pleroa
ef this city was tonight selected by the
Marlon County Medical ' assoclstion to
represent this body at the annual meet
ing of the American Medical associa
tion, Tha American assoclstion meeting
will be held in jChlcs go April .: ,
. , f - . '
si, 'wrBOK oaowTo atAw-urx
. (SpteUl fMspsteh to Tbe Jaeraal,-- f
,' Seattle, Wasb April tt. Rev. Henry
Ostrom of ttas Chapman i' evangellstio
party will leave thlaity Monday for
Hawaii to conduct a series or revival
The Chapman revivalists will disband
Wednesday. Rev. Moses Hull, a spirit
uallBt, baa challenged Pr. Chapman to a
debatav-l .., ,L- - .-'' .'. -' .
' - 1 - ,J t . '. , '4'
We have devised, a system of selling diamonds and watches
on .easy installments at prices S3 to CO per tent lower than
cash houses. There complicated papers to sign and
Vaa-t liBeral ad'
aa all arUal ef vala at
law rat sf later. Pri
vate eatiaaee ea I la at,
L 1. HCLXMAH, rrc
'XXXX: -.V: 'X'Xr:'Xi "X.
Ti P - '- ' ;-- "X -' '-I
rainca the days of Boss . Tweed, v
the gentleman who robbed tha City '
of New Tork of millions, there hss -
never been a' great development ln :
the science of- graft. Whoa' Dick
Croker started in the' business of
working for his 'pocketbook all tha , '
tlme,', he got his4 illicit coin in a: ,
rather .'tough andcrude mtnner.But X.
there hs been Vast ' Improvement In '
all respective Jines of graft and they -are
so slick at tha business now ;
that Itif aeTttt-r Impossible t6 dis
tcr tmpo
th mel
cover either the
thod ' or ; the
guilty parties.
r j
"Olven. however, to a manl with k
xperienoa In a city council, who has r
had. his eyea wide open for 'a few
years and unless be la rotten him
self, ao Jobbing sewerx " deal -oouWr .,
possibly : get by him. -I iNo profes I.''
' sionaT grafter"could " 'tnaka1 money
but -of the needs , Of te: peoplew '
He wlll do little talking but fe'wiH
not only have the desire to servo 'the
people, but he -fill have the prae -tlcai
knowledge to serve and ,prjr '
tect them.' Portland wants, to be :
coma great,: Put her 'fate for', the .
next few years In the hands ofva -professional
reformer, and It .will X.t
take her 19 years or morao awaken : v
front ths ' slumber, profound -..and ?'
deep Into-which; tha municipality
would 5faIU "
x-X at- a-w. , .
-V..-: -I" .1 Vi
Mother Hearing Screams Rushes
Upstalrtto X Rnd ;ChiId '; J
Wrapped In names.'
Had Been Put to Sleep .'.Two J
, Hours V Before on Upper fX'
V i Floor of Residence. ? f
2 ' (8paeialDlapatcb ' to The learsat) A-
Astoria, vi ., Arir; ir.afainie onm ' -K.
Mstta, whose parents, Mr. and 'Mrs., .
John P, Matta, -reslds In the eaat nd.f . '
found a. bunch ef matches Iste this mtJ '
tsrnoon, end .whan - his raotner rushed ' -to
him In answer to his screams th'e ,
child hsd been so badly burned i that , :
death ensued in a tfhort time. . ,
' During the afternoon the mother put A .
the child to bed in a room on tha upper A
floor of. the residence. : Two hours later. 'A
she heard the screams of ths little f el- .
low i and rushed upstairs to his aldJ .
When she entered the room she. found? .
tha bady wrapped' In flamedi Seising j
blanket she smothered the fire as best . , I
she could but the-child bsd been so i
badly burned "that he was beyond sld. .
Doctors wero'bastily summoned snd a' . j
-.IwiilM . - -.h.l " .m4I . 1. . .
baby dlsd after suffering terrible agony, '.'
The mother Is . satisfied the', child: 1
awoke and found matches, as there was. .
no lamp In ths room and firs could not' '- '
well havs '- been started in sny other,
way.. The sight of tha burning child,'
drove the mother almost eraiy, and af f :
tr - extinguishing' the flsmes she col- K
lapsed. The unfortunate baby was 'twa,
years old. : , .. -.; '- ;' . ' ."
Beaching- Via OoaLs
From the Cincinnati Enquirer.,
-I Ruasla is to carry, on the war to Vthe, A
bitter ena. mere must oe rainer ai
rssty taats in tbs Russian mouth si
ready. . iT: ij i
your employer know nothing about the
transaction. Simply satisfy us 1
, that your intentions . are good, ) fl
pay a fifth down and the balance A wemc
61 TL!rd Czzt, Ccr. rxi
I .:
- A'